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#118 : Milton Bobbit

Meera, Liz et Ressler enquêtent dans 'Milton Bobbit'

Ecrit par: Daniel Voll
Réalisé par: Steven A. Adelson

Red et l'équipe sont à la poursuite de "L'Undertaker", un expert en assurance-vie qui convainc les gens ordinaires de devenir des tueurs à gages. Pendant ce temps, Liz travaille avec Red pour découvrir les secrets de Tom.


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Milton Bobbit

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Milton Bobbit

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Raymond Reddington (James Spader) observe les indices récoltés par Liz

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) observe les indices récoltés par Liz

Elisabeth (Megan Boone) cherche des indices

Elisabeth (Megan Boone) cherche des indices

Dr. Fredrick Osborn (Sam Freed )

Dr. Fredrick Osborn (Sam Freed )

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone)

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone)

Raymond Reddington (James Spader)

Raymond Reddington (James Spader)

Donald Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff)

Donald Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff)

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) doit faire parler Craig (Peter Scanavino )

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) doit faire parler Craig (Peter Scanavino )

Milton Bobbit ( Damian Young  ) #135

Milton Bobbit ( Damian Young ) #135

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) dans la foule essaie de repérer le suspect

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) dans la foule essaie de repérer le suspect

Meera Malik (Parminder Nagra)

Meera Malik (Parminder Nagra)

Milton Bobbit ( Damian Young  ) #135 est désespéré

Milton Bobbit ( Damian Young ) #135 est désespéré

Raymond Reddington (James Spader)

Raymond Reddington (James Spader)

Elisabeth  Keen (Megan Boone) téléphone

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) téléphone

Donald Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) se rend

Donald Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) se rend

Craig (Peter Scanavino ) attaché à un lavabo

Craig (Peter Scanavino ) attaché à un lavabo

Milton Bobbit (Damian Young ) #135 menace le  Dr. Fredrick Osborn  (Sam Freed )

Milton Bobbit (Damian Young ) #135 menace le Dr. Fredrick Osborn (Sam Freed )

 Danny Moss  (Isiah Whitlock Jr. ) va-t-il s'en sortir?

Danny Moss (Isiah Whitlock Jr. ) va-t-il s'en sortir?

Les agents Malik (Parminder Nagra),  Keen (Megan Boone) et Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff)

Les agents Malik (Parminder Nagra), Keen (Megan Boone) et Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff)

Dembe Zuma (Hisham Tawfiq) attend sagement

Dembe Zuma (Hisham Tawfiq) attend sagement

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) observe

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) observe

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) au milieu de squelettes

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) au milieu de squelettes

Milton Bobbit (Damian Young ) #135 rencontre sa prochaine cible Danny Moss (Isiah Whitlock Jr. ) afin de le convaincre

Milton Bobbit (Damian Young ) #135 rencontre sa prochaine cible Danny Moss (Isiah Whitlock Jr. ) afin de le convaincre

Vlad Cvetko (Gregory Korostishevsky ) pourra-t-il identifier les empreintes du verre?

Vlad Cvetko (Gregory Korostishevsky ) pourra-t-il identifier les empreintes du verre?

Raymond Reddington (James Spader)

Raymond Reddington (James Spader)


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France (inédit)
Mercredi 01.10.2014 à 22:30
4.10m / 28.8% (Part)

Logo de la chaîne NBC

Etats-Unis (inédit)
Lundi 31.03.2014 à 22:00
11.39m / 2.8% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Personnage Blaklisté: N°135: MILTON BOBBIT


Damian Young ...  Milton Bobbit
Isiah Whitlock Jr ... Danny
Peter Scanavino ... Craig
Susan Kelechi Watson ... Ellie
Clark Jackson ... Mitchell Travers

A New-York, Anna Mitchell grimpe dans le taxi de Wahib Davi qui se dirige vers La Guardia. S'excusant sur le prix à payer, il met le pied au plancher et fonce droit sur l'arrière d'un camion. Le conducteur et la passagère sont carbonisés aussitôt. Dans un bureau, Milton Bobbit fait un transfert de fonds puis il déchire une photo de Davi. Ayant fini son travail, Milton retourne à son appartement qui ressemble plus à une grotte ou à une champignonnière. Il s'installe et retire sa prothèse de nez et son corps est rempli de plaies, Milton est clairement un homme très malade.

Liz se démène pour maintenir ses connaissances secrètes sur Tom. Après le petit déjeuner, Tom se met à genoux et demande à Liz de renouveler leurs vœux de mariage, Liz accepte mais elle est furieuse. Dès que Tom est parti travailler, elle met sans dessus dessous la maison, cherchant des preuves pour commencer son enquête. elle se rend dans unité de stockage loué. Elle est sceptique quand Red arrive avec des nouvelles,  il dit surveiller Tom depuis qu'il est entré dans sa vie. Il n'y a pas si longtemps, Tom a commandé des passeports à l'un de ses faussaires de confiance. Heureusement, Red a obtenu les images de surveillance que "l'homme à la pomme" a prises de l'appartement de Liz. De toute évidence, les gens pour qui Tom travaille sont très prudents ; Red a passé des années à les traquer. C'est une opportunité unique. Mais Liz a besoin d'une affaire afin de garder son calme. Le Croque-Mort est un courtier de la mort, il recrute des gens ordinaires pour tuer en son nom et puis ceux-ci se suicident. Et en effet, Milton a déjà organisé la prochaine mise à mort. Dee Torres approche Bennett Cochran dans une station-service et après avoir mis du carburant partout, elle s'immole avec Bennett. Très rapidement, Liz présente le cas au FBI.

Liz, Meera et Ressler trouvent bientôt un dénominateur commun parmi les tueurs : ils étaient tous les deux, des malades en phase terminale, mentalement instables et avaient des familles qu'ils étaient déterminés à soutenir financièrement après leur mort. L'entrepreneur de pompes funèbres,  Milton Bobbit, est passé à sa prochaine cible, Danny Moss. Milton sait clairement tout ce qu'il faut savoir sur Danny, dont son besoin de dollars pour le persuader de tuer. Pendant ce temps, Aram a découvert le réseau de paiement du Croque-Mort qui passe part une banque dans les îles Caïman et qui conduit le FBI à Danny Moss. Apprennant que Danny participe à un rassemblement électoral pour Mitchell Travers, Liz et Ressler courent  pour stopper Danny.

Tom rentre à la maison où se déroule une fête et il trouve son frère Craig, qu'il voit rarement. En attendant que le renouvellement des vœux ait lieu, Liz donne une coupe de champagne à Tom et Craig pour porter un toast puis ensuite les récupère prétextant que Tom doit se préparer. Craig est convaicu que Liz a des soupçons tandis que Tom est très confiant, Liz est sous sa coupe. Après la cérémonie, Liz se rend à son unité de stockage pour regarder des images de surveillance, essayant de relier Tom aux différents blacklistés ce qui inclut Gina Zanetakos dont on a dit qu'il était amoureux. Après avoir étudié les vidéos, Liz observe Tom cacher une clé bleue sous la lampe. Elle donne à Dembe un verre de champagne avec les empreintes de Craig. Red se rend à El Salvador pour persuader un vieil ami de faire un test d'ADN sur le verre pour découvrir la véritable identité de Craig, puis il appelle Liz. Après avoir avisé Liz qu'il faut trouver comment le Croque-Mort recrute ses assassins malades, Red lui dit de trouver Craig.

Liz attend Craig dans sa chambre d'hôtel, elle l'attaque et rapidement elle prend le dessus et l'enchaîne au lavabo. Elle connaît son vrai nom, Christopher Maly mais elle ne sait rien d'autre sur lui et n'a aucune idée à qui elle a affaire. Red frappe à la porte quand Liz reçoit un appel du travail. Là, elle apprend que tous les assassins ont la même compagnie d'assurance. Liz prétexte un soucis personnel pour quitter le bureau. Meera et Ressler découvrent que Milton est l'homme à qui ils veulent parler mais curieusement il a disparu.  Heureusement, il a laissé derrière lui des dossiers sur ses victimes dont un certain Docteur Osborne, sans doute, la prochaine victime. Milton l'a déjà enlevé et le tient au bout de son fusil.

Red amène Christopher au musée où il voit Dembe poussant sa mère dans un fauteuil roulant, c'est clairement une menace. De retour dans la chambre d'hôtel, Christopher est prêt à parler mais il ne dit pas grand chose si ce n'est qu' ils  reçoivent les instructions par téléphone et pas de nom. Il ajoute que Tom a un frère à Chicago ainsi qu'une femme  nommée Niki. Tom appelle Craig afin d'obtenir une rencontre, affirmant que c'est lui qui doit rentre des comptes à "Berlin".  Sachant que Tom arrive, Liz et Red se préparent à transférer Craig hors de l'hôtel mais refusant de dire quoi que ce soit sur "Berlin", Christopher saute par la fenêtre et se suicide.

Il s'avère que Milton était le patient zéro de Osborne pour des essais cliniques sur un médicament expérimental contre le diabète ce qui ont abouti à son état terminal. Après avoir appris que les récentes victimes du Croque-Mort étaient toutes impliquées dans le procès, le FBI suit la piste Osborne mais ce dernier a disparu. Osborne est coincé dans le cimetière de l'église où il a fait du bénévolat, à cause  de la bombe accrochée à la poitrine de Milton. Liz rejoint Meera et Ressler au cimetière et sans négociateur, Ressler intervient et arrête Osborne qui est accusé de complot en vue de truquer les essais cliniques. Laissant Milton se fait exploser. Pendant que Meera et Ressler rangent l'appartement de Milton, Liz retourne à son unité de stockage, la clé bleue accaparant tout son esprit, elle veut savoir ce qu'elle ouvre. Après avoir pris quelques instants pour consulter la base de données de Cooper, Red raconte à Liz que leurs recherches devraient porter sur tout ce qu'il se passe à Berlin. Proche de l'hystérie, Liz prétend qu'elle ne peut plus faire semblant mais Red lui conseille de ne rien changer car les choses vont s'accélérer avec la mort de Christopher. Alors Liz retourne à la maison où Tom l'attend, très amoureux.

                                                             Traduit et adapté du résumé du site officiel par mnoandco


A woman gets in a cab

WOMAN : LaGuardia.

On phone

WOMAN : Hey, honey. It’s mom. I’m on my way. Yeah, I’ll be there before bedtime to tuck you in

To driver who drives too fast

WOMAN : Oh, God! What are you doing?! Hey, slow down! Hey, slow down! What are you doing?! Oh! Oh! Why are you – Let me out of the car! Let me out! Oh, God, oh, God! Just let me out! I said, slow down! What are you doing?
CAB DRIVER : I’m sorry, Miss Mitchell.
WOMAN : How do you know my name? Why are you doing this to me?! Let me out! Let me out! Oh, God!

Cab crashes


On the phone, an unknown man

MAN: Hi. I’d like to make a wire transfer, please.


Once at home, the man hanging sacks of soil with mushrooms growing from them, he strips to his jockey shorts, removes his artificial nose, puts on light-blocking goggles and settles in with a smoothie with mushrooms among the ingredients. His skin is covered with open cuts and sores


TOM : Okay. Here we are. My world-famous pancakes. Gluten-free.

Liz seems tired

TOM : You okay? What’s– what’s wrong?–
LIZ : Nothing. I’m just feeling a little wonky.
TOM : Uh-huh. Some of the kids at school have the flu. I hope I didn’t give you something.

Tom kneels down

TOM : Elizabeth
LIZ : What are you doing?
TOM : Will you marry me? I want to renew our wedding vows. So will you marry me?

LIZ : Oh...Yes!
TOM : Yes? I love you so much.Okay. We will talk about this tonight. I am so late. But, uh, I love you.

Tom goes to work. Liz alone wrecks apartment – photos, dishes fly everywhere


Liz is already here, Red arrives

RED : I come bearing gifts– pimento cheese sandwiches, toasted with the crusts cut off. Eartha Kitt’s recipe. It’s a fantastic story.
LIZ : What do you know about Tom?
RED : Lizzy, I’m not sure if I can shed any–
LIZ : No! We’re not doing that. Not today. You have been threatening to tell me the truth about my husband since the day we met, and I’m ready to listen. What do you know?
RED : Little more than you. Several years ago, it came to my attention that somebody was meddling in my business. To protect myself and my interests, I inventoried my vulnerabilities.
LIZ : Me.
RED : Among others. Lizzy, I’ve been monitoring Tom since he entered your life. About a year ago, I discovered that he had purchased three passports from a trusted forger I use in Warsaw.
LIZ : That’s it? He bought passports? My husband chose me. He inserted himself into my life because of you.
RED : I can only assume that’s the case.
LIZ : Why? How are we connected?
RED : That is just a distraction.

Liz gets excited, shouts

LIZ : No, that is all that matters! This is my life! Tell me!
RED : Right now, the only thing that matters is the immediate threat– your husband– finding out who he is and who he works for. The rest will come. I promise you.
LIZ : What’s this?
RED : Surveillance footage, taken by the people who were hired to watch you and Tom.
LIZ : The apple man. You watched them?
RED : Some. Enough. Perhaps you’ll see something that I could not.
LIZ : Tom. He wants to renew our vows.
RED : Things are unraveling for him. He’s desperate to keep you close. I think you’ve been presented with a unique opportunity. The people Tom works for are obviously very cautious. They operate slowly from the shadows. I’ve spent years tracking them, to no avail. We now have a chance to draw them out.

LIZ : Things will have to appear normal to Tom, to Cooper, and the others.

RED : Which is why you’ll need a case.Yesterday in Brooklyn, a taxi drove into the back of a truck under the 86th Street L Train, killing the driver and his female passenger. It’s being reported as an accident, but I suspect, in fact, it may be murder, the work of The Undertaker. He’s a broker of death, a man who somehow convinces ordinary people to kill on his behalf. Murder/suicide is his signature. How he recruits, nobody knows, but if this accident is his work, it gives you a rare glimpse into the way he operates and a chance to find him.


COCHRAN : I’ll be back in DC on Thursday. Have Senator Chapman’s Office set a lunch. We can talk about it then. Have the Committee Chairman join us, as well. Tell him it’s mandatory. Yes. Uh–huh. Yes. You have my word. Nothing will happen before then. Okay.
WOMAN : You Bennett Cochran?
COCHRAN : I am. Hey, hey. What the hell?

WOMAN : Please forgive me. I have a brother.

The woman puts some gasoline everywhere and switchs on a lighter. The man and the woman ignite



LIZ : Bennett Cochran was killed by a woman who was mentally unstable, Dee Torres. Local police consider both cases accidental– a runaway cab and a woman suffering from a mental break. But according to Reddington, these are assassination by suicide. They call him “The Undertaker,” a man who somehow turns ordinary people into contract killers. Reddington believes that, in all of these cases, the killer died along with the victim.
RESSLER : Complete strangers in different cities, assassins who can’t talk because they’re dead. LIZ : That’s what he’s selling to his clients– the perfect murder.
RESSLER : Who are his clients? Who hires this guy, and who does he work for?
LIZ : According to Reddington, he contracts with clients around the world – anyone interested in hiring a killer without the slightest possibility of it ever tracing back to them.
COOPER : Start with the killers’ families. See what they know.


MESSENGER : Hey, Milt. One for the morgue, bro.


WAHID'S WIFE : Wahid worked seven days a week. I begged him, slow down, scale back. He wouldn’t have any of it.
LIZ : I’m sure you have bills, like everyone else. He probably felt–
WIFE : No. Wahid didn’t have to work, not since Haroon passed.
RESSLER : Haroon?
WIFE : Wahid’s uncle in Pakistan. I didn’t even know he had an uncle.
RESSLER : He left you money?
WIFE : Yes. We only received the inheritance a few months ago. He was beginning to forget things. Maybe it was worse than I thought. I blame myself. He shouldn’t have been behind that wheel.


RESSLER : We found a connection. The killers both had terminal illnesses. They were gonna die.

LIZ : This is Wahid Davi’s brain scan. He had a rapidly accelerating brain tumor.

RESSLER : And Dee Torres – her autopsy showed she had late-stage cervical cancer, less than a month to live.
COOPER : The undertaker recruits the terminally ill as assassins?
LIZ : Yes. And both killers had additional problems– dementia, mental instability– conditions that made it possible for the police to explain away the events.
MEERA : Well, they also had motives. Their families are now suddenly free from financial hardship. The cabbie received an unexpected inheritance, and Dee Torres – her brother is now getting around-the-clock care, thanks to ghost payments from an anonymous foundation in Oregon.
COOPER : These killings are being financed. I don’t give a damn where the money’s going. I want to know where it’s coming from. Get into this guy’s financial life.


MILTON BOBBIT : Cigarette?
DANNY MOSS: Not supposed to smoke in here.
BOBBIT : What are they gonna do? Kill you?

In the garden of the hospital

DANNY : I paid 21 years. When I reapplied, they said my rates had doubled because I had a heart condition. Couldn’t afford it.
BOBBIT : Well, what I want to offer you is something better than life insurance, Danny – the promise that everyone you love will be taken care of – your mortgage, so Claire won’t lose the house on Crestview, tuition, so Carolyn can afford college.
DANNY : Who are you?
BOBBIT : Total value of what I’m offering paid out over the lifetimes of your wife and daughter would be –
DANNY : Keep talking.


Keen's friends and Craig, Tom's brother are here

TOM : Craig?
CRAIG : Come here, brother!
TOM : What the hell are you doing here?
CRAIG ; What is all this?
LIZ : You said you wanted to renew our vows.
TOM ; Yeah.
LIZ ; There’s no time like the present.
ELLIE : I can’t believe you guys are getting married twice before I get married once.
TOM : Yeah. We just talked about it yesterday. So, Craig, when did you get in?
CRAIG : Liz called me this morning. I got the first flight out.
LIZ : Work has been insane, and we’ve had to put so many things off, and I’m not doing it anymore. I want to marry this man!
CRAIG : Cheers!
LIZ : Now, go get dressed. And, oh, just make sure he shaves. I’m not marrying George Michael.

In the kitchen, Liz hides Craig's glass


Tom shaves and speaks alone with Craig

TOM : You shouldn’t be here.
CRAIG : Yeah? You think I didn’t try? You know what? You should thank me. I called you the minute I knew.
TOM : Yeah. Lot of good that did.
CRAIG : She was asking about our parents.
TOM : The accident?
CRAIG : Yeah. The accident, Tucson. I think she knows.
TOM : No. She doesn’t know anything.
CRAIG : You honestly don’t see it, do you? How far in over your head you are. She knows exactly what she’s doing. This chick is smart.
TOM: Look, man. Relax. I know what I am doing. I know how to read this woman. Why do you think I asked her to renew our vows? To get her in bed? Come on. Give me a break.
CRAIG : : Yeah? Well, I hope your BS is exceptional today because in less than five minutes, you’re gonna fall in love all over again.
TOM : Thanks, brother.


Liz, Tom, Craig and their friends

TOM : When I’m with you, Liz, I feel like I don’t need to pretend. I know that you accept me for who I really am, and that’s a gift that I thank God for every day. And that’s all I got.
LIZ : Tom, everyone. Thing is, when you asked me to renew our vows, I thought it was odd. And then I realized how much we’ve been through in such a short time.So much has changed. But the more I thought about it, I realized this is the beginning of something amazing, a new chapter, a new us. And I wanted to take this opportunity to stand in front of you and all of our friends, everyone we love, and tell you how excited I am about what’s coming next because I have a feeling this is going to be one hell of a ride.
CRAIG : Okay. By the power vested in me by the online Universal Life Church I once again pronounce you husband and wife. This is the kissing part.
TOM : Yeah, yes.
CRAIG : You kiss. Yes. Kiss.


Liz looks at Apple Man’s surveillance videos. She sets up new evidence board on white board, linking Tom, Gina Zanetakos, Craig, Jolene Parker, Viktor Fokin …

She sees Tom hiding a key. At home, she finds it.


DEMBE : Raymond said you needed something.
LIZ : Could you have him run these prints, get me a name?

Dembe looks the kitchen

LIZ : What?
DEMBE : This paint – what color is it?
LIZ : It’s called “Chicago Skyline.”
DEMBE : Nice.


ARAM : I looked into the accounts of the two suicide killers, and I found a common thread. Both accounts are receiving funds from a bank in the Caymans notorious for laundering money.
MEERA : The Undertaker’s bank account.
ARAM : Better. I think I uncovered his payment network. Look at this. Dozens of accounts from all around the world, all receiving some form of payment.
LIZ : He’s been doing this for years. It’s in Boston, Tokyo, Seattle, Mexico City.
RESSLER : Gotta be payouts in the tens of millions.
LIZ : A network of dead assassins.
ARAM : Not all of them. Danny Moss, 54, resident of Dorchester, Mass. sent wire transfer instructions to the same Cayman bank that funds the other accounts.
LIZ : Let me guess – Danny is dying.
ARAM : Congestive heart failure.
COOPER : Get a unit to his house, now.


LIZ : Moss isn’t home. Wife said he left the house 20 minutes ago.
RESSLER : Where did she say he was going?


Campaign event

CANDIDATE WRIGHT : You have my commitment to rolling up my sleeves every day and working for you and for this great city. Thank you. Thank you, everybody. Thank you. Appreciate it.
VOICE : We’re with you!

Ressler and Liz drive up, run in

WRIGHT : Make sure I get the photo op, so that they can know me, okay?
VOICE : Yeah, you’re right.
DANNY MOSS : Mr. Wright?
WRIGHT : Do I know you?
DANNY MOSS : I’m sorry. I am really sorry.
LIZ : Danny, stop! Danny! Stop!
RESSLER : FBI! Back up! FBI! –
LIZ : Danny, stop!

RESSLER : Back up!

WRIGHT : Please.

LIZ : This isn’t how your wife or daughter want to remember you.

WRIGHT : Please.
DANNY : This is for my family.
WRIGHT : I don’t even know you.
RESSLER : Put the gun down.
LIZ : Whatever he’s paying you, it isn’t worth it. We can help. Don’t do this.
DANNY : Are you gonna take care of my family?
LIZ : Is this really how you want to die?


WOMAN : Professor, someone to see you.
RED : Cvetko, you rascal. You wouldn’t believe how hard it is to find a Bosnian in San Salvador.
VLAD : Wish it was harder.
RED : Oh, this looks rather ghoulish. Vlad, I need your help identifying somebody.
VLAD : Can’t help.
RED : Of course you can. I have a fingerprint. Benson ran it, got a name.
VLAD : Benson – there’s your problem.
RED : She says the print belongs to a Craig Keen. Well, Craig Keen is an alias – a very good one at that, complete with a credit rating, school and medical records, passports with a long history – all the trimmings.
VLAD : No.
RED : What do you know about touch DNA?
VLAD : I said no.
RED : I know very little, but as I understand it, it’s possible to actually lift tissue cells from a fingerprint and run the DNA? Is that right?
VLAD : You slept with my wife.
RED : How is Fadila? Vlad, it was a mistake. I can easily blame it on the hashish and the grappa, but the truth is– may I speak freely? You’re better off without her. She’s fickle.I’m sorry, but this business with the fingerprint– it’s important...

VLAD : Do you still have that little villa in Dubrovnik?
RED : I do.
VLAD : A weekend there with Fadila. She would love it.

RED : I can’t understand why you insist on chasing that woman. All right. The villa is yours. And if it doesn’t work out with Fadila, I know a ravishing Dane who would adore you. She’s slightly cross-eyed and there’s something very hypnotic about her gaze.


On phone

LIZ : Keen.
RED : How’s your case developing, Lizzy?
LIZ : We have one of the assassins in custody. We’re taking him in for questioning now.
RED : Have you figured out how he selects them, the common denominator?
LIZ : They’re all sick. We know from their autopsies they’re terminally ill.
RED : Well, there you have it. You only know these assassins were ill because of their autopsies and police reports. You know after they’re already dead. But somehow, The Undertaker knows before. Find out how he knows that, and you’ll find your man.

LIZ : Where are we with Craig?

RED : Is he still in town?
LIZ : A–as far as I know.
RED : Good. Find him. Watch him.
LIZ : Did you find his name?
RED : Yes. I think it’s time for the three of us to have a little chat.


Craig enters. Liz slams him with door. Fight. She prevails. Points gun at him

LIZ : Hey, Craig. Can we talk? –

Liz has Craig handcuffed to sink pipes

LIZ : Who do you work for?
CRAIG : I don’t know what you’re talking about.
LIZ : Who do you work for?!
CRAIG : Please, look. This has got to be some – Aah!
LIZ : I know who you are.
CRAIG : Aah!
LIZ : I know about the time you did at Wasco. I know about the warrants. I know about you, Christopher Maly.
CRAIG : I don’t know who the hell –
LIZ : Somebody provided you with an identity, a history, embedded you into my life. I want to know who, and I want to know why.
CRAIG : This is a mistake. You have no idea who you’re dealing with.
LIZ : I never did like you

On phone

LIZ: Ressler, hey, what’s up? Yeah. Of course. No. I’ll be right there.

Liz hangs up

CRAIG : You didn’t exactly think this through, did you?
LIZ : Actually I did.

Red arrives

RED : Looks like we’re a little late to the party. You must be the brother–in–law.
LIZ : Ressler called. I have to step out. He isn’t cooperating.
RED : Oh, hell. Dembe, get the hacksaw. We’re gonna have to take him out of here in pieces... I’m just kidding. We’ll get old Christopher to talk. Who’s up for a field trip?


RESSLER : I interviewed Danny Moss. He can’t ID the guy who put him up to the shooting. But get this– he offered Danny a cigarette.
LIZ : So?
RESSLER : Reddington said this guy knows his assassins are sick before he recruits them. This guy knew Danny had heart failure. This guy knew he smoked. How did he know that?
MEERA : He somehow had access to his medical files.
LIZ : How? His doctors?
RESSLER : That’s what I thought. But Dee Torres, Danny Moss – the assassins all had different doctors.
MEERA : Insurance companies have access.
RESSLER : They all had different health plans.
LIZ : What about life insurance?
ARAM : Hold on. Hey. Wahid Davi, Dee Torres, and Danny Moss all had life–insurance applications or policies canceled by the same insurance agency, Green Glades.
LIZ : Hey. Can I ask for a favor? About today, I got to be somewhere.
LIZ : Yeah.

RESSLER : Is that what this is about– why you were, uh, absent? Take all the time you need.


RED : Terrifying. You know, this artist got his start with puppets. What is it about puppets? It’s the same with clowns. I’ll never forget a puppet show I saw when I was 5, maybe 6.”Hansel and Gretel.”
CRAIG : Why are we here?
RED : Scared me to death. But it wasn’t the witch. It was the oven. Imagine an oven puppet. I don’t think I set foot in our kitchen for a month.
CRAIG : I don’t know what you think you’re gonna gain from all this, but I’m not gonna talk. I will die before I give you anything.

Dembe arrives with an old lady in wheelchair

CRAIG : If you so much as touch my mother
RED : God, I miss Bob Ross. That television painter with the little squirrel on his shoulder and the happy little trees. Few strokes with a palette knife and an entire mountain range would emerge through the clouds– absolutely mesmerizing. Well, let’s go back to the hotel.I think I saw some yogurt pretzels in your mini bar.


RESSLER : So, we’re specifically looking for the policy files for a Wahid Davi, a Dee Torres, and a Danny Moss.
INSURANCE MAN : I looked up those names after you called. And the thing is, we don’t have any active files on any of those names.
MEERA : When you say these people don’t have active files with you, what does that mean? I mean, these people have life–insurance policies with you.
INSURANCE MAN : Well, I mean, if they were dropped, then they would have been purged from the system.

RESSLER : Dropped and purged why?

INSURANCE MAN : Good God. Any number of reasons. Uh, medical conditions, change of lifestyle– it’s– it’s like a whole formula.I mean, if you guys want to talk actuarial tables, then Milton’s your man. Milton Bobbit. He’s where all policies go to die.
RESSLER : What do you mean “Go to die”?
INSURANCE MAN : No, it’s nothing. It’s just we – we like to joke about Milton. He’s – he’s kind of obsessed with death. He actually volunteers to deliver flowers to the Westport cemetery . Hey, Milton!


Ressler and Meera enter Bobbit’s home; he is the man with the mushrooms. Ressler finds case files on a coffee table

MEERA : Fredrick Osborn. Who’s he?
RESSLER : Our next victim.


OSBORN : Help if I could. Don’t have any change.
BOBBIT : You don’t remember me, do you?
OSBORN : I’m sorry.
BOBBIT : Uh Patient 4–2–1, male, presenting with diabetes.

Points gun at Osborn


Liz enters. Red and Dembe are watching The Three Sttoges. Red is giggling

TV: Please, take off your hat. Raise your right hand.
RED: Wait.
TV: Now put your left hand here. Take off your hat!
LIZ : What are you doing?
RED : Shh, shh, shh. Watch – the hat.
TV: Raise your right hand. Will you get rid of that hat? Raise your right hand.
RED : Unlike someone who shall remain nameless, we waited for you. Shall we get started?

Red has Craig handcuffed to sink pipes

CRAIG : I get a phone call. They tell me where to go, and I go.
LIZ : Who tells you?
CRAIG : Different people. It’s never the same person twice.
LIZ : Jolene Parker?
CRAIG : I’m telling you that I don’t know any names.
LIZ : My husband hides a key in the house. What’s it for– a safe deposit box? A storage unit?

Cell phone rings

RED : It’s your husband.
LIZ : Tell me about Tom.
CRAIG : I don’t know his real name. He’s got a brother in Chicago. I’ve heard him talk about a woman, Niki.
LIZ : Niki? Is that some woman he sees?
CRAIG : Do you think we sit around and we chat about it? There’s a reason that his cover is that we’re estranged and our parents are dead. There’s a reason that there are no people in his life – because none of it is real.

Phone rings. It's Tom, again

CRAIG : We were supposed to meet. He wants to talk about you. He knows where I’m staying. It’s only a matter of time before he’s here.
LIZ : We got to get out of here.


COOPER : Where the hell is Keen?
MEERA : Ressler said she had some personal business.
COOPER : Where are we on this next target – Osborn? Have we located him?
ARAM : Uh, units are at Osborn’s house. Wife and co–workers can’t reach him. We found his car at a parking structure near the hospital where he works.
RESSLER : I’ve been questioning Ian Wright. I think I found something. Bobbit’s MO has shifted. None of his other victims were connected, all murders for hire. But the last three– they’re different, personal. Look at this. Excuse me.15 years ago,Dr. Fredrick Osborn chaired the Department of Endocrinology at City Memorial. He supervised a clinical trial seeking approval for a DD4 classification drug to treat Type 2 diabetes. The early safety trials were funded by a Vermont Venture Capitalist named Ian Wright and fast–tracked through the FDA approval process by a lobbyist for the pharmaceutical industry named Bennett Cochran.
MEERA : And Mitchell?
RESSLER : She was Osborn’s research assistant. She reviewed applicants for the clinical trial, personally identified participants.
MEERA : Including Milton Bobbit.

RESSLER : Bobbit was patient zero.


On phone

CRAIG : Everything’s fine.
TOM : Yeah? Then why didn’t you pick up?
CRAIG : There’s a situation. I’m handling it. I just need time.
TOM : Time for what?
CRAIG : What are you – my wife, Tom? Listen up. I just need two hours. I’ll explain everything then. Just sit tight. Don’t panic.
TOM : Easy for you to say. I’m the one who is accountable to Berlin. I’m coming to your hotel now.

Tom hangs up

RED : Tell me about Berlin. Berlin.
CRAIG : I can’t.
RED : What’s in Berlin? Is the bank in Berlin? Christopher who’s in Berlin? Dembe, we’re moving the conversation elsewhere. Wipe down the room.
RED : Tell me about the building.
LIZ : The south elevator has no cameras, empties into the basement. Two doors past the mechanical room lead to the alleyway.

Craig jumps out of window

RED : Okay, then.
LIZ : What now? What are you doing?
RED : Putting on my coat.
LIZ : A man just jumped through the window. There’s a body on the sidewalk.
RED: Yes. And your husband, the police, and all the king’s men will be here soon. If you care to stick around and explain, feel free. But I, for one, will not be in attendance. Dembe, I’ll get her downstairs. After you’re finished, grab the pretzels.

Red leaves with Liz


BOBBIT : Every morning, when I wake up, I read the obituaries. Every aspect of death fascinates me. I don’t want to die. I’ve done everything in my power not to – Western medicine, alternative therapies, pills, herbs. But I have come to accept that I will die.

He opens his vest – he is wearing a suicide vest.

OSBORN : Oh, God. Please, no. No. No, no, no, no.
BOBBIT : Hey, doctor, I am not angry. Not anymore. I was, but I’m not now. If anything, I want to thank you for this incredible journey you’ve sent me on. Who would have ever thought that anything good would come of what you did to me?

He twists his nose off


ARAM : Metro still has no sign of Osborn. Uh, no activity on the Cayman account.
COOPER : The man didn’t just quit. Someone is paying him to do this.
MEERA : Or maybe they’re not. Maybe there’s no activity on the Cayman account because he wants to do the last one himself. What if Bobbit is terminally ill?
RESSLER : His last murder/suicide.
COOPER : What else do we know about this guy, about – about his life? – Who is he? –
MEERA : Nobody. Single. He has no family or friends to speak of.
COOPER ; He cares about something.
RESSLER : Westport– it’s the cemetery where he volunteers.
MEERA : Well, maybe that’s where he wants to go and die.


BOBBIT : Before you made me sick, I had no purpose in life– helped no one left no mark. Thanks to you, I was transformed. I no longer see death as a burden, but an opportunity to take the rejects that nobody cares about and give them tremendous power. And as a result, hundreds of widows, orphans, broken families– they’re being taken care of. Their houses are being paid for, their education. I put food on their table.
OSBORN : If I have helped you why are you doing this to me?
BOBBIT : Because the good things I have done don’t justify the terrible things you’ve done

Police vehicles arrive, sirens blaring

LIZ : Negotiator’s en route.
MEERA : We have snipers in place.
MEERA : He’s not gonna let us take him, and the man has a death wish. How do you plan on recovering the hostage?
MEERA : What– what are you doing?
LIZ : Ressler.
BOBBIT : Stop! Not– not one more step further. Don’t come any closer! I swear to God– you take one more step!
RESSLER : Stay calm, Mr. Bobbit. Fredrick Osborn you’re under arrest.
OSBORN : What?
RESSLER : You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you.

BOBBIT : What is happening?!

RESSLER : You’re under arrest for evidence tampering, for murder in the furtherance of a corrupt criminal enterprise.
OSBORN : You can’t arrest me.
RESSLER : We know about the clinical trials, the people who died.
OSBORN : What about him? You should arrest him.
BOBBIT : I’m not leaving.
RESSLER : I don’t think Milton has any intention of being arrested today.

They walk away. Bobbit sets off his suicide vest, knocking Ressler and Osborne down, but not injuring them.


Red is sitting in an office, looking very serious and sad. Cooper comes in, says

COOPER : Time's up. Is that what this was about? You getting access to Bobbit’s client list?
RED : Yes.
COOPER : Find what you were looking for?

RED : Good night, Harold


LIZ : I can’t do this anymore. I can’t look at him, let alone touch him.
RED : Be patient. With Craig, things have been set in motion. How Tom reacts will tell us a great deal. You need to stay the course.
LIZ : I don’t think I can.

Red and Liz are in the evidence board room. Red moves a mostly-burned fragment of paper saying Berlin to the top of the chart

LIZ : What is it? What does it mean?
RED : I don’t know yet.


TOM : Hey.
LIZ : Hey, babe. You know, I was thinking – it was so good to see your brother again. So, I left him a message. I thought maybe we could have dinner before he left. And I never heard back.
TOM : Oh, you know what? He called, actually. Said he had to catch the red–eye back. I think work, I guess.

LIZ : He just left? Never even said goodbye?
TOM : Yeah. Classic Craig, right? Honestly, could the two of you be any less alike?

Liz wants to leave the room

TOM : Stop. We’re newlyweds.

Adapté du site «The Blacklist Classified», mise en page par mnoandco

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