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#214 : T. Earl King VI

Elisabeth Keen vise de son arme la famille King

Ecrit par: Brandon Sonnier & Brandon Margolis
Réalisé par: Steven A. Adelson

Une de ses anciennes maîtresses entraîne Reddington dans un jeu mortel avec une dynastie familiale riche et puissante dont la fortune a été amassée par des ventes aux enchères secrètes et illégales d'êtres humains et d'objets d'art. Pendant ce temps, Tom prend une nouvelle mission.


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T. Earl King VI

Titre VF
T. Earl King VI

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Photos promo

Tom Keen (Ryan Eggold)

Tom Keen (Ryan Eggold)

Tom Keen (Ryan Eggold) face à son mentor, le Commandant

Tom Keen (Ryan Eggold) face à son mentor, le Commandant

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) sur son 31

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) sur son 31

Dembe (Hisham Tawfiq) prêt à tirer

Dembe (Hisham Tawfiq) prêt à tirer

Petit jeu macabre dans la famille King ( Alex Manette /Jeffrey DeMunn /Erik Jensen/ T.Ryder Smith)

Petit jeu macabre dans la famille King ( Alex Manette /Jeffrey DeMunn /Erik Jensen/ T.Ryder Smith)

Madeline Pratt (Jennifer Ehle ) blessée?

Madeline Pratt (Jennifer Ehle ) blessée?

Les agents Keen (Megan Boone) et Navabi (Mozhan Marno) interrogent Josephine Sullivan (Emily Nicole Hansen )

Les agents Keen (Megan Boone) et Navabi (Mozhan Marno) interrogent Josephine Sullivan (Emily Nicole Hansen )

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) ne plaisante pas une arme à la main

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) ne plaisante pas une arme à la main

T.Earl King VI ( Jeffrey DeMunn ) chef de famille #94

T.Earl King VI ( Jeffrey DeMunn ) chef de famille #94

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) est à la merci de Yaabari (Sahr Ngaujah )

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) est à la merci de Yaabari (Sahr Ngaujah )

Josephine Sullivan (Emily Nicole Hansen ) va devoir collaborer

Josephine Sullivan (Emily Nicole Hansen ) va devoir collaborer

Francis King (Erik Jensen ) se détend un verre à la main

Francis King (Erik Jensen ) se détend un verre à la main

Général Yaabari ( Sahr Ngaujah )

Général Yaabari ( Sahr Ngaujah )

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) rendu présentable pour sa vente aux enchères

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) rendu présentable pour sa vente aux enchères

Francis King (Erik Jensen ) et Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) sous couverture

Francis King (Erik Jensen ) et Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) sous couverture

Tom Keen (Ryan Eggold) se fait tatouer afin d'entrer dans la peau de son personnage

Tom Keen (Ryan Eggold) se fait tatouer afin d'entrer dans la peau de son personnage

 Earl King (Jeffrey DeMunn) dans son fauteuil roulant

Earl King (Jeffrey DeMunn) dans son fauteuil roulant

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) à une drôle de vente aux enchères

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) à une drôle de vente aux enchères

Madeline Pratt (Jennifer Ehle) aux mains de Francis King (Erik Jensen )

Madeline Pratt (Jennifer Ehle) aux mains de Francis King (Erik Jensen )

Donald Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff)

Donald Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff)

Tom (Ryan Eggold) se métamorphose

Tom (Ryan Eggold) se métamorphose

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) observe un curieux objet

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) observe un curieux objet

Le commissaire-priseur ( Michael Abbott Jr. ) commence les enchères

Le commissaire-priseur ( Michael Abbott Jr. ) commence les enchères

Le Général Yaabari ( Sahr Ngaujah ) va-t-il tuer Raymond Reddington (James Spader)?

Le Général Yaabari ( Sahr Ngaujah ) va-t-il tuer Raymond Reddington (James Spader)?

Red (James Spader) pris au piège

Red (James Spader) pris au piège


Logo de la chaîne TF1

France (inédit)
Mercredi 30.09.2015 à 22:40
2.50m / 21.0% (Part)

Logo de la chaîne NBC

Etats-Unis (inédit)
Jeudi 05.03.2015 à 21:00
8.23m / 1.8% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Personnage Blaklisté: N°94: T. Earl King VI 

Article : Erik Jensen nous parle de son rôle de méchant dans Blacklist


Jennifer Ehle ... Madeline Pratt

Lance Henriksen ... Bill McCready

Reed Birney ... Tom Connolly

Jeffrey DeMunn ... T. Earl King VI

Erik Jensen ... Francis King

Alex Manette ... Tyler King

Emily Nicole Hansen ... Josephine Sullivan
Matthew Miniero ... Vincent Peretti
T. Ryder Smith ... Rene Valmont

L'action commence il y a deux ans, dans un manoir somptueux quelque part sur l'île de Jekyll. En portant des vêtements chics, une perfusion de  glucose  et une incision de trachéotomie, le patriarche octogénaire Earl King VI dirige son fauteuil roulant électrique dans son bureau où ses fils Tyler et Francis l’attendent. En les ignorant, Earl demande à René Valmont, le résultat du décompte qui se termine quand l'horloge sonne minuit. Chargeant une balle dans un revolver Schofield antique, Valmont rapporte que les offres de Tyler totaliseront 67,8 millions $ tandis que Francis a 67,4 millions $ puisqu'un paiement de 1,800 000 $ n’est pas arrivé avant la date limite de minuit. Quand Earl recommande vivement à ses garçons de "passer à autre chose", Francis s’énerve, prend une gorgée de scotch avant de mettre le pistolet sur sa tête et de apputyer sur la gâchette. Heureusement pour lui, ce jeu inhabituel de la roulette russe a épargné sa vie ... jusqu'à  la prochaine vente.

Au même moment, dans un petit appartement sordide, Tom Keen rencontre Bill McCready. Tom a besoin d'un emploi d'infiltration et il en a besoin maintenant. McCready veut qu’il attende car il a de la classe, de la finesse et des apparences de qualité. Tout le reste est du gaspillage. Néanmoins, Tom insiste. Il peut jouer n’importe quoi, aller n’importe où.

Liz est assise sur son lit, regardant d'un air interrogateur le Fulcrum quand Red frappe à la porte, dégoûté qu'elle n'ait pas encore emménagé dans l'appartement qu'il a acheté pour elle. Bien sûr, il a des nouvelles à partager ; Madeline Pratt a été enlevée et ses ravisseurs, la famille King, réunissent toutes les qualités requises pour la blacklist car ils sont invisibles, puissants et dépravés. Leurs ancêtres remontent au Mayflower et ils ont construit leur fortune sur le dos des indésirables britanniques de générations en génération, une tradition qui se poursuit encore aujourd'hui. Leur capture serait un véritable coup pour le FBI d'autant plus que chaque transaction des King a été méticuleusement enregistrée dans le grand livre de la famille. Leurs ventes ne sont jamais tenues au même endroit deux fois de suite et la liste des invités est en constante évolution. C’est une chance de résoudre 150 années d'enlèvements et de vols. Si le groupe de travail peut trouver les personnes qui ont enlevé Madeline au port de Lisbonne, ils vont trouver la famille King.

Donc assez rapidement, LIz informe le groupe de travail sur la disparition d’un Van Gogh et du vol de  22 livres d'uranium qui, d'après Reddington, seront présentés à la prochaine vente aux enchères des King. Aram obtient rapidement une photographie de Madeline et de ses ravisseurs et les relie à un kidnappeur brésilien, Silvio Haratz. Le D.O. J. a un fichier actif sur Haratz mais il est limité. Cooper appelle alors son copain Tom Connolly qui est actuellement dans la ligne de mire du procureur général et donc « sous surveillance ». Néanmoins, il lui propose un marché, si Cooper avertit son copain,  le PDG d'une entreprise med-tech, qu'il va être inculpé pour fraude par le grand jury, Connolly sortira le fichier Haratz dans l'heure. Dossier en main, Liz appelle Red avec des nouvelles que Haratz est enfermé dans une maison sûre appelée Le Palais. Sachant que le FBI se ferait repérer, Red se précipite vers le Palais avec Dembe, où ils trouvent Haratz ... avec une balle dans la tête. Quelques instants plus tard, ils sont entourés par des hommes armés et Francis King sort de l'ombre avec Madeline Pratt en otage. Red offre de l’argent pour libérer Madeline jusqu'à ce qu'elle soit projetée sur Dembe et révèle son jeu ; Francis en avait après Red depuis le début avec pour plan de le vendre aux enchères.

Tandis que le groupe travaille pour trouver des clients potentiels pour les enchères dans l'espoir de suivre l'emplacement de la vente, Red est emprisonné dans une cellule de verre en polycarbonate où un tailleur silencieux lui fait un smoking sur mesure. Après avoir apporté un garçon de 12 ans dans une caisse pour animaux, Tyler s’arrête devant Red et se réjouit de l’avoir comme lot, lui qui a toujours rejeté ses invitations à participer aux ventes aux enchères de la famille King. Red pose une question : comment les King ont-ils déjoué la tendance au gaspillage de la fortune sur plusieurs générations ? Tyler explique leur secret :
le gagnant prend tout.

Retour au bureau de poste, Aram a localisé un acheteur, le collectionneur d'art Russe, Alexi Koskov,  invité par les King aux enchères de la famille. Koskov veut le Van Gogh depuis qu’il a été volé mais comme il est sur la liste des interdits des vols aériens, il a envoyé son émissaire, Josephine Sullivan, à sa place. Dans l'heure, Liz et Samar interrogent Josephine, qui raconte rapidement tout. Ses instructions sont de se présenter au concierge de l'Harleston  Hôtel, propriété de la famille King puis de demander une chambre avec vue sur le Capitole. Liz persuade Cooper de la laisser aller en infiltration à la place de Josephine. Juste à ce moment-là, Tom appelle Liz pour lui dire qu'il s’en va en mission pendant une longue période. Quand elle mentionne qu’elle est sur le point d'aller en infiltration elle aussi, Tom lui donne une technique si elle se retrouve en terrain glissant, elle doit juste éternuer.

Samar et Ressler surveillent le hall tandis que Liz arrive pour s’enregistrer en tant que Josephine Sullivan et reçoit une carte-clé avec le numéro 1861. Ressler manque l'ascenseur de Liz alors il saute sur l'autre . Pendant ce temps là, le préposé dans l'ascenseur de Liz récupère son téléphone, son sac à main et ses bijoux. Réalisant que l'ascenseur de Liz descend tandis que celui de Ressler monte, Samar se dirige vers les escaliers, ignorant que Liz a atterri dans un garage où un homme l’attend dans une voiture garée à la place 1861. Il lui ordonne de boire un liquide trouble et la voiture démarre. On retrouve Tom dans une chambre minable avec une enveloppe pleine d'argent et une carte d'identité allemande portant sa photo et le nom Christof Mannheim. Après s’être rasée la tête, il se fait faire certains tatouages SS racistes. Pendant ce temps, au manoir des King, Red est rasé pour son apparition à la vente aux enchères lorsque Earl entre dans la salle. Apparemment, Red était dans les environs quand Earl a perdu l'usage de ses jambes. Earl admet que Red l’avait averti mais il avait investi des millions et ne pouvait pas juste partir. Il spécule sur combien d'argent la vente de Red rapportera. Red demande,alors, ce qu’a voulu dire Tyler avec "le gagnant prend tout". Qu'est-ce que cela signifie exactement ? Earl s’en va et part rejoindre sa nouvelle invitée, Liz,  il lui propose de choisir parmi les bijoux de la &amille afin de les porter à la vente aux enchères.

Cette nuit-là, Liz est vêtue d’une robe de soirée très chic quand Earl accueille ses invités.  Pendant les 30 minutes précédant la vente aux enchères, Liz examine le Van Gogh volé et un enfant de 12 ans, Vincent Peretti.Tyler arrive et lui explique que l'enfant est recherché par plusieurs Serbes et Siciliens, depuis que son père a du pouvoir. Curieux, Tyler interroge Liz sur ses études, alors elle éternue, ce qui permet à Red d’intervenir pour l’aider, Liz prétend alors reconnaître Red mais s’éloigne, affirmant qu'il est trop cher pour elle.  C'est alors, qu'une vieille connaissance de Red, le seigneur de la guerre africaine Yaabari, arrive pour inspecter la marchandise. Au même moment, Ressler et Samar interrogent l’homme qui a drogué Liz, au bureau de poste mais il prétend ne rien savoir. Juste à ce moment, Aram apprend que Josephine Sullivan a appelé son avocat alors qu'elle était transférée à la DOC. Ils ne savent pas que la vente aux enchères est en cours et que Liz est candidate pour Red contre Yaabari. Elle enchérit jusqu'à ce que Red comprenne qu’elle a été démasquée, il enchérit, alors,  sur lui-même pour lui faire comprendre qu’elle est en danger. Mais finalement, il est vendu à un Yaabari méchamment ravi pour 18 millions de dollars.

Désespéré, Cooper dit à Ressler et Samar de le laisser seul avec l'homme qui a drogué Liz. Après avoir coupé la caméra de sécurité, il place son arme de poing sur la table et explique qu'il a une tumeur inopérable qui est susceptible de le tuer en quelques semaines. Il  précise ses priorités et puisqu’il n’a littéralement plus rien à perdre, il a besoin de savoir où est Elizabeth Keen. Eh bien, elle est dans le sous-sol de la maison où les objets sont mis aux enchères et où des personnes sont détenues. Après avoir frappé un garde, Liz saisit Vincent, puis se précipite vers la cellule de Red pour tenter de déverrouiller  la serrure. En restant calme, Red dit à Liz de prendre le garçon et de fuir à travers la série de tunnels qui l'ont amené là. Saisissant une arme à feu, Liz et Vincent se cachent dans une alcôve quand Francis apparaît pour déverrouiller la cellule de Red en se réjouissant. Pourquoi le sort de Red réjouit-il Francis ?  Si c’est une question d’héritage et de la fortune de la famille King, Red ne pourrait jamais comprendre. Avant de poursuivre la recherche de Liz, Francis remet la clé de la cellule de Red à Yaabari qui explique qu'il y a une prime de 40 millions sur la tête de Red  et qu’il va la transporter, toute seule, afin de récupérer l'argent.

Comme la vente se termine à minuit, les membres de la famille King se réunissent dans le bureau pour découvrir que Francis a gagné cette nuit. Alors que Vincent quitte le bâtiment, Yaabari est sur le point de tuer Red qui prononce le nom « Lizzy » au moment où un coup de feu se fait entendre. Liz a fait demi-tour pour sauver Red et a tiré une balle dans le dos de Yaabari. Liz et Red partent à la recherche des King. Pendant ce temps, Valmont prépare le révolver et le donne à Tyler puisqu’il a perdu. Tyler est sur le point de tirer quand Red et Liz entrent, l’arme au poing. Red demande à Tyler de poser son revolver. Dégoûté par ce rituel familial bizarre, Red prend le revolver, vise le cœur d'Earl et appuie sur la gâchette, ce qui lui donne un petit rire heureux lorsque la balle frappe sa cible. Qu'elles étaient les chances ? Les sirènes se font entendre à l’extérieur, Red pose alors le révolver et donne quelques conseils sur la vie en prison. Le FBI arrive et récupère le livre des King. Liz rejoint Red dans la voiture. Ce dernier lui dit de ne plus jamais faire ça. Liz pense que cela signifie qu'il désapprouve qu’elle lui ait sauvé la vie. Est-ce parce qu'il ne peut pas être vulnérable, pourquoi il ne peut pas accepter d'aide ? est-ce parce qu'il pense qu'il ne le mérite pas ? Quand quelqu'un fait quelque chose de gentil pour quelqu'un d'autre, "merci" est la réponse appropriée. Red remercie Liz puis il répète qu'elle ne doit plus jamais faire ça.

Plus tard cette nuit-là, Cooper et Reven Wright parlent du succès de l'opération. Wright mentionne qu'elle supervise la construction d'une affaire de fraude contre un PDG med-tech, qui a tout simplement disparu. C’est presque comme s'il avait été averti ... En Allemagne, Tom entre dans le sous-sol d'un restaurant de Dresde et fixe son regard sur le plus grand et le plus dangereux des types. Il le bouscule et renverse une bière sur lui pour commencer un combat. Ils se battent et Tom prend le dessus lorsqu’un homme intervient et demande le nom de son nouvel ami. Tom se présente : Christof Mannheim...

Traduit et adapté du résumé du site officiel par albi2302.


2 years ago

FRANCIS KING : Ah, good evening, father. You’re looking sharp.

Earl King arrives in a wheelchair. He seems sick

EARL KING :Mr. Valmont, the tally.
VALMONT: Moments away. Gentlemen.

Clock ticking.Clock chiming

TYLER KING : What are the standing totals?
VALMONT : Master Tyler King, $67,800,000. All bids paid in full. Master Francis King, $67,400,000 with one account pending for $1.8 million.
FRANCIS : You haven’t won yet.
TYLER KING : I have, and you know it.
VALMONT : The contractual deadline has passed. The last tally stands. Mr. Cardini failed to wire funds for his lot. I’m sorry.
EARL : Well, boys, get on with it.

Francis hold pistol to head, pulls trigger. Gun clicks. It’s Russian roulette!

FRANCIS : Next time.


An apartment

MAJOR : I’m sorry. I’ve got nothing right for you. If something comes in–

TOM : I just need to go back in, okay? I don’t care what it is. I’ll take anything.
MAJOR : You don’t want to do that. Sit down. You got class. You’re the boyfriend. You’re the hip, young executive. That’s where the top dollar is. Anything else, for you, is a sinful waste.
TOM : But I don’t care. I don’t care about top dollar. I just need to go back under. Bud, please.
It’s me. I can play anything.
MAJOR : Don’t tell me that girl got to you. If you need a palate-cleansing so bad, I may have something. How’s your German?


Knock on door. Red enters the room

RED : I hope you’re considering the apartment at the Audrey. You must stop living like this.
LIZ : By all means, come right in. Make yourself at home.
RED : Madeline Pratt has been abducted.
LIZ : What do you care? She almost got us both killed.
RED : Foreplay. My relationship with Madeline is nuanced. Confounding, yet captivating, she’s a singular woman, and the world is far more interesting with her in it. What’s more, her abductors meet every requisite that defines inclusion on the Blacklist. The Kings.
LIZ : The kings? Of what?
RED : Not “king” as in “king and castle.” Earl King and his two sons, Tyler and Francis, descendents of a Senescent Dynasty. Their forefathers built a fortune on the backs of British undesirables, forcing them into decades of indentured servitude– a tradition that has been passed from generation to generation that still continues today.
LIZ : So, what does this have to do with Madeline Pratt?
RED : Madeline has made a number of well-heeled enemies over the years, many of whom would pay a handsome price for her head. If merely saving a woman’s life isn’t enough to warrant the Bureau’s interest, consider what taking down a dynasty like the King family would mean. Every transaction meticulously recorded for posterity in the family ledger. Sometimes, years pass between auctions. They’re never held in the same place twice. The guest lists are constantly changing. This is your chance to solve a century and a half’s worth of abductions and thefts from the Davidoff Morini Stradivarius to the disappearance of Raoul Wallenberg. This phone belonged to a boy in the port of Lisbon, where Madeline was abducted.
LIZ : Pictures of the kidnapping.
RED : Find the jackals who took Madeline and they’ll inevitably lead you to the Kings.


RESSLER : So, we’re going after one blacklister to save another. Tell me how that makes sense.
LIZ : Earl King and his two sons, Tyler and Francis – from available intel, they appear to be an eccentric family of trust-fund billionaires. According to Reddington, they supplement their family fortune with profits from their illegal auctions. Six months ago, 22 pounds of «yellow cake» uranium seized by MI5 disappeared from their evidence vault in Leeds. The painting – stolen from the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam. Reddington claims both these items will fall under the gavel at the Kings’ next auction.

ARAM : I think I might have something. I isolated this image from the pics, ran it against our known-tattoo database, and got a hit. Silvio Haratz, a Brazilian-born kidnapper working the world’s K&R hotspots.
RESSLER :If the auction’s gonna be held on US soil, Haratz is headed here. We’re gonna need local intel.
ARAM : The DOJ has an active file on Haratz, but it’s restricted access. I can’t open it without throwing up red flags in the Attorney General’s office.
COOPER : I may know someone who can help. The rest of you, dig up anything you can on the Kings.


COOPER : What do you have on Haratz?
TOM CONNOLLY: Enough to haul him in, but not enough to make it stick. That’s all I can say. We’re building a case. I have a good friend, CEO of a med-tech company. Got himself mixed up in a fraud scheme. The grand jury convened, and it’s looking like there’s going to be an indictment. They’ll seize his assets. It would be nice if he had a chance to shield a little something in a blind trust for his kids.
COOPER : You want me to tip him off?
CONNOLLY: He’s a good friend, close friend. And I take care of my friends. How’s that clinical trial? The one I got you into? You look well.


Cellphone rings

DEMBE : Agent Keen.
RED : Hello.
LIZ : The suspect’s name is Silvio Haratz. He’s using a safe house called The Palace. We’re on our way.
RED : No. I know The Palace, You people get within a mile of that place, he’ll be made. I’ll handle it.
LIZ : Forget it, Reddington. We’re not on your payroll, and you can’t call us off. We’re on it.


Red and Dembe are going through darkened rooms at hotel, guns drawn. Others, including many with guns, enter. Madeline Pratt and Francis are among them.

RED : How much do you want for her?
FRANCIS : You can have her.

Electricity crackles

MADELINE : Sorry, Dembe.

She tases him

Body thuds

RED : Well-played, Madeline. Payback for my little gambit last year, I presume.
MADELINE : Consider us even.
FRANCIS : Raymond “Red” Reddington. Lot number 11.


FRANCIS : Beautiful.
RED : Careful there, boys. You don’t want to bruise the merchandise.


Door opens .Camera shutter clicks

Red is treated like a merchandise


RESSLER : We intercepted Dembe.
LIZ : He informed us they used Pratt as bait, faked the kidnapping in order to bring Red into the Kings’ custody.
SAMAR : King family auctions are all about providing criminals with items of value. What’s more value than Reddington.

COOPER : Where are we on potential auction locations?
ARAM : The Kings have real-estate holdings all over the world. You’d have to be invited to know where this thing is.
LIZ : Let’s not focus on the Kings. Let’s focus on the Kings’ guests. Try and match the items we know they have for sale with the people who might be interested in buying them.
COOPER : We’ll put together a list. Alert Immigration and the TSA on major points of entry.
Identify and report only. Do not detain.


Red is in a box

A tailor takes his measures

RED : Your insistence on not speaking, sir, is making a tedious exercise ever so much worse.

Tyler arrives with a boy in a cage

TYLER : Over here, gentlemen.

Boy in cage

BOY : Please. Someone help me.
TYLER : Raymond Reddington in the flesh.
RED: You must be Tyler. I hope you’re not as short-sighted as your brother. I could be one of your most valued customers.
TYLER : As I recall, you’re one of the few prospects who rejected an invitation to our auction. Nice try, though.
RED : I haven’t even begun to try. There is one thing about your family that’s always intrigued me. Statistically, 65% of family fortunes are frittered away by the second generation. By the third generation, it’s 90%. How is it that the Kings have successfully defied that trend? You must tell me your secret.
TYLER : Winner takes all.
RED : And the loser?
TYLER : None of your business.

Tyles goes. Red to the tailor wich continues to take his measures

RED : Really, I’m all for being thorough, but at this point, you’re just taking the nickel tour.


Keyboard clacking

ARAM : Alexi Koskov, a Russian oligarch with an extensive collection of stolen masterpieces. The Art Crime Division says he’s been trying to acquire the Van Gogh since it disappeared in 2002.

SAMAR : Koskov’s on the no-fly list. How can he get into the country?
ARAM : He can’t. But his new acquisitions emissary, Josephine Sullivan, flew in from LA this morning. She just checked in to The Vanguard.
COOPER : Bring her in.


FRANCIS : I presume you’ve been downstairs.
TYLER : I have.
FRANCIS : Reddington’s a game changer. You can’t win.
TYLER : I have no intention of quitting now. Even if you win, I only have a 16% chance of losing– one in six.


To Josephine Sullivan

SAMAR : We know you’re working as a representative for Alexi Koskov to authenticate and purchase a stolen painting from an illegal auction. As such, we can charge you as an accessory after the fact, not only for the Van Gogh, but for every crime the King family has committed to acquire the rest of their stock, including kidnapping and false imprisonment.
LIZ : This is the Bureau’s file on you and your boss.

Papers thud

LIZ : Koskov is untouchable. But you’re right here.


SAMAR : Her instructions were to introduce herself to the concierge at The Harleston Read Hotel. LIZ : Owned by the King family trust.Everyone there is on their payroll.
COOPER : That’s it?
LIZ : She’s supposed to ask for a room with a view of the Capitol.
COOPER : Then what?
SAMAR : She’d get a room number. After that, no idea. She’s never attended the auction. Beyond the hotel and the password, we have nothing.
LIZ : That’s not necessarily true. They’re expecting an American named Josephine Sullivan. We can give them that.
COOPER : Undercover? Forget it.

Samar to Liz

SAMAR : I know you want him back, but there has to be another way.
LIZ : If you can think of one, I’m all ears.
COOPER : Okay. We do it. But only as far as the hotel. Go there. Get what you can. I’ll have a tac team standing by to hit the auction as soon as you give us a location.


Cellphone vibrates

LIZ : Keen.
TOM KEEN : It’s me.
LIZ : What the hell are you doing calling me?
TOM : Got a new assignment. I’m going away for a while.
LIZ : What’s her name?
TOM : It’s not like that. It’s not –
LIZ : Me?
TOM : Yeah. I mean, no. I mean, it’s – it’s, uh How you been?
LIZ : What do you think? I’m in a lot of trouble because of you.So, what? That’s it? Berlin is out of commission, and you just get another gig?
TOM : Going away for a long time, and I thought I’d– I don’t know. I just wanted to say–
LIZ : I think the word you’re looking for is goodbye. Look, I got to go. It seems like the only thing we have in common anymore is pretending to be someone else.
TOM : Wait. You’re going undercover? For how long?
LIZ : Just a few hours.
TOM : Just keep your ears open. Try not to talk too much. Somebody asks you something, like some little thing that you don’t know, and you think it’s gonna trip you up, just sneeze.
LIZ : Sneeze?


TOM : Yeah. They’ll say “Gesundheit” or “God bless you” or whatever, and 10 out of 10 times, they’ll forget what they asked you.
LIZ : I always thought you just had allergies.
TOM : Goodbye, Liz.


RECEPTIONIST : You’ll need this for the elevator. Enjoy your stay.
RESSLER : Thank you.

To Samar in the earphone

RESSLER : She should have a tracker, coms at least. She’s going in blind.
SAMAR : She can handle it.
RESSLER : She’s in.

Liz enters the hotel

LIZ : I have a reservation. Sullivan. Josephine Sullivan.
RECEPTIONIST : Of course, Ms. Sullivan.

Keyboard clacking

RECEPTIONIST : We have you in a one-bedroom suite.
LIZ : With a view.
LIZ : I requested a view of the Capitol.
RECEPTIONIST : That can be arranged.

Keyboard clacking

RECEPTIONIST : 1861. Last elevator on the left.

To Ressler in the earphone

LIZ : 1861

Elevator bell dings

Ressler to Samar

RESSLER : She’s in elevator one.

Elevator bell dings

RESSLER : I repeat – elevator one.

In the elevator, a hotel employee to Liz

HOTEL EMPLOYEE : Phone, purse, jewelry.

Liz puts everything in a bag

Samar sees that Liz is going down with the elevator

SAMAR : She’s going down. I repeat – she’s going down.

Ressler who is in another elevator

RESSLER : Get a visual!


Liz sees a parking space number 1861

A man is waiting for her in a car

MAN : Welcome, Ms. Sullivan.

LIZ : Thank you.

He opens car door for her

Samar and Ressler arrive in the parking, too late

RESSLER : It wasn’t a hotel room. It was a parking space.


MAN : Drink.
LIZ : What is it?
MAN : Drink

Liz takes a sip and passes out


Toms looks at his new passport, his target and has a lot of european money

Tom is in a bathroom, cutting his hair skinhead-short.

Transition to: Tom getting tattoos: SS insignia on both sides of his neck. Across his back, arched in old style German lettering: “Deutschland für die Deutschen” or “Germany for the Germans.”

Tom is cutting hair very close

Clippers clatter


Red is being given a shave. Wheelchair motor whirring

RED : Good heavens, Earl. You’ve never had any feeling in your heart, but now it looks like there isn’t much going on below the waist.
EARL : I do all right. The wheelchair is just a little memento of our time together in Bolivia.
RED : No hard feelings, I trust.
EARL : Just a few. But this is only business, Red. Besides, you warned me. ‘Pigs eat – ‘
RED : ‘Hogs get slaughtered.’

Earl laughs

RED : All you had to do was listen. But that’s always been your problem – all that money clogging your ears. I told you to come with me that night out on the Altiplano.
EARL : I had millions invested. I couldn’t just walk away like you.
RED: Poor choice of words given what those soldiers did to you. I’d hate to see you play the hog yet again, Earl.
EARL : No, no, Red. You taught me an invaluable lesson. Dispassion is the businessman’s best friend. One mustn’t get emotionally involved in business. You have to listen to the market. You hear that? That’s the market telling me you are in demand. What kind of a commodity are you? A wealth of secrets and information? Or are you an impulse purchase for a buyer to settle a score? You scare people, Red. How much would you pay to be rid of your deepest fear?
RED : I’ve always found fear to be my most valuable sense. But then again, you Kings demonstrate a propensity for having more dollars than sense. Your son Tyler was telling me– “Winner takes all,” I believe he said. I’m curious strictly from an estate-planning perspective. What exactly does that mean?

Earl turns his wheelchair around and quickly leaves


Liz wakes up in bed in a strange room, wearing only her slip
Lock disengages

WOMAN : Good evening, Ms. Sullivan.

Door closes

Speaking of jewelry

EARL : Take what you want from the family collection – anything you need. We want you to feel beautiful.
LIZ : How thoughtful.


Classical music plays. Indistinct conversations

MAN : Ladies and gentlemen.

Music stops

EARL : Welcome to The Vicarage. I would like to thank you for traveling many a weary mile to join us on this very special evening. As is customary, you will have 30 minutes to spend among the lots– a taste to whet your appetite and loosen your purse strings.

Light laughter

EARL : It begins.

Music resumes. Indistinct conversations

Liz to boy 10-13 : she reads his name

LIZ :Hello ... Vincent.
TYLER : See something you like? Little Vincent Peretti, Ms. Sullivan, of the Peretti family. Big Vince has turned state’s evidence. There are half a dozen Serbians and Sicilians willing to pay dearly for the leverage to insure his silence. So, I understand you’re here on behalf of Mr Koskov.
LIZ : Yes, I am. It’s rumored Van Gogh actually painted it at the beach, and up close, you can see the grains of sand bonded to the canvas. Remarkable.
TYLER : So, which Ivy League did you attend? It’s no secret Alexi fancies a certain breed.
LIZ : Columbia, then Princeton.

Tyler chuckles

TYLER : Really? I’m a Princeton man. Mm! The Dinky was such fun, wasn’t it?

Liz: Sneezes

TYLER : Bless you.

Liz: Sniffles. Not far from here, Red

RED : Oh, the Dinky. No matter the time of day, that damn train is always full of hungover frat boys and co-eds in the throes of morning-after regret.
LIZ : Is that who I think it is?
FRANCIS : Well, I can see that you are a woman of good taste. Tyler, I believe the Sheikh has questions about your guidance chips.
LIZ : The Raymond Reddington. Impossible.
RED : You’ve changed your hair.
TYLER : You know each other.
LIZ : Unfortunately.
FRANCIS : Perhaps you’d like to make a bid.
LIZ : I’ve heard he’s far more trouble than he’s worth. It’s probably easier to let someone else buy him. Let him be their problem. I’m here for the Van Gogh. He’s probably out of my price range, anyway.
YAABARI : Not mine.
RED : Yaabari. How are the boys?
YAABARI : They still tell tales of the man in the hat who burned down our compound.
RED : I must say, you’ve come up in the world, depending on how you look at it. How did you manage to wrangle an invitation? Who’s backing you?
YAABARI : I’ll see you after the auction.


To the man who drugged Liz in the car

SAMAR: Just give us the location.
MAN : I don’t know anything. I’m a hotel employee. I arrange transportation. I was doing my job.
RESSLER : Your job is to shuttle people back and forth to the King family auction. That woman you sent off in the limo? She’s a federal agent who was investigating a crime to which you are now as an accessory.

SAMAR : If anything happens to her, you’ll be facing felony charges.
MAN : I told you. I don’t know anything.


On phone

COOPER : The indictment – it’s coming down tonight. You and I never had this conversation.

Receiver clicks

Aram opens the door

ARAM : Sir, uh, we may have a problem. I was checking with DOC on Josephine’s transfer to Hazelton.They allowed her to make a call to her lawyer.
COOPER : I gave an order. If she gets word to her people, Keen’s cover is blown. Get DOC on the line now!


AUCTIONEER : Anybody to bid? Now three. Who’ll give me three? I’ve got three here. Who will give me four? Give me four? I got four here. For the bid now 4. $4 million going once, going twice. Sold for $4 million to the gentleman from Maldives.


AUCTIONEER : And now, ladies and gentlemen, one of the most exciting items of the night, a mainstay on the FBI’s most wanted list, this gentleman has been on the list longer than any other criminal! A former naval intelligence officer, he possesses a wealth of classified information and presides over one of the world’s most prosperous extralegal empires. You may know him as the concierge of crime. I present Raymond Reddington.

Crowd murmuring

AUCTIONEER : I will commence the bidding at $2 million. Able to bid now two. Who will give me two? I’ve got two right here. Who will give me 2.5? Able to bid now 2.5.

Liz joins in bidding

AUCTIONEER : Thank you, ma’am. Able to bid now three.
FRANCIS : Well, that’s unexpected, but welcome.
TYLER : What is she doing? She’s supposed to be here for my Van Gogh.
AUCTIONEER : Thank you, sir. Give me five. Able to bid now five. Thank you in the back. I got five. Give me six. Able to bid now six. Thank you, sir. Able to bid now seven? Able to bid now seven It’s only money, folks. Able to bid now seven. I’ll take it, ma’am. Thank you. Able to bid now eight.

A man to Earl

MAN : Sir, Mr. Koskov called. The woman who says she’s his emissary – Mr. Koskov said she’s an impostor.
TYLER : I knew it.
AUCTIONEER : Able to bid now nine.
EARL : ‘Bring her to me.

MAN : Yes, sir.
AUCTIONEER : It’s only money, folks.

Red suspects Liz’s cover has been blown.

AUCTIONEER : Who will give me nine?
RED : Nine.

Looking at Liz with insistance

Spectators murmur

AUCTIONEER : I beg your pardon?
RED : $9 million. I assume my money’s good here.
RED : Certainly as good as his.15.

Liz leaves the room, discreetly


RED :Come on. I got to be worth as much as that fake Xuande Ming vessel was. 17.
RED : Sorry, Santos, but those cat’s eye Chrysoberyls are brown, not green. An expensive forgery, but a forgery nonetheless. 20!
TYLER : Ignore that bid!
RED : That hardly seems fair.
TYLER : Get him off the stage now!
AUCTIONEER : Does the gentlemen maintain his previous bid of $18 million?


RED : You’re leaving money on the table. What kind of business are you running here, Earl?
AUCTIONEER : $18 million going once, going twice, sold for $18 million to the gentleman from Cameroon!

Applause. Laughs


COOPER : Give us the room.
COOPER : Now, Agent Ressler.

Door slams

To parking man

COOPER : I don’t think you quite understand the situation. You’re assuming that you’re a material witness in federal custody and are entitled to certain rights. And while these things are true, what you don’t know is you don’t know me. My doctors recently detected a mass within the left hemisphere of my brain – an inoperable tumor. Within a matter of weeks, it will kill me. And this has clarified a number of priorities for me. Among those priorities, nothing is more important to me than the safety of my colleagues. I’m committed that no one under my command dies during the remainder of my watch. And I will do anything within my power to honor that commitment. And since I quite literally have nothing to lose. I suggest you think long and hard before answering my question: Where is Elizabeth Keen?


To young Vincent

MAN : Come on. Let’s go.

Keypad beeping .Man enters in Vincent's box

LIZ : Excuse me. I’m looking for the Van Gogh. I paid a fortune for it.
MAN : All items are held till the end of the auction. You need to...

Liz lands a punch

MAN : Aah!

Liz to boy

LIZ : Come on. I’m getting you out of here. Come on. Stay with me. Okay. Stay right here, okay?
MAN IN ANOTHER BOX : Take me with you. Please!

Liz finds Red in box

LIZ : We have to get these people out of here.

Liz tries to open Red's box

LIZ : How do you open this thing?


RED : Lizzy, you need to go.
LIZ : . Damn it! What’s the code?
RED : Listen to me. I was brought in through a series of tunnels that way. If you hurry, you’ll be miles away before they ever realize you’re gone. Take the boy and go.
LIZ : You could be killed.

On the radio

«She’s off the main floor. Split up. Check every room.»

RED : Lizzy, you did everything you could. It’s time to go. Go!

Liz leaves with young Vincent. Door opens

MAN : Spread out! We need to find that girl immediately. Okay, get in here. Get in here.

FRANCIS : Where the hell’s the Peretti boy?
RED : I’m sure your friend with the glass jaw will enlighten you when he comes to. What’s in this for you?
FRANCIS : You wouldn’t understand. You’re not a King.

Red laughs

RED :Funny. Your father used to say that exact phrase as if it somehow excused him from the use of logic.
FRANCIS : What’s in it for me? Hmm. Legacy and the King family fortune.
RED : If this is just about the money, that would be so banal. I bet your father would trade it all for one more walk in the park with a good friend.

Keypad beeps : Francis opens Red's box

FRANCIS : Tell me Where are all your good friends now, huh? If you think there’s a soul in this world loyal to anything but your pocketbook, then you’re the one who’s excused himself from the use of logic.

To Yaabari who is here

FRANCIS : Your prize. Let’s find that kid!


Breathing heavily

LIZ : Vincent, I need you to run through that door. See it? Go as far as you can, okay?
VINCENT : You’re not coming with me? You can’t go back!
LIZ : Run. Go! Go!


RED : Yaabari, before you exact your vengeance, consider this – I could easily provide you with enough influence and firepower to crown yourself king. Isn’t it time you stopped running through the forest playing army with a bunch of kids?
YAABARI : A generous offer, but I’m here for more than just my vengeance.
RED : I knew it. Who’s backing you?
YAABARI : A man in Johannesburg has put a $40 million bounty on your head. I plan to collect it.
RED : Good luck. A lot can happen between here and Johannesburg.
Yaabari: You will not be traveling to Johannesburg. You are not listening. I said the bounty is on your head.

He holds up small travel case. Red is visibly shaken


TYLER : We shouldn’t be doing this with that FBI agent loose on the property. She is clearly working with Reddington. Why else would she bid so high?
FRANCIS : To apprehend him. Who wants Reddington more than the FBI? Either way, she’ll be found, so stop making excuses. You know I’ve got you beaten.

TYLER : You’re getting too emotionally invested. You realize who you sound like.

FRANCIS : Do you remember the first time I beat you at tennis?

TYLER : That was a long time ago.
FRANCIS : I had you at match point three times, and all three times, I lost in an unforced error. Then you opened your mouth about how father would never entrust the estate to a loser. I aced you on the next serve.


Sirens wailing. Vincent runs to the FBI's car


YAABARI : Right here.

Forces Red to his knees
Grunts. Gun cocks

YAABARI : Try not to take it personally. Business is business. In fact, Raymond, I’ve always been quite fond of you.
RED : Can’t tell you what a comfort that is to me.

Yaabari holds gun to back Red’s head. Red closes his eye and says one word:

RED : Lizzy.

Gunshot .Yaabari’s gun clatters; Yaabari collapses. Red looks back, astonished

RED : Lizzy! The handcuff key’s in his back pocket.
LIZ : Okay. Someone’s gonna come back. We got to get out of here.

Handcuffs clatter


Clock chiming

TYLER : This is a fiasco. That impostor took the place of my invited guest, she ignored the Van Gogh, drove up the price for Reddington, and stole the Peretti boy.
FRANCIS : How is this any different from Dubai – that smuggler from the Orient who had to be ejected? Cost me $3 million at the deadline, and I still beat you.
VALMONT : The contractual deadline has passed.

Chiming stops

VALMONT : The last tally stands. Master Francis is the winner.
TYLER : Father, this is ridiculous. You must call this off.
FRANCIS : You know as well as I do. There is no calling it off.
EARL : Get on with it.

Tyler holds gun to his head. Gun cocks. Red looks over, sees Red, aiming at him

RED : If that hammer falls on an empty chamber, you’ll be dead before you hit the ground. Put it down.

Gun thuds

RED : Earl.

Picks up Tyler’s gun

RED : Someone should have put you out of your misery generations ago.

Pulls trigger. Gun goes off, killing Earl


RED: Oh, my God.What are the odds?

Red laughs. Gun clatters

RED : I’ll leave the three of you to your own misery


RED : Avoid the yard, be nice to your cell mate, and whatever you do, don’t eat the franks and beans.

Outside, sirens wailing

RED : Oh, and I don’t need your lousy tux. I want my clothes back.

FBI arrests the King, releases the hostages, gets back the merchandises

Liz is looking for Red


COOPER : Agent Keen says we recovered a ledger full of names and dates from the King family estate – bills of sale are being traced back 200 years.
WRIGHT : I’m glad something went well today.
COOPER : What do you mean?
WRIGHT : I’d been overseeing a fraud case built against a med-tech CEO. I got word this morning he fled. It’s like he knew the indictment was coming. Nothing that should rain on your parade.

Glass thuds

WRIGHT : Congratulate your team for me.


Police radio chatter. Liz enters car. Red is already in passenger seat

RED : You can never do that again.
LIZ : You’re welcome.
RED : I’m serious. You can never do that again. Promise me.
LIZ : We took down dozens of wanted criminals, recovered millions of dollars in stolen property, and saved innocent lives.
RED : I’m not talking about that.
LIZ : You. You’re talking about you. Wow. You are so damaged. You can’t accept help from anyone. Has anyone ever helped you? Is that why you are the way you are? Because you don’t feel deserving of it? Is that why you can’t be vulnerable for a second? I risked my life for you because I care about you...Deal with that...And when someone does something nice, you’re supposed to say, “Thank you.”
RED : Thank you.
LIZ : You’re welcome.
RED : But never do it again.


Bell tolling.Heavy-metal music plays. Indistinct talking. Glass thuds.

Tom shows up at a tough bar in Dresden, Germany. He orders a beer and bumps into a tough-looking guy. Tom insults him.

In German. Subtitles

MAN : What the hell is that?

TOM : Can't help if you are a clumsy pig.

They get into a fist fight. The other guy is bigger, but Tom is viscious. Others try to pull him off.

OLDER MAN : Relax, brother. I don't want to fight you. Just want to buy you a beer.

Tom only calms down when an small. older-looking guy with white hair offers to buy him a beer, which he does.

OLDER MAN : What's your name?

TOM : Christof Mannheim.


Adapté du site «The Blacklist Classified», mise en page par mnoandco


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Chouette bannière pretty, bravo !

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