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#411 : Le harem

 Rencontre secrète sur un banc entre Ressler et Liz, sous couverture

Ecrit par : Marisa Tam

Réalisé par : Bill Roe

Liz doit faire ses preuves auprès du leader d'un groupe d'élite de voleurs féminins afin d'infiltrer leur organisation alors qu'elles se préparent pour leur prochain hold-up. Pendant ce temps, Red est confronté à des problèmes inattendus dans ses affaires et Tom canalise son énergie dans ses devoirs paternels.



4.08 - 12 votes

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The Harem

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Le harem

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Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) offre un joli pourboire

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) offre un joli pourboire

Tom (Ryan Eggold) se rend au parc

Tom (Ryan Eggold) se rend au parc

Liz (Megan Boone) et Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) échangent des informations

Liz (Megan Boone) et Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) échangent des informations

Rencontre discrète entre Liz (Megan Boone) et Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff)

Rencontre discrète entre Liz (Megan Boone) et Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff)

Dernières instructions à Megan Boone avant de tourner

Dernières instructions à Megan Boone avant de tourner

Donald Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) attend Liz

Donald Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) attend Liz

Liz (Megan Boone) et Tom (Ryan Eggold) ont une petite discussion en sortant du commissariat de police

Liz (Megan Boone) et Tom (Ryan Eggold) ont une petite discussion en sortant du commissariat de police

Margot (Jill Hennessy) chef du Harem #102 entourée de toute son équipe qui fait la fête

Margot (Jill Hennessy) chef du Harem #102 entourée de toute son équipe qui fait la fête

Liz (Megan Boone) dans un club

Liz (Megan Boone) dans un club

Liz (Megan Boone) sous couverture

Liz (Megan Boone) sous couverture

Discussion sérieuse entre Raymond Reddington (James Spader) et Harold Cooper (Harry Lennix)

Discussion sérieuse entre Raymond Reddington (James Spader) et Harold Cooper (Harry Lennix)

Raymond Redington (James Spader) et son amour des bateaux

Raymond Redington (James Spader) et son amour des bateaux

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) patiente

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) patiente

Red propose un marché à ce  propriétaire d'une compagnie maritime en difficulté

Red propose un marché à ce propriétaire d'une compagnie maritime en difficulté

Margot (Jill Hennessy) chef du Harem #102

Margot (Jill Hennessy) chef du Harem #102

Craig Gaynier (Ari Fliakos) face à Margot

Craig Gaynier (Ari Fliakos) face à Margot

Le Harem #102 au complet

Le Harem #102 au complet

Tony Giannusa (Alfred Sauchelli Jr) ne fait pas le poids face au Harem #102

Tony Giannusa (Alfred Sauchelli Jr) ne fait pas le poids face au Harem #102

Margot (Jill Hennessy) chef du Harem #102

Margot (Jill Hennessy) chef du Harem #102

Liz (Megan Boone) prend contact

Liz (Megan Boone) prend contact

Sasha (Hettienne Park) et Emma (Anastasia Griffith) attendent le reste de l'équipe

Sasha (Hettienne Park) et Emma (Anastasia Griffith) attendent le reste de l'équipe

Liz (Megan Boone) sous couverture

Liz (Megan Boone) sous couverture

Tom (Ryan Eggold) intervient lorsque de dealers font leur commerce trop près du parc

Tom (Ryan Eggold) intervient lorsque de dealers font leur commerce trop près du parc

Tom (Ryan Eggold) se rend au parc

Tom (Ryan Eggold) se rend au parc

Raymond Reddington (James Spader)

Raymond Reddington (James Spader)


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France (inédit)
Mercredi 14.02.2018 à 21:00
2.74m / 11.2% (Part)

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Belgique (inédit)
Dimanche 25.06.2017 à 22:00

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Etats-Unis (inédit)
Jeudi 19.01.2017 à 22:00
5.01m / 1.0% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Personnage Blacklisté : The Harem #102

Guests :

Jill Hennessy...Margot

Anastasia Griffith...Emma

Ito Aghayere...Jessica

Ian Blackman...Carter Wilson

J. Stephen Brantley...Helldritch
Ari Fliakos...Craig Gaynier

Thomas Philip O’Neill...Abe

Hettienne Park...Sasha

Nick Reynolds...Zach Smoll

Alfred Sauchelli Jr...Tony Giannusa

Zac Shearon...Will

Christopher Tocco...Silvio

Tanairi Sade Vazquez...Lexi

Un groupe de femme bien organisé vole une voiture afin de récupérer des diamants cachés dans l'un des sièges.

Red attend un de ses comptables un certain Smoll, dans une maison où de l'argent est blanchi. Il a besoin d'une grosse somme afin de renflouer une compagnie maritime en faillite. Liz arrive et invite froidement ses associés au travail à s'en aller sous peine de les arrêter.

Red met Liz sur une affaire : elle doit infiltrer ce groupe de voleuse «The Harem». En effet, ces femmes volent aux voleurs et leur prochaine cible est la liste des témoins sous protection du gouvernement qui vient d'être dérobée, mais par qui?

Le chef du groupe se nomme Margot Rochet. Red connaît une personne qui a auparavant travaillé avec elle et qui peut se porter garant pour Liz : Craig Gaynier.

Craig est emmené au Bureau de Poste et Liz finit par le convaincre de les aider contre la libération de son frère qui se trouve en prison.

Liz se fait passer pour une employée de l'hôtel où séjourne Margot. Elle entre ainsi dans sa chambre et alors que Margot est au téléphone en profite pour lui reprendre les diamants. Elle lui laisse un mot lui donnant rendez-vous au bar.

Margot rencontre Liz au bar. Pour sa couverture elle se fait appeler Liz Crawford, elle lui annonce qu'elle veut intégrer «The Harem» et qu'elle a travaillé avec Craig Gaynier. Méfiante, Margot convoque Craig afin de vérifier les dires de Liz et effectivement il confirme avoir fait affaire avec elle. Mais Margot a une autre idée en tête : Liz doit tuer Craig afin de la tester. De plus, grâce à ses relations, elle a appris que le frère de Craig a été libéré pour «bonne conduite» et pense qu'il a passé un marché avec les autorités. Liz refuse de le tuer, lui expliquant qu'elle est loyale envers Craig et qu'elle le sera tout autant avec elle si elle entre dans le groupe. Margot semble accepter l'argument de Liz mais elle tue quant même Craig en représaille d'une affaire à Majorque. Liz fait à présent partie du «Harem».

Aram de son côté en apprend plus sur les membres du groupe :

-Margot a été administratrice dans une prison fédérale et elle a gardé beaucoup de relations dans le milieu criminel, c'est sans doute ainsi qu'elle a appris la libération du frère de Craig.

-Sasha Lau, le cerveau qui planifie tous les casses, conçoit les holds-up.

-Jessica Piha, le caméléon. Elle peut endosser n'importe quel rôle mais est impulsive et aime les poussées d'adrénaline.

-Emma Knightly...rien sur elle, hormis qu'elle a un accent anglais.

Cooper apprend qu'un des noms de la liste, Jordan Pomaville, vient d'être assassiné. Reddington doit se mettre sur la piste du commanditaire.

En Australie, Red prend contact avec le propriétaire de la compagnie maritime en difficulté : il lui offre l'opportunité de sauver son entreprise à condition de n'être pas trop regardant sur ses cargaisons : il sauve son affaire si lui ne s'occupe pas des siennes.

Liz se réveille dans la maison où habitent les membres du Harem. Elle se lève et tombe sur Emma qui leur sert un verre d'eau. Celle-ci lui apprend que le travail et difficile et effectivement sur la table se trouvent ses pilules pour l'anxiété, la dépression, la douleur. Elle apprend aussi à Liz qu'elle est bien bavarde lorsqu'elle est alcoolisée et que cela est très révélateur.

Selon Red, Jordan Pomaville a été tué par Tony Giannusa. S'en prendre à lui ne servirait en aucun cas à remonter au détenteur de la liste de témoins, mieux vaut laisser faire «The Harem».

Red s'inquiète également de n'avoir aucune nouvelle de Smoll ni du transfert qu'il doit effectuer pour s'offrir les services de la compagnie maritime.

Il s'avère que Tony Giannusa est celui à qui «The Harem» a volé les diamants : s'il souhaite les récupérer, le groupe décide de les lui échanger contre le nom du détenteur de la liste.

Liz se rend dans son club et donne un diamant en pourboire à l'une des danseuses et ainsi, comme espéré, attire son attention. Une diversion permet à Margot et Liz de se retouver seules avec Tony qui leur donne un nom : un hacker tristement connu, Helldritch.

Liz, de son côté, décide de suivre Emma afin d'en apprendre plus sur elle. Elle découvre que celle-ci a rendez-vous avec Reddington. Elle apprend plus tard par Red qu'il l'a placée dans le «Harem» afin d'avoir des informations mais  n'ayant plus de nouvelles, il avait envoyé Liz sous couverture. Elle faisait partie du MI6 d'où son dossier scellé.

En privé, Emma a une petite conversation avec Liz. Elle sait à quel point c'est difficile de travailler pour Reddington. Pour elle, cela fait 8 ans. Elle a quitté le MI6 pour travailler à plein temps pour lui. Cette vie était excitante, captivante mais lui a coûté son mariage et son travail.

Un des contacts de Margot lui apprend que Helldritch est à Hong-Kong.

Red n'a toujours pas de nouvelles de Smoll et apprend que l'affaire sur laquelle il était, la compagnie maritime, lui est passée sous le nez car le propriétaire n'a pas reçu son paiement à temps. Red s'inquiète, ne croyant pas aux coïncidences.

«The Harem» se rend à Hong-Kong. Helldritch y habite dans une suite dans un hôtel de luxe...et c'est une vrai forteresse : caméra dans chaque pièce, gardes à toutes les portes. Tout est contrôlé par un émetteur RFID. Les fréquences radio émises par une puce communiquent avec chaque système de la suite et cette puce possède également une mémoire de stockage : c'est là que se trouve la liste. Le problème est qu'elle est implantée dans la main de Helldritch et reliée aux battements de son cœur. Dans les 20 secondes après extirpation de la main de Helldritch la puce doit être mise en contact avec un appareil reproduisant les battements d'un cœur...sinon toutes les issues se ferment et elle devient inutilisable.

Liz et Emma discutent en attendant le signal de Margot, qui va diriger l'opération à distance : Emma a un fils et souhaite tout laisser tomber mais pense qu'il est trop tard. Liz lui promet que si elle témoigne contre Margot lorsqu'elle sera arrêtée, elle l'aidera à s'en sortir.

Sasha permet à Emma, Jessica et Liz de s'inviter à la fête de Helldritch. Elle met la vidéo en boucle afin que Emma et Jessica puissent s'introduire dans la chambre de Helldritch pour préparer le piège et l'extraction de la puce.

Pendant ce temps Liz prend contact avec Helldritch : elle connaît Tony Giannusa et souhaite parler affaire avec lui. Ils se rendent dans la chambre pour parler tranquillement mais entre temps les choses ont mal tourné : un couple a surgi dans la chambre et Jessica les a endormis avec des flèches mais comme elle n'en avait que deux, il n'y en a plus pour Helldritch. Arrivé dans la chambre il se rend compte du piège et c'est avec difficulté que les femmes parviennent à le mettre KO. Elles récupèrent la puce. Emma feint un malaise et s'empresse de sortir... avec la puce qu'elle a subtilisée à Liz. Le système d'alarme est activé, Jessica tué et Liz s'en sort avec difficulté.

Margot et Sasha se sont volatilisées mais Liz connaît leurs alias ce qui permet leurs arrestations. Emma a disparu avec la liste.

Red retrouve Emma qui regarde de loin son fils jouer au foot. Il lui explique qu'elle ne peut pas exposer les noms de la liste mais Emma veut tout arrêter. Red lui offre alors une maison, un compte bien fourni, une nouvelle identité, une nouvelle vie contre la liste. Emma ne comprend pas car elle l'a trahi ! Red lui explique que si elle voulait arrêter, il suffisait qu'elle le lui dise. Alors qu'il s'éloigne Emma dit à Red qu'il doit laisser partir Liz.

Red et Liz se retrouvent dans un restaurant. Red lui remet la liste. Accusatrice, elle lui demande s'il a tué Emma comme il a tué Mr Kaplan et si elle doit encore tourner la tête sous prétexte du bien fondé de leurs missions. Elle est persuadée que Red avait besoin d'un nom sur la liste afin d'éliminer cette personne. Red explique alors qu'il ne cherchait qu'à protéger la sœur de Mr Kaplan, Maureen Rowan, afin de s'assurer au contraire que personne ne la retrouve. Pour Liz il reste inexcusable et elle s'en va. Dembe explique à Red pourquoi il a parlé à Liz de Mr Kaplan et celui-ci lui répond qu'il comprend ses raisons.

Red retourne dans la maison où l'argent est blanchi : Smoll est mort d'une crise cardiaque et tout l'argent qu'il a transféré sur un compte intraçable, introuvable. Pour Red cela ne fait aucun doute : Smoll a été tué et quelqu'un est décidé à commencer une guerre.


Résumé proposé par mnoandco





Two black SUVs pull up to large white marble mansion. Four guards get out

GUARD #1: It’s fine where it is.

One guard remains outside, the others enter the mansion
A black woman (Jessica) is talking on her cell phone outside the door of the mansion.
Sasha removes a rifle from a bass violin case and mounts it from a perch looking down on the driveway
A blonde woman, very pregnant (Emma), walks inside the mansion


Suddenly, when she is directly in front of Guard #1, Emma groans

EMMA : Oh!

Emma bends over in ‘pain.’ Guard #1 tries to assist her

GUARD #1: Call a doctor! Are you all right?
EMMA : Ooh, I’ll muddle through. I’m okay. Braxton-Hicks. I’ll be okay, really.

Emma deftly retrieves Guard #1’s keys from his coat pocket
Margot is watching a live video of the events

MARGOT : Okay, Jess, easy. Lurch’s hackles are up.

Emma pulls a gun from under her faux pregnant abdomen
Lurch pulls his gun, but Sasha has him in her sights

Silenced gunshot , “Lurch” falls

MARGOT: Let’s go, ladies.

Emma tosses the keys to Jessica. Jessica and Emma get into one of the guards’ SUVs
Engine starts
In the mansion, Guard #1 discovers the keys to his SUV are missing. The guards run outside. The first SUV with Jessica and Emma is speeding away. The guards pile into the second black SUV


GUARD : We can’t lose that car! Go! Go! Hold up!


EMMA : They’re half a block back.
JESSICA : Not for long.

Jessica evades the guards’ SUV and eventually turns into a garage. A few moments later, a blue van joins them


SASHA : Shame. It was a nice ride.

Margot takes a knife and slices into one of the neck rests in the guards’ car. A stream of tiny glittering objects spills out. Margot grabs a handful of the objects and let’s them cascade in front of the other women’s faces. The tiny objects are diamonds. The women smile at each other
Diamonds clatter


Zack Smoll pulls up to a pleasant brick house and enters. Machines are whirring as several men process thousands of bills of United States currency

RED : Zack! We’ve spent the last 40 minutes being regaled with stories of Abe’s latest visit to Phoenix. Fascinating as it is to hear about the new culinary options at Sky Harbor Airport, I don’t come here to talk to Abe. No offense, Abe.
ZACK : I had some trouble with the missus. You know how it is. But end of business, your money’s gonna be cleaner than a nun’s browser history.
RED : While you’re redistributing, an investment opportunity has come up. I need funds in that amount.
ZACK : What are you buying this time? Another herd of Akhal-Teke horses?
RED : Oh, God no. Although, one could never have enough of those beautiful animals. There is, however, a floundering cruise line in urgent need of a bailout.

Liz enters

RED : Elizabeth! I’d like to introduce you to one of my accountants, Zack Smoll.

Liz, sternly, to Zack

LIZ : I’m an FBI agent. Mr. Reddington is my CI, which forces me to ignore his crimes, which will no doubt include murdering you if either of you ever tell anyone. On the other hand, I am under no obligation to ignore your crimes. So before you commit any while I’m here, I suggest you all run along.
ZACK : Hey.

The men leave

RED : Someone over-caffeinated this morning.
LIZ : You said you had a case.
RED : Your government’s Witness Protection list has been stolen.
LIZ : You know who stole it?
RED : No, but I know who’s going to steal it next. A stolen luxury vehicle in Atlanta being pursued by the private security contractors hired to protect it.
LIZ : A car with its own security guards?
RED : This was a jewel heist that netted over $10 million in diamonds perpetrated by a heist crew known as The Harem.
LIZ : Ew.
RED : Well, this Harem is an elite group of female thieves who steal only from other criminals. And with the Witness Protection list out in the open, the timing is no coincidence.
LIZ : Every one of those witnesses would be in danger if their identities get out.
RED : Which makes the list extraordinarily valuable. And irresistible to the Harem. Catch them in the act of stealing it, and you’ll save the lives of everyone on that list.
LIZ : How exactly are we supposed to catch them in the act? –
RED : You can’t. And if you can’t beat them, as the saying goes…


RESSLER : Join them? That’s Reddington’s plan to put you undercover in a heist crew?
LIZ : The Harem is responsible for a number of high-line thefts. The disappearance of half a dozen paintings from the Ostergard Museum in Denmark in 2012.
COOPER : Those thieves were arrested in Luxembourg a year later, weren’t they?
LIZ : Not before the Harem stole the paintings from them. Lowry Fool’s Gold, a Mexican drug lord’s prized race horse, went missing in 2014. Reddington says The Harem auctioned it for $6 million. And when they hit the National Bank of Belize, they emptied out the top-secret safety deposit box of a French arms dealer. The leader of The Harem is a woman named Margot Rochet. She’s staying at The Fairborne under the alias Kate Morgan.
SAMAR : How do we get her to believe that you’re some kind of elite thief?
LIZ : Reddington says he knows someone she worked with in the past who can vouch for me.


CRAIG GAYNIER : What makes you think I know Margot Rochet?
RESSLER : Little birdie told us. It’s the same little birdie who, uh, told us that you have a brother doing six years for armed robbery. You vouch for Agent Keen here and, uh, maybe Jimmy will get out in time for the Super Bowl.
CRAIG GAYNIER : I knew Margot. She likes to know the people she works with. Control. She’ll smell a lie on me a mile away.
LIZ : We’ll go over our story until we forget it’s a lie.
CRAIG GAYNIER : You’re still gonna have to prove yourself.


 Margot opens the door to her hotel room. Liz’s hair is swept tightly back and secured in a bun. She is wearing black-rimmed glasses

LIZ : Sorry to disturb you, ma’am. I need to check the mini bar.
MARGOT: Oh, I didn’t drink anything.
LIZ : I’m so sorry. Hotel policy. I can come back later, but I would have to come back.
MARGOT: Oh. Go ahead.

Margot resuming phone call

MARGOT : Okay, I will be down in about 10 minutes. Okay. Yes, I know. Then call him and tell him we’ll be back out. The deal’s non-negotiable.

As Margot is on the phone, Liz checks her bag and quickly finds the pouch of diamonds and pockets them

MARGOT: Do nuts count? Because I had a small bag of salted almonds. Whatever. I couldn’t resist. Sue me.

Liz has already left. Where the diamonds were, Margot finds a note: “I will be waiting in the bar”


Liz is sitting at the bar. Margot joins her

MARGOT: Give me one good reason I shouldn’t take you upstairs right now and kick your ass.
LIZ : I’ll give you 73.

Liz gives Margot the pouch of diamonds

LIZ : My name’s Liz Crawford. I wanna join The Harem.
MARGOT: And what do you do, Liz Crawford?
LIZ : I read people. I tell people exactly what they need to hear in order to do exactly what I need them to do. I got oil men in North Dakota to invest in a bogus casino deal. Did a couple runaway bride gigs. Worked with Craig Gaynier. He could vouch for me.
MARGOT: You’re either very good, Liz, or you’re very bad news. You’re not going anywhere till I find out which.


Samar and Ressler follow the car Liz is in to a warehouse. Samar takes photos
Liz and Gaynier enter. Gaynier is restrained in a wheelchair

CRAIG GAYNIER : Margot, what the hell?
MARGOT: I’m sorry about the restraints, but as I recall, you never seemed to mind being tied up. This pretty little thing says you two worked together. True?
CRAIG GAYNIER : Yeah. Liz Crawford. Real estate con in Tallahassee. Read the mark like she was his childhood friend.


Ressler, outside in vehicle

RESSLER :Wish we had eyes in there.


LIZ : Take was $2 million.
CRAIG GAYNIER : $2.1. ‘Accuracy is everything in this business.’
LIZ : ‘…everything in this business.’ I remember.
MARGOT: There is one boss here. You do as I say. And no questions asked.
LIZ : I understand.
MARGOT: Good. Shoot him.
CRAIG GAYNIER : Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait!
MARGOT: I’m told the feds are kicking your baby brother for “good behavior.” And since his behavior is never good, that means he cut a deal or… or you cut one for him.
CRAIG GAYNIER : That’s crazy. I’d never do that–
MARGOT: Never sell me out to save your own flesh and blood?

To Liz

MARGOT: I told you to shoot him.
LIZ : Shoot him yourself.
MARGOT: I gave you an order.
LIZ : No, you gave me a test, and I’m gonna tell you why I passed. You don’t need blind followers. What you’re interested in is loyalty. I worked with Craig. I’m loyal to him. Take me on, I’ll be equally loyal to you.
MARGOT: You are good. And you’re right. Loyalty is everything.

To Gaynier

MARGOT: But I still haven’t forgotten Majorca.

Margot shoots Gaynier  
Margot to Liz

MARGOT: Welcome to The Harem!


RESSLER : So we dangled Gaynier out there, and now he’s dead.
COOPER : And after we get that WITSEC list, Margot will pay for that.
SAMAR : We have intel on the rest of The Harem. Aram.
ARAM : Right, uh, okay, you already know Margot Rochet. She’s a former federal corrections administrator. Has a network of prisoners and guards trading anything for intel into the criminal world.
SAMAR : That must be how she learned about our deal with Gaynier. Sasha Lau. She graduated from Smith in ’08. Couldn’t find a job, so she put her degree in actuarial science to work planning crimes. She designs the heists. Jessica Piha is a chameleon. She can blend into any crowd, but she is impulsive, an adrenaline junkie.
ARAM : I can’t ID Emma Knightly. We know from the audio on Agent Keen’s wire that she sounds like she’s from England, but other than that, I’m drawing a big blank.
COOPER : A rackets informant in Witness Protection was just murdered in Dubuque– Jordan Pomaville.
RESSLER : Here we go. It’s starting.
COOPER : Tell Reddington. See if he can find who did it. That person has the list– or knows where to find it.


WILSON : I am sorry I’m late. Gentlemen. I’m Carter Wilson. I spoke with your associate on the phone. I’m not entirely certain what I can do for you, Mr. Lockhart.
RED : I’ll be blunt, Mr. Wilson. Whistler Cruise Line is sinking. The band is on deck and warming up “Nearer My God to Thee.”
WILSON : We’re having some difficulties, but–
RED : Running aground on endangered coral reefs, E. coli at the buffet, sailing half-empty ships. Your difficulties are about to land you in bankruptcy court.
WILSON : How on earth did you hear about that?
RED : Have you ever been to Mont Saint Michel? Tidal island in Normandy. The only way in or out used to be a causeway that disappeared at high tide. To reach the other side was a matter of knowing when the tide came in and seizing the opportunity before it arrived.
WILSON : I’m afraid I don’t follow.
RED : I’m offering you a causeway, Carter. I bail you out, you transport my cargo.
WILSON : What kind of cargo?
RED : Could be Dutch tulip bulbs to New York, ghost guns from Danao. But instead of hypotheticals, allow me to assure you that plausible deniability’s the best option. I save your business, you don’t look too closely at mine.


Liz wakes up in the night

She walks to the kitchen and notices several pill bottles. Emma comes up behind her

EMMA : This job is hard.
LIZ : I’m sorry. I-I didn’t mean to…
EMMA : It’s for anxiety… depression, pain. Mental, physical. Definitely spiritual.

Emma pours Liz and herself a third a shot of clear spirits

EMMA : Well, this should help. Hair of the dog.
LIZ : Oh, that wasn’t a dog. That was a wooly mammoth.
EMMA : You’re a funny drunk. Chatty.
LIZ : Chatty?
EMMA : Couldn’t shut you up.
LIZ : That’s embarrassing. I mean, how embarrassing was it?
EMMA : Not embarrassing at all.
LIZ : Good. That’s a relief.
EMMA : It was more… revealing.
LIZ : How revealing was it, exactly?
EMMA : Enough for me to know what you’re really about. Now get some sleep. We’ve got a big day tomorrow.


RED : The guy your government was protecting was murdered by Tony Giannusa.
RESSLER : Giannusa’s New Jersey mob. Justice has a pending racketeering case against him.
COOPER : Not if their star witness is dead.
SAMAR : If Giannusa gets us to the WITSEC list, why don’t we go after him ourselves?
RED : Because you don’t know if he has it or where to procure it. If you arrest him, you’ll never find out. Only Agent Keen can ascertain that.
COOPER : Keen’s gone dark. No contact.
RED : You have protocols in place for when she does make contact.
RESSLER : And an understanding that she’d reach out day one. She didn’t.
RED : She will. But only after she’s won their trust. Keep me informed, Harold. I want to know when Elizabeth checks in.

Dembe and Red leave

RED : Smoll?
DEMBE : I’ve tried him twice.
RED : Try again. I want to know the minute the transfer is complete.


SASHA : To get the WITSEC list, we need to get Giannusa alone. We’ve got leverage over him once we do.
LIZ : What kind of leverage?
EMMA : Giannusa had a courier transporting diamonds through Atlanta.
JESSICA : We stole them. He wants them back.
MARGOT: Yeah, the robbery spooked him. Now he’s hiding behind his security team at the Vegas Strip.
LIZ : We’re going to Nevada?
SASHA : No. Giannusa’s strip club downtown. Armed guards here. And here. Closed circuit cameras with motion sensors and night vision. All we gotta do is figure out a way to get past them.
LIZ : Or maybe we don’t.


At the strip club, music plays as pole dancers do their moves and lights and projected images complete the scene

A dancer slides across the table to address Liz

DANCER #1: Looking for something special?

Instead on replying, Liz hands her a diamond. The dancer shows the gem to the other dancers

DANCER #2: Oh, my God. She gave her a diamond.
TONY GIANNUSA : What’s all the racket? I pay you girls to dance, not stand in the back clucking like a bunch of hens in hair extensions. What do you got there, Lexie?

Lexie shows him the diamond

  Liz is tossed unceremoniously to the floor in a separate room

LIZ : Whoo.
TONY GIANNUSA : You know who I am?
LIZ : I know you’re missing 72 stones just like that one. You want ’em back? Be at the Menchaca Produce warehouse tomorrow morning at 10:00.

Giannusa is furious. Gun clicks

LIZ : I don’t walk out of here in 30 seconds, you’ll never see your diamonds again


Margot, Sasha, Jessica and Emma are lounging in the garage of the Menchaca Produce warehouse. Several large black SUVs drive up. Men pile out of them and all train their rifles on The Harem. They are unperturbed.

JESSICA : Giannusa’s not with them. Pay up.
EMMA : Bollocks.

Jessica to the men

JESSICA : You may wanna call your boss.

Giannusa on phone

TONY GIANNUSA : What the hell are you saying? Okay– What? Slow do– hey.

Giannusa sees Liz

TONY GIANNUSA : Hey, you said the diamonds would be at the warehouse.
LIZ : No, I didn’t. I said you’d get them back if you went to the warehouse. You didn’t. Now we get to talk in private.

Margot appears and takes out the single guard of Giannusa’s not diverted to the warehouse 

MARGOT: This one says she reads people. Like those, uh, FBI mindhunters who predict behavior. That’s nonsense, right? But I will be damned if she didn’t just predict yours. Now the diamonds are in a locker at the bus depot downtown. You get the locker number and a key on two conditions.
TONY GIANNUSA : I’m listenin’.
MARGOT: One, tell us who’s got the WITSEC list. Two, burn this place down.


Ressler is sitting on a park bench. Liz sits on a bench back to back with Ressler’s

RESSLER : Did you figure out who’s got the list?
LIZ : Ever heard of the hacker Helldritch?
RESSLER : Of course. The guy’s hit political candidates, government servers. He’s released thousands of classified documents online. The guy’s a national security nightmare. Where is he?
LIZ : I don’t know. Giannusa’s contact with him was digital. As soon as we get a location, we move.
RESSLER : So how’s that cover holding up?
LIZ : Margot’s on board. Emma… something’s off. Has Aram had any luck with her background?
RESSLER : No. It’s like her ID was professionally scrubbed.
LIZ : Tell him to keep looking. I’ll do some digging of my own. I wanna figure out who this woman is. Something feels off about her.


It’s raining
Emma walks through the rain and enters a restaurant
Liz is tracking Emma. She follows her to the restaurant and peers through the window. Emma is seated across from Red
They are talking

Later ...
 Liz parks her car. Red’s Mercedes pulls up. Liz gets in


LIZ : She works for you?
RED : I placed Emma Knightly in The Harem so she could keep me posted as to their criminal activities.
LIZ : So, what? She could tell you what they were planning to steal so you could steal it first?
RED : Something like that.
LIZ : If you already had someone inside, then why add me?
RED : Because Emma went silent.
LIZ : You’re telling me she turned. Who is she anyway? Aram says her records have all been scrubbed.
RED : Yes. By MI-6.
LIZ : So she’s a British agent?
RED : You can’t think the FBI is the only law enforcement agency I have a relationship with. Elizabeth, none of this changes the fact that the WITSEC list is still in play.
LIZ : She knows who I am.
RED : Emma Knightly can be trusted. I wouldn’t have put you in otherwise.
LIZ : You wouldn’t have put me in if she had been reporting back to you. So whether or not she can be trusted remains to be seen.

Liz gets out of the car, closes door


LIZ : What’s so urgent?
MARGOT: I found our in.
LIZ : To Helldritch? That was fast.
MARGOT: I do a lot of favors. This, uh, cute little chola I had a fling with who leased server space to Helldritch for a ransomware scam. She’ll know where Helldritch is. Why don’t you bring on your social engineer with you? She’s proving to be quite an asset.


 Emma is driving with Liz in the front seat

EMMA : When I said the job was hard, I meant working for Reddington. Don’t worry. The others don’t know.
LIZ : How long has it been?
EMMA : Almost eight years. I was working as an analyst on low level immigration cases when he cut a deal.
LIZ : Reddington works for MI-6?
EMMA : I don’t know. I left. I went to work for him full-time.
LIZ : Why would you ever do that?
EMMA : I was star-struck. He made me feel like I was the center of his universe. It was exciting and captivating and… it consumed me. My work, my marriage. I had no idea how many lines I was crossing until it was too late.
LIZ : It’s never too late.
EMMA : Spoken like someone who’s still in the honeymoon phase. Trust me, that ends. You should get out before it does.


Ressler is sitting on a park bench. Liz sits on a bench back to back with Ressler’s

RESSLER : She knows you’re FBI? Keen, we gotta pull you out.
LIZ : Margot’s contact says Helldritch is in Hong Kong.
RESSLER : We have no jurisdiction there.
LIZ : Our only shot at recovering the WITSEC list is to have The Harem steal it, and I’ve got to be there.
RESSLER : If Emma rolls on you?
LIZ : She won’t.
RESSLER : Why? Because Reddington’s got his hooks in her?
LIZ : We can’t let The Harem steal the WITSEC list and run with it.
RESSLER : She’s with Margot. You said so yourself.
LIZ : I know you’re worried about me, and I appreciate it. But I trust her. I’ll make contact from Hong Kong.


Dembe closes the cellphone

DEMBE : That’s the fourth message I’ve left. Should I send someone?
RED : We’ll know soon enough. Carter! I’d stand, but after all these years, I still get aroused when I close a deal.
WILSON : I closed a deal, you didn’t.
RED : What are you talking about?
WILSON : Your Bitcoin transfer never arrived.
RED : Ah. Something’s come up, and my accountant’s unreachable. It’ll soon be remedied. You’ll have your money before close of business.
WILSON : I already have it. I made a deal with someone else.
RED : With whom, may I ask?
WILSON : Baldur Magnusson. You know him?
RED : Mr. Wilson, good day. And happy sailing.

Dembe and Red leave


DEMBE : Baldur Magnusson. That’s a coincidence.
RED : I don’t believe in coincidences.


Liz and The Harem are celebrating their victory
Margot proposes a toast

MARGOT: To stealing from thieves.

They all raise their glasses and empty them
Glasses clink
Cheering, trilling

– Mm. Oh, my God.

– Oh. Mmm. Mmm.

Liz is a bit woozy from the last drink. She leaves for the ladies room

LIZ : Ooh.

Margot enters, looking for Liz. Margot approaches and tries to kiss Liz

LIZ : Whoa.

Margot tries again

LIZ : Listen, uh…
MARGOT: Hey. It’s about loyalty, remember?
LIZ : To the group.
MARGOT: No, to me. You’re either in or you’re out. So what’s it gonna be?

Liz considers what to do. She is about to engage in a kiss with Margot when Emma enters

EMMA : Am I interrupting?
MARGOT: This doesn’t concern you.
EMMA : It doesn’t?

Emma to Liz

EMMA  : Run along, little girl.

Margot and Emma leave, hand in hand


SASHA : Helldritch’s home is a fortress. Hong Kong’s premier hotel for the rich and paranoid. Helldritch’s is the only permanent resident, and he was just granted asylum, so he’s ready to celebrate. He’s retrofitted the penthouse with top-of-the-line security measures. Guards at every door, cameras in every room. Everything’s controlled by an RFID transmitter. Radio frequencies emitted by the chip communicate with every system in the suite. This thing is top shelf. It includes a gig of storage, which is where he keeps the WITSEC list. Problem is, the chip’s implanted in his hand.
JESSICA : So? Shoot him. Or– Ooh. Cut off his hand.
MARGOT: No, there’s a micro-processor in the chip tied to his heart rate. If he dies, so does the chip, and everything on it.

Sasha produces a hand-sized device

SASHA : Artificial heartbeat. The chip needs to be plugged into the device within 20 seconds of being removed from Helldritch’s hand.
MARGOT: Security is state-of-the-art. Break a window, touch a statue, the whole suite locks down.
EMMA : So how do we get inside?
MARGOT: We’ll have one in the basement. En route. 90 seconds out. One in the van spotting. And you three in the bar. Now, wait for Sasha’s go-ahead, and then…
JESSICA : We crash the party. Can’t wait.


LIZ : About last night.
EMMA : It was nothing.
LIZ : You protected me.
EMMA : I have a son. A junior at boarding school. He plays soccer. I go to visit him sometimes– or at least I try. I usually just end up sitting in the car, watching him practice. I want to talk to him, but I don’t know what I’d say. About what I have become.
LIZ : You act like it’s too late. It isn’t. You could still get out.
EMMA : I dream about that, the life I had, wishing I could get it back.
LIZ : I can help you. The WITSEC list, when we get it back, I can get you on it. Testify against Margot. Start over.

Margot directs the operation over the phone, observing events on live video

SASHA : Ladies, target is on site. It’s go time.


Sasha clips wires

SASHA : You have officially RSVP’d. Bedroom is down the hall, east side of the suite. Take a left.
JESSICA : Making our way to the bedroom, Margot.
EMMA : Sasha, clear to breach?
SASHA : Looping footage now. Security’s blind for five minutes.

Emma and Jessica remove the weapons they hid in discreet places and ready them



Margot directs the operation over the phone, observing events on live video

LIZ : I’ve got eyes on the target.

MARGOT: Yeah, the girls should have the bedroom ready by now. You are clear for approach.

LIZ : Congratulations on your citizenship.
HELLDRITCH : Thanks. Hong Kong recognizes talent when they see it.
LIZ : I heard you’re a man of many talents.
HELLDRITCH : Oh. Please… elaborate.
LIZ : You’re able to find certain people.
HELLDRITCH : I don’t know what you mean.
LIZ : I think you do. The WITSEC list. Tony Giannusa and I are friends. Got anywhere we can talk business?

MARGOT: Target is on the move.


A half-dressed man and woman emerge

MAN : Who are you?
EMMA : We were waiting for the loo. You’ve been ages.

Silenced dart gun
Woman screams

MAN : What are you do–

Silenced dart gun

EMMA : We only have two… darts.

Helldritch and Liz enter
Helldritch sees the two people passed out on the floor

HELLDRITCH : What the hell?

Liz kicks him

HELLDRITCH : Oh, hell no!


LIZ : Get something to restrain him!

MARGOT : Somebody wanna tell me what the hell’s going on?

LIZ : Jessica, find something!
JESSICA : I’m looking!
HELLDRITCH : Help! Security!
JESSICA : Here, use this belt.

Emma wraps the belt around Helldritch’s neck
Liz hits Helldritch again, knocking him out

JESSICA : Is he still alive?
SASHA : 90 seconds until system reset. I’m locked out after that.

Liz uses a small knife to excise the chip from Helldritch’s palm

LIZ : Got it. Hey, we gotta go. You’re good.
EMMA : Oh, God.

Emma stumbles, gasps

Liz steadied her

LIZ : Hey, are you okay?
EMMA : Ooh. I’ll muddle through. You’ve got blood on your face.
LIZ : Uh, go. We’ll be right behind you.

MARGOT: Where the hell is Emma going? What’s going on? She’s on the move.

Alarm blaring

LIZ : She took the chip. She’s using our exit strategy. We gotta get out of here.

Alarm continues
A guard shoots Jessica 

LIZ : Jessica’s down!

MARGOT: You know the protocol. Split up. We rendezvous when the heat’s off.

LIZ : Screw protocol! Jessica’s dead! Emma’s got the list.

MARGOT: See you in 72 hours.

LIZ : Wait, wait. What about Emma? Margot! Margot!

Gunfire  as two guards enter. They see Helldritch on floor

GUARD : [ Subtitles ] Call an ambulance! And the cops.

One guard leaves. Liz holds her gun to the back of second guard’s head

LIZ : I’m gonna need your security badge and your phone.


Liz on phone

LIZ : The whole thing went sideways. Jessica’s dead. The rest of the Harem, I don’t know. They split up. Margot and Sasha are leaving the country under aliases– Eva Taylor and Lily Hum. Aram, can you–
ARAM : Tracking them as we speak.
RESSLER : Look, what about the list?
LIZ : Emma took it. You were right.
COOPER : Elizabeth, you know her.
LIZ : Clearly, I don’t.
COOPER : You do. More than any of us. What did she tell you? Think.
LIZ : She burned MI-6. Burned Reddington, The Harem. She has nowhere to go. Oh, my God. That’s it.


Emma is leaning against a tree watching her son Will play soccer
Red appears alongside her

RED : Hello, Emma.
EMMA : How did you find me?
RED : He looks just like you.
EMMA : I’ve missed so much. I don’t want to miss anymore.
RED : I can’t let you sell the list. I can’t let you fund a life on the run by exposing innocent people on that list.
EMMA : I don’t think you understand me. I’m done. I know the consequences. I have to stop. I’m out, Raymond.

RED : There’s a cabin in Vermont on Lake Champlain. Remote. Simple.

Red gives Emma a brown folding file

RED : Once you’re settled, you’ll open a bank account. Money will be transferred into it to cover expenses, Will’s education.
EMMA : Why are you doing this?
RED : If you wanted out, Emma, you should’ve come to me.
EMMA : I didn’t think that was an option.
RED : I’m sorry.
EMMA : So I’m out.
RED : The list.

Emma reaches into her pocket, gives Red the device with the chip containing the list
Red turns and walks toward his car
Emma calls after Red

EMMA : You need to let her go.

Emma’s son Will sees Emma and waves. She smiles and waves back


Red joins Liz in a restaurant. Dembe stands a short distance away

LIZ : Emma’s disappeared. You got to her before we could?
RED : Yes. The list.

He gives Liz the device with the list

LIZ : She betrayed you, so you… killed her just like you killed Mr. Kaplan?

Red looks at Dembe

RED : Elizabeth…
LIZ : And I’m just supposed to look the other way, right? Just like I looked the other way from all the terrible things you do because they’re for the greater good, just like this list. You wanna kill someone the government’s protecting, but you can’t find them, so you had us… find this list for you.
RED : Years ago, a Wisconsin housewife named Maureen Rowan was outside in the wee hours with the family dog, Dodger. It was absolutely frigid. No one in their right mind would’ve been out in that kind of bitter cold, and if not for Dodger’s aging bladder, I imagine Maureen would have been fast asleep. But as fate would have it, her neighbor, Alexei Lagunov… the avtoritet of a Russian bratva, felt given the late hour and windchill, he and his boyeviks could move a body from his basement to the trunk of an associate’s car without being observed. They didn’t count on Dodger’s call to nature. So Maureen had a choice between remaining silent or doing the right thing. She chose to testify. And while she helped to bring Alexei Lagunov to justice, she also forfeited the rest of her life in doing so. She’s on that list.
LIZ : Who is she to you?
RED : Maureen Rowan is Kate’s sister– uh, Mr. Kaplan’s sister. I didn’t need to find her. I just needed to… make sure no one else can.
LIZ : This doesn’t excuse what you’ve done.
RED : No. No, it doesn’t.

Liz gets up and leaves

DEMBE : Raymond. I told her because I felt it was important for her to know.
RED : I understand.


Ressler gets out of his SUV and approaches Margot. A second police car blocks her escape

RESSLER : Margot Rochet, you’re under arrest for the murder of Craig Gaynier. Come with me.


SAMAR : Margot Rochet is in custody, and Sasha Lau was just picked up at SeaTac passport control.
COOPER : Helldritch is facing charges in Hong Kong in connection with Jessica Piha’s death.
SAMAR : And what about Emma Knightly?
COOPER : Agent Keen recovered the WITSEC list from Reddington. What that means for Emma Knightly, I can’t say.


RED : Where is he?
ABE : He’s gone.
RED : How much did he take?
ABE : Oh. He’s gone, Mr. Reddington. Missus said it was a heart attack.
RED : And the money? Where’s the money?
ABE : I don’t know. Nobody knows except Mr. Smoll. He would’ve transferred it to an untraceable account, then arranged for the Bitcoin wire to pay for the ships. If the wire wasn’t made, all that money is still just sitting there in some anonymous account. That could be anywhere in the world.
RED : Thank you, Abe.

Red and Dembe leave

RED : Smoll didn’t have a heart attack. Someone killed him. Someone determined to start a war.

Adapté du site «The Blacklist Classified», mise en page par mnoandco

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Supersympa, 16.04.2024 à 14:31

Bonjour à tous ! Nouveau survivor sur le quartier Person of Interest ayant pour thème l'équipe de Washington (saison 5) de la Machine.

choup37, 18.04.2024 à 08:49

5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

chrismaz66, 18.04.2024 à 11:04

Choup tu as 3 joueurs de plus que moi!! Kaamelott est en animation, 3 jeux, venez tenter le coup, c'est gratis! Bonne journée ^^

choup37, 19.04.2024 à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

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