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#215 : Le Commandant

Reddington  a pris au piège le Commandant

Ecrit par: Jon Bokenkamp, John Eisendrath & Lukas Reiter
Réalisé par: Michael Watkins

Lorsque l'agent Keen passe au tribunal en tant que suspect dans l'assassinat du gardien du port, sa relation avec Red et le groupe de travail est surveillée. Pendant ce temps, Red enrôle Cooper et Ressler pour localiser "The Major", un ancien associé dangereux qui est la clé pour faire sortir Liz de prison.


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The Major

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Le Commandant

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Raymond Reddington (James Spader) menace

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) menace

Dembe (Hisham Tawfiq) surveille le Commandant (Lance Henriksen) et  Mamat Krishnan(Raul Aranas ), sous-ministre de la Malaisie à l'ONU

Dembe (Hisham Tawfiq) surveille le Commandant (Lance Henriksen) et Mamat Krishnan(Raul Aranas ), sous-ministre de la Malaisie à l'ONU

Tom (Ryan Eggold)

Tom (Ryan Eggold)

Harold Cooper (Harry Lennix) à son bureau

Harold Cooper (Harry Lennix) à son bureau

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) met les choses au point

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) met les choses au point

Le juge Denner (John Finn)

Le juge Denner (John Finn)

 Mamat Krishnan(Raul Aranas ), sous-ministre de la Malaisie à l'ONU a été enlevé

Mamat Krishnan(Raul Aranas ), sous-ministre de la Malaisie à l'ONU a été enlevé

Baz (Bazzel Baz)

Baz (Bazzel Baz)

Dembe (Hishm Tawfiq) écoute son patron

Dembe (Hishm Tawfiq) écoute son patron

Donald Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) aide à kidnapper un homme

Donald Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) aide à kidnapper un homme

Tom Keen ( Ryan Eggold) sous couverture prend contact avec sa cible

Tom Keen ( Ryan Eggold) sous couverture prend contact avec sa cible

Raymond Reddington (James Spader)

Raymond Reddington (James Spader)

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) prête serment

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) prête serment

Tom (Ryan Eggold) sous couverture pour le Commandant

Tom (Ryan Eggold) sous couverture pour le Commandant

Raymond Redddington (James Spader) a enfin réussi à contacter le Commandant

Raymond Redddington (James Spader) a enfin réussi à contacter le Commandant

Le juge Denner (John Finn) explique à Elisabeth comment les choses vont se passer

Le juge Denner (John Finn) explique à Elisabeth comment les choses vont se passer

Baz (Bazzel Baz) sécurise l'endroit pour son patron

Baz (Bazzel Baz) sécurise l'endroit pour son patron

 Heinrich Gerst  (  David Patrick Kelly )

Heinrich Gerst ( David Patrick Kelly )

Reven Wright ( Adriane Lenox ) et Harold Cooper (Harry Lennix) parlent à l'agent Keen (Megan Boone)

Reven Wright ( Adriane Lenox ) et Harold Cooper (Harry Lennix) parlent à l'agent Keen (Megan Boone)

Dembe Zuma (Hisham Tawfiq)

Dembe Zuma (Hisham Tawfiq)

Trafic d'armes en Allemagne

Trafic d'armes en Allemagne


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France (inédit)
Mercredi 07.10.2015 à 21:00
3.71m / 15.1% (Part)

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Etats-Unis (inédit)
Jeudi 12.03.2015 à 21:00
7.49m / 1.7% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Personnage Blaklisté: N°75: The Major


Lance Henriksen ... Bill McCready (The Major)

John Finn ... Juge Denner

Michael Kostroff ... Martin Wilcox
Christopher Dylan White ... Jacob
Dante Nero ... Samuel Aleko
Ari Tomais ... Kohl

New York, 1994 : un garçon de 14 ans sort en courant d’un restaurant haut de gamme avec un sac à main qui n'est clairement pas le sien, poursuivi par un serveur. La porte d'une berline Cadillac noire s’ouvre juste au bon moment et l’enfant monte. Il raconte une histoire boiteuse comme quoi le sac appartient à sa sœur mais l’homme (que nous avons rencontré dans le dernier épisode c'est Bud McCready, le tuteur de Tom) a déjà le dossier de Jacob sur les genoux. Il semble que les tendances délinquantes de Jacob soient spéciales et précieuses et l’homme lui offre la possibilité de quitter sa mauvaise vie  pour devenir ...  quelqu'un.

Cooper appelle Liz dans son bureau pour rencontrer Reven Wright. Un grand jury de Washington a été composé pour enquêter sur la mort d’ Eugene Ames et Cooper a été assigné pour rapporter l'histoire de la rencontre entre Liz et la victime sur le Phoenix. Cooper sait très bien que Liz n’était pas à la Marina pour des affaires officielles. Liz refuse de s’expliquer et insiste sur sa vérité :  elle n’a tué personne et elle a fait ce qu’elle pensait nécessaire pour arrêter Berlin. Wright a déposé une requête en annulation de l'assignation, qui est une bonne chose. Cooper est très en colère, il est clair qu'il ne va pas commettre un parjure pour protéger Liz. Les choses ne commencent pas bien ;  la salle d’audience du Juge Denner a été changée pour une salle privée. L’adjoint du procureur, Brad Marquage et le détective Wilcox sont forcés d’abandonner tous leurs appareils y compris les stylos. Wright explique que même si le juge voit cette procédure comme de la routine, elle constitue une menace pour la sécurité nationale. Mais Denner assure que c’est son travail en tant que juge de déterminer ce qui va arriver ensuite. Ainsi, Liz va témoigner  dans le bureau du juge Denner au ministère de la Justice. Wright peut se conformer à sa décision dès maintenant ou être placée en détention.  «Vous avez fait une erreur, Richard,"  dit Wright.  Tout ceci conduit Red à se précipiter au bureau de poste pour présenter le prochain Blacklisté : Le Major qui dirige une sorte d’école transformant de jeunes orphelins sociopathes en adultes attrayants et hautement dangereux. Pour trouver le Major, Red veut que le FBI enlève le sous-ministre de la Malaisie à l'ONU. Oui, c’est un crime mais c’est la seule façon de protéger Liz de la prison. 

Seule avec une sténographe et Denner, Liz commence son histoire au début avec sa mission au bureau de poste et le début de sa relation avec Red. Stupéfait et incrédule, Denner veut plus de détails sur Red alors Liz lui demande : "qu'est-ce que tout cela a à voir avec l'affaire ?" Liz explique que Red l’a choisie comme source principale pour exploiter la blacklist. Red savait des choses sur elle et son mari Tom et elle avait besoin de savoir pourquoi il l'a choisie. Pendant ce temps, près de la mer à Dresde, Tom est dans un bar de Hammerschlagen et écoute Gerst discuter d'un contrat d'armement imminent avec ses hommes. Même si le vendeur d’armes, Khol, n’est pas fiable, Gerst a besoin d’armes. Tom offre un contact à Salzbourg mais Gerst lui dit de se mêler de ses affaires. Plus tard, Tom suit Gerst et regarde la commande et notant la plaque d'immatriculation de Khol puis Tom saute sur sa moto et suit Kohl jusqu’à un feu rouge où il frappe à la fenêtre et lui tire dans la tête avant de partir.

Disant à Ressler d’aller faire un tour, Red interroge le diplomate malaisien de l’ONU qui a été enlevé. Il sait que l’homme est l'un des actifs principaux, travaillant pour le cartel de Sinaloa. Maintenant il est temps pour lui de révéler l'emplacement du Major ou de faire face à un arrachage de langue aux mains des Sinaloans. Red se fera un plaisir de prendre l'argent du gars pour offrir ce choix.

Liz continue son témoignage au sujet de Tom, qu’elle prétend mort depuis quatre mois avant qu’Ames ne soit tué ; oui, elle a tiré sur Tom en légitime défense. Liz avoue que son amour était aveugle et que Tom était un espion présent dans sa vie seulement à cause de son lien avec Reddington. Une fois qu’elle a découvert la vérité sur son mari, elle l’a espionné, essayant de découvrir pour qui il travaillait. Elle a assassiné Tom parce qu'il l'a enlevée et qu'il a mis un pistolet sur sa tête au nom de son patron, Berlin. Denner trouve ces explications trop commodes ce qui exaspère Liz. Elle sait que Denner la considère comme une meurtrière et il qualifie ses mensonges comme une allégeance à Reddington.  Red est simplement un informateur et si Denner veut raconter ça en audience publique, pourquoi pas. Mais il vaut mieux ne pas remettre en question sa loyauté. Pendant ce temps, Wilcox a utilisé son temps libre pour aller voir Aleko en prison, dans l'espoir de le faire revenir sur sa rétractation. Lorsque Aleko raconte qu'il a déjà pris une balle pour ses ennuis, Wilcox fait une pause et envoie un de ses hommes chercher une balle provenant de l'arme de Liz sur le Phoenix.

Retour dans le bureau de Denner qui veut savoir pourquoi Liz pense que Red et le groupe de travail doivent être protégés. Liz admet que Red a sauvé de nombreuses vies et il semble indiquer qu'il y a une conspiration en jeu dans les plus hauts niveaux du gouvernement américain. Denner passe aux questions plus personnelles. Alors que Liz avoue qu'elle pensait que Reddington pouvait être son père et que son père adoptif Sam Milhoan était en relation avec lui, elle omet de mentionner que Red a tué Sam. Liz pense que la plupart des blacklistés  sont connectés. Elle pense que Red cherche le Fulcrum qui est un fichier de chantage  prouvant l'existence d'une organisation clandestine et il espère le trouver grâce à elle. Liz pense que c’est la vraie raison pour laquelle Red s'est rendu au début. Lorsque le juge exprime son scepticisme, Liz devient sarcastique énumérant les raisons pour lesquelles elle s'use à son travail, en tant que femme et en tant qu'être humain. Denner dirige enfin ses questions sur  la mort d’Ames. Liz  affirme qu'elle n’était qu’à la recherche d’Aleko, qu'elle espérait employer. Mais Denner a examiné le témoignage rétracté d’Aleko, affirmant que Liz conspiré avec Tom pour tuer Ames. Liz insiste, Tom est mort et la seule preuve contre elle est circonstancielle. C’est alors que Denner appelle Cooper pour témoigner, posant une seule question ; peut-il confirmer que Liz était sur le Phoenix  seulement pour des  affaires officielles ? Cooper espère que Liz a déjà abordé la question, éliminant la nécessité pour lui de témoigner mais quand Denner explique que Liz l'a mis sur la sellette,  Cooper commet un parjure et confirme son histoire. Le prochain homme à voir le juge, est le détective Wilcox,  qui est heureux de présenter un nouvel élément de preuve, une balle trouvée dans la coque du Phénix, correspondant à l'arme de service de Liz et de l'ADN contenant du sang d’Aleko.

Le Major n’est pas content d'être convoqué à une réunion par le diplomate malaisien et encore plus mécontent quand Red et Dembe arrivent. Red a engagé Tom en passant par le Major et la marchandise était défectueuse, Tom s'est impliqué émotionnellement. Le Major affirme ne pas avoir été en contact Tom mais Red sait que c’est un mensonge. Et puisque le Major a permis à Tom de se retourner vers Berlin quand il a doublé le paiement de Red. Le Major est maintenant redevable envers Red. Une fois que leur accord est conclu, Dembe dit que Red aurait dû dire la vérité sur Tom à Liz, il y a longtemps. Lorsque Red admet qu’il ne sait pas comment faire cela, Dembe lui répond : « Dis tout à Liz ». Red ne pense pas qu'il puisse ...

Traduit et adapté du résumé du site officiel par albi2302.

NEW-YORK, 1994


A man runs after a kid

 MAN : Hey! Stop! Somebody stop that kid! Hey, get back here!

Tires screech


THE MAJOR : Get in.

MAN : Get back!
JAKE /TOM : Guy’s nuts. Tried to steal my sister’s purse.


MAJOR : You stole the purse, Jacob. Like the credit cards and the Pontiac.
JAKE /TOM : How do you know my name?
MAJOR : I’m surprised you haven’t stolen more, considering the situation with your foster home. You know, we’ve been watching you, Jacob. We may have an opportunity for you.
JAKE /TOM :Who are you? W- what is this?

The Major has a file on him

MAJOR : According to our research, you have some remarkable talents.
JAKE /TOM : You want the purse? Take the purse.
MAJOR : You ever stop to think that the reason you have trouble relating to other people is because you’re special? That it’s not you, it’s everyone else that’s the problem?
JAKE /TOM : That’s not what social services says.
MAJOR : Good old social services. Bureaucrats trained in missing the point. We believe that your delinquent inclinations are exactly what makes you invaluable. It takes a certain kind of courage –
JAKE /TOM : What are you talking about – A job, a school? What is all this stuff?
MAJOR : I told you, we have an opportunity, if you’re willing to take it. If you’re smart enough to take it. It’s your choice, Jacob. You can get out and go back to the life you’ve always known, or you can take a ride with me, and I can tell you how to leave this life behind. I can help you become anything.


LIZ : Hey. Aram said you were looking for me.
COOPER : Come in. Close the door.
LIZ : What’s going on?
WRIGHT : An assistant U.S. attorney here in D.C. has impaneled a grand jury. He’s looking into the death of lieutenant Eugene Ames. A former harbormaster.
COOPER : I just got off the phone with Detective Wilcox. We discussed the target of his investigation.


COOPER : Apparently, you encountered the victim the day he disappeared Drew down on the man, fed him some story about searching for fugitives out of Cumberland Prison.
WRIGHT : There were no fugitives.

LIZ : No.

WRIGHT : When Wilcox confronted you, you changed your story. Said you were there on official business. They even had a witness, but the guy recanted. Now Agent Cooper’s been subpoenaed to corroborate your story. They want to ask him under oath if you’re lying.
COOPER : We all know that you weren’t at that marina in your official capacity as a member of this task force. So, you want to tell me why the hell you were there?
LIZ : I can’t.
COOPER : You’re the target of a federal murder investigation. You really think the best choice at this point is to shut me out?
LIZ : You’re right. I didn’t tell Wilcox the truth. But I am telling you the truth when I say I didn’t kill anyone. Look, Meera was dead. You were in the hospital. I did what I thought was necessary to stop Berlin. That’s all I’m willing to say.
WRIGHT : You’ll say far less than that, Agent Keen. I’ve filed a motion to quash the subpoena. Only 41 people know this task force exists. I will not risk further exposure, not by this.
COOPER: You’d better hope this motion works, Agent Keen, ’cause I’m telling you now, if they put me under oath, I will not commit perjury to protect you.



Elevator bell dings

WILCOX : Oh, sorry, man.
MARKIN : Martin! Martin. Come on. I told you Denner sits at 9:00.
WILCOX : I know. I know. I got everything.
MARKIN : Okay, look. I don’t know what we’re walking into here. It’s no small thing to indict an active federal agent.
WILCOX : I’m on to something. She’s guilty.
MARKIN : Denner is the perfect guy to hear this, okay? He’s former criminal defense attorney, former Berkeley law professor.
MARKIN : And he’s a staunch proponent of government transparency.
WILCOX : Well, that’s promising. We’re going to five?
MARKIN :Yeah. They switched the courtroom.

Elevator bell dings

SECURITY : Mr. Markin, Detective. Step over to the checkpoint, please.
WILCOX : Where the hell is everybody? What– What is this?
SECURITY : I’ll need you to surrender your mobile devices, anything that you have that can be used to record today’s proceedings. Laptops, pens, tablets.
WILCOX : You– You want my pens? This is crazy.
SECURITY : This will only take a moment.


JUDGE DENNER: I’m afraid I’ve been doing this for a while, but this is certainly a first. Not only did you switch my courtroom, you closed it. And then you closed the entire floor.
WRIGHT ; My apologies, Your Honor, but I trust the measures we’ve taken will indicate how seriously we take this proceeding and the threat it poses to our national security.
DENNER : So indicated. That said, I fail to understand how a routine grand jury investigation into a local homicide justifies a dog-and-pony show of such dramatic proportions.
WRIGHT : There’s nothing routine about this matter, Your Honor. On behalf of the Justice Department, I’m here to ask the court to quash the subpoena issued to Assistant Director Cooper without delay.
DENNER : For national security reasons, yes. Such as? Oh, come on, Ms. Wright. Don’t I even get a ballpark? “To insulate covert intelligence capacities”? “To protect an informant in an active operational zone”?
WRIGHT : With respect, I don’t appreciate your sarcasm, Your Honor.
DENNER : Really? Well, here’s what I don’t appreciate, counsel. I don’t appreciate being instructed as to what will or will not happen in my courtroom.
MARKIN : Your Honor, if I may– A citizen of this district has been brutally murdered Not just a citizen, but a public servant, a lieutenant for the Metro P.D. And the people have a right to access and evaluate all evidence–
WRIGHT : No, they don’t.
MARKIN : We have a fundamental right to seek justice...

WRIGHT : Look, we are here as a courtesy.

MARKIN :...and we shouldn’t have to take the government’s word for the fact that national security might be involved.

WRIGHT:It’s our call to make. We’re not asking for a second opinion.

WILCOX : You’re protecting a federal agent.
DENNER : Mr. Markin, control your witness.
WILCOX : I have a good-faith basis to believe that Agent Keen is involved –
MARKIN : Marty.

Gavel bangs

WILCOX : It’s a cover-up.
DENNER : Enough. Okay, Ms. Wright. I take your point. Somebody has to make the call as to what does or does not rise to the level of a national security concern. And we agree. That call should not be made by the people or Detective Wilcox or even a grand jury.
WRIGHT : Thank you, Your Honor.
DENNER : It’s my job. I will hear the Justice Department’s argument – in chambers.
WRIGHT : Objection!
DENNER : And if I agree that national security is endangered, I will quash the subpoena, and the investigation along with it.

WRIGHT : You have no authority.

DENNER : Haven’t we had enough government suppression, counsel? Haven’t we seen what happens when government’s actions go unchecked? Now, you decide. I can hold you and your agents in contempt and have my officers take you into custody, or you can comply with my ruling. Choose. Right now.

WRIGHT : You’ve made a mistake, Richard.
DENNER : I agree, Reven. I should’ve been a dermatologist. I will see Agent Keen in chambers in five minutes. We’re adjourned.

Gavel bangs


The court recorder gives Liz a bottle of water

LIZ: Thank you.

Door opens

JUDGE DENNER : Agent Keen, you have the right to an attorney, but if you do request counsel or refuse to answer my questions, this hearing is over, and I will determine if your case should proceed in open court based on the facts already in evidence. Are we clear to proceed?
LIZ : Yes, Your Honor.
DENNER : Raise your right hand and repeat after me. I, Elizabeth Keen –



RED : I understand we have a problem.
RESSLER : Agent Keen’s testifying in camera about the investigation as we speak. Judge’s chambers.

RED : Eugene Ames was a cop. The judge will want his murder avenged.

RESSLER : Best case, she’ll be charged as an accessory.

COOPER : And this task force will be shut down.
RED : The Major.
RESSLER : Major? What major?
RED : Not a what, Donald, a who – the next name on the Blacklist.
COOPER : Have you not been paying attention to a word we’ve been saying? Agent Keen will be charged –
RED : The Major runs a finishing school of sorts – The most reputable of its kind. He recruits wayward children, orphans, delinquents, outcasts, but only boys and girls of superior intelligence who exhibit very specific sociopathic tendencies. He then cultivates them into charming, well-educated, cultured, attractive adults who are capable of dangerous and horrible things.
COOPER : All that matters is Agent Keen.
RED : Which is why we must find the Major. He and I had a rather significant falling out, and I can’t locate him, which is why you need to put me in a room with the Malaysian Deputy Minister to the U.N.
RESSLER : You want the FBI to invite a U.N. diplomat – to meet with you?
RED : Of course not. Inviting him for a chat with one of your most wanted criminals would be ludicrous. You’ll need to abduct him.
COOPER: Okay, hold on. That’s not gonna happen. Why on earth would –
RED : Because he has secrets I can exploit. Listen, I’d snatch him myself, but time is short, so, I’m sorry, you’re going to have to do it for me.
COOPER : You’re asking us to commit a felony.
RED : Call it what you will, Harold. But if you want to prevent Agent Keen from going to prison, you need to abduct Deputy Minister Mamat Krishnan.


SAMAR : Minister Krishnan! Minister Krishnan!


Ressler and Samar put minister Krishnan in a car

KRISHNAN : Aah! Aah! Aah! Aah!

Vehicle door slams. Tires squeal


DENNER : Can you please state your full name and occupation for the record?
LIZ : Elizabeth Scott Keen. I’m a special agent for the FBI.
DENNER : And your assignment?
LIZ : My assignment is classified.
DENNER : Classified how?
LIZ : I’m part of a black-book task force that investigates cases brought forward by a criminal informant.
DENNER : What informant?
LIZ : Your Honor, with all respect, I can’t divulge the name –
DENNER : Agent Keen, I’m here to determine whether the work you do should remain secret. The burden is on you to convince me that it should. If you choose to not even try, we will be having this conversation in open court, – so I need to know –
LIZ : Raymond Reddington.
DENNER : Your source is Raymond Reddington?
LIZ : Yes.
DENNER : I thought Reddington recently escaped from a black site and his whereabouts are unknown.
LIZ : It was a cover.
DENNER : He was never captured?
LIZ : He was captured. We helped him escape.
DENNER : Are you telling me a fugitive on the FBI’s most-wanted list is actually an informant for the FBI?
LIZ : Which is why what we do must remain a secret. If criminals knew Reddington was working with the FBI, then he would be of no value.
DENNER : How old are you, Agent Keen?
LIZ : Thirty.

DENNER : And how long have you been with the Bureau?
LIZ : I – I’ve been a profiler for 18 months.
DENNER : So, tell me, if the work of this task force really does affect national security, why would the FBI pick someone with as little experience as you to be on it?
LIZ : The FBI didn’t pick me, and I didn’t want to have anything to do with it.
DENNER : You didn’t want any part of it, the FBI didn’t pick you. So how did you come to be on it?

LIZ: Reddington chose me.
DENNER : Why would he choose you? Why you?
LIZ : I thought we were here to talk about Eugene Ames.
DENNER : What, he just knocked on your door one day?
LIZ : No. He sent a helicopter.


Helicopter blades whirring.Sirens wail.

LIZ : I had a very simple life. A husband I loved, a dog. It was my first day on the job. And suddenly, I was flying over restricted airspace. They sat me down with Deputy Director Harold Cooper.


Cooper : « Do you find it odd Reddington surrendered himself the day you started working as a profiler? »

LIZ : I’m sorry, what does this have to do with what happened with Mr. Ames?
DENNER : Well, as I understand it, the death of the harbormaster came in connection with your work on this task force.
LIZ : That is true, but you don’t need all these details to determine –
DENNER : Tell me about the first meeting.
LIZ : With Ames?
DENNER : With Reddington.

Machinery whirs

LIZ: I’d never been so terrified. We’d studied him at Quantico, his crimes, his profile. But when we sat down, he spoke as if he knew me.


Red: « Agent Keen, what a pleasure. »

DENNER : But you said you didn’t know him, you’d never met him. Did he, what, just expect you to believe him?


Red: Laughing « No, of course not. »

LIZ : I had no idea what he expected.


Red: « I’m a criminal. Criminals are notorious liars. Everything about me is a lie. »

DENNER : You must have known how strange all of this was.
LIZ : Of course I did.
DENNER : And yet you agreed to work with him.
LIZ : Well, he had intel. He said a girl was going to be taken, a general’s daughter. We had to act. And since he would only talk to me –
DENNER : Only you?
LIZ : He insists upon it.
DENNER : A woman he’d never met.
LIZ : Like I said, no one believed me.
DENNER : And this intel about the girl. Was it accurate? Was she taken?


Tires screech. Collision.Screams.

LIZ: Yes.

Flashback. Screams

Liz: « These men are gonna come, and they’re gonna take you. »

Beth: « Are they gonna hurt me? »
Liz: « They’re not gonna hurt you, honey. I’m gonna find you »

LIZ : With Reddington’s help, we were able to save her and prevent an attack on D.C. But the cost was Tom. All I wanted was my life back, but Reddington had other plans. He told the deputy director that he had a list of criminals he could help us find, and that was only the first.
DENNER : The first what?


Red: « Name on the list. »

LIZ : He told us, if we cut him a deal, that he could help us capture the kinds of criminals the FBI can’t find because we don’t know they exist.


Diane Fowler: « One day, you and I will be talking about this moment in front of a Senate hearing. »

DENNER : Were you ordered to work with Reddington?
LIZ : No.
DENNER : And he couldn’t force you. So I’m curious: If he knew nothing about you, if his implications of some shared connection were false, why did you continue?
LIZ : Because it turns out, they weren’t. They weren’t false. He knew things about me – Things I didn’t even know. About my husband at the time. Whatever connection he thought we had, whatever history he was implying we shared, I didn’t care.


Red: « You’ve discovered something curious about your husband, haven’t you, Lizzy? »

LIZ : He wanted me for a reason And I wanted to know why.


RESSLER : That man has diplomatic immunity. If anyone finds out –
RED : They won’t.
RESSLER : How can you be so sure?
RED : You need to leave, Donald.
RESSLER : You’d better have a damned good reason for –
RED : You need to leave.

Door closes

RED: Let’s have a little chat.


German metal music playing


MAN : Kohl is unreliable. He is drawing too much heat.

OLD MAN : We need guns.Kohl has guns.

MAN : What about Breunig?

OLD MAN : We shall not cross the border. That's just asking for trouble.

TOM /CHRISTOF: I know a man in Salzburg.

OLD MAN : Perhaps until we know you better you would do better handles your own business.

TOM /CHRISTOF: Suit yourself.


KRISHNAN : I don’t know what you want, but you won’t get away with this.
RED: I’ve always been leery of the United Nations. The very concept is comically dichotomous Nations putting their self-interests aside in the hopes of building a global community, holding hands and Kumbaya?


RED: I mean, honestly, it’s like kindergarten. Do you have rug time? I did love rug time.
KRISHNAN : Who are you?
RED : It doesn’t matter who I am. What matters is who you are – A secret agent trained by the Major, working away as a dedicated public servant, when, in fact, you’re an asset inserted into your country’s diplomatic corps by the Sinaloa Cartel to help them get a foothold in Asia.
KRISHNAN: What do you want?
RED : The man who created you. The Major. Tell me his location, or I’ll tip the cartel you’ve been outed. Tell me, does Hernandez remove the tongues before the executions or after?


RED : I’m not interested in your business. I’m not here to expose you. I’m only interested in the Major. Where is he?


JUDGE DENNER : Let’s talk about Tom Keen. You said that Reddington knew things about him. What kind of things?
LIZ : Tom Keen – The man I married, he was a fiction. He didn’t exist.
DENNER : But Detective Wilcox says that you and this fiction killed Eugene Ames.
LIZ : That’s impossible.
DENNER : And why is that?
LIZ : Because Tom Keen died four months before Mr. Ames was killed.
DENNER : Wilcox is under the impression that your husband is very much alive. Did you report his death?
LIZ : No.
DENNER : Why not?
LIZ : Because I killed him.
DENNER: You killed your husband?
LIZ : My ex-husband. Yes. I shot him in self defense.
DENNER : “He didn’t exist. ” What does that mean?
LIZ : The man that I married ...He was perfect.


Tom: « When I’m with you, Liz, I feel like I don’t need to pretend.I know that you accept me for who I really am, and that is a gift that I thank God for every day. »

LIZ : He was kind, smart, a teacher.

Flashback to baby party

Ha! Ha!

Cheering, laughter, applause

LIZ : Or so I thought. They say love is blind. I certainly was.
DENNER: Blind to what?
LIZ : To the fact that our entire relationship was a lie, that my husband was a spy. The only reason he was with me was because of my connection to Reddington.
DENNER: The connection you say didn’t exist.
LIZ : I didn’t know about it, but others did.
DENNER : And you learned your husband was a spy from Reddington?
LIZ : Sort of. I had to find out for myself.
DENNER : And when you did find out, what did you do then?
LIZ : I spied on him. Interrogated the people in his life, tried to find out who he worked for.
DENNER : And did you find out?
LIZ : Not before he realized that I knew.
DENNER : How did that conversation go?
LIZ : It was heated.

Flashback to their fight

DENNER : Is that when you murdered him?


Gunshots; Tom slumps to floor

LIZ : I didn’t murder him. His boss, Berlin, he ordered Tom to abduct me. Use me as leverage to get to Reddington. I had a gun to my head. That’s why I shot him.
DENNER : That’s convenient.
LIZ : What is?
DENNER : Using your job to justify shooting your lying husband. Did Reddington want you to shoot him?
LIZ : What difference does it make?
DENNER : I’m simply pointing out that shooting your husband must have been a relief to both you and Reddington.
LIZ : No, you’re calling me a murderer.
DENNER : I’m simply gathering the facts.
LIZ : You’re implying that my allegiance is as much with Reddington than with the task force.
DENNER : Agent Keen, what exactly is your relationship, then, with Raymond Reddington?
LIZ : He’s my C.I., and if you want to air that out in open court, go right ahead, but do not question where my loyalties lie!
DENNER : Tell me about this task force. How it works ?


LIZ : I told you. He has a list.
DENNER : Of criminals you don’t know exist. That sounds like an empty promise.
LIZ : You’d be surprised.
DENNER : Humor me.
LIZ : There was a man named Milton Bobbit who devised an ingenious way to turn terminally ill patients into assassins, all while working as an unassuming insurance adjuster. The Courier moves high-value commodities under his skin. The Alchemist makes people disappear by changing their DNA.
DENNER None of this is possible.
LIZ : That’s what we thought.
DENNER :How many of these cases has Reddington given to you?

Multiple Flashbacks

Man: « Yeah! »

Machine buzzes. Tires screech. Gunfire. Explosion

LIZ : He keeps us busy.


Tom/Christof watches a man


ALEKO : I got nothing to say to you.
WILCOX : You know Agent Keen is in court today? She’s telling the whole story. Well, her version of the story, anyway. She says she never saw you on the boat and that if the harbormaster turned up dead, it’s because you must have killed him.
ALEKO : You’re lying.
WILCOX : No, she’s lying. We both know it. But you’re the one who’s gonna pay the price. Look, this is the last chance I’m gonna give you.
ALEKO : I told you my story already.
WILCOX : Then you recanted. You could get the death penalty, Sam.
ALEKO : Man, I already took a bullet for my troubles. Ain’t no way that I’m gonna get the death penalty, too. Nice try, but you don’t have the evidence.
WILCOX : Hold on, hold, on, hold on. Who shot you?
ALEKO : What?
WILCOX : Your story was, you caught a stray walking through Ellwood Park. But, now, that’s not true, is it? Not if you “took a bullet for your troubles.” It was Agent Keen, wasn’t it?
ALEKO : Yo, I never said that.

To assistant

WILCOX : Mm-hmm.Get a forensic unit to comb over every inch of that ship. Tell them to tear up the floor until they hit water if they have to. If there’s a shell casing or a stray bullet, I want it found.


The man is killed


DENNER : You know, I’ve never been in a situation like this. I’m being asked to prevent a murder investigation from moving forward. The murder of a cop, no less. Based on the grounds that what you do is so important it needs to be kept secret in the name of national security. Tell me why you think I should do that. Why will our democracy crumble if the world knows about the inner workings of this task force?
LIZ : It won’t, but people will die. They already have. The black site where we operate from – There was an incursion.

Explosion. Gunfire

LIZ : A mole leaked the information about what we do, and as a result, an extraction team was sent to abduct Reddington. He barricaded himself in. He wouldn’t come out, and the team made good on their threat to kill innocents until he did.


DENNER : He just let people die? He didn’t care who was killed?
LIZ : Except one.
LIZ : Me. He agreed to come out when they put a gun to my head. After that, Reddington vanished. He wouldn’t come back into the headquarters – until the mole was found.
DENNER : Who was it?

LIZ :We don’t know for sure, but Reddington only returned after the disappearance of Diane Fowler.


Gunshots: Red shoots Fowler

DENNER : Are you suggesting that the former head of the Criminal Division at Main Justice was a mole? For whom?
LIZ : I don’t know for sure.
DENNER : He let agents die, but not you. This man you’re not in league with, who’s not your friend. You said before that Reddington had answers to questions you hadn’t even thought of. Has he given you any?
LIZ : Well There was a time early on when I thought, because of his implications, that he might be my father.
DENNER : You didn’t know your father?
LIZ : No. He died in a fire.
DENNER : And your mother?
LIZ : She died when I was young. The man who raised me, my adoptive father, his name was Sam Milhoan.
DENNER : Does he have a connection to Reddington?
LIZ : Yes.
DENNER : What connection?
LIZ : I- I don’t know.
DENNER : But they knew each other?


Muffled shouting as Red suffocates Sam

LIZ : Yes, Reddington was there when my father died.
DENNER : You’ve sat here and told me you had no relationship with Reddington before he turned himself in, and now you’re telling me he was close enough to your father to be with him when he died?
LIZ : I didn’t say they were close.
DENNER : We’re taking a break.
LIZ : Wait, why?
DENNER : You need to think long and hard about this story that you’re telling.
LIZ : It’s not a story. This is the truth.
DENNER : That the man you said you’d never met, a notorious criminal, had a mysterious relationship with the man who raised you?
LIZ : Yes.
DENNER : Your dead husband was a spy, and you never knew your parents, and no one’s heard of the criminals you hunt, and for some reason, you claim not to know why you were chosen to be at the center of it all.
LIZ : Wait! Wa- I don’t I don’t want to take a break. I would like to finish and go home.

Door closes

COURT RECORDER : You want something from the vending machine?


Krishnan is waiting for the Major hands tied but the Major can't see his hands

MAJOR : This better be important. You know the rules. Once you’re in, no contact. You said on the phone that this was mission-critical. What’s wrong? Oh.

Guns cocking

DEMBE : Hands.

Door opens

MAJOR : Reddington. What is this? What do you want?
RED : I want Tom Keen.


DENNER : You said Reddington had a list.
LIZ : He calls it the Blacklist.
DENNER : And who maintains it? Does Harold Cooper keep track of –
LIZ : There is no physical list. The names are all in Reddington’s head.
DENNER : So they’re all random.
LIZ : No, I- I don’t believe so. I believe that each case, each criminal is somehow part of a larger agenda.
DENNER : What agenda?
LIZ : I can’t be sure, but he always has an angle for every case. I know that.
DENNER : So Reddington is using you to expand his criminal empire.
LIZ : No. W-well, yes.
DENNER : And you’re okay with all this?
LIZ : I wasn’t at first, but as it turns out, the cases he brings us are far more valuable to national security than what he gets in return.
DENNER : But Reddington still tailors individual cases for his personal gain?
LIZ :They’re not individual. Some of them are connected.
DENNER : Connected how?


Liz : « Reddington got a number from Wujing, a code that he entered into VICAP after helping us stop General Ludd in order to identify Lucy Brooks, also known as Jolene Parker, who he then tracked down using the Alchemist’s client list. Gina Zanetakos, the Courier I believe they all trace back to one entity. »

LIZ : At first, I thought the cases were all about getting Berlin.
DENNER : The man your husband worked for.
LIZ : And most of them were. And, yes, he’s using us. It’s true. But in the process, we’ve been able to capture and kill a number of high-value targets, including Berlin. And I thought that was the end game, but as it turns out, Reddington has other agendas.
DENNER : And all of those are connected somehow?
LIZ : I can’t know for sure, but, yes, I imagine they’re connected. Like his recent arrest in Hong Kong.
DENNER : The cover story.
LIZ : He wanted to be captured. It’s all a part of his quest to find something he calls “The Fulcrum.”
DENNER : The Fulcrum.
LIZ : It’s a blackmail file. And before you decide whether or not to discuss what we know in open court, you should know that, according to Reddington, the Fulcrum is proof of the existence of a clandestine organization, and if its activities were made public, a number of very powerful people would go to prison or be executed.
DENNER : You say that like it’s a bad thing.
LIZ : We don’t know if what Reddington alleges is true, and until we can confirm his allegations, until we find the proof, the only people who would benefit from the Fulcrum being publicized are the criminals it identifies.
DENNER : So, Hong Kong – Did Reddington find this Fulcrum?
LIZ : No.
DENNER : And does he have some other ideas about how to locate it?
LIZ : Yes. Through me.

LIZ : That’s what I’ve come to believe is the real reason he surrendered in the first place, – asked for me.
DENNER : And let me guess...this comes as a complete surprise to you.
LIZ : Absolutely.
DENNER : The same way you were completely surprised when he asked for you.
LIZ : Yes.
DENNER :And the way you found out that your husband was a spy.
LIZ : I’m sorry. You’re right. You’re absolutely right.


LIZ : I should have known that when my husband and I were planning family that he was, in fact, a traitor who had installed surveillance cameras in my bedroom! Of course I should have been aware that the number four on the FBI’s most wanted list would turn himself in and demand to speak only to me! God, what a horrible profiler I must be to have missed the fact that I am central to the discovery of a blackmail file that will tilt the balance of power in – Let me phrase this right – The entire world! Wow! I suck!

Drawer opens, closes

DENNER : I think we’ve gotten a little off topic. Regarding Mr. Ames, – according to Detective Wilcox, you said that you were on official business when you encountered Mr.
Ames on the ship the Phoenix.
LIZ : As I told the detective, I was there looking for a fugitive.
DENNER : Fugitives from Cumberland.


Liz: « FBI. We’re searching for two fugitives escaped from Cumberland last night. »

LIZ : I never said Cumberland, and I was only looking for one man Samuel Aleko. He had a warrant out for his arrest, and I had reason to believe that he was hiding out on the Phoenix.
DENNER : In what way is Mr. Aleko connected to the business of your task force?

LIZ : He had been an informant for a colleague of mine who was killed in the line of duty, Meera Malik. I was hoping I could cut a deal with Aleko and have him inform for me.
DENNER : Mr. Aleko says you’re lying. In his statement

LIZ : Which he recanted.
DENNER : He says that you kept your ex-husband hostage on the Phoenix for four months – and that you interrogated him there.
LIZ : That’s not true.


Liz: « How often did you communicate with Berlin? I want a name. – My name is Jacob Phelps. – Did you murder Jolene Parker? – Why you? – Have you spied on others? – Is this – What do you know about Reddington? What do you know about Reddington? »

DENNER : And when Mr. Ames found out what you were doing, you and your husband conspired to kill him.


Chains clanking 

Liz : «  No! »

Man gagging

Tom: « It’s better this way. »
Aleko : » Let him do it. »
Liz : « Get off me! Get your hands off me! Tom, stop! »

LIZ : As I told you, my ex-husband is dead.
DENNER : Perhaps I should remind you that you’re under oath.
LIZ : Perhaps I should remind you that the only evidence against me is circumstantial.
DENNER : So it’s your word against his?
LIZ : If I were holding my ex-husband hostage and Mr. Ames found him, the last thing Tom would do is kill him, the one man who could alert the authorities and set him free. It makes no sense. Yes, it’s my word against his.
DENNER : Not entirely.

On phone

DENNER : Okay. Send him in.

He hangs up

DENNER : I’m going to check your story out with your boss.
LIZ : Good. I have no doubt that Deputy Director Cooper will confirm my accounts.
DENNER : Well, we should know soon enough. Mr. Cooper is right outside. For the moment, Agent Keen, I think we’re finished.

Cooper enters, Liz goes out

DENNER : Director Cooper, if you will.


MAJOR : Look, I told you what happened with Tom Keen. This is not my fault.
RED : You vouched for him personally, Bill. I hired him on your recommendation. The merchandise was defective.
MAJOR : No. Keen was perfect – Test scores, aptitude. There was no indication he would become emotionally involved.
RED : But he did.
MAJOR /BILL : He hasn’t been in contact.
RED : Cut the crap, Bill. You acquired Tom Keen when he was a boy. You trained him to be a deep-cover operative. It’s all he’s ever done. It’s all he knows. When one operation ends, he comes back to you for another.
MAJOR : Not this time.
RED : Mamat and I have come to something of an understanding. He gets to remain alive and well, still Deputy Minister, and I get you. I’m equally hopeful you and I can arrive at a mutually beneficial solution.
MAJOR : Even if I knew where he was, I wouldn’t tell you.
RED : Keen’s betrayal cost me dearly in time, money, lives. Some of the people closest to me are now dead because of Tom Keen.
MAJOR : If I gave you his location, I’d have to betray a client.
RED : That shouldn’t be hard, Bill. You betrayed me. You sold me an asset and then allowed him to turn when Berlin offered you twice as much. You’re in debt to me. Recognize this rather fortuitous opportunity for you to begin to make things even. Where can I find Tom Keen?


DENNER : I have been listening to Elizabeth Keen describe the work of your task force, and I have many questions, but it’s safe to say there’s only one I need to put to you, and that question is, as her boss, can you tell me if Agent Keen was on that boat, the Phoenix, in her official capacity as an FBI agent, or was she there, as appears far more likely to me, for personal reasons that had nothing to do with the work of your task force and the FBI?
COOPER : I understand you need to ask me the question, but I assume it’s only to confirm what Agent Keen has already told you. That she has addressed this and eliminated any need for me to testify under oath.
DENNER ; No. Agent Keen put you directly on the hot seat. She not only said that she was there on official business, she specifically said on the record that you would confirm this. Now, I know this must be difficult for you. Agent Keen is one of your own, and your instinct is to be loyal to her. But she put herself in this position, and I strongly advise you to not commit perjury – to protect her from –
DENNER : Yes, what?
COOPER : Yes, Agent Keen was on that ship, the Phoenix, as part of the official duties of our task force.
DENNER : You’re walking down a very dangerous road here, Director. You understand that if you perjure yourself –
COOPER : You asked me a question, and I answered it. Are we finished?
DENNER : I can push you for specifics.
COOPER : As I understand it, your job is to determine whether a grand jury should go forward on this issue. Now, if you want to put me before them, have me answer their questions, fine. But I have answered the one question you said you wanted me to answer. So if there’s nothing else

DENNER : Director Cooper. Something tells me we will be speaking again soon.


Knock on door

WILCOX : What do you got? Let me see it.
ASSISTANT : Found it lodged in the ship’s hull. There it is.
WILCOX : Have ballistics run it against Agent Keen’s service weapon. She surrendered it when she entered the courthouse.
WILCOX : Have the lab process the blood to look for a DNA match to Aleko. I’m gonna need results fast.
ASSISTANT : Yes, sir.


Tom’s target (old man) approaches him for gun sales


WOMAN : See you later.

OLD MAN : Can we buy you a drink?hey, you.This man you know that sells guns.Is he reliable?

TOM/CHRISTOF : I though you had someone?

OLD MAN: We did. We don't anymore.

TOM/CHRISTOF : So now, we're friends ?

OLD MAN:Is your guy reliable ?


RED : Well, that went as well as could be expected. We got a lead on Keen and an invitation to sit in the Minister’s box at next year’s Slasher Cup. Cultural peculiarities notwithstanding, I find cockfighting to be abominable. However, truth be told, I do love fried chicken.
DEMBE : You need to tell her, Raymond.
RED : Tell her what?
DEMBE : About Tom. You should have told her some time ago.
RED : I don’t know how do that, Dembe.
DEMBE : Yes, you do. You tell her the truth by telling her everything.
RED : I don’t think I can do that.
DEMBE : Maybe you should stop thinking about it and do it.


MARKIN : Sorry to interrupt, Your Honor. This couldn’t wait.
DENNER : What am I looking at?
MARKIN : A discharged bullet found at the scene. It’s a match to Agent Keen’s firearm.
Trace amounts of Samuel Aleko’s blood were found on the casing.
DENNER : When did you find this?

MARKIN : Five hours ago.
WILCOX : Your Honor, this is – This is direct physical evidence that Agent Keen lied to the court. She says that she never saw Mr. Aleko on that ship, but that can’t be reconciled with the fact that a bullet fired from her gun passed through Mr. Aleko’s body and was found on the ship with his blood on it. It’s proof that she’s trying to cover up the truth, Your Honor, and the truth is that Elizabeth Keen killed Eugene Ames.


Adapté du site «The Blacklist Classified», mise en page par mnoandco

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Chouette bannière pretty, bravo !

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