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#210 : Luther Braxton: Conclusion

Reddington se relève après l'attaque

Ecrit par: Mike Ostrowski & Jim Campolongo
Réalisé par: Michael Watkins

Cooper se bat pour sauver son équipe du centre de détention. Pendant ce temps, une course contre la montre est engagée pour arrêter Luther Braxton qui tente d'obtenir des informations confidentielles.


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Luther Braxton: Conclusion

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Luther Braxton: Conclusion

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Raymond Reddington (James Spader) blessé après l'attaque de l'Usine

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) blessé après l'attaque de l'Usine

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) découvre Liz encore sous l'effet du traitement du Docteur Orchard (Gloria Reuben )

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) découvre Liz encore sous l'effet du traitement du Docteur Orchard (Gloria Reuben )

Luther Braxton (Ron Perlman) #21

Luther Braxton (Ron Perlman) #21

Raymond Reddington (James Spader)

Raymond Reddington (James Spader)

Samar Navabi (Mozhan Marno) , Reddington (James Spader) et Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) pris au piège dans l'Usine

Samar Navabi (Mozhan Marno) , Reddington (James Spader) et Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) pris au piège dans l'Usine

Raymond (James Spader) l'avait dit

Raymond (James Spader) l'avait dit

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) prisionnière de Luther Braxton (Rom Perlman)

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) prisionnière de Luther Braxton (Rom Perlman)

Aram Mojtabaï (Amir Arison)

Aram Mojtabaï (Amir Arison)

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) se relève

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) se relève

Donald Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) et Samar Navabi (Mozhan Marno)

Donald Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) et Samar Navabi (Mozhan Marno)

Luther Braxton (Ron Perlman) #21

Luther Braxton (Ron Perlman) #21

Braxton Prisonnier de Red et Dembe

Braxton Prisonnier de Red et Dembe

Elisabeth, stop!

Elisabeth, stop!

Le Directeur (David Strathairn)

Le Directeur (David Strathairn)

La vie de l'agent Navabi ne tient qu'à un fil

La vie de l'agent Navabi ne tient qu'à un fil

Luther Braxton (Ron Perlman ) passe un marché avec le Directeur (David Strathairn)

Luther Braxton (Ron Perlman ) passe un marché avec le Directeur (David Strathairn)

Braxton (Ron Perlman ) aux mains de Red et Dembe

Braxton (Ron Perlman ) aux mains de Red et Dembe

Braxton (Ron Perlman ) aux mains de Red et Dembe

Braxton (Ron Perlman ) aux mains de Red et Dembe

Red (James Spader) a retrouvé Liz et le docteur Selma Orchard

Red (James Spader) a retrouvé Liz et le docteur Selma Orchard

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) attend patiemment

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) attend patiemment

Donald Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) vient en aide à Samar Navabi (Mozhan Marno)

Donald Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) vient en aide à Samar Navabi (Mozhan Marno)

Raymond Redddington (James Spader) et Donald Ressler après le bombardement de l'usine par des missiles

Raymond Redddington (James Spader) et Donald Ressler après le bombardement de l'usine par des missiles

Le Directeur (Strathairn) satisfait

Le Directeur (Strathairn) satisfait

Donald Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff)

Donald Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff)

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) et Masha

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) et Masha

Le Directeur (Strathairn) rencontre Luther Braxton (Ron Perlman ) en secret

Le Directeur (Strathairn) rencontre Luther Braxton (Ron Perlman ) en secret

Aram Mojtabaï à la recherche d'informations pour Cooper (Harry Lennix)

Aram Mojtabaï à la recherche d'informations pour Cooper (Harry Lennix)

Kat Goodson (Janel Moloney) bras droit du Directeur

Kat Goodson (Janel Moloney) bras droit du Directeur

Kat Goodson (Janel Moloney) bras droit du Directeur donne ses ordres à Cooper

Kat Goodson (Janel Moloney) bras droit du Directeur donne ses ordres à Cooper

Samar Navabi (Mozhan Marno) et Donald Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) cherchent des indices

Samar Navabi (Mozhan Marno) et Donald Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) cherchent des indices

Un homme de Braxton (Eric Gravez) enlève Max (Nathaniel Small), le fils du docteur Orchard

Un homme de Braxton (Eric Gravez) enlève Max (Nathaniel Small), le fils du docteur Orchard

Dembe (Hisham Tawfiq) prêt à tirer

Dembe (Hisham Tawfiq) prêt à tirer

Red tente d'obtenir encore quelques informations avant que Liz ne se réveille

Red tente d'obtenir encore quelques informations avant que Liz ne se réveille


Logo de la chaîne TF1

France (inédit)
Mercredi 16.09.2015 à 21:00
4.16m / 16.9% (Part)

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Etats-Unis (inédit)
Jeudi 05.02.2015 à 21:00
10.11m / 2.4% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Personnage Blaklisté: N°21: Luther Braxton


Ron Perlman ... Luther Braxton

Gloria Reuben ... Dr. Selma Orchard

Valarie Pettiford ... Charlene Cooper

Janel Moloney ... Kat Goodson
David Gautreaux ... Foley
Jillian Lebling ... Liz enfant
Scott A. Martin ... Desmond
Marc Menchaca ... Pierce

Nous reprenons où le dernier épisode s’est arrêté : deux F-22 viennent de bombarder l’Usine qui est maintenant en feu. L'explosion a presque détruit la pièce où Ressler et Samar ont été suspendus au plafond par des chaînes, permettant à Ressler de se libérer, de tuer leurs ravisseurs et de sauver Samar. Red reprend connaissance et constate qu’il est seul, sans Liz ni Braxton, mais il trouve une radio à ondes courtes. Avec toutes les communications coupées, Cooper veut que Goodson envoie la Garde côtière mais elle insiste sur le fait qu’officiellement le bombardement n’est jamais arrivé. Si Cooper veut ébruiter le sujet, il sera relevé de ses fonctions. Pleinement conscient de ce scénario, Red commence à trafiquer le câblage à ondes courtes dans l'espoir d'obtenir un signal avant que l’Usine  ne coule dans l'océan et que tout le monde à bord se noient.

Liz se réveille à bord d’un hélicoptère d'évacuation sanitaire qui atterrit dans un hôpital de Juno, en Alaska. Aram intercepte l’itinéraire et Cooper envoie une équipe pour intercepter Braxton mais ce dernier prend la fuite dans un véhicule avec Liz sur une civière. Aram découvre que tous les appareils de surveillance dans un rayon d'un bloc autour de l’Usine, captent un signal de SOS passé par Red. Cooper dit à Goodson qu’il appelle la Garde côtière qu'elle le veuille ou non. Red, Ressler et Samar sont sauvés, tandis que Braxton torture Liz dans une maison sécurisée de l'Alaska. Braxton veut découvrir des souvenirs spécifiques de l'enfance de Liz et il est frustré lorsqu'il apprend que la torture par l’eau a échoué. Liz a refoulé ces souvenirs si profondément qu'elle ne s’en souvient pas réellement. Mais Braxton a un as dans sa manche sous la forme du neurologue, le Dr. Selma Orchard, un expert sur le gène TET1 essentiel au processus appelé extinction de la mémoire où les éléments douloureux sont remplacés par des associations posiotives. Grâce à cette thérapie, elle a autrefois aidé Braxton à faire face aux incidents désagréables de la première guerre du Golfe. Braxton enlève Max, le fils du Dr. Orchard afin de la forcer à utiliser l'inverse de ce processus, afin d'aider Liz à se rappeler du traumatisme de sa jeunesse.

Braxton reçoit un appel de Red par le biais du téléphone d’un de ses hommes morts. Red lui promet que lorsqu’il fera une erreur, il sera là pour dire: "Je vous l'avais dit".  Braxton annonce son intention de trouver les réponses qu'il cherche dans la tête de Liz puis il écrase son téléphone. Red se tourne vers Samar et lui ordonne de chercher tous les associés connus de Braxton ayant une formation en neurologie. Mais comment Red sait que Braxton est à la recherche d'un souvenir enfoui de Liz...? Pendant ce temps, dans un club privé, la cabale internationale secrète, critique le directeur pour le tir de missile bâclé sur l'Usine mais il n’est pas dérangé. Il a une couverture plausible pour la perte des vies et il a des gens qui travaillent sur Red et le fulcrum.

Retour sur Braxton : Orchard administre à Liz un cocktail pharmaceutique risqué qui, avec l'hypnothérapie, constitue la thérapie de RM, qui est un peu comme rêve lucide sous stéroïdes. Liz ne veut pas se souvenir mais par moments elle se retrouve assise à côté d’elle enfant, à l’âge de quatre ans, dans un placard quand un homme portant une bague de rubis, lui tend un lapin en peluche et lui donne l’ordre de ne pas faire de bruit. On entend un homme et une femme se disputer et l’homme dit "nous sommes morts. Nous sommes tous morts". Le lapin s’enfuit, la petite fille et Liz le suivent loin dans le placard jusqu'à ce qu'ils apparaissent dans un lot d’arbre de Noël. Quand Braxton entend Liz rire, Orchard lui dit que Liz est susceptible de se remémorer un souvenir joyeux pour remplacer un mauvais souvenir. Mais le souvenir devient sombre quand la petite Lizzie se jette dans les bras d'un homme étrange puis elles reviennent dans le placard avec le lapin et écoutent la conversation. Lorsque la femme dit d'un ton accusateur, "tu as enlevé Masha," Liz demande : "Qui est Masha ".  La fillette lui répond que c’est elle et qu’elle ne doit pas quitter le placard car papa lui a dit de rester ici. De retour à la réalité, Liz convulse, de sorte qu’Orchard lui injecte de la lidocaïne pour la sauver. Après un énorme halètement de souffle, les yeux de Liz s’ouvrent et elle dit «Mon père. Mon père était là."

Red réunit plusieurs associés de Braxton dans un bar clandestin pour leur annoncer que leurs relations avec Luther Braxton prennent fin. Lorsque Braxton contactera l’un d’entre eux pour obtenir de l’aide, ils contacteront Red qui leur laissera la vie sauve. Un homme, nommé Foley se présente. Braxton a communiqué avec lui et Foley est prêt à vendre cette l’information en échange d’un virement bancaire. Foley lui donne l’adresse d’une maison de Braxton. Red frappe l’homme à plusieurs reprises pour le punir de l’avoir provoqué.

Pendant qu’elles font une pause, Liz dit à Orchard que "la fille" a un secret et oui, elle sait qu'elle est la fille. Orchard explique que la jeune fille représente probablement le subconscient de Liz, essayant de dénouer sa mémoire de cette nuit-là. Liz affirme qu'elle n'a aucun souvenir de sa mère ou son père : tout ce qu'elle sait, c’est que son père lui a donné la cicatrice de brûlure sur sa main. Orchard pense que le traitement est trop dangereux pour continuer mais Liz est certaine qu'elle ira bien. Elle a besoin de savoir la vérité sur la nuit de l'incendie pour elle-même. Pendant ce temps, Braxton rencontre le Directeur dans une chapelle, promettant qu'il va livrer le Fulcrum à 9 heures. Et puisque la CIA a essayé de le faire exploser, Braxton augmente le prix du Fulcrum de 10%. Red et Dembe interceptent Braxton à l'extérieur de la chapelle pour exiger la localisation de Liz et le font monter sous la menace d’une arme à l’arrière d'une Mercedes.

La thérapie de RM continue, avec Orchard guidant Liz dans le placard. Cette fois-ci elle écoute la conversation et fait un rapport. L’homme se dispute avec la femme, qui demande: «Où est le Fulcrum ?". Au même moment Red fait irruption et tire sur le garde debout à côté d'Orchard. Quelques instants plus tard il appelle Ressler pour qu’il récupère Max, le fils d’Orchard. Red caresse la joue de Liz et demande ce dont elle se souvient. Connaît-elle l'emplacement du Fulcrum ? Orchard admet que Liz peut avoir été près de se souvenir... Sans assurance ferme que Liz sera en sécurité, Red prend la place d’Orchard à côté d'elle, posant les questions pour la guider dans le passé. Il la dirige loin du trauma, lui ordonnant de se concentrer sur la recherche du Fulcrum. Dans son esprit, Liz essaye de voir où la petite Lizzie est passée. Nous ne pouvons pas être sûres de ce qu'elle voit ou si elle voit quoi que ce soit mais nous entendons un coup de feu. Red demande ce qui se passe et la petite Lizzie part vers le fond du placard. Quelques instants plus tard, lorsque de la fumée commence à s’infiltrer sous la porte, Liz dit à la petite fille de crier aussi fort qu'elle peut. Quelqu'un ouvre la porte du placard et prend Liz par la main, qui ne fait désormais plus qu’une avec la fillette. À ce moment, Ressler et Samar font irruption l’arme au poing. Furieux, Ressler exige que Liz soit libérée de ce rêve, mais elle reste dedans. Portant un lapin en peluche, Liz se déplace à travers le feu et passe devant un homme, mourant dans une mare de son propre sang pendant que trois hommes sortent de la maison. La cicatrice de brûlure grésille sur sa main et elle la regarde fixement jusqu’à ce qu’elle retourne dans le présent et dit à Red, "Vous étiez là."

Après que Liz ait été soignée par les ambulanciers, Red lui confirme que oui, il était là, la nuit de l'incendie. Quand elle lui demande s’il était avec les gens à la recherche de du Fulcrum, il répond: "ce n'est pas aussi simple que cela". Maintenant Liz sait que Red n’est pas dans sa vie pour la personne qu’elle est mais à cause du Fulcrum : un objet, une chose dont elle se souvient,c'est qu'elle a laissé son père mourir dans la maison en feu. Cependant elle ne se souvient pas de l’emplacement du Fulcrum. Furieuse contre Red, Liz s’en va et Orchard retrouve son fils.

Red est assis dans le noir. Le directeur entre dans le bureau de sa maison, au téléphone, promettant qu'il va rencontrer Braxton dans l'heure et les éventualités concernant Reddington sont sur la table. Il allume la lumière et tombe sur le cadavre de Braxton suspendu à une poutre du plafond et Red apparaît. Le directeur promet que lui et ses collègues n’hésiteront pas à utiliser chaque ressource à leur disposition pour le paralyser... Red invite le directeur à penser qu’il bluffe.

Retour au bureau de poste, Aram, Ressler et Samar regardent la conférence de presse de Godson, qui annonce que l'incident à l'Usine a été créée afin de coïncider avec le transfert de Reddington dont l’emplacement est actuellement inconnu. Red regarde la même conférence de presse à la télé. Aram et Samar partagent un moment intime, tandis que Cooper reçoit de mauvaises nouvelles qui font son pleurer sa femme. Orchard appelle Liz pour la rencontrer dans un café. Orchard pense qu'elle n’est pas la première à s’être penchée sur l'esprit de Liz car quelqu'un d'autre a essayé de bloquer ses souvenirs de l'incendie. Liz ne croit pas mais Orchard insiste sur le fait que les seules personnes qui peuvent raconter ce qui lui est arrivé  la nuit de l'incendie sont les gens qui lui ont fait oublier. Liz retourne dans sa chambre de motel et regarde dans une boîte en carton, qu’elle a reçue après la mort de son père adoptif, Sam Milhoan. Le lapin en peluche est là ... Liz trouve une petite boîte à l'intérieur de celui-ci. Ça pourrait être le Fulcrum .

Traduit et adapté du résumé du site officiel.

The black site has been hit by a missile

Air rushing and whistling .Breathing heavily. Metal clanging. Grunting

Gunshots : Ressler fights with Braxton's man who escapes.

Ressler speaks to Samar who has always the noose around her neck, panting .

RESSLER : Hang on, hang on! You’re not gonna die today. Hang on.

Gasps. Panting. Groans

RESSLER : Okay, okay. Come here.

Ressler arrives has to take her down . Samar coughs

RESSLER : Okay? All right. Let’s get the hell out of here. Come on, come on.


Red gets up from rubble. He finds Sebastian's ( Braxton's man) phone : no signal...and puts it in his pocket. Radio static : no possible communication


COOPER : What do we have?
ARAM : Satellite imagery confirms The Factory’s been hit and is burning. All communications are down. No audio or video in or out.
COOPER : Where are you on Search and Rescue?
GOODSON : I have no authorization to dispatch the Coast Guard.
COOPER : My people are on that rig.
GOODSON : That rig was a level-10 detention facility. It does not exist. It never existed.
COOPER : If you think I’m gonna let you and The Director cover your asses at the expense of the lives of my people, then you’ve got another –
GOODSON : Off the record – The Factory was bombed to prevent those terrorists from getting their hands on vital national secrets. On the record – this incident never occurred.
COOPER : Look, if you’re not interested in the detainees, fine. But there are over 75 people who work for you who are gonna drown and burn if you do nothing. If you don’t contact Search and Rescue, I will.
GOODSON : Do that, Agent Cooper, and you will be relieved of duty. Without confirmation of survivors, is it really worth making that call?


Red tinkers the communications out of order

RESSLER : Reddington! Where’s Keen?
RED : Braxton took her.
RESSLER : Are any of these comms working?
SAMAR : That walkie has a range of a thousand yards at the most.
RESSLER : Unassisted, yeah, but a dipole antenna array will boost the signal.
RED : This rig is sinking. If we can’t make contact, anyone here who doesn’t burn is gonna drown.
RESSLER : You said Braxton took Keen. Why?


Liz awakens on a stretcher

LIZ : Where am I? Where are Agents Ressler and Navabi? Did they make it?
BRAXTON : Don’t know. Don’t care. How does it feel to have something people are willing to die for locked up in that pretty little head of yours?
LIZ : I don’t know anything.
BRAXTON : We’ll see.

The chopper lands


Elevator bell dings

NURSE : Look, I don’t know who gave you clearance to land, but we’re closed to traum –


LIZ : He’s got a g –


ARAM : Sir, I’ve been monitoring flights in and around the Norton Sound with proximity to The Factory. The FAA picked up an aircraft entering Juneau airspace ID’d as a private medevac chopper. The FAA doesn’t require flight plans or passenger manifests for medevac choppers.
I think that’s how Braxton plans to disappear.
COOPER : Where did they land?
ARAM : Grace River Hospital.
COOPER : Get a tac unit there and notify the hospital. Make sure they have Braxton’s mug shot.

To Goodson

COOPER : That incident you insist didn’t occur, it just came to shore.


Braxton and his men run away with Liz in ambulance


Cooper hangs up

COOPER : Okay, listen up. Juneau PD was unable to apprehend Braxton, but he was positively ID’d. I want surveillance feeds from every camera within 10 blocks of that hospital.

ARAM : Sir, the Coast Guard– they’re picking up a signal from The Factory. That’s some kind of SOS.
COOPER : Survivors.

To Goodson

COOPER : I’m making that call whether you like it or not.


Rescue arrive at The Factory

VOICE FROM HELICOPTER : We’re on final approach. We need a head count on survivors.
RESSLER : Helo Two. Helo Two. Emergency message, plus three.

Bad guy ‘s gun cocks

BRAXTON'S MAN : You’re not going anywhere.

Desmond arrives with others survivors and shoots the bad guy

DESMOND : Let’s go.


Liz is being waterboarded; whimpers

INTERROGATOR : I’m hitting a wall.
BRAXTON : She’ll talk.
INTERROGATOR : Oh, no. She’s talking. Told me everything she remembered, which is nothing.
BRAXTON : You saying she wasn’t there?

Liz: Grunting loudly

INTERROGATOR : I’m saying if she was there, she’s repressed her memory – buried it so deep that I can’t even get her to talk about it.

Liz: Gagging

To Liz

BRAXTON : The Fulcrum. Where is it?

Liz: Coughing

BRAXTON : I envy you – your ability to block a horrible memory. I needed help to do that. Lucky for me, the person who helped me forget is gonna help you remember.


To her son

DR SELMA ORCHARD : Max, I’m not gonna tell you to pick up your dominoes again. Come on. We got to go. We’re late. Max? Max?

He doesn't answer

BRAXTON : Hey, Doc. Remember me?
ORCHARD : Braxton.

A man holds Max firmly

ORCHARD : Max, it’s gonna be okay. It’s gonna be okay.
BRAXTON : I don’t know, Doc. Depends on you.

Muffled whimpers, screams

ORCHARD : What do you want?
BRAXTON : Let’s go for a ride.


BRAXTON : The princess here has something in her head that I want. It’s a memory. Now, you helped make all my memories go away. You made Khafji disappear. Boom! Just like a magic trick. I’m thinking, if you were able to bury one of my memories, then you can retrieve some of hers.
ORCHARD : No. It’s not that simple.

Cellphone beeps. On phone

MAX : Mom, they- they said they won’t hurt me if you do what they say, so please, mom, plea–
ORCHARD : Max. Don’t hurt him. Don’t you hurt him.

LIZ : Guys, there are people looking for me. If they find me, they’ll find you.

Gagging. Moaning

To Dr Orchard

BRAXTON : Now you are going to go into her head, and you’re going to retrieve a memory.
If you do that, if you help me, you’ll be helping Max. Do I make myself clear?

Gasps.Cellphone ringing

BRAXTON : Give him a list of everything you’re gonna need.

On phone

BRAXTON : Sebastian, brother. I didn’t think you made it out.
RED : He didn’t. I did.

Red sits in FBI's car with Sebastian's phone. Braxton laughs

BRAXTON : Oh, man. This is just like Belgrade, huh, boyo? Whatever you want, I get.
RED : This is nothing like Belgrade.
BRAXTON : What was the name of that kid? You know, the one you had running point? I wish I could have been there when you opened that closet door and found him hanging by your necktie.
His name was Henkel.
BRAXTON : Henkel! That’s right. Kid was a talker.
RED : You’re out of your depth, Luther. You don’t know the people you’re dealing with. You’re a fine thief – meticulous and careful – but this is different. You’re improvising, and you and I both know thinking on your feet is not your strong suit, Luther. You will make a mistake, and when you do, I will be there to indulge in the undeniable pleasure and sweet satisfaction of “I told you so.”
BRAXTON : Well, you better hurry. ‘Cause your girlfriend, the princess, she’s got the answers in her head that I’m looking for, and I found a way to get them out.


Cellphone beeps, car door opens

SAMAR : I spoke with Cooper. The Coast Guard pilots who transported us are being debriefed. As far as the rest of the world is concerned, you are presumed missing.
RED : You need to look for any known associates of Braxton’s with psychiatric medical training – neurologists, psychiatrists, pharmacologists –
SAMAR : Wait. Slow down.
RED : Braxton is trying to extract a memory from Agent Keen. He will do so by any means necessary. He’s likely contacted someone for that purpose already. Find out who that someone is.
SAMAR : What memory?
RED : A memory she has no memory of.


Meeting of shady alliance, The Cabal. Various persons with different accents

MAN'S VOICE 1 : You said you had the situation under control.
MAN'S VOICE 2 : The strike on the factory was unsuccessful.
WOMAN'S VOICE 3 :And now we have survivors to contend with.
WOMAN'S VOICE 4 :Not to mention the incident at the public hospital.
DIRECTOR : The missile strike will be made public. It will be blamed on, uh, inmate uprising, which got out of hand. Enemy combatants took the facility, executed staff, and were preparing to escape. We unfortunately had no other choice but to act aggressively. Loss of life, although tragic, was unavoidable.
WOMAN'S VOICE  : Director, is there any accounting for Reddington?

MAN'S VOICE  : Or the Fulcrum?
DIRECTOR : We will have the Fulcrum in our hands very shortly.
DIRECTOR : I have a team working on it as we speak.


COOPER : Welcome back.
ARAM : Sir, sir, I think I found a doctor with a connection to Braxton.

To Samar, hugs...then Ressler

ARAM : You’re safe. Uh, w– uh, what about Mr. Reddington?
SAMAR : He’s, uh, pursuing his own leads.
COOPER : Aram, the doctor?
ARAM : Yes, right. Uh, sorry. Okay. Her name is Dr Selma Orchard. She’s an attending in neurology at Walter Reed and was part of a team that discovered a gene that makes it possible to erase memories.
COOPER : I’m sorry. Erase memories?
ARAM : Yeah, the gene is known as TET1, and it’s critical to a process called memory extinction, where painful events are replaced with more positive associations.
RESSLER : She was at Walter Reed.Was Braxton a soldier there?
ARAM : First Gulf War. He was part of a friendly fire incident with multiple casualties in Khafji. I assume he brought this home with him.

RESSLER : Orchard must have treated him at some point for this.
COOPER : Selma Orchard – Find her now.


To Liz

DR ORCHARD: It’s called recovered memory therapy. I’m going to use a combination of hypnotherapy and pharmaceuticals to put you into a lucid, waking dream state. My field is in blocking trauma. Extracting it, there are probable risks.
LIZ : You don’t have to do this.
ORCHARD : I’m going to give you a sedative. The mind turns things off for a reason. I found that what the mind fights, the body tries to fight, too. I need you relaxed. This is for your own safety. He told me I need to take you back to a fire 26 years ago.

Whimpering. Sobbing

LIZ : I don’t want to go back.
ORCHARD : I’m sorry.


Police radio chatter

RESSLER : PD says there’s no sign of forced entry or foul play, but Orchard never showed up for work.
SAMAR : I just got off the phone with the boy’s school. He never showed up, either.
RESSLER : Braxton has them.



ORCHARD : Elizabeth, I want you to close your eyes. Now I want you to relax all of the muscles in your body. Pretend that you can float. As you float, all of the tension leaves your body.
Tension floats, too, but it floats away from you. Now I want you to breathe in …


ORCHARD :… and out.


ORCHARD : Good. All of the tension is floating away. You can’t even feel it anymore. All you can feel is yourself, making the image of yourself clearer and clearer. Focus on that image of yourself. Only it’s not you today. It’s you 26 years ago. You can almost picture her, that little girl. I’m gonna ask the little girl to open her eyes. Are you ready? Three two one. … What do you see?
LIZ : A little girl hiding.

Man: «Okay, stay here, sweetie. No matter what happens, you need to stay here and not come out until I come get you. Understand?»

An older Liz and a little Liz are hidden in a closet, listening

ORCHARD : Are you with her?
LIZ : Yes.

Woman: «Where is she?

The little girl holds a white rabbit

Older Liz : «Hey, what’s your bunny’s name?»
Woman : «I’m not leaving without Masha.
Man: «She’s not going back with you.

Older Liz : «I know you’re scared, but it’s okay. Lizzy? Can you hear me?»
Indistinct shouting

RED : Hello.

To group of people gathered

RED : Thank you for coming on such short notice. Time is of the essence, so I’ll skip introductions. I’ve asked you all here because you all have one thing in common – you all have business with Luther Braxton. As rewarding as those relationships may have been, they’ve come to an end. Mr. Braxton has started something he cannot finish. He’ll likely reach out to one of you for help. When he does, you will contact me at the number I have provided. Questions? Good.

Red is leaving

MAN : What’s in it for us?

Red turning around

RED : Life.


COOPER : Where are we on Dr Orchard?
ARAM : Nowhere. Uh, if Braxton did abduct her, he didn’t leave a trace.
COOPER : And Reddington?
SAMAR : I’m pretty sure if he had a lead we would have heard from him.
RESSLER : Metro PD just called in a possible visual on Braxton near Anacostia. He saw him get into a van with a couple of men an hour after Orchard’s abduction.
COOPER : Did they track it?
RESSLER : No, the patrolman was on foot. The van left before he could flag the plate.
COOPER : Get to Anacostia and canvass the neighborhood. Knock on every door. If Braxton was there to meet with someone, I want to know who.

Cellphone ringing

COOPER : Cooper. … Hello, Dr. Levin. … Did you get the results? … At your office?


Liz Grunting

ORCHARD : This is not gonna work like this. These drugs, she could become hypertensive, develop an arrhythmia.
BRAXTON : I gave you everything you asked for.
ORCHARD : Well, we should have an anesthesiologist or an ER doc here to titrate her meds. I told you there are risks.
BRAXTON : Well, then take the risks. It’s either her or your boy.

She injects her another product
Liz gasping. Liz Sighs deeply

ORCHARD : What’s happening, Elizabeth? Tell me.

Liz Slurring

LIZ : They’re shouting.


BRAXTON : What are they saying?

Liz shout

LIZ : Where is she?!

Woman: «Listen, you’re in trouble.»
Man: «Because of you!
Older Liz : «Don’t be afraid.»
Man: «You told her.»
Woman: «Yes, I did. I told her.»

Liz speaks to young Liz who goes away : she follows the rabbit

Young Liz : «Come on! Come on!»

Older Liz :« Wait! Lizzy..»

Young Liz : «Come on!»
Laughing all the way, Both laugh : it's Christmas time, it's snowing, christma's song.
Young Liz :«Wh-where’d he go? Where’d he go?
Older Liz :«I don’t know».

Liz laughs. Braxton is surprise

BRAXTON : What’s happening?
ORCHARD : She might be having a tangent memory. Her brain is trying to replace a bad memory with a good one.

Young Liz : «Over there! Here!»
Woman: «Catch me.»

Mysterious man appears and calls : «Lizzy» and she goes with him
Older Liz : «Lizzy, wait!»

ORCHARD : What is it? What do you see?

Liz still sleeping

LIZ : Stay here. Don’t go anywhere.

Back in the closet with young Liz

Indistinct shouting of a man and a woman
Older Liz : «What are they fighting about?»
Young Liz : «It’s a secret.»
Older Liz :«Who’s Masha?»
Young Liz : «You are».
Woman: «Instead they framed Masha.»
Young Liz to old Liz who wants to see what happen :«Don’t go out there.You can’t go out there.»

In a corridor, young Liz tries to stop older Liz
Young Liz: «Turn around, Lizzy! Go back!No! No! Don’t! Daddy said not to come out!»
Young Liz turns around, runs screaming
Liz gasps, hyperventilates, grunting loudly

Monitor beeping rapidly

ORCHARD : Okay, we’re done. Her blood pressure’s through the roof. She’s in v-tach. She needs lidocaine.

Grunting continues

BRAXTON : What do you think you’re doing?
ORCHARD : You won’t find what you’re looking for if she’s dead.


LIZ : My father. My father was there!


Red meets Braxton's contact

RED : What have you got?
MAN : Braxton contacted me right after you left.

The man showing him his tablet

RED : What’s this?
MAN : Wiring instructions to an offshore account. I’m not giving you this information. I’m selling it.
RED : Let me clarify the situation. Braxton is holding a hostage. I want her back. Every second you waste reduces the chances of that happening.
MAN : I appreciate your urgency.
RED : I don’t think you do.
MAN : But I’m not telling you anything until we agree on a price.


SAMAR : I have units covering the southwest sector, so start at the north end of the 700 block and work your way back. Anything?
RESSLER : Two eyewitnesses confirm Braxton met with a Wilson Bishop. I had Aram run his profile. Turns out he’s a third-year med student at Johns Hopkins.
SAMAR : What does Braxton want with a med student?


LIZ : Your son, what's his name ?

ORCHARD : His name is Max. He’s nine years old.
LIZ : I’m sorry. I’m sorry you got dragged into this.
ORCHARD : In the dream, your father – you said he was there?

LIZ : The girl, she calls him daddy.

ORCHARD : Did you see anything else or hear anything else?
LIZ : The little girl stopped me. It’s like she has some kind of a secret. But I’m the girl.
ORCHARD : The girl’s a piece of your subconscious is trying to prevent you from becoming aware of what happened that night.
LIZ : I have no recollection of my mother or my father – not their faces, nothing. All I know – or think I know – is that my father gave me this.

Shows her scar


MAN : You can relax. An extra 15 seconds won’t make a difference either way

Tablet chirps

MAN : It’s done.
RED : Speak.
MAN : He needed a place to meet someone, someplace out of the way.
RED : The address?

He gives it to Dembe

Man: Grunts. Red hits his face savagely with his fist...15 seconds

Gasps .Exhales

RED : He’s right. An extra 15 seconds probably won’t change anything, hmm?

Hits him once more.

Woman gasps


Cellphone ringing, on phone

MAX : Mom? Mommy?
MAX : Mom?
ORCHARD : Max, hi. Are you okay, baby? Where are you? Everything’s gonna be okay. I love you. I love you.
BRAXTON : You have till 9:00. If I don’t find out what the agent knows by then, you’ll never see your boy again.
ORCHARD : Wait. Wait! Damn it!

The telephone is hung up

LIZ : It’s gonna be fine.
ORCHARD : It’s too dangerous.
LIZ : Something happened that night, something people are willing to kill to find out, and whatever it was involved my father. I’m not doing this for Braxton or for you. I’m doing it for me. I need to know the truth.


THE DIRECTOR: Where is it?
BRAXTON : I’ll have it to you by 9:00.
DIRECTOR : I thought you said you had it already.
BRAXTON : And I do. I wanted that Fulcrum in my hands before I negotiated with you.
DIRECTOR :Need I remind you that the price had already been set?
BRAXTON : That was before you volleyed missiles at me and my men. Now the price has gone up.
DIRECTOR : Mr. Braxton, I don’t think you fully appreciate the power of the people who have engaged your services.
BRAXTON : Well, if they’re that powerful, then I’m sure they can afford an extra 10%. Go find the money, chief. You do that, and I’ll have what you want by 9:00.


On phone

BRAXTON : Hey, I want you to call me just as soon as you get confirmation of funds. Nah, we’re gonna get the intel out of that girl’s head, even if I got to drill a hole in her skull and hang her upside down. All right. Will do.

Gun cocks : Dembe points a gun on Braxton

Red is waiting for him near his car

RED : If you’re looking for your driver, he’s napping in the trunk.
BRAXTON : Son of a bitch.
RED : Luther, I never thought I’d enjoy having anything in my mouth as much as Petty Officer Virginia Sherman, but this ...


RED : ... My God! It tastes so good! I hesitate to swallow, and I certainly don’t want to spit it out. Oh, what the hell. I told you so. Elizabeth Keen. Where is she?
BRAXTON : I don’t know. Maybe she’s dead. Maybe you’re too late, boyo. Just like you were for, uh, Henkel in Belgrade.
RED : Can I let you in on a little secret about Belgrade? I barely remember it. I’d forgotten all about the Deutsche marks, and I don’t think I ever even met Henkel. Tell you the truth – I don’t think his name was Henkel. I don’t know who the hell he was, but this – this, I can promise you, I will always remember. Now get in the damn car.


ORCHARD : Elizabeth, can you hear me? Nod if you can hear me. Good. Now follow my voice and tell me where you are.
LIZ : The closet.
ORCHARD : What’s happening?

Woman: «They’ll kill you if you don’t give it back to the»
Man: «They’ll kill me if I do.»

LIZ : They’re arguing.
ORCHARD : What are they arguing about?

Woman: «Did you really think I’d let it happen and I wouldn’t come for her?»
Man: «Hey, you know what? …

LIZ : The Fulcrum.

Man: «It’s the only thing keeping me alive.»


Police radio chatter.Doorbell chimes

SAMAR : Wilson Bishop, FBI.
RESSLER : Come here. Come here!
BISHOP : Hey, hey, hey, hey. What are you doing, man? What are you doing?

Both grunt

RESSLER : Luther Braxton. We know you met with him.
BISHOP : I don’t know what you’re talking about.
RESSLER : You’re a resident at a hospital with access to all kinds of psychopharmaceuticals. We know you sold to him. He kidnapped an FBI agent.
BISHOP : I don’t know anything about a kidnapping.
RESSLER : He’s gonna use your drugs on that agent. She dies …
BISHOP : He wanted diazoxide. Naloxone–
SAMAR : Where is he?
BISHOP : He had me deliver equipment …
SAMAR : An address?!
BISHOP : … for sedations.


On phone in the stairs

MAN : Braxton, call me back. Where the hell are you?

Red and Dembe enter, subdue man. Gunfire erupts. They rush into place Liz is being “treated.” Red fires shot, taking down orderly. People scream in room.

Approaching Liz, worried

RED : Is she okay? I’m not gonna hurt you. Is she okay?


SAMAR : Aram, we found Wilson Bishop. We’re en route, and we need you to send units to Coal Chute and Spring.


Cellphone ringing

RED : Donald. I have information regarding Agent Keen’s abductor.
RESSLER : We’re on her way to her now. We’re 10 minutes out.
RED : Well, Braxton was holding a young boy. His name is Max Orchard. My people have secured the boy, but you need to send a unit. Dembe will give you the address.
ORCHARD : Max is my son.
RED : The FBI are on their way to him now.
ORCHARD : She’s still heavily sedated.
RED : What happened?
ORCHARD : But my son – Max.
RED : Your son is gonna be fine. Tell me about Agent Keen.
ORCHARD : She was undergoing a procedure called RM Therapy. Braxton was searching for a memory.
RED : Does she remember the past?
ORCHARD : Pieces.
RED : What pieces?
ORCHARD : A fire, an argument. She remembers something called the Fulcrum.
RED : Does she know where it is – the Fulcrum?
ORCHARD : No. But we were close.
RED : If she continued, would it be dangerous for her? Could she be harmed in any way?
ORCHARD : It’s hard to say. She’s been through a lot. But typically, if the therapy is done properly and with great care, then no.

Indistinct shouting

RED : Can you see it? Can you hear me, Lizzy?

Woman: «Take her to...»

RED : I need you to tell me where it is. Where is the Fulcrum, Lizzy?
LIZ : Let me go! Get away from me!
RED : Shh, shh, shh! You don’t want to see this.

Breathing heavily

RED : What you want to see, what you need to find is the Fulcrum. Where is it, Lizzy? Can you see it?


RED : Lizzy, turn around. Go back.

Woman: «Stop! »

RED : You don’t want to go in there.Get away! Lizzy, turn around and go back.Go back, go back.

Woman : «Let go!»
Gunshot .Gasping. Gasps

RED : What happened? What’d she see?

Back in the closet. There is smoke
Liz to young Liz: : «Listen to me. You have to say something. There’s a fire.
I know you saw something out there and you don’t want to go out there...»

Voice breaking

«...but you can’t stay here! You have to scream! Do you hear me? As loud as you can, you have to scream! You have to– Screams .»

Both scream .Wails .

A hand helps Liz to go out of the closet

Ressler arrives

RESSLER : Hey! Hey. What the hell are you doing to her? What are you doing? Get her up. Wake her up now.
ORCHARD : Not now.
RESSLER : Reddington. Reddington!
ORCHARD : It’s not safe.
RESSLER : Wake her up now.
ORCHARD : Wait. Not now.
RESSLER : You do what you have to do. You do it now!

Man shown trying to get up from floor amidst fire
Young Liz : «Daddy! No!»
Man shown taking Liz by hand, leading her. Liz reaches out arm. Burn appears. Three or four men shown leaving burning house

Opens eyes, says to Red

LIZ : You were there.


LIZ : You were there, weren’t you?
RED : Yes.
LIZ : There were people with the woman, looking for it. The Fulcrum. You were one of them.
RED : It’s not that simple.
LIZ : But that’s why you were there. That’s why you came into my life then. And that’s why you’re here now. Not because of me or who I am to you, whatever connection we might have, but because of some object. Some thing.
RED : Whatever you remember –
LIZ : What I remember is leaving my father dying on the floor of a burning house.


LIZ : There’s no way he could have survived that.
RED : Lizzy, the memories of a four-year-old are unreliable.
LIZ : My father was killed because of the Fulcrum, because you and your people came for it that night. Well, I want you to know something. This charade of you pretending to care about me was a waste of your time because I don’t know where it is.

Red wants to help her to get up but she's angry

LIZ : Don’t!

Ressler helps her

Max arrives safe and sound

MAX : Mommy.
ORCHARD: Max! Ahh! Oh.

Sobbing. Smooching

ORCHARD: Are you okay? Are you okay? Are you okay? Look at you. Oh, thank God.


On cell phone

DIRECTOR : Mm-hmm. I’m meeting with Braxton within the hour. Yes, of course I’ve discussed contingencies regarding Reddington with all of our colleagues.

Sees Braxton’s body hanging overhead

DIRECTOR : I’m going to have to call you back.

He hangs up . Red is waiting for him

RED : You wouldn’t believe how much he weighs. Sit.
DIRECTOR : Do you have any idea who I am?
RED : Yes. I know just what you are. Sit the hell down.
DIRECTOR : I’ve alerted security.
RED : You seem younger in person than you appear to be when lurking in the background on television. Are you a swimmer?
DIRECTOR : I’m someone not to be trifled with.
RED : Mm. Then we have something in common. You hire a simple thief to find the Fulcrum because you believe I don’t have it. So I return him to you, defects and all, to make it abundantly clear that you should never again doubt who I am and what I have.
DIRECTOR : I know exactly who you are. A thug. You may have convinced some of my colleagues that you are a force to be reckoned with, but I do not share that assessment. So consider yourself warned. We will not hesitate to use every resource at our disposal. Whatever it takes we will cripple you.
RED : I don’t think you have any real comprehension of the depth and breadth of your vulnerability. But only the one who possesses the Fulcrum could possibly fathom that.
DIRECTOR : I think you’re bluffing. I don’t think you have it. I don’t think you ever did.
RED : Try me. Call my bluff. Please. Call my bluff.

Red, about Braxton, chuckling

RED : Oh, my God. I don’t know what the hell you’re gonna do with him. Honestly, he’s like a damn side of beef.


RESSLER : You’re not gonna believe this.
SAMAR : What is it?

Goodson [on TV]: This morning, there was an attempted takeover of a US detention camp in the Norton Sound. We believe that the timing of this uprising was set to coincide with the transfer of international fugitive Raymond Reddington.
[On TV] Woman: Are you saying that he was responsible for the breach? Man: How did he orchestrate an attack if he was in custody? Woman #2: Did he succeed? Man #2: Is Reddington in your custody now?
Goodson: I-I’m not going to be taking any questions right now, but I can confirm that the whereabouts of Raymond Reddington are unknown.
Cooper and his wife learn bad news

ORCHARD : Thank you for meeting me.
LIZ : You said it was urgent?
ORCHARD : I didn’t mean to alarm you, but I thought you should know that during the RM Therapy, when you were under, I saw something.
LIZ : So, what? What does that mean?
ORCHARD : Based on how you responded Liz, I don’t think I’m the first one who’s looked into your memory.
LIZ : No. I’ve never been treated.
ORCHARD : You may not remember. You may have been very young. But I think someone may have tried to block your memory of that fire.


LIZ : I didn’t make it up.
ORCHARD : The people and the events may have been there, but in different roles.I know this is difficult to comprehend.
LIZ : Are you telling me I may never know what really happened that night?
ORCHARD : I’m telling you that the only people who could tell you what really happened are the people who want you to forget.


Fabric ripping .Liz takes her stuffed bunny and begins ripping at it, instinctively. She finds a small box (the Fulcrum), opens it. To me it looks like a computer chip, but could be a micro-recording device, or even microfiche. A look of childlike happiness takes over Liz’s face…


Adapté du site «The Blacklist Classified», mise en page par mnoandco.

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