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When you left the series, was it ever in the back of your mind that you might come back?
Jeremy Carver:I did not think I’d be coming back to the show, and that was for no other reason than going off to run another show [Syfy's BEING HUMAN]. I had a wonderful run on SUPERNATURAL, so the call was something of a surprise. It worked out timing-wise for a lot of different reasons.

Were you keeping up with the series while you were gone?
JC: I treated it a little like an ex-girlfriend — I dipped in and out of checking up on Facebook, but I started catching up when I started thinking about coming back. And I was really thrilled with what they had done.

Was there anything you noticed that you were watching that stood out like, “I really want to touch more on this,” or “We should weed this away”?
JC: First and foremost, I was really thrilled to see what [former showrunner] Sera [Gamble] and [executive producer] Bob [Singer] had done with the show. At the time, they had to pick up after [series creator] Eric [Kripke] left.

One of the things that struck me, and I think it’s almost inevitable when you’re doing a genre show, is sometimes a show gets buried under the weight of its own mythology. And particularly with the brothers, if you zero in on someone like Sam, that guy has so much stuff — the wall’s up, the wall’s down. It gets a little confusing, even to me as I was catching up, exactly what is happening. So I think one of the things I thought was maybe we can pull back on the mythology and instead start a new myth story this year. Obviously we’re not disregarding anything from the past, but at least from the get-go, we’re starting everyone off on a new ride that hopefully lasts two, three, whatever many seasons.

How important is it for you guys to have an endgame for the show? If you’re planning an arc to last, say, three seasons, but you only go two more, it could put you in a tough spot. Have you talked with the network/studio or the stars about how long the show could run for?
JC: That’s a tricky thing. I remember sitting with Eric and him saying, “I know exactly what the last episode [of the series] is going to look like for the brothers.” And at this point, I almost feel like I should give him a call and be like, “So, what does that look like?” It’s tricky, but I know personally, as a staff, we’re looking at…there’s a card in my office that has three seasons from now, what would be a cool myth endgame. We don’t have a brother endgame, though that’s there [in our minds], too. That’s a constant [thought]. You always hope you get the heads up [if a show is on its way out]. You always hope you get the heads up, and sometimes it’s possible and sometimes it’s not. You can’t weight the scales too much with not knowing. You have to tell the story you’re telling.

I know last season Sera was vocal about wanting to strip a lot of the comforts from the brothers so they’d have to forge on essentially by themselves. Are you looking to continue that this year, or are you planning to build up more of their support system?
JC: That’s a good question. Because we jump back into things where flashbacks are an important part of the season and that really lends itself to the brothers reexamining themselves and their relationship in the season. While they’re united in this quest, as it were, there’s a lot of unpacking they have to do in terms of what the last year has told them each about themselves. It’s going to take a little while for them to understand what it told them about each other.

I don’t think either one of them ever thought they’d be sitting together again. They each had transformative experiences, and these experiences brought relationships and it’s complicated. One of the things we’re really trying to do this year is, I always say you talk to your buddies one way when you’re 20, but when you’re 30, you start to have different conversations about life and the future. It doesn’t mean the band has broken up, but when people in the band are having a baby [the conversation changes]. No one is having a baby [on the show], but you know what I mean? People mature a little bit, so we’re looking at that.

There is no baby, but there is a girlfriend for Sam. What can you say about your decision to make that move?
JC: I think being away, when I came back, I looked at it with those [fresh] eyes and went, “Why wouldn’t he [have a relationship]?” And then someone reminded me, “Because…there are about 15 million people who don’t want him to.” [Laughs] And I think it’s very organic, I think this season is very organic. I think it’s a very interesting relationship people are going to get. It’s SUPERNATURAL. I wouldn’t do it if I didn’t think it was worth doing.

Fair. Looking forward, what can you say about Lauren Tom’s role on the show?
JC: She will be in multiple episodes. I can say I’ve been an enormous fan of hers for a long time. And I think she’s got the absolute perfect combination of heart and humor for the role. And we’ll leave it at that.

What can you say about how Castiel will figure into the season?
JC: We will get an idea of that as we dive into what happened in purgatory, you’ll get a sense of where Castiel is.

I know there’s been a lot of vagueness about whether Jim Beaver (Bobby) will return, but can you say whether you have an idea about if he’ll be back?
JC: Do I have an idea? I have a notion. It’s not quite an idea. I love Jim, so any opportunity to get Jim Beaver back, I’d jump at.


Source : givememyremote.com

Ecrit par deanlove35 


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