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#403 : Miles McGrath


Tom Keen sous couverture pour retrouver Liz et Agnes

Ecrit par : Lukas Reiter

Réalisé par : John Terlesky

Red et la Task Force prennent des mesures extrêmes pour traquer l'un des alliés d'Alexander Kirk, Miles McGrath,  un «incubateur criminel» qui finance des crimes pour le profit. Pendant ce temps, Liz  en apprend plus sur sa famille.


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Miles McGrath

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Miles McGrath

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Tom Keen (Ryan Eggold) est arrêté par Donald Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff)

Tom Keen (Ryan Eggold) est arrêté par Donald Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff)

Raymond Reddington (James Spader)

Raymond Reddington (James Spader)

Raymond Reddington (James Spader)

Raymond Reddington (James Spader)

Liz (Megan Boone) émue à la lecture du journal de sa maman

Liz (Megan Boone) émue à la lecture du journal de sa maman

Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) est ravi d'avoir passé les menottes à Tom (Ryan Eggold)

Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) est ravi d'avoir passé les menottes à Tom (Ryan Eggold)

Vincent (Lukas Hassel) a récupéré l'échantillon

Vincent (Lukas Hassel) a récupéré l'échantillon

Ressler (Donald Ressler) libère Tom (Ryan Eggold)

Ressler (Donald Ressler) libère Tom (Ryan Eggold)

Samar (Mozhan Marno), Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) et les hommes du FBI prennent d'assaut l'entrepôt

Samar (Mozhan Marno), Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) et les hommes du FBI prennent d'assaut l'entrepôt

Red est mécontent, il exige la totalité du chargement

Red est mécontent, il exige la totalité du chargement

Eckervelt aux arrêts...ou devrais-je dire Tom?

Eckervelt aux arrêts...ou devrais-je dire Tom?

Raymond Reddington (James Spader)

Raymond Reddington (James Spader)

Elisabeth (Megan Boone) et Tom (Ryan Eggold) font quelques recherches

Elisabeth (Megan Boone) et Tom (Ryan Eggold) font quelques recherches

Tom Keen (Ryan Eggold) sous couverture auprès de Johan Halbeck (Manny Perez)

Tom Keen (Ryan Eggold) sous couverture auprès de Johan Halbeck (Manny Perez)

Tom (Ryan Eggold)

Tom (Ryan Eggold)

Tom (Ryan Eggold) se tient prêt pour la mission

Tom (Ryan Eggold) se tient prêt pour la mission

Red (James Spader) propose à Tom de travailler sous couverture pour trouver Agnes

Red (James Spader) propose à Tom de travailler sous couverture pour trouver Agnes

Tom (Ryan Eggold) et Liz (Megan Boone) dans leur planque

Tom (Ryan Eggold) et Liz (Megan Boone) dans leur planque

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone)

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone)

Red (James Spader) parle avec Liz

Red (James Spader) parle avec Liz

Tom (Ryan Eggold) et Liz (Megan Boone) dans leur planque

Tom (Ryan Eggold) et Liz (Megan Boone) dans leur planque

Tom Keen (Ryan Eggold) sous couverture auprès de Johan Halbeck (Manny Perez) et leurs acolytes

Tom Keen (Ryan Eggold) sous couverture auprès de Johan Halbeck (Manny Perez) et leurs acolytes

Vincent (Lukas Hassel) a récupéré l'échantillon convoité par Kirk

Vincent (Lukas Hassel) a récupéré l'échantillon convoité par Kirk


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Mercredi 24.01.2018 à 22:40
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Plus de détails

Un commando armé attaque la centrale électrique de Savannah afin de créer une gigantesque panne d'électricité sur la ville. L'attaque est supervisée à distance par Miles McGrath.

Au Bureau de Poste Tom et Liz s'inquiètent des avancements de l'enquête sur la disparition d'Agnes. Ressler les autorise à regarder une partie des preuves récupérées au «Summer Palace» même s'il risque des sanctions.

Red retrouve Liz au cimetière et lui annonce qu'il souhaite retrouver seul Miles McGrath qui peut les mener à Kirk donc Agnes.

Mais Liz parle de McGrath à la Task-Force qui décide de s'occuper de l'affaire. McGrath finance des projets criminels moyennant un bénéfice. Il se trouve actuellement dans un hôtel de Londres et Cooper demande à Scotland Yard une surveillance de l'homme. Les hommes de Scotland Yard se font repérer et tuer mais avant réussissent à envoyer à l'équipe une photo des personnes que McGrath a rencontrées. Celui-ci réussit à s'enfuir.

Mr Kaplan reprend connaissance, grièvement blessée par Red, au milieu des hectares de forêt.

Dans les locaux du FBI, Tom et Liz tentent d'obtenir des renseignements du Directeur. Sans réponse de sa part, ils utilisent un subterfuge afin de les obtenir. Liz réussit a prendre en photo des dossiers eux aussi provenant du «Summer Palace» et surtout à subtiliser le journal de Katarina.

La photo de Scotland Yard a permis de retrouver l'un des hommes que McGrath a rencontré, Dean Bradley. Il est tué par ses soins avant que le FBI ait pu lui parler mais les affaires retrouvées dans sa voiture le relie à l'incident de Savannah.

Le fait qu'il est un ex Navy Seal conduit Red à Johan Halbeck. Red lui propose une affaire qu'il décline car il a déjà un contrat. Toutefois comme il lui manque un homme pour son opération, Red lui en propose un ...Eckervelt alias Tom...moyennant évidement un large bénéfice à la mission.

Mr Kaplan réussit a atteindre péniblement une petite rivière. Un chien arrive, suivit de son maître, qu'elle n'arrive pas à distinguer.

Liz lit le journal de Katarina : elle est tombée amoureuse d'un américain qu'elle devait séduire, puis trahir. Reddington voulait l'aider à s'enfuir. Elle fait le parallèle Katarina/Raymond et Tom/Liz.

Tom est embauché pour remplacer Bradley. Il se retrouve dans un train n'ayant aucune existence officielle et rempli de containers contenant les maladies infectieuses les plus mortelles au monde. En effet, après la coupure de courant de Savannah, un protocole de transfert a été déclenché afin de mettre les échantillons dans un endroit plus sécurisé.

Le train disparaît des écrans de contrôle de Aram. Ressler et Samar découvrent une voie secondaire construite depuis peu et menant à un entrepôt non loin de là.

Tom descend du train dans ce même entrepôt et voit Halbeck donner l'échantillon 17 à un homme. Peu après arrive Red qui exige de récupérer la mallette, de la racheter si besoin, car son acheteur désire la totalité du chargement. Halbeck lui donne le lieu où l'homme et McGrath doivent se rencontrer pour la remise du colis.

Red les rejoint et ordonne à McGrath de prendre rendez-vous avec Kirk, l'acheteur de la mystérieuse mallette. Malheureusement, Kirk sentant le piège ne se montre pas et contacte Red grâce à la cabine téléphonique non loin. Il refuse d'échanger Agnes contre la mallette.

Samar demande son transfert.

Liz continue la lecture du journal de Katarina et y apprend qu'une maladie rare atteint tous les hommes de la famille Rostov depuis des générations. Red lui confirme que le virus contenu dans la valise, le virus Ribowski, forme de leucémie pourrait aider Kirk à soigner sa maladie, l'anémie aplastique, en annulant ses effets. Cela a été le cas pour l'un de ses oncles, seul survivant de la maladie. Kirk est désepéré et Liz ou Agnes étant ses descendantes pourraient l'aider à lui sauver la vie.

Mr Kaplan est emmené par l'inconnu qui l'a retrouvée.


Résumé proposé par mnoandco

Four men emerge from dark water on a sabotage mission on power station
Gun cocks

TEAM LEADER : Cameras online. Requesting permission to proceed.

Mc Grath viewing a bank of videos monitors

MILES McGRATH : Permission granted, Team Leader.

POWER UTILITY SECURITY COMMANDER : Unit two, routine northern perimeter check.

A man gets out of a security vehicle

UNIT TWO : Command, we’ve got movement on the south–


Unit Two Security man is shot, falls

COMMANDER : Say again? Unit three? Unit three, come back. Unit two, respond. Unit two. Unit two, respond.

The Commander goes to investigate

Knife slices, Commander falls grunts

TEAM LEADER : That’s the last one. Set the charges. We’re out in 90...30 seconds.

McGRATH : In the beginning, there was light... Then I said, let there be darkness.

Section by section, the lights of a large city go out


TOM : We have no idea where she is or what he’s doing with her.
LIZ : Kirk thinks Agnes is his granddaughter, so he won’t hurt her.
RESSLER : You really think that Alexander Kirk is your biological father?
LIZ : I don’t know what to believe, but after what happened, it’s possible.
TOM : She had a vision–
LIZ : A memory, of being at that house.
TOM : When you were 4. I don’t know how reliable a memory that is.
RESSLER : Alexander Kirk shot up a church full of federal agents to get to you. You almost died because of him. Not exactly Father of the Year.
TOM : I agree. He had a reason for going that far, and I don’t think it was a family reunion.
LIZ : According to Kirk, he was just doing whatever it took to get his daughter away from Reddington. Look how far we went to do the same thing.
TOM : Where are you on finding him?
RESSLER : We’re searching, believe me. But Kirk’s got properties all over the world– private houses, commercial real estate, planes, boats…
TOM : Is this the evidence you seized from his place?
RESSLER : Some of it.
LIZ : “Some”? This is our case.
RESSLER : Not anymore. We’re trying to coordinate a search with over a dozen foreign governments. Main Justice is running point now.
TOM : Well, we need to see everything.
RESSLER : Yeah, not gonna happen.
LIZ : Ressler, why not?
RESSLER : Because you lost your security clearance, Keen. And technically, both of you guys are victims in this case ... If you want, dig in. As it is, I’m violating federal code. I could go to jail for even showing you what I have.

Aram arrives with Samar

ARAM : You’re back.

He hugs Liz, dutifully. Samar doesn't move

ARAM : I’m so glad you’re okay.
LIZ : Look… I’m sorry. I never wanted to hurt anybody.
SAMAR : I think you didn’t care who you hurt.
ARAM : Samar.
LIZ : No. It’s okay. We knew what pain it would cause, and we did it anyway to protect our daughter. I know you may not accept it, but I hope you can at least understand.

Liz cellphone vibrating

LIZ : Reddington.
SAMAR : You should know, I’m requesting a transfer. I won’t be staying.

Red and Liz meet at the grave of “Elizabeth Keen”

LIZ : This is where you wanted to meet?
RED : I wonder what poor soul Mr. Kaplan buried down there.
LIZ : Where is Mr. Kaplan?
RED : I understand why you ran. You believe your family’s in danger because of who I am. But what you don’t seem to grasp is you’re also in danger because of who you are.
LIZ : Alexander Kirk says he’s my father.
RED : I’m doing everything in my power to find Agnes and bring her home safely to you.
LIZ : Do you have any leads?
RED : Yes.
LIZ : What? Who?
RED : I’ll be handling it on my own.

Liz sighs

LIZ : I know you feel betrayed. Samar and Aram feel betrayed. Everyone feels betrayed. But… my daughter is missing, and if you have any idea how to find her, you’ve got to tell me. 

RED : No, I don’t. I expected Kirk to go underground after the FBI’s raid at his estate. He didn’t. I have it on good authority he reached out to a… uniquely inventive young man named Miles McGrath.
LIZ : Who is that?
RED : He’s a venture capitalist of sorts, for criminals. What those in the tech industry might call an “incubator.”
LIZ : And you really believe that if we find McGrath, he’ll lead us to Kirk?
RED : Not us. Me.

Liz briefs the Task Force

LIZ : Miles McGrath was a child prodigy. He wrote the code for OnScreen when he was at Princeton.
RESSLER : OnScreen? That’s a multi-billion-dollar social-media platform.
LIZ : He founded it. Within a couple of years, the board of directors concluded he was a high-functioning sociopath and pushed him out. He sued them, won the suit for over $100 million. He turned his back on legitimate business. He invested his money in a new business– incubating crimes.
ARAM : What, you mean, like… an Angel Investor?
LIZ : Criminals come to him, pitch their business plan. If he likes it, he invests his money in exchange for a cut of the profits.
ARAM : That’s an amazing idea. I mean, um, it’s horrible, but, uh, it’s amazing.
SAMAR : Okay. So what’s McGrath’s connection to Alexander Kirk?
LIZ : I don’t know. All Reddington told me was that he was staying at the Sovereign Royale tonight on business in London. Reddington is currently flying over, hopes to drop in on him in the morning.
RESSLER : So that’s it? We just… wait? I mean, what if the guy checks out of the hotel before Reddington gets there?
COOPER : Get me the Bureau’s attache in London. I want eyes on McGrath– now.

Dance music playing, colored lights, people dancing. In a lounge nearby

SABOTEUR : We destroyed the place. The city won’t have full power restored for at least five days. All we needed was three.
McGRATH : Construction?
SABOTEUR : Completed. Halbeck thinks we can keep casualties under a dozen.
McGRATH : Sweet! Think we’re ready to roll into Phase Two.

Two men exit hotel into parking rank, talking. Two Scotland Yard agents observe them from a parked car

SCOTLAND YARD AGENT : Rear entrance.

Camera shutter clicking

SCOTLAND YARD AGENT : He’s not our target.

Engine starts

SCOTLAND YARD AGENT : I’ll have these sent to the FBI. Maybe there’s a connection.

Beeps, begins download
Knock on car window

Silenced gunshots. Both agents are shot

A Security Guard shows up

GUARD : Hey!

Silenced gunshot. Guard is shot


Groaning, grunts

Mr Kaplan wakes face down where she fell after Red shot her. She lifts her head and sees a lake 100 meters or so away. She sees her glasses in the dirt and manages to retrieve them


On phone

RED : What did you do, Harold?
COOPER : I asked New Scotland Yard to keep eyes on McGrath. Nothing more.
RED : And now three families will have to bury their loved ones.
COOPER : Hey, I’m aware of what happened. I feel bad enough without you making it worse. Maybe if you were more communicative, we could’ve avoided this whole thing.
RED : I was very clear with Elizabeth you were not to get involved.
COOPER : Where’s McGrath?
RED : Who knows? He checked out of the Sovereign Grand after those detectives were killed. Thanks to you, Harold, he’s on high alert, and we just lost my best lead on Kirk and Agnes.
COOPER : Maybe not. When he was killed, one of the detectives was in the process of uploading a photo to NSY London.
RED : Who’s the photo of?
COOPER : We don’t know yet. The upload was interrupted mid-stream by the killer. Data was incomplete. Aram’s looking at it now. Looks like we’re involved, whether you like it or not.

Cellphone hangs up


SAMAR : How’s it going with the photo?
ARAM : Uh, it’s, uh– it’s not. I tried to re-create it using a hex editor and a customized bit of forensic software to carve it off the drive…
SAMAR : Of course you did.
ARAM : But, uh, there wasn’t enough data to run, so I tried a new LSM algorithm. This is all I got. Oh, my God. That’s it.
SAMAR : What’s it?
ARAM : Symmetry. Some people’s faces are symmetrical. Yours isn’t, but…
SAMAR : Thank you.
ARAM : No. Uh, no. No, no. I just mean your right eye is a twinch larger than your left, which is… it’s adorable. Plus, your chin kind of does this thing–
SAMAR : Your idea?
ARAM : Right. Uh, symmetry. Just– here. Watch this.


Liz and Tom are in the FBI Director’s office

DIRECTOR : Look, all we’re asking for is an update here, okay?

TOM : We’re in the dark. Surely there is something that you can tell us.
DIRECTOR : I know it’s hard to hear, but the Bureau doesn’t have any actionable intel on the whereabouts of Kirk or your daughter.
TOM : Then why don’t you get some?
LIZ : Tom, please.
TOM : No, she works for the Bureau.
DIRECTOR : And the Bureau is doing everything we can. Agent Savino is leading a team of agents and combing through every piece of evidence we confiscated from Kirk’s residence.
TOM : Would that be the residence in Cape Breton where you lost him?
DIRECTOR : I’m not sure that’s fair. The FBI failed to locate Mr. Kirk, as did the regional police–
TOM : Do you have any idea what this is like for us?
LIZ : Tom!
TOM : No. She was targeted, accused of being a Russian sleeper agent, forced to go on the run, only to be victimized– again!

Liz, voice breaking

LIZ : I’m sorry. I just need a minute.
TOM : Liz. Liz…
LIZ : It’s okay.

Liz leaves the office without Tom

Liz makes a phone call. She changes her voice, pretending to be a secretary

LIZ : Mark Savino’s office, please.

Telephone rings

SAVINO : Savino.
LIZ : Mark, hi. This is Diane up in Gerald Walker’s office. Listen, Gerry just got a surprise visit from Tom and Elizabeth Keen, and, well, they’re very interested to know where we are with the whole case.
SAVINO : I’m kind of in the weeds here.
LIZ : Look, it can’t wait. They’re very upset, and she asked to speak with you directly. I told them to wait in Conference Room 9.
SAVINO : Fine. Tell Gerry I’m on my way.


After she sees Savino leaves his office, Liz enters with a key card she got from Tom


Liz uses her phone to photograph the Rostov/Rostova papers on Savino’s desk

Camera shutter clicking

Liz finds a packet labeled “Journal” and sees that it is embossed with “KR.” She slips the journal into her purse and leaves

Savino found no one in the conference room

He returns to his office and enters

He notices nothing amiss

Liz returns to the Director’s office
She whispers to Tom

LIZ : Let’s just go.
TOM : Liz, we came here for answers.
LIZ : I know, and I’m sure he’s given us all he can. Thank you so much for your time. I’m sorry.

Tom to the Director, as he leaves

TOM : You and I aren’t done here.


TOM : Find anything?
LIZ : About Agnes? Maybe. About my mother? Definitely.


RESSLER : Got your message. You cracked it?
ARAM : Uh, we cracked it. Symmetry. That was the key here. Look. Okay, this is everything I could recover from the original data– about half a face and with lousy resolution. But if we mirror the image, then make a few tweaks to connect the halves…
RESSLER : You get one complete face.
ARAM : A completely symmetrical face, which nobody actually has, but it gave us enough points of comparison to run a search.
SAMAR : Now we just have to hope that one of the hits that came back is actually our suspect.
RESSLER : How many?
SAMAR : Uh, 14. Three are dead, five are in prison so…
RESSLER : Our guy’s one of the remaining six.


McGRATH : You ever play Call Of Duty? You should. It’s cool.
HALBECK : I assume you didn’t come all the way here with good news.
McGRATH : Well, it depends. Would you consider two Scotland Yard detectives watching my hotel in London to be good news? Well, two dead detectives now.
HALBECK : They were watching you?
McGRATH : Don’t know. But I can tell you that one of them snapped a few photos of your man Bradley outside.
HALBECK : You think they got enough to make an ID? Let them. I did two tours in Fallujah with Bradley. He’s as loyal as they come. Even if they find him, he won’t talk.
McGRATH : You understand why I can’t take that chance.

Bradley jogging in a park. Another runner comes up behind him

Silenced gunshot : Bradley is dead

HALBECK : Now, hang on here. Dean Bradley’s like a brother to me, and we need him for this job.

McGrath tosses a canister to him

McGRATH : Nice catch. Those are quick reflexes. I was never very athletic.
HALBECK : I don’t want him hurt.
McGRATH : My point is that there’s a reason why your reflexes are so good. See, you’re a technician. You’re an operative. An instrument of a larger plan. I, on the other hand, I’m a strategist. You whip that can at me, and I’ll catch it but only because I calculated the risk that someone might throw it in advance. So why don’t you leave the risk assessment to me?
HALBECK : And where am I supposed to find a replacement so late in the game?
McGRATH : Not my problem. But you’d better think of something. I don’t intend to lose my investment.


Kate has dragged herself to the side of the lake. She tries to drink and sees her bloody face : she gasps

Police radio chatter

Ressler and Samar are on speaker as they walk from the scene of Bradley’s murder

RESSLER : Reddington, we hit a dead end.
RED : I gather Aram couldn’t identify the person in the photo.
RESSLER : Actualy, he did.
SAMAR : Someone got to him before we could interview him. His name is Dean Bradley.
RESSLER : He’s an ex-SEAL, two tours in Iraq, highly decorated. He was shot while jogging.

Red turns his head as Brimley raises his voice. Brimley is interrogating a man who is hanging upside down, his mouth taped shut, twisting and turning

BRIMLEY : I told you, I need long-reach matches.

Muffled shouting

BRIMLEY : The black guy, where is he?
RED : Dembe.
BRIMLEY : Yeah, “Denbee.” Where is he?

Red motions for Dembe to come over and help

Red on phone withe Ressler

RESSLER : Get this– we searched his car. Found a helmet camera and dive gear.
RED : Not entirely unusual. He was a SEAL.
RESSLER : Yeah, well, maybe he wasn’t as retired as he let on. Few nights ago, near Savannah, by a four-man attack team wearing the same kind of equipment.
RED : Were there any witnesses left alive?
RESSLER : None. The guards never saw it coming. My guess is, they came out of the water.
RED : Four frog men.
RED : Interesting.
RESSLER : How so?
RED : I know an ex-SEAL commander, recruited some former colleagues, formed an elite heist crew. I hired them once to get back a shamefully expensive Patek Philippe . I foolishly left on the nightstand in Ras Al Khaimah after a dalliance with a lovely but very… Oh, never mind.

Ends call

Red to Brimley

RED :  Where are we at?

Red stops by to visit Johan Halbeck, who leads McGrath’s hired ex-SEAL team

HALBECK : Don’t tell me you lost that damn watch again.

Laughing. Man-Hug

RED : Johan. Truth be told, I traded it for a bowl of pongal and a slightly used Ruger [ pistol ] after a particularly rough night in Bengaluru. But I will forever be grateful to you for retrieving it. Listen, pal, I have a job.
HALBECK : Can it wait a day? I got a deal going down tomorrow.
RED : No, it can’t. I’ll double whatever you’re being paid. Come on, Johan. Burn the deal, help out an old friend.
HALBECK : Would if I could, Red. But I got a partner in this one. Biggest mistake I ever made.
RED : Sounds like Martin and Lewis.
RED : “3 Ring Circus,” “The Stooge,” “Sailor Beware”? Martin and Lewis.
HALBECK : The hell are you talking about?

They sit down. Halbeck pours Red a shot

RED : Partnerships. They can be very rough. Mmm. Ah!

He swallows the spirits , chuckles

RED :  You know, BJ Simpson and I started a lawn-mowing business in the summer of ’72– bagging, hedging, the whole ball of wax. One day, I’m out rototilling Pat Hunt’s garden. I go in for a bottle of pop– must have been 110– and there’s BJ in the sunken living room, shoes off, feet up on the couch, eating a fried-bologna sandwich, watching Mike Douglas. Mike Douglas! Can you imagine? I quit that day.
HALBECK : Who are Martin and Lewis?
RED :  Point is, I haven’t had a partner since.
HALBECK : Lucky man. Guy I’m in bed with is nuts. Killed one of my best men.
RED : Oh. Johan, you should walk away. I’d help you out if I could, offer a man, but… this sounds like a mess, a real mess. I am so sorry. Anyway, I’ve taken too much of your time already. Call me when you get things sorted out.

Back-slap hug

HALBECK : Hey, uh… you seriously think you can get a man on such short notice?
RED : Depends on my cut.

Knock. Door opens. Red enters, guard behind him

TOM : Time for our feeding?
RED : Don’t bite the hand that feeds you. He’s here for your protection.
LIZ : Agnes…
RED : We’re making progress. I told you Miles McGrath is an incubator, that he’s our link to Alexander Kirk. Turns out, he’s been incubating a crime with a man named Johan Halbeck.

Red slaps a stuffed Manila envelope on the table in front of Tom

TOM : What’s that?
RED : That’s you. Halbeck’s running a mission tomorrow. He needs a man with your… expertise.
TOM : And you volunteered me?
RED : Desperate times. Staying close to Halbeck will lead to McGrath, and as a bonus, the FBI can stop whatever crime they’re planning.

Red sees Liz is reading something

RED : Study date?
TOM : This is what the FBI confiscated from Kirk’s estate.
RED : Mm. Anything interesting?
LIZ : Yeah. My mother’s journal. She talks about you. About the affair. I’m up to the part where she writes about you pressuring her to leave her husband.

Red to Tom

RED : Halbeck will have questions. If he senses you’re not who you say you are, he’ll dispose of you.
TOM : Yeah, I know the drill.


Tom shows up at Halbeck’s place

He is wired, with Ressler and Liz listening in on site. Aram is listening from the Post Office
Tom bangs on the garage door

Tom, low voice

TOM : Check, check. Can you hear me?
ARAM : Okay, here we go.

Door opens

HALBECK : Willem Eckervelt. Reddington says you were MARSOF (Marine Corps Forces Special Operations Force)
TOM : Six years. Started off in Mazar-e Sharif as part of the ’05 ISAF, sent to provide security during the Afghan elections. Went to Pol-e Khumri–
HALBECK : With the, uh, Reconstruction Team?
TOM : Yeah. Four months. Then a few of us were shipped off to Deh Rashan.
HALBECK : Mm-hmm. What province is that?
TOM : Uruzgan.


Ressler to Liz, observing and listening Tom

RESSLER : He’s good.

Liz smiles


TOM : Turn-ons include redheads and long walks on the beach. Are you guys looking for a soldier or a date?

Halbeck laughs

HALBECK : Fair enough. What are you, 180 soaking wet? Hmm? How do I know you can handle yourself?
TOM : Because Reddington says so.
ARAM : Uh-oh.
HALBECK : Maybe. But Reddington wouldn’t mind if Janowski here kicks the tires.

Janowski punches Tom. Fight 


Task force talk:

ARAM : Okay. I got nothing. Signal is down. Signal is down.

Ressler to Liz

RESSLER : What do you want to do?
LIZ : I promised to trust him. He made me swear not to interfere.
RESSLER : Right. Aram, roll backup. We can’t sit here and let him get beat to death.

Fight continues

Tom turns tables on the larger Janowki
Gasps, chokes


Halbeck chuckles

HALBECK : Clever boy.

Coughing continues

Door opens and Liz sees Tom and Halbeck

LIZ : Oh, thank God. Aram, hold backup.
HALBECK : Well, Mr. Eckervelt, you got yourself a job. Tomorrow, 7:00 AM.

Kate lies exhausted near the lake

A large dog comes through the brush, detects her

Dog barks

A man whistles

MAN : Heel!

The man sees Kate. With great effort, she lifts her head to acknowledge him
Dog whimpers

Liz reads. A phantasm of Katarina Rostova – Liz’s mother – speaks

Katarina: « Seeing Masha with Constantin makes me think of my own father. I wonder what he would say now about the choices I’ve made.

Look at me– in love with the man I was sent to seduce and betray. An American.”

Katarina’s journal

Raymond wants me to run, take Masha and disappear with him, but how could I do that to her? She’s my entire life. She’s everything. »

Liz rises and approaches Katarina
Tom has been sleeping. He wakes and interrupts Liz’s reverie

TOM : Was I asleep? Liz, you okay?

Liz joins Tom on the bed

LIZ : Reddington didn’t just have an affair with my mother. She was assigned to him, to be in his life… the way you were assigned to be in mine.
TOM : For which I am forever grateful.
LIZ : Be careful, okay? I lost Agnes. I can’t lose you, too.
TOM : You haven’t lost her. When this is over, you’re gonna have both of us back.


COOPER : Heads up, people. 7:00 AM. Our asset’s in play.
ARAM : Sir, we have six vehicles in floating-box formation. Agents Ressler and Navabi are to the southeast.
COOPER : Any visual? Still no movement. Standing by.

LIZ : Thank you for doing this, Samar. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate it.
SAMAR : Come on, Liz. We’re not gonna do this now.
LIZ : She hates me.
ARAM : Uh, yes. For now. She needs time. We all do.
LIZ : We all do? You hate me, too?
ARAM : I don’t hate you, Liz. But I do hate what you did.

RESSLER : Target on the move.
COOPER : Charlie Team is the trigger. They have command.
SAMAR : They’re making a left towards Mason.

Halbeck, Janowski and Tom are headed to the operation site
Tires screech

TOM : And what are we walking into?
HALBECK : When I point at something, destroy it. That’s all you need to know. There’s your target. Four armed guards– two in the back, two in the front. You and Janowski take the ones in the back.


COOPER : Anybody see anything?
RESSLER : No, no vehicles approaching.

Train horn blares

SAMAR : They’re getting out.

Four men throw ropes over the bridge and land on the train

RESSLER : Train! They’re on the train!

Train horn blares

COOPER : Aram, we need to know what’s on that train.
ARAM : I am way ahead of you, sir. Except there is no train. I mean, there’s no train officially scheduled on the track at this time.
COOPER : Well, it’s there. Keen, get on the damn phone and figure out why. Agent Ressler, you and the other surveillance units get there now. Call HRT, let them know they might be boarding a hijacked train.

Tom and Janowski are attacked by guards.Fight. Tom wins

JANOWSKI : I wouldn’t.

Tom looks through a grill and sees cases marked CDC

TOM : CDC? Are you guys crazy?


Liz on phone

LIZ : Well, then who does have the authority?

Aram , trying to get her attention

ARAM : Agent Keen.

Liz always on phone

LIZ : Then get him on the phone.
ARAM : Liz. Uh, it’s a CDC shipment. They must be transporting some kind of biohazardous materials.


TOM : What are we coming for?

Tom watches as Halbeck and one of his team remove containers from the CDC cabinet


Liz hangs up

LIZ : That was CDC’s Washington Director.
COOPER : What are they moving?
LIZ : Six containers holding samples of every Class A infectious substance– Ebola, dengue, polio, HIV, and maybe 50 others.

Aram, reading

ARAM : “Class A– substances capable of causing permanent disability, life-threatening or fatal disease in humans or animals.”
COOPER : My God.
LIZ : That’s why McGrath had Halbeck shut down the substations near Savannah.
They triggered the CDC’s transfer protocol. They won’t keep Class A substances in a facility using only backup generators for more than 72 hours. They’re moving the samples to a secure satellite lab outside Philadelphia.

Aram's computer makes alarm noises

LIZ : What’s wrong?
ARAM : Uh… I was tracking the train using Central Traffic Control’s rail monitoring system, but the signal just went dark.
COOPER : How’s that possible?
ARAM : I… do not know. Let me see if I can access the CTC’s video grid.

Liz on phone

LIZ :Tom, if can you hear us, say something.
ARAM : I’m sorry, but the train should be visible on this camera by now. It should be right there.
COOPER : That train– you’re telling me it just disappeared?
LIZ : Tom, Tom! If you can hear us, say something. Tom?


RESSLER : Singleton Freight Station, mile marker 272. That’s where you said and we’re here, but, look, nothing’s come through.
ARAM : That’s not possible. There’s only one rail line in the area. The train was going at least 40. It should’ve passed you two minutes ago.
SAMAR : No, it didn’t.
LIZ : That was HRT on the line. They’re sending a Blackhawk with HRT operatives out of Quantico. They can jump down onto the roof of the train.
COOPER : That won’t do us much good if we don’t know where it is. Aram, I want the exact coordinates of its last known location.
ARAM : Right here, Sir.
COOPER : Send it to Agents Ressler and Navabi. That train didn’t just vanish into thin air. Get out there and figure out what’s going on.


Brakes squealing

Tom over wire

TOM : Aram, if you can you hear me, the train’s coming to a stop. I’ll try to get you new coordinates
HALBECK : Eckervelt, it’s time to go.


The train stops in a big warehouse

TOM : Where are we?
HALBECK : Clear the area. 10 minutes, then we roll.

Halbeck with McGrath using earpieces

HALBECK : Mr. McGrath, this concludes our broadcast day.

McGRATH : What’d I tell you, Halbeck? Leave the strategy to the scrawny kids. Tell Vincent I’ll meet him at the Lodge in 20.
HALBECK : Nice working with you, sir.

Halbeck hangs up

HALBECK : Patronizing son of a bitch.


SAMAR : Aram, are you sure about those coordinates?
ARAM : I think so. Why?
SAMAR : Because I’m standing at the point where the train went missing, and… you said there was only one track in this area.
ARAM : Yeah, that’s true.
RESSLER : Then why am I looking at another one? Some kind of a split-off line going west.
ARAM : West? No.
RESSLER : By the looks of this material, it’s been put in recently.
LIZ : Wait. Halbeck and McGrath built a second rail line?
COOPER : Going where?
SAMAR : We’re about to find out.


Inside the building, forklift beeping

Tom is inside the building watching men in orange biohazard suits move cases of material

RESSLER : I think we found our train.
LIZ : Where?
RESSLER : About 200 yards from the split-off. The second set of tracks leads to some kind of hangar.
ARAM : Okay, satellite mapping in the area done three weeks ago doesn’t show a hangar or a split-off.
RESSLER : Maybe not, but we’re looking at both of them.
SAMAR : They must be unloading the CDC containers. We’ll take a look.
COOPER : Negative. You two aren’t going anywhere. Sit tight.


HALBECK : That’s it. We’re clear. Let’s roll.

One of the orange-suited men hands him a case. He, in turn, hands it to a tall, thin man, Vincent

VINCENT : You sure you got the right one?
HALBECK : Sample number 17. That was our deal. The rest is mine.


Red’s car pulls up. Tires screech as Vincent’s car leaves in a hurry
Ressler and Samar see Red enter the hangar

RESSLER : Got to be kidding me.


RED : Johan, where the hell was that guy going? The guy with the case. Please do not tell me that you parted with the best samples.
HALBECK : Just one. Take it easy. I told you I had a partner.
RED : I’m your partner now, Johan, and I’ve been out promising prospective buyers the full complement of Class A weaponry. Do you have any idea what was in that sample?
HALBECK : Sorry, Raymond. I don’t know what to tell you.
RED : Well, I insist on speaking with this so-called partner. At least let me try to buy it back. HALBECK : Be my guest. Miles McGrath. His man went to meet him at the Lodge. It’s a bar. Find him, talk to him. Hell, I hope you shoot the bastard.


Aram to Cooper

ARAM : Sir, HRT is on site. They’re moving in now.


HRT/SWAT : Drop your weapons!

Machine-gun fire  

Indistinct shouting

Tom surrenders; the others are shot or arrested


Ressler arrests Halbeck

Ressler to Samar

RESSLER : Reddington?
SAMAR : He’s gone.

At the bar named The Lodge

McGrath is there with Vincent

McGRATH : The Feds are Halbeck’s problem. All that matters to me is that we are right on schedule.

Dembe points his gun to the men. Red appears, sits next to Vincent

RED : Gentlemen, mind if I join you?
McGRATH : Yeah. We do.
RED : Raymond Reddington.
McGRATH : The Raymond Reddington? Concierge of Crime? Man In The Hat? The Spy Who Stayed Out in the Cold?
RED : Haven’t heard that last one. Never read the Le Carré novel. Dembe, we should see if we can get the audiobook on cassette for the car. Now, about that sample…
McGRATH : Screw you. I’ll–

Gunshot  Red shoots Vincent. Vincent slumps over

RED : You were saying?

Tom is cuffed like Halbeck’s other men. Ressler escorts him outside the facility

RESSLER : Tell me what the hell’s going on.
TOM : Take it easy.
RESSLER : So your comms just conveniently go dark the moment that train goes off our radar?
TOM : It’s this place, man. Look around. They got to be running some kind of broad-spectrum signal jamming.
RESSLER : Where’s Reddington?
TOM : I had no idea he’d be here. Listen to me– they opened one of the containers.
RESSLER : What are you talking about?
TOM : They took out one of the samples, and they gave it to one of McGrath’s men. You don’t have everything.
RESSLER : What sample?
TOM : I don’t know. But right now, it’s on its way to McGrath at some place called the Lodge. Reddington and Dembe went after it.
RESSLER : Get in.


 McGRATH : I don’t know where he is. I’m supposed to call to arrange delivery.

McGrath, dialing

McGRATH : Mr. Kirk. I have it. Yeah. Fine. I’ll have it sent right away.

Cellphone hangs up

McGRATH : Bench outside Dan’s Tavern. Bar on Sedgwick. Half-hour.
RED : Thank you for your cooperation, Mr. McGrath.
McGRATH : Just calculating my odds. I’d say my only chance of leaving this room is by giving you exactly what you want.
RED : You’re a good strategist, Miles. But your odds are longer than you think. The FBI found that missing train, along with Halbeck and his team and the CDC samples. In fact, I’d imagine they’d be on their way here by now.

Red deftly handcuffs McGrath to the dead man Vincent

McGRATH : Wait. Don’t. Reddington! Look, Reddington, we can make a deal! Look, I know people! What do you want?! Look, don’t walk away from me! Reddington!

Red and Dembe leave the bar


Cellphone rings . Red is in his car. He answers : it's Cooper

RED : Not an ideal time, Harold.
COOPER : You knew about that train hangar and you didn’t tell us.
RED : Yes. As I said, I’m working on my own for the moment.
COOPER : Ressler and Samar just called. They found McGrath handcuffed to a corpse.
RED : Wonderful. I have to go.
COOPER : Wait. McGrath– Did he tell you how to find Kirk?

ARAM : We just heard from the CDC. The missing sample, number 17? It’s cultures taken from the Ribowski virus.
LIZ : I know that name. One of the most deadly viral pathogens we know of– killed tens of thousands in Europe and Asia in the early 1900s.

Red hangs up

COOPER : Reddington? Reddington?

DEMBE : Raymond, there’s no one.

Pay phone ringing. Red answers it

RED : Well done, Constantin.
KIRK : I was about to say the same to you, Raymond. So close and yet so far. Still as tenacious as ever.
RED : How’d you know I’d be here? Even I didn’t know a half-hour ago.
KIRK : Well, I knew because I’m the better man. Always have been.
RED : I have what you want. And I know why you want it. So it’s true, then. After all these years, everything you feared has happened.
KIRK : It isn’t over yet.
RED : It doesn’t have to be. You can have your virus. All I want is Agnes in return.
KIRK : I don’t think so, old boy. I’ll die before you ever hold my granddaughter again.

Samar is working late
Aram’s cellphone ring


SAMAR : Hey.
ARAM : Hey.
SAMAR : What’s going on?
ARAM : Nothing much. Just hanging out, making a little dinner.
SAMAR : Oh, yeah? What are you making?
ARAM : Just some pasta. Nothing big.
SAMAR : Impressive. I never cook. Plus, cooking for one is so hard. You always have leftovers, and then you get tired of eating the same thing.
ARAM : Right. So I’ll just bring you some tomorrow.
SAMAR : Uh, look. I was going to ask you for coffee, but since you’re deep in marinara sauce… I need your help. About the transfer. I don’t know what to do.
ELISE : So, should I, uh, shower, or what time’s dinner gonna be ready?

Elise undresses

SAMAR : Oh, is someone there?
ARAM : Uh, yes, but, uh, it– it’s fine. We were, uh–
SAMAR : Oh, I didn’t mean to interrupt.
ARAM : Uh, you’re– you’re not interrupting.
SAMAR : No, it’s fine. I-I have to go. I-I’ll see you tomorrow.

Cellphone hangs up


Vision of Katarina writing in her journal :

« Today, the doctor confirmed our worst fears. Constantin is going to need blood transfusions to raise his blood count. He’s known his whole life this day might come, but still it’s– it’s terrifying. The only blessing is that this accursed disease that has afflicted his family for generations is passed from father to son and that Masha is safe. »

Katarina gazes across space and time. Liz reaches for her hand. Tearfully, Katarina says: « Masha ».

Knock on door

TOM : I got it.
LIZ : You lost him.
RED : Yeah.
TOM : And our best shot at finding Agnes.
LIZ : I think I know why Kirk wanted that virus. I saw him getting a blood transfusion at Cape Breton. My mother wrote about his family’s history. Generations of Rostovs had the same disease– a rare blood disorder that’s been killing them for centuries.
RED : Kirk is dying. And the Ribowski virus is a temporary antidote to what afflicts him.
TOM : Ribowski virus? That’s what– Sample 17? Isn’t that a Class A toxin? How’s it gonna help him?
RED : He has aplastic anemia – a systemic failure to produce viable bone-marrow cells. It’s been a death sentence for generations of men in his family, except a distant uncle, who had contracted the Ribowski virus. After getting the virus, the uncle lived longer than any other Rostov with the blood disease.
TOM : So Kirk wanted the virus to re-create what happened to his uncle?
RED : Yes. It’s a simple math problem, really. Kirk’s disease prevents his body from producing enough blood cells. The Ribowski virus results in a rare form of leukemia which creates the opposite problem– too many blood cells.
TOM : So he’s gonna give himself leukemia? Isn’t that gonna kill him?
RED : Eventually. But by offsetting his blood disease, he buys himself a few more precious years.
LIZ : No one could be that desperate.
RED : But he is that desperate, Elizabeth. Because he no longer has you. You wanted to know why he went so far to find you, why there seemed to be nothing he wouldn’t do to physically get hold of you. Now you know. He needs a biological descendant to save his life– a genetic donation from the woman he believes to be his long-lost daughter. That’s what you are to him– a collection of cells. This isn’t about saving you from me. This is about saving you for him.
LIZ : Well, he doesn’t have me.
TOM : No. But he has Agnes.

Dog barking

Kate is on a tarp being pulled, roughly, through the forest

Barking continues


 Adapté du site «The Blacklist Classified», mise en page par mnoandco


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Chouette bannière pretty, bravo !

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