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#314 : Lady Ambroisie

Elisabeth Keen dans sa cuisine

Ecrit par: Taylor Martin
Réalisé par: Tim Hunter

Après qu'un enfant disparu, considéré mort, se révèle être vivant, Red et Liz travaillent avec la Task Force pour chercher une femme dangereuse qui pourrait avoir enlevé des enfants. En attendant, Tom fait face aux conséquences choquantes après que son plan pour aider Liz tombe à l'eau.


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Lady Ambrosia

Titre VF
Lady Ambroisie

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Première diffusion en France


Promo (VO)

Promo (VO)


Hot Stuff at the DMV

Hot Stuff at the DMV


Photos promo

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) n'est pas content

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) n'est pas content

Red (James Spader) cherche quelques informations auprès de  Vasilia Patinka (Jelena Stupljanin)

Red (James Spader) cherche quelques informations auprès de Vasilia Patinka (Jelena Stupljanin)

Le père d'Ethan (Neal Huff) parle avec Samar (Mozhan Marno) et Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff)

Le père d'Ethan (Neal Huff) parle avec Samar (Mozhan Marno) et Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff)

La Task-Force au Bureau de Poste

La Task-Force au Bureau de Poste

Donald Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff)

Donald Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff)

Liz (Megan Boone) informe ses collègues de ses découvertes (Amir Arison, Mozhan Marno, Diego Klattenhoff et Harry Lennix)

Liz (Megan Boone) informe ses collègues de ses découvertes (Amir Arison, Mozhan Marno, Diego Klattenhoff et Harry Lennix)

Attente charmante (Leslie Jones ) au Bureau des Immatriculation ...ou pas

Attente charmante (Leslie Jones ) au Bureau des Immatriculation ...ou pas

Liz (Megan Boone) informe ses collègues de ses découvertes (Amir Arison, Mozhan Marno, Diego Klattenhoff et Harry Lennix)

Liz (Megan Boone) informe ses collègues de ses découvertes (Amir Arison, Mozhan Marno, Diego Klattenhoff et Harry Lennix)

Hot Stuff (Leslie Jones )

Hot Stuff (Leslie Jones )

Aram Mojtabaï (Amir Arison) sur son ordinateur

Aram Mojtabaï (Amir Arison) sur son ordinateur

Liz et Ressler observent Ethan et ses parents à l'hôpital

Liz et Ressler observent Ethan et ses parents à l'hôpital

Raymond Reddington (James Spader)

Raymond Reddington (James Spader)

Red (James Spader) cherche quelques informations auprès de  Vasilia Patinka (Jelena Stupljanin)

Red (James Spader) cherche quelques informations auprès de Vasilia Patinka (Jelena Stupljanin)

Harold Cooper (Harry Lennix)  et Samar Navabi (Mozhan Marno)

Harold Cooper (Harry Lennix) et Samar Navabi (Mozhan Marno)

Tom Keen ( Ryan Eggold) dans un état critique

Tom Keen ( Ryan Eggold) dans un état critique

Noah (Mark Blum ) en bien mauvaise posture face à Red (James Spader)

Noah (Mark Blum ) en bien mauvaise posture face à Red (James Spader)

Raymond Reddington (James Sapder) attend

Raymond Reddington (James Sapder) attend

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) attend Liz

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) attend Liz

Raymond Redddington (James Spader) rencontre Vasilia Patinka

Raymond Redddington (James Spader) rencontre Vasilia Patinka

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) dans son appartement

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) dans son appartement

Moment détente autour d'un café

Moment détente autour d'un café

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) tente d'amadouer le jeune garçon Ethan (Hays Wellford )

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) tente d'amadouer le jeune garçon Ethan (Hays Wellford )

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) peut enfin parler avec Glen!

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) peut enfin parler avec Glen!

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) tient promesse : deux jolies blondes dociles

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) tient promesse : deux jolies blondes dociles

Aram Mojtabaï à la recherche d'informations

Aram Mojtabaï à la recherche d'informations

Raymond Reddington (James Spader)

Raymond Reddington (James Spader)

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone)

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone)

Glen Carter (Clark Middleton) adore embêter Red

Glen Carter (Clark Middleton) adore embêter Red

Le ton monte

Le ton monte

Noah (Mark Blum ) en bien mauvaise posture face à Red (James Spader)

Noah (Mark Blum ) en bien mauvaise posture face à Red (James Spader)


Logo de la chaîne TF1

France (inédit)
Mercredi 17.08.2016 à 21:50
2.88m / 16.3% (Part)

Logo de la chaîne NBC

Etats-Unis (inédit)
Jeudi 11.02.2016 à 21:00
6.44m / 1.4% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Personnage Blaklisté: N°77: Lady Ambrosia


Margarita Levieva ... Gina Zanetakos

Clark Middleton ... Glen Carter

Bazzel Baz ... Baz

Celia Weston ... Lady Ambrosia

Teddy Coluca ... Mr. Brimley

Leslie Jones ... Chatty Woman
Jelena Stupljanin ... Vasilia Patinka
Christine Cartell ... Rebecca
Hays Wellford ... Ethan
Mark Blum ... Noah
Gabriel Ebert ... Theo
Neal Huff ... Le père d'Ethan
Maria Dizzia ... Jeanne
Tonye Patano ... Judy Sickler
Ann Arvia ... Gretchen
Gracie Beardsley ... Anya
Christine Cartell ... Rebecca
Andrew Breving .. Chris

 Ethan Linley, un garçon autiste, muet et considéré comme mort depuis 4 ans réapparait. 
Red rappelle à Liz le conte de fées de Lady Ambrosia, une femme qui rassemble les enfants non désirés et les faits disparaître. Mais celui qui a pris Ethan a maquillé sa disparition en une fausse noyade. Liz  croit que cette disparition a été mise en scène avec la participation des parents.

En effet, les parents d'Ethan ont consulté l'employé d’une agence d'adoption, Noah Shuster, qui collabore avec l'insaisissable Lady Ambrosia pour enlever des enfants et discrètement les tuer en leur promettant qu'ils vont se transformer en papillons.

Après s’être assuré que Liz était une personne de confiance, Ethan dessine le croquis d'un puit avec des papillons. Cela conduit finalement l'équipe à la cachette de Lady Ambrosia, une école dans les bois. Une équipe du SWAT infiltre le lieu et sauve les enfants. Au même moment, Glen aide Red à trouver un ancien membre du KGB, Vasilia Patinka. Red lui permet de rejoindre avec sa fille, Anya, qui avait été enlevée par Lady Ambrosia. En remerciements, Vasilia lui donne le fichier Rostova.

Espérant en apprendre d’avantage sur l'intérêt de Red dans cette affaire, Liz lui demande des informations sur sa mère. Red révèle que son père l’a enlevée à sa mère et que la nuit de l'incendie, ses parents se disputaient à cause d’elle. Elle a tiré accidentellement sur son père et deux mois plus tard, sa mère est allée vers l'océan et n'a jamais été revue. Red se demande s'il n’aurait pas dû s’occuper de Liz lui-même parce qu'il ne veut pas qu'elle ait le même regret avec son propre enfant. Mais l'opinion de Liz est faite à propos de l'adoption même si Tom n’est pas du même avis.

Pendant ce temps, les suites du hold-up de diamants de Tom tourne mal quand Gina et deux de ses hommes se retournent contre le reste de l'équipe. Tom prend deux balles dans l'abdomen. Il se glisse dans une maison vide et se soigne mais il s’effondre quand un petit garçon le trouve. Il est conduit aux urgences dans un état grave.


Traduit et adapté du résumé du site officiel par albi2302.


A white-haired woman is grocery shopping. She stops and gasps seeing a bloody bare footprint on the floor, followed by another – a whole set of them leading to the candy aisle. A boy 6-8 is sitting on the floor. He is dressed rustically and his face is painted in yellow and orange streaks and daubs. Candy bags are torn open and candy is spilled around him and he is stuffing marshmallows into his mouth.

WOMAN : You– you all right, son? Are you hurt? Son, do you need help?


RED : Hey.
LIZ : Hey. What’s this?
RED : A trust account for your child.
LIZ : I-I can’t take this. I’m sorry.
RED : When I was young, I loved fairy tales. I was always partial to shapeshifters, who seemed good and sweet, but they were full of unimaginable darkness. « Once upon a time, there lived a woman in the woods.
She was neither purely evil, nor purely good.
She gathered unwanted children and gave them a home in which to stay.
She promised them they’d live forever and a day.
She changed them into colors, so beautiful, so bold. »

LIZ : « She cared for them so sweetly, they never grew old. »

RED : You know it.
LIZ : Lady Ambrosia. Ugh. Always creeped me out. I’m more of a Wizard of Oz fan. You just can’t beat a farm girl in great shoes.
RED : Every culture has their version of a mythic creature who takes children. The Germans have Der Grossmann, the Mexicans– La Llorona. But there are whispers that Lady Ambrosia is not a myth, that there’s a real woman out there– takes unwanted children and raises them with the promise of eternal youth.

Red shows Liz a newspaper

RED : This little boy turned up out of nowhere yesterday, and I wonder if Lady Ambrosia played any part in his disappearance.
LIZ : Missing children turn up.
RED : He wasn’t missing. He died four years ago. And he’s not the first.


LIZ : I love Annapolis. I had a friend who went to the naval academy, and we used to go to this little Italian restaurant, Marias, on the water. Is it even still open?
WIFE LOOKING TO ADOPT : I don’t think we know it.
LIZ : Beside the point. Anyway, um, it seems like a lovely place to raise a child.
HUSBAND : It really is. Um… We’ve got great schools, a lot of outdoor activities.
WIFE : Oh, there’s this– this tall ship in– it looks like a pirate ship. It’s in the harbor. Uh, we take my niece. She is obsessed with it.
LIZ : Can I be honest? I like you guys a lot, and you’re probably too polite to ask about it, but you do know about my past?
HUSBAND : Yeah. We do.
WIFE : All we want is a healthy baby. And we know that, with this process, there are compromises. I’m sure if we work together, we can come up with a plan.
LIZ : But I have gotten my hopes up before, so I just want to make sure you’re completely comfortable with me being a part of my child– our child’s life.


LIZ : Three children, all missing and presumed dead. Mary Jones died on a family camping trip in 2003. Jeffrey Childs disappeared from his backyard two years later. In 2012, Ethan Linley drowned on the Ohio River. All three were later found alive. All three had traces of these ritualistic patterns painted on their bodies.
SAMAR : Were they able to explain what had happened? Identify their captors?
LIZ : No. Jones was also autistic, and Childs was blind.
SAMAR : Can you zoom in any closer on the pattern on Ethan’s body?
ARAM : Hang on.
SAMAR : Okay. They don’t look like strokes from a paintbrush. It looks like finger painting. COOPER : Check with his doctor. If Navabi’s right, lift the prints from the finger paint in the photos and run them. Ressler, take Keen to that hospital. I want a psych eval on the kid.


JUDY : Agent Ressler? Hi. Judy Sickler, Child Services.
RESSLER : This is Elizabeth Keen. She’s a clinical psychologist. She’ll be assessing the child.
JUDY : Well, that might be tricky. He’s a sweet boy, but nonverbal.
LIZ : I understand he’s autistic. Is there any sign of abuse?
JUDY : Ugly, aside from a few bumps and bruises, being a little dehydrated, he got a perfect bill of health.
LIZ : Hi, Ethan. I’m Liz. I’m here to help...

No answer

LIZ : Okay, how are you feeling? How do you feel?

Liz draws a happy face and a sad face with a ballpoint pen and hands the pen to Ethan. He begins clicking it

JUDY : Don’t think you’re gonna get that back. First thing he’s been excited about all day.

Footsteps approaching : Ethan's parents

ETHAN'S MOTHER : Oh! I can’t believe that he’s here.
ETHAN'S FATHER : Ethan. Hey. It’s me. It’s dad.
ETHAN'S MOTHER : I just– I– I-I-I don’t understand. Where did you find him? The cops won’t tell us anything.
RESSLER : They’re still investigating, but, uh, we’ll give you two a moment.

In the corridor

LIZ : I can’t imagine what it must have been like for them all these years, thinking their child was dead.

Cellphone rings : it's Aram

LIZ : What is it? What’s wrong?
RESSLER : It’s Aram. Apparently, two weeks before Ethan disappeared, the Linleys tried to give him up for adoption.


  Lady Ambrosia is leading her troupe of children through the woods. It’s early winter, snowless, but the trees’ branches are bare. An older boy, perhaps even in his twenties, Theo, carries a large bundle, oblong, wrapped happily in ribbons, earthen greens and garlands

LADY AMBROSIA : All right, children, who else is excited to celebrate Matthew today? Everybody?

The group arrives at a large circular well, with walls too high for the children to look over but not the adults

A man, Theo, pulls a bundle

LADY AMBROSIA : All right, children, let’s stop here. My little angels, this is where it begins. We’re going to celebrate who?
CHILDREN : Matthew!

♪ ’cause don’t you know it’s Matthew’s day? ♪
♪ he’ll be safe and always play ♪
♪ today’s the day he learns to… ♪ .. fly!
♪ he’ll be so happy in the… ♪ .. sky!

LADY AMBROSIA : And then what’s he going to be in the sky?
CHILDREN : A butterfly! A beautiful butterfly.
ALL : Whoo, Matthew! Yay!

Theo slips the bundle into dry well

ALL : Oh! Matthew! Bye-bye!

Thousands of butterflies arise out of the well, swirling into the sky

LADY AMBROSIA : How beautiful! How many butterflies? How many? Can you count them?

All counting

LADY AMBROSIA : So beautiful! There he goes! There he goes!

Children cheering. Children turn and run ahead leaving Lady with Theo, who is stooped over, submissive
To Theo, angry

LADY AMBROSIA : I know what you’ve done, Theodore. I know what you’ve done.


LIZ : Ethan Linley disappeared on May 20, 2012. In the six months before he “passed away,” his parents met with four different adoption agencies. Ethan apparently requires around-the-clock care– medical therapy, speech and language therapy. In fact, Jeanne quit her job to be Ethan’s full-time caregiver.
SAMAR : My cousin has special needs. The burden it places on his parents– the way they deal with it is incredible.
RESSLER : I’m not saying it’s easy, but I’d never give up my kid for adoption.
SAMAR : People give their kids up for all kinds of reasons.
COOPER : Investigators may have talked to the Linleys about adopting out Ethan, but I doubt they spoke with adoption agencies. Question them. See what they know. Get warrants. There’s something these parents aren’t telling us.


DMV WOMAN : Number 43.
WOMAN  : Hey. How you doing? I’ve seen you before.
RED : I doubt it.
WOMAN  : Yes, it’s you. I know I know you– from my spin class, right? Hot stuff.
RED : I think you have me mistaken for somebody else.
WOMAN  : No, no. You are one kooky little white man. I’m telling you, when Calvin plays Donna Summer– mnh-mnh-mnh-mnh-mnh– you just go. I’ll tell you. Now, you know all the girls in class got a crush on you, right? Especially me– I think you’re really sexy.
RED : Thank you.
WOMAN  : So, you want to get some food after this, hot stuff?
RED : Like I said, I think you have me mistaken for somebody else.
WOMAN  : ♪ lookin’ for some hot stuff, baby, this evening ♪ Come on. ♪ I need some hot stuff, baby, tonight ♪ Come on. We could have some fun. I bet we could. ♪ I need some hot stuff, baby, this evenin’ ♪ Come on.


RED : 45 minutes, Glen? 45 minutes.
GLEN : Make it quick. I’m meeting Trudy for a nooner at the Old Colony Inn. Vasilia Patinka, former KGB– I need you to find her.
GLEN : It’ll take time. I’m stacked up.
RED : Stacked up?
GLEN : Employee training is always 1st of the month. We’re getting the parking lot re-striped. I got to get the cones. I got to book the deejay for the New Year’s party.
RED : It’s February.
GLEN : Always thinking ahead, hot stuff.
RED : I do not wait for 45 minutes in that petri dish of humanity unless I absolutely have to. This is a matter of life and death, Glen.
GLEN : So’s my nooner with Trudy. As the French say, la petite mort.
RED : If you find this woman, if you get it done fast, your tawdry liaisons at the no-tell motel will be a thing of the past, as I will personally introduce you to two young ladies you will never forget– soft, warm, blond, and willing.
GLEN : Willing?
RED : Tell Trudy you have to cancel.

Ethan's mother on phone in the corridor

ETHAN'S MOTHER : Noah. It’s Jeanne Linley. Have you heard about Ethan? He’s back. You told me that he would never be found, and now he just… shows up?
NOAH SHUSTER : Calm down. It-it’s gonna be fine.
ETHAN'S MOTHER : Calm down?


where Noah Shuster works

GRETCHEN : I didn’t work directly with the Linleys– Noah Shuster did.
RESSLER : Could we speak with him?

NOAH SHUSTER : I have to go. We need to talk. You know where to meet me. One hour. We’ll figure this all out.

GRETCHEN : Noah finds homes for children who are difficult to place– kids with emotional disturbances, special needs, health issues. That’s strange. He was just here.

Noah is not at his desk anymore

RESSLER : Do you have a home address, contact information?
GRETCHEN : Yes, of course. Client information is privileged.
SAMAR : Not anymore.

She shows her warrant


On phone

LIZ : They said yes?
ADOPTION LADY : Open adoption– you can have qualified contact– everything we wanted.
LIZ : It’s great, and I can’t thank you enough. Wow. This is really gonna happen.

Cellphone beeps 

LIZ : Um, I’m– I’m sorry. Um, hang on just a sec.

It's Tom. Noises around him: champagne, cheerful voices.

TOM : Liz! Liz, it’s me!
LIZ : Tom, where are you?

TOM : Listen, it’s all good! I figured out another way to make some cash.

Gina backside silences his men

GINA : Boys, we’re here. You can celebrate later. We have work to do. Tell the ball and chain you’ll call her back.

Liz, hearing a voice

LIZ : What’s going on?
TOM : No, all you need to know right now is that everything is gonna be fine, all right? We are free.
LIZ : From what?
TOM : Reddington– all of it. And, look, don’t make any moves on the adoption.
LIZ : Tom, what have you done?
TOM : I’ll meet you at your place tomorrow night. I’ll bring Wing Yee’s, and I’ll explain everything, all right? I got a good feeling. I got to go.


GINA : I know you like to watch.

Gina throws switch and  explodes  the van they were using

GINA : You could have called anybody to do the job with, but you called me. You need me. We need each other. Come with me to Zurich, right now.
TOM : Gina… I can’t.


To Ethan’s mother

NOAH SHUSTER : Freezing out there. Hop in. I’m so sorry about all of this.
ETHAN'S MOTHER: I don’t need an apology, Noah. I want to know how this happened.
NOAH SHUSTER : That does nothing to solve the issue at hand. What’s important is that we come up with a solution. Now–

Theo rises from behind and covers her mouth with plastic wrap, smothering her to death

NOAH SHUSTER : Make her go to sleep.

THEO : I think Mother hurts the children. I don’t think she turns them into butterflies.
NOAH SHUSTER : Come up here. You need to stop questioning your mother. You let Ethan get away. Now you need to help us clean this mess up. Do you understand?
THEO : Sorry, Dad.


ETHAN'S FATHER : It’s me, again. Where are you? Please call me when you get this.

In the corridor

RESSLER : Mr. Linley. This is Agent Navabi. You need to come with us.
ETHAN'S FATHER : Why? Is something wrong?
RESSLER : Noah Shuster.
ETHAN'S FATHER : I don’t know who that is. What’s going on?
RESSLER : He was the adoption agent that you and your wife met about Ethan. The day after he disappeared, $25,000 from one of your accounts was transferred to his.
ETHAN'S FATHER : That’s ridiculous. I never–
SAMAR : Sir, you’re gonna have to come with us.
ETHAN'S FATHER : I-I can’t. My wife is not here, all right? She said she was going out for coffee. She hasn’t come back. I don’t know what’s happened to her. Now you want me to leave Ethan alone?
RESSLER : He’ll be taken care of.

Liz is taking care of Ethan

LIZ : Come on. You hungry? How do you feel about waffles? Uh… Ugh. No toaster. No microwave. No problem. No problem. I know, the whole idea that Mozart will improve cognitive skills is a myth, but they say babies start learning in the womb, so, on the off chance it’ll get him into Harvard…

A roll of paper towels too close to the gas stove catches fire

LIZ : Oh!

Fire alarm beeping

LIZ : It’s okay, Ethan! It’s okay! It’s just a smoke alarm. It’s fine. Ethan?

Red’s security guy Baz bursts in gun held high

BAZ : What happened? Is everything all right?
LIZ : What are you doing?! Put that away! What are you doing?! Get out! Get out!

Ethan had panic and is hidden under the table

A van

GINA : One last chance– Zurich.
TOM : You know I can’t.

Other men arrive and shoot everyone inside the van, include Tom

GINA : Thanks, boys.

Speaking of the van

GINA : Torch it. Call me when it’s done.

She leaves

The shooters begin pouring gasoline over the bodies. But Tom is only wounded. He shoots them both 


LIZ : I want him gone.
RED : He’s here for your protection.
LIZ : I don’t want his protection any more than I want your money.
RED : The money isn’t for you.
LIZ : It’s very generous. I can appreciate that it comes from a place of concern, but it’s dirty money, and I just don’t want it. I don’t need it.
RED : No, but your child does.
LIZ : I’m giving my child up for adoption.
RED : Why would you do that?
LIZ : How can you, of all people, ask me that question? The life I have because of you is no place for a child. I can’t even make a waffle without one of your people bursting into my home with a gun.
RED : You think your life is too dangerous for a child. But what is your life without one? I can tell you from personal experience– not much. What?
LIZ : You and Tom agree on something.
RED : He wants you to keep the baby?
LIZ : Oh, yeah. Oh, my God. That’s it.


LIZ : The key to these abductions is parental consent. No child can be adopted out without both parents agreeing. So I had Aram look over Noah Shuster’s case files.
ARAM : There were 93 cases, including Ethan’s, where parents considered adoption, then backed out. Of those, 16 kids died or went missing within a year of the visit– 16 kids with cognitive, physical, or psychological issues.
LIZ : According to Ethan’s father, adoption was his mother’s idea. He was working extra shifts to pay for Ethan’s private school and therapies, leaving her alone with him. He was trying to appease his wife by meeting with Shuster, but he maintains that he never wanted to go through with it.
RESSLER : Well, conveniently for him, she’s not around to challenge his side of things.
SAMAR : No, but she had access to a personal trust account from which she transferred money to Shuster. She could have paid him off, and he could have taken her to cover it up.
LIZ : I think this Lady Ambrosia is using Shuster to identify mothers and fathers who want to get rid of their kids but can’t because their spouses won’t consent.
ARAM : I searched the National Child Identification Program, and of the prints we lifted from the finger paint on Ethan’s body, seven of them belong to that group of missing children.
COOPER : We need to find this Noah Shuster and figure out where this city of lost kids is.


GLEN : You lied to me!
RED : We had a deal. Two ladies for you, one address for me.
GLEN : Ladies, the kind that walk on two legs, preferably hairless.
RED : I want the address.
GLEN : You think it’s funny? Little dogs?
RED : I thought they’d be a nice gesture. I thought you’d like them.
GLEN : I don’t like them.
RED : Or maybe you’re afraid they won’t like you. Dogs are very intuitive. They’ll know if you’re hiding something.
GLEN : I am hiding something– I hate dogs.
RED : They’re homeless.
GLEN : I’ll call you when I decide to race the Iditarod.
RED : Ah, you know what? Forget it. Just forget it. I’ll take them back.
GLEN : Your friend Vasilia Patinka– she’s living under an alias in Gaithersburg, 1632 South Perry Drive.
RED : What about the dogs?
GLEN : I love ’em. Taking an early lunch so we can hit the dog park. These little marshmallows are gonna get my wienie roasted.


LADY AMBROSIA : Well, you are beautiful, Anya. It’s magical work– magical! Isn’t Anya going to make the most gorgeous butterfly? Oh, well, it looks like someone’s coming through our door.
NOAH SHUSTER : We need to talk.
LADY AMBROSIA : The grown-ups will be right back. Help your friends.
NOAH SHUSTER : It’s gone too far. The FBI came to the office. If they have Ethan, if he leads them here…

LADY AMBROSIA : Well, you can’t let that happen. You know, what we do matters. Unwanted children feel loved here. We keep them safe until… we have to let them go. Now, you took care of Ethan’s mother. You take care of him.
NOAH SHUSTER : Theo says you hurt them. He knows.
LADY AMBROSIA : He doesn’t know. I can handle him. Can you handle Ethan?


Aram's desk

ARAM : Oh, no. Agent Ressler. 20 minutes ago, Noah Shuster logged into the DCFS website. RESSLER : Why wasn’t his access denied?
ARAM : He searched for Ethan, and in his file, his temporary emergency guardian is listed as– Jesus. Call Keen. Get units there now.

Aram phones Liz, she's at her apartment

LIZ: Hello?
ARAM : Noah Shuster looked up Ethan in the foster system and found your address. We think he’s coming for the boy. Agent Ressler’s on his way.
LIZ : Ethan, I just realized I don’t have an extra toothbrush. We’re gonna have to go back to the store, okay? Let’s go.

Liz opens her door. There is Noah Shuster pointing a gun at her, with Theo behind him


She drops her purse

LIZ : Okay.
NOAH SHUSTER : We’re taking the boy.
LIZ : Ethan, run! Go now!

Theo tries to grab Ethan but he escapes as Liz wrestles for the gun with Shuster. It goes off  Shuster gets the gun and points it at Liz but Baz tackles him from behind and subdues him

Theo escapes

Liz goes looking for Ethan

LIZ : Ethan? Ethan?

He is under the bed

LIZ : Oh, thank God. Ethan, you can come out now. Everything’s okay. You’re safe now. You’re safe.


RED : I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t important.

Red has found Vasilia Patinka who runs a school teaching signing to deaf children

VASILIA : How did you find me?
RED : What you endured, most people never recover from. I doubt I would have. But you’ve turned it into a calling. Nikolai would be proud.
VASILIA : I never blamed him for what happened. He blamed himself.
RED : The Glasnost files– there’s something in them I need to see.
VASILIA : That was another life.
RED : One of the bravest men I ever knew was deaf– Zeeb Pasha, a Communist I shared a cell with in a military prison outside Ankara. Zeeb and I were interrogated by the K Section– foot whipping, hung by our wrists, electric shock. I was nothing more than a groaning heap in the corner. Every time our guard passed the cell, Zeeb would start signing. His fingers were a blur– pointing and tapping, twisting and swirling– the same thing over and over again and again. Lo and behold, one night, our cell was left unlocked. Turns out the guard’s daughter was deaf. And old Zeeb had been signing, “my wife, my daughter, my life.” Six words, unspoken, convinced that guard to let us go. Such a beautiful language. Like that girl just then– what did she say to you on her way out?
VASILIA : “I’m grateful for you.”
RED : ... The Glasnost files.
VASILIA : I said no.
RED : What if I could give you answers about your daughter? Would that change your mind?
VASILIA : The only thing that could change my mind is you bringing her back. But since that’s not possible, the answer is no.


JUDY SICKLER (DCFS): I don’t care who you have approval from, I am not leaving Ethan in your care.
LIZ : I feel like I’ve made a connection with him on some level and that he might tell me where he was being kept, where the other children are being held.

JUDY SICKLER (DCFS) :You need to say goodbye.

LIZ : Hey, Ethan. You’re gonna go with Miss Sickler now, and she’s gonna take you to a place that is so safe. And you’re gonna be surrounded by people who care about you. And no one is ever gonna hurt you again. Okay?


LIZ : You took Noah Shuster?
RED : Baz did, after he saved you.
LIZ : What is your interest in this case?
RED : Same as yours– missing children. Brimley is in there, speaking to the only man who can tell us where to find Lady Ambrosia.

Brimley emerges leading a lama

BRIMLEY : I need to take Butterscotch for a walk. When I get back, I’m gonna need some ground mineral salt and a corded dremel drill. Come on, Poopsie. Let’s go. That’s it. Very good.

Brimley's gone, Liz and Red are alone

RED : When I said that Baz saved you, I wasn’t looking for a “Thank you”. I’m just relieved.
LIZ : I found a couple… to take the baby. Thinking about it is one thing, but actually doing it… How did she do it– my mother?
RED : Your parents loved each other very much. The Cold War was hard– too hard for your father. When the Soviet Union was collapsing, he took you from her. She gave up everything to follow him, to follow you.
LIZ : The night of the fire– that’s what they were arguing about?
RED : Your mother, despite what he’d done, she wanted him back. She wanted them to be a family. As much as it pains me to say it, he was probably… the only man she ever really loved.
LIZ : And I shot him.
RED : It was an accident.
LIZ : Tell me. I need to know.
RED : Your mother was never the same after that. The man she loved killed by the child she adored– it was… just too much. Two months later, she went to Cape May and left her clothes on the beach, walked into the ocean, and was never seen again.
LIZ : So, that night, I killed both my parents.
RED : You were a child. There should never have been a gun for you to grab.

Liz sniffles

RED : Looking back, I’m not sure I shouldn’t have raised you myself. I don’t want you looking back with that kind of regret.


LADY AMBROSIA : Where are they?
THEO : They’re ugly, then they’re beautiful.
LADY AMBROSIA : Answer me. Where– your father–
THEO : I’m ugly.
LADY AMBROSIA : Where is he?
THEO : He took him– the man with the gun. A policeman? Oh, my God!

She slaps him

LADY AMBROSIA : Why don’t you have answers for me?
THEO : I thought that you made them beautiful to keep them from being like me.
LADY AMBROSIA : Look, we have to talk about this later. Your job is to prepare Anya.

THEO : Yes mother


JUDY (DCFS): He refuses to leave. I didn’t want to force him and make things worse. I think he wants to speak with you.

Ethan is hiding under the table

LIZ : Hey, Ethan. Can I come in? So you decided to stick around, huh? Ethan, what is this?

Ethan has decorated the bottom of the table holding up his fort with amazing ball-point pen drawings of butterflies


COOPER : Ethan drew this?
LIZ : Isn’t it amazing? Look at the patterns on the wings. They remind me of…
SAMAR : The finger painting.
RESSLER : That’s the same pattern that was painted on Ethan and the other two kids who escaped.
LIZ : Same dark edges, same spotting.
COOPER : So whoever was holding these kids was painting them like butterflies. Some sort of ritual?
ARAM : Feniseca tarquinius– also known as the harvester butterfly– highly localized, related to a species found in Africa and Asia. The only carnivorous butterfly in North America.
SAMAR : Carnivorous?
COOPER : If there is a ritual, maybe it involves this species.
LIZ : Why would Ethan want me to know that?
COOPER : Track all sales of this species of larvae for the past 12 months– I want a location.
RESSLER : We need Shuster, but Reddington has him.
COOPER : And, Keen… where the hell is Reddington?


Red interrogates Shuster

RED : I believe you abducted Anya Patinka. Where is she?
NOAH SHUSTER : If that’s who you’re looking for, you’re too late. It’s her birthday.
RED : I don’t know what that means.
NOAH SHUSTER : Lady Ambrosia– she– she means well.
RED : By abducting children?
NOAH SHUSTER : No. We always try to keep our process as humane as possible.
RED : What process?


RED :What process?
NOAH SHUSTER : Anya is turning 12… the end of adolescence. She’ll be… transformed. We use nitrous. And the children are happy, relaxed, euphoric f-for their rebirth. And the other children? They help prepare for the celebration while the wrapping of the butterfly child continues.
RED : Where is she?
NOAH SHUSTER : We call it The Colony– an abandoned schoolhouse, Route 2 south of Richmond. After our son died… she wanted to save other children. She turns them into butterflies, sets them free s-so they can stay children forever.


Scene without dialogue. Tom, wounded in the shootout, climbs through a window into an apartment. He gathers makeshift surgical supplies, drinks from a bottle of spirits, and attempts to remove the bullet in his leg with a scissors. A young boy enters the bathroom where Tom is in the shower. He pulls back the shower curtain. Tom collapses.


ARAM : Okay. This is amazing. Uh, well, maybe not amazing. I mean, how many people are in the market for carnivorous butterfly larvae?
COOPER : Aram.
ARAM : Okay, I tracked nine shipments in the last six months– eight to sanctuaries, wildlife preserves, and zoos.
COOPER : And the ninth?
ARAM : Exactly.


LADY AMBROSIA : Oh, Anya. I know you can’t hear me, but you’re almost there. You’re almost home. Oh, bless you, child. Bless you.

Lady dons her coat, about to leave the house. Red is sitting in the living room

RED : Anya Patinka– where is she?
LADY AMBROSIA : Who the hell are you?
RED : Her fairy godmother. I hear it’s her birthday. We’ve come to celebrate... It’s been some time since freshman English, but I seem to recall that fairy tales about abandonment, death, and witches are supposed to allow children to deal with their fears in symbolic terms, but there’s nothing symbolic about this place. You’re a real witch.
LADY AMBROSIA : I don’t know who you are, but if you don’t get off my property right now, I’ll call the police.
RED : I believe they’re already on their way. While we’re waiting, how about I tell you a story? It’s about a mother, her two sons, and a canoeing accident.
LADY AMBROSIA : You’ve talked to Noah.
RED : The family lived by a river. The boys often took a canoe out to fish. One day, the canoe tipped. Inexplicably, the elder son, the golden child, the champion swimmer, drowned, while the younger, the lesser child, survived. The way Noah tells it, you allowed Theo to believe it was his fault, that he was the reason his brother died, that he would have been better off dead.
LADY AMBROSIA ; They could have died together, beautiful and innocent. Theo would have been spared all this.

Hidden, Theo is listening

RED : By “this,” you mean the horror of being different. Is that why you kill them?
LADY AMBROSIA : I save them.
RED : From what?
LADY AMBROSIA : I make sure the damaged ones don’t grow up to be outcasts like Theo– hated, pitied. No one loves an outcast.
RED : Not even his mother?
LADY AMBROSIA : I couldn’t send my son away, but when I look at him, I see what these children shouldn’t be and what they won’t be because I see the life I save them from.

Theo approching and talking to his mother

THEO : I’m ugly.
RED : From where I sit, there’s only one ugly person in the room, and it’s certainly not you, Theo.

Footsteps approaching. It’s Dembe, carrying Anya

DEMBE : She’s breathing. She’ll be okay.
RED : Excellent. We must be going. Theo, you are entitled to as much as anyone– happiness, joy, a mother’s love.

Red leaves

LADY AMBROSIA : Theo, stop him. Stop him. Theo, what are you doing? Stop him! Theo. Theo. Theo, what– Oh, my God! No! No, Theodore, what are you doing?! Let me g– Let me go! I’m not asking! Theodore James! Let me go! No!

Theo thuds Lady’s body into dry well . Butterflies rise up . Samar is gathering the children and
they cheering, applause at seeing the butterflies
Theo jumps in the well


To Ethan

LIZ : Follow me.

Ethan is reunited with his father. They hug


She is waiting Tom for diner

She calls him and let a message on his voicemail

LIZ : Hey, Tom. I’m just wondering where you are. Give me a call when you can.
Tom is shown being rushed on a gurney into surgery


Red brings Anya to Vasilia

VASILIA : Anya? Anya! Ohh, Anya! Anya!

Vasilia is crying

VASILIA : Oh, baby!


Shuster is under arrest. To Samar

COOPER : I still don’t understand it– Reddington’s interest in this case. What does he get?


At night, Vasilia walks out to Red’s waiting car and hands him a large yellow envelope

RED : Thank you.


Red opens the envelope, takes out a file labeled “Rostova” in both Russian and English. He opens it

RED : It just keeps getting worse.


Liz is reading aloud under the table inside Ethan’s “fort”

LIZ : “‘How can I get there?’ Asked Dorothy. ‘You must walk. It is a long journey through a country that is sometimes dark and terrible. However, I will use all the magic arts I know to keep you from harm.’ She came close to Dorothy and kissed her gently on the forehead. ‘When you get to Oz… do not be afraid of him, but tell your story and ask him to help you. Goodbye, my dear.'”


Adapté du site «The Blacklist Classified», mise en page par mnoandco

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Chouette bannière pretty, bravo !

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