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#222 : Tom Connolly

Rencontre secrète entre Reddington et Cooper dans une église

Ecrit par: John Eisendrath & Jon Bokenkamp
Réalisé par: Michael Watkins

Liz se rend compte qu'elle est encernée par La Cabale, forçant Red à utiliser ses connexions pour l'aider à blanchir son nom. Quand Cooper reçoit des nouvelles choquantes, Ressler, Samar et Aram doivent décider à qui, dans le groupe de travail, ils peuvent encore faire confiance.


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Tom Connolly

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Tom Connolly

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Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone), recherchée, se cache

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone), recherchée, se cache

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) au téléphone

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) au téléphone

Tom Keen (Ryan Eggold) fait des recherches

Tom Keen (Ryan Eggold) fait des recherches

Harold Cooper (Harry Lennix) aide Liz

Harold Cooper (Harry Lennix) aide Liz

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone ) bien décidée à avoir des informations

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone ) bien décidée à avoir des informations

Tom Keen (Ryan Eggold) écoute Liz

Tom Keen (Ryan Eggold) écoute Liz

Souvenirs de Masha/Elisabeth

Souvenirs de Masha/Elisabeth

Donald Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) prend les rennes de la Task-Force comme le lui ordonne Reven Wright

Donald Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) prend les rennes de la Task-Force comme le lui ordonne Reven Wright

Masha ( Jillian Lebling  ) une arme à la main

Masha ( Jillian Lebling ) une arme à la main

Dembe Zuma (Hisham Tawfiq) parle avec Red

Dembe Zuma (Hisham Tawfiq) parle avec Red

Rendez-vous secret entre Raymond Reddington (James Spader) et Harold Cooper (Harry Lennix)

Rendez-vous secret entre Raymond Reddington (James Spader) et Harold Cooper (Harry Lennix)

Leo Andropov ( Max Baker  ( Max Baker ) infecte Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone)

Leo Andropov ( Max Baker ( Max Baker ) infecte Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone)

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone ) se prépare à fuir

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone ) se prépare à fuir

Face à face tendu entre Liz (Megan Boone) et Donald Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff)

Face à face tendu entre Liz (Megan Boone) et Donald Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff)

Raymond Redington (James Spader) écoute Liz parler

Raymond Redington (James Spader) écoute Liz parler

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) n'en croit pas ses yeux!

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) n'en croit pas ses yeux!

Kate Kaplan (Susan Blommaert) et Dembe (Hisham Tawfiq) aux ordres de Raymond Reddington (James Spader)

Kate Kaplan (Susan Blommaert) et Dembe (Hisham Tawfiq) aux ordres de Raymond Reddington (James Spader)

Harold Cooper (Harry Lennix) écoute Red (James Spader) et Liz (Megan Boone) parler

Harold Cooper (Harry Lennix) écoute Red (James Spader) et Liz (Megan Boone) parler

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) face à la presse

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) face à la presse

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) cherche la preuve qu'elle a été infectée à son insu

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) cherche la preuve qu'elle a été infectée à son insu

Harold Cooper (Harry Lennix)

Harold Cooper (Harry Lennix)

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) arrêtée et interrogée

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) arrêtée et interrogée

Donald Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) ne se laisse pas impressionner par un politicien

Donald Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) ne se laisse pas impressionner par un politicien

Samar Navabi (Mozhan Marno) montre une vidéo à Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff)

Samar Navabi (Mozhan Marno) montre une vidéo à Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff)


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France (inédit)
Mercredi 13.07.2016 à 21:50
3.06m / 18.0% (Part)

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Etats-Unis (inédit)
Jeudi 14.05.2015 à 21:00
7.49m / 1.6% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Personnage Blaklisté: N°11: Tom Connolly


David Strathairn... le Directeur

Susan Blommaert ... Mr. Kaplan

Reed Birney ... Tom Connolly

J.W. Cortes ... Agent Suarez
Daniel Keith ... Simpson

Nous reprenons où le dernier épisode se terminait : juste après avoir réalisé qu'elle a été piégée pour infecter le sénateur Hawkins avec un virus mortel, Liz est au téléphone avec Red, rampant dans le couloir bureau de poste. Sachant qu'elle va être testée positive pour le virus, Red veut que Liz parte maintenant mais elle refuse, pensant que c’est sa seule chance de prouver son innocence. Pendant ce temps, Connolly et Cooper se disputent à propos de Liz, Connolly sait qu’elle a été infectée par le virus. Ses empreintes digitales sont sur le camion piégé et Cooper ne sait pas qu'elle est la fille d'un agent du KGB . Cooper refuse, en colère, d'être complice mais Connolly ne s’en soucie pas. Un test sanguin est tout ce dont il a besoin pour avoir Liz. Reven Wright dirigera l'enquête sur Liz et elle est sûre de suivre les «faits». Et si Cooper se trouve sur son chemin, il sera  accusé de parjure dans l’affaire du gardien du port et il est impossible de dire ce qui pourrait arriver à Charlene. L’essai clinique de Cooper ne se poursuivra pas, non plus. En jetant son médicament, Cooper insiste pour dire qu'il préférait mourir que de faire partie du complot de Connolly. Connolly le met donc en congé administratif et demande à la sécurité de l'escorter hors du bâtiment.

Ressler et Samar supervisent la mise en quarantaine à l'église Sainte-Agnès où l'infection d'Hawkins a eu lieu afin de tester tout le monde pour le virus. Lorsque tous les résultats reviennent négatifs, Ressler sait que la seule personne qu'ils n'ont pas testée c'est Liz. Elle est de retour au téléphone avec Red après avoir entendu Connolly et Cooper se disputer. Elle est sur le point de partir rejoindre Red quand Connolly et ses hommes la saisissent. Quelques instants plus tard, son sang est prélevé puis elle est interrogée par Colby, un agent du FBI et Suarez, supervisé par Reven Wright. L'insistance de Liz pour expliquer qu'elle a été piégée tombe dans l'oreille d'un sourd.  Son histoire semble folle surtout quand Colby et Suarez lui la confrontent à son vrai nom, Masha Rostova. Le sénateur Hawkins est déclaré mort et Wright nomme Ressler pour lancer l'enquête contre Liz. Quelques instants plus tard, Aram rapporte que Liz a été testée positive pour le virus qui a tué Hawkins.

Cooper rencontre Red, qui a déjà planifié l'évasion de Liz avec quelques amis de la compagnie d'électricité. Quand les lumières vont être coupées, Liz aura 90 secondes pour sortir de la Poste et Red compte sur Cooper pour la guider dans l'obscurité. Heureusement, Liz sait exactement quoi faire. Après avoir assommé l'un de ses gardes, les autres lui donnent un téléphone avec Cooper sur la ligne. Liz est devant une porte vers la liberté quand elle heurte Ressler qui la pousse à rester et à se battre. Avec 10 secondes à jouer, Liz montre la caméra au-dessus d’eux, si Ressler veut la laisser partir, il va falloir le faire avant que la caméra ne revienne ... Dix secondes plus tard, elle est sur le siège arrière de la Mercedes de Red et Ressler tient le téléphone face à la caméra.

Red, Liz et Cooper se réunissent à la maison de Caul pour parler stratégie. Tom appelle Red, offrant son aide pour faire disparaître Liz et assurer sa sécurité mais il refuse et puis  à Liz de faire de même. Si elle part avant de blanchir son nom, elle ne sera jamais en mesure d'arrêter. Puis Red va dans le sous-sol d'un club de rock pour rejoindre M. Kaplan, pour discuter de la sécurisation et le transport de plusieurs cibles lointaines. Simultanément, dans tous les coins du monde, ses agents commencent à regrouper des gens ...

Liz ignore l'appel de Tom alors qu’elle est dans la voiture avec Cooper, qui lui présente ses excuses pour avoir aidé Connolly et trahi sa confiance. Liz parle de la maladie fatale de Cooper, il lui dit de se ressaisir alors elle essuie ses yeux et part dans Station Union. Convaincue qu'elle trouvera Karakurt sur la surveillance vidéo, elle persuade la sécurité de la laisser jeter un œil, elle est surprise de découvrir que c’était Andropov ! Bien que ce ne soit pas sur la bande, le visuel est assez net pour pousser son cerveau à se rappeler qu'il a pulvérisé quelque chose dans son nez, sûrement le virus. Liz file à la voiture où un Cooper désemparé a de mauvaises nouvelles, Connolly détient Charlene pour un interrogatoire et donc Liz va devoir trouver Andropov toute seule. Liz va au restaurant Ninoshka pour parler avec Anton Velov, il lui donne une l'adresse d'Andropov mais refuse de parler de la mère de Liz. Quand elle voit les yeux de Vélov, Liz sait que Red l'a payé pour son silence. Elle se dirige tout droit sur la maison de Caul pour confronter Red. Chaque fois que Red fait quelque chose qui peut lui laisser croire qu'il se soucie d’elle, il fait autre chose pour lui montrer qu'il est incapable de prendre soin de quelqu’un. Lorsque Red prétend qu'il est un mangeur de péchés alors Liz demande ce qu'est son péché à elle ? Elle tape du pied et décide de trouver Andropov seule.

Mais Liz ne va pas être toute seule et elle surprend Tom sur son bateau. Avec son visage partout dans les médias, Tom pense que la seule option pour Liz, est de fuir. Elle veut rester dans les parages pour blanchir son nom comme Red le lui a dit. Liz ne peut pas partir maintenant et Tom ne peut pas rester alors il l’aide à aller dans le laboratoire d’Andropov pour voler une clef USB. Andropov prend la fuite par l'escalier de secours, Liz et Tom montent dans la Mustang et le poursuivent. Andropov s’arrête dans une ruelle où deux hommes lui tirent dessus pendant que Liz et Tom arrivent. Tom commence un échange de tir tandis que Liz essaie de mettre Andropov à la sécurité mais il meurt sur le trottoir. Retour sur le bateau, Tom soigne l'épaule de Liz, alors qu'elle lui raconte que tout ce qu'elle pensait au cours de la fusillade était: "le bateau, le bateau, pourquoi  je ne suis pas montée sur son bateau ? " Il y a un moment très tendre quand Liz explique qu'elle ne veut pas rien regretter, comme le fait de ne pas dire oui à Tom. Ne peut-elle pas simplement partir avec lui ? Étonnamment, Tom est d’accord avec Red, elle ne saura jamais qui elle est vraiment.

Le lendemain matin, Liz se réveille nue et seule. Tom travaille déjà sur le bateau. En se rappelant avoir pris la clef USB d'Andropov, elle se branche sur l’ordinateur et est surprise de trouver les dossiers médicaux de Cooper. Le médecin de Cooper travaille pour la Cabale ! Saisissant l'arme de Tom, Liz promet qu’elle sera de retour mais il sait qu'elle ne le sera pas. Liz appelle Cooper, qui va ensuite dans le bureau du Dr Levin, le saisissant par le cou et le levant du le sol. Levin admet rapidement que Cooper est en parfaite santé. Andropov a conçu les médicaments pour lui faire avoir tous les symptômes du cancer.

Red se retrouve devant les 11 meilleurs journalistes d'investigation dans le sous-sol du club de rock sécurisé par son équipe et il leur présente toutes les données cachées dans le Fulcrum. Quand un journaliste demande quoi faire avec toutes ces informations, Red leur répond de faire ce qu'ils font le mieux : enquêter, découvrir la vérité et la dévoiler. Cela étant dit, ces rapports mettront leur vie et celles de leurs proches en danger. Mais la vérité éclatera... Pendant ce temps, Liz et Cooper coincent Connolly dans la salle de bal d"un hôtel pour exiger qu'il disculpe Liz et Charlene et rétablisse Cooper. Connolly rigole : ce soir, dans cette salle de bal, il va faire un discours qui va incriminer l’ensemble du groupe de travail pour trahison et entraîner la peine de mort pour Red. Liz est en colère et elle sort l'arme de Tom. Alors que Cooper tente de la dissuader, Connolly promet qu'il est juste un rouage dans une très grande roue : si Liz lui tire dessus, la Cabale trouvera tout simplement  quelqu'un d'aussi puissant pour le remplacer. Lorsque Liz appuie sur la gâchette, elle ne voit pas Connolly, mais un autre homme et un flash de souvenir de la nuit de l'incendie, quand la jeune Liz a tenu une arme à feu. Ce souvenir qui étourdit Liz la fait revenir au présent. Incrédule, elle laisse tomber l’arme et sort, puis après elle appelle Ressler. Cooper n'a rien à voir avec ce qu'il vient de se passer. Lorsque Ressler lui dit de se rendre où il sera obligée de la traquer, elle raccroche et appelle Red.

Après avoir donné à Dembe un baiser d’adieu, Red rejoint Liz devant une aire de jeux. Apparemment le tir sur Connolly a permis à Liz de se rappeler tout ce qui est arrivé la nuit de l'incendie et maintenant elle sait pourquoi Red ne voulait pas qu'elle s'en souvienne. Les parents de Liz se disputaient, son père blessant sa mère, Liz lui a tiré dessus. Red a bloqué sa mémoire pour la protéger ; il est l’ange gardien de Liz. Avec des larmes dans ses yeux, Red déplore son échec car il n'a jamais voulu que Liz soit comme lui. Il prend la main de Liz et ils vont vers une camionnette... Dans les derniers moments de l’épisode, Ressler et Reven Wright regardent  Cooper être placé en détention, le directeur lit un article en première page dans les journaux intitulé "documents indiquant l’existence d’un gouvernement de l'ombre", Tom part seul sur son bateau et Liz rejoint Red sur la liste des 10 personnes les plus recherchées du FBI…

Traduit et adapté du résumé du site officiel par albi2302.

Previously on The Blacklist

SAMAR : The owner is Anton Velov. My belief is he’s the CI.
ARAM : We pulled all the receipts and found a late dinner for two paid for by a Leo Andropov.
VELOV : I got a phone call from an agent named Elizabeth Keen. She was asking about Katarina Rostova.
RED : Tom Connolly’s been leaking information to The Cabal about everything that goes on in this place.
CONNOLLY : You will ignore Reddington’s lead. Tell them intel indicates the Russian is at Union Station.
RED : You’ve been set up. You infected the Senator. You need to get out of the now.

NEWS: «Senator Hawkins remains in critical condition Officials are trying to determine whether this incident is government-sanctioned. After being infected by what authorities describe as a biological agent. Or the act of a re element within Russia. The Senator was attending a memorial service A staggering development as it appears connected to te deaths of the 14 CIA agents.»
Liz on phone with Red, in his car

LIZ : I’m being framed.
RED : Yes, and by the end of the day, they’ll identify you by name.
LIZ : Anyone could have infected Hawkins. He must have shaken dozens of hands at that memorial.
RED : Within hours, they will all have tested negative for the virus.
LIZ : You can’t know that. This is insane.
RED : Lizzy, you walked into the Director’s office and played him the Fulcrum. You are the enemy. They’re crawling over every place you’ve ever lived and worked, every file and hard drive like fire ants on a grasshopper.
LIZ : They won’t find anything.
RED : That’ll suit their purposes just fine. Anything they do find, they’ll erase so they can say you destroyed evidence to hide your involvement in the plot. And when they eventually restore what few pieces they do want to be found, they will not be kind to you. You need to get out.
LIZ : If I run, it’ll only make me look guilty. I’ll be playing right into their hands.
RED : You’re already in their hands. The only thing they haven’t done is closed their fist. Go. Now. I’ll be there in three minutes.
LIZ : No. They can’t prove I did anything wrong. They can call me a criminal, but I’m not gonna act like one.

She hangs up


CONNOLLY : Where is Elizabeth Keen? Harold, a warrant has been issued for her arrest. Anyone hiding her will be charged with aiding and abetting a terrorist, including you.
COOPER : You used me. You wanted me to know Karakurt was posing as a reporter. You wanted me to tell Keen where to intercept Hawkins. I don’t know how this helps you, framing an FBI agent. Nobody will believe she’s an assassin.
CONNOLLY : She was at Orea when it blew up.
COOPER: So were dozens of others.
CONNOLLY: Yes, but I’ll bet that only her prints are found on the truck bomb. She’ll also test positive for the virus that killed Senator Hawkins.
COOPER: He’s not dead.
COOPER: You won’t get away with it. Keen is a distinguished agent.
CONNOLLY: Yes, and the daughter of a Russian KGB asset. She failed to mention that, did she? Agent Keen’s been hiding secrets from you– secrets that clearly implicate her as an enemy of this country. She was handpicked by a notorious fugitive to assist in expanding his criminal empire. The two of them have been using this task force to do Reddington’s bidding. And before you tell me that’s crazy, can you really tell me that isn’t true? I will never help you do this. I don’t need your help, Harold. A simple blood test from Agent Keen will be as compelling as a signed confession.

Liz has been listening


News: «The entire area around St. Agnes has been quarantined, and individuals who might have been exposed, as well, have been detained inside the church.»


Door opens

SENATOR : You have no legal authority to hold us here.
RESSLER : Senator, I understand you’re upset, but we need everyone’s full cooperation.

WOMAN : People are saying Hawkins was infected with some sort of virus.You think we’re infected?
RESSLER : Probably not, but that’s why we set up a mobile lab.
SENATOR : You don’t have probable cause to hold us. You really want a US senator claiming wrongful arrest and imprisonment?
RESSLER : Hey, someone just tried to assassinate a colleague of yours. Nobody’s going anywhere. But when we’re done here, if you want to file a complaint or a lawsuit, be my guest. Until then, get back in the line.

Samar is looking at video surveillance

RESSLER : What have you found on the feeds?
SAMAR : We’ve been looking at surveillance feeds from the moment he arrived until the moment he collapsed. We’ve rounded up everyone he came into contact with.
RESSLER : Which means the killer’s in this room.


CONNOLLY: I’ve assigned Reven Wright to oversee the investigation of Agent Keen. I’m confident she’ll follow the facts.
COOPER: Those facts are not proven.
CONNOLLY: If you don’t want to help us, that’s fine, but I’m sure I don’t need to remind you what will happen if you actively stand in our way. You’ll be charged with perjury in the Harbormaster case and leaking privileged grand-jury proceedings. And then there’s Charlene.
COOPER: You need to leave now.
CONNOLLY: As for the clinical trial, I can’t imagine that will continue.
COOPER: Did you hear what I said? You can take your pills and your clinical trial.

Throws pills on floor

COOPER : I would rather die than be part of this.
CONNOLLY: Escort Director Cooper to his car. I’m placing him on administrative leave until we’re finished here. And find Elizabeth Keen.


RESSLER : There must be some mistake.
LAB PERSON : That’s what I thought. We ran the samples twice. Everyone here tested negative for the virus.
RESSLER : We missed something.
SAMAR : I have Hawkins on camera from the moment he stepped out of the car to the moment he collapsed. Every single person he came into contact with tested negative.
RESSLER : All except one.


Liz on phone with Red in the elevator

LIZ : You were right.


LIZ : It’s all set up. Cooper and Connolly – I heard them arguing. He’s got it all figured out. He’s presenting evidence, using my mother, making it seem like all I’ve been doing is helping you commit crimes.
RED : Lizzy, are you out?
LIZ : I’m leaving now.
RED : Dembe’s on his way. As soon as you’re out, find your way to Illinois and Ridge. He’ll be there waiting.
LIZ : Yeah.

Elevator opens. Connolly and armed men step out

CONNOLLY : Hello, Agent Keen. We’ve been looking for you.


Interrogration room with two interrogators : they make blood test

LIZ : I want the chain of custody for that sample fully accounted for, and I want someone from my task force to oversee the process and confirm the results.
INTERROGATOR: Suspects don’t get to dictate process, Agent Keen.
LIZ : You need to listen to me. I’m being framed.
INTERROGATOR 2: You left the Orea building minutes before it was bombed.
LIZ : Yes, and so did my partner! At no point was I ever anywhere near that truck!
INTERROGATOR: Maybe not that morning, but your partial prints were on the device.
LIZ : That’s not possible.
INTERROGATOR 2 : We’ll get you the report.
LIZ : I’m sure that’s what the report says, because, as I told you, I’m being framed.
INTERROGATOR: Okay, Agent Keen, who exactly is setting you up? ‘Cause from where I sit, they’re doing a damn good job of it.
LIZ : There’s an organization known as The Cabal– a conspiracy formed by world leaders from the government to the private sector.
INTERROGATOR 2: Conspiracy? Really?
LIZ : It’s Tom Connolly – that’s who you should be questioning.
INTERROGATOR: Cut the crap. We know who you are.

INTERROGATOR 2: Where were you born?
LIZ : I was raised in Nebraska.
INTERROGATOR 2 : That’s not what I asked. You were born in Moscow. Your mother was a KGB agent named Katarina Rostova. Your adopted father had a criminal past you failed to mention. What is your birth name?
LIZ : What?
INTERROGATOR: Your birth name? For most people, that’s a pretty simple question.
LIZ : I never knew my biological parents, and my memories were blocked.
INTERROGATOR 2: You expect us to believe that?
LIZ : I don’t care what you believe.
INTERROGATOR 2 : Intel indicates the existence of a Russian sleeper agent within the FBI.
LIZ : Then maybe you should go out and look for him.
INTERROGATOR 2 : We know the truth, Masha. That’s your real name, isn’t it? Masha Rostova. Answer the question, Agent Keen.


Knock on door

RESSLER : You wanted to see me?

Interrogator in the interrogation room : « We know...»

WRIGHT: I just received word. Senator Hawkins is dead.
RESSLER : There’s no evidence the man we’re holding is Karakurt. Main Justice verified his credentials. He’s just a reporter. Maybe Cooper could –
WRIGHT : Agent Cooper was relieved of duty by the Attorney General until my inquiry is complete.
RESSLER : This is unbelievable. So they’re taking him out, too.

Door closes

WRIGHT : Look, I don’t know Agent Keen well at all. Maybe she is what they’re saying she is. But Harold Cooper – you remove a man like that, and you get me wondering. Which is why I’m naming you as Acting Director of this task force. I need a right hand on this, one I can trust.
RESSLER : So you want me to investigate my partner?
WRIGHT : You’re an agent who puts a premium on doing what’s right. You want to give Keen the benefit of the doubt? Good. But if she is guilty, I know you’ll do what it takes to hold her accountable and make the case.

Knock on door .Door opens

ARAM : Sorry to interrupt. Agent Keen’s blood test just came in. She tested positive for the virus that killed Senator Hawkins.


Footsteps. In a church. Organ plays in distance

COOPER : I’ve been relieved of duty.
RED : I’m not surprised. And Connolly’s minions are questioning Agent Keen.
COOPER : The man has the weight of the entire DOJ behind him if he wants to indict her.
RED : There won’t be an indictment. They’ll rig the evidence against her, parade her in front of the cameras so America can see the face of the enemy, and then they’ll put her away someplace where she has no chance to mount a defense.
COOPER : I have to go back.
RED : You won’t be allowed in the building.
COOPER : We can’t just leave her there.
RED : Of course not. We’re gonna walk her right out the door.
COOPER : You have someone on the inside?
RED : Yes.


Liz is shown in detention


RED : Fortunately, I also have a man at the power company.


Liz is locked in the interrogation room


Speaking of their plan while we see it

RED : The lines will be cut to both the main and emergency power supplies.
COOPER : Battery boot protocol will recycle within 60 seconds. It will take another 30 seconds for the cameras to cycle.
RED : That’s 90 seconds for Agent Keen to get out. With your guidance, Harold, that’s all the time she’ll need.


In the dark

INTERROGATOR 2  : I’ll check it out. Stay put.


COOPER : You want me to guide her out in the dark?
RED : In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.


INTERROGATOR : Let me guess – Reddington’s coming to break you out.

Indistinct shouting

GUARD : Agent Keen, I’m to escort you to lock–

Scatting.Scuffle. Grunting.

Cellphone ringing

GUARD : Wait! Reddington sent me! Clock is ticking!

Hands her phone

GUARD : It’s for you! – Take it!
LIZ : Yes!
COOPER : Keen, listen closely. You have 45 seconds before the power is up. I need you to do exactly as I say.


ARAM : Team, our power supply’s not responding.
RESSLER : Reddington.


COOPER : There’s a door by the south stairwell. My emergency access is 5-Tango-293. Head to the end of the hallway and make a right, then an immediate left.


Liz is gone

SAMAR : Damn it.


COOPER : From the maintenance room, there’s a utility ladder that dumps into an emergency passageway. The stairwell opens to a service corridor connected to the loading dock. Go one block west. Reddington will meet you there.


RESSLER : Don’t do this, Keen.
LIZ : They won’t listen to me.
RESSLER : We’ll make them listen.
LIZ : Did you get my blood test back?
RESSLER : Positive for the virus.
LIZ : You see? They can make anything look like the truth.
RESSLER : And if you run, what does that look like? If someone’s setting you up, you’re giving them exactly what they want. You can fight this, but if you’ve got to do it from inside the system.
LIZ : In about 20 seconds, that camera’s gonna turn back on. If you’re gonna let me go, you’ve got to do it now, before people see you standing here with me.

Generator whirring. Beep. Lights back on

On video

RESSLER : We just missed her. Got her burner.


Red's car arrives. Tires screech


At Red’s lake house

LIZ : How could I possibly be carrying the virus that killed Hawkins?
RED : Infecting you is not something they’d leave to chance. They want you alone, isolated. In the last 24 hours, what was out of the ordinary? When did you change your plans, make a diversion?
COOPER : Union Station.
LIZ : Coming out of the tunnel, I was chasing Karakurt. He blindsided me.
COOPER : To infect you.
LIZ : We need to pull the security tapes at Union Station. If we can find footage of Karakurt, maybe we can prove they infected me.
DEMBE : He’s insisting.
RED : Yes?

Tom on phone

TOM: Where’s Liz? I can’t reach her.
RED : I can’t help you with that.
TOM : I can keep her safe. I can help her disappear.
RED : Your assistance is not necessary.

Hangs up

LIZ : Who was that?
RED : Tom. Tom is calling to take you away, start a new life with a new identity. But if you run now, before clearing your name, there is no place you can go where they won’t find you.

Cellphone vibrating

RED : Face this now, fight it, and you’ll be free to make any choice you want.


Liz nods

RED : I’ll meet you back here after you get the tapes.
LIZ : What are you doing?
RED : I have an appointment. This is a war that must be fought on many fronts. You have yours. I have mine.


RED : Be safe.

Door opens. Door closes


MR KAPLAN : We have three broad-spectrum frequency jammers being off-loaded now.
RED : You want to run them from the catwalks?
MR KAPLAN : Yes, space this size – no communications will get in or out. I’m confident of that.
RED : I don’t need to tell you there is no margin for error.
KAPLAN : That’s correct. You do not.
RED : What’s the word from Baz?
DEMBE : He’s trying.
RED : Trying?
DEMBE : Some of the targets you selected are thousands of miles away. They have to be secured and transported.
RED : I was very clear– whatever it takes, whatever resources are required.
DEMBE : Of course.
RED : We get one chance to strike first. We will not get another.


COOPER : I’m dying, Agent Keen.
LIZ : Charlene told me. She swore me to secrecy.
COOPER : I let Tom Connolly take advantage of that. He offered me hope. But in exchange, I did things for him. You once told me that I was the one person you completely trusted. I violated that trust. I’m sorry, Elizabeth.
LIZ : This thing you’re going through, ever since Charlene told me, I’ve had a pit in my stomach. I just...

Voice breaking

LIZ : I can’t imagine


COOPER : Pull yourself together, Keen. What little time I have left, I don’t want to spend it sitting in a car, blubbering with you.
LIZ: Okay.



Indistinct conversations

LIZ : I’m with the FBI. We’re chasing down a lead on the recent Orea bombing. We have reason to believe the perp fled through Union Station as recently as this morning. We’re gonna need to take a look at your feeds.
SALESTRON (Attendant): You got legal paper. Uh, subpoena? I can’t release the footage without one.
LIZ : You’ve got to be joking. What? A subpoena? We’ve got a terrorist out there – who just killed 14 CIA agents.

Telephone ringing

LIZ : He murdered a sitting US senator. And you want to talk about paperwork?

On phone

SALESTROM : Salestrom.
SIMPSON : This is Simpson. I want to give you a heads-up. You’re gonna have somebody from the Bureau stopping by. They need to have a look at surveillance.
SALESTRON : I have someone here right now.


On phone

SIMPSON : They need to move quickly. Give her whatever she needs.

He hangs up

COOPER : I appreciate the help.
SALESTROM : Of course.


To Liz

SALESTROM :The drives are uploaded to archive after midnight. Anything from earlier today is gonna have to be accessed from here. Good luck.

Sighs.Keyboard clacking

LIZ : Andropov.

On television

Reporter: «Authorities have released this photo of the suspect, FBI Agent Elizabeth Keen. Sources are confirming she is also wanted in connection with the truck bombing at the CIA’s Orea facility»

LIZ : It was Andropov.
COOPER : The virologist? He infected you?
LIZ : He was there. We have to find Andropov and get him to talk.
COOPER : I can’t. I just got a call from our lawyer. Charlene’s been taken in for questioning.
LIZ : Questioning for what?
COOPER : Tom Connolly. He got her to– She leaked a classified document to the press. But what it means is I can’t. You’re gonna have to find Andropov on your own.


LIZ : Anton Velov? Agent Keen, FBI. We spoke briefly on the phone a few days ago.
VELOV : Keen. You were looking for information about Katarina Rostova. Is that why you’re here
LIZ : Not entirely, no.
VELOV : Good. Because if you were, you have wasted your time. As I told you, I never knew Katarina.
LIZ : I need you to tell me where I can find Leo Andropov.
VELOV : How should I know where he is?
LIZ : You were a CI for one of the Orea agents that died in the bombing. You recorded a conversation for him that took place here in this restaurant, and we know Andropov was a part of that conversation. So I’m gonna ask you again, where can I find him?
VELOV : There is a safe house in Ivy City.
LIZ : A safe house. An address?
VELOV : L Street, across from Olive’s Diner. Now, if there’s nothing else –
LIZ : That’s not what you told me on the phone. You said you could help me with Katarina Rostova.
VELOV : I don’t know anything. I told you how to find Andropov.
LIZ : And now I want you to tell me about her.
VELOV : I can’t say.
LIZ : First, you don’t know. Now you can’t say. Which is it?


LIZ : You got to him.
RED : I retained his services.
LIZ : In exchange for his silence about my mother.
RED : Harold told me the man who infected you was the virologist Andropov.
LIZ : You got me out of the post office. You gave me a chance to prove my innocence. I know you think you care about me. But every time you do something that makes me think you really do, you do something else that reminds me that you simply aren’t capable of it.
RED : I’m a sin eater. I absorb the misdeeds of others, darkening my soul to keep theirs pure. That is what I’m capable of.
LIZ : What sin of mine could you possibly have absorbed?
RED : Andropov – do you have a lead?
LIZ : I do, and I’ll handle it on my own, because that’s what I’m capable of.

Door closes


TOM : Liz, I’ve been looking everywhere for you.
LIZ : I have a lead, something that could clear all of this up, but I need your help.
TOM : I went to your motel. There were cops everywhere. It’s on the TV, news reports. There is no clearing it up, all right? – There is only leaving it behind.
LIZ : I can’t. If I run now, then I’ll be looking over my shoulder for the rest of my life.
TOM : That’s Reddington talking.
LIZ : Yes, it is. And he’s right. I can’t leave now.
TOM : Then I can’t stay.
LIZ : This lead I have – Leo Andropov –
TOM : Never heard of him.
LIZ : He created the virus that killed Hawkins. He infected me. If we can find him, then maybe I can prove I was set up. But I don’t think I can do it on my own. I’ve got an address.



Metal rattling ; Liz finds a flash-drive in Andropov's computer and takes it

TOM : He’s on the street!

Outside, Andropov on phone

ANDROPOV : It’s me. I’ve been made. I’m on my way to the extraction point.

Engine turns over. Engine revs. Engine revs

LIZ : Turn! Up there on the right!
TOM : Yeah, I see him.
LIZ : You’re losing him!
TOM : Are you honestly telling me how to drive right now?
LIZ : Yes! I’m not the one who hit a deer on the turnpike.
TOM : That was not deer blood on the windshield.
LIZ : Just don’t lose him.

Tires screeching. Engine revs.Tires screech

LIZ : He turned down the alley. Circle back.

Tires screech

ANDROPOV : Where the hell have you been? We have to go now!

People he was to meet open fire on him

ANDROPOV : What are you doing?!

Tom and Liz arrive. Andropov is hit

LIZ : Aah! No! That’s everything!

Tires screeching

LIZ : No! Oh, God! Stay with me! Come on!

Groans, sobs

LIZ : My mother – he’s the only one who knew about her.
TOM : Liz – Liz, he’s gone.

Breathing heavily. Sirens wailing in distance


Red’s associates are rounding up people in various cities
Car alarm chirps

ASSOCIATE 1 : Hello, Mr. Hastings. I’m here on behalf of Raymond Reddington.
ASSOCIATE 2: Mr. Chin, Raymond Reddington sends his regards.

On phone with Reddington

ASSOCIATE : Last target secured, sir. Traveling to location.


Liz inhales sharply

TOM : What? What?
LIZ : Today. In the alley.
TOM : What about the alley?
LIZ : It’s the weirdest thing. In that moment with the bullets flying and the glass – one thing kept running through my head.


LIZ : “The boat, the boat. Why didn’t you just get on his boat?” Tell me what to do.
TOM : You’re still bleeding. Winces

LIZ : I’m fine. Tom, I said I was fine.
TOM : I know you did.

Blows softly

TOM : That hurt? What is it? What’s wrong?
LIZ : I don’t want to regret anything.
TOM : What could you possibly regret?
LIZ : Not saying yes.
TOM : Yes to what?
LIZ : You. Take me with you.
TOM : Don’t say that.
LIZ : I’m here. All we have to do is go.
TOM : Liz, if you go away with me, you’ll never get answers. You’ll never find out who you really are.
LIZ : I don’t need to know who I am to know what I want.
TOM : What do you want, Liz?
LIZ : You

They make love

On television

Reporter: «At this hour, police continue their search for FBI Agent Elizabeth Keen, who authorities have named a person of interest in the death of Senator Clifford Hawk.»

Chatter continues in distance.

Liz finds Andropov's flash-drive. Keyboard clacking

Tom arrives

TOM : You have a gun or are you just happy to see me?
LIZ : The flash drive that we found in Andropov’s safe house – it’s full of records, including documents about Cooper.
TOM : Cooper.
LIZ : Yeah. His medical records, test results, medications, the – the Senator, – the bombing.
TOM : Liz, slow down.
LIZ : Cooper’s doctor works for The Cabal.


LIZ : I’ll be back.


Tom scoffs

TOM : No, you won’t.
LIZ : I got to – Tom
TOM : Mm-hmm Go.

COOPER : Agent Cooper.
LIZ : Agent Cooper, it’s Keen. I need to see you. It’s about your doctor.


DOCTOR : The dye we inserted highlighted –
COOPER : Who do you work for? Get out!
DOCTOR : Harold, I’m in the middle of a – Harold –
COOPER : I know about Andropov. That the drugs you gave me came from him.

Doctor groans

COOPER : There never was a clinical trial, was there?
DOCTOR : No, no.
COOPER : It was all a lie.
DOCTOR : Please, please, please! Please, they – they threatened my family.
COOPER : Your family? And what about my family? You made me believe I was getting cured!
DOCTOR : No, no, no.


DOCTOR : I made you believe you were sick.
COOPER : Say that again?
DOCTOR : You’re not sick.
COOPER : The test results, the brain scans – I saw the tumor.
DOCTOR : No, you saw a tumor, but it wasn’t yours. The MRIs, the CAT scans, the blood tests – It was all fake!
COOPER : You’re lying to me.
DOCTOR : No, no, no! I’m not! I’m not!
COOPER : But I felt sick. I needed a cane.
DOCTOR : Y-yes. And – and then you didn’t. It was the medicine.


DOCTOR :Andropov– he– he designed it so that you’d manifest the symptoms of a glioblastoma. Then he altered your dosage to make you think the trial was working. I don’t know why he did it, but he did. You have to believe me.

Breathing heavily

DOCTOR :There’s nothing wrong with you.


Indistinct conversations

RED : My name is Raymond Reddington. The United States government has placed me atop the country’s list of most-wanted fugitives for a colorful and not uninteresting assortment of crimes, most of which I have committed. That’s who I am.You, in turn, are by my estimation eleven of the best investigative journalists in the world. I’m here to tell you a story. I’m sure you recognize many of the faces behind me. They are among the most powerful men and women on the planet. They are also part of a global conspiracy, a shadow organization that spans across every continent and has for the last three decades, consisting of leaders in world government and the private sector. Some call this group “The Cabal.” The world you live in is the world they want you to think you live in. They start wars, create chaos. And when it suits them, they resolve it. Cabal members will move more money in the next quarter than the World Bank will in the next year. Their alliance effects sea change in every aspect of human life – the value and distribution of commodities, money, weapons, water, fuel, the food we eat to live, the information we rely on to tell us who we are.

JOURNALIST : What exactly do you expect us to do with this information?

RED : Study it, investigate it to determine the truth, and then report it. Let me be clear. Investigating this group will immediately position you as a threat. If you do what I’m asking, you’ll be putting your lives and the lives of those you love at grave risk. In the end, “The truth will out.” Not all of us will live to see that day, but the truth will out.


COOPER : Tom, we need to talk.
CONNOLLY: I don’t think we have anything to say to each other.
COOPER : I spoke with Dr. Levin. He recorded your conversations.
CONNOLLY : You got a lot of chutzpah coming here.
LIZ : Oh, he’s got much more than that.
COOPER : I have my health. What a miracle – cancer free. But then, you know that, don’t you, Tom? How quickly fortunes can turn.
LIZ : I wouldn’t call your security. Not until you’ve heard what we have to say.
COOPER : We have the tapes – recordings that prove you blackmailed Dr. Levin into falsifying my medical records.
LIZ : So here’s what you’re gonna do. You’re gonna make this go away, all of it. You’re gonna exonerate me by prosecuting Karakurt, the real killer of 14 agents and Senator Hawkins. You’re going to agree not to press charges against Charlene. You’re going to reinstate Agent Cooper, and you’re going to convey to the Director that he is not to touch Raymond Reddington.
CONNOLLY : Why would I agree to any of that?
COOPER : Because if you refuse, we’ll take the evidence to the Bureau.
CONNOLLY : I own the Bureau.
COOPER : Then we’ll go to a federal judge.
CONNOLLY : Good luck. A river of influence runs deep, or have you forgotten how easily we made Judge Denner suppress first-degree murder charges against you, Agent Keen. Look around. Why do you think I’m here? There’s a banquet tonight, fraternal order of police. I’m the keynote speaker. Four hours from now, I’m going to be on that stage, announcing that my office has secured an indictment against the members of a rogue task force.
COOPER : This task force was authorized by the FBI and the DOJ.
CONNOLLY : By my predecessor at the DOJ. You’re going to prison, Agent Keen. Donald Ressler – his little oxy addiction will get him drummed out of the Bureau. Samar Navabi will be extradited to Iran, where she will stand trial for the murder of one of their top nuclear scientists. Charlene, Harold, even Agent Mojtabai. We have a little something in mind for all of you, including treason charges and the death penalty for Reddington. So are we finished here? Because I think it’s cocktail hour.

Liz draws her gun



CONNOLLY : What are you gonna do, Agent Keen – arrest me?
COOPER : Keen, put it down.
CONNOLLY : I am nothing. I am a cog in a very large wheel. Shoot me, and somebody at least as powerful will take my place. You just won’t know who.
COOPER : Agent Keen, you do this, you become everything they say you are.
LIZ : I can’t let him.
COOPER : Elizabeth, listen to me. That conversation we had in my hospital room, the good person I told you I didn’t want to lose

Voice distorted

COOPER : The agent you were before all of this – you do this, and she’s gone.

Liz fires. Connolly falls, dead. Liz recalls, on the night of the fire, shooting her father

COOPER : Keen – Run.

Masha screams.


Horn blares. Liz steals a phone

Liz on phone with Ressler

LIZ : Ressler?
RESSLER : Where the hell are you? Listen to me.
LIZ : Harold Cooper – he had nothing to do with this.
RESSLER : You need to turn yourself in.
LIZ : Did you hear me? He’s innocent.
RESSLER: You are a wanted fugitive. You murdered the Attorney General of the United States. You have to come in.
LIZ : I can’t.
RESSLER : Damn it, Liz, wake up. You keep running, you will be hunted down.
LIZ : I know.
RESSLER : By me. Don’t make me do this. Please, Liz, tell me where you are. Tell me, and I can get –

She hangs up ;

Dialing. Cellphone rings

On phone with Red in his car

RED : Lizzy.
LIZ : I need your help.
RED : Where are you?
LIZ : I killed Tom Connolly.
RED : I know. Where are you?
LIZ : I’m on, uh, 7th and L, Northeast.
RED : I’m gonna call you back in two minutes with an address. I need you to get there. I’m gonna get you out.

Beep. Dialing. Ringing

On phone

RED: It’s me. I need to travel.


Red says goodbye to Dembe

LIZ : I remember.

Car door closes. Engine turns over

LIZ : I remember everything.
RED : Remember what?
LIZ : The night of the fire. I know what happened, and I understand why you didn’t want me to find out. When I pulled the trigger – When I shot Connolly, I... It came back to me. It was like I was there. I could hear them arguing.

Flashback. Distorted shouting

LIZ : He was hurting her. And I know why my father died that night.

Masha/Liz shot her father

Woman voice distorted

Woman : «Masha?»

LIZ : I shot him. That’s why you blocked my memory – not to protect yourself. To protect me.
RED : Yeah.

LIZ : You’re my sin eater.
RED : Tried to be. But I failed. I never wanted you to be –
LIZ : What?
RED : Like me.

They clasp hands

Van pulls up

RED: This is us.

They get into the van and it drives away

Cooper is arrested, The Director reads the news, Tom goes away on his boat, Ressler pins up Liz’s mug shot on the Task Force’s display window… In the van, Liz rests her head on Red’s shoulder and closes her eyes. A man pins up a “Ten Most Wanted Poster” of Liz next to that for Raymond “Red” Reddington

Adapté du site «The Blacklist Classified», mise en page par mnoandco

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