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#316 : Le Gardien

Donald Ressler et Samar Navabi en salle d'interrogatoire au Bureau de Poste

Ecrit par: Dave Thomas
Réalisé par: Don Thorin Jr

Quand un fonctionnaire du Département d'Etat est retrouvé mort à Pékin, Red et Liz relient le meurtre à un gardien du secret connu comme "The Caretaker"qui possède un coffre de dépôts  sécurisé pour les criminels. Red et Liz travaillent avec la Task-Force pour trouver "The Caretaker" et sa collection de secrets meurtriers et classifiés. Pendant ce temps, Tom prend une décision risquée tandis que Liz persiste dans sa quête pour en savoir plus sur sa mère.



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The Caretaker

Titre VF
Le Gardien

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Donald Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) et Samar Navabi (Mozhan Marno) en salle d'interrogatoire

Donald Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) et Samar Navabi (Mozhan Marno) en salle d'interrogatoire

Le Gardien (Reg E. Cathey) #78

Le Gardien (Reg E. Cathey) #78

Samar (Mozhan Marno)

Samar (Mozhan Marno)

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) écoute Cooper

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) écoute Cooper

La fille de Velov reçoit la visite de Liz

La fille de Velov reçoit la visite de Liz

Addison Wen  (David Shih)

Addison Wen (David Shih)

Liz (Megan Boone) questionne Velov sur Katarina

Liz (Megan Boone) questionne Velov sur Katarina

Le messager

Le messager

Elisabeth (Megan Boone) reçoit un appel

Elisabeth (Megan Boone) reçoit un appel

Le Gardien (Reg E. Cathey) #78 aux arrêts

Le Gardien (Reg E. Cathey) #78 aux arrêts

Le Gardien (Reg E. Cathey) #78 reçoit des instructions

Le Gardien (Reg E. Cathey) #78 reçoit des instructions

Red (James Spader) donne quelques explications à Liz

Red (James Spader) donne quelques explications à Liz

Elisabeth doit remettre une lettre à la fille de Velov

Elisabeth doit remettre une lettre à la fille de Velov

Semo (Orville Mendoza) écoute  Red (James Spader)

Semo (Orville Mendoza) écoute Red (James Spader)

Liz pensive

Liz pensive

Semo (Orville Mendoza) en affaire avec Red (James Spader)

Semo (Orville Mendoza) en affaire avec Red (James Spader)

Le Gardien (Reg E. Cathey) #78

Le Gardien (Reg E. Cathey) #78

Harold Cooper (Harry Lennix) parle avec Liz

Harold Cooper (Harry Lennix) parle avec Liz

Raymond Reddington (James Spader)

Raymond Reddington (James Spader)

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) se voit remettre une lettre

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) se voit remettre une lettre

Raymond Redddington (James Spader) brûle son secret sous les yeux de Dembe (Hisham Tawfiq)

Raymond Redddington (James Spader) brûle son secret sous les yeux de Dembe (Hisham Tawfiq)

Dembe (Hisham Tawfiq) a déterré un secret de Red

Dembe (Hisham Tawfiq) a déterré un secret de Red

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) regarde Red (James Spader) partir

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) regarde Red (James Spader) partir

Donald Ressler (Giego Klattenhoff), Samar Navabi (Mozhan Marno) au milieu d'un cimetierre la nuit

Donald Ressler (Giego Klattenhoff), Samar Navabi (Mozhan Marno) au milieu d'un cimetierre la nuit

Le Gardien (Reg E. Cathey) #78 au travail

Le Gardien (Reg E. Cathey) #78 au travail

Donald Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) et Samar Navabi (Mozhan Marno) interroge un homme

Donald Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) et Samar Navabi (Mozhan Marno) interroge un homme

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) rend visite à la fille de Velov

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) rend visite à la fille de Velov

Donald Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff)

Donald Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff)

Le Gardien (Reg E. Cathey) #78 prépare une tombe

Le Gardien (Reg E. Cathey) #78 prépare une tombe

Raymond Reddington (James Spader)

Raymond Reddington (James Spader)

Ce messager utilise un moyen bien original pour envoyer le courrier

Ce messager utilise un moyen bien original pour envoyer le courrier

Elisabeth (Megan Boone) reçoit un appel

Elisabeth (Megan Boone) reçoit un appel


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France (inédit)
Mercredi 24.08.2016 à 21:50
3.15m / 17.3% (Part)

Logo de la chaîne NBC

Etats-Unis (inédit)
Jeudi 25.02.2016 à 21:00
5.97m / 1.3% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Personnage Blaklisté: N°78: The Caretaker (Albert Janus)


Reg E. Cathey...The Caretaker

Margarita Levieva...Gina Zanetakos

Valarie Pettiford...Charlene Cooper

Deirdre Lovejoy...Cynthia Panabaker


Un fonctionnaire en fuite après la divulgation d'un enregistrement  prouvant l'implication des fonctionnaires du Département d'Etat américain dans un assassinat, est enlevé et tué. Red sait que l'enregistrement a été publié par The Caretaker, le gardien des secrets professionnels de ses clients qui sont des criminels, des gouvernements et des milliardaires. Le groupe de travail apprend que le gardien utilise l'ancien système du service postal des tubes pneumatiques comme un service de livraison. Le système conduit le FBI  dans un cimetière, où le Caretaker sort un tube d'un cadavre car c'est là qu'il garde les secrets de ses clients. Le Caretaker, Albert Janus, révèle que sa fille, Rose, a été enlevée. Finalement, l'équipe traque le kidnappeur et sauve Rose. Cependant son ravisseur étant son frère Justin, Rose révèle que Janus l'a enlevée à ses vrais parents quand elle était enfant. Quand elle l'a appris, elle a recherché sa famille et a voulu se venger avec la complicité de  Justin, obligeant Janus à révéler ses activités secrètes. 

Désireux de faire passer leur relation au niveau suivant, Liz dit à Tom qu'elle veut l'épouser mais Red, ne faisant pas confiance à Tom, est moins heureux. Tom demande à  Gina  une  trêve qu'elle accepte à contre coeur afin de l'aider à s'éloigner de cette vie de criminel. Une fois Tom parti, Gina appelle quelqu'un pour lui dire que Tom est bien venu la voir comme il l'avait prédit.

Pendant ce temps, Cooper conseille à Liz de parler à Anton Velov afin d'en savoir plus sur sa mère. Anton donne à Liz une lettre qui suggère que Katarina Rostova est vivante et qu'elle est à sa recherche. En colère, elle affronte Red qui maintient Katarina s'est suicidée, il y a quelques années. Mais plus tard,  Dembe récupére une lettre  sur un cadavre dans le cimetière de Janus. Cette lettre de Red était destinée à Liz si quelque chose lui arrivait,  maintenant il n'est pas si sûr de vouloir qu'elle l'ait,  Red brûle alors la lettre.


Traduit et adapté du résumé du site officiel par albi2302.


News anchor: « The online recording implicates the United States in the murder of a Chinese official. The recording appears to prove that Zhang Lau was poisoned as part of a plot orchestrated by this man, State Department Official Russell Pritchard. »

Russell Pritchard on phone in a street

PRITCHARD : How– how the hell did this happen? My face is all over the news. Well, you better get me out of Beijing...The Chinese are looking for me. It’s only a matter of time before–

Some men arrive and kidnap him

PRITCHARD :Hey. Hey, wait. Please! Please! That recording isn’t real! It’s all some kind of frame-up! It was released by a man called The Caretaker! That’s who you have to find! The Caretaker! Help! Help!


On phone
CARETAKER : It’s me. The first secret has been released. The second one will come very soon.


TOM : Made you breakfast.
LIZ : I’m the one who’s supposed to be taking care of you.
TOM : Come here for a minute.

They kiss

LIZ : Hm. Mm. Wow. You’re feeling better.
TOM : Much.
LIZ : That’s good.
TOM : What is this?

Liz gets down on her knees


LIZ : Yes.
TOM : Yes… what?
LIZ : Yes, I want to marry you.
TOM . Are you for real?
LIZ : Yes. I want to take care of you for the rest of our lives, for better and definitely for worse.
TOM : I don’t know what to say.

Cellphone chimes – it’s “Nick’s Pizza”

TOM : Maybe he’ll be walking you down the aisle.
LIZ : Not if you’re at the other end of it.

Knock on door


TOM : Good point.


DELIVERY: Hey, I have a delivery for a Tom Keen from Safe Stop Pharmacy.
LIZ : Oh, I can get it.
DELIVERY : Oh, it’s prescription medicine. I need a patient signature.
TOM : I-I got it. It’s fine. I’m good. I’m great.
LIZ : Rest.
TOM : I will.

Liz gone, to the delivery man

TOM : You got everything?
DELIVERY : Yep– Percocet for the pain and a Glock 26 for your pleasure.


RED : How are you feeling?
LIZ : We’ve decided to keep the baby.
RED : We?
LIZ : I’ve accepted Tom’s proposal. We’re gonna get married.
RED : Right.
LIZ : I know how you feel about him. I hope you’ll keep an open mind.
RED : Are you aware that a gentleman in your State Department has been murdered in Beijing
LIZ : Yes. Fished out of the Hai river.
RED : His name was Russell Pritchard. Murdered by the Chinese as payback for the assassination of a Chinese official, Zhang Lau.
LIZ : How?
RED : With the help of Addison Wen, an extremely powerful Chinese-American businessman. While Zhang Lau was in town visiting the UN, Mr. Wen invited him to a dinner party at his home. That night, Zhang Lau is poisoned by agents that Mr. Wen agreed to let the State Department place on his serving staff. That agreement, it seems, was recorded by Addison Wen himself. He knew once the murder was committed, he’d be considered a loose end by your government.
LIZ : He wanted insurance that the government wouldn’t kill him.
RED : Precisely. Which brings us to our next blacklister. They call him The Caretaker, a secret keeper– documents, recordings, photos. The caretaker maintains an impenetrable safe-deposit vault for criminals, governments, captains of industry, and he only releases those secrets according to one’s specific instructions.
LIZ : So, in Addison Wen’s case, that recording was leverage. He probably didn’t want in released unless he was murdered or arrested for the poisoning of Zhang Lau.
RED : I agree. And yet, my sources tell me Addison Wen is very much alive and was in no danger of prosecution, which means something has gone terribly wrong. The integrity of The Caretaker’s operation is the only thing preventing thousands of closely guarded secrets from being exposed, secrets that implicate powerful and dangerous people.


Woman voiceover: « I’m begging you. I don’t know who you are. I’ve done nothing to you. Please. Please, you don’t have to do this. You can let me go. Please! »


RED : If his system is failing, I assure you, Russell Pritchard’s death is only the beginning.


LIZ : According to Reddington, the recording of Pritchard and Addison Wen is just one secret of thousands. He says The Caretaker has evidence of murder, corruption, blackmail, and not just from governments– from corporations, billionaires. This is the kind of information people kill to acquire.
RESSLER : Kill to keep secret.
LIZ : He wants us to find The Caretaker and contain the leaks.
SAMAR : Why? Isn’t it best for the truth to come out?
RESSLER : That sounds a little naive.
COOPER : All right, morality aside, let’s just find this guy and deal with whatever secrets he’s keeping one at a time. Start with Addison Wen. If he deposited a recording with The Caretaker, maybe he knows what the hell is going on. And we better get to him fast. If he helped us kill Zhang Lau, the Chinese are gonna want a word with him.


Tom, pointing gun

TOM : Well, you don’t seem very surprised to see me.
GINA : They say two things will survive a nuclear holocaust– cockroaches and twinkies. You’re a little of both. I’ll make this easy for you. And hard.
TOM : I’m here to make you an offer.
GINA : Mind if I change into some clothes before we negotiate?

TOM : Be my guest.

Gina removes her towel, exposing her breasts to Tom; walks to the dresser and slips on a short sleeved tee over her panties

GINA : So, what’s the offer?
TOM : Peace. Despite the fact that you shot me and left me for dead. Uhp. That’s far enough.

Fight ensues

BOTH : Ugh!

Tom wins

TOM : Damn it, woman. Why does it always have to be like this with you? I came here for peace. : GINA : Peace is boring.
TOM : Not if I have to put a hole in your head to get it. And you come at me again, that’s exactly what I’m gonna do.

The Caretaker sits in a grave-digging vehicle in a cemetery

CARETAKER : Hello, Jeanette.

Engine starts. The Caretaker begins to uncover a grave


RESSLER : Tell us about The Caretaker.
WEN : I was told he could keep a secret. I was misinformed.
SAMAR : Mr. Wen, tell us everything you know about him, and maybe we won’t give you to the Chinese.
WEN : I’m an American. You can’t extradite me.
SAMAR : Who said anything about extradition?


LIZ : Tom and I are getting married.
COOPER : That’s great. After everything you’ve been through, I’m happy you found your way back to each other. I know from my own personal experience… That’s not an easy thing to do.
LIZ : I’m so sorry about what’s happening with you and Charlene.
COOPER : Forget about that. You’re getting married!
LIZ : It’s crazy. I just wish… Despite everything she’s put me through, I wish my mom could be there.
COOPER : Of course you do. That’s only natural.
LIZ : I mean, everybody has something to say about her. I just wish I knew the truth for myself, you know?
COOPER : And you’re sure there’s no one who can help you find it?
LIZ : I tracked down this one man– Anton Velov. He said he didn’t know much, but I think he was holding something back.
COOPER : Sounds like you should pay this Mr. Velov a visit.


RESSLER : Could be you didn’t poison Zhang Lau, but the recording proves that you conspired to, so you’ve got no play here except to start talking.
WEN : I don’t have anything to say. I don’t know his name. We never met.
SAMAR : But you gave him the recording. How?
WEN : I put it in the tubes.
RESSLER : Tubes? What tubes?


ARAM : The US Post Office initiated pneumatic tube service in 1893. Soon, it had over 27 miles of tubes running beneath Manhattan, Brooklyn, and The Bronx, and that is just the post office. There were libraries, hospitals, department stores.
SAMAR : According to Wen, The Caretaker uses the system to transport documents and other hard media.
COOPER : Which one of these tubes leads to this Caretaker?
ARAM : There are hundreds of tubes and thousands of terminal points.
RESSLER : It’s a potential superhighway to transport drugs, cash, contraband right under our noses.
ARAM : There is no way to untangle it. …


Red and Liz sitting in a café

RED : … I know someone who can.
LIZ : Who?
RED : He’s quite an eccentric, a recluse. But I’m a faithful client, and he’s agreed to meet with us. There is one thing that I can’t seem to… wrap my head around.
LIZ : What?
RED : Tom. After all the lies, all the deception and humiliation, how you can just forgive and forget.
LIZ : I haven’t forgotten. Forgiveness can’t change the past, but I believe it can change the future.
RED : That’s a charming sentiment. But as far as I’m concerned, some things are unforgivable...

Red stands up

RED : Shall we?

LIZ : He’s here?
RED : He’s approximately 60 feet beneath our feet.


RED : He calls himself Hugo. He’s a hobbyist of sorts. Spent 20 years meticulously restoring and expanding the old BRT pneumatic tube system.
LIZ : So it’s true. It really exists.
RED : Oh, yes. Fully functional and wonderfully reliable. Hugo runs it as a private service to a specialized clientele. I’ve been a client since his early days, and I’m wagering The Caretaker is, as well. Oh. Try not to stare.

Knock on door

RED : Hugo! I see you’re busy as ever.
HUGO : Raymond? You didn’t say you were bringing persons.
RED : Well, you know Dembe. And this is former FBI Agent Elizabeth Keen.
LIZ : They employ me as a consultant. He employs me as an inside source.
RED : And in that capacity, she has alerted me to a troubling development… and may have grave repercussions for many of your clients and, well, you.
HUGO : Me?
RED : I need you to give me the location for one of those clients– The Caretaker.
HUGO : I can’t violate a client’s privacy. That– that’d be a violation.
RED : Normally, I would agree. But The Caretaker’s system has been compromised, and the FBI are looking for him. They will find him. And then…
HUGO : They’ll find me.
RED : No doubt. But if you can give us his location, Ms. Keen will steer the Bureau away from you, guaranteeing you will not be imprisoned. Now, wouldn’t that be nice?


CARETAKER : Hello, Jeanette.

He opens the casket


TOM : I want out. Gina, I never thought I would, but I do. We don’t save people, Gina. We watch them drown. And I’m tired of hurting people. I want to start pulling people up instead of holding them down. And I can’t think of a better place to start than right here with you. So… I could end this right now. I could go find the Major, and I could end him, too. Or… we can just agree to just walk away. I don’t come after you, and you don’t come after me or my family.
GINA : I should have said yes that night in Budapest.
TOM : No, Gina. Listen to me. I’m asking you to help me walk away. Please. Someday, maybe someone will do the same thing for you.
GINA : I’ll try.


The Caretaker sings and begins to cut into the body


On the road to the Caretakers's house

RESSLER : According to Reddington, one of the pneumatic tube lines leads to the basement of The Caretaker’s house.
SAMAR : In what world does that make any sense?
RESSLER : Only in Reddington’s.
SAMAR : The house should be just around this corner.Hold up. What’s that?
RESSLER : It’s a little late for a burial


The Caretaker sings inthe grave

RESSLER : Drop the knife. Drop the knife! Hands where we can see them!

Flashes light into grave to show opened corpse with pneumatic capsule removed from it

RESSLER :Now we know where he keeps his secrets.


SAMAR : The video that was released– a man died because of it. We’re told other people will die when other secrets are released. Is this a deliberate leak or negligence– a flaw in your security? RESSLER : Who penetrated your system?
CARETAKER : No one. The system is perfect. I released the video.


Water running as Caretaker washes dirt from his hands. He listens to recording:

Rose : « I’m begging you. I’ve done nothing to you. Please. Please, you don’t have to do this. You can let me go. Please! Please! You don’t have to... »
Masked man : « You have 24 hours to release ledger item number 2156– Luftreiber Airlines and the German government. »
Rose : « Please, daddy! Just do what they say! » . Screams

CARETAKER : They kidnapped my daughter. For three generations, my family has guarded the secrets of presidents, corporations, criminals. The traditions, the pride of my fathers is nothing compared to the love I hold for Rose. She’s all I have. They know that.
RESSLER : Who? Who are they?
CARETAKER : They took her and the ledger. They have the names of my clients and the locations of the secrets I keep for them. They’ve ordered me to betray a second secret by midnight… or Rose will die.
SAMAR : We can help you. We will do everything we can to help find Rose, but we can’t do that without knowing the secret the kidnappers wanted to know.
CARETAKER : You confiscated it already from the grave– the canister.


Samar and Aram on phone with Red

RED : Luftreiber Air? What secret of theirs is he keeping?
SAMAR : A copy of a contract between an airline and the German government. 100 million euros up front, 50 million euros for every year thereafter– “For services rendered.” It’s dated March 4, 2007.
ARAM : I got a hit. April 12, 2007. An A318 Airbus operated by Luftreiber crashed just after takeoff at Tripoli International. That was back in March. All 107 passengers and 6 crew dead. That’s when airline officials announced the crash was due to an avionic malfunction.
RED : All very cut-and-dried. Unless the rumors were true.
SAMAR : A terrorist attack. Then why would the airline assume liability?
RED : Perhaps to shift blame from another institution, one with an even great responsibility for the safety of German citizens.
SAMAR : The German government? You’re suggesting that the terrorists warned the government beforehand.
RED : And they failed to alert the airline to the threat. Luftreiber claims responsibility, shielding the bureaucrats from a scandal in exchange for remuneration for the inevitable blizzard of lawsuits. One hand washes the other.
SAMAR : So, the airline places the contract in escrow with The Caretaker as leverage against exposure.
RED : Have you got any leads on who abducted his daughter?
SAMAR : She was last seen at her office three days ago. Ressler’s there right now reviewing the security video.
RED : Forward me anything he finds. But under no circumstances can that contract become public knowledge.
SAMAR : If we do nothing, Rose Janus will die at midnight. We still have two hours.
RED : Very well. Make every minute count. But if you fail, I warn you, do not expose the Germans.


DARLA : Anton. Your guest is here.
VELOV : Thank you, Darla.
LIZ : Thank you for meeting with me, Mr. Velov. About a year ago, I came to visit you in your restaurant.
VELOV : I remember. You were asking about Katarina Rostova.
LIZ : That’s right. I was hoping you could answer a few more questions for me.
VELOV : She was just a name. One of many I heard when I was with Spetsnaz. Beyond that, I know nothing.
LIZ : Please. She was my mother.
VELOV : Dear, I cannot help you. I would if I could, believe me. I, too, have daughter. The life I led, the things I had to do, she won’t talk to me. I try to explain, but there are some– some things which can never be forgiven.
LIZ : I’m sorry, um… Why did you agree to meet with me if you can’t help me?
VELOV : My daughter. I don’t know where she is. I am dying. I have written her this letter. You are with FBI, no? You can find her. Give it to her. Please. It explains everything.

Liz gone, Darla contacts Reddington who is in his car

DARLA : He told her nothing.
RED : You’re certain?
DARLA : He spent most of the time talking about his own daughter.
RED : Thank you, Darla.

He hangs up

DEMBE : She deserves the truth.
RED : Watch the road, Dembe.

Viewing video of kidnapping

RESSLER : That’s Rose Janus. And this is the license plate of the kidnapper’s van.
COOPER : Run it. Find it. We’ve got 90 minutes before they execute her.
SAMAR : That’s not enough time. We have to release the Luftreiber contract.
RESSLER : Germany is one of our closest allies. I mean, you really want to embarrass them like that?
SAMAR : Yes. And you should, too. They were warned by terrorists, did nothing, and covered it up.
RESSLER : If Reddington’s theory is true. But the contract is for services rendered. There was no mention of terrorism or the crash. I mean, the date is circumstantial. We have no hard evidence–
SAMAR : But a hell of a smoking gun.
ARAM : Nothing on the van. It’s a late-model Chevy Express. There are thousands registered in the Tri-State area. And the plates were stolen from a Honda Accord on the day of the abduction. COOPER : Do it. Leak the contract.
RESSLER : That’s a mistake.
COOPER : You’re right. It will embarrass Germany, and it could damage diplomatic relations. No one will be killed because of that. If we do nothing, Rose Janus will die. The kidnapper’s instructions–
SAMAR : We know what they are.
COOPER : Follow them. To the letter.


Viewing video of kidnapping

LIZ : What is it? What do you see?
RED : What you said about forgiveness changing the future– it comforts me to know you’re looking forward again. The future holds such promise. The past– so many regrets. The van is lined with Chobham ballistic armor. Virtually impregnable, heat resistant, most often deployed in tanks and APCs.
LIZ : So it’s military.

RED : It’s an after-market job– very specialized. Only a few custom shops have the equipment necessary to install it. I can’t say which one, but I know someone who can.


RED : Semo!
SEMO : Hey! How you doing, sole?! Huh? You still got that sweet GTO?
RED : Oh, sadly no. I gave it to a North Korean general in exchange for a young woman’s freedom.
SEMO : Ooh. I know a lot of women. I’d have kept the goat.
RED : As I recall, you’ve always carried a torch for oldsmobiles. I have a line on a low-mileage, pristine 1970 442 with a factory W-30 package. I can put you in touch in exchange for a small favor. You interested?
SEMO : What do you think?


PANABAKER : Cynthia Panabaker. I drew the short straw.
COOPER : Harold Cooper.
PANABAKER : You have any idea how much this place spooks Main Justice? Reven Wright and Diane Fowler were good people. They were patriots assigned to oversee this task force and now they are missing and presumed dead.
COOPER : No one wants to know what happened to them more than I.
PANABAKER : I have no interest in disappearing or dying in the foreseeable future, so I will watch your back and you will watch mine. Are we clear?
COOPER : Your assistant said you had a matter of some urgency to discuss.
PANABAKER : We have a major national security breach. Anybody with a tree to shake has been ordered to shake it, see if anything falls out. This is the Reddington tree.
COOPER : How can we help?
PANABAKER : Two known terrorists penetrated the port of Tampa 14 hours ago. German BND had them hard on the radar, and we lost them.
COOPER : The terrorists?
PANABAKER : No, the Germans. Seems someone leaked some documents implicating them in some kind of cover-up, and they think it was us.
COOPER : Why would they suspect–
PANABAKER : I don’t know. They’re Germans. Now, they may end up sharing their intel, but for right now, they’re pissed, and we can’t afford to wait till they calm down, so find out what Reddington knows. Before anything blows up would be nice.

On phone

COOPER : Cooper.
LIZ : The gunmen who took Rose Janus– I’ve got an address.
LIZ : Reddington spotted some custom work on their van, traced it to a chop shop. We got a physical address on the customer. I want that address. Then I want you back here with Reddington.
LIZ : Why? What happened?
COOPER : I just got paid a visit by the White House Counsel. We have bigger problems than saving The Caretaker’s daughter.


COOPER : Two known terrorists penetrated the border through the port of Tampa. Two hours ago, a cargo truck was stolen from a shipping company near the port, and whoever took it was smart enough to disable its satellite tracker.
LIZ : And the White House is asking for Reddington’s help?
COOPER : At this point, I think they’ll take help from anybody.

Red laughs

COOPER : The German BND captured chatter indicating that an attack on a major domestic target is imminent. According to their intel, the terrorists have access to a metric ton of C-4, which was stolen from a Mexican armory. The Germans were tracking it, but…
RED : What? Oh, my God. You released the Luftreiber contract, and now the Germans are refusing to cooperate.
COOPER : I did it to save a woman’s life.
RED : And now many more may die. I don’t mean to gloat, but boy, did I tell you so.
LIZ : You know everything there is to know about port security.
RED : Yes, but this isn’t about port security. It’s about cargo theft in Florida. Luckily for you, Harold, I poke my thumb in many pies. This one is particularly profitable, so I’ve associated myself with some of the players.
COOPER : Can your associates find the truck?
RED : Their methods are breathtakingly simple– place their own tracking devices on cargo containers, track them out of the port, and attack them when they’re most vulnerable. Yes, they can help find your truck. The question is– why on earth they would want to.
COOPER : Because it’s their patriotic duty.
RED : They’re Mexicans.
COOPER : Get them to help, and I’ll owe you.
RED : Yes, you will.

Door crashes


RESSLER :Don’t move! Come on!
FBI : Go! Go!
SAMAR :Get on your knees. Put your hands behind your head.

Ressler finds Rose, safe

RESSLER : Donald Ressler, FBI. Everything’s okay. Are you all right? Is this your father’s ledger? Okay, come with me. Come on.


RESSLER : Justin Van Zandt. USMC. Served with distinction in Afghanistan– a bronze star and a purple heart. And now kidnapping. Why?
JUSTIN VAN ZANDT : I want a lawyer.
RESSLER : Habeas corpus isn’t on the menu today, not when we’re dealing with matters of national security. So, who do you work for?


SAMAR : The men who took you were former Marines. Did you know that?
ROSE : No, I-I didn’t.
SAMAR : Nothing in their file suggests that the men who took you had the ability to penetrate your father’s operation. Do you have any idea who they might be working for? Someone they met overseas?
ROSE : I’m sorry. I can’t help you.
SAMAR : Rose, if we can’t find the person responsible for taking you, we cannot guarantee your safety.
ROSE : Does my father know you found me?
SAMAR : Yes. He’s on his way here right now.


RESSLER : Come on, Van Zandt. We know you and your partner were just the muscle. Who hired you?
SAMAR : We know how close the two of you were. What we don’t know is why you’re protecting the man responsible for his death.
JUSTIN VAN ZANDT : You shot him.
RESSLER : Yeah. I’m angry about that. I’m angry that somebody turned a war hero into a kidnapper, put him into a position where I had to shoot him. I’m angry at his friend for not giving up the son of a bitch that made that happen.
JUSTIN VAN ZANDT : This wasn’t supposed to happen.
SAMAR : Why don’t you tell us what was supposed to happen?
JUSTIN VAN ZANDT : I told him we didn’t need guns. He thought it would help sell it.
SAMAR : Help sell what?
JUSTIN VAN ZANDT : That we were trying to hurt her, when all we were trying to do was help her.
SAMAR : Help who?
JUSTIN VAN ZANDT : Rose. She’s my sister.


ROSE : Look, I’m grateful you guys found me, but I’m starting to feel a little bit like a suspect here.

RESSLER : How fitting.
SAMAR : Your brother came clean.
RESSLER : You want to explain why you kidnapped yourself?

Cooper opens the door

COOPER : Keen located the cargo truck. It’s headed for New York City. You need to roll out now.


Samar and Ressler are tracking the truck
Aram is at the Post Office

ARAM : Okay, we are go. I-95 is shut down, and the target is approaching our detour. Yes. He’s taking the off-ramp.
RESSLER : We’re in front. We got a clean visual. Two targets in the cab.
SAMAR : What should I call you– my idiot boyfriend or my idiot husband?
RESSLER : You can’t stay angry at me forever.
SAMAR : Watch me.

Samar flips switch which causes smoke to flow from car, bringing traffic to a standstill
Samar and Ressler slip into their roles

RESSLER : I told you take it in.
SAMAR : I told you that we needed a new car!
RESSLER : All you had to do was take it into the shop!
SAMAR : I’m sorry. Excuse me. Could you help us? My husband is a complete idiot.
RESSLER : Freeze. Don’t move!


SAMAR : Targets are down.

RESSLER : Cover! Nice job. Almost like being a bitch comes naturally.
SAMAR : Aram, are you there?
ARAM : Uh, yeah. Hearing every word.

Opening the truck, soldiers discover a bomb

SOLDIER : Get these vehicles out of here. Sir, we have a serious situation. We got a problem.
Headquarters, expedite the bomb squad. We’re gonna need a perimeter set up, evacuation around our location.
RESSLER : Oh, no. This is no good.
ARAM : What? What is it? What’s wrong?
SAMAR : The bomb has been activated. We have less than two minutes.
ARAM : Um, okay, well, uh, I’m told the bomb squad won’t be there for 12.
RESSLER : Aram, I’m sending you a photo of the component parts now.
ARAM : Two minutes isn’t nearly enough time to evacuate.
RESSLER : We’re not going to evacuate. We’re gonna disarm this thing, and we need you to walk us through it.
SAMAR : We are looking at a timed detonator, about 20 barrels of accelerant– ammonium nitrate and fuel oil.
RESSLER : We got about a minute and 45 seconds left.
ARAM : Uh, okay. That’s not helping. All right, there are four batteries. We need to disable all four. Okay, first I need you to cut the green wire that leads to the switch on the bottom. But just make sure you don’t disturb the mercury.
RESSLER : Okay, got it.
ARAM : All right, trace the wires from the timing device and cut the… Okay, cut the orange and white ones. Orange and white.
RESSLER : Done. Next? All right, there is one last battery connected to the green control box on the top left. Cut the wrong wire in the wrong sequence and the bomb detonates. All right, there are two wires there– blue and red. So, here’s what you do. Apologize to Agent Navabi.
SAMAR : Aram, we don’t have time for this. We have 30 seconds.
ARAM : “I’m sorry” takes less than one. 28 seconds.
RESSLER : Look, I’m not sorry for firing her.
ARAM : You called her the “B” word.
RESSLER : I didn’t call her a bitch.
SAMAR : Actually, you did.
RESSLER : Okay, whatever. I’m real sorry for calling Agent Navabi a bitch.
ARAM : Blue. Blue. Cut the blue wire.

The bomb is disarm. Ressler sighs

SAMAR : Apology accepted.


CARETAKER : Is she okay?
COOPER : She’s alive and safe. But no, she’s not okay.
CARETAKER : What do you mean? Let me see her. What did they do to her?
COOPER : Nothing. She kidnapped herself to get away from you. She knows what you did, Mr. Janus. She’s known for months. Imagine how she felt finding herself on a missing children’s website. Her real name is Jessica Van Zandt. Did you know? Did you ever bother to find out who she was?
CARETAKER : My wife and unborn child died a few months before. I was out for a drive, and I saw her crossing the street. She tripped. Her father. Her father– mean. Drunk. He started beating on her. I got out, went over to him to explain, “She’s just a little girl.” A beautiful little girl. Words were exchanged. He took a swing at me. I moved in in self-defense. He went down… hard. As he lay there bleeding, I felt a little hand in mine. She just took it. Like she was saying, “Thank you.” We walked back to the car. She got in willingly. And we left. Left.
COOPER : You took her… like a thief. And by the time she realized what you’d done, sought out her real family, the only one left was her brother–


COOPER : A Marine. Protecting his country in an effort to atone for failing to protect his sister. He wanted to go to the police, turn you in. But she had other plans.
CARETAKER : If she’s released that ledger, she’s caused more damage than she knows.
COOPER : Oh, I think Rose knows exactly what she’s done. For generations, you and your ancestors kept other people’s secrets. But it was your secret– her– that put an end to it all.


LIZ : Irina Velov?
IRINA : Yes.
LIZ : This is for you. It’s from your father. He told me you’re estranged. And my name is Elizabeth, by the way. He couldn’t find you, so… Anyway, he says it explains everything.
IRINA : Yes, it does. For you.
LIZ : Me? I don’t understand.
IRINA : My father and I aren’t estranged. We talk every day. He told me you’d be coming. He didn’t write that letter to me. He wrote it to you.

Liz opens the letter in her car and reads it tearfully. It also includes a photo of a little girl


RED : I’m curious, Harold. How do you think the White House is going to express their appreciation to me for foiling the terrorist plot? Maybe an embossed ashtray. Or one of those little American flag pins for my lapel.
COOPER : I think the best you can hope for is tolerance.
RED :  I’m here to call in your chit.
COOPER : Excuse me?
RED : Nobody uses the word “Chit” anymore, do they? Rhyming with a vulgarity didn’t do it any favors.
COOPER : A chit is– It’s a note for a debt incurred. All those lives at risk, and you only helped in order to force it down my throat. What do you want?
RED : The Caretaker’s ledger. I’d like to borrow it.

Cooper removes the ledger from his desk drawer and hands it to Reddington

COOPER : If it were up to me, I’d burn it. I’ve learned the hard way that some secrets are best kept in the dark.
RED :  Mine certainly is. If you insist on sleeping in the office, I might suggest you forego the floor and get yourself a futon. Your chiropractor will thank you.
COOPER : How did you know?
RED : Harold, forgive Charlene. A friend told me recently that forgiveness won’t change the past but could very well change the future. Apparently, nothing is unforgivable. Go home, Harold.


LIZ : My mother’s alive. You lied to me.
RED : Velov is the one who lied to you, Lizzy, not me. Katarina Rostova committed suicide in 1990.
LIZ : Velov was the agent assigned to find her. He was getting close, she knew it. That’s why she allegedly walked into the ocean. She wanted the world to believe she drowned.
RED : But Velov knows differently.
LIZ : He tracked her to a hotel in Prague. She had just left. But in such a hurry, she missed this… A photo of her little girl. Me.
RED : That could easily have been planted.
LIZ : You said the name Masha Rostova had been lost to history until the manhunt. Now it’s out there, and someone’s looking for me. It’s my mother. Who else would care? Who? ...You were right. Some things can’t be forgiven.

Cooper drives up to his house. Charlene is seen making tea through a window. She walks to the window, but the car is gone


 Liz arrives home

LIZ : Hey.
TOM : Hey.

LIZ : How was your day?
TOM : It was, uh, busy... Spent it telling anyone who’d listen how much I love you.


On phone

GINA : It’s me. He came. Just like you said he would. How do you want me to handle it?


To Dembe who is digging into a grave with a shovel

RED :  This is above and beyond, my friend. Above and beyond.

Dembe finds pneumatic capsule with red envelope inside

DEMBE : Is that it?

RED : If anything happened to me, this was to go to Elizabeth. So she would know.Now I’m not sure I ever want her to know.
DEMBE : Perhaps, Raymond, in this case, what you want is irrelevant. If the universe wants her to know, she will find a way.

Red lights the envelope on fire and watches it burn

Adapté du site «The Blacklist Classified», mise en page par mnoandco

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choup37, 18.04.2024 à 08:49

5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

chrismaz66, 18.04.2024 à 11:04

Choup tu as 3 joueurs de plus que moi!! Kaamelott est en animation, 3 jeux, venez tenter le coup, c'est gratis! Bonne journée ^^

choup37, 19.04.2024 à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

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