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#311 : M. Gregory Devry

Red entouré de deux hommes

Ecrit par: Daniel Knauf
Réalisé par: Alex Zakrzewski

Son nom enfin blanchi, Liz tente de retrouver son ancienne vie. Red travaille avec la Task-Force pour infiltrer une assemblée de criminels de haut-niveau en liberté lors d'une occasion rare et risquée afin de capturer les chefs des syndicats du crime organisé les plus meurtriers au monde.


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Mr. Gregory Devry

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M. Gregory Devry

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Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) près de la boîte

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) près de la boîte

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) visite un appartement

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) visite un appartement

Samar Navabi (Mozhan Marno) et les hommes du FBI poursuivent les criminels sur les toits

Samar Navabi (Mozhan Marno) et les hommes du FBI poursuivent les criminels sur les toits

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) interroge Devry

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) interroge Devry

Samar Navabi (Mozhan Marno)

Samar Navabi (Mozhan Marno)

 Janet MacNamara (Marsha Stephanie Blake) en bien mauvaise posture face à Marcus Caligiuri

Janet MacNamara (Marsha Stephanie Blake) en bien mauvaise posture face à Marcus Caligiuri

Marcus (Vincenzo Amato) menace Raymond Reddington (James Spader ) d'un couteau sous la gorge

Marcus (Vincenzo Amato) menace Raymond Reddington (James Spader ) d'un couteau sous la gorge

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) explique à Elisabeth (Megan Boone) qui est Grégory Devry

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) explique à Elisabeth (Megan Boone) qui est Grégory Devry

Dembe (Hisham Tawfiq) veille sur Red (James Spader) et Liz (Megan Boone)

Dembe (Hisham Tawfiq) veille sur Red (James Spader) et Liz (Megan Boone)

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) passe la sécurité pour avoir accès à la réunion de  Shell Island

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) passe la sécurité pour avoir accès à la réunion de Shell Island

Grégory Devry (Jake Weber) #95 est-il Raymond Reddington comme il l'affirme?

Grégory Devry (Jake Weber) #95 est-il Raymond Reddington comme il l'affirme?

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) face à lui-même

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) face à lui-même

On ne plaisante pas avec l'agent Navabi (Mozhan Marno)

On ne plaisante pas avec l'agent Navabi (Mozhan Marno)

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) au téléphone

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) au téléphone

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) demande la parole

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) demande la parole

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) se prépare à porter un toast

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) se prépare à porter un toast

Donald Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff)

Donald Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff)


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France (inédit)
Mercredi 10.08.2016 à 21:50
3.10m / 16.7% (Part)

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Jeudi 21.01.2016 à 21:00
7.42m / 1.6% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Personnage Blaklisté: N°95: Mr. Gregory Devry


Jake Weber ... Gregory Devry

Susan Blommaert ... Mr. Kaplan

Marsha Stephanie Blake ... Janet MacNamara
Vincenzo Amato ... Marcus
Lisa Tharps ... Barbara
Kristian Nekrasov ... Dmitri Sarkovski
Steven Crossley ... Espen Van Der Merwe
Maxwell Scott ... Howard Jasnoch
Bradley Icart ... Tyler
Akira Takayama ... Hideo Ibuki

Alors que Mr. Kaplan et trois femmes de ménage commencent le nettoyage d'une scène de crime de Red, des  hommes entrent et tuent les 3 femmes, laissant la vie sauve à Mr. Kaplan afin qu'elle délivre un message à Red.

Après cet événement, Red contacte Liz pour lui parler de la réunion annuelle d'une organisation criminelle appelée Shell Island. Fatiguée par les événements de ces derniers mois, Liz se laisse convaincre et Red lui fournit des informations sur un des membres de l'organisation ; sa capture pourrait aboutir à la capture du reste du groupe.

Grâce aux infos de Red, la Task Force localise leur cible et Ressler et Samar vont l'arrêter. Liz, qui n'est plus un agent et ne possède plus de permis de port d'armes est forcée de rester au bureau avec Aram.

Arrivés sur place, Ressler et Samar découvrent que leur cible possède des dossiers sur toutes leurs enquêtes et sont encore plus surpris quand l'homme affirme être Raymond Reddington.

Au même moment, Liz retrouve Tom sur son bateau et il demande Liz en mariage. Elle n'accepte pas l'offre, mais ne dit pas  "non" à Tom. Les deux ex-époux passent la nuit ensemble.

De retour au bureau de poste, Liz rencontre le prétendu Raymond Reddington qui sait tout sur les Blacklistés et qui accuse Red d'être un imposteur. Il souhaite d'ailleurs rencontrer Red. Sceptique,quant aux dires de ce Raymond Reddington, la Task Force fait venir Red et lui  présente leur découverte. Red refuse de rencontrer l'homme mais accepte de lui parler au micro. Raymond Reddington pense pouvoir convaincre le FBI en leur indiquant que l'agent Janet MacNamara va être kidnappée dans une heure. Ressler et Samar tentent de protéger MacNamara, mais cette dernière est kidnappée sous leur nez.

Au bureau de poste, Raymond Reddington donne le lieu de la prochaine réunion de Shell Island en échange de sa liberté. L'équipe accepte mais lui place des micros dans ses boutons de manchettes.

Pendant ce temps, Red, qui a menti à l'équipe en affirmant ne pas connaitre le lieu de la réunion, s'y rend. Marcus Caligiuri l'accuse d'être un indic du FBI, responsable de l'arrestation ou la mort de plusieurs membres. Il utilise les dires de l'agent MacNamara comme preuves.

C'est à ce moment-là que Raymond Reddington arrive et Red l'utilise en annonçant que ce dernier utilise son identité pour le compromettre. Il convainc les membres de Shell Island en leur montrant les mouchards de Raymond Reddington puis il le tue ainsi que Caligiuri car ils sont considérés comme des traîtres.

Plus tard, Red rencontre Liz et lui avoue que le faux Raymond Reddington était en réalité un de ses amis, Gregory Devry, atteint d'un cancer de l'estomac en phase terminale, il souhaitait mourir. Red lui a donc proposé de lui servir d'appât pour protéger sa réputation auprès de Shell Island en échange d'une mort rapide.

En fin de journée, Red fait venir Tom pour lui interdire de se remarier avec Liz.

De son côté, Liz réussit à avoir un nouvel appartement.  Alors qu'elle se trouve sur un parking, elle est violemment agressée et rouée de coups par un homme qui l'a reconnue et la considère comme un traÏtre.

Liz se retrouve à l'hôpital, le visage tuméfié et plusieurs côtes cassées mais sans grosse blessure. Le médecin la surprend en lui annonçant que son bébé va bien et que maintenant qu'elle est enceinte, elle devra être plus prudente...


 Traduit et adapté du résumé du site officiel par albi2302.

Dead men

Knock on door. Mr Kaplan opens it. She gives her orders to her cleaners.

MR KAPLAN : We’ve got 20 minutes. There are three sleepers in this main room and one in the master bedroom. Time is short, so we won’t be doing cut-downs on site, I’ve got a carpet van en route. I want a full scrub. Cheyenne, windows. Haunani, floors. We have 18 minutes, ladies.
Let’s get to work.

Mr Kaplan puts on her headphones and starts the music

Men enter and shoot the three cleaning ladies : silenced gunshots

CLEANERS : ah, ha

Only Mr Kaplan is left alive

SHOOTER : You’re a lucky one, sugar. We’re gonna leave you alive so you can deliver a message to Reddington personally. Tell him we know.


A man puts Blacklist's cases on a board
Cellphone rings

RED #2 : Hello? [...] Yes [...] Yes, I understand [...] Please, not at all. I’ve been waiting for this day for a while. I’ll be in DC soon.

He hangs up


COOPER : I feel terrible about this.
LIZ : Don’t. I mean, if anything, feel relieved. A week ago, I was facing 16 counts of capital murder. Besides, I still got my personal piece and a CCP.
COOPER : Liz, you’re a convicted felon. They withdrew your concealed carry permit. I’m gonna have to confiscate any other firearms you have in your possession.
LIZ : Will I at least be issued a weapon for field operations?
COOPER : You’re a consultant, not a sworn officer. You won’t be going on field operations. What you are going to be is a phenomenal resource. Your ability as a profiler is–
LIZ : I’m good. It’s okay. I appreciate the pep talk, but I’m good. I really am.
COOPER : That makes one of us.

Liz is talking to task force members

LIZ : I told myself I wasn’t gonna cry so I’m gonna make this quick.

Sighs, tears up . Voice breaking

LIZ : Apparently not quick enough.
ARAM : We love you, Agent Keen.
LIZ : You see, that’s– I’m not an agent anymore. I put you all in an impossible situation, and for reasons I’ll never quite understand, you gave me the benefit of every doubt, even Mr. I’m-Just-Doing-My-Job. You did so much more than that.
COOPER : There’s nothing harder than hunting one of our own, especially when she’s innocent. Hey, in all my years with the Bureau, I’m proud of the jobs all of you did.
SAMAR : What have you heard from Reddington?


MR KAPLAN : I feel like you’re overreacting.
RED : Given the circumstances, I don’t believe that’s possible. About the ladies –
MR KAPLAN : Their families know they’ll be well provided for Thank you, dearie.

Door opens . Liz comes in, Kaplan goes out

MR KAPLAN : Hello, Elizabeth. Word of caution– he’s in a bad mood.
RED : What do you know about Shell Island?
LIZ : Never heard of it.
RED : Please. The Shell Island retreat is the pet name for an assembly of affiliated criminal organizations.
LIZ : I’m sorry, wait. Are you giving me a case?
RED : You look surprised.
LIZ : I thought maybe after all we’ve been through the past three months that you might want to take a break. I mean, aren’t you exhausted?
RED : Your past three months have been what my life has been like for the past 25 years. I’m often exhausted. The Shell Island retreat is a ritual that dates back to the roaring ’20s. The de facto master of ceremonies is Marcus Caligiuri, next in line to Espen Van Der Merwe, but to assume leadership in the Pater Dei group, the world’s oldest and largest weapons dealer. The leaders of the Bratva, Yakuza, and assorted international cartels. They gather when they are presented with a problem so difficult, it can only be resolved by enemies working together.
LIZ : And where is this Shell Island?
RED : There is no Shell Island. It’s just a name. The actual location of the meeting is always a closely guarded secret.
LIZ : I’d have thought you would’ve been invited.
RED : Howard Jasnoch. He’s a competitor of mine. He’s arranged transport for the individual who called the meeting.
LIZ : And who is that?
RED : I don’t know. What I do know is if he’s called a meeting and the members are gathering, he’s a very big fish. Whatever is troubling him, whatever has caught the attention of these men is critical. No less than an existential threat. These meetings are infrequent, Lizzy, making this a very rare opportunity. Follow this fish, and you can net the entire school.


LIZ : Dmitri Sarkovski, the CEO of Vitus One bank, helped orchestrate and now profits from the Greek financial collapse. Espen Van Der Merwe –
RESSLER : Wanted by The Hague on, uh, accessory charges for a slew of war crimes.
LIZ : All of them are at large for charges, including narcotics trafficking, smuggling, cyber crimes, and assassination.
COOPER : And Reddington has confirmed that all of them will be in attendance at this meeting?
LIZ : The Shell Island retreat provides a rare opportunity to capture the heads of some of the most lethal organized crime syndicates.
SAMAR : Does he know where this meeting will take place?
LIZ : He knows someone who does – Howard Jasnoch. He’s an underworld travel agent of sorts.
According to Reddington, he’s preparing travel for one of the attendees.
ARAM : Hang on. I got a flag on him. Georgetown address.
COOPER : Roll out, people. Keen.
LIZ : Oh. Sorry. Instinct.
ARAM ; It’s not so bad. I downloaded the fourth series of Doctor Who on the mainframe. Tom Baker is amazing.


Liz and Tom embrace, kiss

LIZ : We need to go to your boat.
TOM : Yeah.
LIZ : Now.
TOM : Okay... Wait. I gotta do one thing.

Gets down on his knees

TOM : Okay, uh – This is a washer.

He slips it on her finger

TOM : But I promise you, I’m gonna replace it with something so much better. Elizabeth Keen will you marry me? I know I wasn’t the best husband. But I- I can be. I can be. I don’t wanna be anyone else.
LIZ : I don’t know what to say.
TOM : “Yes.” You can say “Yes.”
LIZ : Tom . If I’ve learned one thing from being on the run these past few months, it’s that I can’t tell you what I’m gonna want 10 years from now. Even a year from now. I just know what I want right now.

Sex scene


RESSLER : Howard Jasnoch. We know you’re moving a client to the Shell Island retreat. I want a name and location now.
JASNOCH : I don’t have a name, I swear. Only an address.


FBI : FBI! Hands, hands!

Ressler handcuffs a man

RED #2 : Who are you?
MAN : Move, move!

Samar discovers case files on many Blacklisters

SAMAR : Ressler.
RESSLER : Who are you? I said!
RED #2 : Reddington. Raymond Reddington.


SAMAR : Where have you been?
LIZ : I came as soon as I got the call. Who is this guy? He claims he’s Reddington?
SAMAR : Yes, and we can’t disprove it with DNA because there’s nothing on file from 1990 when Reddington disappeared.
ARAM : Whoever he is, he has got Intel on nearly every blacklister Mr. Reddington has brought us.
COOPER : There’s criminal histories, rap sheets, news clippings written when they were captured or killed.
LIZ : He doesn’t even look like him.
RESSLER : Well, in the five years I hunted Reddington, we had one photo of him. It only had a passing resemblance to the man we’ve been working with.
COOPER : He disappeared 25 years ago. Could’ve had surgery. Truth is nobody really knows what he might look like today. But whoever he is, he has too much classified data for us not to take him seriously. I wanna know what he knows and how he knows it.


Red #2 is in the orange box. Doors whirring, alarm wailing
Liz arrives

LIZ : So you’re Raymond Reddington?
RED #2 : Must make you wonder who you’ve been working with these past few years.
LIZ : Why don’t you tell me about the case files?
RED #2 : You know, for years, I couldn’t figure out why my colleagues were being targeted. I didn’t understand. And then I saw you on TV with him. You’re the fugitive. Agent Keen, right?
LIZ : You were in possession of classified data. How did you get it?
RED #2 : I knew someone was helping the FBI. Imagine my surprise when I realized it was me. Ray Reddington.
LIZ : The case files– how are they connected to Shell Island?
RED #2 : You keep calling them “case files.” These were people. My friends.
LIZ : They were criminals who were taken down by the Bureau.
RED #2 : With the help of a man you call Raymond Reddington. He’s an imposter. He’s using you. You wanna know about the case files? About Shell Island? I’ll tell you, as soon as you give me 10 minutes with him, face to face.
LIZ : The FBI has no relationship with Raymond Reddington.
RED #2 : No, they don’t. But they think they do.


Red, Cooper and The Task-Force observe the suspect in the box

RESSLER : The cases you’ve given us, he said that you’ve been targeting his colleagues.
RED : He’s a probe.
COOPER : When we brought him in, he was in possession of classified data.
RED : I’m not interested in the data he has. I’m interested in the data he’s looking for, about me and my relationship with this task force.
SAMAR : The manhunt exposed your relationship to Liz.
RED : Yes, people are talking about whether I’m cooperating with the FBI. Rumors are swirling. And whoever he is, he was sent to determine whether those rumors are true.
RED #2: Has our friend arrived yet? I’m excited to speak with him. I know youV’re there, and I know you told them about Shell Island. But since you’re not me, you didn’t receive an invitation, and you don’t know when and where the meeting is taking place. I do. Of course you need a taste. That’s how this works, right? He trades information on his friends to get what he wants. Taste this– an FBI executive is going to be taken. I can save her. In exchange, I want a meeting with him. Face to face.
LIZ : He’s bluffing.
SAMAR : He has nothing to gain by gaming us and everything to lose.
COOPER ; If you agree to talk to him, you’re acknowledging – we work together.
RESSLER : Yeah, but if he doesn’t, an innocent person could die.
COOPER : Reddington, you cannot–

Button clicks

RED :  Hello there. Are you enjoying the accommodations?
RED #2 : Ah, there he is. Excellent. Let’s begin. In less than an hour, an FBI executive, Janet Macnamara, will be abducted by my friend and regular at Shell Island, Marcus Caligiuri.
ARAM : Okay, Macnamara, Janet P. Uh, she runs the FBI’s Human Intelligence Unit.
SAMAR : She’s not an agent? Why would she be a target?
RESSLER : She’s a high-level executive cleared to know all Bureau assets, including CIs like Reddington. Caligiuri needs confirmation about our relationship, – she can give it to him.
ARAM : Okay, she’s not at work. She’s picking up her son at a piano lesson. 41st and Macaroy in Hyattsville.
COOPER : Ressler, Navabi, get there now.
LIZ : Oh, sorry. No, it’s cool. I got somewhere I gotta be, so …


BUIDING MANAGER : It’s a secure building. There’s a 24-hour patrol officer. It’s the perfect apartment for a young woman like you.
LIZ : I love it. Here’s my application. How soon can I move in?
MANAGER : Um, soon as possible, Miss Keen. Elizabeth Keen?
LIZ : Yes. Is there a problem?
MANAGER : No. It’s just There are a number of other prospective tenants who’ve already submitted applications.
LIZ : But I thought you said –
MANAGER : We’ll review your application and get right back to you.
LIZ : I see. Okay. Thank you.


SAMAR : Excuse me. We’re looking for Janet Macnamara.
RECEPTIONIST : I’ll need a minute to check.
RESSLER : We good?
SAMAR : We’re fine.
RESSLER : Because you didn’t say anything on the way over.
SAMAR : You didn’t just fire me. We slept together one day, and you fired me the next.

To receptionist who had to overhear

RESSLER : It’s a little more complicated than it, uh, sounds.
SAMAR :Thank you.


SAMAR : Janet Macnamara?
RESSLER : Agent Ressler, FBI. This is Agent Navabi. For your safety, you need to come with us right now.
JANET : What’s happened?
SAMAR : We’ll explain it to you on the way.
JANET : No, I’m not going anywhere without my son. Whatever you’re here for, this must be some kind of mistake.

Ressler looks outside room, sees gunmen
Lowered voice, to Samar

RESSLER : We got a problem. Come here.

Lowered voice

RESSLER : Get back in your room.

They lean against wall where gunmen won’t see them
Gunmen look in, see only boy playing piano
Samar and Ressler surprise gunmen in the corridor, taking both down  gunshots 

SAMAR : Stay down!
WOUNDED GUNMAN : Don’t shoot!

RESSLER : Everybody back in your room! FBI.

But Macnamara and her son make a dash for it. Macnamara encounters third gunman entering building who recognizes her as his target

Gunman grabs Macnamara

GUNMAN : Just the woman I was looking for.
TYLER : Mom, no! Let her go! Mom!
JANET : Tyler, stay there!

RESSLER : Janet!

Seeing Tyler


RESSLER : Hey, where’s your mother?

Tyler points to outside

RESSLER : Stay there.

The gunman shoves Macnamara in the back of a white truck and starts away. Ressler runs and jumps on back of truck

Driver finally ditches Ressler by ramming in reverse into following car. Ressler ends up on the hood


Red enters

RED #2 : You. Who are you? March 8, 1985, I ran point on an attack on the Beirut home of Mohammad Hussein Fadlallah. June 1989, I coordinated Operation Minesweep, which provided back office support and oversight for Naval Intelligence operations in Kuwait carried out by the 160th SOAR. The op was off the books but can be confirmed by Assistant Director Harold Cooper.

Cooper and the Task-Force, listening

COOPER : How the hell does he know that?


RED #2 : If I’m not who I say I am, how would I know that Raymond Reddington held TS-SCI clearance from the office of Naval Intelligence? If I’m not Reddington, how would I know that four years ago he hosted the Shell Island retreat at a chateau in Ile-de-France?

Red laughs

RED :  I must confess to feeling curiously flattered.
RED #2 : Hook us up to a forensic polygraph and ask the only question that matters– are you an imposter? I’ll submit to the test. Will you?


COOPER : How’d he know about Fadlallah?
RESSLER : Did you host a Shell Island retreat four years ago?
RED : I did.
RESSLER : But you can’t tell us where it’s being held this year?
SAMAR : Why didn’t you take him up on the polygraph test?
RED : Because I can defeat a polygraph. So can he, or he wouldn’t have suggested it. If I were you, Harold, I’d concern myself with finding Janet Macnamara, who apparently knows all about our little arrangement here. You need to find Janet before she talks.

Red leaves with Liz

RED : I forgot how much it sickens me to come here.
LIZ : Then why bother? Why give a guy like that the time of day?
RED : Because my life depends on it.
LIZ : Not if you move on. We beat Berlin and the Cabal. Isn’t that enough for you? It is for me.
RED : Is it?
LIZ : I- I know I’m lucky the way things turned out, but I can’t even rent an apartment because people think I’m a criminal. Tom thinks we should just go away and start over. Maybe he’s right.
RED : Tom.
RED :  There’s something you need to see.

Red unrolls large map of the world with hundreds of green, red and blue dots marked on it

RED : The Cabal is in green. Their affiliates are in red. Their competition is in blue.Since I’ve been a fugitive, the pestilence on this map has only grown. This is what we’re up against – a multi-headed hydra. You cut off one head, it grows two others, you have to cut off every head and burn the rest of it. It’s a mythic battle, and it’s not anywhere close to being over.
LIZ : It’s your battle, not mine.
RED : I wish that were true, Lizzy. But the manhunt revealed certain facts that had long been hidden about you.
LIZ : Me?
RED : Katarina Rostova was a name that had been lost to history. Masha Rostova was never more than suspicion and rumor. The manhunt and the publicity it generated changed all of that.
LIZ : But who would care that I’m Katarina Rostova’s daughter?
RED : The daughter of a legendary spymaster, the secret-keeper who disappeared–
LIZ : Disappeared? You and Sam told me she’s dead.
RED : The secrets she took with her could compromise any number of players on that map. They’ll be coming. They’ll be coming for you.
LIZ : But I don’t know anything.
RED : They don’t know that. You can’t walk away, Lizzy. They won’t let you.


  Janet Macnamara is tied to a chair and is being interrogated

JANET : Who are you?
INTERROGATOR : Knowing my name is no way to stay alive. So let’s forgo introductions, shall we, Janet?
JANET : What do you want?
INTERROGATOR: Information. One of two men will die today. One is a killer– filth who deserves what he gets. The other one is a cabinetmaker.
INTERROGATOR: He’s very good with his hands. He has an eye for beautiful design and fine details. I’m sure that’s why you married him... If you tell me what I need to know, I’ll make certain the right man dies today. Hmm?


LIZ : Janet Macnamara’s been taken. To get her back, we have to find Caligiuri. I want the location of the Shell Island retreat.
RED #2 : I’m not the FBI informant. Reddington doesn’t know where they’re meeting. Unless he knows exactly where it is because it’s the scene of his next command performance. That’s why he had me arrested– so I’d be here while he’s putting on his show. He’s using you to take my seat at the table.

Liz chuckles

LIZ : What do you want?
RED #2 : Let me walk.
LIZ : Not gonna happen.
RED #2 : Hmm. If you do, I will tell you where the retreat is taking place. You said you weren’t an informant. I lied. I’m a criminal. He exploited me. He’s exploiting you, too. I get my freedom. You get a dozen major criminals.


RESSLER : I mean, forget it. The guy’s unreliable.
SAMAR : Everything he has said has checked out. It’s our best chance at finding Macnamara.
RESSLER : For all we know, he could’ve staged her abduction to increase his value.
SAMAR : A woman’s life hangs in the balance. Trusting him is a risk we have to take.
RESSLER : I disagree.
SAMAR : Well, it’s not your decision to make anymore, is it?
COOPER : Make the deal. Put a wire on him. Don’t let him out of your sight.

Liz speaks with Red on phone

LIZ : We cut a deal– immunity in exchange for taking us to the meeting. We’re marshalling strike teams now.
RED : Harold is nothing if not predictable.
LIZ : I know you said you don’t know where this meeting is, and I want to believe you, but if this is another one of your games, if you have some sort of hidden agenda, and you plan on going, don’t. If we show up and you’re there, it’ll only confirm their suspicions.
RED : Thank you for your concern, Lizzy.


Red gives a code to access the elevator : he then steps in the elevator.

RED : Borsheim.

On the 22nd floor, a man takes all his weapons and personal items. He arrives at the Shell Island meeting

RED : Thank you.


MARCUS : Reddington. Fashionably late as always, huh?
RED : Marcus. Hello, everyone. It’s good to see so many friends and even more enemies. Welcome to Shell Island.
MEN /WOMEN : Cheers.


Red #2 is prepare for the meeting

COOPER : You’ll be recording evidence of a conspiracy which will be used in their prosecution and to justify your release.
ARAM : If you could remove your jacket.

Red #2 describes the steps that will take place, Red #1 is shown stepping through them .

RED # 2 : This isn’t the TSA. These people have real security. Before I’m allowed to even set foot in the penthouse dining room, I’ll be diverted into an adjoining suite. I’ll be asked to relinquish all weapons and personal items. I will then be relieved of electronic devices and asked for a password.

Red at the elevator «  Borsheim »

RED # 2 : My clothes will be physically and electronically inspected before I step out onto the 22nd floor.

ARAM : Which is why we’ll be deploying the latest surveillance tech from the CIA.
RED #2 : What about transmitter intercepts?
ARAM : The transmitters run on a delay. Once activated, they won’t come online for four minutes. And during that window, they can’t be detected by security.
RED #2 : What if it takes longer than four minutes to get through security?
COOPER : Let’s hope it doesn’t.


RED : Comforting to see that everyone’s appetites for food, lies, and larceny have not diminished over the years. And although some of you might have room for yet another dessert or patience for one more hilarious story, I’m afraid I don’t. Earlier this week, the murder of three of my contractors was ordered by someone in this room to send a message that they believed I was working with the FBI. It was a vile, cowardly, unforgivable act, that quite frankly has resulted in very little impact on me when compared to the devastating loss felt by the children of those three dead women. Now, given the publicity surrounding the assistance I rendered to Special Agent Elizabeth Keen during her recent stint as a fugitive, I understand where one’s suspicion may come from, but it is unfounded. And before this dinner is over, I will not only prove that I have not betrayed us, I will identify the person who has.
MARCUS : Save your breath, Reddington. Your grave’s already been dug.
RED : I’m sorry, but “been dug”? Is that correct? That doesn’t sound correct, Marcus.
DMITRI  : I think it’s “digged.”
MAN  : It is “dug.”
RED : I’m fairly sure “digged” is the archaic past tense. I suppose they’re both grammatically correct. Sounds funny either way. I’m sorry. You were saying?
MARCUS : Two years ago, 20 of us broke bread at this table. Now there are 12. We have lost Hector Lorca, Floriana Campo –
RED : And others. What’s your point, Marcus?

Marcus snaps fingers. Video plays on phone :

« My name is Janet Macnamara. I run the Human Intelligence Unit at FBI headquarters. We keep track of all the criminal informants employed by the Bureau. Over the past two years, our most valuable asset has been Raymond Reddington. »

RED : I thought we weren’t supposed to have phones.

In a van Liz and Aram. In a car,Ressler . Navabi is outside the building.Red #2 goes to the meeting.

ARAM : Okay, do we need to review? You have–
RED #2 : Four minutes.
LIZ : Status?
RESSLER : Alpha teams have taken the northeast corner on Benson Place. Bravo’s covered the hotel. Charlie holds the south, and Delta’s waiting on my command.
ARAM : 90 seconds.
SAMAR : One spotter at the door. I’ll take him on breach.
LIZ : Has the target cleared the lobby?
SAMAR : Not yet. … Okay, he’s in the elevator.


MARCUS : You allege you have nothing to do with the demise of our associates, and yet do you deny that you have benefited from their misfortune?
RED : No, I profited handsomely. I didn’t realize that was against the rules.
MARCUS : It’s not, but we know you weren’t just working with Agent Keen while she was a fugitive.

In a van

ARAM : Okay, transmitter’s up.
LIZ : Why am I not hearing anything? Aram, is he in or not?


RED : The only assistance I gave Agent Keen was after she shot the Attorney General.
DMITRI : They were on TV always working together.
RED : She was a fugitive, Dmitri. I was paid a significant fee by certain unnamed parties to aid in her escape. It’s what I do.
MARCUS : That is true, but we are not just relying on the word of Janet Macnamara. She provided us with access to documentation confirming that in the last 28 months, significant resources have been directed to a top secret task force dedicated to the apprehension of key figures in the so-called criminal underworld based on information provided by a single high-level informant. You. And that is a fact. One you cannot deny.
RED : Take your seat, Marcus. Your information is incorrect, and you’re standing in my light.

Marcus grabs knife and holds it to Red’s throat

MARCUS : You know what your problem is? You talk too much. That’s not gonna be a problem anymore.
MAN : It appears we have a late arrival.


In a van, listening

ARAM : Okay, he’s in.


RED : How fortuitous. We were just talking about you.
RED # 2 : You !How the hell did you get in here?

In a van, listening

ARAM : Wait, is it me or–
LIZ : That sounds like Reddington.
ARAM : This can’t be good.


RED : May I present to you Raymond Reddington? Pour the man a glass of this wonderful port. It appears this party’s just getting started.

Ressler, Samar and Liz are in contact

RESSLER : He lied to us. He knew that location the whole time.
SAMAR : Why? What’s his angle?
RESSLER : I don’t know, and I don’t care, but I’m calling that breach.
SAMAR : The minute you do, it’ll prove Red’s with us. He’ll be killed.
LIZ : Reddington knows our protocol. If he’s in there, it’s because he knew we’d find him. He knows we’re listening. If he’s willing to roll the dice, we should be, too.


MAN : Raymond, what is this?

RED #2 : He’s not Raymond Reddington. He knew I called this meeting. He knew that I was going to accuse him of being an impostor, so he beat me here.
RED : I told you that before this dinner was done, I would prove my innocence and identify the person who’d betrayed us. Meet the fake Red. Faux Red. Fred.
MAN : Fred?
RED : I took Agent Elizabeth Keen on as a client when she was a fugitive to gain her trust in exchange for information as to who was responsible for decimating our ranks. Like you, I’d heard the rumors that I was the one who betrayed us. And sure enough, after gaining her trust, she confirmed that the Bureau’s confidential informant was a Raymond Reddington.

In a van, listening

ARAM : I am so totally confused.
LIZ : Is it possible they know each other?
ARAM : If that’s true, my head is definitely going to explode.


RED : By the way, very clever, Marcus.Abducting Janet Macnamara in your search for the truth. But you and I both know the confession you coerced from that poor woman you’re holding at Calabrese Fine Imports was simply to confirm your lie.
LIZ : You got that?
ARAM : Yeah. Calabrese Fine Imports. 2119 McWhorther Street.
RESSLER : On my way. Dispatch tac teams.
MARCUS : I think we’re gonna kill both of you.
RED : You’ve been nipping at my heels ever since the incident at that awful karaoke bar in Mombasa.
MARCUS : You’re a liar.
MAN : I would very much like to hear what he has to say.
RED : It’s simple. Marcus hired him.
MARCUS : Hired?
RED : To surrender himself to the FBI, pretending to be me so he could use the feds to dismantle my business.
RED #2 : This is absurd.
MARCUS : Words, words, words. No proof.
RED : You want proof? The FBI would never fly blind into an operation like this. He’s wired.

Several men grab Red #2, push him onto table and begin looking for the wire

RED #2 : Ahh! Aah!
RED : You can go after a man’s business, Marcus, even his associates, but other than family, the only thing off-limits is a man’s reputation. You have given false allegations against my good name, which will be whispered and repeated by those who envy my success no matter how thoroughly I repudiate them.
MARCUS : “Repudiate them.” Words. That’s all you ever had.
RED :  Gentlemen, gentlemen. I never wear cufflinks.

Someone cracks open a cuff link, revealing the wire .Helicopter blades whirring

ARAM : I lost the signal.
LIZ : Go! Breach! Now!

Sound of helicopters

MAN : The FBI.
RED : Actually, those belong to me.
SAMAR : Helicopters. They’ll be escaping on the roof.

To Red #2

RED :But I suspect the FBI is on its way because of you. So now we’re all in a bit of a hurry.
MAN : Move!
RED : I need you to put to rest any question about who hired you. Now.
RED #2 : It was Caligiuri.
MARCUS : You lying bastard!
RED #2 : He came to me, said he had a plan, said he knew about Elizabeth Keen.
MARCUS : I’m gonna kill you.

Instead, Red stabs him and whispers in his ear

RED : You were right, Marcus. I am the informant. Tell all our friends in Hell to be patient. I’ll be along soon enough.
RED : Perhaps we should all get our hats and coats.
SOMEONE : What about him?
RED : Oh, yes. About him.

Red shoots Red #2 in stomach

DMITRI : Fastest way to the roof is this express elevator.
RED : We’re not going up, Dmitri. We’re taking the service elevator down to the garage.
MAN : Then who are the choppers for?

Blades whirring, men shouting indistinctly

SAMAR : Why aren’t they landing? The roof is clear. I repeat, the roof is clear. The choppers were just a diversion.


Gun cocks , explosion, gunfire, men shouting indistinctly

MEN : Aah!
RESSLER : Janet Macnamara?
JANET : Yeah.
RESSLER : You okay?
JANET : Yeah. Yeah.
RESSLER : Hang in there. I’m gonna get you out of here, all right?

Later, in car, with Macnamara

RED : I know you’ve been through a terrible ordeal, Janet, and I’m sorry for that. But unfortunately your knowledge of my relationship with the Bureau is inherently dangerous to you, your family, and to me. So please listen carefully and follow my instructions to the letter. First thing tomorrow, you will inform your superiors that the trauma of today’s experience was such that you have re-ordered your priorities and wish to spend more time with Bob, Tyler, and the dogs. You are going to move to Santa Monica, California. I’ve purchased a beach house. The deed is in that envelope. Your property taxes will be paid for on a biannual bases, and I’ll be checking on you from time to time to make sure you’re still … safe. Travel safely, Janet. The sunset over the Pacific is magnificent.

Sitting on bench in cemetery

LIZ : What was his name?
RED  Gregory Devry.
LIZ : Were you close?
RED : Gregory was a dear friend and a brilliant grifter. He made a good living conning con men.
Short of George Sanders, I can think of no one I’d rather have pretend to be me.
LIZ : But you killed him.
RED : Gregory had terminal stomach cancer. So at his request, I euthanized him.
LIZ : You manufactured a doppelganger to reclaim your reputation.
RED : I have many contingency plans in place. This was one.
LIZ : Why not tell us?
RED : The FBI would never permit me to do the very thing necessary to make the plan work. Let everyone escape.
LIZ : So they could spread the word that we’re not working together.
RED : Are we working together? The way you were talking before, I wasn’t so sure.

Cellphone vibrating

RED : Tom?
LIZ : No. The woman who turned me down for the apartment.

At the apartment, Liz is unpacking, first the photo of her and Sam at the beach, then a picture of her at her graduation from Quantico

[ Voiceover:
Barbara Menninger (buiding manager) : « Elizabeth, this is Barbara Menninger. Look, I wanted to apologize. When I realized who you are, I just – I overreacted. Frankly, I thought you were a pretty terrible person, and that was wrong. You’ve been exonerated. You deserve a second chance, and so I want you to know, the apartment’s yours, if you still want it. »


MR KAPLAN : Thank you for everything.

Red and Mr Kaplan are sitting on couch.

MR KAPLAN : You won’t lose her, no matter what happens.

Tom enters. Red is seated at table, playing solitaire

TOM : You wanted to see me? What is this place?

RED :  You will not marry her.
TOM : Why? Because I didn’t ask daddy’s permission? Is that really why you called me here? Or did you just want someone to play go fish?

RED :  You married her over my objection once. It will not happen again.


It's dark outside and Liz is alone on a store parking lot

MAN : Are you that woman? Elizabeth Keen?

Man begins savagely beating Liz, kicking her in the face and ribs

LIZ : No!
MAN : You’re a traitor!


Liz awakens in a hospital

DOCTOR : Ms. Keen. How you feeling?
LIZ :Well, all things considered ...like crap.
DOCTOR : Well, we, uh, we got back your MRIs and, uh, looks like you sustained three broken ribs. No other internal injuries or bleeding. There’s really nothing much we can do about those ribs, but just tough it out until they heal.
LIZ : I’ve broken a few before.
DOCTOR : Yeah, we noticed that. But hey, uh, good news. The baby’s fine.
LIZ : It is? The baby.
DOCTOR : Uh, yeah. But you really, uh, have to be more careful – now that you’re pregnant.

A tear. Liz exhales sharply


Adapté du site «The Blacklist Classified», mise en page par mnoandco

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chrismaz66, 03.12.2024 à 10:30

Hi^^ Nouveau jeu proposé par sondage chez Torchwood et aussi Kaamelott bientôt, merci de passer voter ;-)

ShanInXYZ, Avant-hier à 03:19

Nouveau mois sur le quartier Doctor Who : Calendriers, jeux et infos sur l'épisode de Noël, passez voir le Docteur

pretty31, Avant-hier à 11:08

Une nouvelle bannière est en vote pour le quartier HypnoClap, merci pour votre aide

Locksley, Avant-hier à 13:14

Chouette bannière pretty, bravo !

choup37, Avant-hier à 16:02

Nouveau sondage spécial Noel à Kaamelott ouvert à tous et toutes, calendrier, pdm et survivor, on vous espère nombreux

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