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#209 : Luther Braxton

Les agents Navabi et Ressler pendus par le cou dans Luther Braxton

Ecrit par: Jon Bokenkamp & John Eisendrath
Réalisé par: Joe Carnahan

Lorsque Red est arrêté et placé dans un centre de détention, Liz et le reste de l'équipe cherche un plan pour le sauver. Pendant ce temps, au centre de détention, Red rencontre Luther Braxton, un voleur avec qui il partage une histoire compliquée.


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Luther Braxton

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Luther Braxton

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Promo (Golden Globes) VO

Promo (Golden Globes) VO


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Liz (Megan Boone) s'inquiète pour Red (James Spader) inconscient

Liz (Megan Boone) s'inquiète pour Red (James Spader) inconscient

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) blessé par le souffle de l'explosion

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) blessé par le souffle de l'explosion

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) donne quelques instructions à Liz (Megan Boone) et des détenus

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) donne quelques instructions à Liz (Megan Boone) et des détenus

Luther Braxton (Ron Perlman) menace de tuer l'agent Navabi

Luther Braxton (Ron Perlman) menace de tuer l'agent Navabi

Harold Cooper (Harry Lennix) et Liz (Megan Boone) inquiet pour ses hommes tandis que Aram tente de trouver des informations

Harold Cooper (Harry Lennix) et Liz (Megan Boone) inquiet pour ses hommes tandis que Aram tente de trouver des informations

Le Directeur (David Strathairn )

Le Directeur (David Strathairn )

Harold Cooper (Harry Lennix), Kat Goodson (Janel Moloney ) et Aram Mojtabaï (Amir Arison) attendent avec anxiétude

Harold Cooper (Harry Lennix), Kat Goodson (Janel Moloney ) et Aram Mojtabaï (Amir Arison) attendent avec anxiétude

Le Directeur (David Strathairn ) dans le bureau de Cooper

Le Directeur (David Strathairn ) dans le bureau de Cooper

Kat Goodson (Janel Moloney ) attend avec inquiétude

Kat Goodson (Janel Moloney ) attend avec inquiétude

Un homme de Braxton (Izzy Ruiz)

Un homme de Braxton (Izzy Ruiz)

Harold Cooper (Harry Lennix) dans son bureau

Harold Cooper (Harry Lennix) dans son bureau

Samar Navabi (Mozhan Marno)

Samar Navabi (Mozhan Marno)

Samar Navabi (Mozhan Marno) passe un mauvais moment

Samar Navabi (Mozhan Marno) passe un mauvais moment

Aram Mojtabaï (Amir Arison) donne quelques explications à Harold Cooper (Harry Lennix), son chef

Aram Mojtabaï (Amir Arison) donne quelques explications à Harold Cooper (Harry Lennix), son chef

Luther Braxton (Ron Perlman )#21

Luther Braxton (Ron Perlman )#21

Raymond Redddington (James Spader)

Raymond Redddington (James Spader)

Les agents Navabi (Mozhan Marno) et Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) en bien mauvaise posture

Les agents Navabi (Mozhan Marno) et Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) en bien mauvaise posture

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone ) a retrouvé Raymond Reddington (James Spader)

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone ) a retrouvé Raymond Reddington (James Spader)

Red (James Spader) met au point un plan

Red (James Spader) met au point un plan

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) prêt à tout pour retrouver Liz

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) prêt à tout pour retrouver Liz

Le Directeur (David Strathairn )

Le Directeur (David Strathairn )

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone ) se tient prête à se défendre

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone ) se tient prête à se défendre

Red sur le pied de guerre

Red sur le pied de guerre


Logo de la chaîne TF1

France (inédit)
Mercredi 09.09.2015 à 22:40
2.90m / 20.0% (Part)

Logo de la chaîne NBC

Etats-Unis (inédit)
Dimanche 01.02.2015 à 22:30
25.72m / 8.4% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Personnage Blaklisté: N°21: Luther Braxton


Ron Perlman ... Luther Braxton

David Strathairn ... Le Directeur

Janel Moloney ... Kat Goodson
Scott A. Martin ... Desmond
Marc Menchaca ... Pierce
Laith Nakli ... Yousef

On apprend aux infos que Reddington a été appréhendé à Hong Kong en public et en smoking. Après avoir été transféré à la garde des Marines américains, Red est placé dans un Blackhawk et transporté dans une prison secrète, quelque part au milieu de la mer de Béring. On enlève le sac sur la tête de Red qui est enchainé dans une pièce qui sert à torturer et interroger les criminels. Un garde nommé Desmond entre et Red lui offre 50.000 $ cash en échange d'un mot avec le responsable.

De retour à Washington, Cooper est inquiet. Personne ne semble savoir où se trouve Red et la CIA ne parle pas. Ressler dit que Red voulait se faire capturer et Samar pense qu'il voulait être à proximité de quelque chose. Ressler finit par avoir la confirmation que Red est détenu à l’Usine ce qui fait penser à Cooper que Red cherche un prisonnier précis détenu là-bas. Ayant obtenu une audience avec le gardien Ramsey Mills, Red dit qu’un prisonnier, Luther Braxton, va s’échapper de sa cellule d’isolement dans les 12 heures afin de voler un paquet de renseignements vitaux pour la sécurité nationale. Si Mills n’agit pas rapidement, lui et tous ses gardes mourront. En fait, Braxton est actuellement en interrogatoire, choqué par plus d'électricité que la plupart des humains peuvent résister. Quand le gardien ordonne que Braxton soit remis dans sa cellule, un autre garde colle un fil dans la bouche de Braxton. Ce dernier l’avale.

Cooper trouve le directeur des services secrets, connu désormais comme le Directeur et son numéro deux, Kat Goodson, dans son bureau. Les Services secrets savent tout sur la relation entre Red et l’équipe de Cooper et Mills a transmis l'avertissement de Red à propos de Braxton. Alors, qu'elles sont leurs relations ? Peu de temps après, Liz présente le dossier sur Braxton, un voleur méticuleux recherché par Interpol qui a été envoyé à l'Usine pour le vol de secrets volés aux Chinois et aux Iraniens. Goodson donne l'autorisation à l’équipe de s’infiltrer dans l'Usine pour trouver Red. Au même moment, Braxton utilise le fil qu’il a régurgité pour électrocuter le garde venu lui apporter son dîner. L’alarme de l’Usine se déclenche et des gardes arrivent dans la cellule de Braxton mais ce dernier est prêt pour les accueillir et les tue. Mills va voir Red. Comment savait-il que cela arriverait ? Mills ordonne l’évacuation de Red mais ce dernier exige que l’hélicoptère reparte sans lui. Braxton libère 
13 prisonniers et ils rassemblent des armes pour se diriger vers le centre des opérations au cœur de l'Usine. Après avoir mis hors-service la plupart des vidéos de surveillance, Braxton et ses hommes mettent des masques à gaz et lancent des bombes lacrymogènes dans le centre de contrôle pour le prendre d’assaut.

Un employé de la prison tente de prévenir Ressler, Liz et Samar qui viennent tout juste d’arriver, que la prison est attaquée mais l’un des hommes de Braxton, Yousef arrive et tire. Samar est touchée à la cheville mais elle et Ressler sont faits prisonniers, laissant Liz livrée à elle-même. À l'intérieur, Desmond escorte Red vers une cellule plus sûre. Red lui annonce que les 50 000 $ sont toujours sur la table s'il l'aide. C’est à ce moment-là qu’un des hommes de Braxton active le système d’urgence de l’Usine qui coupe les lumières et verrouille les portes. Seule la ligne téléphonique reste active. Lorsque l'appel arrive pour l'authentification, Braxton demande à parler à "quelqu'un qui compte". Pendant ce temps, Yousef a installé Ressler, Samar et quelques autres gardes dans l'une des chambres de torture de l'usine. Ils sont enchaînés par le cou au plafond avec leurs pieds touchant à peine un bloc rendu glissant par leur propre sang. Avec sa cheville blessée, Samar peut à peine s'appuyer sur son pied droit, elle est donc lentement étranglée. De retour vers Aram qui est inquiet et qui dit à Cooper qu'ils ont perdu contact avec l'équipe. Le négociateur de Goodson, Phillip Rosenberg, appelle Braxton. Braxton n'a aucun désir de "dialoguer". Quand Rosenberg insiste pour parler à Warden Mills, Braxton lui passe le téléphone quelques secondes et lui tire dessus puis il  demande à parler avec quelqu'un qui a une réelle autorité. Cooper prend le téléphone et Braxton lui explique qu’à partir de maintenant, il obtient ce dont il a besoin ou bien quelqu'un meurt. Braxton est le gardien maintenant.

Liz rôde dans un couloir sombre quand elle est  appréhendée par Red. Allant droit au but, Red l’informe que Braxton en a après le Fulcrum. Il cherche un dossier prouvant l'existence d'une organisation clandestine puissante. Si le contenu du fichier devait être rendu public, certaines des personnes les plus puissantes dans le monde seraient détrônées et ce serait le chaos. Red pense que des informations cruciales pour localiser le Fulcrum sont à l'Usine, c’est pourquoi lui et Braxton sont là. Liz veut savoir pourquoi Red n'a pas mentionné  tout cela avant mais il ne s’intéresse qu'à la sortir de là. Bien sûr, Liz ne partira pas sans Ressler et Samar. Red l’amène donc voir certains de ces "vieux amis" parmi les prisonniers de l'Usine. Puis Red, Liz, Khan, Quintano et Gernert sont assis dans le bureau du directeur, ils boivent du scotch et élaborent un plan. Si Braxton est à la recherche d'archives de l'Usine, il serait situé dans la salle des serveurs. Comme la salle de la chaufferie est à côté, Gernert suggère de reprogrammer la chaudière pour la surcharger et la faire exploser en même temps que  la salle des serveurs. La seule façon d’atteindre la chaudière et de passer par un conduit d'air très étroit où seule Liz peut passer. Mais avant qu’elle ne parte, le téléphone sonne. Braxton sait qu'ils sont là et il tombe sur Red. Les deux hommes discutent de Belgrade, lorsque Red a fait de Braxton le criminel qu’il est devenu. De toute évidence, les deux hommes ne s’aiment pas. Red promet à Braxton qu'il n’aura pas le Fulcrum mais Braxton doute que Red puisse l'arrêter.

Au téléphone avec Cooper, Braxton se déplace dans la pièce où Yousef est avec Samar et Ressler suspendus au plafond. Braxton explique que depuis que la prison est entrée en Lockdown, tous les codes ne sont plus valables. L’unité centrale possède un code maître qui octroie à la CIA tous les accès spéciaux et c’est ce que Braxton veut. Il tire dans la tête d’un gardien pour faire comprendre à quel point il veut ce code. Cooper a 10 minutes pour obtenir le code s’il veut sauver Samar. Goodson dit à Cooper qu’il ne peut pas donner le code parce que Braxton ne veut pas l'utiliser pour sortir de la prison. Il veut les clés de leur réseau de renseignements tout entier. Cooper reprend le téléphone est dit à Braxton que même s'il lui donne le code, il n’a aucune garantie que ce dernier libèrera les otages. Braxton confirme et commence à étrangler Samar de sorte Cooper lui donne le code et Braxton raccroche. Pendant ce temps, Aram dit à Cooper qu’il n’a pas les moyens d’empêcher Braxton d’avoir accès aux réseaux de renseignements les plus secrets du pays.

Retour à l'Usine ; Khan guide Liz à travers les conduits à la chaufferie pendant que l’homme de Braxton utilise le code pour accéder à la salle des serveurs pour lancer le redémarrage du réseau informatique de la prison. Pendant ce temps, le Directeur se réunit avec un Égyptien, un Indien, un Allemand et un Chinois  dans une réunion secrète pour discuter de la poursuite des événements. La démarche de Braxton leur prouve que Reddington n’a pas le dossier et donc s'il est resté en vie tout ce temps c'est en bluffant. Il doit donc être éliminé tout comme Braxton. Après la réunion, le Directeur explique à Goodson la raison pour laquelle Braxton doit être arrêté. Avec les clés du royaume, Braxton sera propriétaire de chaque actif dans le monde libre. Goodson le supplie de lui donner plus de temps mais le Directeur insiste et ordonne la destruction immédiate de l’Usine.

Liz permet à Red et ses amis d’accéder à la chaufferie où Gernert découvre un gros problème. Quelqu'un devra modifier manuellement le système en une seconde pourremettre la soupape de décharge de pression jusqu'à ce que la chaudière frappe 700 index de pollution. Ils auront alors 10 à 20 secondes pour partir avant l'explosion de la chaudière. Les amis de Red veulent abandonner mais Liz est déterminée ET pense qu’elle et Red peuvent y arriver.
Retour à Washington DC, Aram reçoit la confirmation que deux F-22 se dirigent sur l'Usine avec une ETA de 24 minutes. Cooper ordonne à Aram d’entrer en contact avec Godson. Carl commence à extraire les données de l’Usine au moment où Red et Liz commencent à monter la pression de la chaudière. C’est à ce moment-là que Liz décide d’interroger Red pour savoir pourquoi il ne veut pas permettre Braxton d’obtenir les informations. Red explique que la cabale croit qu’il a le dossier et c’est la raison pour laquelle il est encore en vie. Donc, tout cela est à propos de l'auto-protection ? Expliquant qu'il était autrefois relativement normal, Red utilise une parabole pour indiquer qu'il est devenu hideux à travers l'évolution pour survivre. La seule chose qu'il sait maintenant, c’est qu'il ne voulait pas que Liz le suive à l'Usine et s’il n’arrête pas Braxton, il découvrira qu'il ne peut pas obtenir le Fulcrum sans Liz. À ce moment précis, les hommes de Braxton arrivent et commencent à tirer. Liz et Red ripostent quand la chaudière explose. Liz s’en sort indemne mais Red est inconscient et coincé sous une porte. Comme le système informatique de l'Usine a été détruit, Liz sait que c’est une question de minutes avant que les hommes de Braxton descendent et c’est ce qui arrive. Liz est capturée.

Cooper tente de convaincre Goodson d’annuler l’attaque car il y a des innocents sur le bateau mais Goodson ne peut pas le faire. Les amis de Red arrivent à la chaufferie au moment où ce dernier reprend connaissance. Il recherche Liz et quand on lui annonce qu’elle a été capturée, il décide d’aller la chercher. Liz est amenée au centre de contrôle où Braxton l’interroge pour savoir où est Red.
Les F-22 se rapprochent de la cible et Braxton ordonne à ses hommes de tuer les otages avant d’évacuer. Red se dirige vers le centre de contrôle pendant que ses amis vont libérer les otages.
Red se confronte à Braxton. Ce dernier lui parle de la nuit de l’incendie où Red à sauver une petite fille quand il comprend que cette petite fille c’est Liz…

Traduit et adapté du résumé du site officiel.

Several TV news people: «We are just now getting word of a story developing out of Hong Kong. Sources say authorities there have apprehended legendary criminal Raymond Reddington. He’s been on the FBI’s Most Wanted list longer than any other fugitive, but tonight, sources are confirming Reddington was arrested in Hong Kong just hours ago. Reddington was once a rising star at the Pentagon. Sources say he was being groomed for admiral when, on Christmas Eve, 1990, while on his way home to visit his wife and daughter, Reddington vanished.
Reporter: Four years later, Reddington resurfaced and was charged with treason in absentia for selling top-secret American intelligence to foreign states.»
To Reddington

PRISON GUARD : From this point forward, you don’t exist.


RED : Oh, that’s a load off.

Tires squeal

Reporter #2: «Just hours ago, the US State Department confirmed Reddington has been remanded into US custody, but officials will not comment on his current location.»

Reddington was taken by chopper to a US blacksite prison somewhere in the Bering sea


COOPER : Reddington’s off the radar.
LIZ : What do you mean? We don’t know where Reddington is?

COOPER : CIA’s not saying.
LIZ : Why not? Reddington’s our asset.
COOPER : Only 41 people in the US government know that. I’ve talked to all of them. Nobody knows where he is.
SAMAR : He’s been on the run for 25 years. His arrest was bound to happen.
RESSLER : No, Reddington moves too fluidly to get caught up in something as obvious as a public assassination in Hong Kong. No, he wanted this to happen.
LIZ : What if he didn’t?
ARAM : Why would Mr. Reddington want to get captured?
SAMAR : His arrest happened overseas. We have to assume he wanted proximity to something.
RESSLER : Well, if he’s grabbed, it’s either by the CIA ground branch or JSOC.
LIZ : You think it’s an intelligence apparatus that’s holding him?
COOPER : Scrub our sources at Langley, and do it fast. Once they drop him in whatever hole he’s headed for he’s not coming back.



Door shuts. Red is chained. The guard removes the bag which he has on the head

RED : 202 555 0151
DESMOND : You speak when you’re spoken to.
RED : 202 555 0151. Call the number. Ask for a houseman. Call the number. $50,000 will be transferred into the account of your choice. $50,000. All I want is two minutes with your warden.

Door opens


RESSLER : All right. We found him.


To the team

RESSLER : Hey. Hey. We got him. CIA analyst at Langley confirmed they’re holding Reddington at an off-book lockdown called The Factory.
SAMAR : That’s bad news. That’s really bad news.
ARAM : That place is real?
LIZ : The Factory? Wait, what’s The Factory?
COOPER : It’s a level-10 detention facility specifically designed to process detainees who’ve been trained to withstand interrogation and torture. Assets are brought in, information is squeezed out – data, intel, anything that may be of value.
ARAM : This place is a slaughterhouse for spies.
COOPER : They reduce them to ones and zeroes. What’s left is a husk that either rots away behind bars or is executed outright.
LIZ : We’ve got to get him out of there.
RESSLER : You think the CIA’s gonna let us talk to him, just walk right in there? No.
LIZ : He’s our asset.
SAMAR : No, they’re gonna keep him all to themselves.
COOPER : If he went to this factory on purpose, I suspect it was to make contact with somebody he couldn’t get to on the outside. Reddington gave up 25 years of freedom to see this guy. I want to know who he is and what intel he’s got that’s so damned important.


WARDEN : Mast Sergeant Desmond says you offered him a bribe. Care to explain?
RED : Within 12 hours, inmate Luther Todd Braxton will break out of his cell. When he does, he will steal a classified intelligence packet that contains secrets vital to your National Security. The means for his escape and his team are already in place.
WARDEN : This story feels like a desperate last gasp from a dying man.
RED : Could be. Regardless, if you don’t move quickly, the prison will be overrun and the dozens of innocent men and women who operate this facility will be subdued and executed, beginning with you.
WARDEN : Luther Braxton is in solitary.
RED : Not for long.


Machinery whirring. Electricity crackling. Whirring and crackling stop

Braxton is tortured

MAN : He’s not cooperating. Take him back to his cell. We go again in two hours.

Joints cracking. Guard slips a wire component into Braxton’s mouth


GOODSON : Agent Cooper, Kat Goodson. As you know, the Director has brought me here to liaison with your task force.
COOPER : Of course. We’ve met – the correspondents’ dinner.
GOODSON : Ah. You were the scotch – neat? Please, tell us what you know.
COOPER : I’m not at liberty to say.
GOODSON : The clandestine service is aware of the arrangement your task force has with Reddington. It’s why we’re running point through your office.
COOPER : Well, then perhaps the Director should’ve notified me before sending Reddington to The Factory.
DIRECTOR : The section chief sent a cable from the warden. Said that Raymond Reddington claims that a detainee, one Luther Braxton, poses a National Security threat, and we’re hoping that you can tell us something about their connection.
COOPER : I don’t know. Who’s Luther Braxton?


LIZ : Braxton is a thief. Interpol’s been hunting him for years. He plans his heists to occur in the midst of chaos. He is organized, meticulous, and he is bloody.
ARAM : He stole $282 million from Baghdad in the middle of Operation Shock And Awe, abducted a CIA asset out of Iran during the ’09 election protests. Later, he sold his secrets to Beijing.
RESSLER : The CIA announced his death two months ago.
GOODSON : We say that about a lot of the inmates at The Factory. Truth is Braxton’s being interrogated for secrets he stole from the Chinese, from the Iranians, us.
RESSLER : Well, my money’s on the fact that these two have a history together. Reddington, Braxton – they’re planning something.
COOPER : Whatever it is, you’re going to find out.
LIZ : Oh, we don’t have authorization.
GOODSON : You do now. Get to Reddington. Find out what he’s up to.


Braxton electrifies his door and puts some water on the floor

GUARD : Hey, Braxton, chow!

The guard dies electrified when he wants to open the door. Alarm blaring


GUARD 2: We have a Code Oscar, block “B,” dorm six! Activate critical response! We need an emergency response team in block “B” now!

Indistinct shouting


GUARD 3 : Get away from the door! Fire one! Hands– hands up! Get on the ground!

Gunfire : Braxton shots the guards

GUARD 3 : Aah!!


Handcuffs clicking

Rushing in

WARDEN : Tell me what you know.
RED : I tried. It’s too late. You’ve lost your facility.
WARDEN : No, you tell me I’m gonna have an escape before it happens. Now you’re getting evac’d out?
RED : Why the hell am I getting evac’d out?
WARDEN : Orders from up top. Bureau’s been cleared to send a team, incoming now.
RED : Radio that chopper. Tell them to turn around.
WARDEN : Why? What’s happening here?
GUARD : We got a problem. ERF failed.
RED : Radio the chopper.
GUARD : They’re sending in the riot squad.
WARDEN : Get him to the evac team!
RED : Radio the chopper!

Blaring continues.Beeping

MAN : Back up, back up!

Beeping, heavy clang. Cell's doors open : Braxton's men are free


RESSLER : Inmate number 2532, Xavier Chavez. I know this name. He was a court-martialed special operator out of Fort Carson. We got Kun Phan, AKA “Cambodian Carl.” Did 10 years in USP Florence for hacking US Missile Defense Agency.
SAMAR : What are you thinking?
RESSLER : I’m counting three, five, maybe more guys who’ve all been processed into this facility within the last three months. Got a munitions expert, special forces. I’m counting eight guys here – Khalid Sankar, Yemeni medic; Jonah Rodriguez, ex-Marine; and Cyrus Choy– he’s a Red Pole enforcer out of Taiwan.
LIZ : He’s got an entire team in place.


Watching cameras

GUARD : What the hell is he doing?

Blaring continues



Locking doors


GUARD : Sir?
GUARD : Nest Command to ACR; block “B” has been breached! We need tactical reinforcement to the Nest!

Radio whines

GUARD : Sir, we just lost video! Camera two is down!

Beeping. Muffled explosion, gas hissing. Indistinct shouting, coughing. Electricity crackles

Nest Command is taken


The chopper lands. The guard warns Liz, Samar and Ressler who arrive

GUARD : Got to turn you back! We’re in a full-facility lockdown! We’ve had a breach! Detainee has taken –

Too late, Samar shots in foot by a detainee

SAMAR : Aah!! Aah!!


Detainee shout in Arabic.


BRAXTON'S MAN : Weapons on the ground !Weapons on the ground now !Weapons on the ground now !

End subtitle

Liz manages to hide


Samar and Ressler are taken


Alarm blaring. Beeping

Inside, Desmond leads Red to the chopper

DESMOND : Desmond to Deck Command, prisoner for transport, come back.
RED : That $50,000 is still on the table, Desmond. It’s yours for the taking. All you got to do is help me to help you stay alive.



MAN : You sure about this?
BRAXTON : Do it.

Keyboard clacking. Click and thud, blaring stops


MAJOR : Eagle, Eagle, this is Major. We have a breach alert. Please authenticate. Eagle, Eagle, this is Major.We have a breach alert. Please authenticate.

Picks up phone

BRAXTON : The Eagle’s dead.
MAJOR : Identify yourself.
BRAXTON : I’m the man who just took over your gulag, and you’re a desk jockey that’s gonna put me in touch with somebody who matters – clear?



Ressler, Samar and a guard are hung by the neck, in balance on a brick

RESSLER : Samar?
SAMAR : Ressler, I can’t put any weight on my foot.

BRAXTON'S MAN : Horrible, isn’t it– this room– this is where all the prisoners come to die. After you break their minds. They’re led here like cattle for you to slaughter.
RESSLER : When they put down your little rebellion, pal, you’re gonna take my place up here, I swear.

The guard coughing, choking : he slipped up.. Braxton's man laughs

RESSLER : Hey! Get on your feet! Get your feet! Get on your feet! Get on your feet! Stay! Get on your feet!

Laughing of Braxton's man continues


ARAM : Sir! Uh, sir, we have a situation. Uh, we’ve lost contact with Agent Keen.
COOPER : What about Ressler? Navabi?
ARAM : Uh, nothing since after they touched down. I reached out to Langley. The entire facility is dark. This is Agent Rosenberg. He’s our hostage negotiator.
COOPER : Tread lightly, Agent Rosenberg. Those are my people inside there.
ROSENBERG : Understood, and they’re gonna be fine. We’re gonna take our time, hear what he has to say, and get everyone out alive...You ready?


ROSENBERG : Mr. Braxton, this is Agent Phillip Rosenberg. The Director of NCS has instructed me to open a dialogue with you.
BRAXTON : We’re not having a dialogue.
ROSENBERG : I’m here to listen, but first, I just need to talk to the warden. I just need to make sure that he’s okay and can confirm the hostages are okay.
BRAXTON : No, you are a water boy, a bureaucrat with a stack of cue cards.
ROSENBERG : Just need to talk to the warden.
BRAXTON : Of course you do – protocol. I have him right here.
WARDEN : This is Warden Mills.
ROSENBERG : Mr. Mills, everyone’s okay?
WARDEN : Some casualties, but all accounted for.
ROSENBERG : That’s terrific. Glad to hear your voice. See that, Mr. Braxton? I just wanted to talk to the warden.

Braxton shoots him

ROSENBERG : Mr. Mills? Warden? Mr. Mills?
BRAXTON : I’m done talking to you, Mr. Rosenberg. I want to speak to somebody with real authority.
COOPER : This is Harold Cooper, Assistant Director for the FBI.
BRAXTON : Hello, Harold Cooper. I’m pretty sure you see how this works. I get what I need, or somebody dies. From here on forward I am the warden.


Someone approaches Liz, grabs her from behind

Liz: Gasps

RED : What the hell are you doing here?
LIZ : I came to help get you out.
RED : You came out of curiosity.
LIZ : Or maybe I actually care about what happens to you.
RED : Your government is being robbed.
LIZ : From here? How? What’s he after?
RED : The Fulcrum.
LIZ : I don’t know what that is. The Fulcrum– What is that?
RED : It’s a blackmail file– proof of the existence of an extraordinarily powerful clandestine organization. If their activities were made public, some of the most powerful and influential men would go to prison or be executed.
LIZ : And it’s here, this Fulcrum?
RED : No, the Fulcrum isn’t here, but I believe information critical to finding it is, and that’s what Braxton wants.I’m here to stop it.
LIZ : I can help you.
RED : No, you need to leave.
LIZ : Ressler and Samar have been taken hostage.
RED : They shouldn’t even be here. You never should’ve come here.
LIZ : Why didn’t you come to us? What aren’t you telling me? Why don’t you want me here?
RED : I’ll get to Ressler and Samar as soon as I can, but you need to get back on that chopper.
LIZ ; Not without Ressler and Samar or you. Now, how are we gonna stop Braxton? He has an entire team.
RED : Well, sadly, there isn’t a prison on Earth where I don’t know a few guys.


KHAN : If Braxton wants to access the secrets they beat out of us, he’s gonna need to get into the server, which is only accessible from the Nest.
RED : How about during a lockdown?
KHAN : This facility’s like a submarine. It’s compartmentalized. It can only be shut down by sections. The security protocols render the entire server room completely inaccessible.
DESMOND : How the hell do you know that? I didn’t know that.
RED : Khan has broken out of seven prisons. This will be eight.
LIZ : This server room – where is it?
KHAN : Northwest quadrant, basement.We can’t get you inside, but the German – he has an idea.

German accent

GERMAN/GERNERT: Who is she? Who is this girl?
RED : She’s with me. Your idea?
GERNERT : The boiler room. It’s located next to the server room. If you could get there, you could reprogram it to overload. The pressure would cause an explosion.
LIZ : That would blow up the server room?
GERNERT : If you’re lucky, you’ll take out the server room. If you’re unlucky, the whole prison craters.
RED : You said, “If you could get there.”
KHAN : Yes, the only way into the boiler room undetected is through a single air duct that’s less than 24 inches square.


LIZ : Looks like I’m the tunnel rat.
RED : All right. Khan will guide you to the boiler room. Gernert and I will be waiting for you to let us in, then you’ll reprogram the system.
MAN ON COUCH : What about me? What’s my job?
RED : You don’t have a job. You’re here because of what your cartel did to Felix Moralez and my people in Reynosa.

Shoots him

RED : Okay. Shall we go to work?



MAN : Braxton, you need to see this.

A breach is detected in the warden's office


Telephone ringing. Red picks up

RED : I’m sorry. The warden can’t get to the phone right now. May I please take a message? Nothing? Not a “Hello, how are you?” Say something, Luther.
BRAXTON : Reddington.
RED : That’s me.
BRAXTON : You’re locked out, Red. I have complete control over this hellhole.
RED : I’m confident you’ve got a plan for every imaginable scenario, but it’s the scenarios you can’t imagine that bite you in the ass, Luther, like me here.
BRAXTON : Do you think this is something that snuck up on me? After Belgrade?
RED : Ah. Belgrade. Boy, things got nasty in Belgrade, didn’t they?
BRAXTON : It’s funny– up until then, I was aimless, just an ordinary thief, but after Belgrade, I became known as the man who bested the great Ray Reddington.
RED : You didn’t best me, Luther. You butchered and clawed your way into my pockets, and innocent people died in the process.
BRAXTON : You’re such a snob, Red. Always considered yourself above the fray with your handmade suits and your fancy wine, your private jets. Do you even drive? You got everybody convinced you’re so hard, Red, but I know better. You’re soft.
RED :You’re not getting the Fulcrum.
BRAXTON :And how you gonna stop me, Red? Bore me to death with Beethoven? Put me to sleep quoting Nietzsche? Come on. We both know that in order to stop me, you got to have balls. You got to run the gauntlet. And after Belgrade, well that’s just not gonna happen. So, tell me – how are you gonna stop me, Red?
RED : “A wise man can learn more from a foolish question than a fool can learn from a wise answer.”
BRAXTON : Was that Nietzsche?
RED : No. Bruce Lee.


SAMAR : This man has an abdominal wound. He’s going to die.


SAMAR : Who forgives and does the right thing, will be rewarded by Allah. Please

End subtitle

RESSLER : Let him down. Damn it, let him down!

Door opens. Braxton comes in on phone with Cooper

BRAXTON : Okay, Harold, let’s test your reflexes. This entire facility has been put into lockdown meaning that all existing codes that ran this prison have been invalidated.
COOPER : We’re aware of that.
BRAXTON : Good, then you must also be aware that one single code has been generated by the mainframe, a master code given by the CIA and giving all access. I want it..

COOPER : Understood. I can get my people working on that right away.

Shoots woman

BRAXTON : Okay. Your reflexes, Harold– shabby. Mine, however– lightning quick. You just cost an innocent woman her life, which means we’ll just have to go get ourselves another one. Let me set the scene for you, just like them old radio dramas your granny used to listen to. I’m standing in front of a tall, fit very attractive Persian girl by the name of Samar Navabi. Maybe you’re familiar with her. Anyway, Miss Navabi has a noose around her neck– her very long, lovely neck, which is about to get a lot longer unless you give me the code. I’ll give you 10 minutes.


ARAM : We’re gonna give the code, right? Sir, I’m sorry, but you have to give the code. It’s a black site. Nobody will know we’re negotiating.
COOPER : I’m sorry, but–
ARAM : We’re gonna give the code!


COOPER : I am not allowing that maniac to lynch one of my agents.
GOODSON : You can’t give him the code.
COOPER : You know the protocol.The minute that that negotiator got here, he gave me all the relevant details on the factory, including the master code. Why wouldn’t I give it to him?
GOODSON : Braxton doesn’t want the code to break out of prison. He wants it to break into our network.
COOPER : What network?
GOODSON : The factory isn’t just a black site. It’s a level-six intelligence node. It communicates directly with Langley, the Pentagon, the White House sit room. The intel being squeezed out of these targets, our highest-level targets, is mission-critical. We needed our interrogators and our operatives in the field working together in real time, so we removed any latency between the time we received a lead and our ability to act on it.
COOPER : You put an access point to the country’s most sensitive data in a prison with the country’s most dangerous enemies?
GOODSON : Yes. Which is why I am asking you– do not release that code.

Knock on door

ARAM : Sir, Braxton’s back online.


On phone

COOPER : Cooper.
BRAXTON : The code.
COOPER : If I give it to you, what assurance do I have that no hostages will be harmed?
BRAXTON : None. The code.

Machinery whirring.Choking and gasping

BRAXTON : You hear that sound, Harold?

Choking and gasping continue

BRAXTON : That’s the sound of Agent Navabi’s neck being broken.
COOPER : Please. Stop.
BRAXTON : The code!

Choking and gasping continue

COOPER : Dallas, Foxtrot, one, Charlie, three, seven, two. Now let–


COOPER : Braxton? Braxton, respond!

He is gone

Samar, gasps, breathing heavily


SAMAR : Are you enjoying inflicting this pain?

BRAXTON'S MAN : Pray to your God he lets you live.

SAMAR : Answer me.

BRAXTON'S MAN : If the person deserves it, then yes.

SAMAR : We've done nothing to deserve this torture.

BRAXTON'S MAN :You're FBI. You did more than enough.

SAMAR: Please. Allah is ever-pardoning, ever-forgiving.

End subtitle
Machinery whirring; prisoners chains are lowered; Braxton's man exits


MAN : We’re ready here.
BRAXTON : Good. Get to the server room. I’ll radio you once the system’s back online.


COOPER : Where are we?
ARAM : I have attacked this from every angle. Once Braxton reboots the servers on his end, he’ll have full access to the intelligence network.
COOPER : How do we lock him out?
ARAM : We can’t, not without flipping the switch on the entire network, and Braxton knows we won’t do that.
COOPER : What would that entail?
ARAM : Our DOD satellites shutting down A temporary loss of real-time field communications.
COOPER : So, CENTCOM would go dark.
ARAM : And assuming we could even get authorization to do that, it would take hours to shut it down.


KHAN : Hey, once you make that last turn, it’s gonna be about 10 more feet. Gonna see a vent there going down.
LIZ : Yeah, I think I see it. I’m here.
KHAN : Follow that, and you’re in.


PHAN : Braxton, we’re in.

Keys in code

MAN : Dallas, Foxtrot, one, Charlie, three, seven, two.


Device whirring. Liz coughing opens the door of the boiler room

RED : You all right?
LIZ : Yeah.
RED : Are you sure?
LIZ : Uh-huh.
RED : Have you ever heard of Bruno Ashmanskis? The most skilled cat burglar I’ve ever had the pleasure of working with. Bruno mostly did jobs on commission, but he always wanted to do something for himself, something special, so he got it into his head that he was gonna break into the Fitzwilliam Museum in Cambridge to steal an imperial vase from the Qing Dynasty worth millions – the single biggest trophy of his career.
LIZ : What happened?
RED : I never heard from him again. I’d always assumed he’d succeeded, that he was sipping some umbrella-clad cocktail on a beach in Tahiti, until five years later during a remodel of the Fitzwilliam, they removed a wall. There was poor Bruno– what was left of him, anyway – stuck inside a heating duct, still clutching that vase. I prefer to think of old Bruno on that beach in Tahiti.
GERMAN/ GERNERT: We have a problem.
RED : Mm. What?


The Alliance/Cabal meets: various accents

INDIAN ACCENT : Our asset is tracking the extent of the breach.
OTHER ACCENT : It appears that Braxton’s team has penetrated your country’s network.
CHINESE ACCENT : Do we have confirmation on what it is they’re looking for?
THE DIRECTOR : Yes, we do. The Fulcrum.
GERMAN ACCENT : So Reddington does not have it.
DIRECTOR : I never believed he did, actually, and his efforts to stop Braxton only confirmed my suspicions.
ANOTHER ACCENT : What’s our collateral exposure?
DIRECTOR : Honestly? None. We are mirroring Braxton’s search algorithms, and if the Fulcrum comes into play, we will find it.
ANOTHER ACCENT : So, Mr. Braxton is a liability?
DIRECTOR : Oh, yes, and Mr. Reddington may no longer be a threat. We haven’t touched him for fear that he’d use the Fulcrum as a– Well, to expose us, but he’s bluffing.
ANOTHER ACCENT : You can’t be sure of that. Alan Fitch did not think so.
DIRECTOR : Whether he is or not, it’s a moot point. He needs to be eliminated.
GERMAN ACCENT : This prison of yours, The Factory, I understand the American public is unaware of its existence. Perhaps they would not notice if it were to disappear.


KHAN : How much longer?
RED : We’ve had a setback. Gernert is working on alternatives.
GERNERT : I’m telling you– There are no other options. This model has redundant computerized safeguards. If I attempt to over-pressurize the boiler tank, those safeguards kick in automatically.
LIZ : There’s nothing you can do to override it?
GERNERT : It would have to be done manually. That means someone standing here, resetting those pressure-relief valves every 90 seconds, while someone else mans the temperature controls until this pressure cooker hits 700 PSI, and that is not gonna be me.
RED : You’re not going anywhere.
GERNERT : Yeah, I am. Because whoever stays here to do this manually is gonna be blown into a million pieces.
RED : Or just one.
LIZ : Wait. You shoot him, they’ll hear. They’ll be here within 60 seconds – and then what?We can do this, you and I. After the pressure reaches 700, how long do we have until it explodes?
GERNERT : Anywhere from 10 to 20 seconds, but there’s no way to know for sure. You’re better off walking away now.

KHAN : Look, Red, you know that after Delhi, I’d do anything for you, but the truth is, you’d be lucky to get off this rig, and whatever your plan is, I’m not a part of it. I’ve helped you. I’ve done my piece. Way I see it, we’re even for Delhi.
LIZ : We can do this.


DIRECTOR : If we don’t stop this, the death toll isn’t going to be in the dozens, it’s gonna be in the thousands, and the world is gonna look quite different with Braxton in control of all our servers.
Every operative, every analyst, every case officer in his pocket. And Mr. Cooper has given him the keys to our kingdom. We have to make sure he never has the chance to use them.
GOODSON : We have federal agents on site. Buy me more time. Let me activate an extraction team.
: No. No, just order the strike.
GOODSON : Yes, sir. I’ll have planes in the air within the hour. The target will be destroyed.


Two F-22s taking off


ARAM : Sir, you got to see this. I just got confirmation that two F-22s were scrambled out of Wright-Patterson. They seem to headed toward The Factory.
COOPER : ETA to target?
ARAM : Twenty-four minutes.
COOPER : Get Kat Goodson now.


Dialing. Beeping

MAN : Braxton, accessing information now.


Air hissing

RED : One.

Air hissing

RED : Two.

Air hissing

RED : Three.


LIZ : 650 PSI. A few more, and the boiler blows. So, when are you gonna tell me the truth?
RED : What truth?
LIZ : About why you came here– the blackmail file, the Fulcrum.
RED : I can’t allow Braxton to get it.
LIZ : Why? What difference does it make to you if he gets it and exposes this–
RED : Cabal? The Group believes I have it. It’s one of the reasons I’m still alive.
LIZ : So, if Braxton gets it, they’ll know you don’t have it, and they’ll kill you – is that it?

Rapid beeping ; Air hissing X3

RED : What’s the number?
LIZ : 680. So that’s what this is about – this whole thing? Protecting yourself?
RED : It may be hard for you to imagine, but I once had a relatively normal life– bills to pay, playdates, family, some friends, people to care about. Lost all that.
LIZ : Lost how?
RED : In Mexico, there are these fish that have colonized the freshwater caves along Sierra del Abra.They were lost. They found themselves living in complete darkness. But they didn’t die.
Instead, they thrived. They adapted. They lost their pigmentation, their sight, eventually even their eyes. With survival, they became hideous. I’ve rarely thought about what I once was.
But I wonder if a ray of light were to make it into the cave, would I be able to see it? Or feel it? Would I gravitate to its warmth? And if I did, would I become less hideous? I didn’t want you to come here, follow me here. Because the truth is if I don’t stop Braxton, what he’ll discover is that he can’t get the Fulcrum without you.

Beeping. Pounding

LIZ : What does that mean, “Without me”?

Alarm blaring. Commandos barge in, shooting. Gunfight

RED : Get out of here!

Blaring continues. Explosion


BRAXTON : What the hell is that?
MAN : We’re offline.
BRAXTON : Get down to the server room, see what’s going on.


Liz coughing. Sighs. Red is out

LIZ : Red? Reddington?! Breathe!

Exhales sharply

LIZ : Oh, my God. Red, breathe.

Sniffling, breathing heavily

LIZ : Breathe, you son of a bitch!

Exhaling sharply

MAN : Down here– the boiler room!

Captures Liz. They don’t see Red

MAN : Take her to Braxton.


PILOT : Paper-Dog, we are 10-zero minutes from primary target. Requesting authorization to arm and engage.


COOPER : You can’t let this happen.
GOODSON : Don’t put this on me. You gave up that code.
COOPER : You have three federal agents and at least 40 innocent hostages in that facility.
Inmates included, over a hundred lives will be lost.
GOODSON : I don’t agree with this course of action, but I understand it. We’re doing damage control because you couldn’t make the tough call.
COOPER : We don’t even know what Braxton’s after. What the hell is so important in that database that someone wants to kill all those people on the chance that he might get it? If you think I’m just gonna roll with this, you’re wrong.
GOODSON : What are you gonna do? Go to the Post? The Times? This whole operation is deep black. It doesn’t exist. Every trace will be incinerated the moment Reddington’s a confirmed kill.
You know what happens to whistle-blowers– kooks, paranoid freaks. You’ll be a keynote speaker in their next woo-woo convention, and your people will be just as dead.


DESMOND : Reddington, get up. You got to get up! Red!

gasps, coughing

RED : Where is she? Where is she?


To Liz

BRAXTON : Who the hell are you?
MAN : The server’s gone. She blew it up. Carl is dead and so are the others.
BRAXTON : Get Beck and Wolcott on it.
MAN : You don’t understand. The prisoners are loose. And if they find out we have a chopper en route, we’re gonna have a real problem. We need to go now.

BRAXTON : Where’s Reddington?
LIZ : He’s dead.


DESMOND : I count at least a dozen cells destroyed. We’ve got inmates in the southeast quad.
RED : You seem like a decent guy, Desmond. You should do something else for a living.
DESMOND : I just told you the animals are loose. You can’t get to the Nest without going through them. They’re gonna kill you out there! What are you gonna do?
RED : I’m gonna get her back.

Shotgun cocks.Indistinct shouting. Alarm blaring


To Red

PRISONER : Hey! I’m talking to you! I’m gonna need that shotgun.

Red shot the man without hesitation


LIZ : It’s over. The server’s destroyed.
MAN : Sir, we got reports of gunfire in the north hall. Now I can’t raise anyone on the comms.
BRAXTON : Reddington. Head him off. Get the chopper. Let Yousef handle the hostages.


Cooper, Aram and Goodson listening to the communications

PILOT : Paper-Dog, ETA two minutes. Making final approach to target.


Braxton's man put a gun on Ressler's head


Gunfight. Red enters and shot everyone and hurts Braxton. Shotgun cocks. Liz points pistol at Braxton

RED : All this, Luther, and you don’t even know what the hell you’re looking for.
BRAXTON : I know what it’s worth.
RED : It’s not what you think. It’s not a golden ticket. It’s a target on your back.
BRAXTON : I know all the stories, Red.


BRAXTON : I know where it was and I know when it disappeared. I know about the house, the fire, the girl.

Looking at Liz



ARAM : Sir, I just got word. The missiles have been launched. Impact in 30 seconds.


BRAXTON : No wonder you came for her. She was there that night, wasn’t she? She’s the one?
RED: Shoot him. Shoot him!

Air rushing and whistling – Explosion


Adapté du site «The Blacklist Classified», mise en page par mnoandco.


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