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#122 : Berlin (partie 2)

Reddington à table

Ecrit par: Richard D'Ovidio
Réalisé par: Michael Watkins

Après le crash de l'avion transportant de mystérieux prisonniers, la ville est bouclée pour que les autorités puissent attraper tous les fuyards. Pendant ce temps, avec Red en détention, Liz utilise tout son talent pour le faire sortir puisqu'il est leur meilleure chance de retrouver tous les suspects. Par ailleurs, leur objectif principal est de localiser Berlin, un des prisonniers qui d'une manière ou d'une autre, est impliqué.


4.75 - 8 votes

Titre VO
Berlin: Conclusion

Titre VF
Berlin (partie 2)

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Raymond Reddington (James Spader) mange une pêche

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) mange une pêche

Donald Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff)

Donald Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff)

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) exige une réponse

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) exige une réponse

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) menace l'ambassadeur de russie

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) menace l'ambassadeur de russie

Meera Malik (Parminder Nagra) cherche les fugitifs

Meera Malik (Parminder Nagra) cherche les fugitifs

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) écoute Alan Fitch (Alan Alda)

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) écoute Alan Fitch (Alan Alda)

Donald Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) en plein interrogatoire

Donald Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) en plein interrogatoire

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone )

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone )

Raymond Redddington (James Spader) a-t-il trouvé Berlin?

Raymond Redddington (James Spader) a-t-il trouvé Berlin?

Alan Fitch (Alan Alda) au téléphone

Alan Fitch (Alan Alda) au téléphone

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) perdue dans la foule

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) perdue dans la foule

L'agent Malik (Parminder Nagra)  interroge un témoin

L'agent Malik (Parminder Nagra) interroge un témoin

Donald Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) a trouvé un fugitif

Donald Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) a trouvé un fugitif

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) aux arrêts

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) aux arrêts

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) prise en otage par Tom Keen (Ryan Eggold)

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) prise en otage par Tom Keen (Ryan Eggold)

Donald Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) utilise la force pour arriver à ses fins

Donald Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) utilise la force pour arriver à ses fins

Meera Malik (Parminder Nagra)

Meera Malik (Parminder Nagra)

Explications entre Liz (Megan Boone) et Red (James Spader)

Explications entre Liz (Megan Boone) et Red (James Spader)

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) au chevet de Harold Cooper (Harry Lennix)

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) au chevet de Harold Cooper (Harry Lennix)

Berlin (Peter Stormare)#8

Berlin (Peter Stormare)#8

Berlin (Peter Stormare)#8 change d'apparence

Berlin (Peter Stormare)#8 change d'apparence

Dembe (Hisham Tawfik) et son patron (James Spader)

Dembe (Hisham Tawfik) et son patron (James Spader)


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France (inédit)
Mercredi 15.10.2014 à 21:40
5.11m / 22.5% (Part)

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Etats-Unis (inédit)
Lundi 12.05.2014 à 22:00
10.44m / 2.6% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Personnage Blaklisté: N°8: BERLIN (Milos Kirchoff)


Alan Alda ...  Alan Fitch

Peter Stormare ... Berlin

Jason Butler Harner ... Walter Gary Martin

Andrew Howard...  Milo
Juan Carlos Hernandez ... Ceasar Bico
John Sharian ... Dimitri

A l'extérieur de Manhattan, des prisonniers ensanglantés sortent de l'épave de l'avion qui s'est écrasé. Personne ne sait d'où il venait ni où il allait. Le FBI interroge de suite les survivants qui expliquent dans un mauvais anglais qu'un gars monstrueux avec une capuche sur la tête et menotté à un garde, a coupé sa main après avoir crié des instructions au pilote. En ville, un homme barbu arrive à l'hôpital une main en moins et s'évanouit. Pendant ce temps, l'agent spécial Martin escorte Red au Bureau de Poste et l'enchaîne à sa chaise. Cette fois, il n'y aura aucun procès ; Red disparaîtra tout simplement. Néanmoins, Red raconte à Martin que Liz en vaut la peine. Liz essaie de convaincre Cooper de relâcher Red pour qu'il les aide avec l'affaire mais ses mains sont liées surtout sachant qu'elle a toujours l'intention de quitter la Task Force. Liz interpelle Martin mais il est convaincu qu'elle et Red sont de mèche et il ne la laissera pas s'approcher de lui. Plus tard, Martin mécontent annonce la visite de Fitch à Red. Fitch est hors de lui avec ce fiasco concernant les services de renseignements américains car personne ne  comprend quoi que ce soit à propos de cet avion, sa provenance, sa destination, rien. Il ne peut pas s'empêcher de penser que toute l'opération a été perpétrée par l'homme qui en a après Red et à cette fin, les siens sont prêts à lui donner une chance de s'échapper.

Tom frappe à la porte d'un appartement délabré et un homme, Berlin, ouvre  et demande la liste. Tom remet un morceau de papier avec les noms de tous les membres de l'équipe spéciale du FBI. En attendant l'agent Martin, en colère, doit transférer Red dans un fourgon. Il a pour instruction (de Fitch) de favoriser sa fuite et il espère que Red sera tué dans sa tentative de fuite et il lui laisse une chance de le mettre K.O. Red agit vite, il assomme Martin et le conducteur du fourgon qui perd le contrôle du véhicule et le temps que la police arrive et Red est déjà loin. Il téléphone a Liz pour l'avertir que tous les membres de la Task Force sont en danger. Ressler et Meera sont sur le terrain dans un nightclub afin d'arrêter des prisonniers évadés. Quand Ressler est occupé à menotter un gars du nom de Dimitri, quelqu'un se glisse derrière Meera et l'égorge. Liz rapporte cette mort à Red qui reconnaît que le FBI a fait un bon travail en obligeant Berlin à sortir de l'ombre. Liz est persuadée que Berlin a eu la liste des membres de la Task Force par Tom. Le nom de son père était aussi dans le livre codé de Tom, comment était-il impliqué ? Red insiste sur le fait que la seule implication de Sam était celle d'être son père. Là, maintenant, leur tâche principale est d'identifier leur cible, Berlin.

Ressler interroge Dimitri et apprend que le plan de vol de l'avion était une opération russe afin d'enlever leurs propres fugitifs partout dans le monde. Quand l'ambassadeur russe Constantin Matveyev nie toute connaissance de l'opération, Cooper envoie Red pour obtenir la vérité. Utilisant le petit chien chéri de l'ambassadeur comme moyen de pression, Red lui extorque le manifeste de l'avion et le donne au FBI. Après recoupement, il s'avère que deux des trois gardes à bord ont été tués dans le crash et que trois condamnés sont toujours en liberté. L'un d'entre eux doit être Berlin. Cooper envoie le duo interroger le troisième garde, qui vient tout juste de sortir d'une intervention chirurgicale pour sa main manquante. La garde ne reconnaît aucun des trois forçats mais il sait quelque chose à propos de Berlin ; personne ne connaît son vrai nom, mais tout le monde sait qu'il est un ancien Colonel de l'armée rouge puis du KGB. Lorsque sa fille est tombée amoureuse d'un dissident puissant, elle fut emprisonnée, il a donc organisé son évasion. Pour faire de lui un exemple, le KGB a envoyé Berlin dans un camp de travail sibérien où il a été presque battu à mort. Un jour, il a reçu une montre de poche qu'il avait offert à sa fille et qui contenait une photo d'elle. Quelques mois plus tard, il a reçu son doigt puis son oreille et ainsi de suite. Sa fille lui a été renvoyée morceau par morceau. La légende veut qu'il a sculpté un couteau avec des os et qu'ainsi il a réussi à s'échapper, pour devenir un fantôme prêt à tout pour venger la mort de sa fille. Selon le garde, Berlin n'était pas sur le manifeste de l'avion...

Martin rencontre Cooper au parc pour lui dire que si Liz est d'accord, la Task-Force peut continuer. Cooper a besoin qu'elle revienne avec Red. Quand Cooper entre dans sa voiture, il réalise que son chauffeur a été tué. Trop tard, une personne assise sur le siège arrière lui tranche la gorge et Berlin barre un autre nom sur sa liste. Cependant, Cooper survit et l'homme est arrêté : mais il ne veut pas parler. Ressler, très persuasif, réussit à lui soutirer un nom : Milos Pavel Kinsky. Peu de temps après, Red présente le dossier de Kinsky à Fitch. Le seul soucis, c'est qu'aucun des deux ne comprend ce que Red a bien pu faire pour justifier ces attaques. Red demande à Fitch de le trouver, il fera le reste.

Plus tard, Red raconte à Liz qu'une nuit, un vieil ami effrayé s'est présenté à la porte de Sam. En danger, cet ami devait quitter la ville et une petite fille avait besoin qu'on prenne soin d'elle puisque son père était mort cette nuit là, dans un incendie. Sam a pris Liz et il s'est occupé d'elle en la protégeant de la véritable identité de son père biologique. Le seul souvenir que Liz a de cette nuit-là, c'est que son père l'a sortie des flammes. Tout ce que Red répond, c'est que l'identité de cet homme peut mettre Liz en grand danger. Red aimait Sam  et prendre sa vie a été la chose la plus difficile de toutes les choses difficiles qu'il a dû faire dans son existence mais il l'a fait pour la protéger ; il n'y a donc aucun moyen qu'il lui révèle la véritable identité de son père.

Fitch trouve la planque de Berlin et transmet l'information à Red qui s'y rend en tuant tous ceux se mettent sur son chemin et finalement il trouve Berlin dans un bureau. Une fois, Berlin attaché, Red commence à l'interroger avec l'aide de quelques balles bien placées. La compétence la plus essentielle de Red est de, se rappeler les noms de tous ceux qu'il a rencontrés. Étrangement, il n'a aucune idée de qui est  Berlin. Berlin avoue qu'il cherche la faiblesse de Red depuis des années... et puis en fin de compte, il a découvert Liz... qui est actuellement en sanglot dans sa voiture dans un parking à l'extérieur de l'hôpital où Cooper se trouve à deux doigts de la mort. C'est à ce moment là que Tom grimpe sur le siège passager et pointe son arme sur elle en disant: « Hey, bébé. » Berlin vient juste d'admettre que sa haine date d'un incident à Beyrouth quand Tom entre une arme braquée sur la tête de Liz. Berlin ordonne à Tom de la tuer mais Red le fait taire d'une balle dans la tête puis marche vers Tom lui demandant de vite prendre un décision. Tom fait feu sur lui, le blessant au bras et Liz en profite pour se dégager, prendre son arme et lui tirer dessus, plusieurs fois. Red veut «finir le boulot», mais Liz insiste pour s'en charger. Mourant, Tom s'excuse et murmure quelque chose à l'oreille de Liz...

Ressler et Liz rangent les affaires de Meera quand Aram leur présente les résultats du coroner sur un corps carbonisé trouvé sur les lieux du crash de l'avion et il s'avère que c'est le troisième garde du manifeste. Lorsque Ressler insiste pour dire que le troisième garde est le gars dont la main a été coupée, Aram se rend compte qu'ils ont fait une grosse erreur. En raison de l'ambiguïté lexicale, ils ont supposé que l'homme cagoulé a coupé la main du garde, mais non, l'homme cagoulé a coupé sa propre main, c'est Berlin ! Liz et Ressler courent à l'hôpital, mais le vrai Berlin a disparu. Bien sûr, Red savait déjà que le gars qu'il avait tué, Kinsky, n'était pas le vrai Berlin. Pourtant, si Berlin pense que Red croit avoir tué Berlin, alors Red a un avantage. Quoi qu'il en soit, Red ne semble pas s'en soucier. Il croit que Liz est à un carrefour de sa vie. Il est temps pour elle de faire un choix difficile qui va changer le cours de son existence. Red s'envolera si elle souhaite faire un trait sur les événements passés ou... elle peut affronter ce qui lui arrive. Liz décide de partir et de retourner à son appartement vide, où elle prépare quelques affaires.

Après avoir passé des heures au chevet de Cooper, Ressler le voit bouger un doigt. Quand les policiers arrivent au bureau de Kinsky, ils le trouvent mort mais il n'y a aucun signe de Tom. Liz confie à Red les dernières paroles de Tom : "Ton père est toujours en vie". Red affirme qu'il est certain que son père biologique est mort cette nuit là, la nuit de l'incendie. Néanmoins, Red et Liz sont liés et déterminés à trouver Berlin...qui marche dans les rues de New-York et regarde la photo d'une jeune fille dans une montre de poche. Cette nuit là, Red regarde la même photo, une photo que nous avons vue auparavant et  quand  il retire sa chemise pour soigner sa blessure au bras, il découvre ainsi son dos...couvert de cicatrices de brûlures.


                                                             Traduit et adapté du résumé du site officiel par mnoandco



News Report on television: «We are just now getting word of a plane that has apparently crashed off the banks of the East River here in New York. The plane – We’ve received reports that fighter jets may have shot it down. We’re getting word that authorities are asking the public to stay away from that area to allow for emergency vehicles and first responders.»

Prisoners from crashed transport plane describing Berlin (Slavic accents) :

PRISONERS : – You heard me. The man – the pilot – he was shooting people.
– I hear two shots behind me. I turn around– I see the pilot. He goes into the cockpit, and he shoots the co-pilot.
– People are panicking, screaming.
– The next thing I know I open my eyes, and this guy – the guy with the hood on his head – monster of a guy.
– He’s handcuffed to a guard.
– Prisoner #1: And he’s cutting his hand off.
– Prisoner #2: cutting his hand off.
– Prisoner #3: his hand off.
– Prisoner #4: cutting hand.

WALTER GARY MARTIN : At least you don’t have to worry about immunity anymore. You’re never gonna go on trial. You are going to disappear. The girl – Agent Keen – was she worth all this? Getting captured?
RED : That stuff you use in your hair – is that Brylcreem? My father used Brylcreem.

Martin goes away

RED : Yes.
MARTIN : “Yes” what?
RED : The girl. She’s worth it.


LIZ : Sir, about Reddington –
COOPER : My hands are tied.
LIZ : He can help. The crash, attack – whatever it was – I’m sure it had something to do with Berlin.
COOPER : There’s nothing we can do.
LIZ : Are we being decommissioned?
COOPER : You said after this case that you were finished, no longer willing to work with Reddington. Is that still true?
LIZ : Yes – after this case.
COOPER : Well, there’s your answer.

Looking at Martin in his office

COOPER : He can wait. What do we know?
ARAM : Prison transport – eight dead at the scene.
MEERA : NTSB says the plane was retrofitted with restraints. Two victims– still unidentified– were found cuffed to their seats.
COOPER : Survivors?
LIZ : Witness accounts vary. Sightings have been reported from midtown to Wall Street.
COOPER : What about a manifest – an official record of who was on that plane?
LIZ : There’s nothing official about this.
MEERA : The FAA say they were tracking a plane that was supposedly a commercial flight that originated in Bogota. At 4:53, they lost radar contact, transponders, radios. They now believe that the flight plan was bogus.
ARAM : Altimeter readings indicate they were flying below 3,000 feet and along the borders between various air-traffic-control centers.
MEERA : They flew in radar dead zones to fly undetected across American airspace.
RESSLER : NYPD just apprehended two suspects in a carjacking. They think they were passengers on that plane– a Chechen mobster wanted for arms trafficking in Brazil and a Colombian drug dealer.


PRISONERS ( Slavic accents): -You question me about stealing a car ?- I was kidnapped, put on a plane. I didn’t know anybody else on the plane.
- Berlin? Berlin? I’ve never been to Berlin.
- I don’t know anybody named Berlin.
- All I know is, they brought on some guy.-Okay? Big guy.
- He got a hood on.
- He was handcuffed to some guy– a guard.
- And he’s got this guard attached to a handcuff next to him.
- And then, when the plane is going down, the guy in the hood is telling the pilot what to do, like he was in charge.
- Mr. Hood.
- I don’t know names.
- Types, yes. Colombian, Serbian, Russian. How do I know there was a Russian? Besides being able to smell him? -I saw his marks– the tattoos. Those Russians, they love their tattoos.
- You want me to draw you a picture?
News Report : «Despite a citywide manhunt, three of the prisoners from that crashed plane remain at large. Local authorities are still on high alert after trading gunfire with a barricaded suspect outside Gramercy Park. He’s believed to be one of the missing prisoners. The suspect opened fire on police with a 9–millimeter semiautomatic before retreating into a nearby warehouse along with two hostages …»

A man, Kinsky, responds to knock on door of seedy apartment. It’s Tom.

TOM : What the hell happened? Did anyone else survive? They shut down the entire island– bridges, tunnels.
KINSKY :The list.
TOM : That’s everyone.

Hands him paper listing “Elizabeth Keen, Harold Cooper, Donald Ressler, Meera Malik, Aram Mojtabai”

Television: «… with a hostage negotiating. Surrounding streets have been blocked off, and police are directing traffic …»

TOM : So, we’re still moving forward?

Kinsky offers menacing smile


LIZ : It’s vital I speak to him.
MARTIN : Yeah, that’s not gonna happen.
LIZ : He could help us.
MARTIN : The business with Reddington holding a gun on you didn’t fool me. You nearly fled with him as a fugitive.
LIZ : I have no allegiance to Reddington. He killed my father. But this man we’re hunting – Berlin – he’s somehow in the center of all this, and my only objective is finding him. Reddington can help us.


MARTIN : You have a visitor.
ALAN FITCH : Hello, Ray. I got to tell you, Ray, this concerns me. I’m in the intelligence business. That means knowing things. We tried to trace where that plane originated, where it was headed – hell, even who it belongs to. We’ve come up dry. Why do I think this is connected to your adversary?
RED : Perhaps if you had accepted my offer of alliance, neither of us would find ourselves in this position now – you managing a massive intelligence failure and national-news spectacle and me with this enchanting view.
FITCH : My people made their decision. That said, I think they made the wrong one. Having you disappear into some black hole somewhere doesn’t serve either of our interests.
RED : Does that mean you intend to let the animal out of its cage?
FITCH : I’m afraid it’s not that simple. The best I can do is give you a fighting chance. I’ve arranged a transfer.
RED : That’s all I need. I can take care of the rest.
FITCH : You know, every time we have one of these little talks, I wonder if it’ll be our last. But when I consider the odds, I usually figure you’ll come out fine. This time I’m not so sure. You and your task force are now targets. Good luck, Ray.

Red gets into a car for his transfer. Martin is here

RED : Of course it would have to be you, because lady luck just adores me that much.
MARTIN : For the record, Fitch ordered me to do this. I hope you’re killed in the attempt. Two shots at my jaw – that’s all you get. So you better make it good, because if I am not KO’d, you’re getting a bullet in the temple.
RED : Well, I’ve never been one to shy away from a challenge.

Hits him. Car swerves, crashes, Red escapes

Later, on pay phone

RED : Lizzy. Listen to me. You’re in danger. Everyone on the task force is a target.
LIZ : What are you talking about?
RED : There’ll be time to explain later. For now, pull everyone back. You are all in danger.


To Aram

LIZ : Get me Ressler and Meera.


Sure about this?
: My sources confirm this is where he’s holed up.
RESSLER : I’ll check the VIP – Federal agent. Hands on the table. Let’s go – now! Hands on the table.


ARAM : I can’t reach them. They’re already in the field.

LIZ : I need an address.


RESSLER : Come on. Put your hands on the table – now.

Guy takes off, Ressler pursues

MEERA : I have eyes on possible unsub. I think he made me. You copy? Come back.
RESSLER : Negative! Negative. Suspect’s in cus–

Man comes up behind Meera, slits her throat

Liz comes through crowd

LIZ : Ressler! Ressler!
RESSLER : Find Meera! Find her!
LIZ : Meera! Meera! Oh, my God. No! No. Stay with me, stay with me.


Television: «The aircraft that crashed into the East River earlier today is apparently being classified as a prison-transport plane. Rescue officials report that the cabin was retrofitted with restraints with the capacity for 10 to 12 passengers. No word yet on survivors. Its original flight plan is also still unknown. The plane appears to be similar in design to the C-47A, a common military plane– »

LIZ : Meera’s dead. You said we were all targets. Why?
RED : The day we met, you asked me why I surrendered to the FBI. There were many reasons. One of them was Berlin. That’s why he’s here – because the work we’ve done has forced him out of the shadows. He can’t allow the task force to continue. Meera was a casualty in a war she didn’t even know she was fighting. I’m afraid just by association, I’ve made you all potential targets.
LIZ : It was Tom. If Berlin had the names of the agents in the task force, he had to have gotten them from Tom. Sam’s name was also in that book. Why? How is my father involved in this?
RED : It’s all just pieces of a much larger puzzle, and until all the pieces are laying in front of you, it won’t go together. What I do know is this – Sam’s involvement was as your father. And no one can pervert or distort that. Right now, our task is to identify our enemy – our enemy today. Berlin wasn’t the only prisoner on that plane, and whoever wanted him wanted the others, as well. You need to find out who that someone is.


PRISONER : I don’t know. This is America, yes? In USA, I get lawyer.
RESSLER : Let me tell you how it works in the USA, Dimitri. You tell me who put you on that plane, where you were being taken, and I will do my best to protect you from them. Or I find out on my own – which I will – and when I do, I will turn you over to whoever you’re running from, let them decide what to do with you. So, let me ask you again – who put you on that plane?
PRISONER : Okay. I love FBI. I am want for arrest in Russia. I go to Venezuela for hiding. They find me there – put me in car, take me to airport. Plane is already there. I see it is not just me. There are others. We are not allowed to speak. I don’t know more.

RESSLER : Who found you?


RESSLER : This was an SVR op. This guy’s a Russian fugitive being stolen back by his own country. No wonder the damn plane’s unmarked.
COOPER : The Russians are never gonna say a word about it, let alone release the manifest.
RESSLER : You want me to get the State Department involved?
COOPER : No. I want you to get Reddington involved. Maybe he’ll pay the Russian ambassador a visit.


RUSSIAN AMBASSADOR : Tuzik? Tuzik! Come! Tuzik.
RED : Mmm. Good evening, Ambassador.

Tuzik,a dog, is in his arms

AMBASSADOR : Who the hell are you?
RED : No need to worry. Tuzik and I are getting along splendidly. Care for a peach? I rarely enter someone’s home for the first time without bringing a gift, and there’s a wonderful little produce stand around the corner.

AMBASSADOR : I’m calling the police.

RED : Mr. Ambassador, as we speak, there’s an unmarked plane being pulled from the East River. I think we both know that plane is Russian.
AMBASSADOR : That plane has no ties to the Russian government.
RED : You really should try the peaches. They’re perfectly ripe– and freestone. Unlike a clingstone, the pit of a freestone separates more freely from the flesh, making it ideal for consumption. The prisoners on that plane– I need the manifest.
AMBASSADOR : I swear if you hurt him
RED : Oh, my goodness, no. I’m not a monster. You really think I’d harm a dog?

Throws knife and hits ambassador in the thigh

RED : You, on the other hand –


LIZ : The manifest. I just received it from Reddington.
COOPER : According to this, there were three guards. Two were killed in the crash.
LIZ : The third is in ICU. They’re just bringing him out of surgery now.
RESSLER : Based on everything we know, there were 10 prisoners on that transport. Three are in custody, four are confirmed dead, one of which is burned beyond recognition. Coroner’s working to ID the John Doe now.
LIZ : That leaves three convicts at large.
RESSLER : Alexei Fayer, Bogdan Chrikoff, and Vadim Okecka.
LIZ : One of them has to be Berlin.
COOPER : Talk to that surviving guard. Bring photos of our fugitives. Nobody sleeps until Agent Malik’s killer is found.

Ressler leaves, Liz stays with Cooper

COOPER : Agent Keen. Found it in Evidence...

Gives her toy bracelet Beth gave her in Pilot

COOPER: ... from that first day.

Flashback Liz: «Oh. You don’t have to– Thank you so much. This is beautiful. Wow».

COOPER : Thought it might remind you of all the good we’ve done.


Ressler shows photos of men to man in hospital, later identified as Berlin

SURVIVING GUARD : No. No, no, no, no, no, no.
RESSLER : Look, we know the situation you’re in. The people you work for – they know you’re here, so whatever secret you’re trying to protect–
LIZ : We know about the man they call “Berlin.” We know he’s one of those three, and we need you to tell us which one.
SURVIVING GUARD: You don’t know who you’re dealing with.
LIZ : Why don’t you tell us?
SURVIVING GUARD: I don’t know his name. No one knows his name. All I know is the story.
RESSLER : Story? What story?
SURVIVING GUARD: They say he started in the Red Army and then the KGB, and he was notorious for sending off his enemies to the war camps in Siberia. Then, towards the end of the Cold War, some stories began to circulate that his daughter had fallen in love with a dissident. She was captured, imprisoned. But, you see, the Colonel – he knew his way around. He arranged so she could escape.When the Kremlin found out, they decided to make an example of him, so they sent him off to Siberia to rot away with his enemies. It is said that they could hear him every night praying for his daughter’s safety, that she would never be found. And one day, something arrived in his cell. It was a pocket watch he had given his daughter, and inside was a picture of her. And a few months later, something else arrived– her ear. And then a finger. His enemies sent her back to him piece by piece. No one knows how he did it, but he did– some say that he carved a knife from one of his daughter’s bones– and slaughtered all the men that had held him captive for so many years. Then he vanished, disappeared. A ghost hunting, searching for the man responsible for his daughter’s death.The man you’re looking for is not on those photos. The man you’re looking for was never on the manifest.


MARTIN : One of the most wanted men in the world has escaped federal custody. There are prisoners running free in the city. A CIA agent has been murdered. Where are you on the case? COOPER : We’ve got the plane’s manifest. Unfortunately, our POI’s not on it.
MARTIN : So you’re nowhere?
COOPER : We’re piecing it together.
MARTIN : The good news is that Reddington’s escape from federal custody has been contained, which means if Keen is willing, the task force can continue.
COOPER : You arrested Reddington. He escaped. Now you ask me to meet in secret, off the record, so you can tell me you’re willing to work with him? You let Reddington get away. You want him on the street.
MARTIN : I don’t. “People” do.
COOPER : What “people”?
MARTIN : Just get Keen and Reddington back.
COOPER: What people?

Martin doesn’t answer. Cooper walks over, gets in car, sits. Driver is slumped over. Someone grabs Cooper from behind and strangles him. Cooper name is shown being marked off the list of task force members tom gave Kinsky


PRISONERS : - What do I care if some cop’s dead?-I’m telling you, I didn’t have anything to do with it.
- No, no, no, no, no.
- No.
-Mr. Hoodie is the guy that you want to talk to.
- Ask Mr. Hood.

RESSLER : We have an eyewitness. You were picked up six blocks from the crime scene.
We have a bloody fingerprint inside the vehicle, surveillance from that club. You have one chance right now– who commissioned the hits? I want a name and location. Okay. All right. Funny thing, you know– I used to be a real Boy Scout, strictly by the book, followed all the rules. Then this thing happens. My fiancé, she gets killed– murdered right in front of me. The guy I did it– the only way I could get him was to forget all the rules. It was a real crossroads for me. Had to choose which path to take. The thing is, I think it’s real important for you to know – the path I took there wasn’t any rules. And the thing I realized was that sometimes, that’s okay. Like when some greasy Russian starts murdering my friends!

Ressler strangles the man

RESSLER : I want a name. I want a name! I want a name.


RED : Milos Pavel Kinsky – sometimes known as “Berlin.” He’s a Russian national, former Spetsnaz Commando, trained in the KGB’s 45 Division. Organized crime is now his fancy.
FITCH : Makes Putin look like a Christmas elf. Now that you know who he is, what exactly did you do to put him in such a bad mood?
RED : I’m just as curious as you.
FITCH : And you’re here because you want?
RED : Access. The kind even the FBI doesn’t have. All those spinning satellites that record every keystroke, every phone call, everybody’s dirty little secrets. You find him for me, and I’ll do the rest.
FITCH : I heard about Harold.
RED : Find him.


LIZ : They don’t know if Cooper’s gonna make it through the night. You still haven’t told me how Sam was involved in this.
RED : The way Sam told the story was that one night, an old friend showed up at his door scared. The friend told Sam he was leaving town, that he was in danger and that he needed someone to care for a little girl that her father had died that night in a fire. So Sam took the little girl in, and he raised her as his own always sheltering her from the truth about her biological father.
LIZ : And that’s why you killed him.
RED : I killed Sam because he was in pain and he wanted to die and because I had to protect you from the truth.
LIZ : What truth? The only memory I have of my real father is from the night of the fire. I remember him pulling me out of the flames saving me.
RED : Yes. And knowing his identity would put you in grave danger.
LIZ : Why? Because he’s a fugitive on the “Most Wanted” list?
RED : I loved Sam, Lizzy. Taking his life was of all the difficult things that I’ve done that may may be the most. But I did it to keep you from learning the name of your real father, to protect you. And you must understand – having done that, I’m certainly not going to tell you who he was now.

On phone

RED : Yes?
FITCH : I found him. Got a pencil?
RED: I’m listening.
LIZ : Was that your source?
RED : Yes.
LIZ : Did he find Berlin?
RED : We’ll have to keep looking.


Red walks purposefully, shooting several men as he does, reaches building, enters


KINSKY : Look out! Let’s deal with the other female agent first. Then I want you to take care of the ginger.

Getting off phone. Red finds the apartment with Kinsky inside and points gun at him

RED : You must be the one they call “Berlin.”


Outside Cooper’s hospital room

RESSLER : No, the reports are wrong. I don’t care what the manifest said. There was an 11th prisoner on that plane. Oh, you think I care about resources right now? This guy killed my partner. He gutted my boss. I want you to get every agent with a badge out looking for this damn guy.

At Cooper’s bedside

LIZ :You, Meera, it’s all because of me.


RED : I must say, I’m very good at finding people. I’ve tracked enemies far and wide. I once found a hedge–fund manager hiding in the Amazon with the Yawalapiti on the banks of the Kuluene River. You know what the key to finding your enemies is? Remembering everyone’s name. It’s critical to my survival. Anyone knows the head of some drug cartel in Colombia, some politician in Paris. But I know their wives, girlfriends, children, their enemies, their friends. I know their favorite bartender, their butcher. I remember the name of the baker I stole the strawberry bismark from when I was 11 years old and his wife–Trudy Svoboda. But you– I have no idea who in the Sam Hill you are. I have not a clue what I’ve done to you, what I’ve taken from you. And yet, of all the people I’ve hurt, none of them have come after me with half as much vim and vigor as you. I don’t even recognize your face. I’m stymied. And yet, here we are. You found me.
KINSKY : Through your weakness. I searched for one for years– a weakness that would allow me to get to you. I nearly gave up. And then I find out about her. Seemed so implausible that someone so careful could be so careless. And so I exploited it and waited. And here we are thanks to Elizabeth Keen.


Tom gets in car that Liz is in. Points gun at her

TOM : Hey, babe.


RED : Help me understand what horrible thing I did to you that could possibly make all of this worth it. Who on God’s green Earth are you? What was that?

Kinsky spits on Red. He shoots him a bullet in the hand

RED : Being shot in the hand is just an absolute bitch– all those little bones. At least it goes right through. Worst part, honestly, is needing somebody to help zip your fly. Tell me your story. I’m not leaving here without a story.

Kinsky refuses, Red shoots him in the hip

RED : Being shot in the hip, on the other hand– Jiminy Cricket. Thick bone, large artery not to mention the fact that it makes walking upright forever impossible. Just don’t pass out. Stay focused. The story. What did I do to you? How about the kneecap? The IRA always loved a good kneecapping.
KINSKY : Beirut! Beirut.
RED : The Campolongo Incident.

Tom enters room, with Liz in front of him, holding gun to her head

TOM : Slide it. Slide the gun now.
RED : No.

To Liz

RED : Are you hurt?
KINSKY : Do it! Kill her! Pull the trigger! Do it! Now! Kill her! Pull the trigger! Do it now!
LIZ : Don’t do it.

KINSKY : Do you hear me?!

LIZ : Tom. Please.
KINSKY : Shoot her! This man – he take everything from me! For what? For nothing. For money – business. He snaps his fingers, and my life was–

Red shoots Kinsky in head

RED : Well, that simplifies matters. Just the three of us.

Red stretches arms out, pointing his gun away from Tom, begins walking toward him

RED : Tom, put the gun down before you do something you’ll deeply regret. I’m the one you want. Make the right choice, Tom. But make it fast. Because when I get over there, I’m gonna take that gun away from you.

Tom shoots at Red, but Liz’s hair obstructs his shot, and he only nicks Red’s shoulder, Red flinches. Liz Turns and struggles with Tom for his gun. She gets it and shoots Tom three times in the abdomen. He slumps down wall to floor. Red quickly approaches Tom, is about to shoot him.

Grabs Red’s arm

LIZ : No!
RED : We can’t leave him alive.
LIZ : Please go. I’ll finish it. This is between us.
RED : Do it quickly. I’ll be waiting outside.
TOM : … I’m sorry …

Tom whispers something to Liz

LIZ : What ?

 Whispers again in Liz's ears

Next Scene,an aerial view of New York : «Authorities are now reporting that all prisoners from that crashed plane have been apprehended and they are in police custody. In a statement issued moments ago from City Hall, the governor congratulated local and federal…»

PRISONERS : – I told you everything I know.
– I’m telling you, I didn’t have anything to do with it.
– I told you everything I know.
– What more do you want to know? I didn’t have anything to do with it.
– How long you going to keep me here?
RESSLER : Indefinitely.

Referring to Meera

LIZ : Her kids were only 8 and 5.
RESSLER : Any update on Cooper?
ARAM : Um the coroner, uh, just called in the results on the John Doe– the charred body found at the scene. He wasn’t a prisoner.
RESSLER : He had to be. I mean, we accounted for everyone.
LIZ : This report identifies him as the third guard on the manifest.
RESSLER : What? No. I mean, the third guard – he’s in a hospital. Berlin cut his hand off.
ARAM : Oh, no.
RESSLER : What is it?

Flashback of chaos inside plane during descent

Prisoners being interrogated, in flashback
ARAM: He cut his hand off.
PRISONERS : – « He was handcuffed to a guard, and he’s cutting his hand off.
– cutting his hand off.
– his hand off.
– cutting hand.»

LIZ : Yeah, that’s what all the prisoners said – he cut his hand off.
ARAM : No, no. It’s, um, it’s a lexical ambiguity. He cut his hand off.
LIZ : Berlin cut off his own hand?
RESSLER : The guard.


Ressler and Liz rush to hospital, enter Berlin’s room. A man is on the floor bleeding, a bloody sharpened bone at his side. The bed is empty. Berlin is gone.


LIZ : The man you killed wasn’t Berlin.
RED : Yes, I know.
LIZ : You know? How?
RED : He spoke of Beirut 2010, the Campolongo incident– an unfortunate mess, but Berlin’s attacks on my business started years earlier. The moment he said it, I knew.
LIZ : But you didn’t say anything?
RED : Berlin needs to believe I think he’s dead. It provides us with an advantage.
LIZ : So, he’s still out there. I’m sure you’ll find him.
RED : Lizzy, there’s something I want you to understand about your father Sam. That night when he took you in– without hesitation– Sam made a difficult choice that changed the course of his life. And that’s where you find yourself now. You can turn away and run from it. You can hide from it. And if you choose to do that, I’ll fly away. Or you can face it and confront it engage it. And maybe– maybe you prevail and rise above it.

Liz shakes her head “No”

RED : I understand. I’ll be on a plane tonight.


Liz is looking at Sam's photos with her. The house is empty now. She leaves it with only a bag.


Ressler is sitting at Cooper’s bedside. He notices Cooper’s hand move, leaps up and goes looking for help. A crew is at the crime scene where Kinsky is still dead in chair. The spot where Tom had collapsed is vacant.


Berlin is shown shaving off his beard, then looking at the locket with his daughter’s photo inside


Later, outside mansion in which they have been staying, Dembe and Red are loading bags into trunk of car. A cab drives up. Liz steps out. Red looks up, broad grin. Liz steps forward, with cautious smile. She has decided to stay!

LIZ : Tom told me something right before he died.
RED : What was that?
LIZ : “Your father’s alive.”
RED : Lizzy, look at me. I’m telling you, with no uncertainty, your father is dead. He died in that fire.
LIZ : That man – Berlin – he’s out there.
RED : Yes. And we’ll find him.

Later, Red is in his room. He looks at the photo he got from the Stewmaker’s book. It is the same photo that is in Berlin’s locket. He unbuttons his shirt to check the fresh bullet wound on his shoulder, pulls off the bandage. He lowers his shirt further to reveal his back covered with hideous burn scars


Adapté du site «The Blacklist Classified», mise en page par mnoandco.

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Chouette bannière pretty, bravo !

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