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#318 : Mr. Solomon, 2e partie

Liz et Tom, 'just married'

Ecrit par: Daniel Cerone
Réalisé par: John Terlesky

Une tragédie met un membre de l'équipe en grave danger obligeant  la Task-Force à s'appuyer sur Red et ses méthodes peu conventionnelles pour survivre. Pendant ce temps, Tom et Liz font face à une complication inattendue qui pourrait influer sur le futur de leur bébé.


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Titre VO
Mr. Solomon: Conclusion

Titre VF
Mr. Solomon, 2e partie

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Kate Kaplan (Susan Blommaert) pensive

Kate Kaplan (Susan Blommaert) pensive

Solomon (Edi Gathegi) et ses hommes poursuivent les Keen

Solomon (Edi Gathegi) et ses hommes poursuivent les Keen

Aram Mojtabaï (Amir Arison) donne quelques explications à son supérieur

Aram Mojtabaï (Amir Arison) donne quelques explications à son supérieur

Donald Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) sur ses gardes

Donald Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) sur ses gardes

Tom Keen ( Ryan Eggold) et Liz (Megan Boone) fuient la menace

Tom Keen ( Ryan Eggold) et Liz (Megan Boone) fuient la menace

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) inquiet

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) inquiet

Samar Navabi (Mozhan Marno) au travail

Samar Navabi (Mozhan Marno) au travail

Le couple fuient l'église assiégée par Solomon et ses hommes

Le couple fuient l'église assiégée par Solomon et ses hommes

Un meurtre de plus ou de moins pour Solomon (Edi Gathegi) ne change rien pour lui

Un meurtre de plus ou de moins pour Solomon (Edi Gathegi) ne change rien pour lui

Chaos dans l'église ! Red (James Spader), Dembe (Hisham Tawfik) et Cooper (Harry Lennix) protègent Liz

Chaos dans l'église ! Red (James Spader), Dembe (Hisham Tawfik) et Cooper (Harry Lennix) protègent Liz

Accident de voiture pour les presque jeune  re-marié

Accident de voiture pour les presque jeune re-marié

Matais Solomon (Edi Gathegi) constate que Liz est blessée

Matais Solomon (Edi Gathegi) constate que Liz est blessée

Dembe Zuma (Hisham Tawfiq) observe le carnage dans l'église

Dembe Zuma (Hisham Tawfiq) observe le carnage dans l'église

Matias Solomon (Edi Gathegi) traque ses proies

Matias Solomon (Edi Gathegi) traque ses proies

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) se prépare à la bataille

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) se prépare à la bataille


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France (inédit)
Mercredi 31.08.2016 à 21:00
3.93m / 17.7% (Part)

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Etats-Unis (inédit)
Jeudi 14.04.2016 à 21:00
6.74m / 1.4% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Tom et Liz s'échappent de l'église en voiture. Solomon se lance sur leurs traces. Il est aidé par un mystérieux individu qui traque le couple avec satellites et paraboles disséminées dans toute la ville. Après une course poursuite, Tom et Liz ont un accident. Ils trouvent refuge dans une maison de repos non loin de là. Liz est blessée et après avoir semé Solomon, ils se rendent à l'hôpital. Les examens médicaux pratiqués par le médecin leurs apprennent que le bébé va bien. C'est alors que Red leur téléphone et leur indique que Solomon arrive et qu'ils doivent partir avec Mr Kaplan qui va les conduire en lieu sûr. Sur le chemin, Liz perd les eaux. Nik est appelé pour l'accouchement qui maintenant est imminent. Il pratique une césarienne en urgence car le bébé n'ayant pas assez d'oxygène, Liz et son bébé peuvent mourir. Finalement le bébé nait et c'est une petite fille.

Pendant ce temps Cooper et la Task-Force essaient de remonter jusqu'au commanditaire de l'enlèvement de Liz. Une oreillette perdue par l'un d'eux devrait les aider à remonter jusqu'à la source.

Liz est très fâchée contre Red, seul responsable selon elle de ce fiasco. Elle lui interdit de voir la petite fille et lui demande de s'en aller. Mr Kaplan, présente, va parler à Liz afin de lui faire entendre raison.

Aram réussit à trouver une adresse grâce à l'oreillette. Samar et Ressler s'y précipitent mais l'endroit est vide...excepté du matériel de très haute technologie capable d'intercepter les messages de toutes la Côte Est du pays.

Liz a des complications médicales, elle risque un arrêt cardiaque car elle ne peut plus respirer, du liquide amniotique s'est mélangé à son sang. Nik conseille un coma artificiel afin de mieux contrôler ses signes vitaux sinon elle risque de mourir. Liz autorise enfin Red à venir la voir, elle s'excuse de l'avoir mis dehors et murmure quelques mots avant de s'endormir. Malheureusement la mettre dans le coma ne suffit pas et ses jours sont en danger. Elle doit être conduite d'urgence à l'hôpital, le seul endroit qui dispose du matériel nécessaire pour la sauver. Tom veut accompagner Red et son équipe mais celui-ci refuse car il doit veiller sur son bébé ; maintenant, il est un père avant tout.

Red utilise une ambulance comme leurre mais Solomon se rend vite compte de la supercherie et continue sa traque avec l'aide de l'homme mystérieux qui a "les yeux" sur toute la ville. Red téléphone à Cooper pour obtenir de l'aide. Ressler et Samar doivent les rejoindre avec du renfort sur le trajet de l'hôpital.

L'état de Liz dégénère lorsque Solomon stoppe le véhicule qui transporte la à l'hôpital. Des coups de feu s'ensuivent. Nik tente le maximum pour maintenir Liz en vie. Red est à ses côtés,  dévasté, car rien ne fonctionne pour la ranimer.

Ressler et Samar arrivent avec les renforts et Solomon s'enfuit en les voyant. Dembe se dirige vers le véhicule toujours à l'arrêt avec Ressler. Ils ouvrent la porte et trouvent le médecin Nik Korpal  mais surtout Red, anéanti, parce que Liz est morte. Mr Kaplan arrivée également sur les lieux supplie Red de partir car la police arrive...Il finit par partir non sans avoir tendrement embrassé Liz. Red demande à Mr Kaplan de s'occuper de son corps. Ressler le reconduit jusqu'à sa voiture où il se serait effondré sans le soutien de Dembé.

Red rejoint Tom lui aussi en état de choc, son enfant et celui de Liz dans les bras. Red demande la permission de la porter et Tom accepte. Elle porte le nom d'Agnès, comme l'a décidé sa maman.


Résumé proposé par mnoandco


TOM : Is there any sign of them?
LIZ : No, but don’t slow down now.
TOM : Did you get hurt back there? Either of you?
LIZ : I don’t think so. I avoided the bullets, anyway.
TOM : Well, you always wanted a shotgun wedding.

He laughs
Liz grimaces; she is in pain

TOM : Hey. It’s okay. It’s all right. We’re gonna get through this, all right? All they did was stop a wedding. They can’t touch what we have.
LIZ : Reddington’s lying to me. I know it. If my mother wasn’t trying to abduct me, why’d Solomon ask for Masha?
TOM : Do you really think this woman is gonna hire a team of mercenaries to kidnap her own daughter?
LIZ : If that woman knew Reddington, she would. She’d know it’s the only way to pry me out of his grip. But where’s she been all this time? And why’d Reddington say she’s dead?
TOM : Well, I got a more pressing question for you– Where the hell are we going?


A room full of screens and computer

A mysterious man speaks to Solomon

OPERATOR 4-6 : Team Leader, this is Operator 4-6. I have eyes on tango, moving south on Brightwood Avenue. Copy?
SOLOMON : I beg to differ. We’ve got Masha contained inside the church.
OPERATOR 4-6 : That’s a big negative, Team Leader. Target is southbound in a festive black sedan. Suggest you break off current engagement.
SOLOMON : All teams, continuous fire for 15 seconds, and then full withdrawal.



COOPER : What are they doing?!
RED : They just realized she’s gone. They’re keeping us pinned so they can launch a chase team.
COOPER : You need to get out of here.
MAN : Baz!

Sirens wailing


MAN : Down!
SAMAR : They’re pulling back.
ARAM : They heard the sirens. Half of Metro PD must be out there by now.

RESSLER : We got to get out there. Let’s go.


The mysterious to Solomon
OPERATOR 4-6 : Aah! Well, thanks to construction delays in Columbia Heights, I have a fixed position for tango. Sending the nav… now.


To Tom and Liz in the car « Just Married »

BYSTANDER : Ohh! Hi! Congratulations.
BYSTANDER : Best wishes.

Cellphone vibrates : Liz answers

LIZ : Yeah. Okay, you promised to tell me what’s going on. Who sent the army?
RED : Are you okay?

Honking continues

LIZ : What do you think? That was supposed to be our wedding?
RED : Who’s honking?
LIZ : Everyone.
RED : Tell Tom to drive you to the Mill Shop on L Street. I’ll send you the address and meet you there. It’s owned by a friend– Yong-Sun Hopgood. He’ll provide safe haven. We need to get you off the street quickly before Solomon finds you.
LIZ : I’ll take it under advisement.

 Solomon's car tries to stop Tom and Liz's car

TOM : Son of a bitch. Are you okay?
LIZ : I wish people would stop asking me that.
TOM : Liz, what are you doing?

Liz leans out the window and shoots at Solomon and his henchmen following her and Tom

LIZ : Don’t worry. They’re not gonna shoot me.
TOM : They’re gonna get the tires. Hang on.


TOM : Liz, what the hell is wrong with you? Give me that.
LIZ : Aah!


TOM : Get down!

Tom and Liz’s car crashes into the back of a truck


Solomon walks up to crashed car with several of his men. No one is inside

SOLOMON 'S MAN: Where’d they go?
SOLOMON : There.


TOM : We’ve got to keep moving.
LIZ : No, Tom, I can’t run.
TOM : All right, all right, all right, I know.

Liz sighs
Tom helps her toward a room in the nursing home they’ve entered


TOM : In here.

Liz breathing heavily

TOM : Shh. Okay, I’m sorry. I know you told me to stop asking if you’re okay.
LIZ : Yeah, I know. I’m not okay. The car wreck. Something hurts inside.
TOM : Okay, hold on. Let me find something for the pain.

Tom opens drawer

TOM : Demerol.
LIZ : What about the baby?
TOM : I don’t know. I’m not trained for this.
LIZ : Oh, my God. We’re terrible parents.

Moments later, Solomon appears at the door of the room. Tom is on the other side of the door
Door creaks. Solomon peers inside but sees only an elderly woman in one bed and another woman in another (Liz), her face obscured

The mysterious man speaks to Solomon in his earpiece

OPERATOR 4-6 : Team Leader, police are approaching the area.

Solomon turns away. Door closes


Solomon has left. Liz is in pain

TOM : What is it?

Liz notices blood trickling down her leg

LIZ : Oh, my God, the baby!


RESSLER : No. No word on the escape vehicles yet. We got federal, state, and local agencies in on the search, but media outlets have been alerted.
COOPER : Stay on it. Armor-plated SUVs don’t just vanish.
RESSLER : Look, I wouldn’t count on it. Whoever gave Solomon soldiers– They gave him good ones. I mean, they wore flexion gloves. There’s no fingerprints on anything, not even these.
COOPER : Green-tipped. Armor-piercing.
RESSLER : And that’s all they left behind. They even dragged away their dead. Any word on Keen?
COOPER : Reddington’s getting her to a safe house. He’ll notify us when she’s landed.
SAMAR : I have something. When Dembe fought off one of the men, his helmet came off. I found this EarCom in one of the nearby pews. It’s like nothing I’ve ever seen.
COOPER : Good work. See if Aram can track down the manufacturer. Our priority is to identify that attack team.

Tom carries Liz down a hospital corridor and through double doors

TOM : I need a little help here!
MEDICAL : Let’s get her on a gurney.
DOCTOR : What happened?
TOM : Oh, she was, uh, in a car accident and she said she was fine and then she started bleeding.
DOCTOR : How many months?
TOM : Uh, eight. Is the baby okay?
DOCTOR : We’re gonna check her out. Get an IV started. Send off a trauma panel. Get her on a fetal monitor.

Liz exhales deeply


OPERATOR 4-6 : Team Leader, incoming from the north. Two Metro PD cruisers. 40 seconds out.
SOLOMON : Operator 4-6, you got eyes on the target yet?
OPERATOR 4-6 : Negative. Too many points of exit. Metro PD now 20 seconds out. May I suggest you implement an exit strategy?

Solomon sees blood on the seat of the car where Liz was sitting

SOLOMON : She’s hurt. Operator 4-6, where’s the nearest hospital?
OPERATOR 4-6 : Vectoring you to Mary Margaret on Central Avenue, two blocks north of 27th.


DOCTOR :Your bleeding seems to have stopped on its own. Did the painkiller help?
LIZ : Is the baby okay? That’s all I care about.
TOM : That’s all she cares about, but I need them both healthy.
DOCTOR : Well, the heartbeat looks okay, and baby’s moving around. All good signs. But the OB’s heading down now just to make sure. Now, in the meantime, we’re gonna run some more tests, see if there was any other trauma from the accident.
TOM : Thank you.

Cellphone vibrating; Tom holds phone so Liz can see it’s “Nick’s Pizza ”

LIZ : I don’t want to talk to him.

On phone

TOM : What do you want?
RED : Elizabeth. Here. Now. I’m right in front of the place. Where is she?
TOM : There was an accident.
RED : Is she hurt?
TOM : We don’t know. I mean, we don’t know how bad she– She was bleeding. We’re at Mary Margaret Hospital.
RED : Can you put her on?
LIZ : What?
RED : You need to leave. Mr. Kaplan will be there in five minutes to pick you up out back.
LIZ : Did you hear a word Tom just said?
RED : I can’t protect you in a hospital.
LIZ : You can’t protect me in a church, either.
RED :  Let me rephrase that. I cannot safeguard you and the dozens of innocent patients and medical personnel who’ll be caught in the crossfire when Solomon and his storm troopers put together where you are. I know how desperately you want to protect your baby, Lizzy. So think.

Liz exhales deeply

 Solomon enters the hospital and makes his way to an examination area. He sees Liz’s white shoes under one of the draped partitions and throws back the curtain. Liz and Tom are gone


KAPLAN : You’ll be fine, sweetie. Nothing to be afraid of. I’m taking you to a private ICU with the county’s top emergency-care team.
LIZ : I know what that means.
TOM : I’m right here.

Liz groans

TOM : I’m right here.

Liz gasps

TOM : What?
LIZ : My water just broke.
TOM : Oh, wow. This is– This is happening. Um, w-w-what is our ETA?
KAPLAN : Three minutes out.
LIZ : Ohh! From where? Three minutes out from where? An abandoned warehouse? Because I let a fugitive, a killer, a sociopath into my life…
TOM : I know.
LIZ : …now I am being hunted by God knows who’s chasing me, but they’ve got body armor and assault rifles, and I have to give birth to my child– to a baby!– in a filthy warehouse!
KAPLAN : It’s a nightclub.
LIZ : Is that supposed to make me feel better?
KAPLAN : No, it’s not. Your baby deserves more than we can provide.


MEDICAL : Welcome, Dr. Korpal.
NIK : What have we got?
MEDICAL : A 31-year-old female 32 weeks pregnant status post MVA with abdominal pain and bleeding.
NIK : RH status?
MEDICAL : Unknown, but her labs are cooking.

On phone

KAPLAN : Okay, he’s in.


LIZ : I should have known it’d be you on call.
NIK : Liz, what happened?
LIZ : Nothing good.
NIK : It’s okay. Let me take a look.
TOM : Uh, since when are you an OB?
NIK : As an ER physician, I’m trained in the emergency aspect of all the specialties. I saved your ass, didn’t I?


On phone

COOPER : Damn it, Reddington. Where’s Liz?
RED : Circumstances prevent me from sharing more information at this time, Harold. Whoever employed Solomon’s services, they know too much. They’re breathing down our necks even now, listening, watching. I can feel it.
COOPER : Who attacked us at the church?
RED : I don’t know. I’m hoping your team finds something at the scene. We need to put down this threat quickly. I’ll be in touch when I can.
COOPER : Hey, Reddington, wait–

Red tosses his burner phone in a trash can


KAPLAN : Of course, it’s a risk for all of us, but it’s possible, right?
RED : What’s possible?
NIK : Liz. She suffered a placental abruption, likely from the crash. It’s when the placenta rips away from the walls of the uterus. As a result, the baby’s not getting enough oxygen. The heart rate is plummeting. If I don’t perform an emergency C-section in the next 10 minutes, her baby’s going to die.


ARAM : It’s pointless trying to identify a manufacturer. That EarCom is pure black market. Nitride transistor technology, a built-in terahertz radio.
COOPER : We’re back to square one– chasing shadow warriors.
ARAM : Uh, not exactly. There were no prints on the outside of the EarCom, but I pulled partial fingerprints from the button battery inside.
SAMAR : Asa Jacobi. First Air Cavalry Brigade. Missing, presumed dead during the Iraq War. He left a wife behind.
COOPER : Track her down and pay her a visit. See if there’s anything there.


DEMBE : Perimeter defense is in place – exits, rooftops, and lookouts on all avenues of approach for a six-block radius. Everything will be fine, Raymond.

Red, angrily

RED : Oh, for God’s sake, Dembe, spare me the mystical reassurance. Everything is not fine. Where the hell was the perimeter defense at that damn church? You should have deployed four teams, five teams. Look at her lying there in this barbaric situation with her child’s life at risk. Everything is not fine. She never should have been at that Godforsaken church.
KAPLAN : Stop it, Raymond! This has little to do with Dembe and nothing to do with that poor girl in there. She’s been telling you for months that you’re a danger to her baby. This is on you, Raymond. Nobody else. You were wrong to make her believe you could keep her safe. You made us all believe.

Mr Kaplan turns and walks away


On line with the mysterious man

SOLOMON : Operator 4-6, this is Team Leader. We lost the target. Last seen at Mary Margaret Hospital. Do you have a visual? Over.
OPERATOR 4-6 : Negative. But fresh hospital intel just in. “Suspected placental abruption with vaginal bleeding. Variable fetal deceleration present.”
SOLOMON : Sounds like tango’s about to pop out a bun. Given her medical condition, she can’t be far away. Let’s canvass these areas.


NIK : As soon as I get this epidural in, you’re gonna feel a whole lot better.
LIZ : Okay.
NIK : And we’ll be ready to go. And you get to stay awake the whole time.
LIZ : Really? Wow. Okay.
TOM : Why is she in so much pain?
NIK : Her baby’s not receiving enough oxygen. It’s fighting to stay alive inside her womb. Trust me, that’s a good thing, but I need to work fast.

To nurse

NIK : Push another five of morphine.
LIZ : Nik, please just tell me nothing’s gonna happen to the baby.
NIK : The moment you hear your baby cry, you’ll know that everything’s going to be okay. Now, you’re gonna feel some pressure as I insert the needle. Take a deep breath.
TOM : Just stay with me, all right? I’m right here. It’s fine. We’re having a baby. Yay.
LIZ : Ohh. I love you.
TOM : You’re gonna do great.
LIZ : This just isn’t how I pictured the birth of our baby.
TOM : How’d you picture it?
LIZ : Magical.
TOM : Okay, hold on.

Liz slips into a semi-conscious state. She sees Tom select an LP from a collection of LPs and begin to play it. A disco ball sends spots of light swirling. Liz gazes around watching the light show and smiling happily

NIK : You ready?

Liz nods

NIK : Starting a low transverse incision now. She has some adhesions. Hand me the bovie. Adhesions? Is that bad? It’s common. Let me guess. You had your appendix out.
LIZ : Um, when I was 15.

NIK :You’re doing fine, Liz. Ready to open the peritoneum. Metzenbaum scissors. Adson pickups…Uterine incision is complete.You ready to meet your baby, Liz?

LIZ : Definitely. Please.

NIK : Clamps... Almost there.
TOM : Why’s the baby so quiet?
NURSE : Dr. Korpal, there’s no respiratory effort.
NIK : Ambu bag.
TOM : What’s happening?
TOM : Nik? Nik, tell us what’s wrong.
LIZ : Is everything okay?

Baby cries loudly

NIK : Sometimes they just need a reminder it’s time to breathe. All right. Congratulations. You have a healthy, beautiful baby girl.

Nick carefully hands the infant to Liz

LIZ : Hi! A girl! Hi.

Mr Kaplan and Red have been watching through the plastic enclosure, awestruck

LIZ : I still like Agnes.
TOM : You know my feelings. Besides reliving childhood traumas, it’s an old lady name.
LIZ : But with babies, everything that’s old is new again. Besides, it was Sam’s mother’s name. He’s the only family I ever knew.

Red peeks inside the « room »

RED :  Congratulations, Elizabeth. May I see her?
LIZ : No. Get out. Please, go away.

Liz to Tom

LIZ : Make him go away.
TOM : It’s been a long day. She’s had a lot of drugs.
LIZ : It’s not the drugs. This is my daughter. I’m begging you.

Kaplan to Red

KAPLAN : Just wait out here. Let me talk to her .

Kaplan enters the OR


KAPLAN : Congratulations.

Red, hurt, turns away


ARAM : Samar found Asa Jacobi’s wife. She’s living in Phoenix, and she has had no contact with her husband since he went missing.
COOPER : A dead end.
ARAM : No. For the first few years after his disappearance, she got a series of unusual phone calls. She could hear breathing on the line, but the caller wouldn’t speak.
COOPER : Prank calls aren’t unusual.
ARAM : They are when they always fall on your wedding anniversary. So I traced the wife’s phone records. Those calls were all made on pay phones, but they were paid for with calling cards.
COOPER : You find a billing address?
ARAM : Yep, and the accounts used to pay those bills also paid for this mid-century Columbia Heights charmer. Been under single ownership for the past 20 years, only there is no owner. It’s an alias.
COOPER : Get Ressler and Samar there now.


AGENT : We’re clear! Clear!
RESSLER : Looks like no one’s home.
AGENT : Downstairs!


They find several rooms with computers and communications equipment

RESSLER : What the hell is this place?


RED : Keep an eye on things here. I’m gonna get some air...I’m sorry, Dembe.
DEMBE : I know, Raymond.


Alarm beeping

KAPLAN : Doctor.
TOM : What is it?

Baby crying

KAPLAN : Doctor!
TOM : Liz, what’s wrong?
LIZ : My chest.
TOM : Hey, she can’t breathe.

Crying continues

Beeping continues

KAPLAN : Give me the baby.
TOM : What’s wrong with her?
NIK : O2 levels are dropping. Get her some oxygen. I need a stat EKG, cardiac panel, and a VQ scan. EKG stat.
RED : What’s happening?
NIK : I have to get back to you on that.
TOM : Nik, do something.


RESSLER : I checked with Aram. Those cables belong to a cross-country fiber-optic network. Whoever tapped them can intercept digital communications across half the eastern seaboard.
SAMAR : Hold on. Something’s happening. I think someone’s shutting it off.


OPERATOR 4-6 : Team Leader, one of your men was just compromised. His tactical error just led the FBI to one of our fiber taps. And due to inherent security risks, he cannot be allowed to remain in the field.
SOLOMON : What kind of error?
OPERATOR 4-6 : I believe he lost his EarCom.

Solomon, turning to his men

SOLOMON : Which one of you lost his earpiece?
MAN : That’d be me, sir.
SOLOMON : Well, it’s been found.
MAN : Oh, good–

Solomon  shoots him

SOLOMON : Yeah. When you fall prey to errors, you become prey. Somebody clean that up.


NIK : The scan confirmed my fear. The placental abruption caused amniotic fluid to leak into Liz’s blood, producing a severe inflammatory reaction. Are you with me, Liz? I’m gonna put you on a BiPAP machine. It forces your lungs to expand and helps you breathe, okay?
TOM : I’ll be right back.

Nik and Tom step outside of the operating enclosure to confer with Red and Mr Kaplan.

NIK : I need to be straightforward. The BiPAP is a Band-Aid. The amniotic fluid will cause Liz’s lungs to swell. The next stop is heart failure.
TOM : No.
NIK : She needs to be intubated and put on a ventilator as soon as possible.
RED : You mean induce a medical coma.
NIK : I know it sounds scary, but it’ll allow us to control her breathing and force oxygen into her system. I just don’t have that equipment here.
RED : Tell Mr. Kaplan whatever you need. We’ll have it here immediately.


TOM : Liz. It’s okay.
NURSE : We’re gonna need you to take slow, deep breaths. Breathe with the machine.
TOM : Just breathe, babe. Just breathe.

A medical van marked “Emergency Medical Services” backs up

Mr Kaplan and Dembe arrive. Mr Kaplan opens the van’s back doors

KAPLAN : That looks right. Okay, let’s go. We need it in OR now.


NIK : Pull up 20 of etomidate and 100 of sux.

Liz wheezing

TOM : Liz, you can do this. When you wake up, I’m gonna take you away from here. We’re gonna be lying on a beach under the sun. Just you, me, and our little baby girl. I promise you.
LIZ : If things go sideways, you’re gonna take our baby to that beach, right?
TOM : Don’t say that. They won’t go sideways. We have too much to look forward to.
NIK : I need to put you under now. You’re about to get very sleepy.

Nik to nurse

NIK : Once she’s tubed, I’ll need a post chest intubation X-ray and ABG.

Red enters when Liz makes a sign for him to come. She takes his hand.

LIZ : I’m sorry I kicked you out. It wasn’t fair after all you’ve done for me.
RED : I’ve done nothing for you, Lizzy.
LIZ : I’m scared for my little girl.
NIK : Push the meds.
RED : It’s the children whom the world almost breaks who grow up to save it.
LIZ : I don’t want that for her.
RED : I wasn’t talking about her. I was talking about you, Elizabeth.

LIZ : Oh, Raymond. I do love…

Monitors beeping rapidly

Baby crying

TOM : Do something!
NIK : We’ve maxed out the vent settings. Her lungs are too damaged. They’re shutting down. There’s nothing more I can do here.
RED : “Here.” What do you mean, “here”?
NIK : In the hospital, there’s a device called the ECMO. It allows us to oxygenate her blood out–
RED : Can we get one here?
NIK : There’s no time.
RED : Then we’re going to the hospital. Tell the paramedics we’ll need the ambulance.
KAPLAN : Solomon knows we haven’t left the city. We have to assume they’re monitoring the area. A convoy traveling at high speed– You’ll be intercepted and attacked before you can get there.
RED : I’ll handle that. I want a full protective detail to stay on site. I’ll ride in the ambulance, stay with Liz.
TOM : I still have the Browning, but I need clips.

Red to Tom

RED :  No, you stay here.
TOM : Like hell I’m staying here. She’s my wife– will be my wife.
RED : And she’d insist you stay and protect her child. You’re a father now. Morgan, I have something for you and Danny.
MORGAN : Whatever you need, boss.

Cellphone rings

COOPER : Cooper.
RED : We have a medical emergency. We’re at 1438 West Randall, laying a course for Mary Margaret Hospital. We’ll be duck hunting.
COOPER : I can have an escort there in six minutes. We don’t have six minutes. You’re gonna have to meet us on the way. We’re losing her, Harold. We’re losing Elizabeth.


OPERATOR 4-6 : Team Leader, I have eyes on a white ambulance heading south on Randall’s Lane at high speed. None have been officially dispatched in that grid.
SOLOMON : Solid copy, Operator 46. Are they taking the on-ramp to the highway?
OPERATOR 4-6 : Unclear. Without that data node, I have blind spots.
SOLOMON : All teams on Map Grid 32-V, tango in a white ambulance. Find them.

Monitor beeping rapidly

RED : What’s her status?
NIK : Blood pressure and heart rate are crashing. I’m giving her atropine now. I want a dopamine drip on standby.
RED : Keep her heart beating, Nik. Please, just keep her heart beating.
NIK : Recycle her blood pressure now and every five minutes.


sirens wailing

Ressler on phone with Aram

RESSLER : Aram, where are we going, pal? We need eyes. Take us to Keen.
ARAM : Yeah, hang on. I just got a visual on her ambulance. Charting intercept course. Okay, take your next left. I’m gonna route you around traffic.


OPERATOR 4-6 : Team Leader, the target location has been acquired. Pulling up coordinates now. Routing you south-southwest on Langford. Target in white Ford ambulance.

Solomon pursuits the ambulance
Monitor beeping rapidly

NIK : Dopamine.


Solomon stops the ambulance : it's empty

– Hands in the air!
– Hands in the air!
– Step out!
AMBULANCE DRIVER (MORGAN): What’s going on? We’re just responding to a call.


SOLOMON : What do you mean, the wrong ambulance? Use your Tinkertoys and find the right one. They’re making fools of us.
OPERATOR 4-6 : Patience is our ally, Team Leader. Searching for the precious cargo now.


SAMAR : Cooper said something about duck hunting. What did he mean?
RESSLER : A decoy. They’re using a decoy.


NIK : How much farther to the hospital?
RED : 2 1/2 miles. An ECMO team is standing by to receive her.
NIK : Her heart’s barely contracting. If she’s not on bypass within the next few minutes…

Tires screech : the vans stops. Solomon and his men stand in the way, heavily armed

RED : Oh, my God.

The road ahead is completely blocked by Solomon and his men, with guns drawn and a cannon in the back of a pickup pointed at the ambulance

SOLOMON : Engage targets, but do not kill Elizabeth Keen.

The ambulance driver is shot in the forehead, slumps over

Coming to back of ambulance

RED : The driver’s been hit.

Gives Red the bulb for forcing air into Liz’s lungs

NIK : Squeeze every five seconds... I’m losing her.
RED : No, you’re not.
NIK : She’s not responding to medication.
RED : Then do something else.


NIK : She’s in V-fib. Charge the paddles.

Paddles whine

NIK : Clear. Charge again. Clear.


NIK : Clear. Charge again. Clear.
RED : What’s happening? Why isn’t it working?
NIK : Clear.


Outside, gunfight

RED : Come on, Lizzy. Please, don’t go... Please, don’t go.

Sirens wailing : the FBI arrives

Gunfight intensifies  


Gunfight. Solomon escapes ans his men are dead

RESSLER : Check the bodies. Collect the guns.

Dembe and Ressler walk up to ambulance and peer inside. They stare at the sight of Red huddled over Liz


NIK : I had to call it. There was nothing else I could… I’m so sorry.

Ressler moves to keep others away from the ambulance

RESSLER : Back up! Go on, back up! Keep everyone away!

Sirens wailing, helicopter blades whirring

Red is overwhelmed with grief

Kaplan arrives

KAPLAN : You need to leave, Raymond. The police are here. Raymond.

Red does not leave. He kisses her hand, lifts it to rest against his cheek, as if that is all he has lived for. He kisses her forehead, her eyelid, strokes her hair. At last, he rises to leave her in the van

RED : I don’t want Elizabeth in the morgue. I want our people to handle this.
KAPLAN : I’ll take care of everything.


Ressler wraps his FBI jacket around Red

RESSLER : This way. Come on.

Sorrowful and in shock, Red is helped to the car. Dembe opens the car door, but Red collapses against Dembe

DEMBE : I got you.

Red is helped into the car

Cooper and Aram are shown reacting in pained silence to the news of Liz’s death

Ressler approaches Samar, whispers to her. Samar doubles over, sobbing. She reaches for Ressler’s hand. They embrace

Mr Kaplan takes care of Liz's body


Baby fussing

TOM : It’s okay. Shh.

Tom cradles Agnes, he cries. Red approaches

TOM : I should have stayed with her.
RED : There’s nothing you could have done.
TOM : Was she in pain? At the end?
RED : No. She never woke up.
TOM : I can’t do this alone. Without her. I don’t know what to do.
RED : You’ll learn fast.

Baby fussing

TOM : Shh.

Red offering to take the baby

RED :  Do you mind?

Tom lets Red take the infant

TOM : Her name is Agnes.

Red to the baby

RED :  That’s a good name.



 Adapté du site «The Blacklist Classified», mise en page par mnoandco


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