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#304 : Le Djinn

Liz, Red et The Djinn se dirigent vers un hélicoptère pour fuir

Ecrit par: Daniel Cerone
Réalisé par: Omar Madha

Red et Liz continuent leur mission pour blanchir le nom de Liz. Red sollicite l'aide du groupe  pour l'aider à trouver le Djinn, une mystérieuse femme qui accomplit des fantasmes de vengeance. Ils croient que le Djinn peut les conduire à la Cabale, la prochaine étape pour disculper Liz.


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The Djinn

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Le Djinn

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Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) écoute

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) écoute

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) sur la scène d'un théâtre

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) sur la scène d'un théâtre

Red (James Spader) et Liz (Megan Boone) chez Aram (Amir Arison) pour lui demander son aide

Red (James Spader) et Liz (Megan Boone) chez Aram (Amir Arison) pour lui demander son aide

 Alice (Christina Cole )

Alice (Christina Cole )

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) veille sur Liz

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) veille sur Liz

Liz (Megan Boone) choisit une tenue

Liz (Megan Boone) choisit une tenue

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) écoute le rêve de Liz

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) écoute le rêve de Liz

Raymond Reddington (James Spader)

Raymond Reddington (James Spader)

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) seul

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) seul

Raymond Redington (James Spader) ne lit pas le journal

Raymond Redington (James Spader) ne lit pas le journal

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) reçoit des instructions par téléphone

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) reçoit des instructions par téléphone

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) et Gerta ( Sandee Bengel )

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) et Gerta ( Sandee Bengel )

Elisabeth  Keen (Megan Boone) au téléphone

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) au téléphone

Raymond Reddington (James Sapder) et Baz (Bazzl Baz) courent après Elisabeth qui a disparu

Raymond Reddington (James Sapder) et Baz (Bazzl Baz) courent après Elisabeth qui a disparu

Red (James Spader) et Liz (Megan Boone) chez Aram (Amir Arison) pour lui demander son aide

Red (James Spader) et Liz (Megan Boone) chez Aram (Amir Arison) pour lui demander son aide

Red (James Spader) et Liz (Megan Boone) se préparent à pénétrer dans la pièce

Red (James Spader) et Liz (Megan Boone) se préparent à pénétrer dans la pièce

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone), Raymond Reddington (James Spader) et Nasim Bakhash (Christine Tawfik ) s'apprêtent à fuir

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone), Raymond Reddington (James Spader) et Nasim Bakhash (Christine Tawfik ) s'apprêtent à fuir

Donald Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) a récolté une preuve

Donald Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) a récolté une preuve

Donald Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) regardent s'enfuir les fugitifs en hélicoptère

Donald Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) regardent s'enfuir les fugitifs en hélicoptère

Red, Liz et le Djinn s'enfuient par les airs

Red, Liz et le Djinn s'enfuient par les airs

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) hésite

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) hésite

Spectacle inattendu pour Red et Liz

Spectacle inattendu pour Red et Liz

 Nasim Bakhash (Christine Tawfik )#43 rassure son frère Hannid (Karan Oberoi )

Nasim Bakhash (Christine Tawfik )#43 rassure son frère Hannid (Karan Oberoi )

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) attentive aux instructions données au téléphone

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) attentive aux instructions données au téléphone


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France (inédit)
Mercredi 20.07.2016 à 22:40
2.87m / 22.6% (Part)

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Etats-Unis (inédit)
Jeudi 22.10.2015 à 21:00
6.68m / 1.4% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Personnage Blaklisté: N°43: The Djinn (Nasim Bakhash, né Nasir)


Edi Gathegi ... Mr. Solomon

Paul Reubens ... Mr. Vargas

Ned van Zandt .. Leonard Caul

Peter Vack ... Asher Sutton

Christine Tawfik ... Nasim Bakhash

Christina Cole ... Alice
David Diaan ... Bahram Bakhash
Karan Oberoi ... Hannid
John Hemphill ... Gerald

Après avoir demandé à Leonard Caul de trouver Dembe, Red surprend Aram dans son appartement pour demander l'aide du FBI afin de trouver le Djinn, une femme qui s'habille tout en blanc et qui réalise les désirs de vengeance perverse de ses clients pour un prix des plus hauts. Selon Red, plusieurs membres de Cabale comptent parmi ses clients et il est déterminé à obtenir le livre où se trouve les noms de tous ses clients. Samar fait une connexion avec le financier Bahram Bakhash, qui a disparu, au grand dam de son fils Hamid, le PDG de sa société et de  Nasim, sa fille.

Liz rencontre la femme en blanc, qui ne croit pas sa vengeance imaginaire. Cependant, Liz réussit à placer un mouchard sur une de ses chaussures, ce qui conduit à la découverte de son identité ; Alice est une mère de famille vivant en banlieue. Alice n'est en réalité pas la vraie Djinn mais simplement un intermédiaire qui se fait passer pour elle. Biensûr, Red persuade Alice d'abandonner la vraie Djinn qui est en fait Nasim. Cette dernière a créé le Djinn pour perpétrer son propre fantasme de vengeance tordue contre son père qui lui a chirurgicalement fait changer de sexe quand il a découvert que son fils était gay.

Le FBI arrive chez Nasim au moment où Red lui offre une échappatoire en échange de son registre de client. Nasim accepte et suit Liz et Red jusqu'à un hélicoptère. Arrivée devant, Liz sort son arme et monte suivie par Red qui sourit et lui jette son livre avant de décoller, la laissant aux mains du FBI. En analysant le livre, le FBI découvre qu'il manque une page.

Au même moment, Tom prend une nouvelle identité, Mr. Wainright, afin d'infiltrer  la vie d'un riche playboy joueur, Asher Sutton qui devrait le conduire à Karakurt. Lorsque Liz l'appelle, il lui dit qu'il l'aime et qu'il est sorti de sa cachette pour la sauver.

De leurs côtés, Dembe et Mr Vargas mettent en scène un plan d'évasion pour échapper aux griffes de Solomon. Une fois libre, Dembe court lire les petites annonces d'un journal et explique à Vargas qu'une des petites annonces le conduira à Red. À ce moment-là, Vargas tire sur Dembe, prend le journal et appelle Solomon pour lui dire qu'il sait où trouver Red.

Traduit et adapté du résumé du site officiel par albi2302.

Previously on The Blacklist

LIZ: Karakurt. We know you’re working for the Cabal. How was the virus delivered?
RED: You’ve been set up. You infected the senator, and now they will come for you.
RESSLER : Suspect’s name is Special Agent Elizabeth Keen. But as of today, she’s a fugitive.
RED : Dembe’s missing.
SOLOMON : Where is Raymond Reddington? … So be it.
VARGAS : We’re gonna die in here.
COOPER : What would you do to help Elizabeth Keen?
TOM : Anything.


An unconscious man is attached to a table 

ALICE : I’m happy to report your funds have cleared, Gerald. You’ll have full use of the penthouse suite until 9:00 AM. That’s when the clean-up crew arrives.
GERALD : Thank you. I can’t tell you –
ALICE : Oh, you don’t have to say anything. I’m terribly sorry for your loss.
GERALD: This man’s drugs ate my son alive.
ALICE : And now you’ll deliver payment in kind. Shall we wake him? The hour of vengeance has arrived. The road to healing begins tonight. What happens next is up to you. Oh, and if you find that you can’t finish your meal, we’ve provided takeout bags in the kitchen.

Gerald takes knifes.The man wakes up. Screams


 Shows photo of Solomon

LEONARD CAUL: You know him?
RED: No.
CAUL : Neither did I. Had to dig out my Agency rolodex to find someone who recognized him.
Name’s Matias Solomon – a real lone wolf.
RED: He was CIA?
CAUL: Asset only. In Ethiopia until he joined the Eritrean war. Solomon committed atrocities on the battlefield so vulgar even the CIA disavowed him.
RED: I need you to find him, Leonard.
CAUL : I appreciate you wanting to help your associate, but Solomon’s been MIA for a decade.
RED: Dembe is more than an associate to me.Please find him.

Keys jingle.Footsteps approaching. Caul leaves, passing Aram

CAUL: Excuse me..
ARAM : Who are–

From inside

RED: Aram.

Aram closes the door

RED : Surprise.

Aram chuckles

ARAM: What are you doing in my apartment? And, uh, who was that guy?
RED: I’m sorry for the intrusion. I’m here because I need your help.
ARAM: Where’s Agent Keen? Something’s happened to her, hasn’t it?
LIZ: Yes, thank God. I got a shower for the first time in days.

They hug, they are happy. Aram laughs

ARAM: I’m so happy to see you.
LIZ: Not many people are these days.
ARAM : Okay, I probably shouldn’t say this, – but you look fantastic.
RED: Aram. We’re looking for a woman who calls herself The Djinn. A matchmaker of sorts, who pairs clients with what they most desire– greed, lust, revenge. They say she can make any fantasy come true.
LIZ: We have a web address. There are encryptions we can’t decipher. I know this is asking a lot, but we wouldn’t come to you if Reddington didn’t believe that this Djinn might be helpful in clearing my name.
ARAM: If I agree to help I’ll have to let Agent Ressler know.
RED: We’re in a symbiotic relationship. By helping us, Agent Ressler keeps us close.
LIZ: I have to believe Ressler wants the truth about who attacked our country just as much as we do. If that’s true, he’ll accept help anywhere he can get it.
ARAM: He wouldn’t take it from Tom.
LIZ: What? Tom? I-I don’t understand.
ARAM: He knows you’re in trouble. He came and offered to help, and Agent Ressler turned him down.
RED: The Djinn– we need to find The Djinn.


 COOPER: If you want to help Keen, this is how you do it. Find Karakurt. The Cabal hired him to do what she’s being framed for– the Orea bombing, the senator’s murder.
TOM : Yeah, I know Karakurt. He’s Russian garbage. Probably hitting some strip club in St. Petersburg right now.
COOPER: Karakurt betrayed his country. If he went back to Russia, the FSB would shoot him on sight. My intel says he’s had extensive plastic surgery. He’s trying to change his identity.
TOM : Says here you had him in custody and you let him go.
COOPER: It also says Karakurt’s sister is married to Charlie Volkens– violent, unstable. He runs a crime ring in the Rust Belt. Word is that’s where Karakurt’s laying low.
TOM : Why come to me? Hmm? Your boy Ressler told me to hit the highway.
COOPER: Donald Ressler’s a fine agent. Within the rules, he’ll do everything possible to find Elizabeth and the truth.
TOM : You don’t think that’ll be enough?
COOPER: Maybe. Given what we’re up against, I’m willing–

TOM : Throw out the rulebook.

COOPER: Bend the bindings a little.
TOM : All right, so what’s the FBI doing about this?
COOPER: I assume their entire focus is on Reddington and Keen.
TOM : You “assume.” Don’t you know?
COOPER: I’m on leave from the task force while they investigate my part in the shooting of Tom Connolly.
TOM : So this isn’t a sanctioned op.
COOPER: No. I’m asking you to figure out a way to infiltrate the crime ring that may be protecting Karakurt. If you’re caught, something happens, you’re on your own.


ARAM: I had no knowledge of this. I walked in, and they were just there.

Ressler on phone

RESSLER: We have a confirmed sighting.
ARAM: I live at the Nottingham apartments.

On phone

RESSLER: Tell MPD to shut down a five-block radius around Adams Morgan. Reset the checkpoints. Notify all agencies. Run it into the ground.

To Aram

RESSLER: I know you think she’s innocent, but you did the right thing coming forward.
ARAM: Uh, Mr. Reddington asked me to.
RESSLER: Why would he do that?
ARAM: Because he needs our help finding The Djinn.
RESSLER: Who’s The Djinn?


Aram to the team

ARAM: The kidnap and rape of a British princess. The mauling death of a big-game poacher locked in a lion’s cage. The vivisection of a drug dealer while he was eaten alive. According to Mr. Reddington, these are not random acts of perverse cruelty. Each was a revenge fantasy, planned and providing by a woman known only as The Djinn.
SAMAR : The Djinn? You mean, like a genie?
ARAM: All I know is, they believe she can help clear Agent Keen’s name. The Djinn apparently grants your deepest, darkest wish. If you can imagine it and pay for it she’ll make it happen.
SAMAR: How do you contact this Djinn?
ARAM: Right. At the early days of the web, a virtual fantasy world was created online to connect people of all ages from around the world. The technology was quickly obsolete, but the site was never taken down. Today, it is a hidden oasis for freaks and weirdos. No digital signatures. Tor-encrypted on the dark web. It offers anonymity for new clients to contact The Djinn. Once you locate her avatar, The Djinn invites you into a private room, where you give her your name and bank account. That’s it. You sign off. The Djinn verifies your financial resources. If she likes what she sees, she contacts you directly to set a meeting.
RESSLER: I don’t buy it. I mean, if they’re trying to prove Keen’s innocence, why go after some high-priced vigilante?

Samar, looking at evidence board

SAMAR: And if that’s not what they’re trying to prove, why risk everything asking for Aram’s help? Why do any of what they’ve done? A troll farmer, a counterfeiter, a company that launders money for the Cabal, now this Djinn– it doesn’t make sense. They’re fugitives, but they’re not running. They’re searching.But if not for Keen’s innocence, then what for?
RESSLER: Well, we know they’re trying to set up a meeting, but we have to find a where and when.
SAMAR: If we can find The Djinn first, maybe we can intercept them.
RESSLER: Cross-reference all our known cases. Look for the IP addresses, how her clients communicated with her, anything that can provide a clue to her identity.


Alice brings Nassim a prisoner

ALICE: You did it.
NASIM : No. You did.
ALICE: Your hour of vengeance has arrived. The road to healing begins now. What happens next is up to you .

Door closes. Nassim, alone with the man

NASIM: Allah teaches us forgiveness, but some things– they’re unforgivable.


Metal scraping – Dembe is sharpening a spoon

VARGAS : Do you have to torture me, too?
DEMBE : I’m preparing for my next interrogation.
VARGAS : With a spoon? I counted four men. You might get two before they kill you.
DEMBE: So be it. When Solomon figures out he can’t break me, he’ll go after my daughter, her little girl. Whatever it takes to find Raymond. If I’m dead, they’re safe.

Dembe hides the spoon in his sock


 SAMAR: I found a link. The revenge fantasies arranged by The Djinn occurred around the world, but two of them drove down the earnings of one company.
SAMAR: Well, it seems cannibalism isn’t good for business. The victim’s body was found in a dumpster outside the hotel wrapped in hotel towels. Now no one wants to sleep there. Just like no one wants to fly a certain airline in South America. It went bankrupt after a hijacking planned by The Djinn. Azeri Financial is a majority shareholder in both the airline and the hotel. It’s a private holding company in New York.
RESSLER: Two is hardly a pattern. Maybe it’s just a coincidence.
SAMAR: It could be, but it’s not. Aram?
ARAM: That is Bahram Bakhash, owner and CEO of Azeri Financial.
SAMAR: The abduction took place two hours ago. So far, there have been no ransom demands.
RESSLER: Well, if someone hired this Djinn to bankrupt Azeri Financial, we need a motive.
And– more importantly– what does any of this have to do with Keen?


 RED: “I am not courageous. Only the poor have courage. Why? Because they are hopeless. To get up every morning to plow a potato field in wartime, to bring kids with no prospects into the world. To live poor – that takes courage.” Ugh. I forget the next line.
LIZ: You’re a terrible actor.

Red laughs

RED: There’s nothing wrong with my performance. It’s the play. Bertolt Brecht uses the alienation effect to create emotional distance from the audience. I don’t know.
LIZ: So, why did you produce his play?
RED: I was completely swept up in the idealism of the theatre owner – a pipe-smoking cream puff of a German named Gerta. She read “Mother Courage” to me aloud – the whole play in one sitting. A brilliant exploration of the politics of war and those who profit from it. Sadly, it was 1991, and audiences were going in droves to see “Cats.” Gerta lost every penny of my investment, but she remains grateful to this day. Her theater is ours as long as we need it.

Cellphone beeping

LIZ; The Djinn. We have a meeting point – a bench in Astoria Park tomorrow at 9:00 AM.
RED: When she arrives, keep her in the open until I move in.
LIZ: This woman – The Djinn – you said she can help, but you haven’t said how.
RED: I have reason to believe that at least two of the people she’s catered to are powerful members of the Cabal.

LIZ:And if we get to her, we can get to them.

RED: In case we lose visual contact, you’ll be wearing a tracking device. If you’re thinking of reaching out to him, don’t. Now that he’s on the FBI’s radar, they’re likely monitoring any communications. This is important, Lizzy. Promise me you won’t call him.
LIZ: I promise.
RED: We should get some rest.

Indistinct conversations

WAITRESS : She hasn’t called yet. More tea?
TOM : Sure.

Tom, looking through magnifier at photos. For himself

TOM : Karakurt had extensive facial surgery.


 SAMAR: Do you know anyone who would want to hurt your father?
HAMID : No. No one. He’s a devout man. Respected, with many friends.
RESSLER: When did you see him last?
HAMID : Here. This morning. He called a board meeting to discuss a hostile takeover.
RESSLER: How hostile?
HAMID : The Newcastle Venture Group is an investment firm. They made an aggressive buyout proposal.
SAMAR: Which your father opposed?
HAMID : Yes. He wants the company to stay in the family.
SAMAR: In his absence, would the board approve of the buyout?
HAMID : Buyout proposals happen all the time. No one gets kidnapped because of them. Look, my father raised my sister, Nasim, and me after our mother was killed by a bomb during the Iran-Iraq war. He’s everything to us. Please. Find our father, bring him back to us.


A cellphone rings hidden under a bench

ALICE: Nice to make your acquaintance, Elizabeth. If you’ll be so kind as to follow my instructions, we’ll be having a lovely visit in no time. First, I’ll need you to leave your cellphone. Opposite you, there’s a gap in the fence. Follow the path until you find some portable restrooms. Walk there now, and enter the one on the right.

Suddenly, police siren chirps. Tires screech

POLICE : Freeze! You! Don’t move!

Indistinct shouting. The police is here for a fight between two men

Liz follows the instructions. Red and Baz follow Liz from a distance

She disappears behind the portable restroom's door

RED: Get there now.

Too late

RED: Aah.

Liz is gone in a car
Breathing heavily.Cellphone rings


ALICE: You did well, Elizabeth. For my privacy and your safety, I’m turning off the lights.
LIZ: Wait. W-where are we going?
ALICE: Enjoy the ride. I’ll have a cup of hot tea waiting.


HAMID : I’ve called everyone. It’s as if he just vanished. There’s been no demand for a ransom or anything – just silence.
NASIM: What can I do, Hamid? I feel so helpless.
HAMID : I put out a reward for any information, and the FBI assures me they’re doing everything they can. They want to talk to you. I’ll text you their number.
NASIM: Yes, of course. Anything I can do to help. I’ll finish up what I’m doing here and then call them. Man az samime ghalbam.


Nasim enters room where her father is impaled on an X-shaped cross, gagged

NASIM: That was Hamid. He’s worried about you, father. He should be.

Bahram Bakhash, her father, groans

NASIM: I know this may seem barbaric to you, but no more so than what you did to me.

She drives a nail into his arm. Screams. Gasps


ALICE: Elizabeth. Thank you for enduring my security measures. Please, take off your shoes. Get comfortable. It’s not often I’m contacted by an international fugitive. We do our homework. Why don’t you tell me your fantasy, and let’s see if we can help?
LIZ: “If”?
ALICE: Not all wishes are granted. We help at our discretion.
LIZ: I want revenge.
ALICE: You have my full attention.
LIZ: I was framed. I want the people who did this to admit it and pay for what they’ve done.
ALICE: I don’t believe that.
LIZ: It’s what I want.
ALICE: I’m sure it is. You wouldn’t be human if it wasn’t. But I’m not interested in what you want. I’m interested in what you deeply desire. I can sense that death and vengeance aren’t what drive you, Elizabeth. Or feed your soul.
LIZ: What does?
ALICE: A lost world, I suspect. Another life.Why don’t you tell me about that fantasy, and maybe I can help you? If you can’t face your truths, I can’t be of service. My car will return you to Astoria Park.

LIZ: I’m sorry.

She pretends to stumble, puts tracking device on Alice’s shoe


NASIM: Hamid’s right. I can’t think of anyone who would want to harm my father. He’s a good man.
SAMAR: Your father’s company–
NASIM: I have nothing to do with the company.
SAMAR : The Newcastle Venture Group– we understand they’re mounting a hostile takeover. Did your father ever mention them to you?
NASIM: No, I don’t think so.
SAMAR: We know that it’s a front, but we don’t know who’s behind it yet. Your father never mentioned them?
NASIM: My father never talks business with me. Surely you must know how that is, Samar Navabi.
SAMAR: I know how that is. But I took control of my life a long time ago.
NASIM: Hmm. Then you’re braver than I.


Knock on door

HAMID : Nasim?

Knocking continues

HAMID : Nasim? Forgive me for intruding. Nasim ?
NASIM: Hamid.
NASIM: There you are. Have you heard anything about father?
HAMID : No. It’s gonna be okay. The FBI are doing everything they can. I know nothing else matters right now, but I need your advice.
NASIM: You’re the only one who values it.
HAMID : The board members – they’re nervous. They were nervous even before father was abducted. Quarterly earnings, share value, and now with him gone, I’ve tried to convince them to wait, that to decide the fate of the company at a time like this is insane. They won’t listen. I want him to be proud of me.
NASIM ; Father groomed you to be his successor because he trusts you. He has confidence in you. The board will listen to you. It’s a fair offer. Take it.
HAMID : It should have been you. Running the company. The bias, the prejudice. He should have seen past it.
NASIM: I just pray they find him.


Door opens

GUARD : Your turn, chief. Not so fast. Lift your pant leg up. The right one. Let’s see what’s in the sock.
VARGAS : I had to give them something. They made me.

Dembe attacks Vargas, Screams

GUARD : Okay, that’s enough! Raise your hands! Face to the wall!

Groans.Grunting. Bone cracking

VARGAS :You didn’t have to hit me that hard. That wasn’t part of the plan.
DEMBE : Get his weapon.

Dembe takes the keys of the guard's car


DEMBE :Wait.

Horn honks .Engine turns over


 Telephone rings

LIZ: Hi. Uh, I’m sorry.
WAITRESS : Is– It’s you. Calling for the guy.
LIZ: Y-yeah.
WAITRESS : I can’t believe it. He was hoping you’d call. He wanted me to give you this number.

Red, entering room

RED: Lizzy?
LIZ; What is it?
WAITRESS: 555-0123.
When he comes back, do you want me to–

Dial tone


RED: What happened with The Djinn? We tracked you to the warehouse, but then you were gone and the tracking signal left the city.
LIZ: She had guards, so I couldn’t ask her about the Cabal. I gave her the story, but she didn’t believe I was being honest. She wanted to know my real fantasy.
RED: So.
LIZ: Well, I didn’t say anything. I put the bug on her shoe.
RED: What is your fantasy?
LIZ: It’s been the same thing for as long as I can remember. I’m walking in a park with my husband. In between us is our little girl. I’m holding her hand in mine and I never let go.

Cellphone beeps

RED : Thanks to your shoe switcheroo, apparently we have an address for The Djinn.


Children shouting playfully in distance .Dog barking in distance.Knock on door.

A little girl opens the door. Red laughs

RED : Hi, there. Is your mommy home?

Little girl slams door. Alice then opens it

RED: You’re not The Djinn.

Dembe and Vargas in car . Breathing heavily. Dembe reads a newspaper

VARGAS : What are you doing?
DEMBE: Looking at the classifieds.
VARGAS : “Tuba mouthpiece for sale”?
DEMBE: The number will lead us to Reddington.
VARGAS : Thanks. All I wanted to hear.

Vargas shoots Dembe in side. Vargas escapes


 ALICE: Oh, my God! Oh! You followed me.
RED: What’s The Djinn’s name?
ALICE: Is that why you came to me? So that I’d give up The Djinn? I won’t do that.
RED: Let’s forget about The Djinn for a moment. I’d be more intrigued to hear about you, Alice. I’m sure you have a story to tell. I love stories.
ALICE: I used to work the convention circuit, standing next to supercars all day in heels and short shorts. As a brand ambassador, you’re trained to answer questions and push product. The Djinn found me through an agency I work with. Most of our clients are men. They enjoy a little eye candy. When I started, The Djinn scripted every word I said, but I guess I had a knack for reading people, knowing their desires. In time, I became the face of the operation.
RED: I imagine selling fantasies is a very profitable business, one you are clearly not profiting from.
ALICE: You have no idea what you’re talking about.
LIZ: The Range Rover in the driveway, those diamond earrings, your shoes– your aspirations clearly exceed your reality.
ALICE: I’ve been preparing to quit. I have more than enough money.
RED: Oh. Lies on top of pretense, my dear. You haven’t quit because you enjoy the power. There’s no shame in that.
ALICE: Do I look ashamed?
RED: No, you do not. It appears we’re all good at reading people. What fun. But, Alice, I don’t think you see that we have an opportunity here to make both of our fantasies come true.The Djinn is a middleman I believe you’ve outgrown. Tell me his name. Tell me all about him, and I’ll get him out of your way. You can launch your own operation. Maybe one that’s a little more optimistic and constructive than the present business model. I even have your first client all lined up. So, this Djinn– tell me.


 Her father, panting

NASIM: That’s your chest collapsing. That feeling? Asphyxiation will be next. Your suffering is almost over. I wish the same could be said for mine.
BAHRAM BAKHASK : I did what I had to to keep you alive.
NASIM: You did what you did because you couldn’t stand to look at me. Well, I am making you look at me now. Look at me, father! Your company is gone. Hamid and the board sold it to the Newcastle Venture Group.
BAHRAM BAKHASK: That’s not possible.
NASIM: Mm. You know, for years, I had dreamt of ways to get my revenge on you. So many fantasies swimming in my head. So many that they gave birth to a business. As The Djinn, I make people’s fantasies come true. You have no idea how much people will pay to experience their darkest desires. And I’ve been collecting that money so that one day I could live out my own fantasy. And guess what day it is, father. You said I was unfit to run a company.
Now I own one– yours. Newcastle Venture Group is mine.


 ARAM: I figured it out. I had to go through six pass-throughs and two loan-outs in The Caymans, but –
SAMAR: Aram.
ARAM: Oh. Um You look nice today.
RESSLER: Aram. What did you figure out?
ARAM: Right. The Newcastle Venture Group– Nasim Bakhash controls it.
SAMAR: Bahram’s daughter.
ARAM: And the board of Azeri Financial just approved the buyout offer.
RESSLER: And that only happened because Bahram wasn’t there to oppose it.
SAMAR: That’s what this is– her revenge fantasy. She’s getting back at her father for cutting her out. That’s why she kidnapped him.
RESSLER: And the only question is, has she killed him yet? Aram, get an address, get units en route now.


TOM : Found my way into the crime ring.
COOPER: “New York’s hottest bachelors”?
TOM : Page 32.
COOPER: Asher Sutton? I don’t know who that is.
TOM : He’s my fast pass to finding Karakurt.
COOPER; How does the only child of a billionaire resort owner get you anywhere near the crime syndicate where Karakurt’s hiding?
TOM : Trust me. It does.
COOPER: I believe we’ve already established that I don’t trust you.
TOM : I believe we’ve also established that you need me.
COOPER: Look. If this world where Karakurt is hiding were easy to get to, I’d have gotten there myself. If this Asher kid somehow has access to it, what makes you think he’s gonna take you there?
TOM : Because he’s got a weakness. For street life, hustlers, players– anybody who has to fight for their money.
COOPER: Go on.
TOM : Asher spends most of his nights at an underground casino in New York. All I need is a good story.
COOPER: Graduated Princeton. Summers in the Hamptons. Maybe you should tell him how you learned to channel lady luck in college during a weekend bender in Sag Harbor.
TOM : Sag Harbor. Okay. Yeah. Yeah, you know what? I remember that weekend. You know, it was my junior ye– No, it was my sophomore year. And my roommate at Princeton, Sammy –
COOPER: Sammy? I don’t think so.
TOM : Right. Not Sammy.

Montage, as Tom transforms into his new identity

TOM : I once had a life, or rather – Samuel. His parents had a beach house in, uh, Sag Harbor that he said was flush with bikinis every summer. So, come July, we want to get lucky, right? So we hit the beach, you know, like Samuel said– scores of girls. But the problem is– they’re all high-school girls. Right? Jailbait. 15 will get you 10 to 20. You know what I’m saying? So forget it. We just drink every night. You know, make the most of our fleeting youth. And on the last day, we hit the beach one more time. And there lies the most beautiful college girl you’ve ever seen. I mean, ever. But it’s two guys, and there’s one girl. So I strike first. I sit down, I start talking to her, and she says she’s hungry. So I get up, I go to the Sag General to buy her a cappuccino muffin. But when I come back, there’s Samuel lying on top of her and their lips are locked like a jigsaw puzzle. You know what I mean? So I do the death march back to my towel. I’m just gonna sleep off the rest of my hangover, you know? “Forget about this day.” But I can’t sleep. Because I got something hard stuck under my head, right? So I reach under my towel, and you’re never gonna believe what I find lost in the sand. So I go back to school the next day with a $12,000 Bulgari on my wrist, and Samuel – he goes back with a brand-new cold sore.


MAN: Oh.
TOM : That’s the day that I learned that luck is just what you make of it.

Laughs. Leaves, encounters Asher

MAN : That’s a dope watch, Mr. Wainright. You have a good evening, and, uh, good luck in there tonight. Can you get?
TOM : Hey, let’s hope.


 LIZ: Alice was right. No guards.

Red seems thoughtful

LIZ: What? What is it? You’ve been quiet ever since we left Alice. Is it Dembe?
RED: It’s your fantasy.
LIZ: What about it?
RED: It’s as it should be.

They find Bahram Bakash

 RED: Look at that. Pinned like a swallowtail.

Liz wants to help the man

RED: Oh, my. No, no, no. Let’s not fuss with that now. Our priority’s to find Nasim.
LIZ: He won’t be alive. Look at him. He needs medical attention.
RED: I’m not sure we should start the party before the hostess arrives, but so be it.

Red on phone

RED:Yes. Hello. I need an ambulance. A man’s dying on a cross.

Cellphone rings, siren wailing

RESSLER: Aram, we’re five minutes out.
ARAM: That’s good, because a 911 call was just placed from Nasim’s home, and the caller was Mr. Reddington.
RESSLER: Are you positive?
ARAM: Voice analysis confirmed it.
RESSLER: Reddington. He’s already there.


Door opens

RED: Nasim. There you are. Please, come in. We have much to discuss, and time is a factor.
NASIM: What do you want?
RED: To offer my sympathies.
NASIM: I know who you are.
RED: And I know who you are, Nasim. What a beautiful name. It means “breeze” in Farsi. But you weren’t born Nasim. You were born Nasir– “the victorious.” How ironic. But a boy. A perfectly healthy boy.
NASIM : I don’t know what you’re talking about.
RED: Alice told us the story. We know you’re The Djinn. And this must be your father. The butcher. Tell me, Bahram, was it so horrific to discover that your 19-year-old son, your eldest son, was gay? So horrific that you forced him against his will to go under the knife, change his gender, to give you a daughter instead of your son, who is gay?

Bahram shakily

BAHRAM BAKHASK: Clerics accept– People can get trapped in the body of the wrong sex. The law says–
NASIM: I wasn’t trapped. I liked my body. I liked men.
BAHRAM BAKHASK: I wanted to protect you, Nasim. They could have killed you.

RED: For being gay. They’re so homophobic that being gay is a hideous crime, but chopping off a man’s penis isn’t? Honestly, is it just me, or is the human race, armed with religion, poisoned by prejudice, and absolutely frantic with hatred and fear, galloping pell-mell back to the dark ages? Who on earth is hurt by a little girl going to school or a child being gay? Let’s be frank, Bahram. You didn’t change your son to protect him. You changed him because he disgusted you.

Bahram breathing shakily

BAHRAM BAKHASK: That’s not true.
NASIM: You violated my body without consent. You sliced out my identity and discarded it as waste. You cursed me to live the rest of my life as a second-class citizen, despite being a firstborn son.

Outside, tires screeching

LIZ: We’re running out of time. Get what you came for, and let’s go.
NASIM; What did you come for?
RED: A leather journal – hand-written – with the names of all your clients and their adventures in wonderland, but I suggest you find it fast before the authorities outside break down your door.
NASIM: What did you do?
RED: As a general rule, I’m against the militarization of America’s police forces, but I needed an army, so there they are.I’ve prepared an escape for Elizabeth and I, and there’s room for you, too, but the price for your freedom is one leather journal. Now who’s The Djinn?


  Police radio chatter

SAMAR: Agents Navabi and Ressler. Where are we at?
OFFICER : We set the perimeter. Our fourth side is water, and we’re waiting for harbor units. No sign of the targets.
RESSLER : They’re in there. I want a full layout of that property, and position teams to cover all the exits.
OFFICER : Yes, sir.

Safe beeping

 LIZ: I should have never agreed to this. Risking everything, for what? Another list of names. How valuable can they be?
RED: All part of the master plan to clear your name, I assure you.
NASIM: Helicopters. Not even you can get us out of this.
RED: You want to know my fantasy, Nasim? To escape a hopeless police standoff in style with two sensational women on my arms. Shall we?

Scoffs, refuses

RED: Yeah. Well, we can’t have everything.

Helicopter blades whirring

RESSLER: We’re gonna breach on my command. SWAT will follow. Reddington and Keen are inside. They’re armed– Lieutenant, are you listening?
OFFICER : That chopper.
RESSLER: What about it?
OFFICER : It’s not mine.
RESSLER: Reddington. Let’s go now. Move, move!

Liz gets in copter with Red

ALICE : Welcome aboard, Elizabeth.
RED: Excellent.
NASIM: I gave you the journal. I kept my end of the deal.

Liz points gun at Nasim

LIZ: Your deal was with him.
RED: Women.

Copter takes off. Red tosses book on lawn in sight of Ressler


Red is shown seated in the movie theatre drinking and eating popcorn with a chubby, middle-aged woman, likely the theatre owner. Suddenly, Red’s expression changes as he sees Leonard Caul and leaves the theatre seating to join him.

Caul has found Solomon’s torture prison where Dembe was held with Vargas


CAUL: It was empty when I found it.
RED: He was here.


Dialing, ringing

On phone

VARGAS : Mr. Solomon ...I’m in New York City...I know how to locate Reddington.


 SAMAR: We caught a predator. You should be proud. That journal had names, dates, locations. The DOJ’s going to close dozens of cases.
RESSLER:There was one page torn out– the one that Reddington wanted. Whatever he’s doing, he’s gonna get her killed.
SAMAR: You can’t save her. You shouldn’t even try. Liz made a choice to kill the Attorney General.
RESSLER: She said it was the only way that she could stop him.
SAMAR: I’ve stopped men the same way, and I’m ready to pay the price. Liz needs to be ready, too. Nobody made her pull that trigger.


TOM : So, I go back to school the next day with a $12,000 Bulgari on my wrist, and Samuel– he goes back with a brand-new cold sore, right? And that’s the day that I learned that luck is what you make of it. Blow on that for me. Thank you very much.

Tom leaves the casino with a lot of money

TOM : Have a good night.

Asher Sutton stops him

ASHER ; Oh, you’re good.
TOM : What’s that?
ASHER: You switched the dice while you were showing off your fake watch. That’s a clever misdirect, but the house dice are in your right pocket.
TOM : Have another drink, pal.
ASHER: Oh, no, no, no. You won’t make it to the front door if I don’t want you to. The Sag General wasn’t selling cappuccino muffins when you were in college, if you even went to college.
TOM : What do you want?
ASHER: Oh, I want to take you to dinner. You’re a fascinating character, Mr. Wainright. Or whatever your name actually is.

Cellphone vibrates

On phone

TOM : Yeah.
LIZ: Tom.
TOM : You called Wing Yee’s. I was hoping you would.
LIZ: I can’t believe you came back.
TOM : Of course I came back. As soon as I heard, I came back.
Are you all right?
LIZ: You had a plan. The boat–
TOM : I wish you would have come with me.
LIZ: I know you went to Ressler and offered to help.
TOM : Yeah, I did. And I’m gonna do everything I can.
LIZ: Listen, Tom, you don’t have to do this.
TOM : I do have to do this.
LIZ: You said you wanted out of this life– out of the secrets and the lies and the risk. I don’t want to be the one to drag you back into this.
TOM : You’re not. You haven’t.
LIZ : Listen, Tom, you– you don’t understand. I have done so many terrible things. I have hurt so many people.
TOM : I don’t care what you’ve done. Liz, I know who you are. I took that for granted for a long time, but I don’t now. So you’re right. I do have plans. I’m coming to save you.
LIZ: Tom. Listen–
TOM : It’s too late. ‘Cause I’m already in.
LIZ: In where? Where are you? What have you done?
TOM : I got to go. I love you.

Cellphone beeps

To Asher

TOM : So, what’s good around here?
ASHER: Follow me.

 Adapté du site «The Blacklist Classified», mise en page par mnoandco.



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