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#303 : Eli Matchett

Reddington et Liz, en fuite, arrivent dans le container en Iowa

Ecrit par: Lukas Reiter & J. R. Orci
Réalisé par: Steven A. Adelson

Red et Liz vont dans le Midwest dans le cadre de leur mission pour disculper Liz et vaincre la Cabale. Ressler, Samar et Aram continuent de suivre à la trace les fugitifs et dans leur processus, ils tombent par hasard sur ce qui pourrait devenir une crise alimentaire mondiale. Pendant ce temps, Cooper se tourne vers un allié improbable.


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Eli Matchett

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Eli Matchett

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Raymond Reddington (James Spader) et Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) arrivent chez  Gabriel Costa

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) et Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) arrivent chez Gabriel Costa

Samar Navabi (Mozhan Marno) et Donald Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) visitent le container de luxe de Red

Samar Navabi (Mozhan Marno) et Donald Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) visitent le container de luxe de Red

Donald Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) reçoit des informations

Donald Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) reçoit des informations

Liz (Megan Boone)  étudie le contenu de l'ordinateur

Liz (Megan Boone) étudie le contenu de l'ordinateur

Un flic sous couverture à repéré les fugitifs

Un flic sous couverture à repéré les fugitifs

Donald Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff)

Donald Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff)

Raymond Reddington (James Spader)

Raymond Reddington (James Spader)

Moment de détente dans le container aménagé

Moment de détente dans le container aménagé

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) fouille les affaires de Costa

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) fouille les affaires de Costa

Samar Navabi (Mozhan Marno) et Donald Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) font équipe

Samar Navabi (Mozhan Marno) et Donald Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) font équipe

Samar Navabi (Mozhan Marno) et Donald Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) cherchent des indices dans le container

Samar Navabi (Mozhan Marno) et Donald Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) cherchent des indices dans le container

Samar Navabi (Mozhan Marno) et Donald Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) étudient une information qui vient d leur parvenir

Samar Navabi (Mozhan Marno) et Donald Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) étudient une information qui vient d leur parvenir

L'agent Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff)

L'agent Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff)

Eli Matchett (Don Harvey ) reçoit de bonnes nouvelles du virologue Lucius Kuhlmann (David Cale ) spécialiste des OGM

Eli Matchett (Don Harvey ) reçoit de bonnes nouvelles du virologue Lucius Kuhlmann (David Cale ) spécialiste des OGM

Tête à tête entre Red et Liz autour d'un verre de vin

Tête à tête entre Red et Liz autour d'un verre de vin

Liz (Megan Boone) inquiète

Liz (Megan Boone) inquiète

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) et Raymond Reddington (James Spader) s'apprêtent à télécharger des informations capitales

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) et Raymond Reddington (James Spader) s'apprêtent à télécharger des informations capitales

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) veille pendant que Liz (Megan Boone) s'occupe du téléchargement des informations

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) veille pendant que Liz (Megan Boone) s'occupe du téléchargement des informations

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) et Raymond Reddington (James Spader) s'offrent une pause

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) et Raymond Reddington (James Spader) s'offrent une pause

Red (James Spader) et Liz (Megan Boone) arrivent dans l’Iowa

Red (James Spader) et Liz (Megan Boone) arrivent dans l’Iowa

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) ne plaisante pas

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) ne plaisante pas

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) sur ses gardes

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) sur ses gardes

Liz et Red amènent un blessé à l'hôpital

Liz et Red amènent un blessé à l'hôpital

Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) observe le technicien récolter des informations sur l'ordinateur

Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) observe le technicien récolter des informations sur l'ordinateur

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) pensif

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) pensif

Elisabeth  Keen (Megan Boone) tout ouïe

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) tout ouïe

Un homme menace Raymond Reddington de son arme

Un homme menace Raymond Reddington de son arme

Red (James Spader) cherche quelques informations

Red (James Spader) cherche quelques informations


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France (inédit)
Mercredi 20.07.2016 à 21:50
3.28m / 17.4% (Part)

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Etats-Unis (inédit)
Jeudi 15.10.2015 à 21:00
6.93m / 1.4% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Personnage Blaklisté: N°72: Eli Matchett


Clark Middleton ... Glen Carter

Edi Gathegi ... Mr. Solomon

Paul Reubens ... Mr. Vargas

Don Harvey ... Eli Matchett
Robert Stanton ... Verdiant Boss
Cindy Katz ... Susan Hanover
Gabriel Sloyer ... Gabriel Costa
John Tague ... Desmond
Steve Cirbus ... Mason
Julio C. Peña ... Eduardo
William Prael ... Graham
David Cale ... Lucius Kuhlmann

Dans un champ de Verdiant Industries, des hommes utilisent des pesticides quand l’un d’entre eux, Gabriel Costa, attrape une arme et les tuent. Costa va ouvrir la grille de sécurité et laisse entrer ses complices.

Au même moment, nous retrouvons Tom et Ressler dans le couloir. Tom veut s’allier à Ressler pour aider Liz car il sait que Ressler a des sentiments pour elle mais Ressler refuse et lui dit que si il le revoit, il lui cassera le bras.

De leur côté, Red et Liz ne sont plus sur le bateau qui devait les conduire en Espagne mais dans un camion qui les emmène dans l’Iowa car le plan de Red a changé. L’attaque de Verdiant Industries peut être un atout dans sa lutte contre la Cabale puisqu’elle utilise la société pour blanchir de l’argent. Red explique à Liz que l’attaque, qui a eu lieu, a été organisé par un groupe d’agriculteurs en colère membre d’une organisation nommée  "Los Segadores », que Verdiant a ruiné avec leurs semences génétiques. Au cours de l’attaque, « Los Segadores" ont volé les données détaillant les secrets de fabrication de Verdiant. Red veut donc récupérer ses données pour avoir un moyen de préssions sur Verdiant et donc la Cabale par la même occasion.

Au FBI, Aram a trouvé que Red et Liz ont pris la fuite dans un bateau et remontent jusqu’à l’Iowa.

Arrivés à leur point de rendez-vous, Red est surpris de ne pas voir Dembe et appelle Glen Carter pour qu’il enquête pendant que Liz vole une voiture.

Nous retrouvons Dembe dans un sale état après la torture de Mr Solomon. Dembe n’a pas parlé et Solomon lui dit qu’ils ont capturé un de ses collègues et que s'il veut lui éviter la torture, il ferait mieux de parler. Dembe ne dit rien donc Solomon part.

Red et Liz interrogent les membres de « Los Segadores » pour savoir où est leur leader, Eli Matchett.
De son côté, Matchett est avec Costa et ses hommes et les données volées. Matchett n’ayant pas  voulu révéler les données secrètes, il tue Costa et ses amis.

Ressler et Samar sont dans le camion qui cachait Red et Liz quand Aram les contacte pour leur parler de l’attaque de Verdiant Industrie dans laquelle Susan Hanover, un membre de la Cabale, travaille. Samar et Ressler se rendent sur place pour en savoir plus.

Pendant ce temps, Matchett va voir un scientifique qui travaille sur les données volées afin de créer un virus.

Liz et Red se rendent chez Gabriel Costa et trouvent une boîte cachée dans un conduit d’aération mais ils n’ont pas le temps de l’ouvrir car Ressler et Samar ne sont pas très loin. Ils prennent donc la fuite avec la boîte quelques secondes avant l’arrivée du FBI. Peu après Liz appelle Ressler pour lui dire d’arrêter sa traque. Ressler lui dit qu’il sait pour le Verdiant et il réalise qu’ils étaient dans l’appartement de Costa. Liz raccroche.

Après avoir vérifié les caméras de surveillance de l’extérieur, Samar a réussi à récupérer la plaque d’immatriculation de la voiture de Liz et Red.

Eli Matchett récupère le virus qui est désormais prêt.

De son coté, Glen retrouve la voiture de Dembe garée devant un restaurant. Il vole la mémoire des caméras de surveillance du restaurant.

Red et Liz arrivent dans la planque de Matchett et trouvent les corps puis le labo. Matchett a disparu mais il a laissé les données. Liz commence à les copier mais Ressler et Samar ont localisé leur véhicule et arrivent, forçant Red et Liz à partir avant la fin du chargement.

Dans un restaurant chinois, Tom est assis et attend en espérant que le téléphone sonne. C’est une technique de communication mise en place entre lui et Liz, il y a quelque temps pour communiquer en cas de besoin.

Samar et Ressler ont transmis les données trouvées à Aram qui les informe que le virus créé c'est pour détruire le maïs génétiquement modifié ce qui pourrait créer une crise mondiale.

Dans un bar, Liz avoue à Red qu’elle a appelé Ressler. Ils commencent à se disputer à ce sujet quand Liz repère un homme au bar qui les surveille. Elle sort et dit à Red de la rejoindre dans quelques secondes. Quand Red se lève l’homme sort une arme mais Liz a fait le tour du bâtiment et arrive derrière lui. L’homme se retourne pour tirer sur Liz mais elle le touche en premier. L’homme est, en fait, un flic sous couverture. Red veut partir mais Liz refuse de laisser l’homme qui va mourir s'ils ne font rien. Ils prennent donc la voiture du flic et le déposent devant un hôpital avant de partir.

Ressler et Samar ont fait placer un contrôle à la sortie de la ville pour intercepter Matchett et ça marche. Après avoir coincé Matchett, Ressler reçoit un appel d’Aram qui a reçu des infos de Keen avec des preuves contre Verdiant.

Au même moment, Red se confronte à Susan Hanover. Il a compris que la Cabale a utilisé Matchett pour libérer le virus afin de créer une crise alimentaire mondiale. Possédant l’antidote, la compagnie avait l’intention de passer pour des héros et surtout de récolter des millions. Red demande à Hanover d’envoyer un message au Directeur : "Dites-lui que j’arrive". Red s’en va.

Au FBI, Samar informe Ressler et Aram que Liz a tiré sur un policier. Ressler part voir Cooper et lui parle de sa confrontation avec Tom. Cooper lui conseille de travailler avec Tom mais Ressler refuse.

Glen regarde la vidéo de surveillance du restaurant et voit l'enlèvement de Dembe. Il en informe Red.
Cependant, Red et Glen ne savent pas que Mr Solomon a aussi enlevé et torturé l'associé de Red, Mr Vargas, dans l'espoir de forcer Dembe à révéler les secrets de Red.

Tom retourne au restaurant chinois et tombe sur Cooper qui veut bien travailler avec lui, bien qu’il n’ait pas confiance en lui. Cooper lui remet le dossier Karakurt qui pourrait aider Liz.


écrit par albi2302.


A group of four workers is spraying in a field of tall corn. They wear yellow protective gear and gas masks, are using wands to spray. One of the group (Gabriel Costa) uncovers rifles in the field and kills the others. He leaves the field, keying in a combination to open the gate of a tall fence. Eli Matchett pulls up in a truck. He and two other men get out

COSTA : Should be nine more workers inside. Just rotated on shift.
MATCHETT: Security?
COSTA : Two in the lobby, one in the lab.

MATCHETT: Let’s get to work.

The group walks off into the field in the direction of a plant at the far side and Verdiant industries


RESSLER : Forget it.
TOM : Liz needs all the help she can get.
RESSLER : Since when are you interested in helping her? All you’ve ever done is betray her.
TOM : Says the guy who’s hunting her down. You really think Liz is a Russian agent, a terrorist?
RESSLER : If you know where she is–
TOM : I don’t. That’s why I’m here. Look. I know you don’t trust me. If it’s any consolation, I don’t trust you, either.
RESSLER : Like I said, forget it.
TOM : Don’t you want to know the truth? Don’t you want to know what happened?
RESSLER : Easy. Your ex is a wanted killer. You want to help her, let me do my job.
TOM : I know you care about Liz. You can act like you don’t, but I know you do. Let me help. I can go places. I can do things. Break the law? Work around it.
RESSLER : Next time, I break that arm.


The container is now on a truck

LIZ : We were out. You said the ship we were on was headed to Spain.
RED : Change of plans.
LIZ : Because?
RED : Because after far too much time playing defense, today’s the day we switch to offense.
LIZ : Take a look around. We are hardly in prime position to be fighting anyone right now.
RED : The Director needed permission to have me killed. And he only got it by convincing others that I didn’t have the Fulcrum. That was a costly mistake. And now members of the Cabal will be exposed as a result of investigations. His own people are questioning his leadership. We need to capitalize on that by wreaking such havoc on the Cabal that they will choose to exonerate you and sacrifice the Director.
LIZ : How is that ever gonna happen?

The doors of the shipping container open

RED : Our journey begins in the home of the double-bacon corn dog.Welcome to Iowa.


On a parking

RED : What do you know about Verdiant Industries, Lizzy?
LIZ: Nothing.
RED : They’re the world’s largest agribusiness. They sell seeds. More to the point, genetically engineered seeds. In fact, they’re the single largest manufacturer of genetically engineered seeds on Earth, and not just any seeds. Corn, soy, the crops at the very foundation of our food economy.
LIZ : I’ve read about this. Modifying the DNA of the seed itself, teaching it to create a protein that kills common pests that would eat it.
RED : Yes, and those seeds are very expensive. Most small farmers can’t afford them. Many of them have been driven out of business. And when people feel their homes and livelihoods threatened, violence is never far behind. A few days ago, a Verdiant facility was attacked by a group of small farmers who call themselves Los Segadores, men determined to kill Verdiant before it kills them.
LIZ : Damaging one building will hardly kill Verdiant.
RED : They did more than damage a building, Lizzy. They stole data, a cache of proprietary files detailing how Verdiant modifies its corn genome. That’s a trade secret worth billions of dollars. You and I are gonna take those files from the men who stole them.
LIZ : Assuming we could do that, why would we?
RED : Verdiant launders money for the Cabal. Hundreds of millions of dollars a year. If we get those files, we have leverage over Verdiant. We have leverage over Verdiant, we have leverage over the Cabal.


 Door slams

ARAM : I know how Mr Reddington and Agent Keen got out of the diner where the standoff happened. The tunnels, the ones they used to escape from the diner, they were built to sneak in contraband from the port of Baltimore.
RESSLER : Coordinate with the MPA. I want a full accounting of all ships–
ARAM : Already did. One particular freighter caught our attention.
SAMAR : The DMC Peña set sail 48 minutes after the siege of the diner ended en route to the Spanish port of Valencia, but 70 miles into their journey, they turned back to the US, citing engine trouble.
RESSLER : Where’s the freighter now?
SAMAR : They docked at Norfolk late last night.
ARAM : According to the cargo manifest, only one thing came off the ship. Container number 358202 was offloaded and placed on a westbound flatbed at 12:23 AM.
RESSLER : Stowed away in a corrugated sardine can. The glamorous life of an international fugitive. I want to know where that truck’s headed. Find that crate.


LIZ : What is it?
RED : Dembe. This is the rendezvous point. Something’s wrong. We’re gonna need transportation.
LIZ : This’ll do.

Liz breaks into a car

 Red tries to call Glen

Glen’s cellphone beeps. Grunts. Tetris theme song playing. Cellphone rings. Cellphone beeps

Cellphone rings
Tetris theme song playing .Cellphone beeps

On phone

GLEN : I’m not talking to you.
RED : Dembe’s missing.
GLEN : They were here. The FBI.
RED : When?
GLEN : When? What does it matter when? They were here. And when I refused to answer their questions, they took me in.
RED : Don’t try my patience, Glen.

GLEN : I’m sorry, Red. I’m hypoglycemic. My blood sugar crashed and I just lost it.
RED : Glen.
GLEN : I must’ve spent six hours in the box. I nearly had a stroke.
RED : What did you tell them?
GLEN : I didn’t have my crackers with me, I couldn’t get a juice box. I rolled, Red. I’m sorry.
I told them everything.
RED : Everything?
GLEN : I’m yanking your crank. What do you think I am, a snitch? I’m clean as a whistle, which is more than I can say for your shorts.

Engine turns over

GLEN : I can hear you dropping a steamer through the phone.
LIZ : We got wheels.
GLEN : Safety! Okay. Dembe. What’s the 911?



SOLOMON : You’re a fool. You think because you would risk your life to save Reddington

Dembe Coughs

SOLOMON : that he’s gonna do the same?

Spits. Laughing

SOLOMON : He won’t.


SOLOMON : Reddington won’t come for you. You are protecting a man that has left you for dead.

Man groans in adjacent room.Groaning continues .Knock on door

SOLOMON : We have a colleague of yours. He’s being prepared. Unless you tell me where I can find Reddington he will suffer. Nothing? So be it. What you hear next is a consequence of your misplaced loyalty.

Man in adjacent room : (Grunts) «Please, no!»

Latin music playing. There is 3 men.

RED : Gentlemen. A moment of your time.

MAN : Eduardo!

Liz points a gun

LIZ : I wouldn’t.
RED : You’re members of Los Segadores, am I right? A simple nod is acceptable. Excellent. I was hoping to have a word with your leader.
EDUARDO : That’s me.
RED : I don’t believe so. I was told to speak with a man named Eli Matchett.
EDUARDO : What are you, cops? Goons working for Verdiant? Either way, I’m not telling you –

Liz shoots radio, music stops .Dog barks in distance

LIZ : The next one goes in your leg.
RED : Eli Matchett.
EDUARDO : He’s gone.
RED : Gone where?
EDUARDO : I don’t know. I don’t! Look, Verdiant has a warehouse up in Silver Ridge doing some top-secret research. We were working on how to take it out when Eli– he just snapped. Started saying how we were a joke, how none of us had the balls to make a real impact. So he walked. Next we hear, nine people are dead.
LIZ : You think Matchett is responsible?
MAN : We got a guy on the inside at Verdiant. Gabriel Costa. If Eli did this, he had Costa’s help.
RED : We’re gonna need Mr. Costa’s address. And maybe some directions. My associate prefers to steal cars made before the advent of GPS.

Keypad beeping. Door buzzes

GABRIEL COSTA : Were you able to crack the server files?
MASON : All 5 billion nucleotide pairs. Verdiant’s patented prize pig. I’m uploading the file to a couple dozen hosting sites.
DESMOND : Look, I know we agreed to open source this, but this is Verdiant’s most guarded trade secret. It’s worth a fortune.
MASON : So what? You want to sell to the highest bidder?
DESMOND : I want to get back what that seed cost me. My farm, my family.
MASON : Yeah. We sell and get back our losses, but no one else’s. This doesn’t belong to Verdiant, it doesn’t belong to us. We release to everyone.

Gunshots. Matchett shoots all three of them. Coughing

MATCHETT : Sorry, friends. But I got something else in mind.

Ressler and Samar have located Red’s shipping container

RESSLER : Sure is one hell of a sardine can.
SAMAR : The man does have style.
ARAM : I found on the AP. A bombing in Fairfield at a facility owned by Verdiant Industries.
RESSLER : Reddington comes to town a few days after a major attack? That’s not a coincidence.
ARAM : I thought the same thing. So, I cross-referenced every senior-level employee with Mr Reddington’s file, and I came up with one name. Verdiant CTO Susan Hanover.
RESSLER : Why do I know that name?
ARAM : Because it was listed in the Fulcrum. 25 years ago, Hanover was a low-level staffer on the Hill.
SAMAR : A bombing with a direct link to the Cabal.
RESSLER : That’s why Reddington’s in town.

Police radio chatter

SAMAR : How many employees were lost?
VERDIANT MANAGER : We think 15. Nine are confirmed dead, the other six are officially listed as unaccounted for. They say some of the bodies are, uh, unidentifiable.
SAMAR : You’ve been hit before?
MANAGER : The company, yeah, but not this facility, and never like this. There’s a group, calls itself Los Segadores. Up to now, it’s only been property damage.
RESSLER : So why the escalation?
MANAGER : Because certain secure terminals can only access the company mainframe during business hours. Whoever did this accessed our proprietary files. They downloaded information detailing how we modify our genomes. That’s a trade secret worth billions of dollars.
SAMAR : This was a robbery.
MANAGER : If that data is released publicly, it’s only a matter of time before our product is being mass produced on the black market. The price of our product will fall permanently. Our stock won’t recover.
FBI AGENT : Sir. Uh, sorry to interrupt, but I just received a call from the medical examiner.
MANAGER: What is it?
AGENT : They ran preliminary DNA tests on the remains recovered inside, and everyone was accounted for except for one employee. A, uh, Gabriel Costa.
MANAGER : That’s not possible. His badge was used to swipe in that morning. He was here.
SAMAR : Unless he walked out with the attackers.
RESSLER : Maybe Gabriel Costa’s our inside man.


Matchett enters virology lab in the basement

MATCHETT : How long do you need?
LUCIUS KUHLMANN : Delivery system’s done. Now it’s just two more hours for the completion of the replication period, and you’ll have your virus.


LIZ : Costa isn’t here.
RED : Then we look for anything that may reveal his whereabouts.

Liz sighs. Computer chimes, mouse clicking

LIZ : I don’t know what happened. I used to consider myself lucky. I had a husband I loved, a job I always wanted. I was the kind of person good things happen to.
RED : Have you ever heard of Mugs Kalinowski? Lovely guy. Ugliest man I ever laid eyes on. That’s why everyone called him Mugs. Except his dear mother. She was an art professor at Bard. Lovingly referred to him as Picasso.
LIZ : That’s kind of sweet, actually.

Red chuckling

RED : Well, it was an apt nickname. His face was all over the place. But perhaps as a result of that nickname, Mugs grew up with a great appreciation for art. He fenced some of the most extravagant pieces in the world. He only had one rule. Out of respect for dear mom, he’d never lift a Picasso. Felt it was bad luck. Then one day, he got a tip from a source about a piece sitting in a huge loft in Soho. So one evening, Mugs shimmied up the drain pipe, broke in, and lo and behold, there hung on the wall, Les Femmes D’Algier. A spectacular Picasso. One of a series of 15 and astronomically valuable.
LIZ : Did he take it?

Red laughing

RED : No. And Mugs was convinced that was the single biggest stroke of bad luck he’d ever suffered. Well, what he didn’t know was the source who’d given him the tip was working with the feds. The painting had a tracking device on it. Sometimes, bad luck is the best luck you’ll ever have.
LIZ : What ever happened to Mugs? Did he land on his feet?
RED : Unfortunately, no. Mugs had borrowed $500,000 from a loan shark against the value of the painting. When he didn’t steal it, he couldn’t pay it back. A few weeks later, the loan shark shot him dead.
LIZ : There’s something going on with that vent.

Vent rattling. Red opens it. Rattling stops. A box is hidden inside.

Car alarm chirps : it's Ressler and Samar

RED : Time to go.

Gasps. Elevator bell dings


LIZ : I don’t understand. How did they find us?
RED : They didn’t, and they won’t. We need a drill.
LIZ : Forget about the box. We need to leave. They’re one step behind us.
RED : This is the life, Lizzy. Someone’s always one step behind.

Liz sighs


Samar and Ressler search places
Ressler cellphone rings.

On phone

RESSLER : Aram, I’m sending you a photo. I want it sent wide.
LIZ : It’s not Aram.
LIZ : Why are you doing this?
RESSLER : It’s my job.
LIZ : You know me. You know I’ve been framed.
RESSLER: If you’re innocent, come in. Let me help you. We know about the Verdiant attack.
That’s why you’re here, isn’t it?
LIZ : I’m just trying to get my life back. Verdiant is connected to the Cabal. Reddington thinks that if we get enough leverage–
RESSLER : Reddington’s not capable of telling the truth. You know that.
LIZ : If you’re interested in the truth, back off. Let me do what I have to do to clear my name.
RESSLER : No. You were at Costa’s apartment. I’m getting close, aren’t I, Keen?

Dial tone



SAMAR : You were right. Reddington and Liz were here. We just missed them.
RESSLER : Was there a surveillance camera?
SAMAR : No, but I pulled this off a responding officer’s dash cam. He was dispatched to meet us at the scene. It looks like he blew right past them.
RESSLER : Run that plate. Find out who that vehicle belongs to. Put out an alert for the car.


LIZ : Looks like Costa was copying Verdiant documents and feeding them to Matchett and his crew. He kept this ledger to keep track of the documents he stole.
RED : He’s got internal memos here tracking some development project called Genesis.
LIZ : He was sending them to a feed store in Wilson Park? Wait, wait, look. We can’t just go charging in there. We had a hard enough time handling the Cabal when the FBI was backing us, let alone hunting us down.
RED : Don’t be anxious. We’re still a step ahead.
LIZ : I’m not anxious. I’m scared.

Engine turns over.Tires squeal


In the lab

MATCHETT : Where are we?
KUHLMANN : 400 tiny viral vectors ready to be released into the wild.
MATCHETT : Imagine. You can hold in one hand everything you need to bring humanity to its knees.

Glen finds Dembe's car in front of a restaurant. French music playing inside.Indistinct conversation

WAITER : Table for one? Or are you waiting on the rest of your party?
GLEN : No, just me. And this order’s to go.Is the Chicken Gorgonzola gluten-free?
WAITER : I believe so.
GLEN : You believe, or you know for sure? Because although that may just be a small lexical distinction for you, for me, it’ll determine whether I spend my entire evening on the can with two rolls of triple ply.
WAITER : Why don’t I ask the chef?

The waiter sighs

Glen, alone, steals the video surveillance


LIZ : Rover keypad. Four-digit PIN. Could be thousands of combinations.

Red uses sand to bring out 4 digits

RED : Only if you don’t know the four digits. Now there’s only 24 combinations.

Door creaks. Red pull tarp off bodies

RED: Gabriel Costa.

Cellphone rings, beeps

SAMAR : Agent Navabi. Where? Copy that. Wilson Park. Have your officers secure the vehicle and stand down until we get there. Patrol found the car. 355 Mission.

Engine revs, tires screech

Red and Liz enter virology lab

LIZ: What is this place?

On the computer

LIZ: This is it. This is the genome data they stole from Verdiant.
RED: Let’s get what we need and go.

Liz begins to download data


 SAMAR : That’s the car.


Computer beeping

On a video surveillance, Red sees Samar and Ressler

LIZ: Is that Ressler and Samar?
RED: We’re fine. Keep working.

Windows crash

RED : They’re in the building. How much more time?
LIZ : I don’t know. These files are massive. We should go. I saw a storm door on the side of the building, we...
RED : Not yet.

Computer beeping

SAMAR: The desk.
LIZ : We’re not gonna make it. Reddington!

Computer beeping

SAMAR : Clear.

 Samar and Ressler enter virology lab. Red and Liz are gone
Computer beeping

SAMAR : Ressler.

They look at what looks like a large fish tank with black splotches on the glass
Insects chirping


WAITRESS : Think if you stare long enough, it might ring? What’s her name?
TOM : Elizabeth. She’s gone. I was hoping that– You know, when we met she was seeing this other guy, He worked, I didn’t. But we started seeing each other anyway. Anyway, we had this, uh signal, way of communicating so he wouldn’t know. She would call that phone at exactly 7:00 PM, and I’d pick up. We’d meet.
WAITRESS : How’d that work out?
TOM : Not so great. Hey, uh, sorry, would you do me a quick favor? Um

Pen clicks

TOM : Just if that phone rings, if she calls, would you give her my number?


SAMAR : I just spoke to the owner of the building. He said he leased the space to a man named Eli Matchett two months ago.
RESSLER : Did you get a background?
SAMAR : I did. Matchett had a farm that adjoined one of Verdiant’s properties near Abingdon.
Apparently, some of their seed blew onto his farm. They claimed he illegally infringed on their patent and they sued him. The defense cost Matchett a fortune.

Cellphone rings

RESSLER : Must’ve lost everything.

Cellphone beeps

RESSLER : Aram, did you get those files?
ARAM : You stumbled on a state-of-the-art virology shop. Matchett didn’t steal Verdiant’s genome blueprint so he could release it publicly. He needed it to identify its weaknesses and design a virus tailor-made to destroy it.
SAMAR : He wants to sabotage their GMO crop?
ARAM : 90% of all corn grown in America is genetically modified, and Verdiant is the largest producer of it. In fact, this one strain is planted all over the world. If this virus gets out, it will spread fast.
RESSLER : How fast?
ARAM : It would cross state lines in weeks, maybe even days. Within months, it would migrate overseas. If Matchett unleashes this virus, we could have a global food crisis on our hands.


 LIZ : We’ve got around 90%, but I’m not sure it’s readable. We’ll probably need help accessing the data without a complete download.
RED : How the hell did Ressler–
LIZ : I called him while you were in the store.
RED : Why would you do that?
LIZ : I told him to back off because I thought if he was interested in the truth, maybe–
RED : Ressler is a law-enforcement robot. The FBI winds him up–
LIZ : That’s not true. He’s a person. He’s a good person.
RED : Look at me. You need to let that go, Lizzy. I have survived for a very long time now, and I assure you, I didn’t do it by relying on the goodness in people.
LIZ : We should go. I’ll check the parking lot, find us a new ride. Meet me out front in a minute.


 RESSLER : Yes, sir.

Cellphone beeps

RESSLER :That was Gordon Pierce at Verdiant. You know that lawsuit against Eli Matchett?
SAMAR : Yeah, what about it?
RESSLER : Matchett didn’t just lose his farm because of it. After the bank foreclosed, Verdiant purchased his property in a short sale. In fact, they bought out several other places in that area and turned them into one large industrial farm. Verdiant’s growing GMO corn on the very land that Matchett grew up on.
SAMAR : You think that’s where he plans to unleash the virus?
RESSLER : I think we just found ourselves ground zero.


 A man pulls gun on Red

UNDERCOVER COP: Must be my lucky day.

Liz, behind him does the same on him

LIZ : Drop your gun!
COP : Can’t do that. Raymond Reddington. You got any idea how many people want to see you dead?

Red scoffs

RED : Some idea, yes.
COP : And you. You’re the girl on the news. The Russian.
RED : You seem like an intuitive guy. At least intuitive enough to know when you’re in over your head, so whichever lowlife you’re working for, he’s gonna have to wait to get his revenge. Set it down.

Officer turns around to confront Liz. She shoots, he falls.Indistinct shouting.Groans

A client calls the 911 «911, what’s your emergency? What’s your location?»

 RED : We have to leave.
LIZ : We can’t. We’re in the middle of nowhere.He’ll be dead by the time the ambulance gets here. I’m not leaving him.
RED : Pockets.

He takes his car keys


They pull up to ER. Tires screech

LIZ : Help! We need help here! Single shot to the chest! He’s breathing, but barely any pulse.
About 15 minutes ago.

Hospital staff come and assist with the man Liz shot
After hospital personnel take victim into hospital, Liz stands looking after them. Indistinct conversation .Siren wails

Red from the car

RED : Hey. Hey!

Liz gets in car. Tires screech


Samar on phone

 SAMAR : Yes, but send two more units to Ash and 3rd. We’re five minutes out.

Cellphone beeps

SAMAR : No visual on Matchett yet, but State Police have locked up all roads leading into the Verdiant property.
RESSLER : So, Reddington was on a ship bound for freedom, and he turns it around to come back here for Verdiant. Does he really think that taking these guys out is gonna get him closer to clearing Keen’s name?

Liz and Red in car

LIZ : Do you think he has a family?
RED : Lizzy.
LIZ : He’s gonna die.
RED : Don’t.
LIZ : You saw that hospital. They wouldn’t have a thoracic surgeon on call. They’d have to medevac him to a different county.
RED : You’re right. Thoracic surgeons would be very rare in Fairfield, Iowa. What does that tell you? Focus. Who else would be rare in Fairfield?
LIZ : A virologist who specializes in GMOs. So, where did Eli Matchett find one? The documents we got from Cost ld – the ones he stole from Verdiant. They were talking about a special development project –Genesis.
RED : And Eduardo this morning at the Segadores farm.

LIZ : He said Verdiant was working on some top-secret R&D at a warehouse in Silver Ridge. What are you thinking?
RED : That Agent Ressler may be of some use after all.

Siren chirps. Police radio chatter

POLICEMAN : Possible suspect sighted. Stand by.

Engine revs, tires screech as Eli Matchett pulls out of queue and takes off

POLICEMAN : Suspect sighted! Headed north!

Tires screech.Siren wailing.Tires screech.Siren continues

RESSLER : Head him off!


Ressler and Matchett are fighting. Samar arrives and points her gun

SAMAR : You boys about finished?

Ressler panting

RESSLER : He’s all yours.

Police radio chatter


  Cellphone rings.Cellphone beeps

RESSLER : Ressler.
ARAM : I just received a cache of internal research documents from Verdiant. Definitely not the kind of stuff they’d want out there.
RESSLER : Got them how? Where’d they come from?
ARAM : That’s the crazy part. They came in on the fax hard line. I think from Agent Keen. I think she wants us to search a Verdiant warehouse in Silver Ridge.
ARAM : Are you sitting down? Because you are not gonna believe this.


On phone as she minds a boy, 5-7 years old, who is swinging on a swing set

HANOVER : I don’t understand. What’s the delay? What exactly do you know? That’s unacceptable. Get me an update.

Cellphone beeps.Sighs
Red approaches

HANOVER : My God. You’re Raymond Reddington.
RED : And you’re Susan Hanover. Chief Technology Officer at Verdiant Industries. And corporate shill for the Cabal. Come on. Why don’t we let the boy play?

They sit on chairs next to lawn table

RED : I have some bad news, Susan. The virus you helped Eli Matchett create has been contained. HANOVER : I don’t know what you’re talking about.

Red laughing

RED : Oh, I think you do. See, I thought Eli Matchett was Verdiant’s greatest enemy. I assumed he left Los Segadores because he wanted to be even more radical, but that’s not true, is it, Susan? The truth is he was co-opted by your company. You paid him to attack that facility. You wanted him to steal that data.
HANOVER : That’s outrageous.

Red chuckling

RED : Oh, well, we certainly agree on that. You provided him with everything he needed, including the scientist who synthesized the virus.
HANOVER : Okay. That’s enough.
RED : Sit down, Susan. Let’s not make a scene in front of the boy.
HANOVER : This virus you’re talking about. Why would we do that? Why destroy our own product?
RED : Perhaps you were willing to create this disease because you already possess the cure. It’s ingenious. Hire a madman to unleash a catastrophic threat, and then wait just long enough for the world to panic.
HANOVER : Why would we do that?
RED : For the money, Susan. So you and your company could come rushing in with a new product at the perfect time, a seed immune to the devastating scourge and available, of course, at a much higher price.
HANOVER : You can’t prove that.
RED : Oh, but I can. I know about the Genesis project. By now, so do the FBI. At the risk of sounding immodest, I’m on their Most-Wanted list. Number one with a bullet. They came here looking for me. Unfortunately for you, what they found were dozens of internal Verdiant documents which will lead them to your warehouse in Silver Ridge, and I don’t need to tell you what they’ll find inside. A stockpile of new seed waiting to be sold to a desperate world on the verge of calamity. You would’ve made a fortune and looked like heroes in the process.
HANOVER : I knew Matchett was a mistake.
RED : Never met the man. Wouldn’t judge him too harshly, though. He seized his chance to terrify the world, shine one glorious spotlight on the dangers of planting the same seed in fields all over the globe. Progress. It’s a bitch.
HANOVER : What do you want?
RED : I came here to ask you to deliver a message to your friend, the Director. This is only the beginning, and I won’t stop until his own people realize that their only way forward is to exonerate Elizabeth Keen and to leave the Director to me. Please. Tell him I’m coming.


 SAMAR : The Verdiant arrest warrants are coming through. They’re being executed now. There’s something else. We just got word Liz shot an undercover cop earlier today.
ARAM : What?

RESSLER : What happened?
SAMAR : I’m not sure. The details are still coming in. But it does look like the guy’s gonna make it.


LIZ : I shot a cop.
RED : Yes, you did.
LIZ : And killed the Attorney General of the United States.

RED : Yes. And when you did that you crossed a threshold, leaving your world, entering mine. Bad things are gonna find you now, Lizzy. This life has a mind and a momentum of its own. That’s a reality you need to accept...Bad things happen to good people.
LIZ : Am I a good person? I’m not so sure anymore.

RED : I’m sure.


 RESSLER : Reddington obviously thinks that he can take the fight to the Cabal. But look what happened. This time, Keen shot a cop. The next time, she’s gonna be the one getting hurt. You know, I’ve watched you run the task force all this time, I don’t think I ever appreciated how damn hard it was.
COOPER : I’ll deny it if you ever repeat it, but there wasn’t a day when I didn’t feel I was in over my head. You should trust your instincts, Agent Ressler. I do.
RESSLER : Tom Keen came out of the woodwork.
COOPER : Keen? Does he know something? No.
RESSLER : No, he just wants to help.
COOPER : And did you take it?
RESSLER : What, are you kidding? That guy’s a liability.
COOPER : Yes. And a loose cannon who would shoot a guilty man in the back to prevent him from escaping, but in a case like this, there could be a place for a man like that.
RESSLER : You tell me to trust my instincts? My instincts are telling me to stay as far away from Tom Keen as possible.
COOPER : You know what? You’re right. You should trust your gut, not mine. After all, look where my instincts got me. You’re a good agent, Donald. You made the right call.


On phone
GLEN : Red, yeah, hey, it’s me. It’s about Dembe. We got a problem. I think he’s been taken.

Groans . Vargas panting

SOLOMON : The price of silence.

Solomon leaves

VARGAS : We’re gonna die in here.


TOM : Thank you.
WAITRESS : In case you get tired of waiting.

Includes a phone number with the check
Cooper sits down next to Tom

COOPER : What would you do to help Elizabeth Keen?
TOM : How did you find–
COOPER : What would you do to help her?
TOM : Anything.
COOPER : I don’t trust you. I certainly don’t like you. You’re a liar, a thief, and a murderer. Which is exactly why you’re perfect for the job.
TOM : What job?

Cooper lays a case file on the table. It is labeled “Karakurt.”

 Adapté du site «The Blacklist Classified», mise en page par mnoandco.

Kikavu ?

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Supersympa, 16.04.2024 à 14:31

Bonjour à tous ! Nouveau survivor sur le quartier Person of Interest ayant pour thème l'équipe de Washington (saison 5) de la Machine.

choup37, 18.04.2024 à 08:49

5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

chrismaz66, 18.04.2024 à 11:04

Choup tu as 3 joueurs de plus que moi!! Kaamelott est en animation, 3 jeux, venez tenter le coup, c'est gratis! Bonne journée ^^

choup37, 19.04.2024 à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

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