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#201 : Lord Baltimore

Liz et l'avocat qui s'occupe de son divorce

Ecrit par: Jon Bokenkamp & John Eisendrath
Réalisé par: Michael Watkins

Red continue de lutter contre Berlin et fait face à une nouvelle menace, un homme du nom de Lord Baltimore. Une personne importante revient du passé de Red. Pendant ce temps, Liz tente d'aller de l'avant après sa confrontation avec Tom.


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Lord Baltimore

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Lord Baltimore

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The Blacklist Season 2 Trailer

The Blacklist Season 2 Trailer


Season 2 - First Look - 2014 - NBC

Season 2 - First Look - 2014 - NBC


Photos promo

Rencontre secrète entre Red (James Spader) et Liz (Megan Boone)

Rencontre secrète entre Red (James Spader) et Liz (Megan Boone)

Samar Navabi (Mozhan Marno) , agent du Mossad

Samar Navabi (Mozhan Marno) , agent du Mossad

Nora Mills, Lord Baltimore (Krysten Ritter )#104

Nora Mills, Lord Baltimore (Krysten Ritter )#104

Berlin (Peter Stormare ) prend une photo polaroïd de Naomi/Carla (Marie-Louise Parker)

Berlin (Peter Stormare ) prend une photo polaroïd de Naomi/Carla (Marie-Louise Parker)

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) a arrêté Nora Mills (Krysten Ritter ) alias Lord Baltimore

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) a arrêté Nora Mills (Krysten Ritter ) alias Lord Baltimore

Nora Mills (Krysten Ritter ) alias Lord Baltimore #104

Nora Mills (Krysten Ritter ) alias Lord Baltimore #104

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) prend connaissance d'un document

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) prend connaissance d'un document

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) a repéré le suspect

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) a repéré le suspect

Les marshals pénétrent chez Naomi/Carla (Marie-Louise Parker) pour la protéger

Les marshals pénétrent chez Naomi/Carla (Marie-Louise Parker) pour la protéger

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone)

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone)

Raymond Reddington (James Spader)

Raymond Reddington (James Spader)

Elisabeth (Megan Boone )

Elisabeth (Megan Boone )

Elisabeth (Megan Boone ) assise

Elisabeth (Megan Boone ) assise

Dembe (Hisham Tawfiq) remet une étrange enveloppe à Red (James Spader)

Dembe (Hisham Tawfiq) remet une étrange enveloppe à Red (James Spader)

Berlin (Peter Stormare )

Berlin (Peter Stormare )

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) kidnappé

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) kidnappé

Les agents interrogent  Rowan Mills (Krysten Ritter ) dont les données ont été piratées

Les agents interrogent Rowan Mills (Krysten Ritter ) dont les données ont été piratées

Berlin (Peter Stormare ) force Naomi/Carla (Marie-Louise Parker) à obéir

Berlin (Peter Stormare ) force Naomi/Carla (Marie-Louise Parker) à obéir

L'agent du Mossad Samar Navabi (Mozhan Marno) détient Reddington

L'agent du Mossad Samar Navabi (Mozhan Marno) détient Reddington

Raymond Redddington (James Spader) libéré

Raymond Redddington (James Spader) libéré

Walter Gary Martin (Jason Butler Harner) remet un dossier à Raymond Reddington (James Spader)

Walter Gary Martin (Jason Butler Harner) remet un dossier à Raymond Reddington (James Spader)

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) découvre un cadavre

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) découvre un cadavre

Naomi (Marie-Louise Parker) terrorisée découvre  Berlin (Peter Stormare ), celui qui l'a fait enlever

Naomi (Marie-Louise Parker) terrorisée découvre Berlin (Peter Stormare ), celui qui l'a fait enlever

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) poursuit un suspect dans la rue

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) poursuit un suspect dans la rue

 Rowan Mills ...à moins que cela soit Nora et ses hommes

Rowan Mills ...à moins que cela soit Nora et ses hommes

Moment de détente dans le couple Hyland (Marie-Louise Parker et Lee Tergesen)

Moment de détente dans le couple Hyland (Marie-Louise Parker et Lee Tergesen)

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) reçoit un cadeau horrible

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) reçoit un cadeau horrible

Naomi Hyland (Marie-Louise Parker) explique à Liz (Megan Boone) sa situation

Naomi Hyland (Marie-Louise Parker) explique à Liz (Megan Boone) sa situation

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) remercie l'avocat qui s'est occupé de son divorce

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) remercie l'avocat qui s'est occupé de son divorce

Dembe (Hisham Tawfiq)

Dembe (Hisham Tawfiq)


Logo de la chaîne TF1

France (inédit)
Mercredi 26.08.2015 à 21:00
4.46m / 19.9% (Part)

Logo de la chaîne NBC

Etats-Unis (inédit)
Lundi 22.09.2014 à 22:00
12.55m / 3.5% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Personnage Blaklisté: N°104: Lord Baltimore (Nora Mills)


Peter Stormare ... Berlin

Krysten Ritter ... Rowan Mills / Nora Mills

Jason Butler Harner... Walter Gary Martin

Adriane Lenox...Reven Wright

Mary-Louise Parker...Naomi Hyland/Carla Reddington

G-Rod ... Agent du Mossad

Jeff Talbott ... L'avocat d'Elizabeth

Lee Tergesen ...  Frank Hyland

Au début de l'épisode, nous retrouvons Red menotté, étendu à l'arrière d'une jeep conduite par des enfants soldats et sous des tirs de poursuivants dans la jungle camerounaise. Pire, l'un des enfants porte le chapeau de Red. Finalement, ils atteignent le camp d'une milice présidée par le général Yaabari, à qui Red propose un marché : Berlin a engagé un chasseur de primes de Yaabari pour le trouver. Si Yaabari est d'accord pour donner le nom des autres chasseurs de primes que Berlin a engagés dans les 30 secondes, il peut avoir 3 millions de dollars ou il peut donner les noms à Red pour rien...BAM ! Un missile hellfire frappe à proximité comme Red s'apprête à enflammer les 3 millions. Lorsque le deuxième tir frappe encore plus près, Yabaari propose un nom : Lord Baltimore. Jetant son cigare sur les 3 millions qui s'embrasent, Red récupère son chapeau et s'en va.

Au bureau de Poste, le sous-procureur général adjoint Reven Wright nomme l'agent Walter Gary Martin comme remplaçant de Cooper. Red a dépensé 12 millions dans les derniers mois et n'a toujours aucune piste sur Berlin. Wright veut parler à Reddington et n'est pas ravie d'apprendre que lui ne veut parler qu'à Elisabeth Keen... qui habite à présent dans une chambre de motel, paranoïaque et obsédée par les connections entre Sam, Tom, Berlin et Red. Elle rappelle à Red que Martin ne protégera pas la Task-Force et que sans Cooper ils sont grillés. Mais le souci de Red est Lord Baltimore, un cyber-traqueur mortel et leur première vraie piste sur Berlin. Il s'avère qu'Aram connaît Lord Baltimore de réputation, une légende urbaine qui analyse une foule de données pour trouver ses victimes. Aram localise le cyber ingénieur Rowan Mills dont Lord Baltimore a peut-être piraté les données et ce n'est pas la première fois, mais celle-ci n'a aucune idée de qui ça peut bien être.

Quelque part dans un appartement, un homme rapporte du nouveau à Berlin, qui se prélasse dans un bain de glace. Lord Baltimore a localisé Reddington et l'extraction aura lieu demain. Mais le gouvernement fédéral est impliqué donc cela coûtera plus cher. Berlin attrape et noie presque l'homme dans son bain pour souligner un point important : aucune dépense supplémentaire. Pendant ce temps, Rowan reçoit un appel effrayant d'une voix altérée numériquement. Elle ne doit plus parler au FBI, sinon...ce qu'elle fait immédiatement alors que Aram confirme que son réseau a été piraté de l'extérieur. Il ne faut pas longtemps au FBI pour remonter jusqu'à un appartement loué au nom de Rowan et y trouver un ordinateur portable appartenant à Lord Baltimore rempli des données piratées. Rowan continue d'affirmer que l'appartement n'est pas à elle mais admet avoir une sœur jumelle, Nora, qui est morte des années auparavant à Mossoul. La seule explication possible est que Nora est vivante. Rowan et sa mère racontent l'histoire de Nora molestée par un oncle et que personne n'a cru. Troublée et perdue, Nora s'est retrouvée travaillant pour une compagnie de sécurité paramilitaire et était en mission lorsqu'elle a été déclarée morte au combat, même si son corps n'a jamais été retrouvé. Puisqu'il y a une chance que Nora soit toujours vivante, le FBI décide de libérer Rowan.

Red rend visite à Cooper qui maintenant marche avec une canne et veut prendre sa retraite. Lui offrant en souvenir une clé USB, seul copie de leur "petite aventure au Koweit" comme pot de vin, Red demande à Cooper de revenir dans la Task-Force. En plus, il connaît le diagnostic de Cooper. De retour à son hôtel, venu de nulle part, un hélicoptère fait feu dans les escaliers où se trouve Red : un commando en sort et emmène Red dans une planque. Cette opération est commandée par l'agent du Mossad, Samar Navabi. Red n'est pas inquiet, sachant que son patron téléphonera pour lui dire de le relâcher mais il est impressionné par son habileté pour l'attraper. Un instant après, Martin libère Red avec un ordre exécutif. Dans la voiture, Red feuillette un tas de photos : en effet, Aram a découvert que Lord Baltimore traquait une femme. C'est alors que Red reconnaît la photos de son ex-femme qui s'appelle à présent Naomi Hyland. Naomi et son mari reçoivent des amis dans leur maison à Philadelphie quand Liz frappe à la porte et veut la conduire en sécurité mais Naomi n'est pas disposée à tout abandonner encore une fois.

L'homme que Berlin a failli noyer, Marcus, se montre à l'appartement de Rowan et lui fait écouter un enregistrement. Comme psychiquement Rowan se transforme en sa soeur Nora, Ressler retourne dans la maison de sa mère et trouve sa jumelle dans un congélateur dans une fourgonnette. En attendant, Rowan se met en place, armée d'un fusil de sniper en face de la maison de Naomi et commence à tirer sur les agents en faction. Quelques instants plus tard, son équipe fait irruption dans la maison de Naomi. Liz et l'équipe sont mis hors service et Naomi est capturée. Liz réagit juste à temps pour arrêter Nora/Rowan dans la rue et appelle Red pour lui dire qu'elle tient Lord Baltimore. Mais la personnalité de Rowan a resurgi et elle n'a aucune idée des récents événements. Liz sait qu'elle a  besoin du déclencheur ce qui l'a conduit à Marcus et à l'enregistrement d'une chanson des Ink Spots : We Three. Elle joue la musique à Rowan et propose comme théorie que c'est Nora qui a survécu et ensuite tué Rowan ce qui a fractionné sa personnalité. Nora/Rowan finit par donner à Liz la localisation de Naomi mais le FBI arrive trop tard sur les lieux. Un seul homme de Lord Baltimore est vivant et Red demande à lui parler. Il lui donne l'adresse d'un appartement où Berlin retient Naomie et prend une photo d'elle. Le temps que Red arrive, la pièce est déserte mais un médaillon contenant la photo de Naomie est bien en évidence sur l'oreiller.

Liz rencontre un avocat qui l'informe que son mariage avec Tom est annulé. Prête pour une nouvelle vie, Liz se coupe les cheveux et retourne au bureau pour y trouver Cooper qui reprend ses fonctions. C'est la première bonne nouvelle depuis longtemps. A l'autre bout de la ville, Red reçoit un colis qui contient un téléphone et une petite boîte. Berlin va faire à Naomi ce que Red a fait à sa fille c'est à dire lui renvoyer pièce par pièce. En effet, la boîte contient un pouce de Naomi.

                                                                              Traduit et adapté du résumé du site officiel par mnoandco



Red is hands tied in a car which is driving by a kid
The car is being pursued by another
KID: Whoo!
Indistinct shouting
Gunfire, shouting
The second car exploses
Cheering Indistinct conversations

Red looking at rum on a table and chuckling

RED :Oh, my stars. Is that how you cope with this insufferable humidity? I couldn’t do it.
YAABARI : We had an agreement.
RED : We did.
YAABARI : I told you if I ever found you in my territory again, I’d kill you.
RED : Tell the boy not to pull on the brim of the hat.
YAABARI : What’s in the box?
RED : I’ve come to propose a business transaction.
YAABARI : No, we have no business. The box.

Yaabari shouting in Bantu

RED : Typically, I steer clear of tin-pot dictators who employ boy soldiers, but I’m afraid this situation is unique.

Speaking Bantu a man holds gun to Red’s head

RED : Well, now you’re being shortsighted.

Shouting in Bantu against Red

RED : Tell him to put the gun down.

The man always shouting in Bantu .Yaabari shoots man

RED : I’m glad to know you’re a man of decisive action. You see, Yaabari, you didn’t actually find me. I found you. And while your prepubescent ruffians may not know it, they brought me here to strike a deal that could benefit all of us.
YAABARI : What kind of deal?

Red opens the box full of dollars

RED : A man calling himself Berlin hired a bounty hunter to find me and my associates. That bounty hunter worked for you. I’ve since dispatched of him, but if Berlin hired one bounty hunter, he hired five. I want their names. I’m willing to pay $3 million. We do need to move quickly, though.You have ...30secondes...
YAABARI : Or what?
RED : Or you give me the names for free.


RED : We really should act swiftly.
YAABARI : We really should kill you and keep your money.
RED : Now, there’s a point of view that I can relate to.

Yaabari laughs

RED : Yaabari, look at me. Give me what I want, or so help me God, I’ll make it rain fire on you.
YAABARI : Kill him.

Whooshing.Explosion.Indistinct shouting

RED : Funny thing I recently acquired three hellfire missiles at a considerable discount.

Red takes the rum and put it on the money

RED : If you give me what I want, I can still call off the other two. But I’ll need to borrow your phone.
YAABARI : I know nothing.
RED : Mm. I think you do, Yaabari. I think you’ve heard things. Who else has Berlin hired to hunt me?

Red lights a cigar

YAABARI : The Cuban.
RED : Orci. I’ve dealt with Orci. Who else?
YAABARI : I told you I don’t know!

Whooshing.Explosion, another hellfire missile destroys the camp

YAABARI : Okay. It’s okay. There was someone. I-I can’t remember his name. They call him something the, The Prince, The Lord.
RED : Lord Baltimore.

Red goes away but before throws his cigar on the money which burns

YAABARI : Fetch the water! What are you doing? Go, go!


REVEN WRIGHT : He burned it? Are you kidding me? $3 million?
MARTIN : We understand he has a lead.
WRIGHT : Reddington has had lots of “leads” in the past two months. That was supposed to help us in our search for this… We still don’t even know what this Berlin’s real name is. One thing we do know is that the FBI has allowed its #4 to hand out $12 million in untraceable black-bag cash to his friends.
MARTIN : That money was used for local intel, – and I’m confident that Redding–
WRIGHT : That money has people on the Intelligence Committee asking questions.
MARTIN : The actions that concern you were approved by my predecessor. Now, I don’t want to criticize Harold Cooper, and God knows I wish him a speedy recovery, but as Interim Director of this task force, I can assure you the situation is under control.
WRIGHT : I am the Deputy Attorney General. If I say I want to talk to Reddington, I talk to Reddington.
RESSLER : That’s great, but we have a thing here – Reddington only talks with Elizabeth Keen.


She is looking at files about Reddington, Berlin, Tom's code book...then, Liz gets ready


RED : Did you take a different route?
LIZ : Justice is freaking out.
RED : Change your hotel?
LIZ : Hellfire missiles? – Seriously?
RED : Life is far too important a thing ever to talk seriously about.
LIZ : Martin won’t protect the task force. He doesn’t care that Berlin is still targeting us. And without Cooper to defend our actions –
RED : People love to decry big brother, the NSA, the government listening in on their most private lives, yet they all willingly go online and hand over the most intimate details of those lives – to big data.
LIZ : Most people don’t care that Google knows their search history.
RED : They know more than that. They know your habits, the banks you use, the pills you pop, the men or women you sleep with. Every piece of information is worth something to somebody. And in the hands of the wrong person, that could be deadly.
LIZ : You have a lead.
RED : Lord Baltimore is in town.
LIZ : Lord Baltimore?
RED : He’s a tracker by trade, but his methods are thoroughly modern. He’s made an art of combing through cyberspace, finding the status updates, financial records, and location blips that virtually everyone leaves behind in the modern age.
LIZ : And he has a new target?
RED : Yes. Me. Follow this, Lizzy. It’s our first lead. If we find Lord Baltimore, he may very well point us to Berlin.

In a car a man monitors Liz


LIZ : Berlin has hired a skip tracer who calls himself Lord Baltimore.
MARTIN : Two months, and Reddington brings you a bounty hunter?
LIZ : He’s more than a bounty hunter. He’s a statistician.
MARTIN : Even less impressive. What does he do, find them with a slide ruler?
ARAM : No. With data analytics.
RESSLER : You’ve heard of this guy?
ARAM : Yeah. Lord Baltimore is an urban legend. They say he roams the deep web, hunting those who don’t wish to be found. Uses some sort of collection algorithms to build a dossier based on the information that people give away online.
LIZ : He’s a data miner. Aram, can you pull up that file you showed me?Rowan Mills. She works as a data engineer at Quancord Analytics.
ARAM : Agent Keen asked me to look for any irregularities in the accounts of employees at the six big data firms.I found several, but this was especially odd: a $250,000 payment that went into Mills’ I.R.A. 30 seconds later it shut out to an offshore account.


ROWAN MILLS : Yes, $250,000 was deposited into my I.R.A., but as soon as I saw that, I changed my passwords and I reported it. I’m telling you, I’m the victim here.
LIZ : And you said this wasn’t the first time you were targeted?
ROWAN : There was an incident in August.
RESSLER : What kind of an incident?
ROWAN : Someone accessed my systems.
LIZ : Looking for what? Bank accounts? Credit-card numbers?
ROWAN : It would be impossible to know what they were looking for because the data we gather has no limits.
LIZ : They were looking for someone who doesn’t want to be found.
RESSLER : Could the data that was taken help them do that?
ROWAN : Yes. That’s what we do.


LIZ : Did you hear what she said?
RESSLER : You’re being paranoid.
LIZ : How easy it is to track someone? I mean, I just feel like – I don’t know – someone is watching me.
RESSLER : Is that why you’re living out of your trunk? Those motels? The aliases? You got to stop doing that, Keen. Tom’s dead.
LIZ : You talk to Dr. Friedman yet?
RESSLER : Don’t change the subject.
LIZ : The visits are mandatory.
RESSLER : Look, the Bureau isn’t interested in our mental health. They’ve assigned a shrink to talk to us to cover their asses in case one of us wigs out, but that ain’t gonna be me.
LIZ : You’re too healthy to talk to a shrink?
RESSLER : I talk to you all the time. Aren’t you board certified?
LIZ : Yeah. And in my professional opinion, I think you need to talk to Dr. Friedman.


MAN : He here?

Berlin is in a bath with ice cubes.

MAN : Lord Baltimore has found Reddington. The extraction will take place tomorrow. But the Feds are involved now. That complicates things. There will be additional expenses.

Berlin, muttering

MAN : What?

Berlin trys to drown him. The man, gurgling, gasping

MAN : Aah!

BERLIN : I said no additional expenses. You deliver Reddington to me within 24 hours, or we take another bath.


Cellphone chimes : «You have one new message.»

Computerized voice: «Hello, Rowan. I know about that little chat you had today with the FBI. So, I’m going to make this real simple for you. I’m warning you, do not talk to them again. I know where you live.»


LIZ : This person calls you by name.
ROWAN : I don’t know. It could be anyone.
RESSLER : It’s as if they know you, though.
LIZ : What about the apartment? Any reason to believe there might be something missing, – out of place?
ROWAN : You think someone’s been in here?

Cellphone vibrates

LIZ : Hey, perfect timing. I’m gonna need you to trace a call.
ARAM : Okay. Great. But I have something. Our suspect, Mills, she’s telling the truth. Security at Quancord Analytics confirm her terminal was hacked from the outside.
LIZ : Any idea what was taken?
ARAM : Uh, yeah, like, a gajillion bytes of online data, – which makes no sense.
LIZ : Why?
ARAM : Because Mr. Reddington’s a Luddite. No e-mail, no computer, no digital communication of any kind. I mean, Dembe uses disposable flip phones for God’s sakes. Why would Berlin hire Lord Baltimore to track him? Unless –
LIZ : You think they might be looking for one of us?
ARAM : Not a day goes by where I don’t think about Agent Malik.
LIZ : Me too.
ARAM : What number do you need me to trace?
LIZ : Rowan Mills received a message last night. I need a location.



Indistinct shouting. SWAT team enters apartment

Liz looking at something

LIZ : Ressler. Let’s get Mills in here. I want to see how she reacts to this.

Liz and Rowan arrive at the apartment

ROWAN : What is this place?
LIZ : This way.

Police radio chatter . Ressler and Liz show photos to Rowan : it's her on them

RESSLER : So, what aren’t you telling us?
ROWAN : Nothing.
RESSLER : Your name is on the lease. We know you were using the screen handle Lord Baltimore.
ROWAN : Who?
LIZ : The same data that was hacked from your work terminal is on the laptop we found here. You stealing data for Berlin to find Raymond Reddington?
ROWAN : I don’t know any Raymond Reddington. I have never set foot in this place before in my life.


RED : Hello, Harold. Please apologize to Charlene, your side gate may need a new lock. A get-well present. It looks so soft. Shea butter?

Gives Harold flash drive

COOPER : Is this what I think it is?
RED : When are you coming back to work?
COOPER : I’m not.
RED : Things are at a tipping point, Harold. Your replacement has the unfortunate distinction of being both untrustworthy and incompetent.
COOPER : I’ve informed the Bureau. It’s time to be with my family. Charlene’s from the Dominican. I’ve always promised we’d spend more time there.
RED : I hate sand.
COOPER : If this is some kind of threat?
RED : It’s not a threat, Harold. It’s a bribe. That is my only copy of Our Little Adventure in Kuwait. I’m giving it to you only to underscore the urgency of our situation.
COOPER : I’m not coming back.
RED : You need to get back on your feet. There’s no shame in being a cripple.
COOPER : I’ll remember you to Charlene.
RED : I know what they found while you were at the hospital. I know about the diagnosis... Let’s get the job done.


RESSLER : I mean, you got to do better than that.
ROWAN : It’s the only possible explanation.
LIZ : And this Nora – She died?
ROWAN : In Mosul, seven years ago. But if what you’re saying is true, if all of this is real, then it’s the only explanation. My twin sister is alive.

In a car a man monitors Liz, again


CONCIERGE : It’s nice to have you back, Mr. Howe. Your rib eye is on its way to your room along with a complimentary bottle of ’82 Margaux.
RED : Thank you, Steven.
CONCIERGE : Are you sure you want to take the stairs?
RED : Doctor’s orders. We’ll be fine.

To Dembe

RED : I don’t remember him. Find out who he is and put two more men on detail downstairs.

Helicopter blades whirring

RED : You hear that?

Indistinct shouting. Screaming, gunshots

MAN : Let’s go! Take him to the roof.

They take Red, leave in helicopter


Red is tied on a chair

RED : Lord Baltimore. Aren’t you a surprisingly saucy minx.

A woman, speaking Hebrew gives orders

RED : Unbelievable.

SAMAR : I’m sorry. Who is it exactly that you think I am?
RED : You’re Mossad. Please don’t tell me this is about that little dust-up in Haifa.
SAMAR : That “dust-up” claimed the lives of two agents and a Turkish diplomat.


RED : A diplomat? I had nothing to do with it.
SAMAR : Then you have nothing to worry about.
RED : Oh, you have no idea how I wish that were true. I have tens of thousands of things to worry about. Fortunately, you, my dear, are not one of them.
SAMAR : And why is that?
RED : Because the person you just informed of my capture is going to release me within the hour.
SAMAR : Aren’t we confident today?
RED : I’m confident every day.
SAMAR : And I thought we had nothing in common.


ROWAN : I have no idea what that goes to.
RESSLER : It was found in your apartment.
ROWAN : I’ve told you I’ve never set foot in that place before.
LIZ : Let’s talk about your sister.


Showing photos

LOIS MILLS : Now, this is Rowan, and Nora’s on the left. Rowan was my first child by three minutes.
LIZ : How could you tell them apart?
LOIS : Rowan was a silly heart, always smiling. She was a happy child.
LIZ : And Nora?
LOIS : She was complicated.


ROWAN : She was molested by our Uncle Rick from the time we were – I didn’t believe her.
Nobody did. Everybody just went on like nothing happened, – for everybody but – Nora. Nora had problems. She hated me, hated our mom. She hated everybody.


LOIS : After that, she was lost, didn’t fit in. I thought her getting that job with that company, that security firm, it really was the best thing she could do.


GOSSLING : Nora. Ah, that girl, she was fearless. First one in, last one out. Hell, if half the boys on my crew had a pair like her, well, you could crown me king and take the afternoon off.


LIZ : She pressured you? How?
ROWAN : She wanted me to use my position at work to try to get information on people at a competing security firm. Stuff that she could use to get the upper hand.
LIZ : And when you refused, she hit you?
ROWAN : She flew out the next morning, and three weeks later, she was killed.


GOSSLING : Her team was tasked with clearing hostiles out of a neighborhood in Ad-Dawr. Lead truck got taken out by an I.E.D., they came under heavy insurgent fire. We lost all four operatives that day.

RESSLER : It says here her body was never recovered.
GOSSLING : That’s true. She was taken.
RESSLER : Taken?
GOSSLING : Well, they took her and did God knows what with that girl.
RESSLER : So you never recovered her body?
GOSSLING : Uh, I don’t believe she’s still alive.
RESSLER : But there is a chance she is.


ROWAN : But that’s why you’re releasing me, because you think she’s still out there.
LIZ : Yes.
ROWAN : But what if she comes after me? What if she comes after our mother?
LIZ : Rowan, we can’t hold you. We have no probable cause.


RED : Your younger brother, Shahin, was killed in the 2009 Pishin Bombing. In Farsi, Shahin, means ...
SAMAR : ...Falcon. How did you know?
RED : I know everything about the people who are tasked with finding me. Your turn. How did you do it?
SAMAR : You possess an affinity for Zegna ties.
RED : So do millions of other men.
SAMAR : Thousands, actually at least in the Northeast Corridor. Nonetheless, this sample was far too broad to be of any practical use. However, we couldn’t help but notice that you lean toward a darker, earth-tone palate – chocolate and oxblood – geometric shapes, rarely stripes. We introduced a diblock copolymer nanoparticle marker into the brown dye in their factory in Novara, which supplies all the vendors on the Eastern seaboard.
RED : Effectively turning every earth-toned Zegna tie into a homing device. Brilliant. Just like a bloodhound.


DR. FRIEDMAN : Agent Ressler.
RESSLER : Sorry, Dr. Friedman, but we’re in the middle of an investigation.
FRIEDMAN : You do know I could suspend you pending assessment.

TECH : We identified the key you found in Mills’ apartment. The lab says it belongs to a van, a ’77 G-series van.
RESSLER : Tell Keen I went to pay the mother another visit.

FRIEDMAN : Agent Ressler.
ARAM : Hey, I got something! I got something. Okay, so, the collection algorithms – that Lord Baltimore uses?
LIZ : Yeah.
ARAM : I applied them to the data he hacked, and, uh, I think I see how he does it. It’s amazing. He’s using personal details about his target’s life to create markers to narrow his search. So he’s looking for someone who lived in D.C. before 1990, has a prescription for Lipitor through Medco, downloads World War II documentaries on Netflix not Amazon and has a digital subscription to both the Wall Street Journal and CatFanatic.
LIZ : Reddington has a subscription to Cat Fanatic?
ARAM : No. Turns out Lord Baltimore’s not looking for Mr. Reddington.


MARTIN : Your suspect’s been remanded into my custody.
SAMAR : This references a task force. What task force?
MARTIN : It’s a matter of national security.
RED : Perhaps next time.
MARTIN : Keen wants you to take a look at these.
RED : Ms. Navabi. Jundallah claimed responsibility for the bomb that killed your brother.
They had nothing to do with it. I can give you the name of the man who did.
SAMAR : Walid Abu Sitta. Disappeared from his hotel room in Jiyeh last May. Police are baffled.
RED : Are they?


On phone

LIZ : What the hell is going on? Martin said you were extracted by Mossad.
RED : We’ll discuss it later. What am I looking at?
LIZ : Targets. Turns out Berlin didn’t contract Lord Baltimore to find you. He’s looking for a woman.
RED : What woman?
LIZ : We’re not sure. We only know her profile. Aram was able to narrow the search, but that still leaves us with over 200 potential targets.
RED : Naomi Hyland.
LIZ : Who? W-who is Naomi Hyland?
RED : You need to get a unit to her right now. She’s in protective custody.

LIZ : Wait. I don’t understand. Uh, how do you know?
RED : Listen, Lizzy. Berlin is coming for this woman. You have to move now.
LIZ : Why? Who the hell is Naomi Hyland?
RED : She was my wife.


Several couples talking over wine

FRANK ( Naomi’s husband ): I never said that
MAN : You said you don’t believe in God.
WOMAN : You said you don’t believe in God, – then you’re an atheist.
MAN : You’re an atheist.
WOMAN  : Well, you can be an atheist and believe in a higher power. For me, that higher power is shopping.
MAN : Yeah, my credit-card bills prove that.
FRANK ]: You know what I believe in? Naomi.
MAN : I’ll drink to that.
NAOMI : Think we need more wine?
FRIENDS : Mm-hmm.Yes, please.

Metal clanks. Indistinct conversation. A man looks through the window

FRANK : Honey, what was the name of the lodge in the Alleghenies? You remember, the one with the fireplace and the moose head?

The man come in through the back door

FRANK : What’s going on?
NAOMI : I’m sorry.
FRANK : What are you talking about?

Through the front door

AGENT : U.S. Marshals. Everyone stay calm.
FRANK : What is this? What are you doing in my house? Naomi!
AGENT :Mrs. Hyland, I need you to come with me now. We have a credible threat.
NAOMI : He’s back, isn’t he?


Door opens

MARCUS : Hey, it’s me. It’s Marcus. You know why I’m here.

Rowan is afraid

ROWAN : Don’t come any closer.
MARCUS : I’m not here to hurt you. Just relax. I want you to hear this.

He turns on phonograph

MARCUS : Take your time. You're ok. You know who you are, who I am.


Ressler is investigating grounds of Lois’ house

LOIS : You shouldn’t be here! You can’t come here like this! No! N-N-No!


MARCUS : It’s starting to come back now, isn’t it?


LOIS : You need a warrant!

Motor whirring

LOIS : My daughter, she told me not to let anyone back here! No! If she finds out – Oh, my God! No, no!


Rowan is nervous

MARCUS : I hate to remind you of what happened on Fullerton, but you know, don’t you? You remember.


Motor whirring. Ressler finds a body in a freezer


Rowan inhales sharply. She seems different. She is not any more frightened. She becomes Nora

NORA /ROWAN : How long was I gone?


To voicemail

RESSLER : Keen. I just found Nora Mills’ body. I don’t know. Either Rowan is the greatest liar in the world, or some kind of split happened. Give me a call back.


LIZ : Mrs. Hyland, it’s important we move quickly.
NAOMI : You think I’m gonna run, just just walk away and and start over again? ‘Cause you and I both know that’s where this is going.
LIZ : Mrs. Hyland.
NAOMI : I’m – I’m not going anywhere.


MAN : Who said anything about cops?
MARCUS : It’s fine.
MAN : Well, it don’t look fine.
MARCUS : I said it’s fine.
NORA /ROWAN : Hey, look at me. We’ve been over this. Do your damn job. Move on my signal.


Voice breaking, to Liz

NAOMI : I had a life, you know? My daughter had a life with a house and a dog. And then I woke up one day. You can’t imagine what it’s like to have a man like Raymond Reddington turn your life upside down. They accused me of being a part of it? Somehow, I was a suspect. Put my life under a-a microscope every call, e-every charge. My assets were ... I finally convinced them I was innocent. They said I had to go, give up everything. I remember it was a Wednesday afternoon. My daughter wasn’t even out of school yet. And by Thursday, we were in Philadelphia, fending for ourselves.

Indistinct conversation

In background conversation « You need to talk to your wife.»

LIZ : You’re gonna have to tell him.


Nora/Rowan shoots. Silenced gunshot: agent down. Silenced gunshot: agent down


NAOMI : We can be ready in 20 minutes.
LIZ : Okay, I’ll let them know.

Door opens, silenced gunshots.Women screaming

LIZ : Get down!

Indistinct shouting.Taser crackling

LIZ : I need backup! –

Taser crackling

LIZ : Aah!

Liz falls. Gunshot. Grunting. Grunts. Grunts. Sirens wailing.Tires screech

NAOMI : OW ! Aah !

Naomi is taken. Whimpering. Liz subdues Nora/Rowan

ROWAN/NORA : What are you doing ?

Liz on phone

LIZ : Dembe, put him on. I found Lord Baltimore.


Naomi crying loudly, panting. Breathing heavily

BERLIN : Hello Mrs. Reddington.

Breathing heavily


LIZ : Where is she?
NORA /ROWAN : I have already told you I don’t know what you’re talking about!
LIZ : You are Lord Baltimore. You were paid by a man who calls himself Berlin to extract Naomi Hyland. I need to know! Where was she taken?


RESSLER : I’m gonna ask you again – Naomi Hyland?
MARCUS : I don’t know why you’re talking to me. Nora put this together.


LIZ : A woman’s life is in jeopardy here. I need Nora to tell me where she is.
NORA /ROWAN : Then find her! Ask Nora!
LIZ : I am asking her!


RESSLER : You’re the expert, but from where I sit, this is the perfect setup. One personality hiding behind the other, able to commit a crime and yet have no memory of it.
LIZ : Well, that’s not exactly how it works.
RESSLER : Rowan passed the lie-detector test.
LIZ : That’s because Rowan’s unaware of Nora and Nora’s unaware of Rowan. That’s how dissociative identity disorder works. The two can’t conspire.
RESSLER : Well, then we’re screwed because we have Rowan and we need Nora.

LIZ: What we need to do is identify the trigger the image, sound, memory that flips her switch. Of course. It’s him.

Liz takes photo of Nora/Rowan and Marcus from evidence board

LIZ : You were at her apartment. You’re in her photos. What are you, some kind of handler?
MARCUS : I’m nobody.

Grunts, inhales sharply. Breathing heavily

MARCUS : She runs everything.
LIZ : With your help. You’re manipulating her. You’re looking at life in prison. Cooperate, and maybe we can make a deal. Tell me about her trigger.


Door opens

LIZ : You know I think you were right. I think Nora survived that incident in Mosul. I think she escaped, came home, and killed Rowan.
NORA /ROWAN : What? Th-That’s impossible.
LIZ : Nora killed Rowan because she envied her. She wanted to become her. She wanted to be the good sister, the sister who didn’t get abused by her uncle.
NORA /ROWAN : You’re lying. Nobody murdered Rowan! I’m Rowan!
LIZ : No, Rowan is dead. You murdered your sister, didn’t you, Nora? That’s what caused the split – the trauma and guilt of the murder.
NORA /ROWAN : No, I- I’m Rowan Mills!


LIZ : It was playing that night, wasn’t it? Do you remember how it felt that night? Do you remember what you were feeling, Nora, when you killed your sister?

Rowan face changes : she becomes Nora

LIZ : It’s over, Nora. Marcus cut a deal. Tell me where you took Naomi Hyland.


Police radio chatter, siren wailing

On phone

LIZ : We got here too late.
RED : Describe the scene.
LIZ : It’s... bloody. Lord Baltimore’s men, they’re all dead, – all but one, and I don’t think he’s –
RED : Let me speak with him.
LIZ : What? Why?
RED : Because he didn’t survive. He was left alive to deliver a message, and it won’t be to you. It’s for me.
LIZ : Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait!

The survivor, breathing raggedly on phone with Red

RED : The man with one hand, what did he instruct you to say?


SURVIVOR : The Blue Jay on Benning Road. N-Number 604.


Cellphone snaps shut.Door opens .Clears throat

NAOMI : If you’re looking for him, I can’t help you. You have to listen to me. Reddington, – I haven’t I haven’t seen him in 20 years.
BERLIN : I need you to lay down.

Voice breaking

NAOMI : No, please. Please, I’m begging you. I– I can’t help you.
BERLIN : I don’t want your help! That’s nice. Hold still.

Berlin takes a photo with a polaroïd. Camera shutter clicks

Later, same hotel

DEMBE : You should let me go in first.

Television playing.Indistinct shouting. Shouting in Spanish, pounding on door

WOMAN : Sucio!

Dembe and Red search apartment. Red finds pocket watch placed on pillow with picture of Naomi inside


LIZ : I talked to Reddington. He couldn’t find her.
RESSLER : A win’s a win. Lord Baltimore’s off the street. Did I hear right? Was Reddington detained by some, uh, Mossad agent?
LIZ : Yeah, apparently Martin had to negotiate his release.
RESSLER : Well, any agent who can track down Reddington, I’m buying them a beer.

Knock on door

DR. FRIEDMAN : Congratulations. I heard you captured the man you were after. I thought maybe now we could go over a couple things, maybe take stock.


FRIEDMAN : Agent Ressler. I will recommend you for suspension.
RESSLER : Look, I don’t mean to be a prick here, but I’m not sure what you think you’re gonna fix.
FRIEDMAN : Yeah, I’m not sure either – Until we talk.
RESSLER : About what? Those agents who died today? About the fact that we lost a woman that we were supposed to protect? How do I feel about that? I feel like crap. But I know the good we do here, why it matters. And am I worried that someday it’s not gonna be enough? Yeah. And when that day comes, you’ll be the first to know.


MAN : Elizabeth? The judge signed it. May be of little solace, but he granted your application for the annulment. As far as the District of Columbia is concerned, you were never married to Thomas Keen. It’s none of my business, but I noticed you’re keeping his name.
LIZ : My husband ... was an impostor, a fake. Keen was never his name.

MAN : And now?


LIZ : Why are you all smiles?
ARAM : Guess who’s no longer Interim Director.
LIZ : What? Martin – he’s gone? Well, who do we answer to now?

Comes up behind them

COOPER : That would be me. What are you waiting on, Agent Keen? Tell me where we are with Berlin.

Staff in Post Office applaud Cooper’s return


CONCIERGE : This was left at the front desk for Mr. Hirschfeld.
DEMBE : Raymond. You want me to open it?
RED : No, I got it.

It is an big envelope with a phone and a small box on the inside

Red phone dialing

BERLIN : Ah, Mr. Reddington, I presume.
RED : Where is she?
BERLIN : Oh, here and there, out and about. You know women. I can only imagine how dearly you must be missing her after all these years, huh? So I made you a little something to remember her by. You see I’m gonna do to your wife what you did to my daughter. I’m gonna send her back to you piece by piece by piece.

Red opens box containing a finger


 Adapté du site «The Blacklist Classified», mise en page par mnoandco

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Chouette bannière pretty, bravo !

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