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#401 : Esteban


Raymond Reddington cherche Liz et Agnes au Summer Palace

Ecrit par : Jon Bokenkamp, John Eisendrath

Réalisé par : Michael Watkins

Après que Liz ait été enlevée par un homme prétendant être son père, Red a l'intention de la retrouver à n'importe quel prix. Pendant ce temps, la Task-Force affronte une nouvelle choquante : Liz est toujours vivante...


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Raymond Reddington (James Spader) et Silvio (Fidel Vicioso) cherchent Elisabeth

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) et Silvio (Fidel Vicioso) cherchent Elisabeth

Red (James Spader) regarde l'hydravion de Kirk avec Liz à l'intérieur s'envoler

Red (James Spader) regarde l'hydravion de Kirk avec Liz à l'intérieur s'envoler

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone)  se rend

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) se rend

Mato (Raoul Max Trujillo) tient Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) en joue

Mato (Raoul Max Trujillo) tient Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) en joue

Face à face glaçial entre Kate Kaplan (Susan Blommaert) et Raymond Reddington (James Spader)

Face à face glaçial entre Kate Kaplan (Susan Blommaert) et Raymond Reddington (James Spader)

Dembe (Hisham Tawfiq)

Dembe (Hisham Tawfiq)

Kate Kaplan (Susan Blommaert) tente de s'expliquer auprès de Red

Kate Kaplan (Susan Blommaert) tente de s'expliquer auprès de Red

Raymond Reddington (James Spader)

Raymond Reddington (James Spader)

Manuel Esteban (Paul Calderon) #79

Manuel Esteban (Paul Calderon) #79

Alexander Kirk (Ulrich Thomsen) essaie d'amadouer Liz (Megan Boone)

Alexander Kirk (Ulrich Thomsen) essaie d'amadouer Liz (Megan Boone)

Raymond Reddington (James Spader)  n'est pas arrivé à temps

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) n'est pas arrivé à temps

Donald Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) attend son contact à Cuba

Donald Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) attend son contact à Cuba

Red (James Spader)

Red (James Spader)

Tom (Ryan Eggold) escorté par Angel (Gino Vento)

Tom (Ryan Eggold) escorté par Angel (Gino Vento)

Tom Keen (Ryan eggold) creuse sa tombe

Tom Keen (Ryan eggold) creuse sa tombe

Alexander Kirk (Ulrich Thomsen)

Alexander Kirk (Ulrich Thomsen)

Mato (Raoul Trujillo)

Mato (Raoul Trujillo)

Raymond Reddington (James Spader)  sur ses gardes

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) sur ses gardes

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) cherche Elisabeth

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) cherche Elisabeth

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) et Silvio (Fidel Vicioso) arrivent trop tard

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) et Silvio (Fidel Vicioso) arrivent trop tard

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) regarde Liz partir au loin

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) regarde Liz partir au loin

Raymond Redington (James Spader) a trouvé Kirk et Liz

Raymond Redington (James Spader) a trouvé Kirk et Liz


Logo de la chaîne TF1

France (inédit)
Mercredi 24.01.2018 à 21:00
3.45m / 14.1% (Part)

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Belgique (inédit)
Dimanche 21.05.2017 à 22:00

Logo de la chaîne NBC

Etats-Unis (inédit)
Jeudi 22.09.2016 à 22:00
6.40m / 1.3% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Red, Dembé et Mr.Kaplan viennent de découvrir la maison où se trouvait Liz quelques heures plus tôt sans dessus-dessous. Liz a disparu, Agnes également ainsi que Tom.

Des traces de sang leurs permettent de conclure que l'un des assaillants est gravement touché. Il est localisé mais déjà mort de la blessure infligée par Tom lorsque Red arrive. Red ne peut donc l'interroger et décide de n'utiliser que sa tête afin de l'identifier. Il s'agit d'un policier ripoux. Il apprend également que Kirk est sous la protection de Joseph Balsam.

Kirk essaie de convaincre Liz qu'il est son père et lui apprend que sa mère et Red avaient une liaison. Après avoir cru que Reddington était son père, une preuve lui avait démontré le contraire. Katarina ayant mis fin à sa relation avec lui, il se serait venger en l'enlevant.

Grâce à un informateur Red retrouve Liz et Kirk mais un miroir sans teint les sépare. Red essaie de monnayer la libération de Liz quelque soit le prix exigé par Kirk, en vain. Alors Liz tente d'aider Red en lui disant où se trouve Kirk derrière la vitre mais c'est une vitre pare-balle et c'est sans succès qu'il tire dans sa direction. Des forces armées à la solde de Balsam arrivent. Liz supplie Red de partir où il sera tué. Il accepte de mauvaise grâce non sans avoir promis auparavant à Liz de la sortir de là et surtout de retrouver Agnes dont elle a été séparée.

A présent un seul homme peut les aider à découvrir où Liz a été conduite, c'est Manuel Esteban. Comme c'est un agent double à la solde de la CIA, la Task-Force peut aider à le trouver. Ressler répond à l'appel et se rend à Cuba sans Samar qui refuse d'aider Liz.

Tom pendant ce temps est enfermé dans le coffre d'une voiture conduite par un couple, Mato et Romina, qui travaillent pour Kirk. Agnes est avec eux. Tom tente de s'échapper plusieurs fois, sans succès. Finalement, il est confié à un complice chargé de "finir le travail" car le couple doit ramener Agnes à Kirk. Tom parvient à tuer son gardien et s'empare de son téléphone afin de mettre Kirk en garde de son arrivée et il ne sera pas seul, une armée sera avec pour lui.

Kirk apprend à Liz qu'il est atteint d'une maladie du sang qui va le tuer et tente toujours de la convaincre de ses bonnes intentions envers elle. Liz est dubitative puisqu'il s'en est pris à Agnes, à Tom, à ses amis et  la retient prisonnière...

Ressler arrive à Cuba et en prétendant être un agent de la CIA, il réussit à prendre contact avec Esteban. Il lui transmet le message que Raymond Reddington veut lui parler.

Liz tente de s'échapper après avoir retrouvé Agnes mais en représailles, Kirk les sépare à nouveau.

Esteban aide Red à localiser Liz en échange d'une nouvelle identité. Malheureusement, Red et son équipe arrivent trop tard. Liz vient de décoller à bord d'un hydravion tandis que Mr. Kaplan retrouve Agnes dans les bras de Romina qui tente de s'échapper.

Alors que Dembé, Red et Kate sont en route pour mettre Agnes en sécurité, une voiture leur fonce dessus. Mato n'a plus qu'à récupérer l'enfant tandis que tous les trois sont sonnés ou inconscients.


Résumé proposé par mnoandco


Red, Dembe and Kate Kaplan are in the villa where Liz, Agnes and Tom were taken. Red is distressed, conjuring up dark images of what happened with each splash of blood, shard of glass or abandoned toy he sees.

  Red, Dembe and Kate are investigating the site where Liz, Tom and Baby Agnes were taken

Kate, referring to splash of blood on wall

KAPLAN : Critical hit. He couldn’t have gone far.
DEMBE : He wouldn’t go to a hospital.

Dembe makes some calls

KAPLAN : The bleeder works for Kirk. He’ll know where to find them.
DEMBE : I have a location.
KAPLAN : I was trying to help. He has to know that.
DEMBE : I’m not on your side here, Kate.


In a room at the back of a discotheque

Silenced gunshots

RED : I need to speak with the patient.
DOCTOR : He’s gone.
RED : As you well know, one of the keys to my success is a clear and consistent understanding of my own limitations. So often people overestimate themselves, misapply their gifts. The cleaner suddenly fancies herself the strategist. Wisdom is learning the boundaries of one’s designated lane. For instance, this, I will do poorly. Clumsily, with more mess than necessary. It’ll take longer and be considerably more unpleasant to boot.

Red to Kate

RED :  But I can’t very well have you do it, can I?

Red proceeds to cut the head off the dead man

Flesh cutting and squishing


MANNY SOTO : Raymond Reddington, my favorite rubio. Ay carajo, I haven’t seen you since you snuck off at Carnival.

Red takes severed head from bag

MANNY SOTO : Red, Jesus. What’s wrong with you?
RED : We’re looking for a name. Take a close look, Manny. He worked for a man who abducted someone I care about.
MANNY SOTO : He’s a cop.
RED : Who’s his rabbi?
MANNY SOTO : I don’t know, but I know who might.


ARAM : Is it true? She’s alive?
SAMAR : Apparently.
ARAM : Wait, wait. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. How is that… there were complications during labor. And the doctor, he declared her dead.
SAMAR : He lied.
ARAM : But there was a funeral. I-I was a pallbearer.
SAMAR : Yes, and who knows what was in that casket? It was a charade, Aram.
ARAM : So Agent Keen is alive? Uh, but her funeral and her death… She faked her death.
Why would she do that?
RESSLER : To get away from Reddington. So that her and Tom and Agnes could have a normal life.
ARAM : Away from us?
SAMAR : Yes, after everything we did for her.
RESSLER : Best we could tell, Liz and Tom’s plan was to go into hiding in Cuba. Alexander Kirk found them.
ARAM : Why? What does he want with Agent Keen?
RESSLER : Look, all we know right now is that when Reddington got there, Liz and Tom were gone.
COOPER : I just got off the phone with the embassy in Havana. Briefed them on Kirk, gave them the tail number to his plane. If that was how he was planning to get off the island, that’s not gonna happen.
ARAM : And, uh, what about Agnes?
RESSLER : At this point, we don’t know.
COOPER : Notify FBI headquarters. Elizabeth Keen is alive.


One of Kirk's safehouse

BALZAN : The plane is ready.
ALEXANDER KIRK (aka Constantin Rostov): Mato and the baby?
BALZAN : Not yet.
KIRK : Notify me as soon as they’re here.
LIZ : My baby.
KIRK : She’s on her way.
LIZ : That’s what you said before.
KIRK : Masha–
LIZ : My name is Elizabeth.
KIRK : I understand that you have questions, that you’re upset.

Liz punches Kirk in the face, bloodies his nose

Guard arrives ands cocks his gun

KIRK : I’m sorry it has to be like this.
LIZ : You’re not my father.
KIRK : Well, I am, Masha. I am. And I intend to prove that to you. Agnes will be brought here, but the person doing that has a job to do first.
LIZ : What job? With Tom? What are you doing to Tom?


Tom is bound in the trunk of a late ’50s blue Dodge sedan

Tom is banging in the trunk

TOM : Let me out!

Tom punches out a tail light and waves his fingers out the ragged opening. A young girl notices Tom’s fingers and alerts her father. Her father calls the police
Agnes continues wailing


  Red approaches a table of 5 cops playing poker

RED : There’s nothing more depressing than a failed Communist state. It doesn’t even really pay to be corrupt. When dirty cops play poker in America, they’re able to play for real money.

In spanish with english subtitles

COP : What’s up, Manny? Who is this guy?
MANNY SOTO : He’s a friend. He’s just looking for a name.

Red tosses a thick wad of bills on the table

Red removes the severed head from the bag and sets it on the table by an empty chair

RED : Let’s raise the stakes. A new game. You tell me who the head worked for, you keep the money, a 5-way split.

A cop places his gun on the wad of bills

COP : Oh, we’re keeping the money.
RED : A young woman and her child were taken. A Russian has entered the country. I have it on good authority your friend here was assisting him.
COP : I think it’s time for you to leave.

Red shoots him

Cop grunts

RED : Make that a 4-way split.


Cop in Spanish

COP : Guys, just tell him what he wants.

More gunshots  as the cops go for their guns and Red takes them out, until just one cop remains

LAST COP ALIVE : I’ll give you a name.
RED : Well, isn’t this your lucky day?


RED : The head worked for a Joseph Balzan? I’ve never heard of him.
MANNY SOTO : Yeah, he’s a supplier of all manner of contraband on the island. If the people you’re looking for are still in Cuba, Balzan is protecting them.
KAPLAN : Should I assemble a team?

Red ignoring her

RED : Dembe, call Silvio in San Cristobal. Tell him to put a team together. We’re going after Elizabeth.


Kirk offers Liz a glass of water; she refuses

KIRK : Here.

He sets glass down

KIRK : You think I’d drug you?
LIZ : You kidnapped my infant daughter, my husband, and me. I’d say you’re capable of anything.
KIRK : Listen… you were my entire life. You were all your mother and I ever cared about. Now you don’t know any of that because Reddington took you away from us when you were just a little girl. He and your mother had an affair. For a time, I thought maybe he was the father, but I have proof that he’s not. He’s just a spiteful, evil man. Couldn’t accept it when Katarina broke off the affair. One day I came home, and you were gone. He’d taken you. I never thought I’d ever see you again… until there you were in the news, you… and Reddington, – the most wanted fugitives in the world.
LIZ : If you cared so much about me, you wouldn’t hold me hostage.
KIRK : He’d taken my beautiful child and turned her into a criminal.
LIZ : Attack my wedding, everyone I love.
KIRK : Everything I did was to get my child away from Reddington. Who understands that more than you? You did the exact same thing, faked your own death to get your child away from him.

Door opens

Balzan enters, lowered voice to Kirk

BALZAN : We have a problem. The PNR [Policía Nacional Revolucionaria], have surrounded the plane.
KIRK : Then find another plane. Agnes will be here shortly.
LIZ : And Tom?


Siren whoops, Agnes crying

Police car stops blue Dodge sedan with Mato and Romina holding Agnes in the front seat.

Tom is always in the trunk

MATO : Shh!

Agnes’ crying continues

ROMINA : [ Spanish ] What do we do? What the hell are you doing, Bobo?

TOM : Hey, they have my baby! Please!

MATO : Keen, you breathe a word, I’m gonna fire two bullets– one in the cop and the other between the eyes of that screaming kid. You got it?
OFFICER : [ Spanish ] Out of the car.

Mato gets out

OFFICER : [ Spanish ] Open the trunk.

To Romina


OFFICER : [ Spanish ] You, out of the car.

Romina gets out with Agnes

OFFICER : [ Spanish ] Move it.
ROMINA : [ Spanish ] Sir, my baby. Please, she’s upset. Let me take my baby with –
OFFICER : [ Spanish ]Shut up.

Romina lays Agnes on the car seat
Mato opens the car trunk

TOM : He’s got a gun!

Mato gets the PNR officer in a strangle hold

TOM : No, don’t– please!

Bones crack. The PNR officer’s neck is broken

Agnes fusses

Mato punches Tom, knocking him out

Mato loads the body of the dead PNR officer into the trunk with Tom

Agnes continues crying


COOPER : Where are we on Kirk?
RESSLER : PNR grounded his plane. There’s no sign of him or Keen.
SAMAR : I informed the Bureau that Elizabeth Keen has risen from the dead. They said three Hail Mary’s and they’re on the lookout for the zombie apocalypse.
COOPER : I understand. You feel played.
ARAM : Don’t you, sir?
RESSLER : Look, we should be halfway to Havana by now.
SAMAR : Why? She obviously doesn’t want our help.
RESSLER : Maybe or maybe not, but she needs it.
SAMAR : You’re willing to risk your life after what she did?
COOPER : All right, let’s just have this conversation. Keen lied to us, took advantage of all of us, and no one is more upset about that than I. Or… relieved. Truth be told, I didn’t think it was possible to be this joyous and livid at the same time. But I have a job to do– find Keen and her family and bring them home safely. And I know that no matter how I feel, I can do that job. I need to know if each of you can say the same.


In the trunk, Tom struggles to get at the dead officer’s keys


Red, Dembe and guards enter. They subdue men working in the garage

GUARD : [ Spanish ] Somebody’s here. In the building.
DEMBE : [ Spanish ] Contact the FAR.
GUARD : [ Spanish ] Already on their way.

Red threatens a worker with a gun

RED : [ Spanish ] El Russo. Donde está? [ Where is he? ]

Guns drawn, Red and Dembe enter room with a large one-way mirror: Kirk and Liz can see Red and Dembe – Red and Dembe see only their own reflections

KIRK : Hello, Raymond.
RED :  Elizabeth, are you okay?
KIRK : Of course she is. Unlike you, I would never hurt my own daughter.
RED : Elizabeth? Elizabeth.
LIZ : I’m on your left.

Red rapidly fires multiple gunshots  through the right side of the mirror, but Kirk is unscathed

RED : Constantin. What do you want? Name it. You bring her out unharmed, you’ll have it.
KIRK : Of course, the Concierge of Crime wants to cut a deal. You’ll give me whatever I want? 

RED : Yes.
KIRK : In exchange for Masha?
RED : Whatever you desire.
KIRK : What I desire is to raise my child, to watch her grow, and to have back the 26 years of being a father that you took from me. But you can’t give me that, can you?
RED : No, – because she was never yours to raise.

Dembe, quietly, to Red

DEMBE : Patrol unit incoming. Military patrol. Armored military.
RED : Agnes. Do you have Agnes?
LIZ : I don’t have her. Go. Find Agnes and Tom.
RED : I’m not leaving here without you.
KIRK : You just don’t get it, do you, Raymond? She doesn’t want to be with you. That’s why she faked her own death– to get away from you.
DEMBE : Raymond, we have to go now.
LIZ : If they get you, they’ll kill you.
DEMBE : Raymond.
LIZ : Did you hear me? You have to go. Go!
RED : Elizabeth, I will come for you.

They leave


Red on phone

RED : Harold, gather your team.
COOPER : Reddington. Where are you? Tell me you have Agent Keen.
RED : No, but she’s still on the island. Kirk’s preparing her exit plan. I don’t know what the preparations are, but I know who can find out– Manuel Esteban.
COOPER : The Chilean Spymaster?
SAMAR : Who’s Esteban?
RED : Our next Blacklister.
ARAM : Manuel Orentez Esteban. Leader of Pinochet’s Caravan of Death that institutionalized a state-sponsored system of terror through abuse, abduction, and murder.
RESSLER : According to our database, he died in 1989.
RED : Except he didn’t. Esteban is alive and well and a legendary enforcer for a series of authoritarian regimes.
SAMAR : Assuming what you say is true and Esteban is alive, what makes you think he can help locate Keen?
RED : Kirk’s man in Cuba is protected by the military. If the military is involved, Esteban will know about it.
COOPER : We’ll never find Esteban in time. We have no assets in Cuba.
RED : Of course you do, Harold. Esteban. He works for your government. Castro took him in, and the CIA immediately put him on the payroll as a double agent. What little you know about the inner workings of the Cuban government is courtesy of Manuel Esteban. The CIA knows where to find him, and he knows where to find Elizabeth.


A young woman, Ivelisse, crying, is being interrogated by Manuel Esteban. He wears sunglasses. He speaks with an ominous, raspy voice

ESTEBAN : [ Spanish subtitles ] Ivelisse, dear, don’t cry, my love. You know who I am.

Gasps, nods, continues crying

ESTEBAN : [ Spanish ] And you know what it means to see my face.

Esteban removes his sunglasses. His eyes are hideous, dull, the skin around them disfigured
He touches her chin

Continues gasping and crying

ESTEBAN : [ Spanish ] Most people fear the dark. I don’t know anything else. I see with my ears.

The woman continues crying

ESTEBAN : [ Spanish ] Every environment has its own acoustical signature.

Esteban slips his fingers under the strap of Ivelisse’s blouse

ESTEBAN : [ Spanish ] But your father. And your brother – whether they survive depends on you.

Squishing sound as Esteban removes his artificial eyeballs to reveal empty sockets. He places the eyes in her palms
The woman is whimpering, crying

ESTEBAN : [ Spanish ] Tell me what you see.What is the plan for getting off the island?


CYNTHIA PANABAKER : What are you talking to Reddington for? I thought your task force was disbanded after Agent Keen’s death.
COOPER : It turns out she’s not dead. She’s been kidnapped. And if we have any hope for finding her, it rests in finding Esteban. I need to know where to find him.
PANABAKER : I hate getting into bed with Reddington. I… hate needing him and his list. If you find Agent Keen, will he continue to give you names?
COOPER : He just did– Esteban. According to him, Esteban works for the Agency.
PANABAKER : Good Lord. Is there anything that man doesn’t know?
COOPER : How can we contact him?
PANABAKER : The Agency reaches out to him through the State Department’s weekly travel advisory. Set a meeting, a message is encoded in the advisory, detailing where and when.


Cooper to Ressler and Samar

COOPER : The meeting is set for the National Museum. You’ll be going to Cuba undercover, as tourists.
SAMAR : He’ll be going. Not me. You may be fine with doing this job, no matter how you feel. I can’t.
RESSLER : How you feel? How about how Keen feels? Forget about what she did and try to figure out why she did it.
SAMAR : I have, and someday, maybe I’ll be okay with it. But right now I’m not.

Ressler to Cooper

RESSLER : You’re okay with this?
COOPER : No. But for now, I accept it. You’ll be going alone. Here’s how it’s gonna work.


Ressler arrives at the café ...

VOICEOVER PANABAKER : Your agent will be detailed with the Dallas/Fort Worth Arts and Cultural Committee. Esteban will expect to meet at the Cafe Aventura across from the National Museum.

PANABAKER : Once inside, take a table in the back, order an egg coffee.

...and orders an egg coffe

COOPER : I appreciate you burning a source for this.
PANABAKER : You knowing he exists is the least of Esteban’s problems. Now that we’re all chummy with the Cubanos, his relationship with the Agency is, uh, something of a liability.
COOPER : You’re gonna scrub him?
PANABAKER : Let’s just say, if you wanna reach out to Esteban, you should do it quickly.

  Ressler is seated in café. A man is singing in Spanish. A man sits down at Ressler’s table

RESSLER : Jesus. Hot as balls in here. You guys actually drink this stuff?

Someone puts a black sack over Ressler’s head


  Mato and Angel approach car. Mato opens trunk. Tom is startled awake

Mato points his gun at Tom

MATO : Kill him first. Come back for the cop. Meet you at that place.

Angel lifts the dead cop out of the trunk

Tom has freed himself and has the cop’s gun
Tom attacks, shoots, tries to escape.  Angel falls back but the gunshot missed him

TOM : Hey! Get out of the car! Get out of the car!

Mato shoots into driver’s side of car 

MATO : Romina. Move it.
TOM : Hey. Hey. Let her go. Look, you can take me, all right? Do whatever you want. Just give me my little girl! Hey! I’m begging you! Give me my little girl! Please!

Mato and Romina leave with Agnes

ANGEL : You and I are gonna have some fun, man.


  Ressler is in a dark prison cell, a dungeon, really

He sees a woman in another cell


The woman whispers

IVELISSE :Don’t talk. They’ll kill us.
RESSLER : Where are we? How many people does he have down there?
IVELISSE : My family. They have a way out. He wants me to tell him how. He’s going to kill me. I’ve seen his face. Anyone who sees–


IVELISSE : It’s him.

Ressler door unlocks and opens

ESTEBAN : Right. Upright. So the rumors are true. They sent you to finish me.
RESSLER : Not quite, no.
ESTEBAN : The Americans want me dead, so our relationship dies with me, so I get embarrassed.
RESSLER : Look, I’m not here to kill you, pal, I’m here to tell you that Raymond Reddington wants to see you.
ESTEBAN : Oh, so now the US government is Reddington’s messenger.
RESSLER : Oh, you know how it works. The American government has deals with all kinds of scumbags.
RESSLER : Look, I’ll tell you how it works. You’re gonna give me your phone. I’m gonna dial a number.
ESTEBAN : Okay, cowboy. I like this one.

Ressler dials Red's number

ESTEBAN : Reddington?
RED : Manuel Esteban. My heavens, you’re a devil to get ahold of. I’m surprised we’ve never met. I’d like to have a little chitchat. How would you feel about a blind date?


Later, Red and Esteban are walking along a busy wooded walkway

RED : I’m looking for a woman.
ESTEBAN : Aren’t we all?
RED : Her name is Elizabeth Keen, and the man holding her has the protection of the FAR [ Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias. Cuban Armed Forces ]. They know where she is, which means you know where she is, or you could certainly find out.
ESTEBAN : Why would I help you? You’re an anarchist.
RED : Probably. Maybe more of an opportunist. And I have the opportunity to help you. You spent a lifetime bouncing from one authoritarian regime to the next. But this is the last stop. You’re a relic. The détente between America and Cuba makes you a man without a country. Sooner or later, both sides will want you dead. My money’s on sooner.

ESTEBAN : I can take care of myself.

RED : Clicking like a hairless fruit bat is impressive, Manuel, but you and I both know avoiding a lamppost is very different from avoiding an assassin’s bullet. Echo location can’t help you with that, but I can.
ESTEBAN : What do you propose?
RED : I know what it’s like to be hunted. I’ve protected myself for 30 years. And I can protect you… after you locate Elizabeth Keen.


 Angel whistling

TOM : All right, listen to me, please. The baby– I can pay you.
ANGEL : Quiet.
TOM : Not me. I have a friend. Whatever you want, he’ll help you. We’ll get you off the island, he’ll protect you.
ANGEL : I said quiet, man.
TOM : Look, just let her go! All right, you can kill me. I don’t care. Just let my baby go.
ANGEL : Let’s go and dig.

Angel resumes whistling


Kate sits down at small table across from Red

KAPLAN : I know you don’t want to talk to me. Fine. Then listen. It was excruciating to watch you mourn Elizabeth’s death, to know that I was making you endure that. Yes, I betrayed you, but only after you had betrayed her. Raymond, you have to change. I took Elizabeth from you, and now I need your help to get her back. But when you do, as I’m sure you will, you have to let her go.

Clicking – Esteban approaches

Red to Kate

RED :  Why don’t you wait in the car?

ESTEBAN : I have a location for the girl.
RED : And the child?
ESTEBAN : I asked, but people know nothing about a child.
RED : Tell me about the location.
ESTEBAN : It is heavily protected. 20, maybe more.
RED : I’ll need more men.
ESTEBAN : That won’t be necessary.


KIRK : I have a blood disorder.
LIZ : Good.
KIRK : I’m dying.
LIZ : Even better.
KIRK : They’re here.

Mato and Romina, holding Agnes, enter

LIZ : Oh, baby. Are you okay, sweetheart? Let me look at you. Oh, you’re okay. Oh, my God. It’s okay. You’re a strong girl. Everything’s gonna be okay. You’re with Mommy now. Shh.
KIRK : She’s beautiful.

Cellphone rings. Balzan answers

It's Esteban on phone

BALZAN : Yes? Yes, it’s good to hear from you.
ESTEBAN : You disappoint me, Balzan.

Balzan, lying

BALZAN : Yes, yes, of… course. It’s the pilot. Everything is on schedule. I’ll notify the men.

Kirk to Mato

KIRK : I assume the husband’s been taken care of.


  Shovel thudding: Tom is being forced to dig a grave for the dead PNR Officer – and himself

Cellphone rings

On phone

ANGEL : [ Spanish ] Hello?
MATO : Is it done?
ANGEL : [ Spanish ] I told you. Chico ain’t gonna be a problem.
MATO : What’s taking so long?
ANGEL : [ Spanish ] Nothing is. What’s wrong with you? You want to listen? Hang on.

Tom heaves a rock at Angel, causing Angel’s gun to discharge 

Tom and Angel duke it out. Tom beats Angel’s face to a pulp, knocks him out, then shoots  him in the head

MATO : Angel. Angel? Angel.

Pause, then, to Kirk:

MATO : He wants to talk to you.
KIRK : Hello. Who’s this?
TOM : All that matters is that you have a little girl, and you have her mother.
LIZ : Tom.
TOM : I’m coming for them, for you. And not just me, an army. You hear me? An army is coming for you.


Agnes fussing

LIZ : You lost Tom.
KIRK : We’ll be going soon.
LIZ : Where?
KIRK : Home.
LIZ : I’m not going anywhere with you. I faked my death to have a normal life. There’s nothing normal about being held prisoner.
KIRK : A temporary inconvenience. You’ll see in time that the normal life you want, I’m the only one who can give that to you.

Agnes crying

LIZ : She’s hungry, which means I need to feed her, which means you need to leave.
KIRK : Of course.


ESTEBAN : I’ve done what I can, but you must hurry. Kirk has chartered a float plane. There isn’t much time.
RED : For either of us. A stevedore will meet you on Pier 36. I’ve arranged for a berth on a container ship bound for Caracas. Adios.

Esteban leaves

RESSLER : We have an ETA on that plane?
RED : Your job here is done, Donald.
RESSLER : Like hell it is. I came here to get Keen. I’m not leaving without her.
RED : You think I’m gonna let you tag along so you can inform the people who kidnapped Elizabeth they have the right to remain silent? I appreciate your assistance, but I’m not interested in having an ethical debate with you about whether they have the right to consult with an attorney before I put a bullet in their head. Excuse me.
RESSLER : What about that dirtball? I suppose you think, uh, I should be okay with letting him walk.
RED : It’s entirely up to you.
RESSLER : You made a deal with him.
RED : Yes, in order to save Elizabeth, I made a deal with the devil of the day. I did. You didn’t. If you have a problem with that, you’ve got 12 hours before his ship leaves to do something about it. Otherwise, safe travels home, Donald.


Knock on door

KIRK : Elizabeth? Ready to go?

He enters room and sees that Liz is gone

Liz used a bandaid to keep the door from locking

KIRK : Balzan! Balzan!
MATO : He’s gone. Your guards, your security, they’re all gone.
KIRK : The child and the girl– find them.


Telephone rings

On phone

ARAM : This is Agent Mojtabai.
TOM : Aram, it’s Tom.
ARAM : Tom? Hey. Tell me you’re with Agent Keen.
TOM : The man who took Agnes– he’s driving a blue Dodge sedan, late ’50s. He’s taking her straight to Liz. If we can follow the car–
ARAM : We can find them. Okay, let me think. Let me think. Okay, what I’m thinking is, um, did you help Agent Keen fake her death?
TOM : Aram!
ARAM : Not helpful, I know. Okay. But did you? At the funeral, when you put a flower on her casket–
TOM : The car– it has an old tube radio. Local oscillator.
ARAM : The oscillator. Right. Of course. Okay, if you could rewire it, you might be able to turn the PLL receiver into this–
TOM : …into a low power mono FM transmitter that produces a signal that you can trace. Yeah. I know.
ARAM : You do? Then, uh, why are you…
TOM : To get you to trace the signal, Aram.
ARAM : Oh. Oh, you already… uh… Wow, that’s, uh, that is impressive. Okay. Hang on. I’m on it.
TOM : Thank you.
ARAM : Did you know? At the christening, when you made me a godfather to Agnes–
TOM : Look, man, I know you’re upset, all right? But right now is not the time.
ARAM : I’m trying to ping the signal. Waiting for a reply… from both of you.
TOM : Aram… of course I knew.
ARAM : I’ll let you know when, uh, I find the signal.
TOM : Thank you.


 Liz is running through a wooded area. Agnes is crying

LIZ : Shh, shh, shh. Shh. Shh. Please, Agnes, stop crying. Mommy’s here. Shh, shh, shh.

Agnes continues crying
Romina appears wielding a knife and swipes at Liz

LIZ : Think about what you’re doing. What are you gonna do? Hurt me? Hurt my baby? Kirk will kill you if you do. Are you a mother? Do you have children? Look at her…

Blade whooshes, Romina goes down

Liz throws the baby blanket aside – she has a piece of firewood and is about to attack Romina with it
Mato appears and points the gun at Agnes, who is lying on the ground

MATO : Hey!
LIZ : No!

She holds her hands up. Agnes resumes crying

MATO : Little mama, you got spirit. Get up.

To Romina

MATO : Get the baby.

The float boat circles in for a water landing


KIRK : You’ll learn to trust me. Get the baby and the things. We’re leaving.
LIZ : Like hell we are. No!
KIRK : I wish there was another way, I do, but Reddington’s on his way.
LIZ : Agnes!

Kirk to his men

KIRK : Come on. Get her onboard.

They muscle Liz into the float plane, leaving Agnes behind with Romina


Cellphone rings

RED : Yeah.
ARAM : Mr. Reddington. It’s Aram.
RED : It’s not a good time.
ARAM : I have information on Agent Keen. A location. She’s being held near this–
RED : A small fishing port in Playa Larga. We’re on our way.
ARAM : Oh. Magic. How’d you do that?
RED : We’ll have Elizabeth shortly. And Agnes.
ARAM : Agnes? Right. Tom called. Thanks to him, I was able to track the vehicle where he had last seen Agnes, a blue Dodge sedan.
RED : Thank you, Aram. Agnes is here.

Car doors open

RED : Luis, you and your men take the perimeters to the north and the west. Dembe, secure the house. Silvio, you’re with me to the south.

To Kate

RED : You stay put.

Dembe fights with Mato and lost
Men force Liz onboard the plane

Red is looking for Liz and Agnes outside the house

Kate sees Romina with Agnes, she draws her gun

KAPLAN : That’s not your child.


Engine droning. Red runs to the beach and sees the float plane rising from its takeoff. He looks up, defeated. Liz looks down tearfully through the plane’s window.


DEMBE : They’re gone.

Red helps Dembe up

Red spins around gun cocked, but it is Kate – with Agnes
Agnes fusses

DEMBE : I’m sorry, Raymond.

Red takes Agnes, smiles, plays with her fingers

RED : We have her.


Panabaker and Cooper on phone with Ressler always in Cuba

PANABAKER : You told them he worked for us? Do you have any idea what kind of blowback I’m dealing with here? And it doesn’t take long to find out who told the Cubans.
RESSLER : I heard it was an anonymous tip.
COOPER : Agent Ressler…
PANABAKER : Are you a traitor or– or just a moron?
RESSLER : Look, the Agency was gonna assassinate Esteban…
PANABAKER : I have no direct knowledge–
RESSLER : …so the Cubans wouldn’t find out who was feeding secrets to the CIA.
COOPER : Whoever this anonymous source is, he just saved a lot of lives.
PANABAKER : What are you talking about?
RESSLER : Now that America knows about Esteban’s little torture chamber, the Cubans are going to want plausible deniability.

Flash to two officials at the prison:

JUNIOR OFFICIAL: [ Spanish ] What to you want to do with the prisoners?
SENIOR OFFICIAL : [ Spanish ] Let them out. They weren’t here. This never happened.

As Panabaker continues talking, prisoners are shown being released from their cells

PANABAKER : Let’s not mince words. You took it upon yourself to tell the Cubans about our–
RESSLER : No, I took it upon myself to stop what Esteban was doing. Do you have any idea what that was? No, because all you care about is what Esteban was doing for you.
PANABAKER : There are bigger issues, Agent Ressler.
RESSLER : Torture, abuse, murder. I don’t see any bigger issues than that. Excuse me.


SAMAR : Have you heard from Reddington?
ARAM : No. Uh, last time I spoke to him, he was on his way to the location where Agent Keen was being held.
SAMAR : I’m sure he’ll call. I’m sure they’re okay.
ARAM : I think you were wrong not going to Cuba. I’m not saying what Agent Keen did was right, but as long as her life is in danger, as long as Agnes’s life is in danger, I think we have to put our feelings aside.
SAMAR : What’s happening to Liz is her own fault. I know that sounds harsh, but it’s true. She made decisions that have consequences, and now she has to live with them.

ARAM : She’s in trouble.

SAMAR : I know, and I’m angry about that. because if she’d behaved differently, she wouldn’t be in this position.
ARAM : But she is. And no matter how we feel, I think we have to do something about it.
SAMAR : I don’t.
ARAM : If you don’t help, and something happens to Agent Keen or Agnes, I know you. You won’t be able to live with yourself.


Red, Kate and Dembe depart. Dembe drives. Red and Kate in the back seat with the baby in a car seat
Cellphone rings , Dembe answers

DEMBE : Yes?

TOM : It’s Tom.

In the back seat

RED : Tell him we were too late. Kirk has Elizabeth.

On phone

TOM : What about Agnes?
DEMBE : She’s with us. Safe. Your daughter is safe.


 Tom gets into Angel’s red Ford pickup truck. He departs


 In the back seat as Dembe drives, Red plays with Agnes who grasps his fingers & coos. Red smiles. So does Kate

KAPLAN : Raymond, I’ve been thinking about where we go from here–

The blue Dodge sedan accelerates and crashes into the car with Red, Dembe, Kate and Agnes Red’s car is flipped on its side, its wheel spinning

 Agnes is crying
Mato approaches the wrecked car, reaches in through the window and takes Agnes. Mato kisses his finger and touches Kate’s lips as she loses consciousness. Red is crunched over motionless
Agnes’ crying continues



 Adapté du site «The Blacklist Classified», mise en page par mnoandco



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