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#114 : Madeline Pratt

Raymond Reddington en smoking

Ecrit par: Jim Campolongo
Réalisé par: Michael Zinberg

Liz et Tom finalisent leur tentative d'adoption pendant que Red révèle qu'une femme de son passé, Madeline Pratt est la nouvelle cible sur la blacklist.


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Madeline Pratt

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Madeline Pratt

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Raymond Reddington (James Spader)

Raymond Reddington (James Spader)

Elisabeth  Keen (Megan Boone) attend son cavalier

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) attend son cavalier

Donald Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) se prépare à une arrestation risquée

Donald Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) se prépare à une arrestation risquée

Madeline Pratt (Jennifer Ehle) #73

Madeline Pratt (Jennifer Ehle) #73

Rasil et ses hommes ont récupéré l'effigie cachée dans le mur

Rasil et ses hommes ont récupéré l'effigie cachée dans le mur

Madeline Pratt (Jennifer Ehle) donne ses instructions à Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone)

Madeline Pratt (Jennifer Ehle) donne ses instructions à Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone)

Donald Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) trouve l'effigie remplie de caillous

Donald Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) trouve l'effigie remplie de caillous

Elisabetk Keen (Megan Boone) attachée à une chaise gardé par un garde de l'ambassade (Obaid Kadwani)

Elisabetk Keen (Megan Boone) attachée à une chaise gardé par un garde de l'ambassade (Obaid Kadwani)

Rasil Kalif (Jonathan Raviv) a trouvé l'effigie à l'endroit indiqué par Madeline

Rasil Kalif (Jonathan Raviv) a trouvé l'effigie à l'endroit indiqué par Madeline

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) exige une explication de Madeline Pratt (Jennifer Ehle)

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) exige une explication de Madeline Pratt (Jennifer Ehle)

Raymond Reddington (James Spader)  sur son 31

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) sur son 31

Madeline Pratt (Jennifer Ehle) #73  un sourire de satisfaction aux lèvres

Madeline Pratt (Jennifer Ehle) #73 un sourire de satisfaction aux lèvres

Le FBI à la poursuite de l'effigie et son contenu

Le FBI à la poursuite de l'effigie et son contenu

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) et Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) cherchent des informations sur l'effigie d' Atargatis

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) et Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) cherchent des informations sur l'effigie d' Atargatis

Raymond Redddington (James Spader) fait diversion pour libérer Liz

Raymond Redddington (James Spader) fait diversion pour libérer Liz

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone )

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone )

Madeline Pratt (Jennifer Ehle) #73 indique les coupables sur le moniteur

Madeline Pratt (Jennifer Ehle) #73 indique les coupables sur le moniteur

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) sur son 31

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) sur son 31

Madeline Pratt (Jennifer Ehle) #73 profite de la diversion pour voler l'effigie

Madeline Pratt (Jennifer Ehle) #73 profite de la diversion pour voler l'effigie

Raymond Reddington (James Spader)

Raymond Reddington (James Spader)


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France (inédit)
Mercredi 24.09.2014 à 21:40
4.53m / 21.3% (Part)

Logo de la chaîne NBC

Etats-Unis (inédit)
Lundi 24.02.2014 à 22:00
11.18m / 3.1% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Personnage Blaklisté: N°73: MADELINE PRATT


Jennifer Ehle ...  Madeline Pratt

Rachel Brosnahan ... Jolene Parker

Jason Butler Harner ... Walter Gary Martin

Zach Grenier ... Novak


Une très jolie femme se présentant comme Mrs. Reddington vide un coffre-fort dans une banque d'Istanbul, laissant derrière elle une note pour Red lui donnant un rendez-vous. Il y avait une histoire romantique entre Red et Madeline Pratt, voleuse internationale mais à présent, elle veut son aide, alors il appelle Liz. Madeline veut que Red lui procure une petite statue ancienne, l'effigie d' Atargatis, dans laquelle est cachée une liste d'espions soviétiques de la guerre froide, les six de Kungur. Liz n'en croit pas ses oreilles, la liste est toujours active, les coincer serait le Saint Graal pour l'espionnage américain. L'assistant directeur du FBI n'est pas content parce que Red a demandé à ce que le Bureau de Poste soit vidé avant son arrivée et Cooper est certain que cela a quelque chose à voir avec la disparition de Diane Fowler. Incapable d'obtenir une réponse de Red, Cooper ordonne à Meera d'enquêter. 

L'effigie d'Atargatis est en sécurité à l'intérieur de l'ambassade de Syrie et Red veut l'aide de Liz et de ses talents cachés, ceux pour le vol. Après avoir découvert le passé criminel de son père, Ressler et Cooper sont méfiants mais Liz l'emporte en insistant sur le fait qu'elle est la femme de la situation. Bien sûr, la pression est forte parce qu'une fois dans l'ambassade, elle sera en territoire étranger donc le FBI ne pourra pas l'aider. C'est pourquoi Red, vêtu d'un smoking, insiste pour l'accompagner à la soirée où se déroulera le vol. Par chance, Liz a volé la carte SIM du téléphone de Madeline comme assurance. Alors qu'elle s'habille pour la soirée, Liz promet à Tom qu'elle l'accompagnera à une conférence de professeurs dans l'espoir de consolider leur mariage chancelant. 

Juste avant la fête, Red dit à Liz que Madeline se rendra à la soirée avec Rasil Kalif, un gangster russe se présentant comme attaché culturel ; il a probablement engagé Madeline pour voler l'effigie. Pendant que Liz accède au coffre-fort, Red danse avec Madeline lui proposant de s'envoler pour un voyage en amoureux, elle n'a qu'un mot à dire. Madeline refuse, toujours fâchée pour ce qu'il s'est passé à Florence,  il n'est jamais venu au rendez-vous. La danse est interrompue lorsque Liz déclenche l'alarme, ce qui ne faisait pas partie du plan. Les invités importants sont conduits dans une salle sécurisée. Madeline accuse Reddington et dans le brouhaha qui s'ensuit, parvient à mettre l'effigie dans son sac.

Red sauve Liz mais Cooper est furieux du coup monté par Madeline. Heureusement, Ressler et Meera, grâce au téléphone de Madeline, remonte jusqu'à Firas Ashear, fils d'un chef de guerre syrien. C'est alors que Tom appelle pour faire le point avec Liz qui lui dit qu'elle ne peut pas l'accompagner à la conférence. Furieux, Tom décide de partir directement sans Liz. Ressler et Liz travaillent tard le soir, interrogeant Ashear qui prétend que l'effigie appartenait à son père et que oui, elle contenait un morceau de papier. Il affirme que les américains l'ont prise le jour où ils ont tué son père. Meera et Cooper en déduisent que les six de Kungur ne sont pas des agents russes mais ce sont des bombes nucléaires cachées clandestinement aux quatre coins des Etats-Unis par les russes.

Red accoste Madeline dans la rue et elle affirme que c'est terminé parce qu'il l'a laissée tomber alors qu'ils avaient décidé de commencer une nouvelle vie tous les deux, de tout recommencer. Une seconde plus tard, plusieurs hommes kidnappent Red et Madeline, les poussent dans une camionnette et les enferment dans des cellules adjacentes. Red raconte alors à Madeline une terrible histoire sur son passé ; c'était la veille de Noël, il a manqué de carburant et il est rentré chez lui à pied uniquement pour retrouver sa famille qui avait été sauvagement massacrée. Quand Red est sorti violemment de sa cellule, Madeline offre alors de révéler le lieu où se trouve l'effigie afin de sauver la vie de Red. Une fois l'information en poche, Red revient apparemment en pleine forme car Madeline s'est fait piégée.

Liz, Ressler, Meera et une équipe tactique se rendent à Fort Totten où l'amoureux de Madeline, Rasil et ses hommes sortent l'effigie d'une cachette située dans un mur. Rasil s'enfuit lors de la fusillade, poursuivit par Ressler qui finalement le capture et récupère l'effigie mais elle vide. Red dit à Cooper que Madeline a joué un double jeu mais il s'avère qu'il a les coordonnées des missiles russes et ill est prêt à les échanger contre l'effigie. Red retourne chez lui pour découvrir qu'une toile, un Vermeer de la collection privée de son hôte, a disparu et qu'à sa place se trouve un petit mot de Madeline : "Elle t'attend à Florence"
Liz rentre dans une maison vide, pendant que Tom s'enregistre à l'hôtel où a lieu la conférence et il tombe sur...Jolène.


                                                             Traduit et adapté du résumé du site officiel par mnoandco



MADELINE PRATT : I didn’t know anything about the safe deposit box until I saw the will. I’ve had all the necessary paperwork certified– the trust and the death certificate.
BANKER : The paperwork is in order. But to access your husband’s box, you will need the key.

Madeline shows a key

MADELINE : Is there anything else?
MADELINE : Thank you.
BANKER : I’m terribly sorry for your loss, Mrs. Reddington.


DEMBE : The box in Istanbul.
RED : Hmm?
DEMBE : It’s been cleared out. This was left behind.
RED : I was just starting to feel the endorphins vibrating in my spleen.


RED : The key. How did you get it?
MADELINE : Macau. Last winter.
RED : I’ve always hated Macau.No, thank you.

The waiter comes for the order

RED : The documents in the box are worth over $10 million.
MADELINE : You stood me up in Florence. I had to get your attention somehow. I have a proposition.
RED : In that case, perhaps we should move to your room.
MADELINE : I’ll take the check.


Tom is on phone

TOM : Right… No… Okay, sure… Yeah, no, I–I’ll talk to you soon… Right. Oh, that was, uh, Brian. He and Katie say hi.
LIZ : Did you tell him?
TOM : Why would I tell him?
LIZ : I thought he’d ask.
TOM : I just told him it’s taking longer than we expected.
LIZ : I know this is hard.
TOM : We spent six months talking about adoption. We spent another year going through the process.
LIZ : I know. I’m sorry.
TOM : Yeah, I’m sorry, too. Katie’s pregnant.
LIZ : That’s great.
TOM : Mm–hmm.
LIZ : We should, um, get them something. Have them over for dinner?

Tom puts his coffee and leaves

LIZ : Wait. Tom, don’t just walk away while we’re talking!


RED : She’s breathtakingly unattractive, but she’s worth over $40 million– the only Vermeer in private hands.
LIZ : That’s considered a masterpiece?
RED : Last night, I got up for a scoop of orange sherbet, and she caught my eye. I just stood here in the dark squinting at her. Poor thing ruined my appetite. Even after I went back to bed, all I could hear was the hideous music she must be playing. Didn’t sleep a wink.
LIZ : Why did you buy it?
RED : Oh, my God, no. She’s not mine. She belongs to some hedge-fund manager who lives here.
LIZ : I thought you lived here.
RED : Well, for now. The owner’s been on vacation ever since the SEC started its investigation. I’ve never met the man, but his housekeeper is an old friend. Please.

Gesturing to Liz have a seat

RED : Do you have any idea how much the US government has spent on signals intelligence in the past year?
LIZ : No.
RED : Your country has become a nation of eavesdroppers– frequency domains, triangulation, satellites, crypto-whatever. You’ve forgotten that what matters most is human intelligence– alliances, relationships, seduction. Madeline Pratt is a master at…
LIZ: Madeline Pratt? Madeline Pratt–
RED :…is a thief and a woman of singular talents.
LIZ : And now you want something of hers and you expect the FBI to help you get it.
RED : It was the right decision... not to have the baby.
LIZ : What did she take from you?
RED : I’m sorry for your suffering.
LIZ : Madeline Pratt. How do we find her?
RED : Finding her is easy. Catching her is difficult. Luckily, she’s asked me to help her plan a heist.
LIZ : To steal what? …


NOVAK : … The Effigy Of Atargatis. The Effigy was thought to be lost, disappeared from the British Museum in 1983. Two months ago, it pops up at an estate sale in Henderson, Kentucky. The feds raided the auction and paraded it back to the Syrians. Ah, here it is– the Effigy.
RED : Novak, I have friends who are looking for this funny little statue, and they’re not the least bit interested in antiquities. What is the real story?
NOVAK : The Kungur Six. It’s said that when the Cold War was ending, its owner hid a list inside the effigy, a list of Soviet spies.
LIZ : Why is that relevant today?
NOVAK : The Kungur Six are still active and are said to be responsible for some of the most damaging intelligence breaches in the past 30 years. Find the effigy, and you find them. Finding them would be the Holy Grail of US counterintelligence.


MEERA : You allowed him to vet everyone that works here?
COOPER : I made no promises.
MEERA : But I understand it was a precondition of his return, that aside from security and principal staff, everyone else has to be off–site.
COOPER : I agreed to his terms to get him in here. Where we go from here is up to me.


COOPER : Excuse me.
RED : That’s great. Harold, look at you!

COOPER : Sit down.
RED : No, no, no. I’m fine, thank you. I was just looking at the pictures of Charlene and the kids. How old are they now? The kids, not Charlene.
COOPER : Diane Fowler. Where is she?
RED : I have no idea. And frankly, I’m flummoxed as to why you would even care.
COOPER : You expect me to believe that you walk in here after she vanishes and there’s no connection?
RED : Has Diane gone missing? Perhaps you should ask Agent Malik. She works for the woman, doesn’t she?
MEERA : I’ve had no contact.
RED : Well, there you go.
COOPER : You made it clear. You thought we had a mole. And you wouldn’t set foot inside this facility until that mole was captured or dead.
RED : Who decided on this paneling?
COOPER : You told us you wouldn’t come in until the mole had been caught.
RED : I said nothing of the kind.
LIZ : You said our house wasn’t clean. Is it?
RED : I suppose you’ll have to ask Diane Fowler when you find her.
COOPER : When we find out what’s happened to her– and we will find out– if you had anything to do with it, you’re gonna spend the rest of your life in a box. Understood?
RED : You smell nice. Something new?
COOPER : Did you hear me?

RED : Madeline Pratt.
COOPER : What about her?


RED : This is the Madeline Pratt you all know and love– politically active, influential, a good citizen. What you don’t know is the Madeline Pratt that I love. $6 million in diamonds stolen from a DeBeers outpost in the Congo. Security fibers used in printing the Czech koruna, taken from a mint in Prague and used to produce counterfeit bank notes. The Madeline Pratt you know fosters relationships with incredibly powerful people. The ones you don’t exploits those relationships in ways that impact national security.

Photos display showing Madeline hobnobbing with Senator Ted Cruz, other GOP guy lol

RESSLER : Well, we can’t just arrest her. We have no evidence.
RED : What you do have is an opportunity, which brings us back to the Effigy of Atargatis. Madeline feels her profile is too high right now to steal it herself, so she’s asked for my help.
MEERA : Where is the Effigy?
RED : Secure wing in the Syrian embassy for now. But it will likely be repatriated at any moment, which means Maddie is rushed and vulnerable. She’s trying to make a grab that would normally take months to plan.
COOPER : Do the Syrians know what’s inside the effigy?
MEERA : If they did, it would be in Damascus by now.
RED : I can only assume, Harold, that Madeline has a Russian patron, since it’s the Russians who want to protect the identities of the Kungur Six.
COOPER : I’m not sanctioning an op in support of you going in to steal anything, let alone something that may affect national security.
RED : I’m flattered that you think I’m up to it, but thieving is not my strongest suit. Luckily, we have an ace of spades among us. Isn’t that right, Agent Keen?
COOPER : What’s he talking about? Is there something you want to tell us?
LIZ : No, sir.
RESSLER : Your father’s criminal record didn’t show up on your background report. Maybe yours is missing, too.
LIZ : I don’t have a criminal record.
RESSLER : Because you never committed a crime, or because you were never caught?
LIZ : Yes. I believe my work speaks for itself. Sir, I can do this.
COOPER : All right. We take the case. But understand, if you do this, you’re gonna be on foreign soil. If something goes wrong, we can’t protect you.


MADELINE : I need to know about you, how you respond under pressure. This is an embassy.
Security, cameras, armed guards everywhere. One mistake, and you go to prison.
RED : Nicole [Liz’s alias] here is as calm as a Hindu cow. Tell her that story about Frank.
MADELINE : Who’s Frank?
LIZ : A guy I knew.
MADELINE : What story?
LIZ : We met in high school. We grifted. Small jobs really, just whatever we had to do to pay the rent.
RED : Tell her about Omaha.
LIZ : I was 17. There was a drugstore. Thursday night. They made bank deposits on Friday. I was the lookout. The night manager came back. He forgot his glasses. I gave the signal, but nothing. I’d convinced myself that Frank was the only thing I had in the world, so the night manager was an easy decision.
MADELINE : What did you–
LIZ : I seduced him into the alley.
MADELINE : And then what?
LIZ : I played him for a little bit, then I kissed him off, told him he’d get more next week. And Frank and I went away.
RED : And lived happily ever after. The end.
MADELINE : I thought you didn’t believe in happily ever after.
LIZ : I didn’t come here to audition.
MADELINE : Wait. The job. It’s yours.
LIZ : I don’t want the job. Call somebody who does.

Tosses Madeline her phone

MADELINE : How did you get my phone? — What if I paid you double?
RED : See, this is what I love about the two of you. Headstrong, yet vulnerable. Confident, but cautious. I think you’re gonna get along great.

MADELINE : Your name will be on the guests list. The statue’s in a UL-approved Class I vault situated in a strong room one level below the ground floor.
LIZ : How long will it take to breach?
MADELINE : An autodialer can circumvent the electronic keypad in two, maybe three minutes tops. I’ll supply equipment that can get through a metal detector.
LIZ : What about physical security?
MADELINE :There are two guards stationed outside that strong room, armed and mobile. They do a hall sweep every 20 minutes. When they take their patrol at 9:20, – you’ll have 10 minutes.
LIZ : How do I get in?
MADELINE : Dirar Marwan, embassy official. He has the security credentials you’ll need to get to the structure’s classified lower level. He takes a coffee break every day at 4:00 PM, wears his ID on the lapel of his jacket, easy enough to unclip in a standard brush pass. This lift needs to be round trip, not one way. Can’t raise any flags.

As Madeline describes how this should happen, it is shown actually happening

LIZ : I know someone who can clone his badge before Marwan can return to the embassy.

In van

ARAM : Okay, here we go.
LIZ : You good?
ARAM : I will be back in 90 seconds. What’s that?
LIZ : It’s Madeline Pratt’s SIM card. I swiped it when I palmed her phone. If I’m gonna do this, I want to know who she talks to and why.
ARAM : You know how to palm a phone?


LIZ : How will you return his badge?
MADELINE : I won’t. You will, in a second brush pass before he re–enters the building.


MEERA : He’s coming. We have about 15 seconds. Hurry.
RESSLER : How are we doing on Marwan’s ID?
LIZ : How long you need?
ARAM : Almost there. Okay, 30 seconds.
MEERA : He’s on the move.I need the badge now. Somebody stall him.

Ressler jumps out of the van

ARAM : We are a go.

Gives Liz Marwan’s ID
Ressler bumps into him

RESSLER : Oh, my God. I’m so sorry.
MARWAN'S: It’s fine. It’s all right.

Now, Liz bumps into Marwan, clipping his badge back on

LIZ : Oh.
RESSLER : Did you get it on him?
LIZ : Yes.


TOM : Hey, um, I’m sorry. I, uh, broke our rule. I shouldn’t have walked away upset.

Liz is dressing in a red gown

LIZ : Brian and Katie are having a kid. It’s hard.
TOM : Whoa, mama. Hey, is this like an undercover thing tonight? ‘Cause, uh, if you need a partner, I’ve got some pretty good fake IDs.
LIZ : Zip me up.
TOM : Hey, I wanted to ask you something. So, um, you know I have that, uh, teacher conference in Orlando this weekend, and I was thinking you should come with me. You know, just sunshine and beaches and get away from all this.
LIZ : Um, Orlando’s landlocked. I’m pretty sure there aren’t any beaches.
TOM : And that’s why I don’t teach geography.
LIZ : I would love that.
TOM : Yeah?
LIZ : We could use a vacation.
TOM : Pfft. Tell me about it.

LIZ : Just you and me. Do you want to maybe go undercover before you go undercover?


Liz is adjusting her hair and makeup in a large mirror. Red is upstairs

RED : We have a problem. I had my people run background on the guest list for tonight’s event. The file’s on the Ottoman.Rasil Kalif– notorious playboy– works as a cultural attaché in the Syrian embassy. Apparently, Madeline’s been seeing him for some time.
LIZ : Why is that a problem?
RED : Cultural attaché is Kalif’s cover. Truth is he’s been recruited as an asset by the Russian Bratva– he’s a mobster. My guess is he’s the one who hired Maddie to steal the Effigy. And right about now, she’s walking into the embassy as his date.
LIZ : What? You said her profile was too high and she wasn’t going.
RED : Well, she is.
LIZ : Why would she hire us to steal the Effigy when she’s obviously planning on stealing it herself?

Red comes in.Liz turns around

RED : Wow! And I like your clutch.
LIZ : What are you wearing?
RED : A tuxedo. I’m your plus one.
LIZ : You can’t get into that embassy.
RED : Oh, yes, I can. Some of my best friends are Syrian.
LIZ : You act like this is a joke. There’s a digital net over the embassy. Aram can’t access the surveillance feeds. I’m going onto foreign soil to steal a priceless artifact with no backup.
RED : You have me. And I’m not gonna let anything happen to you.


MEERA : You wanted to see me, sir?
COOPER : Close the door. I meant what I said to Reddington. This thing with Fowler– wherever she is, whatever happened– I’m gonna get to the bottom of it. Diane and I didn’t have a lot in common, but she put this task force together, made it possible. Without her, none of this would ever have happened.
MEERA : You’re talking in the past tense.
COOPER : Agent Malik, you know as well as I that Diane Fowler is never walking into this facility again. As far as I’m concerned, this is a murder investigation, and Reddington is our chief suspect. He was clearly convinced that Fowler was our mole.

COOPER : I don’t care what he thinks. Even if Reddington’s right and Fowler was dirty, he’s not judge, jury, and executioner. He can’t just kill her. That’s not the way it works. Find out what he knows. Who did he talk to? What evidence did he have? I want to know everything.


LIZ : There’s Madeline. Think she beat us to it?
RED : Stay on task. We have two minutes to access the security door. Shall we?

Red and Liz dance a waltz

RED : Lizzy, I know this must be very difficult for you, but we can’t both lead.
LIZ : How did you know about Omaha?
RED : I didn’t.
LIZ : You’re the one who brought it up.
RED : Well, it was a heartwarming story. The night manager and the alley.
LIZ : I made it up.
RED : You’re not a cop tonight. You’re a criminal. And you’re gonna be fine. Just be yourself. The security door is behind you.
LIZ : Okay, I’m gonna need a distraction.
RED : Be yourself.

He propels her toward a buffet table, causing a distraction

Then, Red goes to dance with Madeline

RED : Mind if I cut in? What are you doing here, Madeline?
MADELINE : What are you doing here, Red?
RED : I came to watch you.
MADELINE : Thank you. You still wear the hell out of a tux.
RED : My plane is 15 minutes from here. We could be in Tegucigalpa by breakfast.
MADELINE : The girl– tell me about her.
RED : What would you like to know?
MADELINE : How did you pick her?
RED : Fate.
MADELINE : She’s a little young for you.
RED : You think?
MADELINE : Last summer, what happened in Florence? What happened to you? You left me alone. I deserve an explanation.

He kisses her shoulder

RED : I was serious about Tegucigalpa. What do you think? Right now.
MADELINE : What happened in Florence?

Liz sets off the alarm. The guard speaks to Madeline

MADELINE'S ESCORT : Come! I need to get you to the safe room. All embassy dignitaries will head to the safe room.

A guard walks by Red. Red pinches his nec, grabs his gun, shoots twice into the ceiling, then drops the gun into a trash receptacle and walks on calmly

Red heads down stairwell, encounters guard, points upstairs behind him

RED: Quick, quick. Hurry. Shh! Shh! Shh! Shh! There was a man. He had a gun. The man had a gun.

When guard looks where Red is pointing, Red gets him in a choke hold and renders him unconscious

Voice over video-surveillance monitor: Suspect spotted in stairwell A–2.

Pointing to Red on the monitor

MADELINE : Reddington! It’s him! He’s the one who did this! Call security!

Madeline steals the effigy


Red gets to bottom of stairs. Liz is cuffed to a chair and under guard

Acting over–the–top gay

RED : There you are! What the hell happened to you?! You just leave me stranded with that awful Algerian?! He’s been hitting on me for 20 minutes!
GUARD : Sir, this is a secure area!
RED : Well, not secure enough if you ask me, sister. You know what? Why don’t you ask Rasil? We wouldn’t even be here if it weren’t for that troublemaker. Always an agenda with him. Cultural attaché. Culture my ass. The things I do for this one. Gallivanting around the globe for your little assignations with you–know–hmm–hmm, carrying her furs and bikinis as if I wouldn’t rather be back in Dutchess County with my shelties. Hey, don’t take anything for granted! Everything you have was bought and paid for by your boyfriend! Do you have any idea whose horn this tramp is blowing? Let’s just say it starts with Bashar and ends with Assad, gassing you faster than a Sunni. So, let’s get her out of the hot seat and into a limo– good God! – Crumbs up! – What? Your cummerbund. Pleats up! You look like Bob Yoshimura in 8th–grade swing choir. It’s upside down!

When the guard looks down at his cummbund, Red punches him, knocking him out

RED : Aah! God, that hurts! Ohh!
LIZ : What the hell was that?
RED : I don’t know. It just felt so right in the moment.
LIZ : Where’s Pratt?
RED : Gone.
LIZ : And the effigy?
RED : Gone with her.

Leaving message for the buyer of the effigy

MADELINE : I have what you want. When you’ve wired payment, I’ll contact you with the location of the effigy. If I don’t hear from you within the hour, it’s gone.


COOPER : Where the hell is Reddington?
LIZ : He told me he was going to try and locate Pratt.
COOPER : For all we know, he set up this whole thing so he could get the identities of the Russian spies, damaging national security. The Syrians know the safe was opened as a distraction, and they’re still trying to account for exactly who was in that panic room with the effigy. They’re attributing the whole heist to Reddington.
LIZ : She knew where the effigy was the entire time, and she used us to get it. She got me to set off the alarm, and she used Reddington’s notoriety get the Syrians to believe that he took it.

RESSLER : We got something. The SIM card Keen took from Pratt’s phone.

MEERA : This is a list of outgoing calls she made over the past two weeks. Several of these calls were to a mosque outside of Arlington.
RESSLER : Homeland has a person of interest tied to that mosque– a cleric named Firas Ashear.
LIZ : And he’s connected how?
RESSLER : We’re not sure. But the biggest red flag is his family’s connection to The People’s Liberation Alliance.
MEERA : Extremist organization out of Aleppo. Apparently, the father is a local warlord – with financial ties to the group.
COOPER : Find him. Bring him in for questioning.


On phone

LIZ : Hey.
TOM : Tickets have been booked, bags are being packed, and we are all set to fly out first thing tomorrow.
LIZ : Tom.
TOM : Don’t tell me. Work.
LIZ : There’s nothing I can do.
TOM :There’s never anything you can do because your job has now become our life.
LIZ : What do you want me to say?
TOM : You don’t have to say anything. You know what? I’m gonna change my ticket. I’m gonna fly out tonight.
LIZ : Tonight? What? Wait.
TOM : No, I’m not gonna wait. I think some time apart might be the best thing for us.
LIZ : That is the last thing I want.
TOM : It’s not always about what you want, Liz.


RESSLER : You want me to rough him up for you?
LIZ : I hate this job.


LIZ : How do you know Madeline Pratt?
FIRAS ASHEAR : She called me last month, asked about the effigy. I’d never met her before, and I don’t know how she found me.
RESSLER :So, why’d she call you, then?
ASHEAR : Because the Effigy of Atargatis once belonged to my father.
LIZ : He stole it from the British Museum.
FIRAS ASHEAR : He was a patriot who revered Atargatis. He thought it belonged in Syria.
LIZ : Then why put it up for auction?
ASHEAR : He didn’t. As I told Ms. Pratt, my father only possessed the effigy for a few months until the Americans raided our compound.
RESSLER : What were they looking for?
ASHEAR : All I remember is opening a door and seeing him holding the statue. He slipped something inside it, a piece of paper.
RESSLER : What did it say?
ASHEAR : I don’t know. But he placed the effigy in my arms and told me to run and protect it. I was 7. When the Americans found me, they took the statue as a trophy. They let me go, but my father –

LIZ : What happened to your father?

ASHEAR : I never saw him again. For me, that was the day he died.


COOPER : The CIA sanctioned a covert op to raid the compound of Al Hakam Ashear in early December 1983. The Agency received credible intelligence that Ashear had met with a former KGB agent to purchase information.
RESSLER : What kind of information?
MEERA : Ashear paid $3 million for the location of the Kungur Six, which, according to the son’s story, he hid in the base of the statue.
COOPER : So, it appears the six aren’t people.
LIZ : What do you mean?
COOPER : During the Cold War, there were rumors that Russia was able to hide several nuclear weapons in America.
RESSLER : Those weren’t rumors.
COOPER : Pratt was hired to steal the effigy because inside it are directions to those weapons. The Kungur Six are not Russian agents.
LIZ : They’re nuclear bombs. Hidden all across the country.


RED : Tell me about the coordinates.

MADELINE : What coordinates?
RED : Stop it. I had a little talk with Rasil. We had a few laughs, compared notes about you. He told me all about that delightful thing you do with a trouser belt, which was a bit hurtful, since I was pretty sure it was our thing. The coordinates.
MADELINE : It’s over. You were played. Go home. You really want to know why I brought you into this? Florence. Because you didn’t show. Florence was everything, our way out, a fresh start. But to you, it’s all just a job. Tegucigalpa? Honestly? If I was interested in having an affair, I’d find a man with hair.

Men come up on Red and Madeline, tase them, load them into a van and take off

Madeline wakes up in a cell, on the floor. A man lies unconscious on the floor of the cell next to hers


MADELINE : Raymond. Raymond, is that you? Raymond, say something.


MEERA : RA-115 suitcase nukes. This is the kind of device the KGB would smuggle into the US at the time. Each bomb has about 50 pounds of high–explosive material, blast radius of nearly 2,000 feet.
RESSLER : You place one of these near a high–profile target, the fallout alone guarantees mass casualties.
COOPER : Get a nest team on standby.Where are we on Kalif?
MEERA : We confirmed Reddington’s allegation. Rasil Kalif is an asset working undercover for the Russian mafia. If they get their hands on these nukes, God knows who they may sell them to.


MADELINE : The Syrians aren’t getting the effigy back. It’s gone. I’ve already sold it to the Russians.
RED : I ran out of gas.
RED : I was so excited to get home, I didn’t even bother to look. My head was just – I ran out of gas.
MADELINE : What are you talking about?
RED : It was Christmas Eve. I pulled off to the side of the road. Seemed like it’d been snowing for days. No traffic. No cars to come help. Just me and a car full of gifts. It was more than 20 years ago. I must have walked four miles five, maybe. It was so still. Just cold and white. The whole time, all I could think about was them in our house. The warm light in the windows, the smoke from the chimney. The sound of my daughter at the piano. The smell of the tree and the fire, oyster stew on the stove. I was so upset to think that I’d ruined Christmas for them, being late, leaving the gifts in the car. But the closer I got, the more I realized how funny the whole thing was, how much they’d love the story, daddy running out of gas, how every Christmas they’d get such joy from telling that story at my expense. And then, finally I got there. I walked I walked through the door. And there was just blood. All I saw was blood. All there was was blood. I can I can still s–smell the nape of her neck, feel her little fingers on my cheek her whisper in my ear. That’s why I didn’t show up in Florence. .. that’s why I haven’t shown up in a lot of places over the years.

Jailers come and roughly take Red away

MADELINE : No, don’t. Please, please. No, please! Stop! Please stop! Please stop! Please come back! I’ll tell you what you want to know!

Madeline gives the jailer a pad with writing on it

MADELINE : Now, I gave you what you wanted. Where is he?

Jailer immediately hands the pad to Red, who’s looking spiffy as can be in a fresh suit


On phone

RED :We have the location of the effigy.
MADELINE : You son of a –
RED : Yes.
MADELINE : You’ll never get to it in time. Damn you, Reddington! Damn you, Raymond! You let me out of here right now, you son of a bitch! Was it true? That story about your family? Was any of it true?
RED : We should have gone to Tegucigalpa.


Ressler and Liz shoot it out with bad guys trying to beat them to the effigy –

RESSLER : We have to assume we’re late to the party, so – Watch your backs.
– Go! Go! Clear.
– Clear.
LIZ : Rasil’s just bailed out!

RESSLER : Cover!

Ressler knocks out Rasil and finds the effigy


COOPER : ERT examined the statue. There was nothing inside, no coordinates. No papers of any kind, nothing on Kalif or any of his men.
RED : It appears Madeline sent us on a good old–fashioned snipe hunt.
COOPER : I sent a team to the warehouse where you said we could find Pratt. She was gone. Where is she?
RED : Let’s talk about the effigy.
COOPER : Why? The idea that it actually contained anything was obviously a myth.
RED : Or maybe Madeline double-crossed the Russians and kept the coordinates to the nukes for herself and led you to believe it was all a myth.
COOPER : You have them.
RED : While you were chasing the effigy, I was coming to terms with Madeline. In a moment of weakness, she gave me the coordinates.
COOPER : You knew there was nothing inside the effigy when you sent us after Kalif.
RED : I thought you might have a passing interest in rounding up some Russian mobsters.
COOPER : The coordinates. Where are they?
RED : Relax, Harold. I have no use for rusty Russian firecrackers left over from the ’60s.
COOPER : You want the effigy
RED : And you want the bombs. How about a trade?


Liz is trying to reach Tom

RECORDING : Hi, you’ve reached Tom Keen. I’m away from my phone right now, but leave a message–

RESSLER : Case file on Pratt.
LIZ : You taking off already?
RESSLER : Yeah. Meeting Audrey for dinner.
LIZ : I think he’s gonna leave me. No. Go. You have dinner.

RESSLER : She’ll understand.


At Tom’s conference

TOM : Hi. Uh, Tom Keen checking in.

CLERK: Mr. Keen. Alone, right?

JOLENE : Hello.


COOPER : May I help you?
MARTIN : Special Agent Walter Gary Martin. DC Bureau. Let me just start by saying the Director really values all the work you’re doing here. Personally, I can’t think of anyone better suited for the job.

COOPER :Your office said you wanted to talk about Diane Fowler.
MARTIN : Absolutely. I tell you what. I’ve heard people talk about the post office, but this facility. Now, look, I don’t want to sound any alarm bells, but I’ve become aware of the fact that you’ve tasked one of your agents to investigate the disappearance of Diane Fowler.
COOPER : Is that a problem?
MARTIN : The disappearance of the head of the Criminal Division is a situation we need to manage carefully.
COOPER : What does that mean?
MARTIN : You need to stop. I don’t want to step on any toes.
COOPER : That’s not gonna happen.
MARTIN : But this is coming from up top. The investigation into the disappearance of Diane Fowler is being handled by the DC Bureau. If we have any questions, we’ll call.
COOPER : I asked Agent Malik to look into–
MARTIN : You need to stop. I’ve been cleared Level 4. I’m gonna need all your case files.
COOPER : Listen, Agent Martin–
MARTIN : To be abundantly clear, the DC field office is running point. It’s protocol. We’ll take it from here.

Adapté du site «The Blacklist Classified», mise en page par mnoandco


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