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#319 : Cape May

Red face à une femme mystérieuse

Ecrit par: Daniel Knauf
Réalisé par: Michael Watkins

Une mystérieuse beauté fuyant des assaillants inconnus croise accidentellement la route de Reddington et demande son aide pour lutter contre ses agresseurs.


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Cape May

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Cape May

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Tom Keen (Ryan Eggold) refuse l'aide de Red

Tom Keen (Ryan Eggold) refuse l'aide de Red

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) joue une mélodie au piano

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) joue une mélodie au piano

L'inconnue (Lotte Verbeek)

L'inconnue (Lotte Verbeek)

Raymond Reddington (James Spader)  fatigué

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) fatigué

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) exige de Nik des explications

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) exige de Nik des explications

Face à face poignant enttre Red (James Spader) et l'inconnue (Lotte Verbeek)

Face à face poignant enttre Red (James Spader) et l'inconnue (Lotte Verbeek)

Raymond Redddington (James Spader) se débarrasse d'un corps

Raymond Redddington (James Spader) se débarrasse d'un corps

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) inquiet

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) inquiet

Raymond Reddington (James Sapder) arrive à Cape May

Raymond Reddington (James Sapder) arrive à Cape May

Nik Korpal (Piter Marek) n'est pas rassuré face à Red

Nik Korpal (Piter Marek) n'est pas rassuré face à Red


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France (inédit)
Mercredi 31.08.2016 à 21:50
3.41m / 17.4% (Part)

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Etats-Unis (inédit)
Jeudi 21.04.2016 à 21:00
7.02m / 1.3% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Nik, terrifié, explique à Red ses dernières tentatives pour sauver Liz. Il le supplie d'épargner sa vie. Red se contente de répondre : «tout le monde meurt, un jour»...

Une vieille femme propriétaire d'une fumerie d'opium cachée dans un sous-sol va réveiller Red, il est là depuis trop longtemps, il doit partir. Il s'exécute difficilement en oubliant même de prendre son arme. Dans la rue il manque de se faire renverser par un taxi. Il monte dans le taxi et demande au chauffeur de le conduire à Cape May. Sur place, dans un restaurant, il remarque une jeune femme apeurée qui semble fuir un homme.

Plus tard, assis au bord de la plage il revoit la mystérieuse femme. Elle enlève son manteau, son médaillon et se dirige tout habillée vers l'océan et plonge. Red se précipite pour la sauver et la ramène sur la plage. Il l'emmène alors dans une auberge fermée pour la saison.
Il allume un feu et tout trempés, ils se réchauffent près de la cheminée. Avant de s'endormir la femme murmure des paroles bien étranges sur la mort d'un proche mais surtout les paroles qu'elle regrette de lui avoir dites juste avant qu'il meure. Red se réveille seul et trouve l'inconnue à l'étage observant par la fenêtre. Mais il n'y a personne. La femme cuisine un repas pour deux. Red la questionne et lui demande des explications sur ses étranges paroles. Elle ne lui répond pas. Au contraire elle le questionne sur ses propres pertes. Il lui raconte alors un choix qu'il a dû faire des années auparavant ; une femme et son enfant étaient toutes les deux condamnées mais il avait la possibilité d'en sauver une. Il avait choisi l'enfant ne lui apportant finalement que du malheur...et la mort.

Un policier frappe à la porte ayant vu de la lumière alors que l'endroit est sensé être fermé. Red le convainc qu'il est un ami des propriétaires et le policier s'en va.

Plus tard, une vitre est brisée et un intrus attaque Red par derrière. L'inconnue arrive alors et tue l'homme en lui frappant la tête contre le lavabo.

La conversation entre Red et la femme se poursuit. Elle lui demande s'il a déjà tué. Oui, lui répond-t-il. Seulement ceux qui le méritent ...sauf un. Il lui parle alors d'une femme qu'il a aimée, qui est morte en laissant derrière elle une petite fille. Il ne la verra jamais grandir parce que son père le lui a ordonné et faire du mal au père serait  synonyme de faire du mal à l'enfant.

Les coéquipiers de l'homme tué arrivent. Red veut s'enfuir dans une voiture mais la femme refuse de le suivre. Pour elle, le suicide est la seule solution pour protéger sa petite fille parce que pour elle, elle est synonyme de mort.

Red reste quand même et avec l'aide très efficace de l'inconnue et de moyens improvisés, ils finissent  par tuer les assaillants les uns après les autres.

Red veut aller démarrer la voiture afn de pouvoir fuir avec la femme et s'aperçoit que c'est une épave. Il court à la maison et se rend compte que rien n'indique la moindre lutte, pas le moindre corps, ni mare de sang.

Red se précipite sur la plage où un chercheur de métaux lui apprend qu'à part lui, il n'a vu personne pendant quinze jours...personne. Red réalise que les dernières heures n'ont été que le fruit de son imagination sans doute aidée par l'opium. Mais l'inconnue réapparaît une dernière fois, elle ne lui en veut pas d'avoir choisi Masha et non elle.

Le chercheur de métaux trouve alors un médaillon profondément enfoui dans le sable avec une gravure : «Pour Katarina, je t'aime. Papa». Red le reconnaît et le lui achète. Il s'éloigne alors précipitamment : il a absolument quelqu'un à voir.


 Résumé proposé par mnoandco


Red is interrogating Nik, Liz’s ER doctor. Nik tried to save Liz’s life but failed. The interrogation room is the same as the one Red used in 3:12 The Vehm to execute the man who had attacked Liz in a supermarket parking lot

Nik is terrified

NIK : Given her abrupt drop in blood pressure and pulse, I diagnosed a placental abruption. We performed a successful emergency C-section. She was having chest pains, shortness of breath… classic symptoms of an amniotic fluid embolism. Her lungs were no longer functioning. I had to get her to a trauma unit. We were losing her. And she went into arrest.
RED : That’s enough.
NIK : I kept her alive long enough to become a mother.
RED : What a desperate thing to say.
NIK : I don’t want to die.
RED : Everyone dies someday.


An elderly Chinese woman opens a secret wall in a restaurant and descends the stairs to an opium den. Red is sleeping fully clothed on a thin mattress recessed into the wall

ELDERLY CHINESE WOMAN : Time to go, Mr. Red. Time to go.

Red mumbling

RED :No. No, no, not yet. I want another one. I want another one. I paid and I want another.
ELDERLY CHINESE WOMAN : No. You go. It’s Friday. It’s too long for you. You go.

Red groans, coughs loudly

Red gets up and heads out, leaving behind his pistol and fedora
The chinese woman, calling him back

RED : Mm.

Red turns back and takes his hat but not the gun


Red seems to be in a stupor

A taxi almost hits Red. The driver rolls down window and calls out

CABBIE : You trying to get yourself killed?

Red gets in the cab

RED : Cape May. Cape May, New Jersey.
CABBIE : That’s 200 miles away.

Red counts out five $100 bills

CABBIE : Cape May it is.

In the cab, Red remembers Liz's death

RED : « Don’t go, Lizzy. Please, don’t go. »
Baby coos
TOM : « Now go. And stay away from us. »



RED : Everyone dies someday.
CABBIE : You say something?


Electric razor buzzes as Red shaves while leaving a message for his lawyer, Marvin Gerard

RED : Marvin, it’s Raymond. I’m taking a leave of indeterminate length. Suspend all transactions. Pay off all my outstanding debt. If you need additional funds to cover any shortfall, execute a wire transfer from Barbados. Dembe has a power of attorney letter on file should a signature be necessary.

He hangs up

Red to the cabbie

RED :How much for the cab?
CABBIE : No, you’re good.
RED : No, no. How much do you want for the cab?
CABBIE : You’re kidding, right?

Red plops many thick stacks of bills on the car hood, hundreds of thousands of dollars, maybe millions

CABBIE : That’s plenty.


Red stops for breakfast at a greasy spoon, orders bacon and eggs.

RED : Thank you

He notices a woman seated in a booth by the window. She sees something and hurries out. A man comes into the restaurant and uses the rotary dial pay phone


 Red arrives at an inn just behind the sand dunes. It is closed for the season. He pushes through the gate.


The beach at Cape May is deserted. Red takes a folding lounge chair and opens it on the beach. He looks out to sea. The day is dull and cold. Red suddenly sees the same red-haired woman from the restaurant sitting on the beach. She takes off her coat and a necklace and walks into the water a ways, then dives in


RED : Hey! Hey! No! Stop!

Red runs, shedding his coat, suitcoat and hat along the way, then runs into the 40 degree water, looking for the woman. A large wave tumbles over him. He rescues the mysterious woman and drags her onto the beach


 Red helps the woman walk to the white inn building, into an apartment, and helps her down onto a rug on the floor in front of a fireplace. He covers her with a sheet and places two decorator pillows under her head

RED : I’ll find a blanket.


Red sees a woman behind the desk


Red has just taken a blanket and some matches from a closet in the lobby. He turns around. The woman is gone


Red breaths heavily

Red starts a fire in the fireplace, then he lies down on the floor next to the woman, pulling the blanket over both of them and cradling her head on his arm, his other arm pulling her close to him

RED : You’re okay. Talk to me.

The woman whispers

WOMAN : It’s not that he died. It’s not even the way he died. It’s in the things I said to him… just before he died.

They fall asleep

Red wakes. It’s lighter outside. Red is alone on the floor. He is wearing a tee-shirt and shorts. He pulls his pants on and climbs the stairs. He finds the woman peering out of a window

RED : Hello? You okay?
WOMAN : There’s someone here. Outside. He’s here to kill me. There. There he is. See his shadow?
RED : Stay away from the window.

Red grabs an ax and heads outdoors

RED : I found the intruder. He put up a fight. I had no choice but to kill him.

He has a torn black kite

WOMAN : You must think I’m crazy.
RED : No.


RED : We’ll have hot water soon.
WOMAN : There’s wine. And I can make a risotto.


Red, cautious, holding the ax behind his back

WOMAN : Do you think we’ll have hot water tonight?
RED : By the time we finish dinner, it should be hot.


RED : This is superb. The rice is just right.
WOMAN : Canned mushrooms. Best I could do.
RED : It’s excellent. You aren’t hungry.

Electricity crackles

RED   : Who’s trying to kill you? Does it have something to do with what you told me before?
WOMAN : I’m sorry?
RED : You said you lost someone. Harsh words were spoken. Words you regret.
WOMAN : I was out of my mind. There was no one. Just me.
RED : You don’t have to lie.
WOMAN : Neither do you. You’re no hungrier than I am. You’re not enjoying a single bite of that.
RED : I told you this is….
WOMAN : Superb. The quality of the cooking is wholly irrelevant in this case, isn’t it? Given the circumstances.
RED : And those are?
WOMAN : You tell me. Tell yourself. Say it out loud.
RED : ... It was a Hobson’s choice. There was a woman and her child. Both were doomed. Both would die. I could either save one or lose both. I chose the child. It was… it was the worst thing I’ve ever had to do in my life. Worst thing by far.
WOMAN : You didn’t have a choice.
RED : There’s always a choice. I was arrogant. I presumed that there was an order to things, that there was… that if I nourished and protected and taught the child, she would be safe… …and happy.
WOMAN : And she was neither.
RED : No matter what I tried to do, all I brought her was misery and violence, and eventually…
WOMAN : Death.
RED : Yes.
WOMAN : And now you’re dead. You believe there’s nothing left for you.
RED : It’s that obvious?
WOMAN : Nothing about you is obvious. What brought you here?
RED : I honestly don’t know.
WOMAN : You’ve been here before.
RED : Once, a long time ago. I was a very different person then. You.

Knock on door, door buzzes

Red opens the door

RED : What can I do for you, Officer… Duncan?
OFFICER DUNCAN : We got a call from a neighbor. He noticed lights inside.
RED : Oh, Yeah. I was afraid that might happen. That’s why the candles… didn’t want to alarm anyone.
OFFICER DUNCAN : I take it you’re not trespassing.
RED : Oh, good God, no. Jack and Ida are old family friends. Offered the place for the weekend.
OFFICER DUNCAN : Mind showing some identification?
RED : No, no, no. No problem. I’ll be right back.
OFFICER DUNCAN : If you don’t mind, I’d prefer waiting inside.
RED : Of course. My mistake. Please, please. It’s a bit chilly out. Wait here. I’ll get my I.D.

Red goes into another room and selects from a set of driver’s licenses under various names, then returns to the front room

RED : I’m sorry you had to come all the way out here on such a cold night.

The officer looks in the kitchen and sees the candles, food and wine from dinner

OFFICER DUNCAN : Didn’t mention you had a friend.
RED : Yeah. My wife, Abigail. She’s feeling a little under the weather.
OFFICER DUNCAN : Didn’t touch a bite, it looks like.
RED : No. I can go upstairs and wake her, if you’d like.
OFFICER DUNCAN : No. No, that’s okay. Everything appears in order. You said you’re a friend of Jack and Ida’s.
RED : Yes, I said I was a friend. Poor Jack. Miss the hell out of that man.
OFFICER DUNCAN : Yeah, yeah. It’s a crying shame. Ida just hadn’t been able to keep the place up since he passed. Enjoy your stay, Mr. Donnelly.
RED : Thank you, Officer.

Officer leaves

WOMAN : He knows.
RED : I don’t think so. He’d have to be very good at hiding it. We’ll see. Water should be hot.


The woman is bathing. Red is seated on a couch some distance away

WOMAN : How did you know Jack was dead?
RED : I didn’t say he was dead. I said I missed him.
WOMAN : Still, why would you miss him?
RED : State of the place. Hasn’t been maintained. A man wouldn’t let that happen if he was around.
WOMAN : You said “Poor Jack”?
RED : “Jack’s Shack.” He took pride in that. Decorated it, carved his name on it. It’s falling apart. I figured he was either sick or dead.
WOMAN : Could have been Ida.
RED : I went with Jack. Men don’t usually last as long as women.
WOMAN : You sound like an actuary.
RED : I am, in a way.
WOMAN : Have you ever killed anyone?
RED : That’s an odd question.
WOMAN : Have you?
RED : Yes. Many. But never anyone who didn’t deserve it.
WOMAN : Me, too.
RED : I know.
WOMAN : How?
RED : There aren’t a lot of us. You learn to recognize it.
WOMAN : Yes.


Later, glass shatters

Red looks for the perpetrator


WOMAN : Behind you

.Red and the man fight inside the bathroom


MEN : Oh!

Woman grabs the man from behind and slams his head against a mirror, then the sink – several times. He collapses dead onto the bathroom floor

Red coughs


WOMAN : You all right?
RED : Yeah. Thank you. You know him?
WOMAN : It doesn’t matter. He’s one of them. Not the first, not the last.

They wrap the body in the plastic shower curtain and clean up the blood . Red keeps his phone.


  The woman is playing
« Rain, in Your Black Eyes » by Ezio Bosso on the grand piano
Red sits on the couch

RED : Why did you go into the water? What made you decide?
WOMAN : You’ve never killed anyone who didn’t deserve it.Yes.That is a fine thing. A noble thing. But not terribly difficult.
RED : That’s true.
WOMAN : Have you ever spared someone who deserved to die?
RED : There was a woman I loved. She was… my life. My heart. And she died. She left behind a little girl. One last, precious piece of herself.

Flashback :

RED : « She’ll need protection. »
TOM : « Only if you’re in her life. Go. Stay away. I won’t let you make the same mistake with her… …that you made with Liz. »

RED : I would give anything to be a part of that child’s life, but a man made it clear I would never see her… hold her… watch her grow. And I knew in that moment, I would never be any part of that beautiful little girl’s life. Because…
WOMAN : He was her father.
RED : And to harm him would be to harm her. A mortal sin. Her mother is gone. The father is what she has left in the world.
WOMAN : Her father.
RED : Yes.

Intruder's cellphone vibrates

On cellphone

MAN : Gregory, do you copy? Did you copy that?

Woman breaks the phone in half

WOMAN : We don’t have much time. They’re coming.


RED : This’ll work. I’ll drive.

Red loads the man’s body into back of a black SUV in the garage. The mysterious woman turns to walk away. Red grabs her arm

RED : I’m not leaving without you.
WOMAN : Yes, you are.
RED : No. I’m not.
WOMAN : Those men are after me. It’s my problem, not yours.
RED : You made it my problem the moment you walked into the ocean.
WOMAN : I didn’t ask for your help. Let me go.
RED : No.
WOMAN : Why not? What difference does it make to you?
RED : Have you ever seen the aftermath of a suicide bombing…
WOMAN : We’re wasting time.
RED : I have. June 29, 2003. I was meeting two associates at the Marouche restaurant in Tel Aviv. As my car was pulling up, a 20-year-old Palestinian named Ghazi Safar entered the restaurant and detonated a vest wired with C4.
WOMAN : Let me go.
RED : The shock wave knocked me flat, blew out my eardrums. I couldn’t hear. The smoke… It was like being underwater. I went inside. A nightmare. Blood. Parts of people. You could tell where Safar was standing when the vest blew. It was like a perfect circle of death. There was almost nothing left of the people closest to him. 17 dead, 46 injured. Blown to pieces. The closer they were to the bomber, the more horrific the effect.
WOMAN : Stop.
RED : That’s every suicide. Every single one. An act of terror perpetrated against everyone who’s ever known you… Everyone who’s ever loved you. The people closest to you… the ones who cherish you… are the ones who suffer the most pain, the most damage. Why would you do that?

The woman whimpers

RED : Why would you do that to people who love you?
WOMAN : I have no choice.
RED : There’s always a choice.
WOMAN : Is there? That little girl. The one you told me about? The one whose father you spared? What would you do if you knew… knew… that as long as you drew breath, as long as you continued to exist, her life would be in danger? She would be hunted, and she would be killed. What would you do?
RED : What would you do?
WOMAN : My child is being raised by someone else. I am her mother… and I am death to her. So this is what I’m doing. I never wanted this.
RED : I know.
WOMAN : Then go.
RED : I can’t.

Together, Red and Woman booby-trap the house. A bomb made from a propane tank. A live electric cable left in a sink with the water left to overflow. A mantrap made from cable and piano wire... Pounding music heightens the tension


At night, vehicule approaches : there are six or seven men

WOMAN : You still have time to go.
RED : I don’t know your name.
WOMAN : Don’t be ridiculous, Raymond.


 Action sequence. In brief, the interlocutors are all dispatched, some by the booby traps. The woman pushes one man off a balcony. There is a brief gunfight. Red slashes one man’s throat. The woman stabs one man in the chest. One man is hung in the mantrap...

WOMAN : You okay?
RED : We need to clean up and clear out.
WOMAN : You get the car.

In the morning, Red seeing the car, different from the one in the evening : unusable, old

RED : There’s something wro…

Red sees that the kitchen and other rooms are immaculate, untouched, as though he had just arrived. He goes to the staircase and shouts up

RED : Hello?

Red climbs the stairs, searching for the woman

RED : Where are you?

Red looks out the window. He sees the woman again walk into the ocean, exactly as before

RED : No. No, no, no.

Red runs down the stairs, out of the inn and across the beach.


 He looks at the surf pouring in. This time, the woman is nowhere to be seen
An old man has been using a metal detector to look for treasure under the sand. He is now digging for something

RED : Hey! Did you see a woman walk into the water?
TREASURE HUNTER : No. I didn’t see no woman.
RED : You sure?
TREASURE HUNTER : Yeah. I’m sure. Mister, the only living soul I’ve seen on this stretch in over two weeks is just you.
RED : Just me.

Red recalls moments he had with the woman, but this time he speaks woman’s words

RED : « Canned mushrooms. Best I could do.»
RED : « Behind you.»
Red plays on the grand piano

Returning to the present, Red queries the treasure hunter

RED : Just me.
TREASURE HUNTER : Yep. Just you.

The treasure hunter finds a necklace buried in the sand


Though it is almost completely encased in sand, Red recognizes the necklace

RED : Could I, please? Please. I want to buy it.

Brings out a thick wad of bills

TREASURE HUNTER : Ain’t worth anywhere near that.
RED : It is to me.

 Red goes to the water’s edge and lets a wave wash over the necklace
Red reads aloud the Russian inscription on the back of the necklace

RED : To Katarina, love Papa.

Suddenly, the mysterious woman appears at Red’s side

WOMAN : You had no choice. It was me or Masha.
RED : I’m sorry.
WOMAN : Raymond, you did save me. Through her. It was the only way. You chose well.

The woman reaches out and places her palm against Red’s cheek, stroking it


Red turns around

TREASURE HUNTER : You okay? Seem a little lost.

The mysterious woman is gone

RED : There’s someone I need to see.

Red turns and walks away from the shore


Adapté du site «The Blacklist Classified», mise en page par mnoandco


Kikavu ?

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catgir2  (15.08.2017 à 14:20)
James Spader est toujours meilleur quand il joue seul avec un ou une partenaire de qualité. Là c est du grand Art !
mnoandco  (02.03.2017 à 13:10)

Alors là, je crois que nombreux sont ceux du quartier qui sont d'accord avec toi.

kspacey  (02.03.2017 à 11:18)

Une perle ! voilà du grand et beau !


Merci aux 3 rédacteurs qui ont contribué à la rédaction de cette fiche épisode


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