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#313 : Alistair Pitt

Alistair Pitt n°103 sur la Liste Noire

Ecrit par: Nicole Phillips & Adam Sussman
Réalisé par: Bill Roe

Red et Liz travaillent avec la Task-Force pour arrêter un négociateur qui a refait surface pour réunir deux familles de criminels rivales. Tom renoue avec une ancienne flamme.


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Alistair Pitt

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Alistair Pitt

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Donald Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) à l'action

Donald Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) à l'action

Donald Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) dans le bureau de Cooper

Donald Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) dans le bureau de Cooper

La Task-Force au grand complet écoute les informations sur la nouvelle affaire

La Task-Force au grand complet écoute les informations sur la nouvelle affaire

Aram Mojtabaï (Amir Arison) en plein travail

Aram Mojtabaï (Amir Arison) en plein travail

Alistait Pitt (Tony Shalhoub) #103

Alistait Pitt (Tony Shalhoub) #103

Samar (Mozhan Marno) et Donald Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff)

Samar (Mozhan Marno) et Donald Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff)

Alistait Pitt (Tony Shalhoub) #103

Alistait Pitt (Tony Shalhoub) #103

Dembe Zuma (Hisham Tawfiq) écoute aux portes

Dembe Zuma (Hisham Tawfiq) écoute aux portes

Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) poursuit un suspect

Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) poursuit un suspect

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) et Red (James Spader) à la recherche de renseignements

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) et Red (James Spader) à la recherche de renseignements

Alistait Pitt (Tony Shalhoub) #103 passe un marché avec le père du marié

Alistait Pitt (Tony Shalhoub) #103 passe un marché avec le père du marié

Elisabeth (Megan Boone) cherche une solution

Elisabeth (Megan Boone) cherche une solution

Danny Vacarro ( Vincent Curatola ) et son épouse ( Molly Price ) portent un toast pour le jeune couple

Danny Vacarro ( Vincent Curatola ) et son épouse ( Molly Price ) portent un toast pour le jeune couple

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone)

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone)

Raymond Redddington (James Spader) écoute le discours

Raymond Redddington (James Spader) écoute le discours

Aram Mojtabaï (Amir Arison)  fait son rapport

Aram Mojtabaï (Amir Arison) fait son rapport

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) dicute avec des parents des futurs mariés

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) dicute avec des parents des futurs mariés

Donald Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) tout ouïe

Donald Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) tout ouïe

Kristopher Eriksson (Jake Robinson) et sa future épouse Alicia Vacarro (Allison Strong )

Kristopher Eriksson (Jake Robinson) et sa future épouse Alicia Vacarro (Allison Strong )

Red (James Spader) rend visite à Josephine à Paris

Red (James Spader) rend visite à Josephine à Paris

Samar Navabi (Mozhan Marno)

Samar Navabi (Mozhan Marno)

Discussion entre filles (Megan Boone et Mozhan Marno)

Discussion entre filles (Megan Boone et Mozhan Marno)

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) attend Elisabeth sur son nouveau canapé

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) attend Elisabeth sur son nouveau canapé

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) écoute avec attention

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) écoute avec attention


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France (inédit)
Mercredi 17.08.2016 à 21:00
3.33m / 17.3% (Part)

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Etats-Unis (inédit)
Jeudi 04.02.2016 à 21:00
6.49m / 1.5% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Personnage Blaklisté: N°103: Alistair Pitt


Tony Shalhoub ... Alistair Pitt

Margarita Levieva ... Gina Zanetakos

Gerardo Rodriguez ... Rogelio

Stephanie Szostak...Josephine

Vincent Curatola...Danny Vacarro

Molly Price...Mariana Vacarro

Ronald Guttman...Mads Eriksson


Dans un restaurant de New York, une fusillade survient entre les deux fils de clans  criminels rivaux. Les Eriksson et les Vacarro. Le fils Eriksson est mortellement blessé et alors que sa famille est à son chevet à l'hôpital, un mystérieux homme arrive et propose un marché au père afin de mettre un terme à cette guerre de clas et de sauver ses autres fils.

En parallèle, on voit Red à Paris, en train de dîner avec une jeune femme nommée Josephine. Les deux flirtent mais Josephine annonce à Red qu'elle va se marier.

A New York, Liz rencontre la personne chargée de son dossier pour l'adoption. Liz souhaite faire une adoption ouverte, ce qui signifie qu'elle rencontrera les futurs parents et qu'elle pourra avoir un contact avec l'enfant.

De retour chez elle, Liz tombe sur Red qui lui parle du négociateur qui a l'intention d'unir les deux plus gros clans rivaux de la ville. Si les deux familles fusionnent, elles rivaliseraient avec les cartels mexicains pour le contrôle du trafic de la drogue sur la côte Est. Le FBI entre donc en contact avec la DEA pour faire équipe.

La DEA obtient une information indiquant que les deux chefs de clan seront, tous les deux, présents au même endroit au même moment. Plusieurs agents de la DEA et du FBI se mélangent à la foule pour surveiller cette rencontre qui a lieu dans un café. Le négociateur, informe Eriksson et Vacarro que pour stopper leur conflit, il faut qu'ils unissent le plus jeune fils Eriksson à la fille Vacarro. Pour les convaincre, il leur donne un carnet avec les noms de ses clients et leur précise que si l'un deux ne respecte pas les termes de l'accord, il enverra ses clients détruire le clan.

De son côté, Tom rencontre Gina Zanetakos pour lui demander de l'aide car il a besoin d'argent pour Liz et le bébé. Bien que réticente, Gina finit par l'inclure dans sa mission suicide, voler des pierres valant plusieurs millions.

De retour au bureau de poste, le FBI connaît désormais le visage du négociateur mais impossible de l'identifier. Liz se tourne alors vers Red qui utilise un de ses contacts pour diffuser la photo du criminel à toutes les femmes de chambre, serveurs, valets et chauffeurs de la ville avec une récompense pour celui qui lui fournira l'information souhaitée.

Ressler et Samar suivent le négociateur qui rencontre Mr Eriksson dans un restaurant. Eriksson est d'accord pour le mariage mais le négociateur l'informe que pour protéger ses fils, il sera d'abord obligé de faire souffrir le plus jeune. Une fois la conversation terminée, Ressler suit le négociateur et Samar, Eriksson.

Afin de mettre son plan à exécution, le négociateur faire, tuer la fiancée du fils Erikssons sous ses yeux en camouflant le meurtre de sorte que l'on pense que c'est le clan Vacarro qui a tenté de l'assassiner lui.

Peu après, Eriksson arrive chez lui pour consoler son fils qui est bouleversé et veut se venger, mais le négociateur arrive et lui dit que pour stopper ses meurtres il n'y a qu'une solution.

Au bureau de poste, le FBI ne comprend pourquoi le négociateur a fait assassiner la fiancée et Red leur explique que sans ce meurtre, le mariage entre les enfants des deux clans n'aurait jamais pu avoir lieu et que sans ce mariage, l'accord tombe à l'eau.

Il leur faut donc à tout prix localiser le lieu du mariage afin d'arrêter le négociateur et par la même occasion, les deux clans, qui seront tous présents. De son côté, Red réussit à se faire inviter à la cérémonie en rendant service à Eriksson.

Aram réussit à identifié le négociateur qui est en réalité, Alistair Pitt. Grâce à cette information, ils arrivent à trouver le lieu de la cérémonie.

Le jour J arrive et la femme de Vacarro refuse toujours de donner sa fille aux Eriksson, mais elle change d'avis quand son mari lui explique que cette union est en faite un prétexte pour réunir tout le clan Eriksson et les éliminer une bonne fois pour toute.

A la cérémonie, le FBI et la DEA arrivent à infiltrer un agent parmi les serveurs et lorsque Red arrive, leur plan manque de tomber à l'eau mais Ressler indique qu'il faut absolument attendre que Pitt soit là avant d'agir.

Red envoie Dembe espionner les Vacarro et ce dernier découvre le plan du clan qui est d'agir une fois le toast du père terminé. Dembe prévient Red juste à temps pour que ce dernier prenne la parole et sème la pagaille au moment où la famille Vacarro passe à l'attaque. Le FBI et la DEA interviennent au milieu de la fusillade et Red en profite pour prendre la fuite en amenant Alistar Pitt comme otage.

De leur côté, Tom, Gina et son équipe passent à l'action. Tom se fait passer pour un agent du FBI et fait semblant d'arrêter Gina sous le nez du directeur de la bijouterie afin d'accéder à l'arrière-boutique qui est très sécurisée. Les autres membres de l'équipe arrivent en tenue du FBI et ils passent à l'action sans difficulté.

Nous retournons à Paris où Red attend Joséphine mais cette dernière l'appelle paniquée car son fiancé est au courant pour eux et il est furieux. Red accourt chez Josephine et la trouve à l'agonie. Le fiancé arrive et Red le tue.

Nous apprenons alors que cette histoire remonte à plusieurs années et qu'Alistair Pitt est à l'origine de ce drame. En effet, Pitt avait arrangé un mariage entre les enfants des trafiquants d'armes rivales Stockwell et Molière. La plus jeune fille Molière, Josephine devait épouser l'unique fils Stockwell, un homme instable et très violent. Red a donc mis au point cette traque pour trouver Pitt et le tuer afin de venger Josephine.

Liz est de retour à l'agence d'adoption pour rencontrer le couple qui souhaite adopter son bébé mais le rendez-vous est finalement annulé car le couple ne veut pas de Liz dans leur vie. Si Liz veut faire adopter le bébé, elle devra le faire en adoption fermée ce qui signifie qu'elle ne pourra avoir aucun contact avec l'enfant.

Red se rend dans un centre de convalescence où se trouve Josephine,qui est en fauteuil roulant et semble à la limite de l'état végétatif. Il lui fait savoir qu'il a réglé le problème...


 Traduit et adapté du résumé du site officiel par albi2302.


A couple in a restaurant

WAITER : Mr. Eriksson, so sorry for the wait. If you’ll follow me.

Mr Hans « Happy »Eriksson sees a man , Rafael Vacarro and a woman # 2 at a table and stops

WOMAN : Happy, baby, what’s wrong?
MR HANS « HAPPY » ERIKSSON : Wait outside.
WOMAN : No, Happy, let’s just go!

He pulls out his gun. The man , Rafael, fires back
Mr Eriksson is hit multiple times

WOMAN #2 : No! No! No, Rafael, please!


In hospital, Hans Eriksson is hooked to life support
Outside hospital room, Eriksson”s brothers bare plotting revenge

GREGOR ERIKSSON  : That was Peter. The Vacarros are gathering.
DAG ERIKSSON  : Listen to me. I don’t care if they see it coming. I don’t care if you send them engraved invitations to their own funerals. Dad wants them hit, and he wants Rafael Vacarro found– today.

Alistair Pitt walks up to them. He is carry with him his constant companions, two white Pomeranians.

ALISTAIR PITT : Gentlemen.
DAG ERIKSSON : You must be lost, friend.
ALISTAIR PITT : Oh, my, certainly not, Dag. May I call you Dag? And Gregor. Please accept my deepest condolences for the tragedy that has befallen your beloved brother.
DAG ERIKSSON : Who the hell are you?
ALISTAIR PITT : A friend– here to see your father.
DAG ERIKSSON : Our father’s not seeing anyone.
ALISTAIR PITT : Oh, he’ll see me.


MADS ERIKSSON : This symbol– I saw it once. Said to be the mark of the man who can do the impossible.
ALISTAIR PITT : I was so very sorry to hear about your son. Perhaps I could be of some assistance.
MADS ERIKSSON : What kind of assistance?
ALISTAIR PITT : I fear this child may be lost. I’m here to help you save the others.


 Red is in a restaurant with a stunning, lively brunette woman

JOSEPHINE : Raymond, I know that you’re always going to do what you believe is the right thing to do. But I don’t ever want you to think that you have to change your plans on my account.
RED : Plans change. Between Seoul, Moscow, then back to Beijing, then Shanghai, it would have been a month and a half. I canceled it. I wanted to bring you something.

He removes the wrapping from a delicate blown glass giraffe

JOSEPHINE : Oh, Raymond.
RED: What good is a collection if it doesn’t grow?
JOSEPHINE : It’s beautiful.
RED: It’s German– pre-war. Survived the Allied bombing in ’45. Miracle.

Red notices a change in Josephine’s expression. His voice changes.

RED: What is it?
JOSEPHINE : I’m getting married.
RED: Do you love him?
JOSEPHINE : I love you.

Red reaches over to her, touches her face


ADOPTION AGENCY LADY : You don’t have to explain, Liz. Whatever reason you have for giving your child up for adoption, I’m sure it’s a good one.
LIZ : When Tom and I were looking to start a family, you gave us all the information about the birth mother. Would you be giving prospective parents information about me?
ADOPTION AGENCY LADY: Couples looking to adopt know children often come from difficult backgrounds. And that’s okay. Even in an open adoption,
LIZ : I mean, I would need to see the child.
ADOPTION AGENCY LADY: That makes it more difficult but not impossible. Whatever a mother’s issues, they’re rarely held against the child.You’ll fill out a questionnaire, which I’ll make available to prospective parents. At the same time, you’ll be able to look at their profiles online.
LIZ : And if we both swipe right, we’re hooked up for life?
ADOPTION AGENCY LADY; If you and Tom swipe right. He does have a say in this.
LIZ : Yeah, of course. This is a decision that we have to make together, and I mean, he would be here if he didn’t have to be away for work right now.


TOM : Excuse me, where’s your restroom? –

Tom is washing hands. Looks up, sees Gina behind him. She slams him against the wall

GINA ; Why are you doing this?
TOM : Gina.

Sarcasrically, mimicking how Gina might have greeted him,

TOM ;‘Hey, Jacob. How you doing? It was nice to hear from you, too.’
GINA : It wasn’t nice hearing from you, and I want to know why you’re doing it– the real reason.


Red is on Liz's couch waiting for her when she enters

RED: I see your new home is a work in progress. What colors are you considering?
LIZ : You know, I usually like people think to enter my apartment after I’m in it.
RED: Have you ever heard of the promnestria?
LIZ : No, is he here, too?
RED: It’s a term the Ancient Greeks used to describe a matchmaker– a negotiator.
In this case, a man who brings together warring crime families nhrough mutual self-interest, leverage, or violence if necessary.
LIZ : My mother– was she still alive when I was placed with Sam?
RED: Yes.
LIZ ; Why did she do it?
RED: I let myself in because the situation is urgent. On Wall Street, a well-planned merger can return a windfall profit. Criminal enterprises are no different. The promnestria convinces sworn enemies that there is more profit in friendship. In return, he gets a percentage of the new venture. He only surfaces when he sees an opportunity for enormous financial gain. And I’m afraid he has resurfaced to unite two very lethal enemies.
LIZ : How did my mother die?
RED: As I said, the matter is urgent.


LIZ : Mads Eriksson runs a criminal conglomerate with his three sons. Or at least he did. Hans Eriksson, AKA Happy, who later died, was shot in a New York restaurant by Rafael Vacarro, son of Daniel Vacarro.
RESSLER : Patriarch of he Vacarro consortium.They transported the heroin processed by the Erikssons until 2003 when they had a falling out over a hijacked shipment.
LIZ : Each family blamed the other. And Gregor Eriksson was shot, and Vacarro’s nephew was killed.
RESSLER : If these organizations do merge, hey’d rival the Mexican cartels for the majority of the drugs trafficking on the East Coast.
COOPER : Start with the DEA. Find out what they know about a merger. Pull every tap, listen to every call. If either side has said so much as a hello to this promnestria, I want to know about it.


SAMAR : I’m gonna throw you a baby shower.
LIZ ; Oh, Samar, no–
SAMAR : All I need is a guest list and whether you want brunch or dinner, co-ed or single sex, and where you’re registered.
LIZ : I’m not registered.
SAMAR : Okay. I’m gonna go talk to the DEA, and you are going to go to swag4mommy.com and hunt for some cute onesies.
LIZ ; swag4mommy.com? Who are you?
SAMAR : A Jewish mother. Part of my Mossad training.


Alistair Pitt is taking a bubble bath as his two Pomeranians watch.

Talking to his dogs.

ALISTAIR PITT : Darlings, wonderful news. Mr. Eriksson and Mr. Vacarro are open to hearing about our merger proposal.

Dog growls

ALISTAIR PITT : I agree. No, I’ve promised a solution, and we must deliver. Yes, we’ll need to be very creative.

Dog growls

ALISTAIR PITT : What’s that? No, no, no, no. Say again.

Dog growls

Alistair, chuckling

ALISTAIR PITT : Oh my. That is a brilliant idea. Marilyn, you are a hopeless romantic. Here, that’s for you.

He laughs. To other dog

ALISTAIR PITT :You, you’ve been of no help whatsoever.


GINA : That’s why you want in on this? For her? Your phony wife?
TOM : We’re not married.
GINA : The mark you dumped me for?
TOM : She’s pregnant. We’re having a kid, so, yeah, I’m doing this for Liz.
GINA : You expect me to hire you so you and the woman who sent me to prison can live happily ever after in the south of France?
TOM : You can think whatever you want, Gina, and I don’t blame you for thinking the worst, but I need the job. All right? I need the money.
GINA : The Major has been looking for you ever since you left him for dead with those Neo-Nazis. This is his op. I work for him. You honestly expect me to bring you on and not tell the Major? You know what he’ll do to me if he finds out?
TOM : I get it. I never should have called. All right, I was desperate, and I thought–
GINA : “Gee, let me call the girl I dumped to see if she can help with the girl I knocked up.”
TOM : It was nice seeing you.

Tom leaves, but Gina catches up with him outisde the cafe

GINA : The take is $22 million. Split six ways. You’ll have to split your share with the missus.


DEA OFFICER TUCKER : Where are you getting your intel?
RESSLER : A confidential source.
DEA OFFICER TUCKER : I see. So the DEA’s supposed to hand over all our surveillance, but you get to play it close to the vest?
RESSLER : Look, we could be allies or enemies. We’re asking for help, not demanding it.
SAMAR : And we’re sharing what we know. Our information is that a merger of the families was proposed.
DEA OFFICER TUCKER : Proposed by who?
RESSLER : Well, that’s what we’re rying to figure out. I mean, you know these guys. Who could make the peace?
DEA OFFICER TUCKER : Peace? With Happy getting popped? If you weren’t talking about peace, I’d be prepping for an escalation, which is what I should be doing.

Cellphone vibrates
On phone

DEA OFFICER TUCKER : Tucker. You’re kidding me, right? When? Mads and Danny rolled in an hour ago. We also got a hit on Vacarro’s wire. We think they’re gonna meet.

Tucker hangs up

RESSLER : Guess that makes us allies.


Surveilling outside with earpieces

RESSLER :There’s a lot of people out here. You, uh, sure about your intel?
DEA OFFICER TUCKER : You’re questioning my intel but didn’t know your own partner was a Russian spy?
LIZ : Yeah, ’cause I’m not.
DEA OFFICER TUCKER : You’re not an agent either, comrade. So I don’t know what you’re doing here.
RESSLER : Oh, come on. She’s just a pregnant lady taking photos. There’s nothing wrong with that.

SAMAR : I’ve got a 20 on Danny Vacarro. East side, walking to the corner.
AGENT : Eriksson coming in from the south.
AGENT: Yeah.
LIZ : Say cheese.

Over wire

MADS ERIKSSON : I didn’t think you’d come.
DANNY VACARRO : The promnestria’s reputation precedes him. I’ve got men all around the park.
MADS ERIKSSON : Yeah, me too.


RESSLER : – Jesus, Navabi.

Samar tapping on recording equipment to get rid of static Static stops

Over wire

MADS ERIKSSON : Seeing as how your boy made the first move, like father, like son.

In a cafe, Pitt makes a sign for the two men to join him inside

RESSLER : That’s him. Are you guys seeing this? Look, we need to hear what’s going on in there.


Pitt seated with his two Pomeranians on chairs at the table

ALISTAIR PITT : Gentlemen, join us. Please.
DANNY VACARRO : I’m not drinking with him.
MADS ERIKSSON : You say you can save my children? You have five minutes to tell me how.


RESSLER : Navabi, get ears in there now.

Samar changes position to hear the men inside the cafe


ALISTAIR PITT : Every successful merger is based on a recognition of mutual interest, yes?

MADS ERIKSSON : Merger? That’s it? That’s your proposal? That we merge our businesses?


SAMAR : If I can get closer to the windows, I might be able to to catch something.
RESSLER : If we don’t actually hear them conspiring, we’ve got nothing.


ALISTAIR PITT : Your organizations both value family. It’s your greatest strength and the source of your greatest friction. So remove the friction. Stop the bloodshed by joining the bloodlines. Your youngest son, your youngest daughter bound in marriage.

Both laugh

– Yes, you can do the impossible
– find something we can agree on.
– This marriage will never happen.
ALISTAIR PITT : This marriage must happen. Before your falling out, you controlled 65% of the drug trade on the Eastern seaboard. Now you control 22% You may not want to merge, but if you don’t, you’ll be out of business.
DANNY VACARRO : Hey– my daughter’s not a commodity to use in a business negotiation.
ALISTAIR PITT : Studies show that love, satisfaction, and commitment are equally common in both arranged and love-based marriages. So I am confident that my proposal can result in happiness and financial reward.
MADS ERIKSSON : What you’re proposing requires trust. We have none.
ALISTAIR PITT : None of my clients do, which is why you, like all my clients, must swear to uphold and enforce not only this merger, but all mergers brokered with my assistance. Here is my client list. They are powerful and well-armed. Should either of you betray the other, they will destroy your families.

Liz takes a photo of Pitt

ALISTAIR PITT : You’ll want some time to think it over. I do hope you see the merit in my proposal. We do so love a wedding.

To Pomeranians

ALISTAIR PITT :Yes, we do. Yes, we do. Yes, we do.


TOM : What you’re talking about isn’t a job. It’s a suicide mission. Only two crews have targeted Reinder-De Groot. Both were slaughtered.
GINA : Gina: By Geert Klerken, I know. But that was 12 years ago.
TOM : Which is why nobody has been crazy enough to try it since.

GINA : Well, almost nobody. Over the past four months, a crew of mine has been lifting a piece here, a piece there from their showroom, adding up to almost half a million dollars.
TOM : Why would you antagonize a psychopath for $500,000?
GINA : To get his attention. Reinder-De Groot uses only the finest stones. They’re transferred go a secure vault and basement work rooms, where they’re placed in settings and shipped to stores all around the world.
TOM : And you want to hit those work rooms?
GINA : I’m getting in. All I need is a pretty face to help me get there. Know where I can find one of those?


RED: Remember the jazz club you took me to in that little cave in St. Germain? We should go there right now.
JOSEPHINE : No, it closed.
RED: When did it close?
JOSEPHINE : Six months ago.
RED : Oh, my gosh. It’s been that long.

Red notices Josephine has bruises on her wrist.

RED : I can protect you...All you need to do is ask.
JOSEPHINE : You know what I need? I need you to take me to Amorino. Buy me a stracciatella. And then maybe I’ll give you a bite.

Red is concerned


Dembe interrupts Red’s sleeping in the car

DEMBE : Raymond. We have arrived.


RED: Oh. Hello, Lizzy. You have the photo?
LIZ : Good luck getting an ID. The DEA had nothing. Facial recognition was a bust. CSU swept for prints, but it’s an active business. They pulled hundreds of latents. Running those will take time we don’t have.
RED: Your law enforcement agencies love their gadgets and their sweeps. The FBI admitted to spending, what, a billion dollars in facial-recognition software? Which means they spent at least $3 billion. Honestly, if I paid taxes, I’d be outraged. Rogelio! Como esta?
ROGELIO : Bien. Raymond! Hey, hola, Dembe. What happened to your arm?

DEMBE : Snowboarding.
RED: This man, I want him found.
Rogelio: For you, Raymond, claro que sí.
RED: Right now hotel maids, cooks, waiters, valets all over the city are receiving that photo and will be searching for our target. The people who do all he cooking, cleaning, washing, carrying, and parking, hey have access to everything. You may recall I once had he opportunity to broker the sale of Rembrandt’s “Storm On The Sea Of Galilee.”
LIZ : You mean do I remember you being in possession of a stolen masterpiece? Yeah, I recall that.
RED: Well, the man who actually stole he painting– Rogelio’s cousin was his gardener. How is Tony?
ROGELIO : Deported. Last month.
RED: Ohh. Dembe will give you the number of our man in Calexico. He just built a fabulous tunnel. We’ll have Tony back by this time next week.
ROGELIO : Many thank yous, my friend.
RED: Your fee and a bonus to the first person to spot our man.


Ressler and Samar observe Pitt in the restaurant
Aram is at his bureau

RESSLER : How the hell did Reddington find this guy? He’s like a magician. I hate magicians. That and lap dogs. I mean, I really hate lap dogs.
SAMAR : Aram, what have you got?
ARAM : All right, the money for the room was wired from a phony overseas account, but I do have a cell number used to book the reservation. Mr. Cooper is expediting a warrant for a tap.
Also, according to the registry, his name is Maximiliano Cartier, which however awesome is obviously a fake.
SAMAR : Speaking of registries, Aram, do you want to go in on a baby gift for Liz?
RESSLER : She register for commonsense? ‘Cause if she’s down for having Tom’s kid, she needs some.
ARAM : I think it’s romantic to forgive someone you love even if they had an insane error in judgment, which gives you night sweats and causes you to lose nine pounds in a month...I mean, it could anyway, in in theory.

Eriksson sits down with Pitt

SAMAR : He’s got company.
ALISTAIR PITT : Mr. Vacarro has agreed to move forward if you agree.
MADS ERIKSSON : What about he stumbling block?
ALISTAIR PITT : I have a solution. But I should warn you it will require you to mislead your son.


Aram infrom Samar and Ressler

ARAM : Hey, guys. Bad news– the cell number he used to book the room is a burner.
SAMAR : Who is this guy?


MADS ERIKSSON : You’re asking me to hurt my son. But if I say no, his war will kill him. You have my permission.
ALISTAIR PITT :My people are standing by. It will be done today.


To Samar

RESSLER : All right, you stick with Eriksson. I’ll, uh, stay with Liberace and the pooches.


MRS VACARRO : You want our daughter to marry an Eriksson? No, it’s not what I want, but after two decades– This won’t change that!
DANNY VACARRO : We agree that it will. And this agreement is enforceable.
MRS VACARRO : By whom? This man you just met? He has the power to keep the peace?
DANNY VACARRO : The killing has to stop. And whatever price we have to pay to make that happen–
ALICIA : I thought you were mad ’cause I scratched the car.
MRS VACARRO : Alicia. Baby, we’re not doing this.
ALICIA : Mama, I’m not a child anymore. I know who we are. All the funerals, the sacrifices made for this family– I’ve always wondered what I would have to do to make a difference. Maybe now I know.


Ressler is watching Pitt
On phone with Aram

RESSLER : Yeah, he’s still outside at City Memorial. He hasn’t moved in about, uh, 20 minutes.
ARAM : Why?
RESSLER : I don’t know, but maybe you can tell me. Why don’t you search patient records, staff, physicians, anyone with the last name Eriksson or Vacarro. Aram: I’m looking, but– Hold on. No, nothing. Oh, hang on, hang on He’s moving.

Christopher Eriksson meets his girlfriend outside this hospital

ANNA GARDNER : So, I think I have an hour for lunch.
CHRISTOPHER ERIKSSON : You know you won’t have to work once we’re married.
ANNA : – Really? – What if I want to?

Ressler on phone with Aram

ARAM : Hang on – Anna Gardner. She’s Christopher Eriksson’s fiancé and a nurse at City Memorial.
RESSLER : Christopher– which one is that?
ARAM : He’s the youngest son. That must be why the promnestria is there.

In the street, a man in a car shoots

RESSLER : Get out of the way! Move!

Anna is hit several times


ANNA : Baby

Anna is gasping

RESSLER : FBI, FBI! Hey, come here! Come here! You’re gonna be okay.


Gina intros Tom to her group

GINA :This is Mr.Fox, our inside man. Communications, security, our gemologist, the driver.
TOM : Very friendly.
GINA : Gentlemen. We hit Reinder-De Groot at 5:45. 15 minutes before the security swing shift arrives.That’s the window. We get caught, we’re dead. Not arrested, dead. Okay, then. Let’s go to work.

To Tom

GINA : Got you a little something. Some might say it’s a disguise, but I guess it’s who you really are.

Gina pits a pair of eyeglassss on Tom

TOM : Just my size.
GINA : Such a pretty face.


MADS ERIKSSON : Christopher.

Mads ans Christopher hug

CHRISTOPHER ERIKSSON : They came for me, and they got her. We have to go after them– hard.
MADS ERIKSSON : What we have to do is make it stop.
CHRISTOPHER ERIKSSON : What does that mean?

He notices Pitt

CHRISTOPHER ERIKSSON : Who are you? You were at the hospital.
ALISTAIR PITT : My dear boy, I simply cannot convey he depth of my condolences for your senseless loss. And killing a harmless girl, a true innocent– it’s proof that this conflict must end.
MADS ERIKSSON : We have something to discuss.


On phone

LIZ :They said they’re interested? .
ADOPTION AGENCY LADY : They’re checking their schedule but they said they want to meet as soon as possible.
LIZ : Oh, that’s perfect. Uh- Well, uh, as soon as you have a time, just give me a call back.

Samar enters, she's on phone

SAMAR : Okay, that’s great, Levi. I’ll see you tomorrow.

She hangs up

LIZ : Levi? How is your impossibly gorgeous ex?
SAMAR : He asked me to dinner, so I’m going. It’s nothing. Have you decided
where to register?
LIZ : Uh The burp rags can wait. Uh, what happened at the hospital?


Red on phone with the Task-Force

RESSLER : Her name was Anna Gardner She was a nurse at City Memorial and Christopher Eriksson’s fiance’s.
LIZ ; Why would the promnestria have Christopher killed? All it does is make his family hate the Vacarros even more, if that’s possible.

RED :  He wasn’t after the son. The fiancé was the target. He’s brokering a marriage.
COOPER : Between these two families? That’s absurd.
LIZ : You really think it’s possible that he had Christopher’s fiancé killed so Christopher would be available to marry a Vacarro?
SAMAR : Arranged marriage has been a tool of peacekeeping and empire-building for centuries.
It’s still practiced in many parts of Asia, Africa, he Middle East.Thousands of children are forced into arranged marriages every year, often with judicial approval. The Erikssons and Vacarros are not just families, they’re businesses. This isn’t about love and marriage. This is about profit and loss.
RED : The promnestria will require a meeting of all family members to formalize the arrangement. Find that meeting, and you’ll find him.
COOPER : And how do you propose we do that?
RED : Funny you should ask, Harold.


 RED: Hello, Mads.
MADS ERIKSSON : Raymond Reddington.
RED: Your contact at the port of New Orleans– call him. Confirm he received an anonymous ip about a DEA raid. Saved you about $10 million in lost inventory.

Mads dialing

RED: Do you have any cookies?

Line ringing

RED: Ah.
MADS ERIKSSON : It-it’s me. I’m told there was a raid. And we’re good?
RED: These are yummy. It’s the nutmeg, isn’t it? I’ll call you soon.

Phone claps shut

MADS ERIKSSON : You tipped my people? Why?
RED: Wedding present.
MADS ERIKSSON : Oh, you heard.
RED: I respect the decision, Mads. Difficult one, I’m sure, but good for business. Mazeltov!
MADS ERIKSSON : My kid is not happy about it.
RED: What about you? Danny Vacarro for an in-law. Talk about a labor of love.
MADS ERIKSSON : Thank you for the tip, Raymond. The families, theirs and ours, we’re getting together tomorrow. It’d be nice to have a friendly face.

Red laughs


MRS VACARRO : I’d rather die than have an Eriksson touch my little girl.
MRS VACARRO : But you’re giving her away. For what? A business deal hat will never hold? A war that will never end?
DANNY VACARRO : Oh, it will. The Erikssons are all coming to the celebration.
MRS VACARRO : What are you saying?

DANNY VACARRO : We kill them tomorrow. All of them.


COOPER : We staged the DEA raid so Reddington could tip off he Erikssons. In exchange, he was supposed to give us intel on the families meeting. So where the hell is he?
LIZ :I can’t get him to call me back.
ARAM : Okay, so, I’ve been monitoring he promnestria’s burner, and he just placed a call to some kind of personal assistant, I think. The call was made to a residence in London owned by a Mr. Alistair Pitt. So Scotland Yard pulled his taxes. He’s the right age for our suspect, claims he’s a corporate consultant. Here. And listen.

Alistair Pitt on phone : « There’s a dinner tonight at the Greenwald to formalize. I’ll need a car to take us there at 7:00, then directly to the airport. »

COOPER : Notify Ressler and Samar. I want infiltration teams at the Greenwald hotel as soon as possible. Keen, if Reddington reaches out, don’t take his call.


Surveillance : all in a van except Samar in the hotel and Davenport as a waiter in the main room

 RESSLER : Mobile 1, we’ve accessed the hotel feeds. All units report.
SAMAR : Eriksson is walking in now. Gregor and Dag are behind him.
DEA OFFICER TUCKER : Davenport. Come back.
DAVENPORT : Security’s tight. No weapons, no phones. On the Vacarro side, I’m seeing Danny, Mariana. No sign of Rafael.
SAMAR : He knows there’s an open warrant.
RESSLER : Warrant or not, everybody who shows up tonight is getting brought in for questioning, no exceptions.
DEA OFFICER TUCKER : You got approval for that?
RESSLER : Pitt murdered an innocent woman. When he shows, we take them all.

Reddington arrives

DEA OFFICER TUCKER : Whoa, look what the cat dragged in. Your fugitive-in-arms, comrade Rostova.
LIZ : Don’t call me that.
DEA OFFICER TUCKER : Davenport, we got a visual on Raymond Reddington. Moving your way. We’re gonna breach.
RESSLER : Negative, I repeat, negative. Do not breach. This is our op. We breach now, we lose Pitt. Look, we’ll sweep him up when we grab the others, but only once we see our target.


GINA : Oh, I really do fancy his necklace. And that ring. Can I see?
WOMAN : Of course.
GINA : Where is the mirror?
TOM : It’s over there. It is very nice, but it’s about hree zeros out of my budget.
GINA : Oh, my God. I have to have it. Oh, I left the keys in the car. Ugh. Colin would kill me if I got another one nicked. Be back.
WOMAN : All right.

Tom rakes down Gina

Gina screams

GINA : – Help! Somebody! –
OWNER : Sir! Release that woman!
TOM : She’s a thief. Agent Brian Kelly, FBI. This woman is part of a gang hat my team has been investigating for six months.
OWNER : I knew it! They owe me a half a million.
TOM : Her team is still somewhere in the area. Do you have somewhere I can take her, somewhere private? Let’s go. I need to call in the rest of my squad to secure the suspect. Do you have a back entrance we could use?
OWNER : Meet the police at the loading dock. Let them in the back.
TOM : Suspect in custody. Come in through the back. Copy?
DRIVER : Copy that. On our way.


SERVER : Champagne?
RED: Thank you, my dear.
MADS ERIKSSON : Mr. Reddington. I’m so honored you were able to join us.
RED: I’m a sucker for mob weddings.
MRS VACARRO : What a night. Raymond, right? Mads tells me you two have business dealings?
RED: I didn’t know the two of you were on a first-name basis.
MADS ERIKSSON : We’re doing our best to forgive and forget.
MRS VACARRO : Mm.There’s some good in the worst of us and some evil in the best of us. And when we discover this, we are less prone to hate our enemies.
RED: To our enemies.

Glasses clink

MRS VACARRO : Mm. Excuse me.

A man whispers indistinctly to Mads

MADS ERIKSSON : I’m sorry, Raymond, if you’ll excuse me.

Red alone, to Dembe

RED: All things considered, mom’s a little cheery. Keep an eye on her and Danny while I find the happy couple.


Christopher looks at Anna's photo

ALISTAIR PITT : You loved her, didn’t you? Let me tell you a secret. Love isn’t a feeling. It’s a choice.

Knock on door

Door opens : Vacarro's daughter Alicai enters

ALISTAIR PITT : Ah! Darling, come in. Come, come, come. Come, come, come. I understand you two have had an opportunity to talk. That’s good. Then we’re agreed.


DAVENPORT : I’ve got eyes on Reddington, Tucker.– Do I have the go or not? –
RESSLER : Negative.
DEA OFFICER TUCKER : I was told to give you guys carte blanche because you’re bringing down guys justice hasn’t even heard of. When I asked how you did it, I never got a straight answer. I think I know why.
LIZ : You don’t know anything.
DEA OFFICER TUCKER : I know we helped you when you were a fugitive. Now, what aren’t you telling me, comrade Rostova?
LIZ : I told you not to call me that.


DANNY VACARRO : Right after I finish the toast. When I raise my glass, that’s the signal.


Surveillance : all in a van except Samar in the hotel and Davenport as a waiter in the main room

DANNY VACARRO : Ladies and gentlemen as the father of the bride, I’d like to say a few words. So much of what has happened between our families has been wrong. And it’s enough. And if it takes my baby girl to show me the path to peace, so be it. Mads, you have my guarantee that no Vacarro will ever break the agreement that we’ve made here today.
RED: May they have the patience to endure one more toast. I am but a humble guest, but please permit me to raise a glass to what I think we all can agree is the most improbable yet consequential occasion.
RESSLER : What’s he doing?
LIZ : He’s trying to draw he promnestria out.
RED: Love is a funny, fickle thing. A slippery slope. Most weddings are fraught with it. This one, not so much. This is business. The brainchild of a brilliant opportunist– a broker of bonds, a procurer of peace. You would think, being singularly responsible for this evening’s prenuptials, he might take a bow. Where is he? Come now, don’t be modest. You do such astonishing, despicable work.
MADS ERIKSSON : Maybe I think it’s enough.
RED: I’m dying to hear how he did it. How he brought you two jackals together. How he got rid of Christopher’s fiancé, Anna. How he lied to the boy, let him believe she was slaughtered by the Vacarros, only to turn around and convince him to marry into the very family he despises. What a telenovela!
DAG ERIKSSON : What the hell are you–
DANNY VACARRO : No, no, no, wait. I want to hear what he’s saying.
RED :. I once spent three weeks cooped up in motel on Zihuatanejo just glued to the telenovela Amorcito Corazon– “My Darling Sweetheart.” This unlucky-in-love architect who lost the love of her life when she was 18 because of her controlling father. But perhaps I cut too close to the bone. It was you, Mads, who approved the hit. Isn’t that right?
CHRISTOPHER ERIKSSON : Dad, what is he talking about? –
MADS ERIKSSON : He’s wrong. – Never would I have–

RED : ...deceive your son, killing the love of his life.
CHRISTOPHER ERIKSSON : They killed Anna– you said so.
DANNY VACARRO : No, no, no, no. We never touched that girl. You’re the animals who operate like that, not us.
RED: Oh, here we go. Better than TV.
CHRISTOPHER ERIKSSON : You killed her, didn’t you? For this? You knew I would never be able to let her go.
MADS ERIKSSON : We did it to save you! For the good of the family!

Alistair Pitt comes out

ALISTAIR PITT : Gentlemen, everyone! – Please, please.
RESSLER : That’s our target. All teams on site, breach, breach now!

Vacarro to his men

DANNY VACARRO : Do it now.

Vacarro's men shoot Mads Eriksson and his family

Red to Dembe

RED:  Grab the bride and groom. Meet us at the car.

The Task-Force and the DEA are barging in with guns blazing

Red finds a gun and grap Pitt. They go through to the kitchen to joins Dembe at the car

DEA : DEA! Freeze! Drop your weapon.

Liz takes him out : to Red

LIZ : This was so you could get to him. That’s what this whole thing was about.
RED: Might I suggest we have this conversation on the move?

Tucker's barging in.

DEA OFFICER TUCKER : She’s not going anywhere.
RED: Oh, for God’s sake.
DEA OFFICER TUCKER : I knew it. He’s your informant. That’s why you have so much juice, why they let you off.Isn’t that right, comrade Rostova?
LIZ : I told you not to call me that.

Gunshot from the main room shoots him in the neck

Red laughts

RED:  Mr. Pitt and I have a plane to catch.
ALISTAIR PITT : We most certainly do not.
RED:I’d be happy to drop you somewhere safe along the way.


TOM : You want to tell me how many are on your team?
GINA : I’ve told you here’s no team. It was a mistake. I was in a hurry, and I must have put the ring in my pocket– Would you mind turning those off?

Whacks her

OWNER : I’d be delighted.
TOM : Hey, we know your gang is hitting jewelry stores all over the city. All right, I want names, and I want them right now. You want to have a go?
OWNER: I thought you would never ask.

Gina strikes the owner and Tom the gard

Tom's taking off Gina's handcuffs

Gina whacks Tom

GINA : Ohh! That’s for hitting me harder than you were supposed to.

Gina kisses him

TOM : What was that for?
GINA : The hell of it. Come on, family man. We have work to do. Let’s go.

Gina's team steals the gems


LIZ : Samar, I just spoke to the DA, and he says he has enough evidence to put both families out of business.
SAMAR : Hey, what’s wrong?
LIZ : Nothing.
SAMAR : Um, did you ever get registered? Because Aram is asking.
LIZ : Samar, what’s wrong?
SAMAR : I had dinner with Levi. He’s engaged. To a woman he met a week after we broke up. And it’s fine. We were never gonna be– It’s just, um I don’t know what I’m doing. Forget it. Let’s just talk about the shower and how great it will be.
LIZ : There’s not going to be a shower.
SAMAR : Why not?
LIZ : Well I found this wonderful couple…


 Red is seated at table in restaurant, impatient, checking his watch. Cellphone rings

RED: Josephine.

Pounding on door

Man’s voice, heard over phone, in background : « Josephine, open this door right now! »

Josephine crying into phone

JOSEPHINE : He knows. He knows about us.
RED: Josephine! Where are you?
JOSEPHINE : Our apartment, place St. Pierre.

Man’s voice: « Open this door right now! »

JOSEPHINE : Hurry, please. He’s insane.

Pounding continues


Red forces entry gun drawn, he searches for Josephine. She lies on the floor, moaning, her face bruised and cut. Red rushes to her, drops to his knees.

RED: Josephine? Josephine? No. Josephine.

Josephine’s husband approaches, shouting

HUSBAND : You! Get out! What are you gonna do?

Red blasts the husband. Glass shatters

RED: Josephine. Josephine. Josephine, no, no.


RED: I bought this flat four years ago. So that some day I could bring you here to the scene of your crime. Josephine Moliere.

ALISTAIR PITT : Now, listen.

RED : Josephine’s father was the most prolific criminal arms dealer in Eastern Europe. But for all his success, he had a problem, an enemy. An aggressive and lethal competitor named Stockwell.
ALISTAIR PITT : I had nothing to do with what happened to that poor girl–
RED: Yes, you did. Perhaps not directly, but very much by your hand. You arranged a marriage. The youngest Moliere daughter to the only Stockwell son– a burgeoning psychopath with a long and troubling history of violence. To guarantee peace and profit for all, you arranged her marriage to this man.
ALISTAIR PITT : Please. Don’t. Don’t do this.
RED :  I held her in my arms and watched the life disappear from her eyes. You destroyed a creature ...more beautiful than you could ever comprehend.

Red kills Pitt

LIZ : They’re not coming.

ADOPTION AGENCY LADY: There’s been a bump.

LIZ : They’re rejecting my baby?
ADOPTION AGENCY LADY: No, not exactly. They still want the baby.

LIZ : Oh, I see. They’re rejecting me. But I thought you said on the phone–

ADOPTION AGENCY LADY: They hadn’t put it together that you were that Elizabeth Keen. I’m sorry, but they’ll only take the baby if it’s a closed adoption.
LIZ : Meaning I would never know my child? My baby would never know who I am? I can’t do that.
ADOPTION AGENCY LADY: I underestimated how difficult this was gonna be. But if you are intent on giving up your child, I think you have to accept that you’re not gonna be able to be in its life.


Josephine is seated upright in a wheelchair. She is mute, possibly paralyzed, her face scarred, her eyes blank. Red is standing next to her with his hand on her shoulder. He kneels down, looks into her eyes, presses an animal blown of glass into her hand for her collection.

RED : Josephine ...it’s done.

A single tear trickles down her cheek.


Adapté du site «The Blacklist Classified», mise en page par mnoandco


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