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#109 : Anslo Garrick

Aram et Cooper à la réserve de munition du Bureau de Poste, attaqué par Garrick

Ecrit par: Joe Carnahan & Jason George
Réalisé par: Joe Carnahan

L'agent Ressler tente de protéger Red d'une probable tentative d'assassinat mais il s'est fait berner. Le nouveau membre de la Blacklist, Anslo Garrick, infiltre la prison secrète du FBI et essaye de capturer Red. Au même moment, Liz est dans un ascenseur et essaye de découvrir ce qu'il se passe.


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Anslo Garrick

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Anslo Garrick

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Bande annonce VO


Reds wish

Reds wish


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Raymond Reddington (James Spader)

Raymond Reddington (James Spader)

Anslo Garrick (Ritchie Coster ) #16

Anslo Garrick (Ritchie Coster ) #16

Tom Keen ( Ryan Eggold)

Tom Keen ( Ryan Eggold)

Red (James Spader) et Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) prisonniers de la boîte

Red (James Spader) et Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) prisonniers de la boîte

Anslo Garrick (Ritchie Coster ) #16 vérifie la charge explosive

Anslo Garrick (Ritchie Coster ) #16 vérifie la charge explosive

Harold Cooper (Harry Lennix) donne ses ordres à Aram Mojtabaï (Amir Arison)

Harold Cooper (Harry Lennix) donne ses ordres à Aram Mojtabaï (Amir Arison)

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) se plonge dans ses souvenirs sous le regard de Tom (Ryan Eggold)

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) se plonge dans ses souvenirs sous le regard de Tom (Ryan Eggold)

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) essaie de sauver Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff)

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) essaie de sauver Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff)

Anslo Garrick (Ritchie Coster ) #16 observe

Anslo Garrick (Ritchie Coster ) #16 observe

Meera Malik (Parminder Nagra) et Harold Cooper (Harry Lennix) se sont retranchés dans l'armurerie

Meera Malik (Parminder Nagra) et Harold Cooper (Harry Lennix) se sont retranchés dans l'armurerie

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) fait une transfusion sanguine

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) fait une transfusion sanguine

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) coincée dans l'ascenseur

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) coincée dans l'ascenseur

Donald Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) en état de choc

Donald Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) en état de choc

Anslo Garrick (Ritchie Coster ) #16

Anslo Garrick (Ritchie Coster ) #16

Branle-bas de combat au Bureau de Poste

Branle-bas de combat au Bureau de Poste

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) soigne Donald Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff)

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) soigne Donald Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff)

Harold Cooper (Harry Lennix) donne ses instructions à ses hommes

Harold Cooper (Harry Lennix) donne ses instructions à ses hommes

Raymond Redddington (James Spader) se réfugie dans la boîte

Raymond Redddington (James Spader) se réfugie dans la boîte

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone ) a fait un prisonnier

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone ) a fait un prisonnier

Raymond Reddington (James Spader)  aide Donald Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff), gravement blessé à la jambe

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) aide Donald Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff), gravement blessé à la jambe

Un homme de Garrick

Un homme de Garrick

Face à face entre deux vieux amis, Raymond Reddington (James Spader) et Anslo Garrick (Ritchie Coster )

Face à face entre deux vieux amis, Raymond Reddington (James Spader) et Anslo Garrick (Ritchie Coster )

Aram Mojtabaï (Amir Arison) paniqué

Aram Mojtabaï (Amir Arison) paniqué

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) et Donald Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff), blessé

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) et Donald Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff), blessé

Elisabeth  Keen (Megan Boone)

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone)

Reddington et Ressler blessé toujours prisonnier de la boîte

Reddington et Ressler blessé toujours prisonnier de la boîte


Logo de la chaîne TF1

France (inédit)
Mercredi 10.09.2014 à 22:30
3.70m / 28.1% (Part)

Logo de la chaîne NBC

Etats-Unis (inédit)
Lundi 25.11.2013 à 22:00
10.96m / 3.0% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Une réunion de travail de Red est interrompue lorsque Ressler le trompe afin qu'il aille au Bureau de Poste, prétextant que Liz est en détention. De retour à Washington D.C, Ressler place Red en détention "pour son bien" car le FBI a reçu des informations  sur une tentative d'assassinat le concernant. Furieux, Red déduit que son ancien partenaire, Anslo Garrick, l'a attiré au Bureau de Poste pour l'y piéger. Lorsque les lumières s'éteignent, il est évident que Garrick a pris d'assaut le bâtiment.

L'équipe de Anslo brouille le téléphone et les lignes internet, ce qui rend impossible tout contact avec l'extérieur. Ressler tente d'évacuer Reddington mais ils tombent dans une embuscade dans un couloir où l'agent du FBI prend une balle de fusil de chasse dans la jambe. La plaie est massive. Reddington parvient à se libérer, seul,  de ses menottes. Sans aucune autre option, Red rassemble autant d'armes qu'il peut transporter et traîne Ressler dans la "boîte". Les hommes d'Anslo  Garrick arrivent et Red en tue plusieurs avant que la porte de la "boîte" aux parois avec des vitres pare-balles ne se referme, l'enfermant à l'intérieur avec Ressler.

Etant arrivée en retard, Liz prend l'ascenseur au moment où a lieu la coupure d'électricité. Personne ne répondant au bouton d'appel d'urgence, elle ouvre donc le plafond et fait une audacieuse évasion. Pendant ce temps, Cooper et son équipe sont piégés dans l'armurerie. Il ordonne à Aram de se faufiler dans la salle principale des générateurs dans l'espoir de pirater le système et de rétablir la connexion. Quelques instants aprés le départ 
d'Aram, les hommes de Garrick entrent en trombe dans l'armurerie et capturent Cooper et Meera Malik.

Garrick et ses hommes entourent "la boîte" dans la quelle sont enfermés Red et Ressler. Il le raille de l'autre côté de la vitre car si Red veut attendre son heure, ça ne fait rien, il finira bien par le  tuer.
A l'intérieur, Red s'occupe de Ressler qui saigne énormément. Il fabrique un garrot de fortune et arrête temporairement l'hémorragie mais la santé de Ressler décline progressivement. Anslo Garrick essaie de monter Red contre Ressler en racontant l'histoire de l'agent Ressler pourchassant Reddington mais Red est un pro et les jeux d'esprit ne fonctionnent pas sur lui. De plus, dans son domaine les allégeances vont et viennent.

Liz furtivement se déplace dans le Bureau de Poste. Elle parvient à se faufiler derrière un homme de Garrick mais il ne veut pas coopérer alors elle est forcée de le tuer. Elle tombe sur Aram dans la salle des générateurs et ensemble ils parviennent à restaurer certains systèmes y compris les caméras de surveillance. Ils y voient Red et Ressler encerclés et Cooper et son équipe conduits armes au poings dans un couloir. La situation va de mal en pis. Quand il apprend qu'il n'y a pas assez d'explosifs pour ouvrir "la boîte", Anslo Garrick ordonne à ses hommes d'aller se servir dans l'armurerie. Liz sait que c'est sa chance pour tendre une embuscade.

Comme la situation de Ressler devient extrême, Reddington improvise une transfusion sanguine et les deux hommes découvrent qu'ils ont un point commun, le même groupe sanguin, rare. Ressler demande pourquoi il l'aide, Red répond que c'est ce qu'on fait lorsque l'on est face à un homme en train de mourir. Quand Red demande ce qu'est devenue son ex-fiancée, l'agent Ressler explique que son obsession de l'attraper lui a coûté la seule bonne chose qui lui soit arrivée dans la vie. Red promet à Resler qu'ils vont s'en tirer. Après tout, il a encore quelques cigares à fumer, quelques couchers de soleil à admirer,qu'il y a quelques bons dîners parisiens qui l'attendent de l'autre côté et enfin qu'il veut encore dormir comme quand il était un petit garçon.

Liz et Aram localisent des brouilleurs et les détruisent ce qui améliore légèrement le signal mais il y en a encore beaucoup à trouver pour pouvoir restaurer les lignes de téléphone et appeler à l'aide. Pendant ce temps, Anslo Garrick et Red pressent Cooper de donner le code pour ouvrir la porte de "la boîte" mais il refuse. Impatient, Garrick amène les otages et menace de les abbattre. Reddington essaie d'arrêter Garrick mais sans succès. Il regarde alors impuissant Garrick exécuter Luli sous ses yeux.

Liz et Aram se séparent dans l'espoir de trouver plus de brouilleurs mais un homme de Garrick surprend Liz et l'assomme. Dans la "boîte", la vie de Ressler ne tient qu'à un fil.
Red tente un acte radical en lui arrosant la jambe d'alcool et de poudre provenant d'une balle et l'allume dans une petite explosion ce qui cautérise rapidement la blessure et arrête l'hémorragie. Ressler s'évanouit de douleur sans avoir révélé le code de la porte. Furieux, Anslo Garrick pousse Dembe contre la vitre et commence à compter, sourd aux supplications de Red pour épargner sa vie. Dembe, calmement, dit à Red que leur amitié survivra pour renaître dans une vie future. Reddington avec Dembe récite un verset du Coran et regarde  avec horreur  Anslo Garrick commencer le compte à rebours 3...2...ensuite 1...


                                                             Traduit et adapté du résumé du site officiel par mnoandco


Red is celebrating with a group of Germans at a beer hall

RED : In memory of the not–so–dearly departed Herr Spielman…
GUYS : No, no.
RED : …who undercut and robbed you on the supply routes through Graz, I’ll double what he was spending and handle the packaging and transit myself.

Ressler appears. Red embraces him in a brotherly hug

RED : Donald! There you are. I told you I’d pick you up at the airport.
GUYS : Oh.
RED : The cab ride must have cost you a fortune.

RESSLER : Guten tag, alles.

GUY : Who is this ?

RED : Donald is my man at the State Department. He’s been extremely helpful in all our endeavors here. But the poor fellow has to walk a terrible tightrope every single day. I feel obliged to get him drunk once in a while, – so I invited him down to celebrate.
GUYS : Yeah!

Red takes him aside

RESSLER : Celebrate what, Red?
RED : Free trade, Donald. Free trade. Freihandel. Honestly, this damn chip. What the hell do you want?
RESSLER : Keen needs you.
RED : Then why isn’t she here?
RESSLER : You mean why didn’t she fly to Munich on 10 minutes’ notice?
RED : You made the trip.
RESSLER : She’s been detained.
RED : By whom?
RESSLER : The situation’s above my security clearance. I was just given the job of locating you.
RED : No, you said she’s been detained. Is she in danger?
RESSLER : There’s a jet on the tarmac at Munich International.
RED : My plane’s faster.


LIZ : I just can’t believe he’s gone. I’m never gonna hear him say my name. Or smell that old aftershave. It’s different with you because you you can trace your life up to this moment, you know?
TOM : Mm–hmm.
LIZ : You have reliable records and –
TOM : You had your dad.
LIZ : Yeah.
TOM : Do you want me in here right now? I love you. Watch the time. You got work in a little bit.

Liz goes through a box of stuff mailed to her from her father’s house. She finds photos. She pulls out a floppy stuffed bunny, turns it over and sees it is scorched. She has a flashback of a fire, the bunny, child’s drawings burning, a doll with its face melting …


At the Post Office, armed guards arrive. Ressler puts Red in handcuffs

RED : Donald, what the hell are you doing?
RESSLER :Taking you into protective custody.
RED : Where’s Agent Keen?
RESSLER : I lied to you, Red. You must be slipping.
RED : I must be.
COOPER : Everybody, out.
RED : Why am I in handcuffs, Harold? You’re violating our arrangement.
RESSLER : There’s an imminent threat to your life.
RED : That condition is a constant.
COOPER : We have credible intelligence that you’re being targeted for assassination.

MEERA : My contacts at the CIA were sitting on an Egyptian sleeper cell. They intercepted communication between them and an informant called Wells.
RED : Hilton Wells?
MEERA : You obviously know him.
RED : You obviously don’t. Hilton Wells doesn’t speak with the Egyptians. He hasn’t since he aligned himself with Mubarak during the Arab Spring.
MEERA : I can show you the transcripts.
RED : With all due respect, if the intel were worth having, then I would have it.
RESSLER : There’s a price on your head.
RED : There’s a running price on my head, Agent Ressler.
RESSLER : Anslo Garrick?
RED : Listen to me. If this intel was disseminated, it was done so directly to you. It’s canned, which means Anslo Garrick intends to attack this facility.
RESSLER : Oh, you think he wanted us to bring you here?
RED : What do I think? I think we have a songbird in our midst, and until I find out who’s singing, I don’t trust anyone because someone helped to bring him here.
RESSLER : To a black site. Why?
RED : Because I’m asymmetrical. I don’t need visas, passports, travel documents. Give me a bug-out bag and 30 seconds, and I’m on my way to anywhere in the world. Garrick knows this. He needs me contained, landlocked. So he fed you phony intel to trigger your security protocol and now you’ve done exactly as he wished. He got you to bring me here so that he could attack this facility.
RESSLER : He doesn’t even know this place exists.
RED : All he does is extract people from places that don’t exist, places exactly like this. Garrick exfils high-level detainees always by considerable force.

Garrick, in ski mask, is on floor of cab of garbage truck, with gun pointed at driver

GARRICK : Park the truck near the elevator bank.


RED : He liberated Mahmoud Al Azok from an Alcatraz–like CIA black site in the Bering Sea.
MEERA : That was Shining Path, a splinter cell. Azok has ties to a Caribbean money launderer.
RED : No. That was Garrick, paid by that same Peruvian money launderer to make it appear as though Shining Path broke him out. It was Garrick.

Liz enters building, passes security, and enters elevator


Garbage truck backs up to loading dock

GUARD : Whoa. No, no, no. Whoa, whoa. You can’t be here! Hey! Tell him he can’t be here!
GARRICK : Now open the compactor.

Men jump out of back of truck, mow down guards, enter facility


RED : He almost exclusively works with a group of heavily armed, highly skilled mercenaries who call themselves The Wild Bunch – former flag wavers made over in Frankenstein–like fashion into bloodless, country-less killers. Garrick is not a precision instrument. He’s a blunt-force object and seemingly immune to bullets. I can attest to this first-hand having put one in his head years ago at point-blank range. Harold, this building is about to be breached.

Garrick’s men enter power and communications center, cut wires. Facility goes dark. Elevator with Liz inside stops. Emergency light comes on

RED : They’re in.


GARRICK : Elevator’s disabled. Transmission’s jammed. We have takedown.

Garrick shoots truck driver


In the elevator

LIZ : [ Tries intercom ] Hello?


COOPER : Initiate full facility lockdown.


Garrick’s men, with lights mounted at their shoulders, storm through facility, shooting everyone they encounter with high-powered rifles


MEERA : Telecom is dead. I have no signal.
RED : Get me out of these damn cuffs.
RESSLER : You’re going into the box until the threat is neutralized.
RED : Neutralized? Harold, do not make a stand. Get your people the hell out of here.
COOPER : All non-essential and unarmed personnel evacuate via southeast stairwells. Carry code Oriole Baton 338. Anyone not presenting this code upon egress will be detained.


In the elevator

LIZ : [ Tries intercom again ] Hello? Hello?!

Getting no response, Liz uses her boot to kick out ceiling panel, then pulls herself up and out


COOPER : Relay, relay, relay, seize state. Assume all comm lines compromised. Rally point 14–14–6.
MEERA : The armory?
COOPER : We need to get to our own weapons before they do. This is Director Cooper authorizing a full data burn. Destroy onsite drives and terminals and burst transmit all backup data to the central servers at Quantico.


Ressler leads Red to the box

RED : I don’t think you appreciate the sheer firepower – that has entered this building.
RESSLER : Shut up.
RED : He means to take me, Agent Ressler, and kill anyone in his way or in his wake. This isn’t about digging in. This is about escape.
RESSLER : [ Stopping ] Wait.
RED : Why not let them have me, Donald? I’ll likely be tortured for weeks and left to rot until they finally deign to put a bullet in my skull. Wouldn’t that please you?
RESSLER : You’re an adjunct informant for the FBI, Reddington. That means you’re my responsibility. That means I fight for your life regardless of how badly I want to take it.

One of Garrick’s men comes around corner. Exchanges fire with Ressler. Man is killed. Ressler is hurt in left thigh


Red gets handcuff keys from Ressler’s belt, frees himself. He takes Ressler’s gun

RESSLER : Don’t, Reddington. Don’t leave me unarmed.

More of Garrick’s men appear from staircase. Red shoots them down. Red gets dead guy’s ammo vest and high-powered shotgun

RED : Donald, you and I aren’t done just yet.

Red grabs collar of Ressler’s suit and drags him

RESSLER : Aaaah! Aaah!

Red and drags him to security keypad unit on wall. He lifts Donald up to key in code which opens door of containment unit (orange box). Red shoots out glass of evac box and gets more ammo. Donald stumbles to orange box while Red covers, walking backwards, shooting Garrick’s men. He shoots until both of them are inside and and the door clangs shut

The man in the ski mask strides up to the orange box, goes over to Red and dramatically pulls off his ski mask. His horribly disfigured face indicates this is Anslo Garrick. He speaks with a British accent

GARRICK : Hello, Red.

Liz in crawling down from opening in ceiling, cuts her hand and get off the elevator


RED : We’re going up.

Red gets Donald onto metal bench in orange box. He folds his jacket and puts it under his head, looks after Ressler then turns to look at Garrick while he is speaking

GARRICK : Red Red, did you really think there was a distance you could cover or a hole deep enough that you could hide in? There is nowhere in this world that I cannot reach you, Red. Fortification be damned. I heard you made yourself some sweet little immunity deal, Red. I heard that you fitted the FBI with strings, and now they hang upon your hip like a hatchet. Not bad. Prudent. But they can’t keep you safe from someone like me, Red, someone who sat in blackness for five years. Five years thinking about the pain I was going to inflict on you while slowly breaking your will, your body, and finally your mind. That day is here, my friend. And it will end with your screams, as God is my witness.


COOPER : Aram, can I get any kind of internal camera signal or tap into our surveillance array?
ARAM : It would have to be hardwired, sir. They’ve knocked out the grids.
COOPER : What about the telecom signal? Could it be restored?
ARAM : Same thing. Unfortunately, it would have to be hacked locally.
COOPER : Where would you hack it?
ARAM : Main generator room would give me the best chance. It has all the uplink terminals.
COOPER : But the power’s down.
ARAM : Our backup generator should enable the uplink and allow me to splice a separate signal from the telecom.
COOPER : Do you have a radio?
ARAM : Yeah.
COOPER : Good. Tune it to EMR-designation “Hatchling.” Understood? Get to the main generator room. Kill anything that isn’t FBI. Go.


Liz finds room with a cabinet, wraps her hand in a bandage. Something comes in on her comm device

COOPER : Closed comms. Closed comms. Go to EMR-designation channel.
Codify, “Hatchling.” Codify, “Hatchling.”

Cooper is trying to hail others of his people in the building

LIZ : Hatchling–5591–abstract.
COOPER : Keen?
LIZ : I’m here, sir.
COOPER : Do not attempt any form of ingress. Hostiles have the high ground.
LIZ : I’m already inside.
COOPER : Have you been captured? Are you injured?
LIZ : Neither.
COOPER : Where are you?
LIZ : Barricaded inside the armory.
COOPER : Ressler and Reddington are unaccounted for, presumed down.


RED : What are you feeling in your extremities? – What do you feel?
RESSLER : Not much. My fingers are numb. My face is getting cold.
RED : Shock is setting in.
RESSLER : How much blood have I lost?
RED : More than a thimbleful.
RESSLER : What about my leg?
RED : Lay down. Lay down. Donald, never let it be said that I valued a Zegna Venticinque tie over a human life, even yours. Take up a handful of your own tie. This is gonna be hugely unpleasant and very painful... Bite down...

Red twists tourniquet. Ressler screams through the fabric

RED : All right?

RED : Keep pressure on it. Just keep pressure on it.

Outside the box, Garrik speaks to Red

GARRICK : I don’t like his chances, Red. That leg looks like minced beef. All you have to do to save Agent Ressler’s life is come out, Red. Don – We never met in person, Don, but if you’d done your job back in Brussels in ’08, I wouldn’t be here now. Agent Ressler here ran that little kick murder squad tried to clip you in Waterloo Station, Red. I gave him your train number, your itinerary. All Little Donnie here had to do was supply the bullet, but no. Bungled! And now, as fate has a great fondness for moments like these, here we are. And it is you, Red, that can spare or end Agent Ressler’s life.
RED : You know, Anslo, I’m looking at you, and I got to say I’m really surprised. With the access you now have to top-notch plastic surgeons, why you haven’t done something anything about that horrific scar. I mean, how do you wake up to that staring back at you in the mirror every morning? But you know what? It’s not the scar. It’s really the eye. But, hey, lucky you. I normally carried Hydra-Shok hollow points. I was trying out a new series of center-fire wadcutters that week. It’s probably the only thing that saved your life, really – Me switching ammo. Think about that little irony now every time you randomly find your reflection or are reminded of that unfortunate thing I’ve done to your face. Think about it.
GARRICK : You trashed a one-of-a-kind partnership.
RED : We were never partners, Anslo. You violated whatever trust I had in you. So, naturally, I did what I always did – And beat you. And you did what you always did – Got beaten by me.

Angry Anslo fires against the window. The bullet bounces and kills one of his men

RED :True to form, Anslo. Why take time to think when it’s so much easier to shoot? This glass was developed by DARPA for secure cover and housing in combat zones. That .45 might as well be a spit straw.
GARRICK : Oh, good, Red. I’ve brought a whole picnic basket to this party. And, little pig, little pig, you are going to let me come in.Okay, let’s go.


LIZ : [ To herself, in a whisper ] Oh, calm, calm, calm. Come on, come on, come on. Use your training. Use your training. Be fluid. Be fluid.


ARAM : Okay. All right. Oh, man.

Begins typing into control unit


Meera and Cooper are engaged in shootout with some of Garrick’s men

COOPER : Command down. Command down. Armory overrun. Repeat, armory overrun.


Liz’s voice on comm device : «Help! Please, help! Help! Can someone help me? Please, help!»
The decoy works as Liz takes one of Garrick’s men by surprise

LIZ : Lower your gun to your side. Now reach across your body with your right hand and remove your tactical belt. Any sudden or aggressive movements, and I will kill you.

He moves suddenly and she kills him


Aram is re-establishing comms

ARAM : [ To himself ] Okay. Let me see.

He brings up video surveillance feeds, sees that Cooper and Meera have been captured

ARAM : Oh, no. Oh, no.


GARRICK'S MAN: We don’t have enough explosives.
MAN : We don’t have enough explosives, not according to the specs we pulled up on this thing.
GARRICK : Tabletop to blue wolf. Send a short chalk back to the armory. We’re a little light on bang here. So you bring me back every piece of explosive ordnance that they have.


RED : Donald, I’m gonna quietly cross my fingers before I ask, but what blood type are you?
RESSLER : B-negative.
RED : And you thought we had nothing in common. There’s only 2% of us, you know?
RESSLER : What are you doing?
RED : You need a blood transfusion. Or we’re gonna have to open that door, which will likely be the end of both of us.
RESSLER : Give me a gun. These bastards want to go. Let’s go.
RED : The concept of a last stand sounds so heroically romantic, doesn’t it, Donald? But there’s a good reason why we didn’t see what happened to Butch and Sundance. Being riddled by bullets and left to rot under a scorching Bolivian sky does not a sequel make. And if you’ve surmised nothing about me by now, know this. I’m gonna be around for the sequel.
RESSLER : You’re really gonna do a field transfusion?
RED : Oh, come now, Donald. Think how much smarter you’ll be afterwards.
RESSLER : Why the hell are you doing this? It’s pretty obvious I hate your guts, and I can’t imagine you hold a whole lot of warmth for me, especially after hearing about Brussels.
RED : I knew about Brussels.
RESSLER : Then why save me?
RED : Because that’s what you do when someone is dying in front of you. Allies today, enemies tomorrow The world is a complex place, further complicated by man’s fickle nature. Years ago, I saved a man’s life under a beautiful old cedar tree in Lebanon. A month later, he tried to kill me in a hotel in Damascus. I understood. Allegiances shift. A month later I broke his neck with a shower caddy. It’s this job today, another one tomorrow. That needle in your arm becomes the one in your neck. It’s just that fast.

Outside the box, Garrik speaks to Red

GARRICK : Red. Do you remember that Road Runner cartoon where the Coyote makes the mountain of TNT and gunpowder barrels? And blows himself sky–high?
RED : Yes, Anslo. Is that what you’re doing out there? Is this to be mass suicide by explosion, I hope?
GARRICK : No. We’ll be fine out here, Red. But with these charges rigged to blow inward, I can’t say the same about you. It’s no matter. I intend to thoroughly torture the hell out of whatever’s left of you. Oh, come on! Play with me! I’d give that leg up as a lost cause by now, wouldn’t you? If sepsis hasn’t set in by now, Donnie, it will. And then your body will slowly start to poison its own blood supply. Including that little keg tap that Reddington’s giving you right now. Drip, drip, Don. Drip, drip, drip.


GARRICK'S MAN: Raines? Raines? Respond now or I’m gonna shoot. In three–two–one.

He approaches. Liz hidden aims at him with the weapon

GARRICK [ Over comm ]: Tabletop to Chalk One, where’s my bang? Let’s go. I’ve got a box to blow up.
LIZ : Tell him you’re on your way back. Tell him anything other than that, and you’re lying with your buddy.
MAN : Chalk One to Tabletop, we’re on our way back now.
LIZ : That’s good.

She knocks him out
Liz hears something. It's Aram

ARAM : Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Agent Keen, it’s me.
LIZ : What the hell are you doing here?
ARAM : I could ask you the same. Where did you come from?
LIZ : I snuck in. What are you doing?
ARAM : Trying to restore the telecom so we can call in the cavalry.
LIZ : Where is everyone?
ARAM : Captured.
LIZ : Where’s Red and Ressler?
ARAM : I think Ressler’s in bad shape.
LIZ : Any idea who hit this facility?
ARAM : Um, someone called Garrick. He’s disabled telecom, simplex, and duplex signals.
LIZ : How long before you can restore the telecom?
ARAM : I haven’t been able to hack around it.They are jamming the signal internally.
LIZ : How?
ARAM : Uh, based on just the waveform readings and the wattage output, it’s, uh, something powerful, uh, but portable.
LIZ : Where would they place it?
ARAM : All the uplink and communication relays are in the sub garage.
LIZ : Could you reset the telecom if the jammers were disabled?
ARAM : It would automatically reset, yeah.
LIZ : Good. You got a weapon?
ARAM : Uh, yeah. Why?
LIZ : ‘Cause we’re gonna go find those jammers.
ARAM : “We”?
LIZ : Yes. You and I in the plural.
ARAM : Uh, but I–I–I thought I’m waiting for the signal so we can call the cavalry.
LIZ : We are the cavalry. Give me your gun.
ARAM : Um, I–I’ve only shot at paper.
LIZ : Pretend they’re paper.


RED : Donald! Donald! Feeling any wittier yet? Any strange cravings for Beluga caviar or Marcel Proust?
RESSLER : I know you don’t think much of me, but you don’t get assigned a case file like yours unless you pass muster.
RED : May I ask you something with the hope that you won’t take offense?
RESSLER : You already know it’s gonna offend me. Ask anyway.
RED : What happened to Audrey Bidwell?
RESSLER : She left me.
RED : You were engaged.
RESSLER: To her, yeah. It was my engagement with you that ended that relationship. Five years, I chased you. Five years trying to make my name. Look where it’s gotten me.


Garrik's man finds the man whom Liz knocks out

GARRICK'S MAN :Chalk Two to Tabletop, one dead, one down.
GARRICK : We have an enemy within. We have a monkey wrench running around in here somewhere. Find them.


RESSLER : How did you know about my ex?
RED : I know a great many things about you, Donald.
RESSLER : Right. It’s the core of your business. Information. Misinformation. I don’t know how you did it, Reddington. Forsaking the flag, abandoning your country.
RED : We become who we are. We can’t judge a book by its cover But you can by its first few chapters and, most certainly, by its last.
RESSLER : So, what’s it all about, then, the Blacklist? Revenge?
RED : Oh, revenge is too easy and over so quickly. I would hope for more than that.
RESSLER : We’re not gonna live through this.
RED : I think we will.
RED : Have you ever sailed across an ocean, Donald?
RED : On a sailboat surrounded by sea with no land in sight? Without even the possibility of sighting land for days to come? To stand at the helm of your destiny. I want that one more time. I want to be in the Piazza del Campo in Sienna, to feel the surge as … I want another meal in Paris at L’Ambroisie in the Place des Vosges. I want another bottle of wine. And then another. I want the warmth of a woman in a cool set of sheets. One more night of jazz at the Vanguard. I want to stand on summits and smoke Cubans and feel the sun on my face for as long as I can. Walk on the wall again. Climb the tower. Ride the river. Stare at the frescos. I want to sit in the garden and read one more good book. Most of all, I want to sleep. I want to sleep like I slept when I was a boy.Give me that. Just one time. That’s why I won’t allow that punk out there to get the best of me, let alone the last of me.


Cooper and Meera arrive with Garrik's men

COOPER : What do you want?
GARRICK : This isn’t about what I want, Assistant Director Cooper. No. What I’ve wanted, I’ve simply taken. This is about what I need. And what I need is access to that box.
COOPER : Then let’s start with what I need, which is all of my people released right now.
GARRICK : You’re not in charge, Harold.
COOPER : No. But I am the man who can get you into that box.
GARRICK : And if I go in there and start kneecapping your people one by one until you give me what I want?
COOPER : Then you’re not getting Reddington.
GARRICK : No. I’m going to bet someone other than you can get me into that box.
COOPER : Then place that bet.


ARAM : Agent Keen.

Liz shoots the jammer and the system starts to reboot

ARAM : Okay, I think we’re cool.


Garrick aims at Cooper with his weapon

RED : There you go again, Anslo, using a pistol in place of a brain. You gonna put a bullet in the head of the man who can hand you mine?
GARRICK : I think someone’s trying to save your life.
RED : Hardly. I have little to no use for that man. But before you shoot him, be absolutely certain that I’m not outsmarting you. We know how frequently that’s happened in the past. It would be a shame if in killing him you denied yourself of the prize that you came here for. Anslo! How long do you think you can hold out here before half of Quantico’s graduating class rappels down on top of you?
GARRICK : Red, this time you are quite simply mistaken. The question really is, how long are you going to hold out? Are you really going to let Agent Ressler there just expire? Are you really going to let me put Assistant Director Cooper’s head all over that wall? How many people are going to die here today, Reddington?


RESSLER : What’s happening?
RED : Your heart is pumping harder and harder, trying to compensate for blood loss. And that shotgun blast broke your leg. I think it also partially ruptured your femoral artery.
RESSLER : Partially?
RED : You would have bled out by now if the hole were any bigger, but now I have to close it.
RESSLER : Close it how?
RED : By cauterizing it. I’m gonna have to cut open your leg to get at the artery and then sprinkle some combustible compound on it – and ignite it.
RESSLER : Mm, mnh–mnh. Mnh–mnh.
RED : Donald, if you don’t tell them how to open that door, I have to do this, or you will die.
RESSLER : Then do it.
RED : Grab ahold of the bench back there and don’t let go. I’m gonna cut as fast as I can, but I can’t have you trying to stop me once I start, okay?
RED : This is gonna hurt.
RESSLER : Aaaaah!
RED : Hold still, Donald. This will be over in a second.


LIZ : How many of these things would they need to scramble the telecom signal?
ARAM : Uh, several. But just disabling two should be enough for the uplink to reset and re-establish a signal. Just it won’t be anywhere near full strength.
LIZ : Cellular?
ARAM : You might have one bar.
LIZ : It’s not enough. This will be faster if we split up.
ARAM : And scarier. But yeah. Faster, right. Sure. Okay.


Garrick grabs Luli and tosses her against orange box. He forces her to kneel and begins counting down

RED :Wait.

– 10, 9 –
RED : Harold! Open the box now!
– 8 –
RED : Give him the code!
– 7 –
RED : Anslo, my people can help you.
– 6 –
RED : Cooper can get you in here.
– 5 –
RED : Put that gun to his head.
– 4, 3 –
RED : For once in your life, stop and think
– 2,1.

Garrick shoots Luli


GARRICK'S MAN : Hello, love.

Garrick’s man who Liz knocked out earlier sneaks up behind her. She turns around and he knocks her out

GARRICK'S MAN : Threat is down. Repeat, the threat is down.


Dembe is brought in next

GARRICK : Red, I don’t have to explain what happens now, do I? Down. Would you prefer that I did the countdown? Because I wasn’t that keen, frankly. You open the box, or Dembe dies.
RED : Harold, tell him. Wait... Ressler knows the code.
GARRICK : Wait is over, Red. People are dying now.
RED : Ressler. Ressler!
DEMBE : Raymond.
RED : Ressler! Ressler!

Ressler is semi-conscious, does not respond

DEMBE : Raymond! Ours is a friendship forged once in this life and again in the next. Goodbye, my brother.
RED : Harold, open this box. I’ll give you anything.
GARRICK (to Dembe) : Stay on your knees. Stay on your knees. Stay on your knees. Well, I’m gonna kill him now, aren’t I, Red?
RED : Open the box!

Red gets down to where he can look Dembe in the eyes. Dembe and Red pray together in Dembe’s language .A shot is fired

 Adapté du site «The Blacklist Classified», mise en page par mnoandco


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chrismaz66, 15.04.2024 à 11:46

Oui cliquez;-) et venez jouer à l'animation Kaamelott qui démarre là maintenant et ce jusqu'à la fin du mois ! Bonne chance à tous ^^

Supersympa, 16.04.2024 à 14:31

Bonjour à tous ! Nouveau survivor sur le quartier Person of Interest ayant pour thème l'équipe de Washington (saison 5) de la Machine.

choup37, Avant-hier à 08:49

5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

chrismaz66, Avant-hier à 11:04

Choup tu as 3 joueurs de plus que moi!! Kaamelott est en animation, 3 jeux, venez tenter le coup, c'est gratis! Bonne journée ^^

choup37, Hier à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

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