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#207 : Le cimeterre

Reddington attend sur une chaise longue le Cimeterre

Ecrit par: J. R. Orci & Lukas Reiter
Réalisé par: Karen Gaviola

Un complot de vengeance apparaît après qu'un scientifique nucléaire iranien ait été assassiné.
Red informe Keen et Navabi qu'un tueur à gages, "Le Scimitar" a été envoyé. Liz et Ressler se trouvent dans une situation délicate.


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The Scimitar

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Le cimeterre

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Tom Keen (Ryan Eggold) enchaîné

Tom Keen (Ryan Eggold) enchaîné

The Scimitar (Waleed Zuaiter )#22

The Scimitar (Waleed Zuaiter )#22

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) se réveille dans une chambre d'hôpital

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) se réveille dans une chambre d'hôpital

Donald Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) toujours inconscient

Donald Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) toujours inconscient

Berlin (Peter Stormare )

Berlin (Peter Stormare )

Samar Navabi (Mozhan Marno)

Samar Navabi (Mozhan Marno)

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) se détend

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) se détend

Les agents Keen (Megan Boone) et Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) se préparent à l'assaut

Les agents Keen (Megan Boone) et Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) se préparent à l'assaut

Raymond Reddington (James Spader)

Raymond Reddington (James Spader)

Donald Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) et Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) fouillent un bureau

Donald Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) et Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) fouillent un bureau

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) s'entraîne au golf

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) s'entraîne au golf

Déjeuner entre Raymond Reddington (James Spader) et Zoe D'Antonio (Scottie Thompson )

Déjeuner entre Raymond Reddington (James Spader) et Zoe D'Antonio (Scottie Thompson )

Samar Navabi (Mozhan Marno) au milieu de cadavres

Samar Navabi (Mozhan Marno) au milieu de cadavres

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) geôlière

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) geôlière

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) et Samar Navabi (Mozhan Marno) ont rendez-vous

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) et Samar Navabi (Mozhan Marno) ont rendez-vous

Ali Hassan (Ramsey Faragallah)  menacé par Red

Ali Hassan (Ramsey Faragallah) menacé par Red

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone)

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone)

Raymond Reddington (James Spader ) attend sa proie

Raymond Reddington (James Spader ) attend sa proie

Réunion de travail de la Task-Force

Réunion de travail de la Task-Force

Samar (Mozhan Marno) et Raymond Reddington (James Spader) extirpent des informations à Ali Hassan (Ramsey Faragallah)

Samar (Mozhan Marno) et Raymond Reddington (James Spader) extirpent des informations à Ali Hassan (Ramsey Faragallah)

Zoe D'Antonio (Scottie Thompson )

Zoe D'Antonio (Scottie Thompson )

Samar Navabi (Mozhan Marno)  une arme à la main, prête à tirer

Samar Navabi (Mozhan Marno) une arme à la main, prête à tirer

Raymond (James Spader) amateur de vinyles

Raymond (James Spader) amateur de vinyles


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France (inédit)
Mercredi 09.09.2015 à 21:00
4.26m / 18.0% (Part)

Logo de la chaîne NBC

Etats-Unis (inédit)
Lundi 03.11.2014 à 22:00
9.30m / 2.4% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Personnage Blaklisté: N°22: The Scimitar


Peter Stormare ... Berlin

Scottie Thompson ... Zoe D'Antonio

Christina Cabral ... Seminar Atendee
Jason Alan Carvell ... Owen Doherty
Jordan Lage ... Evan Mullen
Ryan Shams ... Kian Nouri
Waleed Zuaiter ... The Scimitar

Samar boit du champagne au bar d’un hôtel haut de gamme où elle attire l'attention de Kian Nouri. Peu après, ils se rendent dans une chambre. Quelques instants plus tard, le corps de Nouri tombe de plusieurs étages sur une berline de luxe.

Tom est toujours enchaîné dans la cale d'un navire abandonné où Liz l’interroge pour avoir le nom du fournisseur d'armes de Berlin.

Après avoir évoqué son anniversaire, Tom affirme qu’il mourra de froid si elle le laisse là et il propose le nom de Sevan Volkov. Liz lui jette une couverture mince et miteuse. Liz s’en va récupérer Samar pour aller voir Reddington qui a demandé à rencontrer les deux femmes.
Il a entendu parler de la mort de Nouri, l'un des meilleurs scientifiques nucléaires de l'Iran. Qualifiant cette mort de suicide, Samar dit qu'elle ne peut ne pas parler d'une opération du Mossad ; Red poursuit en expliquant que Misiri prévoit d'exercer des représailles. Ils ont déjà engagé un tueur à gages tristement connu sous le nom Scimitar pour commencer à tuer des scientifiques nucléaires américains. Cooper donne des nouvelles au vice-amiral Evan Mullen, qui dirige tout ce qui touche aux questions nucléaires américaines. Il ne croit pas à la menace mais il admet que si l'un de leurs trois meilleurs scientifiques du projet tombaient aux mains de l'ennemi ... ce serait une catastrophe. Le protocole de sécurité pour leur protection est de tout simplement les cacher avec de fausses identités. Cooper veut les retirer de la rue mais Mullen confit que cela soulèverait des drapeaux rouges pour les Iraniens. Mullen s’engage à mettre deux des scientifiques sur la touche mais l’ingénieur senior Amalia Collins présente un problème car elle travaille comme professeur d'astrophysique à l'Université Duke et elle a prévu de prononcer un discours ce soir à l'Hôtel Granville. Lorsque Cooper ordonne à son équipe de trouver le Scimitar en premier, Liz s’isole avec Ressler. Elle veut s’assurer qu'il obtient de l'aide pour sa dépendance mais Ressler a l'intention de s’en sortir tout seul.

Liz reçoit un message : la photo d’un homme iranien avec le tatouage d'un cimeterre à la main accepte une photo de l'agent Jonathan Reese de la DSS. Avec des vêtements chauds pour Tom, Liz rencontre son partenaire qui se fait appeler Samoan et qui est chargé de garder Tom sur le navire abandonné. Il semble que des contrôles maritimes aient lieu de plus en plus souvent et que le Samoan ne pourra plus les éviter  très longtemps. Le gabarit est presque en haut, mais Liz n'a pas l'intention de faire savoir quoi que ce soit à Tom. Leur affaire reste la même. Une fois que Tom l'aura aidée à éliminer Berlin, tout sera terminé. Liz part rencontrer Sevan Volkov pour lui demander où trouver Berlin. Plutôt que d'arrêter Volkov, Liz a pris des dispositions pour lui faire rejoindre la liste des personnes les plus recherchés par le FBI, ce qui signifie qu'il va lui donner l'emplacement de la livraison d'armes que Berlin a organisé. Red ne croit pas que Liz ait obtenu l'information grâce au FBI et il la soupçonne de cacher sa propre source. Elle préfère voir Berlin mort plutôt qu’arrêté… Red pense que Liz a l’air heureuse de le voir réaliser une telle violence en son nom. Si Liz n’avait pas dit qu'elle avait tué Tom, Red pourrait penser que Tom était sa source. Néanmoins, il promet de se montrer quand Volkov fournira l'emplacement de sa rencontre avec Berlin.

Retour au bureau de poste, Ressler dit Liz que le DOD a découvert une caméra de surveillance iranienne à leur bureau local d'Annapolis. Aram indique l'emplacement d'où la caméra transmet, une remorque de construction près de New Carrollton. Liz et Ressler se précipitent sur les lieux avec une équipe TAC. La remorque est vide, mise à part des photos et des données sur Jonathan Reese de la DSS, chargée de protéger les scientifiques nucléaires. Reese doit descendre d’un train d’Annapolis. Liz et Ressler doivent arriver au point relais avec les Iraniens. Liz et Ressler sont en train de faire monter Reese dans le 4x4 quand des coupsde feu retentissent et deux hommes armés sur une moto les prennent en chasse. Quand ils jettent une grenade flash dans le 4x4, Ressler perd le contrôle et la voiture se crashe, laissant Liz et Ressler inconscients. Liz se réveille dans une chambre d'hôpital avec son bras dans le plâtre dans un lit en face de Ressler qui est toujours inconscient. Le Dr Rivera explique que Ressler à un important traumatisme crânien et qu’il aura une IRM prochainement. Le bras de Liz est fracturé en trois endroits et Reese a disparu. Au même moment, Aram apprend l’accident mais encore une fois, seules deux victimes ont été évacuées vers l’hôpital National Bethesda.  Liz appelle Cooper pour lui expliquer que les Iraniens doivent avoir Reese. DOD doit mettre la main sur Collins maintenant. Liz est en train de noter quelque chose sur ses mains quand Mullen dit à Cooper que ni le DOD ni le DSS, ont un employé du nom de John Reese. En outre, Bethesda National n'a aucune trace ni de Liz ni de Ressler.

Liz sort du lit pour vérifier le dossier de Ressler qui est rempli de papier blanc ! Quand une infirmière la trouve hors du lit, Liz simule un évanouissement puis prend une paire de ciseaux dans la poche de la femme ; elle découvre que son bras n’est pas cassé du tout. Pendant ce temps, Red, qui se fait appeler Kenneth, partage des anchois avec Zoe à son camion de nourriture. Il admet que sa relation avec sa propre fille est compliquée ainsi Zoe lui confie que son père a fait des choses impardonnables et qu’elle le déteste pour ça. Se sentant partir, Zoe demande Red, "qu'avez-vous fait ?" et Dembe la dépose dans une voiture.

Cooper et Aram réalisent que le Scimitar les a dupés, créant Reese pour exposer Collins et en fait, quand Liz a appelé Cooper, elle a appelé Collins. Personne ne voit le Scimitar, alias Dr Rivera, enlever le maquillage couvrant le tatouage sur sa main et sortir en disant à ses hommes de se débarrasser de Liz et Ressler. Mais Liz a utilisé les ciseaux pour enlever le plâtre. Lorsque l'infirmière revient pour injecter à Liz un sédatif, elle se dégage et plante l'aiguille dans le cou de la femme qui perd connaissance. Liz réveille Ressler, en même temps qu'Aram appelle Samar : il faudra heures pour retracer l'appel que Liz a fait à Cooper. Samar appelle Dembe et Red. Red insiste et Samar lui révèle la cible ultime du Mossad, Ali Hassan. Si Hassan est exposé, tout le travail du Mossad sera fichu mais il peut très bien connaître l'emplacement du Scimitar. Même si Samar affirme que son intérêt est axé sur Liz et Ressler, Red sait qu'elle ment. Un des alias connus du Scimitar est Walid Abu Sitta, l'homme qui a tué le frère de Samar. C’est pourquoi Red lui a porté l'affaire à elle en premier lieu.

Après l’élimination d’un assassin potentiel, Liz traîne Ressler groggy dans le couloir et découvre qu'ils sont dans un faux hôpital situé au milieu d'un entrepôt. Pendant ce temps, Red tire des balles de golf, dans les vitres de la maison d’Hassan. Hassan sort à demi-nu sur la pelouse de devant ce qui permet à Samar de le désarmer. Pour avoir été interrogé par Red et Samar, Hassan admet que le Scimitar l’a contacté en lui demandant s’il pouvait utiliser l’un de ses entrepôts, c'est bien sûr l'entrepôt où Liz et Ressler sont. Les choses s’annoncent plutôt mal quand Samar et une équipe SWAT se précipitent pour le sauvetage. Malheureusement, le Scimitar a déjà ses mains autour du cou de Collins à l'Hôtel Granville, et ils ont tous les deux disparu au moment Cooper atteint la suite. La façade de l'hôtel est envahie par le FBI quand Liz et Ressler arrivent. Liz remarque un groom avec un tatouage sur la main portant une grande valise vers l’extérieur de l’hôtel. Elle se souvient de ce qui s'est passé à l’hôpital et reconnaît le Dr Rivera / le Scimitar. Elle sort son arme et la dirige vers le suspect. À ce moment-là, les hommes du Scimitar arrivent dans un 4x4 et tirent. Le Scimitar disparaît mais il a laissé la valise dans laquelle il y a Collins.

Le Scimitar va à la propriété d'Hassan où Red l’attend dans une chaise de jardin donnant sur la baie. Red appelle Samar puis lui offre le Scimitar en cadeau. Un appel de Liz incite Red à partir, laissant Samar seule avec le Scimitar. Si elle pense que son frère, Shahin Navabi, était juste un autre nom sans visage dans la foule, elle a tort. En outre, le Scimitar sait qu'elle a assassiné Nouri de sang-froid.

De retour au bureau de poste, Ressler dit à Liz qu'avec tous les médicaments qu’on lui a injectés dans le faux hôpital, il se sent mieux. C’est alors que Cooper les envoie à Anacostia pour vérifier un corps correspondant à la description du Scimitar trouvé par la patrouille du Port. Liz confirme que le cadavre est le Scimitar. Il a été abattu à bout portant une balle dans  la tête, une exécution. Puis elle retourne au navire pour parler à Tom qui insiste sur le fait qu'il lui a donné de bonnes informations. Red tuera Berlin et ensuite que va-t-elle faire ? La seule façon d’avoir Tom hors de sa vie pour de bon, c’est de le laisser s’en aller. Parce que si elle le tue, ils seront liés à jamais. Néanmoins, il savait dès la première seconde où elle l'a amené sur le navire, qu'elle ne pourrait jamais le laisser partir.

Red rencontre Berlin, entouré de ses hommes, dans un garage industriel. Volkov a  vendu Berlin à Liz et étonnamment, Liz est venu voir Red au lieu du FBI. La tragédie ? La vendetta de Berlin a été fondée sur un malentendu. Red n'a pas tué la fille de Berlin. Berlin ne le croit pas. Il a toujours l'intention de trouver la fille de Red et de la tuer de façon dont sa propre fille a été tuée. C’est à ce moment-là que Red sort Zoe de la voiture. Zoe est la fille de Berlin.

Traduit et adapté du résumé du site officiel.

Middle-Eastern music playing. Indistinct conversations. Music continues

Conversation in Farsi

Samar drinks in a bar staring a man

WAITER : Cumbernauld, ’55.

The man approaches

KIAN : I believe you were staring at me.
SAMAR : Was I?
KIAN : Kian.
SAMAR : Ava. So … Were you going to keep staring or are you going to buy me a drink?

Outside hotel room, kissing

KIAN : Keys. Where?
SAMAR : Right pocket.

Both breathing heavily.Laughing.Both breathing heavily. Both laugh


Thud, glass shatters: Kian dead, fallen from a high place on a car


TOM : I’ve told you everything I know.
LIZ : You’ve given me pieces. You’ve helped around the margins, but I need more. I need Berlin!
TOM : How much do you think I can do from in here, Liz, chained to the floor? You need to let me go, and then I can –
LIZ : The arms supplier – I want a name.
TOM : I can try to reach out to Berlin, but as long as I am in here, I can’t.
LIZ : I want a name!


TOM : What month is it?
LIZ : November.
TOM : Well, happy anniversary, Liz. You go to Passionfish to celebrate? I’m gonna freeze to death down here. You know that, right?

Liz sighs and walks to the door

TOM : Sevan. Sevan Volkov. He runs arms for Berlin. He’d be able to set a meeting.
LIZ : That wasn’t so hard, was it?

Liz throws him a cover


SAMAR NAVABI : So, what exactly did Reddington say?
LIZ : Uh, it was Dembe. He said Red had another case but he specifically asked that you come along.
SAMAR : Does that bother you?
LIZ : Why would it?
SAMAR : I thought he only spoke to you. Don’t want to step on your toes.
LIZ : I’m fine. My toes are fine.

Liz and Samar enter in the record shop

Bell dings

RED : Ah, ladies, thank God you showed up. I took a left turn in the Rostropovich. I’ve ended up completely lost in the Chico Hamilton. This is an addiction. I just can’t decide between – Please pour some cold water on me, will you?
LIZ : Why did you want both of us here?
RED : Both, you’re right. Thank you. Great idea. Anyway, funny story – stop me if you’ve heard it. Persian man walks into a bar, meets a beautiful woman, has a few drinks. Next thing you know, he’s falling from a 12-story balcony.
LIZ : I don’t get it.
RED : I imagine Agent Navabi does.
SAMAR : You’re referring to Kian Nouri, the Iranian businessman who committed suicide in Dubai.
RED : I am, except he wasn’t a mere businessman. He was one of Iran’s top nuclear scientists in Dubai to supervise purchase of several borehole gamma something-or-others. And he didn’t commit suicide. He was assassinated in a joint C.I.A./Mossad venture to undermine Iran’s nuclear program, but, then, you know this already. My understanding is, she took a little detour to Dubai for a rendezvous with Mr. Nouri so she could toss him off a building.

Liz to Samar, surprise

LIZ : You killed him?
SAMAR : If you’re asking me to comment on a Mossad operation, you know I can’t do that.
RED : I wasn’t asking. But I’m hardly one to judge. George Orwell wrote, “Those who abjure violence can do so “only because others are committing violence on their behalf. ” What a visionary, but, Good Lord, his books are a downer. In any case, the bad news is, I was sharing a bowl of shisha with a Misiri minister, and they plan to retaliate. You kill their top scientist, they intend to kill yours, and they’ve dispatched a man known as “The Scimitar” to do it.
LIZ : The Scimitar?
RED : This is not your average killer, Agent Keen. He’s one part hit man, two parts con man.
SAMAR : I’m familiar with his work. In 2009, his target was a Sunni tribal leader named Majeed Abd Bawi. The Scimitar gained access by joining his militia.

Red, laughing

RED : Oh, that’s right! Fought for the man for seven months until the day he got close enough to aerate Bawi’s carotid with a fork. He’s dedicated, resilient, cunning, responsible for the murder of dozens of high-value targets, and, according to my sources, he’s already on U.S. Soil.


ASSISTANT DIRECTOR : Harold, I’m the Assistant Secretary of NCB. I run point on all international nuclear matters. If this guy was the threat you claim, he’d be on my radar. Who’s your source on this threat?
COOPER :A confidential informant with an extremely reliable track record. I’m afraid that’s as specific as I can get. If I’m right, what’s our exposure on this?
ASSISTANT DIRECTOR : Cloud Top. It’s the classified designation for a warhead project design. It’s staffed by our top three scientists. If any of them fell into the hands of a rogue nation, that country’s nuclear program would advance decades overnight.
COOPER : What kind of security protocols do you have in place?
ASSISTANT DIRECTOR : The DSS provides them with false identities, social security numbers, even cover professions. We hide them in plain sight, sort of a Witness Protection for high-value assets.
COOPER : That’s not gonna cut it. You need to pull these people off the streets and into protective custody.
ASSISTANT DIRECTOR : All right, Harold. I’ll put two of them on lock-down. I can do that without drawing too much scrutiny.
COOPER : And the third?
ASSISTANT DIRECTOR : That’s gonna be a problem.


COOPER : The D.O.D. asset is Amalia Collins Senior Engineer of our Warhead Design Team. When she’s not on active status, she serves as a professor of astrophysics at Duke.
ARAM : It says here she’s scheduled to deliver a talk tonight at a symposium at the Granville Hotel.
COOPER : D.O.D.’s reluctant to call it off at the last minute because of the scrutiny it would draw. They feel it could put her in further danger.
RESSLER : You mean they’re not gonna pull her?
COOPER : There’s no indications the Iranians have any idea of her real value. Let’s make sure it stays that way. In the meantime, we need to track this Scimitar before he’s able to I.D. our team.

Liz follows Ressler

LIZ : Uh, we need to talk.
RESSLER : I got things under control.
LIZ : Uh-huh. When’s the last time you used?
RESSLER : Sitka, almost a week.
LIZ : This happens all the time – agents taking meds to get over injuries and then they get hooked. It’s no big deal.
RESSLER : What are you gonna do, Keen? – Tell Cooper I’m an addict?
LIZ : I want you to get help.
RESSLER : And I’m telling you, I can kick this on my own, and if I can’t, hell, I’ll walk into Cooper’s office myself. I got no problems with that.

Cellphone vibrates. It's Aleko


A man is being monitored and photographed

A man in Farsi to another mysterious man with a tattou on his hand. Giving him a photo

MAN : The camera's online. We got what we needeed.You're looking at agent...Jonathan Reese...of the Defense Security Service.


LIZ : I got your text. What’s the problem?
SAMUEL ALEKO : Zebra mussels. Fish and game are running random inspections for invasive species.
LIZ : Zebra mussels. Did they go inside?
ALEKO : They tried to, but I held them off, but I don’t know for how long. We’re gonna either have to move the boat or him.

Lock disengages.Door thuds

TOM : Talk to Volkov?
LIZ : We have a meeting this afternoon. I brought you some warmer clothes.
TOM : Well, that’s nice. Now you care about me. Is that it now you’re, uh, concerned for my well-being? You can try and make yourself feel better about what you’re doing, but I told you the truth. I delivered on my word. So, when are you gonna deliver on yours?
LIZ : We’ve been over this. You help me eliminate Berlin, and as far as I’m concerned, this whole thing is over. Until then, enjoy the view.
TOM : Liz you can’t keep me in here! Liz! You can’t keep me in here!

Tom screams. Liz is gone

TOM : Damn it, Liz!


LIZ : Sevan Volkov! Thank you for meeting with me.
VOLKOV : And what choice did I have?
LIZ : Berlin. I know you supply him with arms shipments.
VOLKOV : And how do you know this?
LIZ : Tell me where to find him.
VOLKOV : If you know anything about Berlin, you know I can’t do that.
LIZ : Thought you might say that, which is why I nominated you for our “Most Wanted” list. C.I.D.
has approved it. We’re just waiting for the Director’s signature.
VOLKOV : Eh, if you’re gonna arrest me, arrest me.
LIZ : So you can sit silent in a cell with an expensive attorney? Mm, I’d rather leave you out there, let the world know we’re looking for you. Once news of this hits the streets, Berlin will know the U.S. government is spending limitless resources and time looking for you a man who has intimate details about him and his business affairs. You have two options either you lead me to Berlin or I lead Berlin to you.


RED : How exactly did you come upon this information?
LIZ : A C.I., someone the Bureau trusts.
RED : I don’t believe you. If the Bureau had a lead, they’d follow it. You came to this on your own, and you’re hiding it from them, coming to me instead. You’d rather see Berlin dead than arrested.
LIZ : Berlin killed Meera. He nearly killed Cooper. He put Tom into my life. So if you’re asking if I’m okay with a lethal outcome, damn right I am.
RED : Yeah. If you hadn’t told me you’d killed Tom, I might think he was your source.
LIZ : But I did kill him.
RED : Of course you did.
LIZ : Let me know when Volkov gets a time and location on Berlin.
RED : I’ll be there with bells on.


LIZ : What’s going on?
RESSLER : D.O.D. discovered a hidden surveillance camera at their Annapolis field office during a routine sweep.
RESSLER : Technology was Iranian.
LIZ : What were they recording?
ARAM : Okay, uh, the camera was placed outside the building with eyes to the front entrance. It was relaying a live stream to some off-site location. If I reactivate it, I should be able to triangulate the location where the feed’s being transmitted. Um. Oh, man. I almost forgot.

Covers camera aperture on computer

ARAM : In case someone’s watching on the other end.


ARAM : Okay. Camera is live. Okay, RDF is up. Signal strength looks good. Oh, accounting for time lag.


ARAM : And we have a lock. It’s a property just outside New Carrollton, and it looks like it’s a construction site.


MAN : FBI! Clear! Clear! Trailer’s secure.
RESSLER : Lock it down. I want eyes on all access points. So, where the hell is everyone?
LIZ : No idea. But could this be the man they were surveilling? Jonathan Reese.
Agent Jonathan Everett Reese, Defense Security Services.They’ve got everything on this guy – addresses, phone numbers, employment history.

RESSLER : DSS is the division tasked with protecting our nuclear scientists.

LIZ : They’re logging his movements. Probably trying to find the most vulnerable point of attack.
RESSLER : It’s the DSS shuttle stop. He takes the train back from Annapolis every afternoon. He’ll be at the park-n-ride off Route50. We got to get there before they do.


Siren wailing, car alarm chirps .Tires screech

LIZ : Jonathan Reese FBI!
REESE : What’s this about?
LIZ : We need to move quickly. I’ll explain in the car.

Gunshots. Air hisses

RESSLER : Shooter’s on the ridge! I don’t have eyes!

Gunshots .Tires squealing, engine revving. Tires screech

REESE : I got threat assessments this morning of a possible Iranian Misiri action.

RESSLER : They want the names and locations of cloud top personnel.

LIZ : You need to notify your people, activate all security protocols.

Engine revving, a motorcycle.Tires screeching. The car with Reese, Ressler and Liz has an accident. Distorted voices. Liz faints


ARAM : Sir, I think we have a problem. I can’t reach Agents Keen or Ressler.
COOPER : Send a team to their last location. Find out what the hell is going on.


Liz wakes up in a hospital room, her arm in a cast. Ressler is in a bed across the room, asleep

Ringing. Monitor beeping. Groans

DOCTOR RIVERA/SCIMITAR : Take it easy, Agent Keen.

Liz breathes deeply

DOCTOR RIVERA/SCIMITAR :You’re at Bethesda. I’m Dr. Rivera. You and your partner were in an accident.
LIZ : Is he okay?
SCIMITAR : Agent Ressler suffered significant head trauma in the crash. He’s had a C.T. scan. Radiology will take him for an M.R.I. shortly.
LIZ : My arm?
SCIMITAR : Fractured in three places. We set it for now, but to be honest, you may need surgery to restore full mobility.
LIZ : John Reese. The man who was in the car with us.
SCIMITAR : I’m sorry? Nobody else was transported from the scene.
LIZ : No, no, no, no, but he was in the car.
SCIMITAR : I’m the attending on duty. No one else was brought in.
LIZ : I need a phone.
LIZ : Listen – That crash was no accident.
SCIMITAR : Understood. I’ll have one brought in right away.

Sighs. Beeping continues


ARAM : We’re seeing multiple 911 calls within the last hour. They all report a black S.U.V. overturned just under a mile from where they picked up Reese. Cross-reference with local police activity. Two passengers were pulled from the wreck and evac’d by ambulance to Bethesda National.
COOPER : Only two?
SAMAR : A man and a woman.We have to assume that’s Agent Keen and either Ressler or the D.O.D. employee.
ARAM  : Meaning what one of them didn’t survive the crash?
COOPER : Agent Navabi, I want you there as soon as possible. I’ll update Mullen at D.O.D.
Here you go.
Thank you.


SCIMITAR : Here you go.

Giving Liz a phone

LIZ : Thank you.

Breathes deeply

Dialing. Ringing. On phone

COOPER : Assistant Director Cooper.
LIZ : It’s me.
COOPER : Agent Keen. You have no idea how good it is to hear your voice. Are you okay?
LIZ : Yeah, I’m fine, but, uh Ressler he’s hurt. The Iranians have John Reese. I heard some men’s voices before I passed out. They were speaking Farsi. Someone needs to find Professor Collins. The D.O.D. needs to cancel that speech and put her in protective custody now.
COOPER : I’ve already alerted the D.O.D. I’m heading to the event site myself to make sure she’s on lockdown. Agent Keen, the Neurology team at Bethesda’s one of the best. They’ll take good care of Ressler. Agent Navabi’s on her way to you. Get some rest.

Breathes deeply


COOPER : Thanks for coming.
ASSISTANT DIRECTOR : I got your message.
COOPER : John Reese was abducted by the Iranians a little over an hour ago. We need to pull Professor Collins, and I need anything you can give me on Reese – so we can get to him –
ASSISTANT DIRECTOR : Harold, I checked. There is no D.O.D. employee named John Reese not in DSS, not in any sector.
COOPER : Our people spoke to Reese directly. The Iranians have his profile, his DSS security badge.
ASSISTANT DIRECTOR : Thought it might be an alias, but it’s not. He doesn’t exist.

ARAM : Uh, sir? Just got off the phone with Bethesda National. Uh, the hospital has no record of Agents Keen or Ressler being brought in.
COOPER : I just spoke to her.


NURSE : How’s everything in here?
LIZ : Okay.
NURSE : You’re doing okay, hon?
LIZ : Yeah. What happened to Radiology? They were gonna take him for another scan.
NURSE : Oh, well, I’m sure someone will be down soon. He’s your partner, isn’t he? I understand. I’ll call them right now.

When nurse leaves, Liz gets up to check Ressler, sees his chart is just blank paper

NURSE : Ma’am, A-Agent Keen, you can’t be up.

Liz acting groggy steals the scissors of the nurse

LIZ : No we need to get the radiologist now!
NURSE : Oh, o-okay. Okay, you’re fine. You’re all right. Oh, I’m sorry. We need to get Radiology in. Let’s get you back in bed. You’re fine.
LIZ : Okay. Oh, my gosh, I’m so sorry! I’m so sorry.
NURSE : It’s all right. You just relax.
LIZ : We need to get Radiology.
NURSE : Okay, take it easy. Take it easy.
LIZ : Thank you.

Exhales sharply : Liz alone moves her fingers. She removes the cast and sees that she is not really injured


ZOE : I never eat anchovies unless I don’t know I’m eating them.

Both chuckle

ZOE : But I have to say, this is pretty delicious.
RED : Anchovies get a bad rap. Try the wine.
ZOE : It would be better with beer.


RED : It might very well be better with beer.
ZOE : Mm. Do you have kids, Kenneth?
RED : I do, a daughter.
ZOE : The two of you close?
RED : It’s complicated.
ZOE : She doesn’t like anchovies?


RED : You know, I don’t know about that. I wish it were that simple.
ZOE : My father – he and I – My father did things I hated him for. Things that were unforgivable.


RED : Have you told him?
ZOE : I haven’t seen my father in a long long time.

Zoe breathes deeply, realizes something is wrong, searches Red’s eyes

ZOE : What have you done?
RED : It’s okay.

She groans softly

RED : It’s okay.

Breathing deeply. She whimpers

RED: I’m not gonna hurt you.

Gasping. Whimpers. Dembe pulls up. They lift her in. Car door closes


COOPER : We got played. The Scimitar created John Reese.

ARAM : Which means we didn’t find that construction trailer. We were led there.

COOPER : Everything in that trailer was designed to make us think John Reese was DSS.
ARAM : Why?
COOPER : So when we lost him, we would think the identity of our scientist was in jeopardy.
This was all done to trigger a reaction. They isolated Keen and Ressler, made them believe that losing Reese was a threat to national security.

ARAM : This was all a con done to expose Amalia Collins. So, where the heck is Agents Keen and Ressler?


The recording of Liz on phone to Cooper

« Someone needs to find Professor Collins. The D.O.D. needs to cancel that speech and put her in protective custody now. »

MAN : We ran the name as soon as we heard it.There’s an astrophysics professor named Amalia Collins. She’s speaking today Granville Hotel, downtown D.C. You need to move quickly, sir.

Conversation in Farsi

SCIMITAR : I’m looking forward to meeting Professor Collins.

In English

REESE : You need to move quickly, sir.

In Farsi

SCIMITAR : I’m leaving now. Make sure to clean things up here.
MAN : And the agents?
SCIMITAR : We’re finished with them.


Grunting. Breathes deeply. Exhales sharply. Door closes. Sighs

NURSE : Good news.
LIZ : Hmm?
NURSE : Radiology called. They’ll be down for your partner in the next 20 minutes.
LIZ : Oh, that’s great. Thank you. What’s that?

Showing a syringe

NURSE : It’s just a little something so that arm of yours doesn’t get infected.

Liz catches the nurse. Grunting

LIZ : You tell me what’s in the syringe or I will stick it in you and find out for myself.
NURSE : It’s a sedative. Please don’t.
LIZ : What’s in his I.V.?
NURSE : Same thing.
LIZ : Okay, who are you? Where is this hospital?
NURSE : Doctor!
LIZ : Aah!

Gasping. Trying to wake up Ressler

LIZ : Ressler? Ressler? Ressler? Ressler? Ressler? Can you hear me? We got to get the hell out of here!


On phone

SAMAR : They’re definitely not at Bethesda.

ARAM : Cooper went to secure Professor Collins. Uh, I traced the call Liz made to Cooper’s cell.
Their rerouting and encryption are incredibly sophisticated. This is gonna take hours to untangle.
SAMAR : Okay, so, what’s next?
ARAM : Cooper’s pulled six teams from other assignments. He sent them –

Samar hangs up

ARAM : Hello?

On phone

SAMAR : Dembe, it’s Agent Navabi. We have a situation.


Radio chatter.Grunts. Liz fights the guard

LIZ : Come on. We got to go now.


Red and Samar in car

SAMAR : It’s been over two hours. I don’t need to tell you his reputation. Once he has the intelligence he needs –
RED : Yes, I know, Agent Navabi. Tell me about this lead of yours.
SAMAR : He’s not my lead. His name is Ali Hassan. He’s the target of a major Mossad initiative.
RED : I have a slight but memorable acquaintance with Mr. Hassan.
SAMAR : Mossad has been tracking his movements for months. My superiors believe he’s the key to unraveling a dozen covert Iranian opts.

RED : But you think he knows where to find The Scimitar.
SAMAR : Perhaps.

RED : Mossad has no tolerance for any agenda except Mossad’s. You’ll be sanctioned for this indiscretion.
SAMAR : So be it. I can’t work with this task force unless my partners are my highest priority. So this has become quite personal.
RED : I understand. But you may have an even more personal stake in this case – than perhaps you realize.
SAMAR : And why is that?
RED : Because one of The Scimitar’s little-known aliases is Walid Abu Sitta.
SAMAR : Walid Abu Sitta is the man who ordered the bombing that killed my brother.
RED : Yes. That’s why I brought this case to you.


Groans softly

RESSLER : There.

They open a door and discover that they are in a warehouse


Indistinct talking in distance. Classical music playing. Glass shatters in distance

HASSAN : What was that? You hear that? Fareed, what’s going on?!


HASSAN : Fareed?!


Golf club strikes ball

RED : Hassan! I love this club!
HASSAN : Son of a bitch!
RED : Carbon fiber?
HASSAN : Reddington, stop! – Ooh! – Stop!

Glass shatters

HASSAN : Damn it! What have you done with my guard?!
RED : Fareed is taking a rest.


RED : Keep your plum covered. We’re not alone.

Gun cocks : it's Samar who points a gun on Hassan

SAMAR : I’ll take your weapon.
RED : I’ve always regretted sparing your life that night in the Strait Of Hormuz. But I see pity has its rewards. Live and learn.

SAMAR : You’ve been very careless, Ali. My unit has been surveilling you for months, and the intelligence we’ve gathered has been very helpful – so helpful that I fully expect to be disciplined for coming here without authorization. Just by being here, I have everything and, therefore, nothing to lose.
HASSAN : What do you want?
RED : The Scimitar. My friend here thinks you may know where to find him.

SAMAR : He would’ve needed support when he got to the States. I’m guessing that support came from you.

RED : I know what you must be thinking, Ali. Imagine your future, the rest of your life spent in a dismal Israeli prison, some dark hole they put you in, bending your fingers and pulling your toes until they forget you ever existed. Think carefully, Ali, because, as you are my witness, that future will seem very bright, indeed, if you don’t tell us what we want to know.
HASSAN : He did make contact. Asked to use one of my warehouses. Said he needed building supplies. For what, I don’t know.
RED : Tell me about this warehouse.


Grunts softly. Indistinct talking

Liz and Ressler are trying to escape


Grunts.Gunshot. Samar saves Liz

On phone

SAMAR : Reddington, I have them.


Indistinct conversations

DOHERTY : Director Cooper? Owen Doherty. We spoke on the phone.
COOPER : Where are we?
DOHERTY : Well, we went ahead and canceled the event, initiated evac protocol. We’ve placed Collins in a holding room.
COOPER : Does she have a security detail?
DOHERTY : Yes, sir – two on the door.
COOPER : Take me to her.


Knock on door

MS COLLINS : Who is it?
SCIMITAR : Ms. Collins? FBI. I need you to open the door, please.

Muffled breathing. Squeals

SCIMITAR : Professor Collins. You are going to pay the price for the crimes committed by your government. But first you’re gonna help us create the weapon that will be used to bring this country to its knees.


COOPER : You said there were two men posted outside the door.
DOHERTY : There were.
COOPER : On my ready. Clear.
DOHERTY : Not here, sir.
COOPER : Let’s just hope she’s still in the building. Nobody leaves until we find Collins.


Indistinct conversations. Samar arrive with Ressler and Liz

SAMAR : Collins is missing. Cooper thinks she’s still on site.
RESSLER : Okay, listen up, folks! We have a situation here! We need everyone to move inside!
Now! Let’s go! Please. Move into the lobby!

Liz sees a man with a tattoo on his hand and remembers the brown make-up on the telephone...to hide the tattoo

LIZ : Sir?! Sir? Sir, don’t move! Hands where I can see them! Slowly!

Turns around

SCIMITAR : Hello, Agent Keen. I see you’ve made a spectacular recovery.

Tires screech, gunfire. Crowd screaming. Gunfire continues. Gunshots. Muffled shouting

The Scimitar runs away by car but without Collins attached in a suitcase


On phone

SCIMITAR : We’ve suffered a setback. No, no, no, no, no. I’ll need the full package – new credentials, a safe house, and 50,000 No. I’ll need it within the hour.

He hangs up

Red is waiting for him in a lounge chair

RED : All this running around. Really? I’m so relieved when the people I’m chasing come to me.

Dembe points a gun on his head

Door closes

RED : Agent Navabi, you got my message. We were just admiring the view.

Exhales sharply

SAMAR : How did you know?

RED : Mr. Hassan provided for our friend before, and most criminals return to the same trough time and time again. Indolence, I suppose. Personally, I make it a habit to avoid habits.
SAMAR : I can call it in.
RED : Yes, I suppose you can. The question is, do you want to? I offer him to you as a gift.
SAMAR : What am I supposed to do with him?
RED : Whatever you like. Nobody else knows he’s here.
DEMBE : Agent Keen just called. Her source provided Berlin’s location.
RED : Forgive me. I have an appointment that can’t be rescheduled. – Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.

Door opens, closes

Conversation in Farsi

SAMAR : Shahin Navabi. He was my brother. One of the many nameless, faceless men you killed in Pishin.
SCIMITAR : Pishin was the work of a suicide bomber.
SAMAR : Acting under your direction.
SCIMITAR : You’re wrong. I know the name Shahin Navabi. I saw him, spoke to him the day he died.


SAMAR : You’re lying.
SCIMITAR : If you think your beloved brother was just another faceless young man in that crowd you know nothing.

She slaps him

SAMAR : I will kill you.
SCIMITAR : Like Kian Nouri? The scientist you murdered last week in Dubai?
SAMAR : What do you know about my brother?

Chuckles softly

SCIMITAR : There’s no country insisting you do your duty. If you kill me, it’ll be cold-blooded murder. So, call the Mossad or the C.I.A. or whoever’s coming and be done with it.


LIZ : I thought for a second we might lose you back there.
RESSLER : Prospect of having to live without me must’ve been terrifying.
LIZ : It was.
RESSLER : The irony is with all the drugs they pumped in me, this is the best I’ve felt all week.
LIZ : What about that? Is that gonna be a problem?

Cooper comes in

COOPER : I just got a call from MPD Harbor Patrol. They fished a man’s body out of the Anacostia. Matches your description of The Scimitar. Get there.
LIZ : Yes, sir. Hmm?

RESSLER : I’ll catch up.

To Samar

LIZ : That’s him. Shot point-blank to the head. This was an execution. Who would have done this?

No answer


Door thuds

TOM : Talk to Volkov?
LIZ : He gave us a location on Berlin. We’ll see how that pans out.
TOM : The information I gave you is good. Volkov will lead to Berlin. Reddington will kill Berlin. And my value to you will end. And then what? You gonna turn me in, Liz? Lose your job, go to jail?


TOM : The only way to get me out of your life, Liz is to let me go – because if you kill me, if you go through with it, then we’ll be linked forever. Even if you get away with it, even if nobody ever finds out, you’re always gonna have to live with it.

LIZ : Yeah, well when I make my decision, you’ll be the first to know.
TOM : Oh, I knew the second you brought me down here that you had no intention of letting me live. So, here’s the deal.

Chains rattle

TOM : Liz, you’re gonna do whatever the hell you’re gonna do. You always have. Just do me a favor. Look me in the eyes when you do it.


RED : I know you were expecting Volkov, but as luck would have it, he sold you out to Agent Keen. It’s surprising she came to me instead of the Bureau with the hope that I would kill you. I have other plans.First, understand I didn’t have to come here alone. In fact, I didn’t have to come here at all. I could’ve sent seven men and put an end to this war.
BERLIN : Why didn’t you?
RED : Because this entire affair, every ounce of pain and suffering that all of us have endured has been the result of a tragic and, frankly, mysterious misunderstanding – one I intend to correct. There’s not much left I truly cherish in this world, but I swear on those few things I still hold dear, I did not kill your daughter.
BERLIN : Words, words. The greater the words, the larger the lie. My daughter is dead. But yours – my men tell me you’ve been spending a lot of time together. Maybe, when I’ve done to your daughter what you did to mine, we can finally be even.
RED : I’m sorry.

Showing Zoe coming out of the car

RED : Is this the daughter you’re referring to? Because she’s not my daughter. She’s yours.


Adapté du site «The Blacklist Classified», mise en page par mnoandco.

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