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#307 : Zal Bin Hasaan

Raymond Reddington sur le pont d'un bateau

Ecrit par: Brandon Sonnier & Brandon Margolis
Réalisé par: Michael Watkins

Une tragédie familiale du passé de Samar refait surface quand la Task Force chasse un terroriste international insaisissable. Le FBI et la Cabale gagnent du terrain dans leurs recherches de Liz et Red. Pendant ce temps, Tom rencontre des complications dans son plan pour disculper Liz.


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Zal Bin Hasaan

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Zal Bin Hasaan

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Raymond Reddington (James Spader) fait une proposition à l'agent Navabi

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) fait une proposition à l'agent Navabi

Dembe (Hisahm Tawfiq) dans une salle de bain

Dembe (Hisahm Tawfiq) dans une salle de bain

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) livre son paquet comme promis

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) livre son paquet comme promis

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone)

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone)

Face à face entre Donald Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) et le Directeur (David Strathairn )

Face à face entre Donald Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) et le Directeur (David Strathairn )

L'agent Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff)

L'agent Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff)

Matias Solomon (Edi Gathegi) peu impressionné

Matias Solomon (Edi Gathegi) peu impressionné

Laurel Hitchin (Christine Lathi)

Laurel Hitchin (Christine Lathi)

Reven Wright (Adriane Lenox )

Reven Wright (Adriane Lenox )

Brimley (Teddy Coluca ) a besoin de son masque à oxygène

Brimley (Teddy Coluca ) a besoin de son masque à oxygène

Aram Mojtabaï (Amir Arison) à son bureau

Aram Mojtabaï (Amir Arison) à son bureau

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) perdu dans ses pensées

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) perdu dans ses pensées

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) attend des informations de l'homme ligotté à ses pieds

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) attend des informations de l'homme ligotté à ses pieds

Tom Keen (Ryan Eggold) et Harold Cooper (Harry Lennix) tentent de ranimer Karakurt (Andrew Divoff )

Tom Keen (Ryan Eggold) et Harold Cooper (Harry Lennix) tentent de ranimer Karakurt (Andrew Divoff )

Karakurt (Andrew Divoff ) aux mains de Tom (Ryan Eggold) et Cooper (Harry Lennix)

Karakurt (Andrew Divoff ) aux mains de Tom (Ryan Eggold) et Cooper (Harry Lennix)

Raymond Reddington) et Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) attendent

Raymond Reddington) et Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) attendent

Tom (Ryan Eggold) menaçant

Tom (Ryan Eggold) menaçant

Tom Keen ( Ryan Eggold) et son prisonnier

Tom Keen ( Ryan Eggold) et son prisonnier

Dembe Zuma (Hisham Tawfiq) veille sur Red (James Spader) au téléphone

Dembe Zuma (Hisham Tawfiq) veille sur Red (James Spader) au téléphone

 Le Directeur (David Strathairn)

Le Directeur (David Strathairn)

Discussion de travail entre Aram (Amir Arison ) et Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff)

Discussion de travail entre Aram (Amir Arison ) et Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff)

Aram (Amir Arison) doit interrompre Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) en plein interrogatoire de Solomon ( Edi Gathegi)

Aram (Amir Arison) doit interrompre Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) en plein interrogatoire de Solomon ( Edi Gathegi)

Samar Navabi (Mozhan Marno)

Samar Navabi (Mozhan Marno)

Raymond Reddington (James Spader)

Raymond Reddington (James Spader)

Raymond Reddington (James Spader)

Raymond Reddington (James Spader)

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) et Liz (Megan Boone) attendent leur contact dans les cuisines

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) et Liz (Megan Boone) attendent leur contact dans les cuisines

Donald Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) en salle d'interrogatoire

Donald Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) en salle d'interrogatoire

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone)  au téléphone

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) au téléphone

Le Directeur (David Strathairn ) fait irruption pendant l'interrrogatoire de l'agent Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff)

Le Directeur (David Strathairn ) fait irruption pendant l'interrrogatoire de l'agent Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff)

Liz (Megan Boone) et Red (James Spader) écoutent l'information donnée par Farzin (Demosthenes Chrysan )

Liz (Megan Boone) et Red (James Spader) écoutent l'information donnée par Farzin (Demosthenes Chrysan )

 Farzin (Demosthenes Chrysan) n'est pas rassuré lorsque Red (James Spader) le menace

Farzin (Demosthenes Chrysan) n'est pas rassuré lorsque Red (James Spader) le menace

Donald Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff)

Donald Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff)

Le Directeur (David Strathairn ) et Donald Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) face à Solomon en salle d'interrogatoire

Le Directeur (David Strathairn ) et Donald Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) face à Solomon en salle d'interrogatoire


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France (inédit)
Mercredi 27.07.2016 à 22:40
2.61m / 20.4% (Part)

Logo de la chaîne NBC

Etats-Unis (inédit)
Jeudi 12.11.2015 à 21:00
6.75m / 1.5% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Personnage Blaklisté: N°31: Zal Bin Hasaan (Shanin Navabi)


David Strathairn ... Le Directeur

Christine Lahti ... Laurel Hitchin

Edi Gathegi ... Mr. Solomon

Valarie Pettiford ... Charlene Cooper

Adriane Lenox ... Reven Wright

Andrew Divoff ... Karakurt

Teddy Coluca ... Mr Brimley

 Oded Fehr...  Agent Shur

Sammy Sheik ... Shahin Navabi
Yaron Urbas ... Singer
Gary Hilborn ... Farrow
Demosthenes Chrysan ... Farzin
Ahmad Maksoud ... Rahal
Ethan Hova ... Danush
Dimitri Meskouris ... Rashid
Shezi Sardar ... Farid
Elana Safar ... Agent Janet Anderson
Dan Domingues ... Rafael Gallejo
Nadia Affolter ... Samar en 1992
Aiden Eyrick ... Shahin en 1992

Red veut une réunion avec quelqu'un que personne ne connaît sauf un certain Gallego. Il refuse d'être l'intermédiaire de Red jusqu'à ce que ce dernier lui promette de lui livrer le Blacklisté et terroriste international, Zal Bin Hasaan, ; celui-ci retient actuellement en otages plusieurs ingénieurs militaires israéliens.

De plus, Hasaan est aussi responsable de l'attentat à la bombe de Peshin qui a tué Shahin, le frère de Samar. Red appelle le FBI et Samar appelle à son tour le Mossad pour en informer l'Agent Levi Shur, son ancien collègue et amant.

Dans une opération complexe, le FBI récupère les otages et Samar est abasourdie de trouver son frère parmi eux. Le seul problème, c'est que Shahin n'est pas un otage puisque c'est lui Hasaan et l'opération est un cheval de Troie pour piéger les meilleurs agents du Mossad.

Après avoir fait exploser une bombe et tirer sur Levi, Shahin prend sa propre soeur en otage. Red arrive à temps pour la sauver et arrêter Shahin. Red laisse le choix à Samar sur l'avenir de son frère en lui précisant que si elle lui laisse Shahin, il l'utilisera pour acheter  la liberté de Liz. Dévastée, Samar livre son frère à Red qui l'amène à Gallego.

De son côté, Aram découvre que le Directeur a tracé le téléphone de Liz et a envoyé Solomon pour l'intercepter pendant une réunion avec Tom. Alors que Tom promet à Liz qu'il a un plan pour lui rendre sa vie normale ailleurs, Ressler intercepte Solomon qui attend seul à Wing Yee.

Quand Hitchin apprend que le Directeur a ignoré sa directive de travailler avec le FBI, elle le sort du bureau de poste.

Ravi, Ressler rend visite à Cooper pour lui annoncer les bonnes nouvelles mais découvre avec colère que Tom est là  ayant caché Karakurt dans le garage.

Ressler retourne au bureau pour trouver Samar dans un état proche de l'état de choc. Puisque le moment présent est tout ce sur quoi elle peut compter, elle et Ressler s'embrassent...

 Traduit et adapté du résumé du site officiel par albi2302.

Previously on “The Blacklist”


HITCHIN: You two must work together.
SAMAR : If he finds Liz, he’ll kill her.
DIRECTOR : Terminate them both.
RED : You’ve been stealing millions in anticipation of running away. I’m going to bring this whole damn thing down on you, Peter.
TOM : I came here for the Russian.
KARAKURT : Don’t kill me.
TOM : Not yet.




Spoken in Farsi with English subtitles
Two children (a boy and an older girl) garden

GIRL : Be gentle.

The girl hears a door and a muffled noise. She enters alone in the house. A woman gasps. More silenced gunshots.

GIRL : Mother?

A man pushes past her and out of house

GIRL : Mother?

Inside, the mother and the father are dead

BOY : What's happened ?
GIRL : Don’t go in there. Look at me. Don’t go on there.
BOY : Where’s mother and father?
GIRL : No, Shahin.

The girl takes his brother in her arms : they cry

SHAHIN : Let go.
GIRL : I’m right here. I’ll be here forever.
SHAHIN : Let me go! No, Samar, no!

End of Farsi

End of flashback


Doorbell rings
Charlene from another room

CHARLENE : Harold?
COOPER : Got it.

Harold Cooper opens the door

TOM : I got him.

From the other room

CHARLENE : Who is it?

COOPER : I’ve got it.

To Tom

COOPER : You cannot be here.
TOM : Karakurt’s in the trunk. If we get him to talk, we can exonerate Liz.
CHARLENE : Harold, honey, is the coffee ready?
COOPER : I’ll bring you a cup.
TOM : I’ll take a cup.
COOPER : Get that thing out of here. In the garage. Now.


 Tom and Cooper have opened trunk of Tom’s car. Karakurt, the Russian, is in the trunk, bound and gagged, lying still

COOPER : Is he – ?
TOM : No, just knocked out. At least I think so. I hit him pretty hard.
COOPER ; You think so?
TOM : I don’t know.

Karakurt grunting, coughing grabs Tom. Cooper hits him
Charlene appears in garage with coffee : afraid, she let it fall
Tom to Charlene, charming

TOM :How you doing?


MAN ON TV : « If you are just joining us, an update now on our top story. Six employees of Lazarum Systems Internatiol were abducted outside its Annapolis headquarters. Although no suspect has been named, federal authorities are treating this as an act of terror on American soil.»

RED : So, the rumors were true.
LIZ : You knew this would happen?

Red looks at aperitifs : he takes one

RED : “ Do I dare to eat a peach?” I may as well live dangerously.
DEMBE : Raymond.
MAN : What are you doing here?
RED : Drinking your bellinis.
MAN : I told you on the phone, I can’t help you.
RED : And I told you I’m not willing to take no for an answer. Set the meeting, and I’ll consider your debt from Caracas as paid in full.
MAN : I told you – Normally, I could work something out, but with all the heat on you two, it’s impossible.
RED : Zal Bin Hasaan. What if I could deliver him to you? A gift for your employer.
MAN : The FBI, Interpol, Mossad. They can’t find him, but you can?
RED : Is that a yes or a no?
MAN : Bring us Zal Bin Hasaan, and you’ll have your meeting.

The man leaves

LIZ : Hasaan? That’s the rumor you heard? He’s responsible for the abduction of the Lazarum employees?

Red, finishing his drink

RED : Ahh. All we have to do now is find him.
LIZ : How do you propose we do that?
RED : With a little help from our friends.


On phone

 RED : Agent Navabi. May I assume you’re aware of the recent abductions?
SAMAR : Me and every agent in the building.
RED : Perhaps. But they don’t share the same personal investment that you have in today’s events.
SAMAR : And why is that?
RED : Because you and I both know that Lazarum Systems International is providing technical expertise to Israel’s missile-defense shield. They’re encrypting software for the Iron Dome. Whoever took those contractors is an enemy of Israel.
SAMAR : That’s a long list.
RED : Let me shorten it – Zal Bin Hasaan. Imagine. The man who’s killed more Mossad agents than any other assassin in history, right here on American soil.
SAMAR : That’s not possible.
RED : That’s what you thought in Cairo. He was right behind you, and you didn’t know it. That mistake cost your partner his life and put you in an Egyptian I.C.U. But back then, you were missing one critical element that would have made all the difference – me.
SAMAR : What exactly are you suggesting?
RED : That we combine our efforts. We both want Hasaan. I’ll be in touch.


WAITRESS: How many in your party?
SOLOMON : Oh, no, it’s just – Wow. You are beautiful. Actually, I’m looking for somebody that I believe has been a customer of yours.

He shows her photo of Tom and Liz
He is charming

WAITRESS:: They in some kind of trouble?
SOLOMON : Oh, no, no, no. Quite the opposite. An uncle of hers passed and left her quite a sizeable bequest.. I work for the estate.
WAITRESS:: You’re looking to give her money?
SOLOMON: The truth is, I’m one of many people tasked with finding her. And we’ve been chasing every lead for weeks. And one of them has led me here.
WAITRESS:: I never met her. But him, the man? He left his number for me to give to her.
SOLOMON: Any chance that you still have that number?
WAITRESS:: Yeah. I’ve got it right here.


 The Director is looking at photo of Solomon in Sir Crispin Crandall’s airplane

DIRECTOR : I’ve never seen this man before.
RESSLER : He’s your agent, sent by you to murder Reddington and Keen.
REVEN WRIGHT : Can you prove that?
DIRECTOR : No, because it’s not true.
RESSLER : Reddington and Keen are building a case against his organization.
DIRECTOR : My organization is the C.I.A. We protect this country against people like Reddington.
LAUREL HITCHIN : Okay, that’s enough.
RESSLER : Look, I’m going to bring Keen in. But I need assurances that she’s going to be protected.
LAUREL HITCHIN : Your allegations have been heard, Agent Ressler. But right now, you two have one job. Find Elizabeth Keen. The President believes the best way to do that is to work together, but since clearly you’re incapable of that, work your leads separately. I’m not going to punish you for hating each other, but I will take my grandfather’s Izmel to your private parts if I find out you’re misleading each other or failing to share intel. Got it?


 ARAM : I could hear you guys yelling from down here.
RESSLER : I made our case.
ARAM : So, is he in or out?
RESSLER : I don’t know. But I think I bought us some time, – so let’s make the most out of it.
ARAM : Already on it. Well, uh, agent Navabi is. Mr. Reddington called her, claiming to know who’s responsible for the Lazarum abductions.

SAMAR : Zal Bin Hasaan is an alias. His true identity and background are unknown. He’s supposedly Iranian-born, mid-30s.
ARAM : This is the only photo of Hasaan. It was taken four years ago by an agent named Avi Lebov. Three minutes after this image was captured, the vehicle Hasaan exited detonated, killing Lebov and 12 civilian bystanders.
SAMAR : Mossad once had 24 agents devoted to killing Hasaan. For a period of time, I was one of them. In 2012, my partner and I flew to Egypt, hoping to pick up his trail. Unfortunately, he had picked up ours. He followed us to Cairo. I was still lying in a hospital bed when my partner’s body was flown home to his family.
ARAM : We know Hasaan was involved in dozens of attacks, but there are others where his role has yet to be confirmed. Those include the Pishin bombing in Iran.
RESSLER : Wasn’t that where your brother was killed? Maybe that’s why Reddington brought you the case.
SAMAR : The focus of this task force is to find Reddington and Keen, so I understand if you feel that this is something we can’t pursue.
ARAM : Forget that. We are doing it for you, for your brother. We’re doing it, right?

Aram cellphone rings. He answers

ARAM : Agent Mojtabai. When? Okay, got it. Thanks.

He hangs up.
To Samar and Ressler

ARAM :A video was just sent to several news outlets. It was turned over to the bureau a few minutes ago.

VIDEO : «  My name is Michael Hastings, and I am a senior software engineer for Lazarum Systems. This morning, six of us were taken in retaliation for our company’s criminal collaboration with the state of Israel on the missile-defense system known as the Iron Dome.
Our captors send this message to all who aid their sworn enemy “We will find you and you will pay for your crimes. You will hear from us again in two hours.”

As soon as he is done reading, he is shot in the head

RESSLER : Reach out to your contacts in Mossad. I want everything they have on Zal Bin Hasaan.

Samar is replaying video, looking for clues

HASTINGS, AUDIO REWINDING : “And you will pay for your crimes. You will hear from us again in two hours. »

Aram has new informations
To Ressler about a man who works for the Director

ARAM : Sir? Sir? That guy. Sweater vest. A year ahead of me at M.I.T. Won the Sprowls Award for his thesis on default-deny firewall security. C.I.A. recruited him as a sophomore. Never gave me the time of day. Ever. Like, never ever.
RESSLER : Was there something you wanted to show me?
ARAM : A phone number. Sweater vest is running a tap on it, which I know, because I got around his firewall and accessed his computer. Which, despite being a felony, feels amazing. Maybe he got Liz’s new cell, or, you know, maybe Mr. Reddington’s?
RESSLER : You up on the line?
ARAM : Without a warrant, that would also be a felony. But yes, absolutely.


Samar has found something
Gunshot on video

SAMAR : The muzzle flash. I missed it before, but watch. The muzzle flash lit up his glasses.
That is a power plant and if you look closely –
ARAM : Oh, my God. Brilliant. Nice one.

Aram clicking on keyboard

ARAM : All right. That’s Sellinger Power. They operate at a facility outside of Bethesda.
RESSLER : Notify S.W.A.T. Let’s get out there.
SAMAR : Ressler, Mossad has a task force that’s been working with the C.I.A. to find Hasaan. They deserve to be there when we take him down.


 CHARLENE : I’m calling the police.
COOPER : I’ll handle this, Charlene. Agent Ressler is the one –
TOM : No, we got to handle this ourselves.
CHARLENE : Handle what? Are you out of your mind? He is in the trunk in our garage!
TOM : Hey, you got any power tools?

Some noises come from the garage

TOM : What the hell is he doing?

They hurry to garage

CHARLENE : He’s dying, you idiot.
TOM : Suicide by soap?
CHARLENE : It’s biodegradable soy-based.
COOPER : He’s allergic. He put himself into anaphylactic shock. I’ve got his hands.
TOM : All right, spit it out.


 Charlene knocks on door

NEIGHBOR : Charlene?
CHARLENE : I’m sorry. You know I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t have to. But at the last potluck, did I hear you say that Wally has a peanut allergy?


CHARLENE : I got an epipen!

Karakurt gasps


TOM : Even if he is alive, he’s not gonna talk. Guy would rather die.

Karakurt, coughing, sputtering

TOM : Duct tape, please? Duct tape.


 FARROW : We’ve got the perimeter secure. Wide spectrum signal jammers online in case they got any detonators rigged up inside.
RESSLER : Any estimate on the unfriendlies?
FARROW: Our thermal imaging is inconclusive. We’ve got a man in position to get a camera in for a closer look now.
RESSLER : Looks like Mossad’s joined the party.

Levi Shur arrives

LEVI : If you caught him before I could …
SAMAR : I told you I would.
SINGER : Shalom.
SAMAR : Donald Ressler, Commander Farrow, Agents Shur and Singer.
RESSLER : I heard most of what we know about Hasaan thanks to you guys.
LEVI : Well, we’ve been a lot less effective since Agent Navabi left us. You poached a good one.

RESSLER : I know
FARROW : Eyes are up.

On the camera video

RESSLER : We’ve got hostages on site. I’m seeing five.
SAMAR : Four unfriendlies – Two on guard, two at the entry point. Hang on. There’s another one on the catwalk. He’s giving orders of some kind.
LEVI : Hasaan.
RESSLER : That side door your man’s on – Can you breach it?
LEVI : Breach it? By the time you get inside, they’d have moved on the hostages. You need a Static Simon.
RESSLER : A breach grenade? I mean, that’s a military-grade weapon. We don’t have time to requisition one.
LEVI : What if we had one?
RESSLER : You guys are in the country, gathering intelligence. Why would you know what? – Don’t tell me.

RESSLER : All right. Let’s move in.

All screaming

Rapid gunfire

RESSLER : It’s Hasaan! He’s on the catwalk! 2:00! I got him!

Rapid gunfire . Explosion : Ressler is down
Police radio chatter

FARROW : Looks like he set off a trip wire. We got nothing. No sign of him.
RESSLER : How is that possible? I thought all the exits were secure.
FARROW :There was a secondary explosion on the south side of the building. That may have been Hasaan.
RESSLER : All right. I want all these bodies I.D.’d, A.S.A.P.
MOSSAD : You guys need to see this. Hasaan has been keeping these men captive.

One of the man has a tattoo. Samar recognize it

SAMAR : Shahin?
SHAHIN : Sister?

Samar is lost in her thoughts

RESSLER : Agent Navabi? Agent Navabi?

LEVI : You okay? It’s Arash Ahmadi. He’s been on our radar for at least three years.
RESSLER : So he’s not Hasaan?
LEVI : No. Neither are the other three.
RESSLER : How can you be so sure?
LEVI : They’re too young. Hasaan is in the wind.
SAMAR : We need to get the hostages somewhere safe, start taking their statements. Right now, they’re our best chance of finding Hasaan.
LEVI : Well, our facility’s a few miles away. It’s a logical place.
RESSLER : Sounds like a plan.

On phone with Red

SAMAR : Did you know he was alive?
RED : Hasaan?
SAMAR : My brother. Did you know he was being held prisoner.
RED : Shahin is alive?
SAMAR : I don’t understand how this is possible. He died in 2009 at the bombing in Pishin.
RED : Samar, listen to me. If I had known Hasaan was holding Shahin, I would have told you. How is he?
SAMAR : I don’t know. He’s still being treated.
RED : And Hasaan?
SAMAR : We lost him during the raid.
RED : If Hasaan is in the country, he was smuggled in like contraband. I’ll phone a friend, see if I can find the rum runner he hired.


 TOM : So, the bad news – You’re still alive. But the good news is that all you have to do to get out of here is tell your story to the feds. That’s it. Exonerate Liz. And then I’ll personally fix you a nice soybean smoothie so you can croak yourself vegan style.

Tom laughs
Karakurt speaks russian

TOM : What’s that?

Tom leans in to hear. Karakurt rams him with his head

From kitchen banging is heard. In garage Karakurt is in turned-over chair, head now bruised and bloody

TOM : So, here’s the deal. Agent Keen and I were, uh, married, as, like, a job, you know. But you ever take one of those jobs just to pay the rent and you find out that you’re– You’re good at it?
KARAKURT : You cannot excel at anything you do not love.
TOM : Well, yeah, I mean, where were you when I was married? I didn’t figure that out till it was over.
KARAKURT : That is the way these things go.
TOM : All right, look. We can tell the Russians that you framed them for killing C.I.A agents, a U.S. senator, dump you in front of their consulate, let the Russians do their thing, or – Or you could help yourself and help Liz.

Karakurt laughs weakly


SAMAR : My old home.
LEVI : Sammy. So, your brother’s back from medical. We put him in box one.
RESSLER : And you thought he died in Pishin.
SAMAR : There was supposed to be a sit-down between opposition leaders and members of the army. It never happened. A suicide bomber detonated an explosive and 41 people were killed. A terrorist group assumed responsibility. One day, he was my brother. He was young and vibrant. And the next –

In box one

 SHAHIN : I thought I’d never see you again.
SAMAR : I was told you died that day in Pishin. I saw the DNA report myself. If you were alive...
SHAHIN : It was supposed to be a great day. After all our protests, we were finally able to bring the government to the table. But it was a setup. Someone from the government planted an I.E.D.near our table.
RESSLER : Why would the government plant a bomb? Why kill ranking members of your own army?
SHAHIN : Because they knew it would turn public opinion against us. We were no longer student activists fighting for justice. We were terrorists.
SAMAR : You were hurt that day. That’s why they found your blood at the scene?
SHAHIN : Um, I’m sorry I ran, but I had to. I wanted to tell you, but I knew it would only put you in danger. I went to England to start a new life. And I thought the regime stopped looking for me.
Until a few months ago, I realized i was still being watched. So I had to start over again, and this time in America. But Hasaan’s men must have followed me, because six months ago, they grabbed me from the apartment I was hiding in.


FARZIN : Who are you? How did you get back here? What do you want?
RED : Oh, my. Three questions in not even as many seconds. Which should we answer first? Actually, how about this I’ll ask a few questions first, and then we can get to whatever’s on your mind.
FARZIN : I’m sorry, but my name, it is somewhat common. Perhaps you are confusing me with –
RED : I knew a guy that happened to all the time. Best glass-smith in New England. Nobody could free-blow a vase like Theodore Bundy. Can you imagine? Ted Bundy, an amazing craftsman, couldn’t sell a vase.
LIZ : We know who you are, Farzin.
RED : Is she right, Farzin? – I could blow off a kneecap.
FARZIN : Wait, look – All I did was make the connection between Hasaan and a friend in the port in Charleston.
LIZ : His men are dead. He needs a way out. He must have contacted you again.

Gun cocks

FARZIN : Okay, okay, yes. I got a message. He needed a place to lay low for a few hours. I have the address.
RED : Don’t feel bad, Farzin. You’re a smuggler, not a fighter.

Liz recieves a phone call


 The Director is listening in on call, and so is Aram

TOM : Tell me you’re okay.
LIZ : Where have you– are you okay?
TOM : We need to meet.
LIZ : What’s going on?
TOM : Wing Yee’s, one hour. I have good news.

Liz hangs up
To Red

LIZ : It’s Tom. He wants to meet.
RED : That’s not a good idea.


 ARAM : The burner wasn’t Agent Keen’s or Mr. Reddington’s. It was Tom’s. And he just called Agent Keen.
RESSLER : What did they say?
ARAM : They set a meeting. One hour at a restaurant called Wing Yee.
RESSLER : Does the Director know?
ARAM : Yes. And it appears he is sending a team.
RESSLER : Alert M.P.D.C. Send them the address.

On phone with Samar

 RESSLER : Aram’s got a line on Keen.
SAMAR : I can’t leave him. He’s my brother. I need to stay close.
RESSLER : I understand. I’ll call.

Red and Dembe enter flat and search.
In bathroom, a man jumps out of the shower at Dembe, but Dembe pins him down

RED : Who are you?
MAN : My name is Zal Bin Hasaan. Lieutenant in the Quds force of the Army of the Islamic Revolution of Iran.
RED : Four years ago, Hasaan bombed a synagogue in Buenos Aires, killed 31 people 14 women and children. Hasaan walked away with third-degree burns on his back.
MAN : My name is Zal Bin Hasaan.
RED : Fine. I just wanted to talk, but listen, it’s your funeral.


  Hostage sticks something on underside of table in room where others, including Samar, are seated

HOSTAGE : Just just hang on a second, all right?

To Levi

MOSSAD : We got statements from all the hostages. Let’s move to release them.

To the hostage

MOSSAD : Come.


RESSLER : Hey, sir, good to hear from you.
COOPER : Do you have time to talk? Because there’s a situation.
RESSLER : We got a lead on Keen’s whereabouts – hers and Tom’s.
RESSLER : Yeah, we ran a tap on his phone. Heard him set up a meeting. It’s aiding and abetting. I told him to stay away. He’s gonna regret he didn’t.
COOPER : Donald, look, there’s something that I need to talk to you about.
RESSLER : Look, sir, we’re gonna clear Keen’s name first and then yours and get things back to normal. I’ll call you when it’s done.


BRIMLEY : You were right. He’s not Hasaan.
RED : Who is he?
BRIMLEY : The way he’s singing, he could be Ethel Merman for all I care. He’s ready for you. I need some air.


 SAMAR : I just got off the phone with the State Department. You entered the country illegally, so the American government intends to deport you.
SHAHIN : The U.S. is not my home. If the Americans want to send me back to England –
SAMAR : No. The U.K. home office is denying your return. Your status there was also illegal, so – They’re filing papers to send you back to Iran.
SHAHIN : That’s– Samar, they will kill me.
SAMAR : I’ve already put in a request to grant you political asylum. I won’t lose you again.


 TOM : Some operative I am. I barely recognize my own wife. Ex-wife. You look great. That? Having to hide, that’s gonna end. You’re gonna have a normal life, Liz – A family, kids, everything you always wanted.
LIZ : I don’t see that happening anytime soon.
TOM : I found Karakurt.
LIZ : Karakurt’s willing to confess?
TOM : To all of it – Killing the C.I.A. agents, the senator, the Cabal. Cooper is gonna call Ressler, and he’s gonna get started on a plea deal.


 RESSLER : Stack up on me. We go in hard. On my count. 2, 1.


TOM : I should get back.


RESSLER : Federal agents! Nobody move!


LIZ : You told me that I should have stayed on the boat and never come back.
TOM : The truth is I never should have left. You were in trouble, and I walked away.
LIZ : You had a dream. I wanted you to follow it. I still do.
TOM : That’s what I’m trying to tell you, Liz. I am following it.


Solomon is here
Ressler recognizes him

RESSLER : See what they all know. You.
SOLOMON; I read a review that said the wonton soup was so good, it should be illegal. I dismissed it as hyperbole. My mistake.
RESSLER : I’m going to need to see your other hand.

Solomon lifts hand – just a napkin. But Ressler finds a gun in Solomon’s suit jacket

SOLOMON: That is a Meretta M9, for which I have a concealed carry permit.
RESSLER : Go ahead and get that for me. … Number’s illegible. Looks like you’re gonna have to come with me until we get that sorted out.



MAN : I’m not him. I swear.
RED : Then why pretend?


On phone

RED : Samar, you need to secure the hostages and clear the facility.
SAMAR : What are you talking about?
RED : Now. The man you lost is not Hasaan. The real Hasaan is there in the building. The Lazarum abduction was a Trojan Horse. You need to get out of there now.

Explosions in the facility


¸MAN : Let’s go! Move! Move!

Shouting in native language

MAN : Let’s go! Get up! Up! Move! Let’s go! Move! Go!
RAHAL : Take the Lazarum employees outside! Move! Move! Move! Move!

Samar, hidden, sees the scene

Indistinct shouting

Mass execution : woman screams, rapid gunfire 

Rahal searchs Shahin...

RAHAL : Hasaan, we have less than 10 minutes – before the building is surrounded.

...alias Hasaan.

HASAAN/SHAHIN : That’s all we need. Where’s my sister?

Samar is hiding nearby and hears this.


 RESSLER : Elizabeth Keen.
SOLOMON: Elizabeth K– Is that the one from the news?
RESSLER : Who do you work for? Who’s paying you to find her?
SOLOMON: I’ve been contracted by the German consulate on an international matter that has nothing to do with Keen. I have diplomatic immunity. You may expel me or let me go, but you may not under any circumstance... bore me.


Laurel and Reven are watching

 LAUREL HITCHIN : Is that true?
REVEN WRIGHT : Yes. He’s private security.


RESSLER : So why were you on Crandall’s jet?
SOLOMON: He abducted a German biophysicist. I was tasked with finding him.
RESSLER : You were on that jet to find Elizabeth Keen, just like you were at Wing Yee this morning.
SOLOMON: Oh, no. I was at Wing Yee for their wonton soup. It is fantastic. You should try some. It will calm your nerves.

ARAM : Sir, sorry to interrupt. It’s about Agent Navabi.

Director enters

RESSLER : Hey. What the hell do you think you’re doing?

The Director speaks to Solomon

DIRECTOR : Agent Ressler seems to believe that we work together, that we are part of some sort of Cabal that has attacked America, and apparently he will not rest until he gets the answer that he is looking for. But he’s too polite to ask the question in a manner that will yield the truth. I thought I’d be of assistance.
RESSLER ; If you think that you’re gonna –
ARAM : About Agent Navabi. It is urgent.
RESSLER : They're watching.


REVEN WRIGHT : I’m putting a stop to this.
DIRECTOR : Who told you Elizabeth Keen was going to be at that restaurant?
SOLOMON: Let me guess – You and I are going to play a game of catch-and-release.
DIRECTOR : Nothing quite so humane.


 HASAAN/SHAHIN : All this time and money and manpower spent to find and kill me. How many agents are assigned to this task force? I want their names and assignments. I want that list.
MAN : I can’t help you.

Hasaan/Shahin shoots the man. Woman screams

HASAAN/SHAHIN : Now I think I need to find someone who can...

To a woman

HASAAN/SHAHIN :...You. Up. Up. Up! Up! Up! Up! Up! Yes.
HASAAN/SHAHIN : Who is your O.I.C.? Your officer in charge, now!
LEVI : It’s me.

Samar hiding, on phone with Red

 RED : Tell me what’s happening.
SAMAR : It’s my brother. They’re calling him Hasaan.
RED : I’m sorry, Samar. I’m getting to the truth a little too late.
SAMAR : The Lazarum hostages have all been executed. I don’t understand. If my brother is Hasaan, why would he risk an attack like this?
RED : For the list – The list of Mossad agents and their informants working around the world to find and execute Hasaan.
SAMAR : That list is I.S.O.O. secure. It’s not available electronically. There’s only a hard copy.
RED : Where?
SAMAR : The covert source record room.
RED : If that’s where the list is, that’s where Hasaan is going. In a few minutes, half the federal agents in Washington will have that building surrounded. Your only job for now is to stay alive.
SAMAR : I have to stop him.

The covert source record room

 DANUSH : Keep your hands behind your head. We got the location from your men in Jordan. All we need is the code.
LEVI : I’ll never give it to you. My people are prepared to die first.
DANUSH : So be it. Down. We’ll get into your precious safe with or without you.

Gunshot Samar shoots Danush

SAMAR : They’ll be coming. We have to go. What are you doing?
LEVI : They got into the building. They’ll find a way into the safe. We have to destroy the list before they do.

They set fire to list
Levi uses a lighter

SAMAR : I thought you quit.
LEVI : Yeah, I did, but then you left me, so …

They kiss

Gunshot : Levi is shot in chest, still alive

HASAAN/SHAHIN : She’s burned the documents. There’s almost nothing left. Samar, what did you do?

Samar tries to save Levi

HASAAN/SHAHIN 'S MAN: Hasaan, we have to go. They have agents preparing to enter.

All shouting indistinctly

HASAAN/SHAHIN 'S MAN: All our plans, and we’re left with nothing! Kill her and be done with it.
HASAAN/SHAHIN : No. She’s Mossad. The information we need is in her head. He will be dead within the hour.
FBI : Clear! Agents, move!
HASAAN/SHAHIN : We take her with us.


 RESSLER : We’re looking for Agent Samar Navabi, taken 22 minutes ago by Zal Bin Hasaan. We have his photo and a list of known associates. Stop every train, search every car. This woman’s one of ours. Bring her home.


 SAMAR : There is nothing noble about what you’re doing, Shahin. Our parents would be ashamed.
HASAAN/SHAHIN : Our parents had no shame. They were cowards.
SAMAR : How can you say that? They died for speaking the truth.
HASAAN/SHAHIN : You’ve been fooled. You turned your back on Iran, joined Mossad –
SAMAR : Shahin, they killed our parents.
HASAAN/SHAHIN : Our parents brought death upon themselves, and we suffered for it. They betrayed us, betrayed our country.
SAMAR : The Pishin bombing (flashback)... It was you.
HASAAN/SHAHIN : That was the day I became the righteous warrior Zal.



Baz, Dembe and a team are already here. They shot Hasaan's men

RED : According to legend, a great and wise bird raised the young warrior Zal in her nest atop the highest peak of Damavand. When he came of age, she gave him a plume of her radiant feathers to burn if he was ever in desperate need, and she would come to his aid. Pity. You seem to be fresh out of feathers.
HASAAN/SHAHIN : What do you want?
RED : Well, another spin of the bottle in Melanie Reichman’s basement, but I’ll settle for you.
SAMAR : What now?
RED : That’s your decision. You can turn him in. You know what will happen – Rendition, hunger strikes, eventually death in whatever hellhole he’s thrown into. Or you can give him to me. The best I can offer is death with a purpose.
SAMAR : Which is?
RED : Agent Keen’s freedom.
HASAAN/SHAHIN : Sister .You swore to protect me.
SAMAR : I swore to protect my brother. He died in Pishin.

To Red

SAMAR : Hasaan is all yours.

She cries


Ressler arrives and sees Aram crying

ARAM : Agent Navabi –
RESSLER : What? What is it?
ARAM : She’s– she’s okay. That was her. She’s okay.


 RESSLER : You’re condoning what he did, forcing this guy Solomon to swallow a shank hook? All that shows is his callous disregard for the law.
DIRECTOR : Our national security is at risk.

LAUREL HITCHIN : While I don’t approve of your methods, Peter, I am satisfied that there’s no connection between you and this Matias Solomon.
REVEN WRIGHT : What I’m not satisfied by is the explanation for the raid that captured him.
RESSLER : He tapped Tom Keen’s phone. He heard Tom Keen set up a meeting with Elizabeth Keen at Wing Yee.
LAUREL HITCHIN : And did he, um, share this intel with you?
RESSLER : No, he did not. And when we found out, we ran a tap of our own.
DIRECTOR : See what I’m dealing with here? This insubordination–
LAUREL HITCHIN : The only insubordination I see is yours, Peter. I really thought I was clear. Hating each other is fine. Not sharing intel is not. You and your team will vacate this facility by the end of the day.
DIRECTOR : That’s a terrible mistake.
LAUREL HITCHIN : You have till 5:00 p.m.

Ressler knocks on Cooper’s door

Cooper answers

RESSLER : Hey. Sorry about earlier. I had Keen. I mean, she was supposed to be there, and then this thing with Samar –

He sees Tom

RESSLER : What’s he doing here?
TOM : Trying to help Liz.
RESSLER : You son of a – I’m –

To Cooper

RESSLER : We talked about this! We agreed not to work with him! I told you about their meeting, about that call between him and Keen – You tipped them off!
COOPER : If you will calm down for a second –
RESSLER : What the hell is he doing here?
TOM : Trying to help Liz.

To Cooper

TOM : I told you he wouldn’t be on board.
RESSLER : You are a lying scumbag, and I don’t trust you.

To Cooper

RESSLER : If you do, you’re a fool.

Ressler storms out of house, but Tom follows him

TOM : So, that’s it, huh? Just gonna walk away. Hey, I’m talking to you.

They fight
Cooper separates them

COOPER : That’s enough! Enough! Leave it! I have to live here.

Ressler kicks and destroys Cooper’s garden gnome and leaves


Red delivers Hasaan, he is in his car trunk

MAN : You will have your meeting.
RED : I’ll be in touch when I’m ready.

On phone with Red

RED : Harold, Agent Keen tells me – you have the man they call Karakurt.
COOPER : Yes. And I intend on turning him over to the bureau as soon as possible.
RED : Don’t. I have a better idea.


 DIRECTOR : About Karakurt, I’m told he’s with Harold Cooper.

Solomon with bloody bandage on throat due to the Director and his torture

SOLOMON: Yeah, for now. I’ve arranged for an extraction team.
DIRECTOR : Good. About earlier – I appreciate your understanding.
SOLOMON: Oh, no, Peter. I’ve been on the receiving end of far worse. As will you.

Liz is alone at Wing Yee’s, in booth. Pudgy man in next booth smiles. Liz smiles back. But man is not smiling at her. He is smiling past her at his pudgy wife and pudgy baby. They sit down with him in booth


Samar is sad looking at photos of her brother

 SAMAR : I know you don’t approve of what I did – Giving him to Reddington.
RESSLER : Reddington saved your life. If giving him Hasaan was the price for that, I’d pay it twice over.
SAMAR : It took me years to mourn his loss. Now I have to do it all over again.
RESSLER : I spoke to the E. R. Sounds like Levi’s gonna make it. Seems like a good guy.
SAMAR : He is.
RESSLER : I mean, this place, this job, it’s – After Audrey died, I came to work the very next day. It’s so easy to lose perspective, forget what really matters.
SAMAR : Are you okay?
RESSLER : I’m not so sure.
SAMAR : What really matters is this. Here. Now. Nothing else is guaranteed.

Samar and Ressler exchange looks, then kiss, go to Ressler's apartment…


   Adapté du site «The Blacklist Classified», mise en page par mnoandco



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Chouette bannière pretty, bravo !

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