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#205 : La faction

Reddington au chevet de Liz à l'hôpital

Ecrit par: Jim Campolongo & Adam Sussman
Réalisé par: Steven A. Adelson

Keen, Ressler et Cooper poursuivent une cellule d'écoterroriste à la recherche d'une arme destructrice. Pendant ce temps, Liz tente de semer son tuteur. Red utilise la manipulation pour suivre une personne proche à son cœur.


3.86 - 7 votes

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The Front

Titre VF
La faction

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Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) et Samar Navabi (Mozhan Marno) en quarantaine

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) et Samar Navabi (Mozhan Marno) en quarantaine

Glen Carter (Clark Middleton), l'indic de Red (James Spader) a la fâcheuse manie de l'énerver

Glen Carter (Clark Middleton), l'indic de Red (James Spader) a la fâcheuse manie de l'énerver

Chris Perez (Blake DeLong ) disciple de la Faction

Chris Perez (Blake DeLong ) disciple de la Faction

Samar Navabi (Mozhan Marno)

Samar Navabi (Mozhan Marno)

Red au chevet de Liz (Megan Boone) qui  récupère à l'hôpital

Red au chevet de Liz (Megan Boone) qui récupère à l'hôpital

La Task-Force au travail au Bureau de Poste

La Task-Force au travail au Bureau de Poste

Red (James Spader) mérite un bonbon?

Red (James Spader) mérite un bonbon?

Aram Mojtabaï (Amir Arison) et Samar Navabi (Mozhan Marno) au travail

Aram Mojtabaï (Amir Arison) et Samar Navabi (Mozhan Marno) au travail

Donald Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) au Bureau de Poste

Donald Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) au Bureau de Poste


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France (inédit)
Mercredi 02.09.2015 à 21:50
3.66m / 17.4% (Part)

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Etats-Unis (inédit)
Lundi 20.10.2014 à 22:00
9.34m / 2.4% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Personnage Blaklisté: N°74: The Front (Maddox Beck)


Hal Ozsan ... Ezra

Clark Middleton ... Glen Carter

Scottie Thompson ... Zoe D'Antonio

Michael Laurence ... Maddox Beck
Jennifer Van Dyck ... Lillian Sharp
Katrina Lenk ... Carrie Ann Beck
Amber Skye Noyes ... Pepper
Freya Adams ... Shanon Mcganus
Geoffrey Cantor ... Phil Ryerson
Blake DeLong ... Chris Perez

Personne ne remarque Carrie Anne Beck, en sang, errant autour de Dupont Circle, parlant au téléphone à une femme nommée Pepper. Carrie Anne affirme qu'elle a dû "le" prendre et qu’elle a l'intention de le donner à la police. Pepper sort d’une voiture en hurlant, suivie par Maddox Beck qui veut récupérer ce que Carrie a pris. Effrayé, Carrie tente de fuir et percute un taxi. Maddox enlève quelque chose de son sac à main avant de disparaître dans la foule.

Liz retrouve Red qui est en train de réparer un vieil objet. Elle veut qu’il annule son ange gardien mais lui veut parler de Carrie Anne et Maddox, tous deux présumés morts avant l'incident de Dupont Circle. Après avoir fondé le groupe écoterroriste, le Front, les deux époux ont truqué leurs morts et se sont cachés pour se radicaliser davantage. Red croit que Maddox a essayé de tuer sa femme parce qu’elle était trop modérée, refusant d'accepter son point de vue que l'humanité est un virus qui doit être anéanti. En outre, Red craint que Carrie Anne ait essayé de déjouer un plan ignoble qui est sur le point d'être réalisée. Le FBI prend l'affaire et consulte le Dr Phil Ryerson. Carrie est vivante, en mort cérébrale et enceinte de 30 semaines. Curieusement, l’argile vieille de 700 ans qui a été retrouvée sous ses ongles est de la terre de Sienne brute, datant du 14ème siècle. Aram remonte la trace jusqu’ à un tableau du Prado, volé la semaine dernière dont il s’avère, qu’il dissimule une carte codée.

Cooper appelle l’historienne en art, Lillian Sharp qui explique la légende de la souche Apophis. Au 14ème siècle, les Byzantins et les Ottomans ont libéré par erreur une souche militaire de  peste, ce qui est considéré par certains comme la véritable origine de la peste noire pneumonique et se répand dans l'air. Selon la légende, les deux ennemis jurés chargèrent quatre prêtres de prendre la peste et de la cacher du monde pour éviter Armageddon. La carte cachée par la peinture pourrait révéler l'endroit où la peste a été cachée. Lillian Sharp dit au FBI que la carte est sans valeur.

Pendant ce temps, Red attend juste comme une personne normale à la DMV pour rencontrer l’administrateur Glenn Carter. Glen est le traqueur le plus doué que Red connaisse mais sa patience, malgré des excuses farfelues, est arrivée à son terme. En sachant que son ange gardien, Ezra, la suit, Liz entre dans l’immeuble du thérapeute Dave Kingsley pour rencontrer une femme qui lui ressemble exactement. Après avoir accepté le paiement de Liz, la femme se rend dans le bureau du thérapeute où Ezra l’espionne par la fenêtre. Quand le rendez-vous est terminé, Liz sort par la porte arrière et va rejoindre Red et Lillian Sharpe qui explique le reste de l'histoire de la peinture. L'un des quatre prêtres a été infecté puis a avalé l'échantillon de la peste et la emporté dans à sa tombe. La carte indique où ce prêtre est enterré : Ridge Enterrement à Staten Island. Liz et Ressler se rendent sur place quand Aram appelle avec des nouvelles, Maddox est là-bas, dans l'espoir de voler les os, gagnant ainsi l'ADN de la peste. Mais les os ont été déplacés des centaines d'années auparavant ; un marqueur de pierre avec un message écrit dans l'ancienne écriture cyrillique a été laissé à la place. Après quelques décodages, Aram déchiffre que les os reposent dans l'église de la Sainte Trinité où Liz trouve Maddox en train à les voler. Quand elle menace de tirer, Maddox menace de laisser tomber son sac de matières dangereuses et de les infecter tous les deux, puis son acolyte frappe sur Liz.

Red remet à Aram la photo de la jeune fille qu'il a arrachée du carnet du Stewmaker. Red a besoin qu’Aram trouve cette fille parce qu'elle est importante dans sa guerre contre Berlin. Au moment où Liz revient au bureau, Samar est furieuse et la blâme pour avoir laissé Maddox s’en aller. Après avoir synthétisé une version liquide de la peste et  mis dans un atomiseur, Maddox rassemble ses disciples sous un arbre feuillu avec des bouteilles colorées, il dit : "Il est temps ..."  Après avoir appris la recherche d’Aram sur la fille de Red, Liz va le voir pour lui dire que le FBI n’est pas là pour l’aider dans ses affaires personnelles et ruiner la vie d'une autre personne. Red accuse Liz d'être jalouse et d'imposer ses règles : Aram ne va pas aider Red et d'une façon ou d’une autre Ezra va arrêter de la suivre. Toujours en colère, Liz achète une bouteille de vin, retourne à la chambre du motel, ouvre les rideaux et commence à se déshabiller. Ezra observe le spectacle quand il reçoit un appel de Red pour l'avertir que Liz peut essayer de le manipuler. Une fois qu’elle a enlevé son soutien-gorge, Liz écrit "Bite Me" sur la fenêtre avec du rouge à lèvres, puis se dirige vers la chambre. C’est en réalité la doublure de Liz qui distrait Ezra pendant que Liz se rend devant la porte de la fin de l'épisode précédent. Après avoir demandé à un homme appelé le Samoan si elle peut entrer par la porte qui est maintenant déverrouillée.

Après avoir inhalé la peste, Maddox envoie ses disciples dans le monde et il ne faut pas longtemps, pour que la ville soit en quarantaine. Sharon McManus est identifiée comme patient Zéro, portant une souche génétiquement modifiée de la peste pneumonique, qui travaille à un rythme accéléré. Après incubation, le virus transforme ses victimes infectieuses et les tue dans les neuf heures. Comme il n'y a pas de traitement, la CDC aura besoin d'un échantillon de la souche originale pour créer un antidote. Heureusement, Aram a trouvé un cheveu de rat spécifique sur la chemise de Sharon, ce qui conduit au laboratoire de Maddox. Le laboratoire est vide sauf pour une carte qui indique que Maddox a envoyé ses disciples dans 24 villes à travers le monde. Aram commence à suivre les adeptes et découvre que le seul qui n'est pas encore monté à bord d'un vol à destination de Dulles à Toronto et Chris Perez. Cooper ordonne à Aram d’appeler la FAA et envoie Liz et Samar pour empêcher Perez de monter à bord de l'avion. Première à l'apercevoir, Samar donne la chasse et rattrape Perez. Dans la bagarre, il pulvérise le virus dans sa bouche et lui tire dessus avant que Liz arrive. Perez est mort et Saram blessée. Cette dernière s’enferme dans une pièce, sachant qu'elle est contagieuse mais Liz sait que Samar va saigner et mourir avant que le virus la tue et elle réussit à convaincre Samar de la laisser entrer. Aram appelle Red pour lui parler de la situation des deux femmes. Elles sont actuellement mises en quarantaine à l'aéroport.

Liz raconte à Samar que Red est le fléau de son existence mais elle ne peut s’empêcher de ressentir de la jalousie envers la jeune fille qu'il cherche. Après avoir collaboré avec Aram pour trouver l'emplacement de Maddox, Red capture Pepper pour débusquer son amant et l'antidote que Maddox a préparé. Après avoir persuadé Pepper de lui remettre une clé, Red et Dembe partent vers un hélicoptère avec les flacons d’antidote, laissant Maddox et Pepper mourir. Red va voir Liz à l'hôpital puis rentre à la maison pour regarder le film d'une petite fille de six ans gambadant avec joie dans l’herbe. Glen appelle Red : il a trouvé la jeune fille et son nom est Zoe D'Antonio.

Traduit et adapté du résumé du site officiel.


On phone

CARRIE ANN : I had to take it. I mean, have you really thought about what he’s gonna do? Everyone is gonna die. Everyone.
PEPPER : You did the right thing.
CARRIE ANN : I’m gonna go to the police. I have to go to the police. I’m gonna give it to them.
If I don’t, if he goes through with it. …
PEPPER : If he finds you, he might hurt you again. Ju– I’ll come with you. Just Tell me where you are.
CARRIE ANN : Just promise me you’ll come alone.
PEPPER : I promise.

Later. A car arrives with Pepper, but she is with a man

PEPPER : I’m sorry.
BECK : Where is it?
CARRIE ANN : You get away from me.
BECK : You can’t stop us now. Everything is in place. It’s too late.
CARRIE ANN : You get away from me.

The man grabs her

BECK : I always thought you were different. But you’re just like the rest. You’re selfish. Give it to me.

Both grunting. Horn blares. Gasps. Tires screech : Carrie-Ann is struck by a car. Beck takes something in her bag and run away with Pepper

A MAN : Hey!

A WOMAN : Ohh!

Indistinct conversations between people

- Help! Somebody call an ambulance!
– That’s crazy, man.
– I’m just like, “whoa.” She just stepped out.
– She jumped in front of that car.


About Ezra

LIZ : I told you to get rid of him.
RED : Lizzy, I’m not getting rid of him. Your safety is of great concern to me.
LIZ : Yeah, I can handle myself. I just I don’t want him watching me. What is all this?

Red repairs an old film projector but doesn't answer .Siren wails in distance

RED : There was an incident this morning in Dupont Circle. A woman was struck by a taxi ...Carrie Ann Beck.
LIZ : Maddox Beck’s wife?
RED : Yes. The leaders of The Front.
LIZ : Well, how is that possible? They died trying to bomb BP’s London Office in response to the Gulf Oil Spill.
RED : So the world believes. In truth, they took their work underground. Personally, I once admired Carrie Ann. However, since going underground, they’ve become too radical for my blood, advocates for a level of destruction that I find chilling.
LIZ : So who killed her?
RED : I believe her husband is responsible.
LIZ : I don’t understand. Weren’t they partners? Didn’t they found the Front together?
RED : Yes, but their partnership was a tenuous one. She was always the more moderate voice, only interested in operations that related directly to the environment. Beck, on the other hand, views himself as a chosen one, a messianic figure who sees humanity as a virus that needs to be eradicated in order to save the planet. I fear he got rid of his wife because she was trying to stop him from implementing a plan to do just that.


LIZ : These are the last known photographs of Maddox Beck and his wife. They’re the founders of the Front.
ARAM : 2012 Firebomb strikes a Biotechpark in Boston, conducting genomics research, causing $64 million in damage. 2013, Four staff members were killed and 16 hospitalized. Ricin was mailed to the Fairbanks BLM Office, which manages Transatlantic Pipeline.
RESSLER : Just got off with the M.E. He’ll have a tox work-up on Beck’s wife within the hour.
COOPER : We can’t assume Beck killed her just because Reddington says so. Get to the morgue. I want a cause of death.
RESSLER : Her body’s not at the morgue. She’s at City Memorial. Labor and delivery.


LIZ : She was pregnant?
PATHOLOGIST : Yeah, 30 weeks. From what they can tell, the baby’s fine.
LIZ : And the mother?
PATHOLOGIST : The doctors declared her brain dead. They put her on life support until they can safely deliver the child. Most of the injuries were sustained, uh, during the accident, but she suffered some injuries beforehand, as well lacerations to the head and the hands and, um, defensive bruises on the forearms.
LIZ : Think he beat her?
PATHOLOGIST : I think she was in one hell of a fight.
RESSLER : You say in your notes – she had clay under her fingernails? –
LIZ : Clay? From where? That’s odd, isn’t it?
PATHOLOGIST : The really odd part is that the– The clay is 700 years old.


ARAM : The soil found under the nails of Carrie Ann Beck dates back to the 14th century. It’s called Raw Sienna.
COOPER : Okay, so, what’s it doing there?
ARAM : Raw Sienna was used by painters at the time, painters who belonged to what’s known as the Sienese School. The Prado in Madrid has an exhibit going on right now featuring paintings from the Sienese School. Last week, one of those paintings was stolen.
RESSLER : That’s what she and Beck were fighting over, this painting.
SAMAR ; Maybe they were trying to sell it on the black market, fund their operation.
ARAM : There were 22 paintings at the exhibit. The one that was stolen had been on loan from the Santa Caterina Church in Pisa, and it was, by far, the least valuable.
LIZ : Then why did they steal it?

Maddox Beck is hanging painting on wall. Uses blue light to illuminate map under painting.

Printer whirs


Telephones ringing. Pounding

MAN : Come on!

The vending machine is broken.Buzzer

WOMAN : Number 76. Number 76!

Red looks at is ticket, sighing : number 114. A boy gives him a candy


GLEN : I’ve been busting my ass! And now you fire me because I’m not, what, fast enough?!
RED : I’ll need all your research.
GLEN : No!
RED : And any leads as to her whereabouts.
GLEN : You want me to find the girl? I’ll find the girl. But these things take time!
RED : You don’t have any leads. You know what? I don’t have time! And yet you’ve had me waiting out there for over 45 minutes! Do you know the vending machine is broken? It’s as if you enjoy making people miserable!
GLEN : I work at the DMV!
RED : If you can’t do this, I need to find someone who can. Everything rests on finding the girl.
GLEN : I understand, and I’m trying my best. But you didn’t give me much to go on, and I’ve had some ...

Wheezes, sighs

RED : Is something wrong?
GLEN : You know what?


GLEN : Just forget it!
RED : Talk to me.
GLEN : It’s mom.
RED : Ohh, Glen.
GLEN : Three months ago, she was in the shower, noticed this Lump.
RED : How bad?
GLEN : Got into her bones. They bombarded her with chemo. We’ve tried everything. The pills and the diets, biofeedback, music therapy, the Flaxseed diet.
RED : Flax seed?
GLEN : Part of the Budwig Protocol.

Red is angry

RED : I don’t have time for this.
GLEN : Oh, I’m sorry! Has mom’s illness cramped your busy schedule?!
RED : Every time you can’t deliver, you do this. These cockamamie stories!

GLEN : My mother is dying!

RED : Yes, and your brother-in-law had Legionnaires’ disease, and your house was flooded, and I’m still no closer to finding the girl.
GLEN : Get out!
RED : You’re the most gifted tracker I know, Glen, but your mouth runs like a scalded dog. I don’t know why you’re mad at me. You’re the one who came up short.

Door opens, closes


COOPER : Codes.What kind of codes?
RESSLER : You mean written on the back of the painting?
ARAM : Not on the back. Under the paint.
SAMAR : The museum sent us everything they had on the stolen painting. When it was acquired last year, they ran a series of tests to determine its authenticity.
ARAM : Yeah, they used thermal imaging to do microscopic and spectroscopic analysis and found this.
COOPER : What’s it mean?
ARAM : Museum doesn’t know. I spoke with the curator.
COOPER : Call the National Gallery. Get Lillian Sharp in here. If anyone can make heads or tails of this, she can.

RESSLER : Hey. Keen. Where is she?
COOPER : She had an appointment.


Liz's appointment. Ezra (Red’s man) is sitting on stoop across street

Inside a woman looks just like Liz

WOMAN : Look, when I agreed to do this, I –
LIZ : It’s just taking longer than I thought.
WOMAN : Is he out there?
LIZ : Yeah. I’m going out back.

Holds out wad of bills

LIZ : This is for last week. Do it one more week, and I’ll pay you double. I’ll be back in one hour.

The woman takes Liz's place for her appointment


LILLIAN SHARP : It’s a map.
COOPER : A map to what?
SHARP : A bedtime story. It’s a legend about the Apophis Strain, an ancient plague weaponized in the 14th century by both the Byzantines and the Ottomans that was mistakenly released and believed to be the real origin of the black death.
RESSLER : You’re talking about the Bubonic Plague.
SHARP : No Pneumonic Plague, which is airborne and far more fatal. Scientists now believe that was the plague that killed 200 million people, one of the largest pandemics in history. That’s why, to prevent Armageddon, the sworn enemies agreed to task four priests to take the strain to the end of the world.
COOPER : And this map indicates in which end of the world it’s hidden.


SHARP : Agent Cooper, you’re not taking this seriously, are you?
COOPER : Maddox Beck is. He killed his wife to get this map.
SHARP : These symbols …Trust me. This map is worthless.


To her double

LIZ : Thursday. Same time?

Cellphone vibrates. On phone

KEEN : Keen.
RED : Lizzy, I need to see you. There’s been a development.


SHARP : This map is priceless. You need to move on this now. If the Apophis Strain is out there –
LIZ : You didn’t tell this to the FBI?
RED : Lillian is paid to embargo certain key details from your colleagues if she believes they may be of interest to me.
SHARP : You sure she can be trusted?
LIZ : I could say the same thing about you.
RED : Ladies, please. I’m surprised the two of you haven’t met at a conference or company retreat. Does the FBI do a Christmas party?
SHARP : One of the priests sent to guard the strain got sick. And to protect it, the dying man swallowed it whole, taking it to his grave. We know this because the others survived and created the map.
LIZ : And the markings? What do they mean?
SHARP : They’re archetypal alignments. When you connect them, they create lay lines linking a network of historically significant sites.
LIZ : You said the priests were sent to the end of the world. Where?
SHARP : Well, I said it was the end of the world. Not anymore. If I’m reading this correctly, the strain is buried here in America.


Liz and Ressler on phone with Aram and Samar

LIZ : Red’s source says the map points to Burial Ridge in Staten Island. It’s the largest native American burial ground in New York.
RESSLER : We’ve contacted local authorities. We’re on our way now.
ARAM : I-I don’t know how to break this to you, but, uh, Beck beat you there.
LIZ : What are you talking about?
ARAM : New York Field Office got called in on a grave robbery. According to park police, our guy, Beck, he knew exactly where to look.
LIZ : The bones contain the DNA of the plague. Once he has it, he can replicate it.
RESSLER : That’s why he took the bones.
SAMAR : No, he wanted to take them, but according to park police, whoever was buried there was moved.
ARAM : Hundreds of years ago. I’m sending you an image of what was left in its place.
LIZ : Got it.
ARAM : We think it’s a marker, some sort of addendum to the map.
SHARP : It’s Cyrillic.
ARAM : It’s ancient Cyrillic. It looks like some sort of equation. “P” equals 100. “O” that sort of looks like a ribbon equals 9. Those dash symbols in between denotes that the number to the right should be multiplied by 1,000. It totals 109,120.
SAMAR : Probably a measurement. Is there a standard form?
ARAM : Cubits. Uh, one cubit is half a yard. 109,120 cubits is 54,560 yards.

Samar gives him a look, surprise

ARAM : What? I was good at math.
LIZ : There’s another engraving here. Looks like, what, a moon?
SAMAR : Or a sun, which rises in the east.
LIZ : The strain’s final resting place.
ARAM : 54,560 yards. Or exactly 31 miles.


RED : Hello, Aram. Agent Navabi. You certainly look radiant.
ARAM : Mr. Reddington. Um. Hey, uh If you’re looking for, uh, A-Agent Keen –
RED : I’m not. I’m looking for you.


On phone

LIZ : Aram, are you there? What is it? What’s 31 miles east of Burial Ridge?


PRIEST : This is the oldest church in the city. The graves in the church, they’re sacrosanct.
RESSLER : Is there another way in here?
PRIEST : The southeast stairwell, behind the –
LIZ : Show me.


ARAM : You want me to find a girl. You can’t tell me her name, and none of the other people who work for you were able to find her.
RED : Yes.
ARAM : That’s not much to go on.
RED : It’s not.
ARAM : Out of curiosity, the other people who couldn’t find her, this girl, um – W-what What did you do to them?
RED : Aram, this woman is critical in my war with Berlin.


The southeast stairwell. Clink

LIZ : FBI! Don’t move!
MADDOX BECK : You know what I have in here. You wouldn’t be here if you didn’t.
LIZ : Put it down.
BECK : It’s incredible, isn’t it? Finding America a century before Columbus, surviving, protecting the secret. His life had one purpose. The plague.
LIZ : You’re not walking out of here.
BECK: Do you know how contagious this is? Shoot me, I drop it, and then we’re both infected.
LIZ : I said put it down.
BECK : Either you let me go, or we both die. The choice is yours… You’re just like everybody else. You’re gonna save your life at the expense of millions of others.
LIZ : Is that why you killed your wife?
BECK : Carrie Ann killed herself. She wasn’t able to go through with it, but somebody needs to have the courage to do what’s necessary.

Liz is knocked out from behind

BECK : Radio Foster. Tell him we’re on our way.

Men goes away and Liz gets up

LIZ : Ressler!


LIZ : They have it. It’s gone. The plague, it’s gone.

Breathing heavily


COOPER : Call state and local police. Tell them we want lookouts and checkpoints at every highway leading out of the city. Find Maddox Beck!

SAMAR : You had him.
LIZ : He was in possession of the strain.
SAMAR : Did you hesitate or not?
LIZ : He threatened to release it.
SAMAR ; And now a mad man is out there with the ability to start a pandemic.
COOPER : Enough. If it’s the pneumonic plague, there are antibiotics, protocols.
SAMAR : For the strain that exists today, not the one that’s 700 years old. We have to assume that there is no cure for whatever Beck got his hands on.
COOPER : I said that’s enough.
SAMAR : This is unbelievable.

Stomps off

COOPER : Alert the CDC. Tell them that a potential category 5 threat has just been identified with no cure and a high probability of exposure.

Liz is now alone with Aram

ARAM : Agent Keen. Whatever decision you made, I’m sure it was the right one. I’ve seen you under pressure in the moment.
LIZ : Thank you.
ARAM : I mean it. The way you handle – take Mr. Reddington, for example. He asked me to do one thing, and I freeze up, – but you’re always able to –
LIZ : What? What? What are you talking about?
ARAM : Oh, wait. Uh, no, just, um. You’re solid.
LIZ : Reddington asked you to do – ?
ARAM : No, forget that. Bad example.
LIZ : What did Reddington ask you to do?

Breathes deeply


To his followers. We see experiences

BECK : 200. That is the exact number of species that grows extinct every year. That is 10,000 times the natural rate of extinction, and one species is responsible. Ours. The reason that we are making the ultimate sacrifice Is because earth is literally dying. Everybody knows it, and no one will do anything about it. To preserve life on earth, we need to become Extinct. Sharon. It’s time.

Beck gives to Sharon an inhaler mask


LIZ : Your wife made it perfectly clear your daughter has no interest in seeing you.
RED : Oh, dear.
LIZ : The FBI is not in the business of handling your personal affairs.


RED : The FBI is in the business of my business. Why else would I be in business with the FBI?
LIZ : If she is in danger, we will protect her, either from Berlin or you.
RED : Who told you she’s my daughter?
LIZ : You have no right to have anything to do with that girl, not since the night you abandoned her.
RED : I’m touched.
LIZ : You just upended your ex-wife’s entire life. I’m not gonna let you do the same thing to her.
RED : As a rule, I consider jealousy to be a base emotion. But in this case, it’s quite endearing.


LIZ : Oh, God. I am not jealous.
RED : I assure you, Lizzy, my quest to find this young woman will in no way compromise our relationship.
LIZ : “Our relationship”?
RED : Where are we on the case?
LIZ : No, no, no. We’re not doing that.
RED : I understand you lost Beck. It must be disheartening.
LIZ : Let me be perfectly clear. Aram is not going to help you find your daughter. And the guy you have following me. Either you get rid of him, or I will.


Liz enters her room

Cellphone rings . Beep. On phone

RED : It’s about Agent Keen.

EZRA : Sir.
RED : She seems unusually agitated. I’m not sure why, but I believe she’s hiding something from me.

EZRA : Hiding what?
RED : I’m not sure.

...as Liz undresses in front of the window of her room and Ezra can see her…

RED : But I think she’s worried you may expose her. She’s made it clear she wants you gone.I told her that’s not an option. I think she may try to manipulate the situation.


EZRA : Don’t worry. I’ve got eyes on her as we speak. She’s not going anywhere.

We see Liz elsewhere

EZRA : I’ll be handling, sir.
RED : Don’t.

Liz writes «bite me» on the window... it's not Liz but her double.


Door opens. A man arrives and Liz is waiting for him

SAMUEL ALEKO (Samoan): You think it’s a good idea you being here this time of night?
LIZ : I need to go inside.
ALEKO : Girl, you’re pushing it.
LIZ : Can I go inside?

He nods


Beck’s people have gathered to take the toxin, which Pepper is distributing

BECK : Can you feel it?
SHARON : Yes. I can feel it inside me. I can feel it growing.
BECK : Amen.


Horn blares. Coughing : Sharon is covered with pustules


On TV: «Unconfirmed reports indicate hundreds have been infected as a result of the outbreak. The Capitol and the Supreme Court have been evacuated. Metro police have quarantined a 15-block area, reaching from Constitution to Pennsylvania Avenue.»

LIZ : Patient Zero has been I.D.’d as Sharon McManus. Prelim autopsy confirms we are dealing with a genetically modified strain of pneumonic plague.
COOPER : Modified how?
LIZ : We have no idea, but it is working at an accelerated rate.
RESSLER : People in the quarantine, none of them look sick yet.
LIZ : From what the CDC can tell, the contagion works in three phases, the first of which is incubation. Right now, it is dormant in their immune systems. It is not airborne yet, but that is only going to last for the first few hours.
COOPER : Then what?
LIZ : It turns the victim symptomatic, then infectious. Based on what we can tell from the time of death and the rapid depletion of Patient Zero’s target cells, those healthy-looking people will be dead in nine hours.
COOPER : How many people are we talking about?
RESSLER : Roughly 2,300 in quarantine, sir.
COOPER : Talk to me about the treatment protocols.
SAMAR : There are none. In order to understand how the disease was altered, to find a cure, we need a sample of the original strain.
RESSLER : And Beck has the only one.
ARAM : Hey. Full ERT report on Patient Zero’s effects just came in. They found this on the victim’s shirt hair from a rodent, a rat species specifically bred for scientific purposes. Rattus norvegicus. There are only two licensed suppliers for clinical trials. And in the last month, they’ve only had one shipment that didn’t go to a university or research facility.
RESSLER : You got Beck’s shipping address.
ARAM : Two story property in Thurmont.
COOPER : Send the Biohazard team at Quantico.


MAN : Clear!

Biohazard team goes through Beck’s lab. Indistinct shouting.


Computer receives information about a woman. Telephone dialing. On phone

GLEN : I need you to come in. I found your girl.

Telephones ringing . Indistinct conversations. Buzzer

WOMAN : Number 84.

It's Red's number


GLEN ; The picture you gave me, the one of the girl I had it aged up in the system and marked as an FBI inquiry five weeks ago.
RED : The vending machine is still not working.
GLEN : Then Dolly goes in for hair plugs. She’s the only one in the Southwest Service Center with access, so I’m frozen out.
RED : The woman grading the written tests needs to shower.
GLEN ; But this morning, Dolly comes back, and guess what. Old Dolly got a hit A 97% match on your girl.
RED : Zoe Dantonio.
GLEN : As I said, these things take time. What the hell is that?
RED : It’s a new vending machine. Yours is broken. Consider it a bonus.


Door opens, closes

RESSLER : Site’s decontaminated. The equipment looks like it’s been used recently.

Liz looks at Beck's computer : it's a map of Beck's targets

LIZ : My God. D.C. was just the beginning.

SAMAR : 24 cities on every continent. They’re gonna be on planes.

On phone

RESSLER : Aram, get me the FAA.


To his followers

BECK : When an organism is ill, it develops antibodies to combat the illness. Nature creates the instruments to eradicate deadly disease. In this case, the disease is humanity.We’re the antidotes. Climate change, water shortages, a population approaching eight billion

Pepper distributes inhaler mask containing the plague

BECK : We won’t live to see it. And there will be no one left to remember. But our sacrifice will usher in the dawn of a new earth. Sharon began our crusade, and now the rest of us must see it through.To a new day.
ALL : To a new day.

Inhales deeply


SAMAR : CDC quarantined a vehicle found at Dulles. There was an inhaler mask discovered outside of the car. We won’t have the official results for a few hours, but the toxins inside appear to match those found in Beck’s lab.
ARAM : Vehicle’s owner was one Ron Crocker, boarded a plane to Panama City two hours ago. LIZ : Every passenger on that flight will be infected.
COOPER : We have Crocker’s travel profile?
ARAM : Yeah.

Keyboard clacks

ARAM : Okay. Uh, one-way ticket, traveling alone, no checked baggage. Ticket purchased within the last eight hours.
RESSLER : Can you apply the same criteria to passengers on flights from Dulles to the other target cities?
LIZ : Every matching profile is a potential follower infected with the plague.
ARAM : Okay, 31 matches. Of those, seven are business travelers who made last-minute reservations using corporate cards.
COOPER : Are they already in flight?
ARAM : All but one, Chris Perez. Leaves Dulles for Toronto within one hour.
RESSLER : Probably still in the incubation period.
LIZ : We can take him down, isolate him before he boards.

To Ressler

COOPER : You work with Aram. Notify the FAA of those infected flights.

To Samar and Liz

COOPER : You get to Dulles, make sure Perez does not get on that flight.


WOMAN : Final boarding for flight 428, service to Toronto, please proceed to gate A.


RESSLER : We’ve located four of the suspects.

ARAM : Two land in 45 minutes: Moscow and SaoPaulo.
COOPER : Get word to the air marshals on board. Have teams on the tarmacs ready to quarantine those planes. Contact the TSA and have them patch us into the airport security feeds.
ARAM : We have to assume the passengers are all infected. Quarantine won’t help them, only the cure.
RESSLER : Which we don’t have.


Sirens wailing. Tires screech.

Police radio chatter. Indistinct conversations

POLICEMAN : Coming through! Make way!

LIZ : Federal agents coming through! Stand aside, please! Coming through here! Federal agents!
He’s not at the gate.


LIZ : Aram, you got eyes?

ARAM : Looking. Looking now.

Aram looks at the cams of the airport looking for the man

LIZ : I’m gonna double back.
ARAM : Okay. Come on.
RESSLER : Go back. There.
ARAM : That’s him. There he is. A black jacket with a gray hoodie, a green shoulder bag. Near gate C-13.

Samar sees him & takes off after him. She catches up with him. They struggle. He sprays her w atomizer with virus, grabs her weapon and shoots her in the abdomen before Liz takes him out.

Indistinct conversations

LIZ : Officer down! I need a medic!

Samar closes door to protect others from virus. Grunts
People screaming

To Liz

SAMAR : You can’t come in here!
LIZ : Samar, you’re gonna bleed out! You’ve got to open this door!
SAMAR : It’s out. I’m infected. If you come in here, you will be, too.

Liz comes in anyway. Breathing heavily. Liz stems Samar’s bleeding

LIZ : You’ll be okay.

Samar groans


RESSLER : Eighteen of the flights are now in quarantine and the suspects have been arrested. The others.Diverted with military escorts.
COOPER : What about the infected? Liz and Samar How much time do they have?
RESSLER : Worst-case scenario... Eight hours.
ARAM : I was able to trace a credit card tied to the plane tickets Beck purchased, but he created a VPN. The computer he used accessed the Internet within a 50-mile radius of Abingdon.
COOPER : Get our people in Virginia the coordinates have them start a canvass. And the radius. Narrow it down.

Cooper walks off


ARAM : Yeah, uh

Dialing. On phone

ARAM :… Mr. Reddington, I-I’m calling about Agent Keen.
RED : Circumstances have changed, Aram. I found what I was looking for.
ARAM : You have? I mean, uh, you have. That’s so – That’s fantastic. But, uh, that’s actually – That’s not why I’m calling. Uh, Agent Keen, she and Agent Navabi, they’ve been infected.
RED : When?
ARAM : Just over an hour ago.
RED : Where are you on Beck?
ARAM : He’s somewhere outside Abingdon, but I don’t know where. I’ve searched the public record. Uh, tax bills, power, phone. It’s like – It’s like he lives off the grid.
RED : Well, there you have it.
ARAM : Have what?

Red hangs up


Liz & Samar
Indistinct conversations. Breathing heavily.Chuckles

SAMAR : What?
LIZ : Mm, nothing.
SAMAR : What made you smile?
LIZ : Nipple guards. A year ago, I, uh Tom and I, we were going to adopt a newborn, and we were having a baby shower. And one of the guests, this teacher, she brought nipple guards.
SAMAR : Did she know you were adopting?
LIZ : Uh, exactly, yes, she... It was like she was reminding me that I wasn’t pregnant. I was just so pissed. I didn’t even thank her. God, I wish I could just go back and thank her. I had it all figured out. I was gonna have a baby. And a husband. And then he showed up.
SAMAR : You know everyone talks about it, right? They don’t want to bring it up with you. Why you? Who is he to you?

Inhales sharply

LIZ : Reddington is. ..the bane of my existence. And yet, here he is, trying to reconnect with his daughter? Trying to find her? And I find myself feeling possessive.…
LIZ : … Possessive of him, jealous of the girl he’s trying to protect. And if that’s not embarrassing enough, that’s exactly how he predicted I’d feel.

Samar groans

LIZ : You think they’ve delivered that baby yet? Carrie Ann Beck’s?

SAMAR : That’s probably why she backed out, right? – Because of that baby.
LIZ : Mm-hmm. And when they find a cure, when we walk out of here, it’ll all be because of that baby.

Breathing heavily


ARAM : Hey. Uh, I figured it out. Technically, Mr. Reddington figured it out, but I think I know where Beck is. He’s a radical environmentalist, so any electricity would be solar.

COOPER : We have a 50-mile search area. That could be dozens of houses.
ARAM : Using grid-tied power. But people who want to sever ties with the government, they would use off-grid systems, which are very uncommon.
COOPER : How uncommon?
ARAM : I could only find one with the capability to support a compound large enough for Beck and his followers. Um, I should mention I’m pretty sure Mr. Reddington has a head start.


In the garden

BECK : Pepper, what’s –

Pepper shows him she’s cuffed

Red chuckles, pointing a gun

RED : You two out here playing grab-ass in the woods just smacks of something biblical.
BECK : Who the hell are you?
RED : I’m the snake in the grass. I was a big fan of yours at one time. I remember you in that little, inflatable boat in the North Sea, going up against that oil platform, huge waves tossing you up against the pilings, fire hoses and steel oil drums raining down from above. My God, it gives me goose bumps just thinking about it. Then I had the good fortune of sharing a cell in a prison outside Sochi with an associate of yours, Yevgeny Bushkin. Big bear of a man, 150 kilos on an empty belly. As I remember it, Yevgeny went on hunger strike to protest some oil pipeline that threatened a vital something-or-other. You probably remember better than I.
But the point is the old boy didn’t eat for 74 days. Imagine that. I wouldn’t have the discipline.
My weakness is sausage and peppers. But Yevgeny – He did it. Wasted away like Christ on the cross, dying for a cause. Your cause. And I remember thinking that the only men I’ve known that have people who are willing to die for their cause are either saints or megalomaniacs.And you. Are no Saint. Which is why I’m not surprised to find you and Pepper waiting out Armageddon here in Eden.You and I both know you’re not gonna die for your cause.

Dembe has antidote in vials

BECK : Put that down!
RED : You dig up a plague, hatch a plan to spread it around the world, but before you do, you synthesize a cure. For yourself and your Eve. Ironic, isn’t it. If you were half as dedicated to your cause as Yevgeny was, there would be no vaccine, I wouldn’t be here, and you and Pepper would be free to romp like bunnies until the convulsing and hemorrhaging started.
BECK : You’re wrong. My actions are about our crimes against the earth.
RED : I’ll be frank, Mr. Beck, because I’m in a bit of a hurry. I’m not here for you.

To Pepper

RED : I think you know what I’m about to ask for.
BECK : What’s he talking about?
RED : You never told him?
BECK : Told me what?
RED : Where is it?
PEPPER : Please. don’t.
BECK : Never told me what?
RED : We don’t have much time.

She glances at bottle hanging from tree. Red takes skeleton key from bottle,

Laughs. Sirens wailing in distance

RED :Ah. My business is finished here. I’ll leave the two of you. I’m sure you have plenty to discuss.

Wailing continues. Beeping


Red watches Lizzie sleeping, Red puts earbuds in her ears & plays the music below, takes Liz’s hand and holds it.

Pepper and Beck committed suicide

Red laughs while watching home movies of a little girl 4-6 playing with super-bubbles


RESSLER : Just got off with the CDC. They’ve started vaccine protocol. All quarantined victims have been treated, along with the passengers from those flights. Carrie Anne Beck was taken off life support.

COOPER : Notify her next of kin. Tell them about the child.


Aram sits at Samar’s bedside, she wakes & smiles at him

Liz looks at the baby of Carrie-Ann, remembering the past, sad

Scene changes to Red laughing while watching home movies of a little girl 4-6 playing with super-bubbles. Then his face changes from joyful to pensive to horror …

Red finds & watches ‘the girl’ from a distance working in a food van


Adapté du site «The Blacklist Classified», mise en page par mnoandco.

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Chouette bannière pretty, bravo !

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