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#220 : Quon Zhang

Elisabeth et Tom parlent de leur avenir ensemble

Ecrit par: J.R. Orci & Lukas Reiter
Réalisé par: Karen Gaviola

Après avoir décodé les informations qui sont incorporées dans le Fulcrum, Red est déterminé à arrêter la menace imminente. En attendant, le groupe de travail découvre que des corps de femmes chinoises américaines sont sorties du pays en contrebande, sous des fausses identités. Liz continue à chercher des réponses sur son passé après avoir découvert une image cachée dans l'appartement secret de Red.


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Quon Zhang

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Quon Zhang

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Raymond Reddington (James Spader)

Raymond Reddington (James Spader)

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) donne ses instructions à Caul

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) donne ses instructions à Caul

Quon Zhang (Ron Yuan) kidnappe une jeune femme

Quon Zhang (Ron Yuan) kidnappe une jeune femme

Dembe (Hisham Tawfiq) et Léonard Caul (Ned Van Zandt attendent que Reddington (James Spader) ait fini au téléphone

Dembe (Hisham Tawfiq) et Léonard Caul (Ned Van Zandt attendent que Reddington (James Spader) ait fini au téléphone

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone)

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone)

Kenneth Jasper (James A. Stephens ) aux mains de Raymond Reddington (James Spader)

Kenneth Jasper (James A. Stephens ) aux mains de Raymond Reddington (James Spader)

Donald Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) à la rescousse

Donald Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) à la rescousse

Kenneth Jasper (James A. Stephens )

Kenneth Jasper (James A. Stephens )

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) écoute Elisabeth (Megan Boone)

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) écoute Elisabeth (Megan Boone)

Liz et Tom complotent

Liz et Tom complotent

Dembe Zuma (Hisham Tawfiq)

Dembe Zuma (Hisham Tawfiq)

Tom Keen ( Ryan Eggold) rêve de s'acheter un bateau

Tom Keen ( Ryan Eggold) rêve de s'acheter un bateau

Raymond Reddington (James Sapder) a atteint sa proie

Raymond Reddington (James Sapder) a atteint sa proie

Séance de torture de Samar (Mozhan Marno) aidée de Dembe (Hisham Tawfiq) sous le regarde de Reddington

Séance de torture de Samar (Mozhan Marno) aidée de Dembe (Hisham Tawfiq) sous le regarde de Reddington

Raymond Redddington (James Spader)

Raymond Redddington (James Spader)

Liz et Tom font des recherches ensemble

Liz et Tom font des recherches ensemble

Samar Navabi (Mozhan Marno) infirmière?

Samar Navabi (Mozhan Marno) infirmière?

Kenneth Jasper (James A. Stephens) prisonnier de Léonard Caul (Ned Van Zandt)

Kenneth Jasper (James A. Stephens) prisonnier de Léonard Caul (Ned Van Zandt)

Samar (Mozhan Marno) aide Kenneth Jasper (James A. Stephens) à fuir

Samar (Mozhan Marno) aide Kenneth Jasper (James A. Stephens) à fuir

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) présente un nouveau blacklisté à Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone)

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) présente un nouveau blacklisté à Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone)

Samar Navabi (Mozhan Marno) et sa trousse à outils

Samar Navabi (Mozhan Marno) et sa trousse à outils


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France (inédit)
Mercredi 14.10.2015 à 22:40
2.64m / 19.0% (Part)

Logo de la chaîne NBC

Etats-Unis (inédit)
Jeudi 30.04.2015 à 21:00
6.60m / 1.2% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Personnage Blaklisté: N°87: Quon Zhang


David Strathairn ... Le Directeur

Reed Birney ... Tom Connolly

Valarie Pettiford ... Charlene Cooper

Kevin Weisman... Dr. Jeffrey Maynard

Ned van Zandt ... Leonard Caul

Ron Yuan ... Quon Zhang
James A. Stephens ... Kenneth Jasper
Perry Yung ... Mr. Liao
Vivian Chiu ... An Bai

Un Chinois avec des brûlures nommé Quon Zhang et son partenaire coupent la clôture d'un cimetière puis se dirigent vers la tombe 332 et commencent à creuser. Ils sont interrompus par un garde et Zang utilise sa pelle pour le tuer. Quelques heures plus tard, Zhang montre le cadavre exhumé de Marjorie Lin à son client, M. Liao, qui ne négocie pas à son prix 37 000 $, «améliorations» incluses.

Dans sa cachette, Tom cherche des bateaux en ligne tandis que Liz parle de la photo, d’elle et de la femme qu’elle croit être sa mère, trouvée dans l’appartement secret de Red. Elle a vérifié la photo dans les 51 millions de noms de la base de données du NGI mais elle n’a rien trouvé. Tom lui conseille de demander à Red mais Liz pense qu’il veut l’empêcher de connaitre la vérité et incitera tous ceux qui veulent l’aider, au silence. Selon Tom, ce silence est la marque de fabrique de Red. Quand il travaillait pour Berlin, les gens avaient peur de ce qui ne pouvait pas lui être caché. Tom regarde la photo de plus près et remarque l’anneau porté par la femme. C’est un cachet distinctif Russe. Comme Tom a travaillé pour Berlin, elle lui demande de se renseigner auprès des associés connus.

Red rencontre Leonard Caul qui a créé un programme pour faire des copies papier des données du fulcrum. Comme la plupart des infos datent de 25 ans, Red craint qu’elles soient obsolètes mais Caul lui assure que les principaux acteurs sont encore parmi les plus puissants de la planète. Bien que le plan inconnu de la cabale soit réglé pour commencer en 2017, Red sait que le directeur a avancé son plan pour réduire le nombre de joueurs. Comme le directeur a tué Hobbs, la prochaine étape est de trouver Jasper, un de ses plus proches alliés. Après avoir menacé de lui couper la langue, Red sait qu'il va être dur à trouver ....

Liz rejoint Red sur le porche de la maison au bord du lac de Caul. Il lui donne un dossier sur le faux certificat de naissance et de décès de Lien Mah, un ressortissant chinois qui est mort sur le sol américain. Red croit qu’un contrebandier, qui fait affaire avec la cabale, expédie le cadavre de Marjorie Lin sous le nom de Lien Mah vers la Chine. Lorsque Liz souligne qu'elle a rétabli le calme avec la cabale en montrant le fulcrum au directeur, Red la corrige. Le calme est terminé et tout ce que Liz a fait en allant à Le directeur est de se mettre elle-même dans la ligne de mire. Maintenant, ils doivent trouver le contrebandier qui est le plus susceptible de transporter des explosifs pour la cabale. Peu après, Aram et Samar identifient sept femmes chinoises mortes de façon semblable, ce qui incite les autorités chinoises à lancer leur propre enquête. Maintenant, le FBI va attendre que le passeur dépose les documents autorisant le transport de Lien Mah / Melanie Lin en Chine, puis il saisira le cercueil. Connolly attend dans le bureau de Cooper, malheureux que les récents événements lui aient fait une mauvaise presse. Maintenant, il veut que Cooper lui fournisse un document classifié afin de faire croire que le bureau de Connolly est informé de tout. Quelques instants plus tard, un appel arrive. Le cercueil de Lien Mah / Melanie Lin a été retrouvé. Liz reçoit un message de Tom, laissant Ressler et Samar aller à l'aéroport où l'équipe de déminage les attend. Se demandant si de la contrebande peut être cachée dans le cadavre, Samar appelle le docteur Maynard qui est stupéfait de l’état de conservation du corps.

Après avoir appris que Jasper avait pris la fuite, Red élabore un plan pour le débusquer. Dembe se déplace à Key West pour faire sauter le yacht de Jasper, un acte qui va déclencher une série d’événements qui vont obliger Jasper à tenir une conférence de presse pour endiguer l'hémorragie. Pendant ce temps, Tom accoste un russe, Konstantin dans une salle de bain russe pour lui montrer la photo de la mère de Liz. Lorsque la situation devient risquée, Liz entre dans le sanctuaire exclusivement réserver aux hommes avec un pistolet pour exiger un nom. Lorsque Konstantin prétend qu'il a juré de ne pas le dire, la peur dans ses yeux ne peut signifier qu'une seule chose : Red. Liz part comme un ouragan avec Tom dans son sillage pour vérifier le livre d’inscription. Quand elle voit le nom de Bill Kershaw, elle se précipite à l'appartement secret de Red et commence à retourner l’endroit, parlant comme si Red était là parce qu'elle sait qu'il est à l'écoute. Quand elle promet de découvrir chacun de ses secrets, Red appelle. Il est temps de discuter de la photo.

À la maison de Caul, Red confirme que la mère de Liz, était un agent du KGB nommée Katarina Rostova, et que c’est la femme dans la photo. Le vrai nom de Liz est Masha et elle est née à Moscou. Ses deux parents étaient dans les renseignements étrangers. Eh oui, c’est Red qui a bloqué sa mémoire sur la nuit de l'incendie mais il refuse de lui dire pourquoi. Liz le laisse en promettant encore une fois de trouver les réponses elle-même. Pendant ce temps, Cooper rencontre son épouse, Charlene, pour lui expliquer que Connolly veut qu'il fuite une information secrète à la presse et il semblerait que sa place dans l'essai clinique en dépende. Charlene ne mâche pas ses mots, Cooper devrait donner l’info, les gens le font tout le temps. Sa vie en dépend !

Retour au FBI, Aram dit à l'équipe que pendant les cinq jours depuis sa mort, Marjorie Lin a été attribuée au Dr. Henry McGlasson. Liz et Ressler vont à son adresse, que nous reconnaissons comme espace de travail de Zhang, où ils sont accueillis par une scène macabre: des mannequins en papier mâché de femmes chinoises vêtues de robes de soie. Aram explique que ces mannequins sont des mariés fantômes, une partie d'une tradition folklorique interdite pour marier les célibataires décédés dans l'au-delà. Parmi les mannequins de mariée se trouve une femme que personne n'a vue avant ce qui signifie qu'une autre tombe est sur le point d'être piller. Ressler trouve une mallette pleine d'argent et la rapporte à Aram pour analyse. L’agent a une valeur cinq fois supérieure à la valeur nominale et ça permet de remonter jusqu’ à M. Chaoxiang Han. Son fils unique, Jin Han, héritier d'un milliard de dollars de l'empire en technologie de la famille, s’est suicidé après avoir été laissé à l'autel par sa fiancée An Bai, maintenant étudiante à Georgetown et vraisemblablement la prochaine victime de Zhang.

Pendant ce temps, Jasper refait surface dans un hôtel de Boston. Après avoir enlèvé Jasper et l'avoir amené à la maison de Caul, Red appelle Samar pour qu’elle aide à mettre en place une scène tout droit sortie de "Marathon Man." Samar joue le dentiste alors que Red demande le plan de la cabale pour 2017. Lorsque Jasper prétend ignorer le plan, Red le laisse à Samar qui coupe ses liens, affirmant que le directeur l'a envoyée pour l'aider à échapper. Samar tire sur Dembe et se précipite alors avec Jasper à sa voiture en exigeant de savoir ce qu'il a dit à Red. Affirmant qu'il n'a rien révélé, Jasper admet que la cabale prévoit de frapper une installation de la défense des États-Unis, mais il ne sait pas laquelle. Le choix du directeur sera finalisé la semaine prochaine. Juste à ce moment, Samar revient dans l'allée de Caul où Red attend : tout cela n'était un complot visant à débusquer ce que Jasper savait.

Aram appelle An Bai, l’avertissant qu'elle pourrait être en danger. Elle va verrouiller la porte et retourne dans le séjour quand Zhang l’attaque. Aram peut entendre ses cris quand Zhang l'assomme. Heureusement, Liz et Ressler apparaissent juste à temps pour arrêter Zhang. Au cours de l'interrogatoire de Zhang, Liz mentionne ses brûlures étendues, alors il raconte son histoire. Son frère aîné est mort célibataire et selon la superstition, il  hante sa famille depuis sa tombe, les soumettant à la malchance. De même, Jin Han hante maintenant ceux qui lui refusent le bonheur dans la prochaine vie, y compris l’équipe. Samar demande qui a payé Zhang pour la contrebande d'explosifs pour le compte de la cabale. Zhang sourit : Liz et Samar ont tout faux. Il a été payé pour faire passer une personne nommée Karakurt aux États-Unis et il est déjà dans le pays.

Au ministère de la Justice, Cooper dit à Connolly qu’il ne se conformera pas à sa demande. Il pensait que Connolly lui avait permis d’accéder à l'essai clinique comme un ami et non pas pour l'utiliser comme levier pour son propre gain. Connolly avoue l'effet de levier mais ce n’est pas personnel : c’est pour la cabale et ils possèdent maintenant Cooper, surtout depuis que Charlene a divulgué le document classifié ce matin. Tout sera bientôt révélé ... quelques instants plus tard, Cooper, tourmenté, est témoin de la cérémonie de prestation de serment de Connolly comme procureur général.

Le téléphone du directeur sonne, au moment où un colis est livré. «J’ai eu une petite conversation avec Jasper aujourd'hui", dit Red. Le directeur ouvre son paquet et trouve ... la langue coupée de Jasper. Red appelle Liz, mais elle a les yeux collés sur la photo de sa mère et elle ne répond pas. Au lieu de cela, elle va voir Tom sous la pluie battante. Quand il ouvre la porte, elle tombe dans ses bras. Pendant ce temps, un corbillard sort jusqu'à un quai de chargement où un homme russe dit, "Bienvenue en Amérique, monsieur," et ouvre un cercueil, révélant un homme à l'intérieur, portant un masque à oxygène.

Traduit et adapté du résumé du site officiel par albi2302.

Two men enter cemetery. One is Chinese with severe burn scars on the back of his head: Quon Zhang

QUON ZHANG : Plot 332. This is it.

Begins digging.Speaking Chinese
Worker with flashlight comes across Quon Zhang

WORKER : Hey, what’s going on here? Lose the shovel. Keep your hands where I can see them.
What are you doing here?

The other man approaches worker from behind. Together they disable him


Conversing in Chinese

QUON ZHANG : Mr Liao, pleasure to see you.
BROKER : What do we have today?
QUON ZHANG : Marjorie Lin, 24, unmarried. She was going for her PhD.
BROKER : Cause of death?

Hands him folder

QUON ZHANG : Heart attack. No history of illness. Or STDS. As requested.
BROKER : How much?
QUON ZHANG : $37,000.
BROKER : I’ll take it.

Broker leaves

In English, to corpse

QUON ZHANG : You’re going to be so pretty.


LIZ : I had the photo enhanced. It’s a rough extrapolation of features since the face was almost entirely blown out. I ran it through every FBI database from facial recognition, mug shots, surveillance feeds –
TOM : Or I could just buy this boat, and we could disappear.
LIZ : Do you know how many images are in the NGI database? 51 Millions –
TOM : If we go away, none of that matters
LIZ : – and not a single one of her.
TOM : Reddington knows who she is.
LIZ : I know who she is. That girl – That’s me. And the woman I believe that may be my mother.
TOM : That mean Reddington’s your dad?
LIZ : No. My father died when I was 4, in a fire. Reddington was there. I think she may have been, too.
TOM : Why don’t you just ask him?
LIZ : If Reddington wanted me to know the truth, he would have told me by now. He wants to keep me from knowing, and he will bully anyone who might help me into silence.
TOM : Well, that’s his tell – The silence. Berlin had me keep tabs on him, or try to. The mere mention of his name was like I’d asked for their first born. He thinks the fear protects him, but the fear he instills – Silence can’t hide it. You can see it in their eyes. Whenever I did, I knew Reddington had been there.
LIZ : What?
TOM : That stamp. The ring – I’ve seen it before.
LIZ : Where?
TOM : Berlin. He wore a ring with that exact hallmark. It’s a Russian inspection stamp.
LIZ: You know people who worked with Berlin. You could reach out.


RED : My apologies, Leonard. I intended to be earlier.
LEONARD CAUL: You had a bullet removed from your chest five days ago. It’s a wonder you’re here at all. I’ve configured an optical character recognition program to create hard copies of the data of the Fulcrum.
RED : That data’s over 25 years old. Much of it must be obsolete.
CAUL: Most of the key delegations are run by the same players.
RED : The Director believes there are too many players on the board. He thinks a bipolar world is inherently more stable.
CAUL: Whatever they’re planning to accomplish, it won’t commence until 2017.
RED : Well, he’s advancing the time-line. And with Hobbs gone, I’ve lost my man on the inside. We need to find Kenneth Jasper. He’s one of the Director’s closest allies. He’ll know what they’re planning. I threatened to kill him when he betrayed Roger Hobbs. More specifically, I threatened to cut out his tongue and deliver it to the Director personally. He won’t be easy to find. But he’s the best play.

Liz, walking up lawn

LIZ : Swanky digs.
RED : Seeing as how you recently paid a visit to my apartment in Bethesda, you know I have a fondness for the old and somewhat decrepit.
LIZ : Dembe asked me to go to get the interface for the Fulcrum.
RED : He needed you to get the Fulcrum. He wanted you to discover secrets. Did you discover any secrets, Lizzy?

Indicating folder on table

LIZ : What’s that?
RED ; Please, help yourself.


LIZ : Identification documents for Lien Mah. Fake birth certificate. Fake passport. Death certificate. Proof of embalming.
RED : Everything necessary to convince the U.S. State Department that Lien Mah was a Chinese national who died while visiting the United States and to arrange for her body’s return to her homeland.
LIZ : Who would ship a fictitious Chinese corpse to China?
RED : A rather clever smuggler, I imagine.
LIZ : So, if Lien Mah is fake, then whose body are they shipping overseas?

Red indicating folder , Liz reading

LIZ : “Marjorie Lin, 24, was laid to rest Monday afternoon. Not 10 hours later, her body was stolen in a brazen midnight grave robbery.” You think the smuggler is using Marjorie Lin’s body?
RED : Compare the photo on Lien Mah’s false passport to the photo of Marjorie Lin in the paper.
LIZ : Same woman. But why this case? What’s your angle?
RED : This smuggler also has business with the Cabal.
LIZ : The Cabal?
RED : The Taiwan Festival Bombing in 2011. 32 dead, 9 injured.The I.E.D. that took out the convoy headed to the Chinese Consulate in Jakarta last year. Another 17 dead. Both were engineered by the Cabal. And this same smuggler was used to transport those explosives to their final destinations.
LIZ : You want to target one of their assets? I went to the Director, showed him the Fulcrum, restored the détente.
RED : The détente is over, Lizzy. What you know about the Fulcrum – What the Director now knows you know. By saving me, you revealed yourself to be a potent enemy, a target they will try to discredit or destroy. The smuggler. We need to find the smuggler.


SAMAR : So, we obtained a list from State of all the foreign nationals who died on U.S. soil and were repatriated back to their home countries. Of these, seven in particular stood out.
COOPER : How so?
ARAM : Their passports were forged using fictitious names just like the documentation that Mr. Reddington provided on Marjorie Lin.
RESSLER : And who were these women, really?
SAMAR : Marjorie Lin, A.K.A. Lien Mah, wasn’t the only body that was stolen. We were able to match the seven forged photographs with seven grave robberies in which the bodies were Asian females under 35 – Chinese, to be specific.
ARAM: And all of them were shipped back to various cities in China.
COOPER : Do we know who received the shipments on the other end?
SAMAR : I contacted the Chinese authorities. They’re launching an investigation.
RESSLER: I doubt they’ll come up with much. I mean, given the elaborately forged paper trails, my bet is these funeral parlors don’t even exist.
LIZ : Based on this guy’s track record, there’s a good chance he was moving explosives in those caskets.
ARAM : And we’ll find out. As soon as our suspect files the paperwork authorizing the transportation of Lien Mah back to China, we’ll know the flight number, and we can go seize the casket and see for ourselves.


Quon Zhang post-embalming Marjorie Lin's corpse


Red and Dembe walk. Red sighs

RED : That’s enough for today.
DEMBE : Just one more lap, Raymond. This is an important part of your therapy.
RED : You should have let me die, Dembe. Nobody told me about this aimless walking.

Caul, approching

CAUL : Jasper’s gone.
RED : How gone?
CAUL : Canceled all meetings and fled in his gulf-stream four days ago. Bogus flight plan. No record of any visas issued. Not as much as a passport swiped.
RED : Dembe, call Alex and Barton. Book them a flight to Key West. Jasper’s yacht is docked at the Admiral’s Club Marina A Benetti Romanza. Arrivederci Bella. Barton can pass for Jasper from a distance. Go aboard, take her out a mile or two, blow her up. Dembe will make it appear to be a death by misadventure. Tip off Frasier at The Journal and Brenda Short at Holford Capital. Stock in Jasper’s conglomerate, Century View Media, will start hemorrhaging as soon as news of his tragic disappearance goes viral.

Montage of Dembe at the Admiral’s Club Marina, Jasper’s yacht blow up

RED : Within hours, he’ll have to hold a press conference to stem the bleeding. And then we’ll have his location, or at least a starting point.
CAUL : And if he decides to ride it out?
RED : He has two viciously rapacious ex-wives, a Brazilian bull shark of a mistress, and a thoroughbred ranch south of Ocala that’s a bottomless money pit. He’ll turn up.


COOPER : If you’re gonna keep stopping by like this, perhaps we should consider getting you an office.
CONNOLLY : I’m getting sworn in tomorrow, Harold.
COOPER: I’m aware. Big day.
CONNOLLY : You’re damn right. And I’ve been getting calls from The Times, from The Post. There were witnesses. People think it was Reddington who was shot. People know it was him.
COOPER: We can deal with rumors. What’s harder to deal with is proof, and there isn’t any.
CONNOLLY : The press believes a fugitive from the FBI’s most wanted list was here in D.C. And it looks like I don’t know anything about it. It gives the impression I’m more focused on transitioning into the job than doing the job. I want this handled.
COOPER: How do you suggest I do that?
CONNOLLY ; There’s a reporter at The Post. His name is Josh Mandell. I want you to leak him something – Anything. A redacted operational report to Reven Wright. Just enough to convey that my office and the FBI are all over the Reddington case.
COOPER: You’re asking me to fabricate and then leak a classified document.
CONNOLLY : Yes. It’s public relations, Harold.


ARAM: Lien Mah’s body was just delivered to Dulles. The casket’s scheduled to be on Flight 241 to Beijing.
COOPER : Contact airport authority. Stop that flight. Make sure the casket doesn’t make it to the cargo hold.
RESSLER : Get an E.O.D. team to meet us on site.
LIZ : I just heard from Reddington. Uh, he wants to meet.
RESSLER : About what?
LIZ : He won’t say. He’s still worried about leaks. I’ll have to catch up with you later.


AGENT : Our preliminary x-rays didn’t reveal any explosive material or objects with a density common to C-4 or other incendiary plastics. We won’t know what we got for sure till we get inside. To be safe, we’re gonna let the robothe casket crack it.

Monitor beeping.

The robot opens the casket

SAMAR : That’s definitely Marjorie Lin.
AGENT : Interior looks clear.
RESSLER : That’s not possible. Our intel says that something’s being smuggled out of the country in that casket.
SAMAR : What if what we’re looking for isn’t in the casket? What if he’s brazen enough to hide the contraband in the body itself?
AGENT : We’re not gonna open that body.
SAMAR : No one here wants to put this woman through anything more than she’s already endured, but I’m afraid we’re going to have to insist.


DOCTOR : You know, when I was a, uh – When I was a kid, I wanted to race motorcycles, and my mom said, “no, Jeffrey. Go into medicine. It’s safe.” Thanks a lot, Mom.
AGENT : All right.

DOCTOR : Here we go. Helmet on. Okay, yeah. Whew!

Breathing rapidly

DOCTOR : Okay. Okay. Definitely should not have had tuna for lunch. Wish me luck. Okay. Here we go. Nice and easy. Nice and easy. All right. Okay, I’m gonna open her up by cutting along the path of the previous incision. Here we go.


DOCTOR : I’m in. All of the internal organs appear normal, post-embalming. Nothing here appears to be out of the ordinary. She’s clean. In fact, she’s immaculate. This is one of the most impeccably preserved bodies I have ever seen. We’re clear.



Shower running, toilet flushes

TOM : Did the same thing last month. It’s probably why you don’t recognize me. Konstantin. Berlin, man, he’s tough. I had to get away for a while, go to Germany, figure a few things out.
KONSTANTIN : I come here for the peace and quiet.
TOM : Sure. Sorry. Gosh, you know, I just thought maybe you could help me.
MAN : He said to piss off, pal.
TOM : Just take a minute.
KONSTANTIN : I don’t know who that is.
TOM : I think you do. Why don’t you take another look?

Fight breaks out



Liz is waiting for Tom

ATTENDANT : We got a problem.



Liz arrive guns blazing

LIZ : Let him go!
MAN : Ugh!
LIZ : You okay?
TOM : Yeah.
LIZ : I believe he was asking for a name.
KONSTANTIN : I can’t. I swore on my life I wouldn’t.
LIZ : You swore to whom?

No answers. Liz and Tom leave the room



Liz looks at sign-in sheet, sees a name she knows

LIZ : Son of a bitch.
TOM : Who’s Bill Kershaw?


Scrounging around Red’s secret flat

LIZ : Where is it? I know it’s here. That’s how you knew I was here, how you knew I saw the picture. It’s why you threatened people.


On Red’s TV

JASPER : The important thing is for our stockholders to understand that I am alive and well.

Red is watching, laughs

REPORTER : « And we understand that you’ve lined up a series of interviews so that you can reassure ...»

RED : Call Hollenbeck in Boston. I want a surveillance team outside that station when Jasper leaves. I suppose we should find out from Dr. Rentovitch if I’m cleared to fly.


In Red’s flat.

LIZ : Where are you? Where are you? Where are you?

Liz finds a camera


DEMBE : Raymond.

Hands Red tablet computer showing Liz in apartment


REPORTER : «… want to be assured that this company is stable.»

Liz speaks into camera

LIZ : Hello, Mr. Kershaw.

Red: Groans


LIZ : I saw your name on the mailbox. I know you’re listening. You know how I know? Because this is where you keep all of your secrets. And you don’t want anyone finding those out, do you? Well, unless you answer my questions, I’m gonna find every last one.


RED : Let me have your phone.

Liz’s cellphone vibrates

RED : You’ve made your point, Agent Keen. It’s time we discuss the photograph.


RED : The girl is you. And the woman is your mother.
LIZ : What was her name?
RED : I knew her as Katarina Rostova. One of her many names. She was a KGB agent.
LIZ : The girl – The night of the fire, they called her...
RED : Masha.You were born in Moscow. Your parents – Uh, the father and – They were both in foreign intelligence.
LIZ : You said she died of weakness and shame.
RED : Yeah.
LIZ : You were there that night. I need to know what happened.
RED : You want to know. There’s a difference.

LIZ : Dr. Orchard told me someone blocked my memory of that night. Was it you?
RED : Yes.
LIZ : Why?
RED : I’m not going to tell you.
LIZ : You have a picture of my mother in your weird, little apartment. Why? Were you in love with her? Is that why my father died? You killed him because you were in love with my mother ? Tell me what happened. Please.
RED : I’m not gonna tell you what happened, Lizzy.
LIZ : Then I’ll find out for myself.

Door opens and closes


CHARLENE : What’s on your mind?
COOPER : Tom Connolly wants me to leak intel to the press.
CHARLENE : What kind of intel?
COOPER : Classified. I should have said no, but I get the distinct impression that my position in this clinical trial is contingent on doing him favors.
CHARLENE : So, do them. I mean, don’t people leak information all the time?
COOPER : You hear what I said? He’s leveraging my health, my life.
CHARLENE : Harold, you’re a decent man. The man I fell in love with, and now you’re asked to do something indecent. But if you are telling me that your life depends on whether Tom Connolly gets what he wants, you know my opinion.
COOPER : I do. And you know mine.


LIZ : Reddington said that the smugglers facilitated several terrorist incidents in the past. He had to have been transporting something in that casket.
RESSLER ; Well, it wasn’t drugs or explosives.
SAMAR : Maybe it was the stolen bodies themselves.
ARAM : Guys, come here. Check this out. The photo on the left was taken by the coroner who pronounced Marjorie Lin dead five days ago. The one on the right was taken at the airport yesterday. Notice anything?
ARAM : Bingo. When she died, Marjorie Lin didn’t have veneers.
Her teeth were fixed postmortem?
ARAM : That is not easy to pull off, given the time frame. Process normally takes weeks. Ms. Lin’s body was only taken two days ago. According to Danover Labs, the order was delivered to a Dr.
Henry McGlasson. Now, I dug a little deeper into this guy and contacted the Medical Board. They did have an address, 3230 Kettering Drive.

RESSLER : How’d it go with Reddington? Did he have any insights?
LIZ : No. But I did.


JASPER : My face is out there. I’ve done five interviews in the last four hours. The reporting has been corrected. It’ll just take time for the share price to recover.
AIDE : The front desk called. The radio people are here.
JASPER : Put Theelan on it. Tell him to flog his boy from the S.E.C. and get it done!

Knock on door

JASPER : We’ll be wheels up again in two hours. I’ll do the video up-link in the air.
RED : Hello, Kenneth! Regrettably, your interview has been canceled, but don’t fret. I’m quite certain my questions will be much more provocative.


Liz sees someone

LIZ : FBI. Hands where I can see them.

These are models


On phone

ARAM : You’re standing in front of a ghost bride.
RESSLER : Come again. A what?
ARAM : It’s an outlawed folk custom. A Chinese form of ancestor worship. When a family member dies, the surviving relatives are obligated to tend to that person’s needs in the afterlife. And if they die unmarried, they’ll find themselves alone on the other side. And unhappy spirits tend to come back and haunt their living relatives.
LIZ : Well, what are the paper dolls for?
ARAM : The ceremony. The family crafts a doll for the deceased groom, as well. After which, the female’s remains are buried alongside the deceased male. Believe it or not, even with all the women in China, young, attractive, unmarried female corpses are rare, which would explain why our suspect was exporting bodies from the U.S.
RESSLER : I’m sorry, but this guy digs up bodies in America, and then he sends them back to China to be re-buried?
ARAM : Mail-order corpse brides.
SAMAR : Selected based on age, lineage, education, attractiveness.
LIZ : And that explains the veneers.
RESSLER : This one was clearly crafted to resemble Marjorie Lin. Same general features, but it begs the question – Who’s this one?
LIZ : They’re gonna steal another body.


Samar cellphone rings

RED : Agent Navabi, I imagine you’re knee-deep in pilfered corpses at the moment, but right now I require a woman with your particular experience and training.


Ressler sees something, footprints and follows them

LIZ : What?

He finds a case and gasps

The briefcase is full of money

LIZ : There must be over $100,000 in this case.


RED : Heads up, Kenneth. I’m afraid I mean quite literally. I’m gonna need you to keep your head up for this next part. It’s bad news, old boy. I know. A few days ago, I offered to crown you king, and now here you sit. Well, the road not taken. This is Agent Navabi. She was trained by Mossad in enhanced interrogation techniques. I thought you two should have a little visit.
SAMAR : Why don’t we get started?


ARAM : I analyzed the money you found in the ceiling tile and found a couple of anomalies. Turns out the cash is worth a lot more than the 100 grand the bills represent.
LIZ : How is that even possible?
ARAM : All the serial numbers start with a888, and none of them include the number 4. In, uh, Cantonese and most regional Chinese dialects, the word for “four” sounds like the Chinese word for “death.”
RESSLER : So, fours are unlucky. What does that have to do with the bills?
ARAM : It is statistically impossible to have this many bills and not have any fours, unless, of course, the bills were printed specifically without any fours.
RESSLER : So you’re saying that they’re counterfeit.
ARAM : I’m saying they’re prosperity notes, worth about 5 bucks to every dollar. And there’s only one place you can buy an entire batch of currency with this sort of customized detail.
COOPER : Whoever paid the suspect bought the prosperity notes from the U.S. Treasury. If we can trace who bought the bills, we might be able to I.D. the next client.
ARAM : I already contacted the Treasury. The buyer was one Mr. ChaoXiang Han. Uh, Kenda. Uh, I looked into this guy, and – Thanks so much – And we found this article published last February.
LIZ : “Mr.and Mrs. ChaoXiang Han mourn the loss of only son Jin, the heir apparent to the Han tech empire, worth billions.” Says he committed suicide after he was left at the altar by his fiancé, An Bai, after which she emigrated to D.C. to live with her father. He works at the Embassy. She’s currently attending Georgetown.
COOPER : An Bai is the next victim.
ARAM : Uh, wait, but isn’t she supposed to already be dead? Isn’t that how this works?
LIZ : Uh, the parents must blame her for Jin’s suicide. They’re determined to make An Bai his bride, if not in life, then in death.
COOPER : You two head to An Bai’s. Get me the security office at Georgetown.


Samar injects novocaine in Jasper's gengiva

RED : Oh, my goodness.


RED : Remember that fantastic film from the ’70s – Marathon Man? Oh, my God, what a film. Laurence Olivier as the ex-Nazi super-bad guy/dentist.


RED : And Dustin Hoffman as – Uh, I think he was a graduate student, wasn’t he? Anyway, that interrogation scene


RED :Oh, my gosh. Olivier drilling into Hoffman’s teeth right down into the nerve.


RED : Oh, God, I can just feel it! The screaming and writhing, the sound of the drill. And of course, Hoffman delirious with pain, saying anything, true or not, just to stop the excruciating nightmare. “Is it safe?” “Yes, it’s safe.” “Is it safe?” “No, no, it’s not safe!”


RED : You know, he’d say anything. And then that, uh, uh, guy comes in – What’s his name? The – With the great teeth and that hair – Uh Anyway, nothing much comes of it. Hoffman doesn’t know anything, but what a scene. Unfortunately, nothing quite so dramatic today. We’re gonna be a little more businesslike. That novocaine Agent Navabi just gave you should be starting to kick in right about now. So, here’s our plan. You’re gonna tell us what sort of mass-casualty event or events the Director is planning. Either you answer our questions, or we’re gonna yank out all your teeth today.
JASPER : I told you. I don’t know – The Director never spoke of his plans with me. I’m not in the loop on operational details.
RED : I don’t believe that. I offered you an opportunity to elevate your position within the Cabal, Kenneth. You declined and instead remained loyal to the Director. I assumed you had greater aspirations, but you don’t, do you, Kenneth? You rejected my offer because, as it turns out, you’re quite satisfied with your station. That’s how I know you’re one of the primary decision makers. Clearly, you are very much in the loop.
JASPER : You don’t understand my loyalty, do you? Because you have nothing in your life worth staying loyal to.
RED : William Devane! It was William Devane with those marvelous teeth and that great hair! Ohh, I love William Devane. Anyway, that said, dentistry makes me a little queasy, so I’ll leave you and my lovely associate to the business at hand.

Door closes : Dembe and Red are gone

Samar and Jasper are alone

SAMAR : Look at me...Sir, we don’t have much time. We need to move quickly before he comes back. I have orders from the Director to get you out of here. Stay behind me and keep quiet.

In the corridor

DEMBE : Stop!

Samar shoots. Dembe falls


SAMAR : Get in the car. Go.

Engine turns over.Tires squealing


ARAM : I’ve scrambled the local P.D. to An Bai’s house. They should get there before you do.
LIZ : Were you able to reach her?
ARAM : No answer on her cell. I’m gonna try her on her home line now.


JASPER : “For Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.”
SAMAR : Corinthians.
JASPER: Where are we going?
SAMAR: I have orders to take you to the Director.
JASPER: I was aware we had someone on the inside, but I just didn’t know who.
SAMAR: Well, I’m not on the inside anymore. I just blew my cover to save you. It took me nine months to get Reddington and that damn task force to trust me.
JASPER: Look, the Director won’t take any chances. If he thinks I’ve divulged any information in their plans, I am done. I need you to make it clear that I didn’t break.
SAMAR: I wasn’t there the entire time. I don’t know what you said before Reddington brought me in.
JASPER: Nothing. That’s why Reddington brought you in.

SAMAR: He knows the Director is advancing the time-line. He knows that the plan is to trigger a series of events that will bring us to the brink of another world war.
JASPER: I didn’t tell him that. It was Leonard Caul.
SAMAR: Reddington has the Fulcrum, which means he has a blueprint outlining our entire infrastructure. If you leaked operational details, we’re done.
JASPER: I didn’t. I don’t even have those details. I know we’re targeting a defense installation, but I don’t know which one. I’m serious! The Director won’t finalize his choice until next week.
SAMAR: Then you have nothing to worry about.
JASPER: Why are we? Where are you taking me?

Samar stops outside Red's safe house

SAMAR: This isn’t In Corinthians, Satan wasn’t transformed into an angel of light. He was disguised as one.

Outside the car, Red is waiting

RED : Don’t look so glum, Kenneth. You just spent 10 minutes being ridden hard by Agent Navabi. I’d die for five.


Telephone ringing

BAI : Hello?
ARAM : Ms. Bai? My name is Aram Mojtabai, and I’m an agent with the FBI. We have reason to believe you’re in danger.
BAI : What are you talking about?
ARAM : I’ll explain, but first, I need you to find a secure room in your house. Make sure all the doors and windows are locked. The police are on their way, and I’m gonna stay on the line until they arrive.

Quon Zhang emerges from shadows, grabs her. Muffled screaming. Screaming continues

ARAM : Ms. Bai. Hello? Ms. Bai? Hello? Hello, are you still there? Ms. Bai?

Police arrive. Knock on door.Doorbell rings

POLICE : 53 to dispatch.We’re here at the location. Doesn’t seem to be anyone home.

Car bursts through garage door, tossing one policeman to side.

Ressler and Liz approach in SUV

RESSLER : Hang on.

Ressler Rams SUV into car, stopping it

RESSLER : Hands! Show me hands! Step out of the car.

Liz arrests Quon Zhang and Ms.Bai is safe

Door closes

Quon Zhang is being questioned by Liz, Samar and Ressler

ZHANG : You don’t have any idea what you’ve done, do you?
SAMAR : You’re the one charged with a dozen felonies, Mr. Zhang. You’re the one who almost took a woman’s life today.
ZHANG : And how many lives did you take? This tradition in Chinese culture that you think is just some ghost story with no basis in the real world. But this – This is the real world.
LIZ : You were in a fire?
ZHANG : My older brother died when he was only 27.
LIZ : I’m sorry.
ZHANG : My brother – He was unmarried. And in the years to follow, he haunted my family from the grave. My father worked for the same factory for 32 years. They closed down four months after my brother’s death. And the bad luck that followed was Our home was destroyed by a catastrophic fire.My mother and father did not survive. I sat with my mother in the hospital the day she passed. Saw the fear in her eyes. She said, “You know why this happened. It will never stop until you appease your brother.” So that night, I stole the body of a young woman from our village, buried her alongside my brother. A wife for him, a husband for her in the next life. And from that day on, the bad luck was gone. Just like my brother haunted me, Jin Han haunts his parents now. Because of you, he’s not appeased. And now he will bring bad luck to those who have denied his happiness in the next life. That includes you and your fellow agents.
SAMAR : We know you don’t work exclusively as an independent operator. Your skill as an international smuggler has made you quite valuable.
ZHANG : Valuable? To who?
LIZ : To an organization some call the Cabal.
ZHANG : I don’t know what that is.
SAMAR : You may not know the name, but you know who hired you to procure the weapon used in the Taiwanese Festival Bombing. Or the convoy hit in Jakarta.
ZHANG : I’m listening.
SAMAR : There’s going to be an attack on U.S. soil next week. You were contracted to bring an item into the country, something we believe will be instrumental in that attack. We need to know what it is and when it’s coming.


ZHANG : You’re wrong.
LIZ : We’re not wrong. We know you were contracted.
ZHANG: Not about that. I was called to arrange a delivery. But not for an item. It was an agent – The one they call Karakurt.
LIZ : Karakurt? Who is that?
ZHANG : And he’s not arriving next week. He’s already here. You see, Agent Keen, your bad luck is already beginning.


COOPER : I need a minute. I’m out. I’m not leaking classified data, not for you, not for anybody.
CONNOLLY : You’re out? Out of what?
COOPER : Whatever the hell kind of game it is you and I are playing. You know I’m ill. I came to you for help, as a friend. And I thought that you offered that help as a friend.
COOPER : Enough games, Tom. You used it to leverage me, to hold it over my head as a way to guarantee my assistance whenever you decide you need it.
CONNOLLY: You think I pulled strings trying to save your life for my own personal benefit?
COOPER : Look me in the eye and tell me I’m wrong.
CONNOLLY: Oh, I’ll do better than that, Harold. I’ll look you in the eye and tell you you’re not even close. The situation is much, much worse than you think.You’re absolutely right. I helped you to get close, to get leverage, but not for me. Buddy, come on.
COOPER : We’re done with the games.
CONNOLLY: I’m sure a smart guy like you can guess who’s calling my plays.
COOPER : The Cabal.


CONNOLLY: A quaint term that no one actually involved would ever use.
COOPER : Why me? If you guys are as powerful as I’m told, what the hell do you need me for?
CONNOLLY: All in good time, Harold. What matters now is that you realize one key thing – That you understand it and internalize it with every fiber of your being.
COOPER : And that is?
CONNOLLY: We own you. You perjured yourself to protect Agent Keen. You broke federal law by disclosing the time-line of a pending indictment. If that weren’t enough, a classified document was leaked today to The Post.

COOPER : I told you. I won't do it.
CONNOLLY: You’re not understanding me, Harold. It’s already done. It seems your wife doesn’t share your ethical principles. You wouldn’t do it, so Charlene made the hard decision for you.


CONNOLLY: That’s how much she loves you. God knows my wife wouldn’t commit any felonies for my behalf. I’m sure you’re thinking up all of the moves you have left. Careful. The people I speak for won’t hesitate to hurt you or her if they need to.
COOPER : So, what now?
CONNOLLY: Like I said, all will soon be revealed. Come on. I think they’re, uh, almost ready to start.


Door to The Director’s office opens

AIDE : A package arrived for you. It was flagged by security. I think you need to see it for yourself.

Cellphone ringing : it's Red


Red on phone with the Director

RED: I had a little chat with Jasper today. Turns out he wasn’t very good at holding his tongue, so I thought I’d give you a shot at it.

The Director opens box. A tongue is inside.


Liz in her car looks at her mother's picture


CONNOLLY : “I, Thomas P. Connolly, solemnly swear”...

CONNOLLY :... I, Thomas P. Connolly, do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the constitution of the United States of America.

CONNOLLY : ...of the United States of America.


Red is trying to call Liz. She sees call but will not pick up

RECORDING : «You’ve reached Elizabeth Keen. Please leave your message at the tone.»



Breathing .Knock on door. Tom answers. It’s Liz, sobbing, wet in the rain.

TOM: Come in. You want to talk about it?

She shakes her head. They embrace in the rain


Workers remove top of shipping coffin. A man is inside, connected to an oxygen tank. His eyes blink open

In Russian

WORKER : Welcome to America, sir.


Adapté du site «The Blacklist Classified», mise en page par mnoandco

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