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#310 : Le Directeur, 2e partie

Kaplan et Baz écoutent le plan de Reddington

Ecrit parLukas Reiter
Réalisé parJohn Terlesky

Comme la Cabale se prépare à assassiner Liz, Red fait appel à la Task-Force pour combiner leurs efforts visant à contrer la Cabale et afin de disculper Liz. Red lance un ultimatum final.


4.83 - 6 votes

Titre VO
The Director, Conclusion

Titre VF
Le Directeur, 2e partie

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Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) et son avocate face au juge

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) et son avocate face au juge

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) a réuni ses troupes pour la contre-attaque

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) a réuni ses troupes pour la contre-attaque

Linda Kotsiopulos (Kathleen McNenny ) ne se sent pas bien, Harold Cooper (Harry Lennix) appelle son médecin

Linda Kotsiopulos (Kathleen McNenny ) ne se sent pas bien, Harold Cooper (Harry Lennix) appelle son médecin

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) ne plaisante pas

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) ne plaisante pas

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) et son avocate face au juge

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) et son avocate face au juge

Le ministre des Affaires étrangères du Vénézuela, Mr Diaz (Tony Plana ) fait parti du plan de Red

Le ministre des Affaires étrangères du Vénézuela, Mr Diaz (Tony Plana ) fait parti du plan de Red

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) dans le jet du président vénézuélien

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) dans le jet du président vénézuélien

Kate Kaplan (Susan Blommaert)

Kate Kaplan (Susan Blommaert)

Le ministre des Affaires étrangères du Vénézuela, Mr Diaz (Tony Plana )

Le ministre des Affaires étrangères du Vénézuela, Mr Diaz (Tony Plana )

Karakurt (Andrew Divoff ) est toujours prisonnier de Tom Keen (Ryan Eggold)

Karakurt (Andrew Divoff ) est toujours prisonnier de Tom Keen (Ryan Eggold)

Le Directeur (David Strathairn ) #24 alias Peter Kotsiopulos

Le Directeur (David Strathairn ) #24 alias Peter Kotsiopulos

Aram Mojtabaï (Amir Arison) s'occupe de l'ascenseur

Aram Mojtabaï (Amir Arison) s'occupe de l'ascenseur

Samar Navabi (Mozhan Marno) n'est pas impressionée par Baz (Bazzel Baz)

Samar Navabi (Mozhan Marno) n'est pas impressionée par Baz (Bazzel Baz)

Le Directeur (David Strathairn ) #24 alias Peter Kotsiopulos se réveille dans un jet

Le Directeur (David Strathairn ) #24 alias Peter Kotsiopulos se réveille dans un jet

Aram Mojtabaï (Amir Arison) parle avec son chef Haraold Cooper (Harry Lennix)

Aram Mojtabaï (Amir Arison) parle avec son chef Haraold Cooper (Harry Lennix)

Les associés de Red  Marvin Gerard(Fisher Stevens) , Kate Kaplan (Susan Blommaert) et Baz (Bazzel Baz)

Les associés de Red Marvin Gerard(Fisher Stevens) , Kate Kaplan (Susan Blommaert) et Baz (Bazzel Baz)

Tom Keen (Ryan Eggold) explique à Karakurt ce qui l'attend

Tom Keen (Ryan Eggold) explique à Karakurt ce qui l'attend

Dembe (Hisham Tawfiq)

Dembe (Hisham Tawfiq)


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France (inédit)
Mercredi 10.08.2016 à 21:00
3.42m / 16.9% (Part)

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Etats-Unis (inédit)
Jeudi 14.01.2016 à 21:00
7.47m / 1.6% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Personnage Blaklisté: N°24: The Director (Peter Kotsiopulos)


David Strathairn ... Peter Kotsiopulos (le Directeur)
Christine Lahti ... Laurel Hitchin
Fisher Stevens ... Marvin Gerard
Susan Blommaert ... Mr. Kaplan
Andrew Divoff ... Karakurt
Tony Plana ... Mr. Diaz
Charlayne Woodard ... Allison Gaines
Kathleen McNenny  ... Linda Kotsiopulos
Tibor Feldman ... Juge Trotter
Michael Maize ... Iverson
Emilea Wilson ... Langsfeld
Andrew Weems ... Dr. Huffnagel


Red rassemble son équipe ainsi qu'Aram, Cooper, Samar et Marvin Gérard dans un bar derrière une usine de conditionnement de la viande. Red explique le lien entre les derniers blacklistés et son plan pour sauver Liz en kidnappant le Directeur.

Pendant ce temps, Liz est escortée par Ressler à Fort Meade. La jeune femme est inquiète mais Ressler la rassure en lui expliquant que Red est en train d'élaborer un plan pour l'innocenter et qu'en attendant, il la protégera.

De son côté, Tom est sur son bateau avec Karakurt, à attendre l'appel qui lui dira d'intervenir. Karakurt menace de ne plus témoigner et Tom lui fait comprendre que s'il se rétracte, il s'en prendra à sa sœur.

Arrivée à Fort Meade, Liz est placée en cellule en attendant le procès qui démarrera le lendemain, tout comme le plan de Red.

Au même moment, Hitchin et le Directeur discutent de Liz et Hitchin indique qu'elle a un plan pour éliminer Keen. Le lendemain matin, elle rencontre Iverson, un US Marshal, qu'elle a embauché pour tuer Liz.

De son côté, Red dévoile le déroulement de son plan à Aram. Avec l'aide de ses complices, Red fait construire une réplique exacte du bureau du thérapeute du Directeur et de sa femme, deux étages plus haut afin d'y piéger ce dernier. Aram doit réussir à tromper les gardes en faisant monter l'ascenseur au huitième, tout en indiquant le sixième sur les panneaux.

Cooper et Samar s'occupent de droguer, Lynda, la femme du Directeur, qui souffre de crises de panique. Craignant d'en faire une, elle appelle son thérapeute en urgence et ce dernier prévient le Directeur. Le plan de Red est en marche et il fonctionne puisque le Directeur se rend dans le faux bureau où il est drogué au propofol puis enlevé sous le nez de ses gardes du corps.

Ressler reçoit un message l'informant que c'est le moment d'agir. Il contacte Tom qui lui amène Karakurt. Il le fait entrer au milieu d'une horde de journalistes et fait une déclaration officielle : Karakurt est soupçonné d'être le commanditaire des meurtres dont Liz est accusée.

Le directeur se réveille dans le jet du Président vénézuélien où le ministre des Affaires Etrangères, Diaz, l'arrête. Red appelle Hitchin pour l'informer qu'ils sont en chemin vers La Haye, où le Directeur sera jugé pour crimes contre l'humanité ... sauf si elle veut innocenter Liz ? Hitchin est réticente jusqu'à ce qu'elle voit l'arrivée de Karakurt à la télé.

Marvin Gerard apparaît dans le bureau d'Hitchin et elle lui propose un accord écrit avec presque toutes les requêtes de Red. Toujours au téléphone avec ce dernier, l'accord est conclu mais Hitchin lui demande un service, Le directeur étend devenu un boulet pour la Cabale, Red doit s'en débarrasser.

A Fort Meade, Marvin Gerard apporte l'accord à Liz. Elle sera innocentée de 15 des 16 meurtres dont on l'accuse et devra plaider coupable pour celui de Tom Connolly. L'accord stipule qu'elle sera condamnée pour homicide involontaire ce qui implique qu'elle perdra définitivement son badge. Si Liz signe, elle deviendra une consultante, comme Red.

Consciente que c'est la meilleure offre, Liz accepte l'accord. Cooper récupère son poste et Hitchin fait une conférence de presse pour annoncer publiquement la libération de Keen.

De son côté, Red balance le directeur pendant le vol et il atterrit sur la table de la salle à manger d'une famille néerlandaise. Avant d'aller chercher Liz, Red rencontre Hitchin qui le soupçonne d'affaiblir la Cabale pour pouvoir accéder au sommet.

Liz est libérée et Red l'attend à l'extérieur. Elle va vers lui et le prend dans ses bras.


 Traduit et adapté du résumé du site officiel par albi2302.


To Aram

MR KAPLAN : You’re late.

To Baz who takes his phone

ARAM : Um, be careful with that. I’m not due for an upgrade–

To Samar who gives her knife

MR KAPLAN : My kinda girl.

Marvin, Cooper arrive and at last Red

RED : Hello, Harold. You look pretty well, considering. Thank you all for coming. I apologize for the security protocols, but my better half insists. Just the fact that you are all here is a testament to the deep concern we share for Elizabeth Keen’s safety and well-being.
The threat from forces within is proving to be more powerful and far-reaching than one could ever have imagined. I’ve asked you here because we have one chance to save Elizabeth. But to do that, we must work together.So


RED : Oh, my God, this is why I’m a terrible bridge player. With anyone else, Steve Lyditt would have won the North American pairs. We didn’t even make it through regionals. I abhor working with a partner. Sharing my hand with anyone goes against every instinct I have... But such is life. Here we are.

Red resumes

RED : So, five weeks ago, I called the Metro PD to report a sighting of Raymond Reddington at the Del Rio diner. I created a hostage crisis so you would be so kind as to release my attorney, Marvin Gerard, from prison. That day, Marvin and I conceived a plan to exonerate Elizabeth Keen by targeting the Cabal, and, in particular, the Director. Since that day, everything we’ve done has been in service of that plan.
The Verdiant case has resulted in catastrophic damage to the Cabal’s finances. The client list we took from The Djinn gave us leverage with key players in the Cabal to further isolate and weaken the Director’s influence. With Andras Halmi, or part of him, we cut a gaping hole – in the Director’s golden parachute – leaving him nothing to run with and causing even further distrust and divisions within the Cabal.
But the Zal Bin Haasan case has opened a window of opportunity we must slip through with great haste. To save Elizabeth, we must execute a specific attack, one so impactful, it will force the Cabal to completely abandon the Director and publicly exonerate Elizabeth Keen.
COOPER : What the hell do you have in mind?
RED : See, this is why I don’t play well with partners. Don’t fret, Harold. I’m holding all the trumps. I’ll be the declarer, you be the dummy, and we’ll win the hand. Anything else? Good. Let’s begin.

Sirens wailing


[On radio:

Man: « We are over the convoy now, as FBI vehicles speed Agent Keen – to the federal courthouse. »
Woman: « Sources say she’ll appear before a judge authorized to preside over matters of top national security. »
Man: « The name of that judge has not been released. »
Man: « There is no record of the case on any official court docket. »]


Agent Ressler and Elisabeth Keen are in the car leading to the federal courthouse


RESSLER : Local PD in West Virginia must’ve leaked the arrest. I’m counting four choppers.
ESCORT : We’re getting word of a crowd assembling at the courthouse, sir. Might get a little messy.
LIZ : They were gonna kill me. The Director wasn’t taking me to any black site for questioning about actionable Intel. If you hadn’t shown up when you did, I’d be dead.
RESSLER : I’m sorry, Keen. I expected the Director to try something, but I also expected Reven Wright to be there to intervene.
LIZ : What happened?
RESSLER : I think Laurel Hitchin killed her or had her killed.
LIZ : My God. They’re in the White House.
RESSLER : Hey, look, Reven may be gone, but the safeguards we put in place for your arrest are still intact. She arranged for your case to be heard by a judge she trusted completely.
LIZ : As much as she trusted Laurel Hitchin?
RESSLER : Pending trial, you’ll be housed under military guard at Fort Meade. We can keep you safe there, Liz. I wouldn’t have brought you in if I didn’t believe that.
LIZ : I need a pen and paper.
OFFICER : Against protocol, ma’am.
LIZ : I don’t have a will.
RESSLER : Give her the damn pen and paper.

Liz writes her will

RESSLER : Who do you want me to give this to?
LIZ : Uh–
RESSLER : Tell you what. I’ll hold on to it. Give it back to you when this is all over, okay?

Helicopter blades whirring, crowd shouting indistinctly



RESSLER : You ready?
LIZ : No.

Car doors open
Indistinct shouting continues


Tom and Karakurt are watching Liz’s arrival on TV

KARAKURT : She’s already dead. The only way she gets out of that building is if they carry her out.
TOM : No. Place is a fortress – metal detectors, cameras, US Marshals. It’s not gonna be easy to get to her.
KARAKURT : It wasn’t easy to kill the OREA agents or the Senator. It doesn’t have to be easy to get done.
TOM : Which is exactly what you’re gonna tell the US Attorney. Save her life, maybe yours in the process
KARAKURT : Your whole plan, freeing the girl, it all depends on me. Me talking, telling the truth– which, if I do, is a death sentence. Makes me think I’m not getting enough out of the deal.
TOM : You agreed to talk.
KARAKURT : Maybe I got cold feet.
TOM : Cold feet. Take a look. The woman I love is in there because of you. So let’s be clear. If you talk, there is a chance they will kill you. But if you don’t talk, I will definitely kill you very slowly. You should also know that I know where your sister is.
KARAKURT : Mm-hmm.
TOM : Up in that hole where I found you. I’ve killed a lot of people to get this done. Don’t think I won’t do it again. When I get the call, I’m walking you into that federal building and you will talk.


 COOPER : That’s it? That’s your plan? You want to abduct the Director of Clandestine Services.
RED : Yes.
ARAM : Okay, I, uh, really, really do not like that guy, and I- I want to be a-a team player and all, but this sounds a little like–
MARVIN GERARD : Treason? That’s because it is.
COOPER : Not to mention seditious conspiracy – and felony kidnapping.
MARVIN GERARD : For which you could all spend the rest of your lives in prison.
SAMAR : What are you going to do? Ransom him back to the Cabal? They won’t exonerate Keen to get him back.
RED : Agreed. That’s why I have something in mind that’s infinitely more persuasive than ransom.
MARVIN : We’ve been monitoring the man around the clock. He and his wife are in marital therapy.
RED : I’m actually a great proponent of marital therapy. Worked for me. Then again, I had sort of a thing for the therapist. Lovely voice.
ARAM : You were in therapy?
RED : The Director’s wife is a pill popper – downers mainly, to deal with panic attacks and anxiety. They see a psychiatrist every Wednesday morning, Doctor Oren Huffnagel.
MARVIN : His wife meets him at the Middleton building. A real creature of habit. She gets a latte every day at the same shop, and then, on Wednesdays, she walks over for the appointment.
RED : The Director takes a scaled-down security team– two agents, one of whom stays in the lobby.
SAMAR : Sounds great, except tomorrow’s not Wednesday.
RED : Yes, which is why we’ll need a ruse that prompts the Director to go see the good doctor tomorrow.
COOPER : And what do we do with him once we have him?

Red smiles


To Liz

RESSLER : Your arraignment’s tomorrow morning. We got authorization to keep you here overnight.

Liz is anxious

RESSLER : Hey, don’t worry. I’m not going anywhere. Cooper reached out to Allison Gaines.
LIZ : The criminal defense attorney?
RESSLER : One of the best in the country. She’ll be here in the morning. One more thing.Yeah, it’s me.

Ressler hands his phone to Liz : it's Red

RED : Are you all right?
LIZ : I’m here.
RED : Lizzy, you will make it through this. Everything happens tomorrow. Agent Ressler won’t let you out of his sight.
LIZ : Thank you.


DIRECTOR : I want her taken out tonight.
HITCHIN : Calm down, Peter. The problem of Elizabeth Keen will be resolved by this time tomorrow.
DIRECTOR : Listen, we could have her commit suicide in her cell.
HITCHIN : Agent Ressler’s with her now, and he won’t leave her tonight. We’ll finish this tomorrow.
HITCHIN : We’ve been developing some new assets at the courthouse. I’ve got someone in mind.
HITCHIN : Agent Keen will never make it to Fort Meade. I promise you that.
DIRECTOR : You promise me that? You do?
HITCHIN : We’re done, Peter.


LIZ : You look tired.
RESSLER : There’ll be plenty of time to sleep when this is over– for both of us.
LIZ : When’s the lawyer coming?
RESSLER : Courthouse opens in half an hour.
LIZ : Thank you.


ARAM : Wait.Uh, wait, we must be on the wrong floor. I thought you said this is where the Director and his wife get therapy.
RED : It will be. The routine is always the same. The unhappy couple arrive separately and are escorted into the lobby by two agents. One agent remains downstairs watching the entrance, the other escorts them onto an elevator to ensure they ride alone in their misery. Dr. Huffnagel is on the sixth floor, suite 612, catty-corner to the elevators.
ARAM : Yeah, I still don’t get it. If his office is on the sixth floor, why are we on the eighth?
RED : The layout of every floor in the building is identical. All we need to do is recreate the sixth floor on the eighth.

ARAM : Whoa.
RED : Whoa, indeed. I need you to access the elevator system to make sure that when that agent presses 6, the elevator takes them to 8, where we’ll be waiting.

To Dembe

ARAM : Oh, that is so cool. Sleight of hand. I love magic.

To Red

ARAM : But, uh, the real trick is going to be getting the Director here in the first place.
RED : Harold Cooper and Agent Navabi are working on that as we speak.


Samar bumps into Lynda : her coffee falls

MRS LYNDA KOTSIOPOULOS (Director’s wife): – Oh, my God.
SAMAR : Oh, I’m so sorry.
LYNDA : It’s all right. I’m fine.
SAMAR : Oh – no, it’s my fault. Let me get you another one.
LYNDA : No, really. It’s all right.
SAMAR : Please, I insist.
LYNDA : All right, thank you.
SAMAR : Hi. I just bumped into this nice lady and her coffee. I’d like to buy her another one. It was a latte.

Cooper comes to counter. Samar takes his drink. She takes his.
To Lynda

SAMAR : Here you go. Again, I am so sorry.
LYNDA : It’s okay. Thank you.


 MR KAPLAN : The figurine on the sixth floor? The one under that mirror that’s opposite the elevators. We couldn’t find a duplicate. I can try to find something similar, but –
MARVIN : Good night. It’s not the Hope Diamond. Steal the damn thing.
MR KAPLAN : And while I’m at it, shall I smile for the security cameras?
RED : Apples. Get a bowl. Something glass, crystal.
MR KAPLAN : What if he notices? Dearie, this could blow the whole thing.
RED : He won’t.
MARVIN : She said, what if he does?
RED : I know what she said, Marvin. Why are you still here?

Marvin Gerard leaves

RED : Everybody likes apples.


Lynda is dizzy

COOPER : Are you all right, ma’am?
LYNDA : I don’t know what’s happening. I- I’m dizzy.
COOPER : Hang on. I got you. We’re gonna go right here.
LYNDA : Thank you, I- I’m-
COOPER : I can call 9-1-1.
LYNDA : No, my – my heart, it’s racing. I can’t get my breath.
COOPER : I’m calling an ambulance.
LYNDA : No, no, I- I get panic attacks. I- I oh. [ Cell phone thuds ] Oh, my God. I’m –
COOPER : You’re okay.
LYNDA : My- my doctor. Huffnagel. It’s in my contacts. If you could– please

Cooper on phone with the doctor

COOPER : Yes, hello. Is Dr. Huffnagel in? Yes, I’m- I’m here with, uh Lynda.
LYNDA : Lynda Kotsiopulos.
COOPER : Lynda Kotsiopulos. She’s, uh, dizzy. Seems to be a panic attack of some sort. Yes, she’s right here.

Cooper gives the phone to Lynda

HUFFNAGEL : Lynda? Is everything all right?
LYNDA : I think something’s wrong. I think I’m having another episode.
HUFFNAGEL: Have you taken your medication?
LYNDA : Yes, yes. Peter – you have to call Peter. Listen, you just– you have to get ahold–
DR HUFFNAGEL : I’m calling Peter right now. You’re gonna be fine.
LYNDA : Okay.

She hangs up

To Cooper

LYNDA : Could you help me get a cab, please?
COOPER : Of course.
LYNDA : Thank you.


ALLISON GAINES : Elizabeth Keen. Allison Gaines.
RESSLER : Marshals will clear the floor and give you two some privacy.
GAINES : Harold Cooper warned me. He said you wouldn’t look like much.
LIZ : What does that mean?
GAINES : It means my business is monsters, Agent Keen. And I’ve met a lot of them. All charged with a lot less than you are, sweetie. You don’t look like a monster.
LIZ : Is this how you start all your client consultations?
GAINES : I’ve read the complaint. The US government is formally charging you – with 16 counts of capital murder.
LIZ : 16?
GAINES : 14 CIA agents killed in the OREA bombing, the Senator you infected – Hawkins – and, oh, yes, the Attorney General of the United States. There are other charges – the off-duty cop you shot on the run.
LIZ : I’m innocent. I’m being framed.
GAINES : So the two witnesses who saw you execute Tom Connolly were mistaken? Listen to me. I won’t lie to you. I’ve been on this case 24 hours, and what I see looks bad.
LIZ : They’re gonna kill me. Today.


HITCHIN : Mr. Iverson, thank you for coming. So, you’re aware of what we’re asking? And you think you can get it done?
IVERSON : It won’t happen in the pens. I work courthouse security, but not in that area, and you can’t have weapons around the cells. I can do it when they move her.
HITCHIN : As long as it gets done. This is Assistant US Attorney Andrew Barrett. When you’re arrested, your case will go to him for prosecution. I assume you recognize Judge Sanborn? Sanborn: They can steer the case to me. I’ll order a psychiatric exam, which will be done by one of our people. With Mr. Barrett’s consent, you’ll be declared not guilty by reason of insanity or mental defect. You’ll spend a couple of years at a psychiatric facility of our choosing, then be released.
HITCHIN : You’ll be a free man with some very powerful and grateful friends.
IVERSON : If I don’t make it, I want the money to go to my kids, not my ex-wife.
HITCHIN : Just get the job done.


MAN : Oyez oyez. All rise. This court is now in session. The Honorable Judge Harrison Trotter presiding. Calling United States vs. Elizabeth Keen.
GAINES : Good morning, Your Honor. Allison Gaines for the defendant.
YOUNG : Assistant US Attorney Douglas Young for the government As you know, Your Honor, this matter has national security implications. You’ve seen the complaint.
GAINES : So have I, Your Honor. And in the interest of time, we waive any formal reading – of the rights and charges.
TROTTER : Denied.
GAINES : Excuse me?
TROTTER : That may be the ordinary course of business, but there is nothing ordinary about the charges against your client. Ms. Keen, the United States government has charged you with 16 counts of capital murder. Each one exposes you to a death sentence. Do you understand that? – Liz: Yes.
TROTTER : That’s aside from the treason and espionage charges, which are also capital offenses.
Mr. Young, please read the names of the victims.
TROTTER : From the Office of Russian and European Analysis– Case Officer Daniel Allen, Case Officer Joanne Dobbs, Case Officer Rebecca Haft, Case Officer Marshall Masik. …


LANGSFELD (Female reporter) : I can only hope you smuggled me in here for an exclusive.
RESSLER : I need a favor.
LANGSFELD : I’m a reporter. I don’t do favors.
RESSLER : There’s gonna be a new development in the Keen case.
LANGSFELD : What development?
RESSLER : It’s gonna break, and when it does, I need you and your friends to be there.
LANGSFELD : So much for the exclusive. Fine. But I get something in return. Your story. The story of the FBI agent who hunted down his own partner. Over dinner. And a really expensive bottle of wine.
RESSLER : You and your pals show up, I’ll take you to Teroni’s. I’ll call you when we’re ready.

 Cell phone dialing : Ressler calls Tom

RESSLER : She’s in with the judge now. You ready?
TOM : Waiting on you.
RESSLER : Get Karakurt in position. As soon as I hear from Reddington, we go.
TOM : You’re on. It’s your moment of truth.


COOPER : He looks worried. Almost as if he got a call from his wife’s shrink telling him she’s having a panic attack. He’s on his way to you now.


SAMAR : Aram, he’s getting on elevator 22.
ARAM : Okay.

Aram access the elevator system to make sure that when that agent presses 6, the elevator takes them to 8.
To Reddington

ARAM : Mr. Reddington, be advised, Director arriving on the eighth floor in five, four, three, two.

Red, Dembe and Baz are waiting for the director in the office

Doors open. Director notices bowl of apples outside the doctor's office

RED : Baz.

Baz is ready to intervene

DEMBE : He knows.
RED : Give it a second.

Director takes apple, taps it, takes two apples, tosses one to his guard. They go in.

RED : Everybody likes apples.


DIRECTOR : Is my wife here?
MR KAPLAN (as receptionist): Dr. Huffnagel is with your wife now. I’ll take you back.
DIRECTOR : Where’s Dorothy today?
MR KAPLAN : She’s out. Her daughter is sick. I’m Pamela.

The Director opens a door. Red is there. Baz grabs the Director. Dembe injects something into his neck. The director is dizzy ;

RED : Don’t worry.

Distorted voice

RED : Lynda’s fine.


LYNDA : He’s not coming.
DR HUFFNAGEL : I’m sure he’s coming, Lynda. I’ll try his office again.

On phone

DIRECTOR'S GUARD : – Director’s line.
HUFFNAGEL : Doctor Huffnagel here. I’m sorry to call again, but I’m here with Lynda, and she’s wondering if Peter is on his way.
DIRECTOR'S GUARD ON PHONE : What do you mean? The Director got to your office two minutes ago.
HUFFNAGEL: No. He didn’t. If he had–


MR KAPLAN : He’s under. Let’s move.


GUARD : I’m looking for the Director.
RECEPTIONIST : So are we. His wife is waiting– Hey! You can’t go in there.
LYNDA : Where is he? Where is Peter?
GUARD : What’s going on? Where the hell are you guys?
GUARD 2 : We’re in the doctor’s office. I’m in the waiting room.
GUARD : No, you’re not.


GUARD 2 : The Director’s not here.
GUARD : They took a freight elevator.

Red’s team loads the Director into an ambulance and they all climb in. By the time the Directors guards reach the street, there is nothing unusual to be seen


Man speaking indistinctly in Spanish.

MR DIAZ : Te llamo.


The Director wakes up, opens his eyes. He is in a bed. His eyeglasses are on the nightstand next to the bed. He puts them on and opens a door...

RED : Peter! Welcome back. Boy, you were out! Like carrying a bag of boulders.
DIRECTOR : What the hell have you done?
RED : I envy anyone who can sleep soundly on a plane. Then again, I’ve never been injected with propofol.

To Diaz

RED : You have the Post Toasties?
DIRECTOR : Where the hell are we? What is this? I’m– I’m your hostage now?
RED : Heavens, no. Nothing nearly so pedestrian. The fact is, you’re not my prisoner at all. You’re officially in the custody of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. You must know Mr. Diaz, Foreign Minister and National Security Advisor to the Venezuelan President.
DIAZ : Mr. Kotsiopulos. On behalf of my government, you are hereby under arrest for war crimes and crimes against humanity in violation of the Geneva Convention and international law, as established by the 1998 Rome Statutes.
DIRECTOR : Oh, my God.
RED : Oh, your God can’t help you now, Peter. You’re traveling over the Atlantic, on the Venezuelan President’s Airbus, – on your way to The Hague.
DIRECTOR : You’re insane.
RED : I wouldn’t know. But you’re going to have the distinguished honor of becoming the first American official ever to be charged with even a single war crime, let alone the slew of them you will undoubtedly be accused of – before the week is out.
DIRECTOR : This won’t happen. United States isn’t party to the Rome Treaty. We don’t recognize its authority.
MR DIAZ : But Venezuela does. And cases can be referred to the court by any country that is a signatory. You know as well as I do, even better given your position, the international court has been investigating the US government and the CIA for any number of alleged crimes. The drone program, the rendition of foreign citizens, torture as a means of interrogation.
MR DIAZ : The Chief Prosecutor has made it clear. He does not need American permission to move forward.
RED : He needs an American in the flesh. The court will not try anyone in absentia. So far, no country has had the courage to deliver one of your countrymen to the court until now. You’re a trendsetter, Peter. Who knew?
DIRECTOR : I am the CIA Director of Clandestine Services. Do you have any idea what’s gonna happen to you? This is an act of war. My government will never let it stand.
RED : Precisely what I’m counting on.

Red calls Hitchin

WOMAN : Laurel Hitchin’s office.
RED : Good afternoon. Raymond Reddington calling for Laurel.

To the Director

RED : Peter, please, do sit.


 LIZ : That’s the judge Reven Wright selected? The personal friend she said we could trust?
RESSLER : She said he would be fair, not go easy on you.
COOPER : He approved you going to Fort Meade, which he didn’t have to do. And he agreed to keep Ressler as your transport. Those are both wins.
RESSLER : About time we introduce our Russian friend to the world.
LIZ : He did it? They got the Director?
RESSLER : I’ll be back soon. Be right downstairs, though, if you need anything.


A bunch of reporter is waiting
Indistinct conversations

- Come on.
– Come on, come on.

Tom drives Karakurt to Ressler in front of the reporters

– Over here.
– Is he under arrest?
– Who is this?
– Does this have to do with Agent Keen?
LANGSFELD : Is he under arrest?
– Who is it?
– Come on.
– Tell us who it is!

Reporters shouting questions

RESSLER : All right, I’ll make a statement, a brief statement. An alleged Cabal operative, known only as Karakurt, has been taken into custody in connection with the OREA bombing and the murder of Senator Hawkins.
LANGSFELD : What does that mean? Is he an accomplice? Or are you saying Elizabeth Keen is innocent?
RESSLER : The FBI now believes that Elizabeth Keen, Agent Elizabeth Keen, was not responsible for those crimes.
– What about the Attorney General?
RESSLER : I can’t answer that at this time, but I will say this arrest has yielded new evidence, and our investigation into this so-called Cabal continues. That’ll be all for now.


On phone

HITCHIN : I need to hear Peter’s voice to confirm that he’s alive.
DIRECTOR : I am here, Laurel. I was abducted. I appear to be on a Venezuelan jet somewhere over the Atlantic.
HITCHIN : Mr. Diaz, do you have any concept of the wrath you are bringing down on the government – and people of your country?
MR DIAZ : Threats! This is how the US responds to conflict. Including a legitimate claim that your government’s actions have violated international law.
RED : Laurel, Raymond here. Here’s where we stand. In a handful of hours, this jet will land in Rotterdam, it will be met by the Dutch federal police, who will escort the Director to ‘S-Gravenhage, where the global spectacle of a high-ranking American official charged with war crimes will begin. Ah! The sound of acquiescence.
HITCHIN : What do you want?
RED : What I’ve wanted since the beginning – for you to exonerate Elizabeth Keen.
RED : Fine. But after you hang up with me, your next call had better be to your President. Tell him you refused to prevent your country from being humiliated, implicated, and probably convicted. This is quite a can of worms, Laurel. If you have any doubts about that, turn on your television.


[ on tv , Ressler :« … alleged Cabal operative known only as Karakurt has been taken into custody in connection with the OREA bombing …»]

HITCHIN : What? This is supposed to scare me?
RED : Quite the opposite. Now you may be concerned that exonerating Agent Keen will make you and your government look, well, foolish, but I’m handing you the solution. Yes, you got it wrong, but thank heavens you finally found the real culprit. Of course, my offer will get considerably less generous if anything should happen to Elizabeth Keen. You’ll call me back.

Hitchin exhales sharply


 RESSLER : All set, Liz. The transport team is ready. Time to go.
LIZ : How’s the Russian?
RESSLER : A little tense.
LIZ : Thank you.
COOPER : Be careful, both of you.
RESSLER : We’re travelling.


HITCHIN : Pick up the phone, damn it.

On phone

RESSLER : What the hell do you want?
HITCHIN : Stop the transport. It’s not safe. Keep her in the cell. The corridors are not safe.
RESSLER : What? What are you – what are you talking about?
HITCHIN : The corridors are not safe.

Ressler sees gun


Liz is safe, the man apprehended


HITCHIN : Okay, your girl just got a temporary reprieve. Now, hy – Hypothetically, if we agree to your terms, what kind of deal are you looking for?
RED : My attorney will explain everything. His name is Marvin Gerard.
DIRECTOR : Gerard? The fugitive? The man you broke out of federal prison?
RED :  The same.

Knock on door

HITCHIN : Damn it, Diane! I told you. I’m not to be disturbed.
DIANE : Sorry, Ms.Hitchin, but there’s a Marvin Gerard here to see you? He says you’re expecting him.


RESSLER : Aqua. I’m sealing off the entire floor. We’re not going anywhere with these Marshals. We sit tight until Reddington gets in touch with us.
LIZ : What the hell happened out there?
RESSLER : I don’t know. I got a call from Laurel Hitchin warning me that it wasn’t safe.
LIZ : It was her hit. Why would she call it off?
RESSLER : I don’t know. It’s Reddington. He must be negotiating a deal. Liz, it’s working.


DIRECTOR : Laurel, I will not allow you to do this. We can fight The Hague. The Administration will never let –
HITCHIN : No, the Administration won’t fight this, Peter, because they’re not gonna ever hear about it, you understand? None of this ever happened.
MARVIN : Raymond, I’m reviewing the deal they presented. And for the most part, it’s what you asked for. With one glaring exception. Keen will be exonerated for the OREA attack and the Hawkins murder. But they are insisting on a plea of guilty for the killing of Tom Connolly.
RED : That doesn’t work, Laurel.
HITCHIN : It’s the best we can do. I just spoke with the Acting AG. She shot Connolly in front of witnesses.
RED : He was orchestrating a conspiracy to frame Agent Keen and implicate her colleagues.
HITCHIN : She killed him, and not in self-defense. And Tom Connolly was well-liked. Look, I had to sell this deal. It’s not gonna get any better. It’s involuntary manslaughter. No jail time. That’s the offer.
RED : Then this plane will land.
HITCHIN : We’ve bent as far as we can go.
If you pass on the this deal, then we’ll just take our chances at The Hague.
RED : Pick up the phone, Marvin.
MARVIN : Can you excuse me?
RED : Marvin?
MARVIN : It’s a good deal, Red. Bottom line, it keeps her safe and out of prison. And frankly It’s much better than I thought you’d ever get.
RED : Get it done. Hand the phone to Laurel.
MARVIN : Ms. Hitchin.
RED : Okay, Laurel, we have a deal. Onbce you’ve made a public announcement, I’ll drop the director somewhere safe.
HITCHIN : Mmm, no. Uh, just a sec. – Look, um – Peter’s become a- a liability. If, uh, if we take care of this problem for you, we would ask that you take care of that problem for us.
RED : I expected as much.
HITCHIN : So we’re done?
RED : Not quite. There’s one more thing, and it’s not negotiable.


LIZ : This is official? They’re willing to say I’m innocent?
MARVIN : Publicly, of every charge against you except the Connolly shooting. For that, you’d enter a plea of guilty to involuntary manslaughter.
GAINES : With three years of probation? I’ve never seen anything like it.
LIZ : But I’d be pleading guilty to a homicide. They’re taking away my badge. If I sign this, I’ll never be an agent again.
RESSLER : No. But the task force would continue. Cooper would be cleared, put back in charge, and you keep working with Reddington to assist the government as an asset we employ, not as an active agent. Here.

Ressler cell phone beeps

RESSLER : This is for you.

On phone

RED : Lizzy. Have you seen the deal?
LIZ : Yes.
RED : It’s not everything we wanted, but it’s close. You’ll be safe. You’ll be free.
LIZ : But I won’t be an agent. I’ll be an asset like you.
RED : Yes.

I told you some time ago, when you pulled that trigger, you crossed a threshold.. You stepped from your world into mine.

RED : I wish I could deliver the perfect outcome, but I’m afraid –
LIZ : This is fair.
RED : Fairness is overrated. And maybe there’s a way to get you all the way back. But for now, Lizzy, for today, sign the deal.

They hang up

LIZ : Got a pen?


Laurel Hitchin make an official statement

HITCHIN : The United States Government has confirmed that the alleged criminal conspiracy known as The Cabal is real.
This conspiracy has as its goal one key objective– to inflame tensions with Russia and return the world to a Cold War posture.
In an effort to accomplish this, members of the conspiracy framed FBI Agent Elizabeth Keen, making it appear as if she were a Russian sleeper agent.
These crimes were actually committed by an assassin known only by his code name, Karakurt.
And I am proud to announce that due to outstanding work by some of this country’s best and brightest, led by Special Agent Donald Ressler– Karakurt is now in federal custody.
Journalist: What about the Attorney General?
It saddens me greatly to say this, but the evidence overwhelmingly shows that Tom Connolly, the Former Attorney General, was a key member of this Cabal.
And while Ms. Keen did fire the shot that killed him, earlier today a judge accepted her plea to the charge of involuntary manslaughter, approved by us, along with mandatory probation.
And Tom Connolly wasn’t alone. We have to now face the hard truth there are enemies of America within our own ranks. In fact, just a short time ago, I learned that the Director of the Clandestine Services of the CIA, Mr. Peter Kotsiopulos, is also part of this conspiracy and has apparently fled the country.

Reporters shouting questions


Red chuckles
Red turns the TV off

RED : Hello, Peter.


HITCHIN : Okay, that’s my statement.

Reporters shouting questions at once

HITCHIN : But on a personal note – please. I just wanna say, when I think of the horrifying nightmare that Elizabeth Keen has endured– branded a traitor, hunted as a fugitive by the very law enforcement agency she swore an oath to serve– Well, there are no words. There is no apology I can give on behalf of the government that could ever be sufficient. I only hope that she can take some solace in the knowledge that in the end, the system worked. Thank you.


DIRECTOR : I know who you really are, Raymond. Who you are to her. And I know why you did this. Does she?
RED : I can’t think of even one set of circumstances in which that would be any of your business.

He scoffs

RED : We’ve been descending for some time now. Looks like we’ll be able to drop you off in time for dinner.

Man speaking in Dutch. The Director’s body crashes through the ceiling of his house and thuds onto the floor


GUARD : Keen. Paperwork’s all ready.

Liz is free

GUARD : Let’s go.

[On TV « … government has now said that Keen was framed for nearly all of her alleged crimes.
At a packed news conference, … »]

DISCHARGE OFFICER : US One jacket, one pair of leather boots, one Montana State driver’s license, Samantha Evers. And $26 cash. Oh, and Agent Ressler left you something.

It is her will

LIZ : I won’t be needing this.

She rips it up


COOPER : You’re sure about this?
RESSLER : I haven’t been sure about much lately, but, yeah, this one I know. I’m a field agent. I kick down doors. I’ll leave all the politics and bureaucracy to the pros.
COOPER : I’m proud of you, Agent Ressler. You’re the agent I always aspired to be.
RESSLER : Welcome back, sir. You know what gets me? Laurel Hitchin just walks away unscathed.
COOPER : That’s a fight for another day.


HITCHIN : I don’t know why you want this. The organization’s in disarray. Weaker than it’s ever been. It occurred to me that maybe this was always part of your endgame – to tear us down so you could build us up and have a seat at the table.

The person Hitchin is talking to is Red


It’s nightime when Liz is released. She is escorted through the marbled halls of the almost empty Court House to freedom. She walks down the long marble staircase to the sidewalk below. Liz looks around. Few souls are awake. Liz is alone in the dark. A bus goes by. When it has passed, she sees Red across the street. His face is serene, benevolent. Liz gasps her surprise, then smiles, runs across the street to him, pauses, then throws her arms around his neck. He gathers her against himself and strokes her tangled hair.


 Adapté du site «The Blacklist Classified», mise en page par mnoandco

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