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#408 : Dr. Adrian Shaw Partie 2

La Task-Force travaille au Bureau de Poste

Ecrit par : Daniel Cerone

Réalisé par : Michael Watkins

Red fait pression sur le docteur Shaw pour localiser un ancien patient. Liz envisage les conséquences de ses liens avec un Alexander Kirk, de plus en plus désespéré et dangereux.
Mr. Kaplan en arrive à une prise de conscience cruciale sur son avenir.


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Dr. Adrian Shaw: Conclusion

Titre VF
Dr. Adrian Shaw Partie 2

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Alexander Kirk (Ulrich Thomsen) perdu dans ses pensées

Alexander Kirk (Ulrich Thomsen) perdu dans ses pensées

Le chasseur (Leon Rippy) au chevet de Kate Kaplan (Susan Blommaert)

Le chasseur (Leon Rippy) au chevet de Kate Kaplan (Susan Blommaert)

L'homme de Kirk se met à table devant les agents Ressler et Navabi (Diego Klattenhoff et Mozhan Marno)

L'homme de Kirk se met à table devant les agents Ressler et Navabi (Diego Klattenhoff et Mozhan Marno)

L'homme de Kirk avoue à Ressler et Samar la localisation du van

L'homme de Kirk avoue à Ressler et Samar la localisation du van

Donald Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) prêt à tout pour avoir une piste

Donald Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) prêt à tout pour avoir une piste

Donald Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) perd patience

Donald Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) perd patience

Aram Mojtabaï à la recherche d'informations sous le regard de ses collègues

Aram Mojtabaï à la recherche d'informations sous le regard de ses collègues

Aram Mojtabaï (Amir Arison) au Bureau de Poste

Aram Mojtabaï (Amir Arison) au Bureau de Poste

Donald Ressler (Giego Klattenhoff), Samar Navabi (Mozhan Marno) et Harold Cooper (Harry Lennix) au Bureau de Poste

Donald Ressler (Giego Klattenhoff), Samar Navabi (Mozhan Marno) et Harold Cooper (Harry Lennix) au Bureau de Poste

Kate (Susan Blommaert) tente de s'échapper

Kate (Susan Blommaert) tente de s'échapper

Kate (Susan Blommaert) prisonnière?

Kate (Susan Blommaert) prisonnière?

Kate (Susan Blommaert) a récupéré quelques forces

Kate (Susan Blommaert) a récupéré quelques forces

Le chasseur (Leon Rippy) soigne Kate Kaplan (Susan Blommaert)

Le chasseur (Leon Rippy) soigne Kate Kaplan (Susan Blommaert)

Kate (Susan Blommaert) est bien mal en point

Kate (Susan Blommaert) est bien mal en point

Red (James Spader), sain et sauf, rend visite aux Keen

Red (James Spader), sain et sauf, rend visite aux Keen


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Plus de détails

Personnage blacklisté : Dr. Adrian Shaw #98 (Sonia Bloom)

Guests :

Ulrich Thomsen...Alexander Kirk/Constantin Rostov

Linda Emond...Dr. Adrian Shaw

Susan Blommaert...Mr. Kaplan

Leon Rippy...Le Chasseur

Annapurna Sriram...Odette

Matt Servitto...Dr. Sebastian Reifler

Katie Kreisler...Lucille Bockes



L'équipe de Kirk est en place pour son extraction. Liz prévient Cooper du danger et Kirk est confiné dans sa chambre tandis que l'alarme incendie se déclenche dans l'hôpital. C'est une diversion sanglante qui permet à Kirk de s'enfuir dans une ambulance en prenant Liz en otage car il est toujours persuadé que Reddington a falsifié les résultats ADN. Tom tente des les arrêter dans une folle course poursuite mais n'y parvient pas.

Un des hommes de Kirk est cependant fait prisonnier ; sous la contrainte, il avoue à Ressler et Samar la localisation du van gris argenté qui devait leur permettre de se rendre dans une planque non loin de là. Ressler et Samar se rendent donc dans le périmètre indiqué afin de glaner quelques informations sur le mystérieux van.

Pendant ce temps, Red presse le docteur Shaw de retrouver «le patient zéro» ; celui qu'elle a réussi à soigner lors de ses recherches des années auparavant. C'est la preuve qu'untraitement existe, un traitement capable de sauver Kirk. Elle retrouve finalement son nom, Lucille Bockes.

Kirk téléphone à Reddington qui lui propose d'échanger Elisabeth contre lui. Dembe essaie de la convaincre d'attendre qu'ils aient retrouvé Lucille mais le temps manque. Vingt minutes plus tard, une voiture vient chercher Red pour le conduire à Kirk. Avant de partir avec les hommes de Kirk, Red demande pardon à Dembe pour Kate...et  pour tout.

Tom et Dembe parviennent à localiser Lucille et l'amènent au docteur Shaw et au docteur Reifler, l'hématologiste de Kirk, toujours prisonnier de Red.

Red arrive à la planque de Kirk. Liz le supplie d'épargner la vie de Red afin qu'elle n'ait pas que ce seul souvenir de lui. En vain. Elle part les yeux bandés vers un lieu sûr afin d'être libérée. Elle est emmenée dans le fameux van gris argenté vite repéré par Aram qui s'empresse d'envoyer sa localisation à Ressler et Samar. Aprés un échange de coup de feu et une bagarre entre Liz et Odette, Liz est libérée par ses amis. Grâce au GPS du van, Aram retrouve son point de départ,  là où se trouvent Red et Kirk.

Pendant ce temps, Red parle à Kirk du patient zéro et lui demande de téléphoner au Dr Shaw qui lui démontrera qu'il peut-être soigné. Kirk ne l'entend pas de cette oreille et souhaite savoir si Red est le père de Masha. Il le drogue afin de connaître la vérité mais Red est coriace et refuse de répondre. Red affirme que Katarina était entraînée par le KGB pour séduire et que lui comme Kirk n'étaient que des missions pour elle.

Le Dr Reifler arrive avec Lucille Brockes dans la planque afin que Kirk effectue quelques tests et puisse ainsi vérifier par lui-même la guérison miraculeuse de cette dernière. S'il le désire et laisse la vie à Red, il sera conduit au docteur Shaw qui le sauvera d'une mort certaine.

Kirk peut vivre mais sa haine pour Reddington prend le dessus. Il préfère mourir que de l'épargner. Il renvoie tout le monde afin de finir son interrogatoire ; Red finit par lui dire ce qu'il veut entendre. Kirk se prépare à tuer Red quand celui-ci lui demande de lui parler de Katarina ; elle leur manque à tous les deux mais malheureusement en ce qui le concerne, il ne se souvient que de ce qu'elle a fait et non de qui elle était réellement. Kirk s'étonne encore qu'un femme pleine de vie comme elle se soit donnée la mort et reste certain qu'elle l'aimait.

Alors que Kirk s'apprête à lui faire une dernière injection, Red lui attrape le bras et murmure à son oreille. Kirk, abasourdi, arrête son geste et s'assoie, choqué par ce que Red lui a dit.

Liz et la Task-Force arrivent enfin à la planque mais Red et Kirk ont disparu.

Cooper apprend de Ressler que Red en capturant le docteur Shaw ne voulait pas la tuer mais l'utiliser pour sauver Kirk.

Red se présente chez Liz. Elle est heureuse de le voir vivant et l'étreint. Red demande à prendre Agnes dans ses bras et Liz accepte avec plaisir. Kirk est parti, c'est fini.

Mr Kaplan est finalement libérée de ses entraves, son geôlier ne pouvant se résoudre à la tuer. Elle lui apprend que c'est pour sa propre sécurité qu'elle ne lui a pas dit la vérité concernant sa blessure parce que l'homme (Red) qui l'a blessée, est extrêmement dangereux. Elle a failli payer de sa vie, l'aide qu'elle a voulu apporter à une jeune femme et à sa fille. En aucun cas, il ne doit apprendre qu'elle a survécu. L'homme de son côté souhaite continuer à vivre paisiblement dans son squat et craint l'intrusion d'étrangers et de la police. Mr Kaplan décide de partir, laissant son sauveur seul. Sur la route elle est prise en stop pour une destination inconnue.

Résumé proposé par mnoandco


Odette, remotely to her team

Kirk's team is in motion

ODETTE : Okay, cameras up. When you engage, you have a 4-minute window for extraction.

VIKTOR : Colonel Wright ordered a dialysis.
GUARD : Can’t let you in without a scan.
ODETTE : Okay, Viktor, someone’s coming.

Hospital manager comes up

HOSPITAL MANAGER : Can I help you?

Viktor shoots him

Victor drills into a vent

ODETTE : Four minutes and counting.



COOPER : Is it true? The DNA test? You’re not Kirk’s daughter.
LIZ : Tell your team to expect a full military assault.
COOPER : What are you talking about?
LIZ : I just got off the phone with Reddington. He has reason to believe Kirk’s men are coming to break him out.

Kirk's room

LIZ : Call it off.
KIRK : You talked to Reddington. He’s the only one who gets you worked up like this.
LIZ : If you try to escape, innocent people will die.


ODETTE : Secure area on the left.

Viktor drops object into ventilation system

VIKTOR : [ Russian accent ] Incendiaries are live.


Kirk's room

LIZ : Even if you could get out, what’s the point? You are sick.
KIRK : You can help me, Masha.
LIZ : I know you don’t wanna believe this, but those test results…
KIRK : They were altered by Reddington.
LIZ : No, they’re real. I’m not your daughter.
KIRK : Reddington wants me dead, Masha. He always has.
LIZ : Maybe. I don’t know. But I do know that I can’t save your life. And you aren’t going anywhere.

Smoke starts to come out of the wall vent

KIRK : You’re wrong. We’re leaving here together, solnishko. No arguments.

Alarm ringing

WOMAN OVER P.A. : May I have …

Cooper walks in on Liz and Kirk

COOPER : Agent Keen.

Cooper sees smoke now pouring out of the vent

WOMAN OVER P.A. : … your attention, please? There has been a fire emergency reported in the building.

Doctors and nurses are hurrying patients out of the unit


ODETTE : Our people are inside.
MAN : Copy that.

Kirk’s men are walking through halls toward Kirk’s unit



WOMAN OVER P.A.: .: … your attention, please? There has been a fire emergency report. May I have your attention, please? There has been…

COOPER : We believe the fire’s a false flag to help Kirk break out. Tell your people no one in or out of this room until I say otherwise. What’s hospital protocol?
UNIT HEAD : Evacuation and/or containment. This ward is specifically designed to go into emergency lockdown.
LIZ : Has anyone seen Tom?

Tom is outside the unit

TOM : Come on, man. Let me in. My wife’s in there.
GUARD : Can’t do it.
TOM : You know me. I’ve been in and out all day. I just went to get a cup of coffee.
GUARD : Sorry, we have orders.

Kirk’s goons arrive, are waved through
Team of Kirk’s men walks up

TOM : Well, you’re letting these guys in, right?
WOMAN OVER P.A. : May I have your attention, please? There has been…

COOPER : Doesn’t make sense.
LIZ : What doesn’t?
COOPER : Why start a fire? It only initiates hospital protocol, making it even harder to get inside .

Liz’s cellphone vibrates . On Phone

LIZ : Reddington.
RED : You’re still at the hospital. I told you, you need to get out now.
COOPER : They’re already inside.


ODETTE : Blow it. Now. Go.

Tom feels something odd seiing the false doctors

TOM : Get down!


Kirk’s men prepare weapons; Tom recovers from blast and follows them in the corridor

GUARD : Ready? One, two, three.

Tom fights with one of Kirk's man

GUARD : Move, move, down! Out, out. Come on! Go!
ODETTE : Get Kirk out. Go now.
KIRK'S MAN : Drop your weapon. Put it down.
COOPER : You put it down. Drop…

Cooper is pushed down

KIRK : Leave him. We’re only here for Masha.

In the corridor, Tom sees Liz. He fights with Dmitri.

TOM : Liz!
LIZ : Tom!
TOM : Liz.
LIZ : Tom!

Dmitri is strangling Tom

DMITRI : She cannot hear you, my friend! Are you saying something? I still cannot hear you!

Tom reaches for gun on the floor

Tom shoots Dmitri in the head  


Odette, remote location

ODETTE : Keep moving, keep moving.
KIRK'S MAN : Inside. Go, go, go. Go.

Kirk and Liz are hustled into the back of an ambulance

Tom runs toward ambulance, shoots Kirk’s man who blasted the crowd

ODETTE : Leave him. Go now.


  Nearby, a man is about to get into his car. Car alarm chirps
Tom runs ups, points gun

TOM : Hey, hey. Give me the keys. Give me the keys.

The man gives Tom his keys. Tom gets in the car

To the man

TOM : Sorry.


Kate is dreaming

RED : « You’ve told me you’ve always wanted a… pristine, unspoiled place to live out your days in peace. So the acre is yours – for all eternity. » Gunshot.

KATE : Raymond.

Kate wakes up

HUNTER : Fever broke. Think we beat that infection. So, who’s Raymond? He the one that shot you? Or the other guy?

He shows Kate the photo but she doesn't answer

HUNTER : Which one? I don’t know why you’re protecting these people. Truth is, I don’t care. You’re not leaving me a lot of options here, sweetheart. Can’t hold you prisoner forever.
KATE : So let me go.
HUNTER : This here is a squat. Public land. Rangers would run me off if they knew. Nobody knows I’m here but you. You don’t trust me. So how am I supposed to trust you with my whole world? This would’ve been a whole lot easier if you had been considerate enough to die on your own.


RESSLER : We’re 10 minutes out. You got eyes on Kirk?
COOPER : Aram’s trying to locate the escape vehicle. Where are you on Dr. Shaw?
SAMAR : Nowhere. Reddington got to her.
COOPER : If we’re right and Shaw knows how to cure Kirk, Reddington has just made sure that’s not going to happen.
RESSLER : Which means Liz is his only hope. Kirk’s not gonna hurt her as long as he needs her stem cells to survive.
COOPER : But he doesn’t. The hospital ran DNA tests. They’re not related.


DEMBE : It was Kirk’s men at the hospital.
RED : Did Elizabeth get out?
DEMBE: She was taken by Kirk.
RED : Well, she’ll be safe with him until Kirk’s doctors confirm she’s not his daughter, but we don’t have much time. We need to find patient zero. How long, Dr. Shaw?
DR SHAW : It might help if I knew what you needed the patient for.
RED : My agenda has no bearing on your task. You know what you’re looking for. I need it now.
DR SHAW: I’ve treated hundreds of patients over the years. This is going to take some time.
RED : I’m out of time, Doctor, which means you’re out of time. Find the patient.


Kirk and Liz are in back of ambulance

KIRK : You’re angry, and I accept that.
LIZ : Tom better not be dead.
KIRK : In time, you’ll understand I did this to hold my family together.
LIZ : He better not be dead.
KIRK : The test… Reddington falsified it. He’ll do anything to keep us apart.
DRIVER : We’re approaching the switch site. Medical teams are prepped and waiting.

Kirk to his men

KIRK : Tom Keen, make sure he’s not hurt.
LIZ : I’m not giving you my blood.
KIRK : You will help me, Masha, one way or another.

Tom chases Kirk


Aram answers his phone

ARA M : Agent Mojtabai.
TOM : Aram! I’m following Liz. She’s in an ambulance heading north on Bristoll. Hang on!.. Aram, the ambulance.
ARA M: I’m tracking it now. Agents Ressler and Navabi are closing in from the west. I’m vectoring you in.


KIRK : Why are we slowing?

Odette on phone

ODETTE : You can’t stop. You need to get to the switch car.
KIRK'S DRIVER : Hold on.

Ambulance slams into back of a car

Tom’s car catches up

KIRK'S MAN : Everybody out! Let’s go!

Tom attacks. Gunfire  

KIRK'S MAN : Out! Get out of the way!

A woman is forced out of her car. Some of Kirk’s force and Liz and Kirk take off in it
Gunfire  continues between Tom and one of Kirk’s goons
Tom runs out of ammo. He crawls under a van, but Kirk’s man sees him

KIRK'S MAN : Hey. How’s it going under there? My boss ordered me not to kill you, but he didn’t say anything about messing up that pretty face.
TOM : Whoo! Okay, okay, okay.

Footsteps approach Tom

Ressler bends down to look at Tom under the car

RESSLER : You owe me.


KATE : What are you doing?

Kate has freed herself, holds self-fashioned knife to the Hunter’s neck

HUNTER : Can’t keep you. Can’t kill you. I was gonna cut you loose and… pray you don’t tell anybody I’m up here.

Kate releases her grip

KATE : You could’ve left me in the woods.
HUNTER : No, I couldn’t do that.


 SAMAR : Police found the sedan abandoned under a bridge about a mile away.
KIRK'S MAN , VIKTOR : Where is this place?
RESSLER : That bridge was well chosen. No surveillance cameras, a complete dead zone.
SAMAR : You had a switch vehicle stashed there. You were supposed to be in it.
RESSLER : We need a make and tag number. Where were they headed?
VIKTOR : Prisoners are legally guaranteed medical care. And… I’ve been shot.
SAMAR : You were treated by paramedics.
VIKTOR : I need a doctor. You are showing deliberate indifference to my injuries, and that is against the law.

Ressler takes a pen-like object and presses it into the bullet hole

RESSLER : Hmm. So… this where the bullet went in?

Viktor inhales sharply

RESSLER : This building doesn’t exist. That means you’re not here and you never were.
SAMAR : Where is Alexander Kirk?

Ressler presses harder

RESSLER : Come on.
VIKTOR : They had a van waiting under the bridge.A silver panel van. The safe house was 10 minutes away, but they hadn’t told me where in case of something like this.
RESSLER : I don’t believe you. You’re lying.
VIKTOR : I’m not!
RESSLER : Tell me.
VIKTOR : I don’t… know… where.


RESSLER : Keen was taken from the drop site in a silver panel van. Safe house is less than 10 minutes away.
COOPER : Contact Montgomery County Police. Tell them to pull all surveillance from in and around that area… local businesses, traffic cams.
ARAM : I’ll start a search for properties in the area associated with Kirk or his shell companies.
COOPER : Knock on doors, interview street vendors. Talk to anyone who might’ve seen that van. Let’s find Agent Keen.


Tom on phone with Red

TOM : I talked to Ressler.
RED : Tell me everything.
TOM : They think they’ve nailed a location where she’s being held, somewhere in Silver Spring.
DR SHAW : I think I found something.
TOM : Hey. Hello, did you hear me? I need to find her, and I need your help.
RED : No. The FBI needs to find her. We need to focus on keeping Elizabeth alive once they do.
TOM : What are you talking about?
RED : I’ll call you on this number when I know more.

Cellphone closes

DR SHAW : I found patient zero.
RED : Call Baz. Tell him to get Dr. Reifler here right away. Go on.
DR SHAW : Mr. Reddington, I was on the verge of patenting cutting-edge research that would’ve saved countless lives. I had to restore my credentials as a doctor, and thanks to you, I’ve lost it all again.
RED : Patient zero. I need a name.
DR SHAW : I want you to bankroll my work. I want my future back. My research is illegal, not immoral.
RED : A distinction I’m comfortable drawing. But human experimentation in the hull of a ship is a bit too Draconian even for me.
DR SHAW : I need your word that you will not kill her.
RED : Her name.


DOCTOR : The HLA proteins aren’t a match. We’re not meeting the criteria.
KIRK : You’re a liar.
DOCTOR : I’ve reviewed the results three times.
KIRK : How much did he pay you?

Kirk fires gun  over his head

KIRK : How much did he pay you?
DOCTOR : Sir, please. It… it’s not a match.

Kirk points his gun at him

KIRK : You look into my eyes and you tell me Elizabeth Keen is not my daughter.

Odette, stepping up, lowers his arm

ODETTE : She’s not.


RED : Dr. Reifler, I don’t know about you, but I’m experiencing the strongest sense of déjà vu.
DR REIFLER : Why are you doing this? I’ve told you everything I know about Kirk, and I have been locked in a sweaty motel room with your goons for weeks.
RED :?Goons. That… that’s not fair. Well, Carlton is a bit goonish, but Matthew is actually quite erudite and a world-class chess player to boot. In any case, there’s someone I’d like to introduce you to. Dr. Adrian Shaw, meet Dr. Sebastian Reifler. Dr. Reifler is a hematologist. Dr. Shaw is a research scientist who worked with a patient you also treated, Lucille Bockes.
DR REIFLER : Lucille Bockes is dead.
DR SHAW : Actually, she’s not.
DR REIFLER : No, I-I put her into hospice care over four years ago.
RED : I won’t pretend to understand how it all works, but I must say, Dr. Shaw really is something of a wizard.
DR SHAW : Lucille responded to my treatment and went into full remission.
DR REIFLER : It’s… it’s not possible.
RED : Lucille Bockes is alive and well…

Cellphone rings

RED : … and working as a prosecuting attorney.
DEMBE : It’s Kirk.
RED : Constantin.
KIRK : She’s not my daughter.
RED : No, she’s not.
KIRK : And yet, she’s here.
RED : She’s nothing to you. A distant, confused memory. I’m the one you want.
KIRK : What I want is to put a bullet in your head before I die.
RED : Then do that. An even trade.
KIRK : With the FBI wanting to ambush me the moment I give her up, I don’t think so.
RED : You set the terms. However you want, I’ll do it. My life for hers.
KIRK : Rollins Park. 20 minutes. I’ll send a car.

Cellphone closes

DEMBE : We can find her.
RED : There’s no more time.
DEMBE : He’ll kill you, no matter what you do or say. You can’t go.
RED : It’s Elizabeth.


 Red and Dembe are sitting on a park bench

DEMBE : If we can get the woman…
RED : It’s too late for her to save Elizabeth.
DEMBE : But perhaps she can save you.

Before Red gets in car as Dembe watches

RED :  Forgive me. For Kate. For everything.


In the hunter’s cabin, Kate is sitting at the table

The Hunter and his dog enter

KATE : The man you saw in the picture was my employer. He lost his way. At least, that’s how I saw it. He placed a lovely young woman and her baby girl in terrible danger… not deliberately, mind you. He loves them deeply. Enough to blind him to the reality that his very presence in their lives constitutes a threat. Not just to them, but to himself as well. I tried to help her. All I managed to do was to place her and the child in even greater danger. My efforts earned me a bullet in the head. This man, he is very dangerous and absolutely relentless. If he even suspects I survived, there will be no place I can be safe. The reason I didn’t tell you the truth was not to protect him, but to protect you...It’s a shame you have no crackers.


KIRK : I’m not ready to die… just yet.
ODETTE : Reddington. He’s arriving.

Red gets out the car

LIZ : You shouldn’t have come.
RED : The ripe apple falls. Doesn’t know what else to do. So here I am. Time to let her go.
KIRK : I bear Masha no grudges. I promise her safe passage. I understand now how you see me… dangerous man… dying, polluted by his money.
LIZ : Let him go.
KIRK : Love did it, if you can believe it. It doesn’t make much sense, but sometimes you can feel too much, hold on too long… it poisons you. I should have let go of you… years ago, but you were my child. I’m gonna be dead soon, and my biggest regret is that… you will remember me like this and not the young father who cradled you in his arms. A lifetime in front of us.
LIZ : You want me to remember you that way? Let Reddington go.

Kirk to Odette

KIRK :Hold her for an hour. Take her somewhere remote. Leave her safe. Safe, Odette.

Liz to Red

LIZ : I’ll come for you. I’ll come for you.

Kirk to Red

KIRK : You and I have much to talk about.


MISS BOCKES : Excuse me, what are you doing?
TOM : I locked my keys in the car, you believe it? Yeah, I stopped to get something and then… never mind.
MISS BOCKES : You’re blocking my car.
TOM : Yeah, I took care of it. There’s a locksmith… be here in 45 minutes.
MISS BOCKES : I’m late for court. This can’t be happening!
TOM : I called a, uh, car service. Yeah, they’re almost here. So I’m gonna have my assistant come down and deal…
MISS BOCKES : You can’t just leave. I am a lawyer. I have a trial.
TOM : Why don’t we do this? Why don’t you just take my ride?
MISS BOCKES : That, uh, would be very helpful.
MISS BOCKES : Great. Thank you.
TOM : Sure, no problem. Yeah, I’ll just, um… it’s a black Town Car. And, uh, the driver’s name is unpronounceable. Ha! I can’t even say…
DEMBE : Hey, you called for a ride?
TOM : Yes, thank you. Would you be so kind as to drive this young woman wherever she would like to go?
MISS BOCKES : I’m going to the county courthouse. Chestnut and Jefferson.

Tom gets in too and pulls his gun

TOM : I’m not gonna hurt you.


KIRK : I don’t really know how we got here, Raymond. I remember being an honest businessman in a happy marriage until you came along.
RED : Constantin, I can save your life.
KIRK : Seduced my wife. To her credit, Katarina broke it off, but you couldn’t let go.
RED : I have a cure.
KIRK : I came home one night and they were gone… my wife, my child.
RED : 202-555-0198.
KIRK : My girl who’s not even my girl.
RED : If you wanna live, call the number.
KIRK : As you can imagine, I have many questions.
RED : There’s a science. Some sort of genetics. It’s called CRISPR.
KIRK : Your magic bullet to save my life is some experimental treatment they’re not even testing on humans.
RED : CRISPR is not just experimental.
KIRK : Gene re-sequencing may work someday, but I won’t live that long.
RED : There was a breakthrough 19 years ago by a scientist who was murdered. His partner carried on his work on humans, not animals, with remarkable success. I have a doctor who can apply that science today. I can make her available to you.
KIRK : And why would you save my life?
RED : Because I want you to save mine. Call the number.
KIRK : Because of my chronic illness, I’ve become something of an expert in pain management… what causes it, and what prevents it. Naturally occurring toxins, bacterial proteins, mutagens. I’m confident Mr. Kleeb can encourage you to answer some of my questions, Raymond. As I said, I have many. Now, let’s start at the beginning.

Kirk injects Red’s hand


DEMBE : We’ll deliver them in one hour.

Cellphone beeps

DEMBE : The meeting is set. The same bus stop. Just the doctor and Miss Bockes.
MISS BOCKES : Where are you taking me?
TOM : Just need a little blood work.


FBI GUY : Okay. All right.
RESSLER : That was Aram. No dice. There’s no business, no shell companies, nothing that links to Kirk.
SAMAR : Anything on that silver panel van?
RESSLER : No, we gotta keep knocking.
SAMAR : We’re never gonna find Kirk’s safe house this way.


RESSLER : They’ve been driving a silver panel van. You see anything like that around here today?
CASHIER : No. Who are they?
SAMAR : Did anyone enter the club in the last hour or so?
CASHIER : Sure, but I wouldn’t have let them inside without a membership card.
RESSLER : You mind if we take a look around just in case?

Cellphone rings

CASHIER : No, fine with me.
RESSLER : Excuse me.

Answers phone

RESSLER : Ressler.
ARAM : All right, I’m looking at CCTV feeds of a silver panel van that crossed through the intersection of Newmarket and Maiden less than five minutes ago.

Ressler to Samar

RESSLER : Aram’s got eyes on the van. All right, talk to me.


Cashier pulls out drawer with phone

KIRK : What is it?
CASHIER : Two cops asking questions. They’re gone now, but I can’t say they won’t be coming back.

They hang up

KIRK : I had proof that she was my daughter. A DNA test.
RED : You saw what Katarina wanted you to see. She lied to you about everything. KGB trained her to seduce… foreign diplomats, intel… intelligence personnel… into… believ… revealing secrets. You always thought I was the interloper. The truth is that I was an assignment. I’m… I’m sure you were, too.
KIRK : That’s a lie.
RED : A cover then. You were wealthy and powerful.

Red breathes sharply

RED : Gave her access.
KIRK : All that matters is that we had a family, and you destroyed it. We had a daughter, and you took her from us. Why?
DR KLEEB : If I dose him again, it could induce an Adrenergic storm. We could lose him.
KIRK : Are you her father?

No response

Doctor injects Red in the neck

KIRK : Are you her father? Answer me.


 Odette and Liz are walking along a pier. Odette has a gun pointed at Liz. One of Kirk’s men follows behind

ODETTE : Let’s go.
LIZ : What good is killing me gonna do? It won’t bring him back. He’s gonna die. He can’t be saved.
ODETTE : Well, he wouldn’t need to be saved if it wasn’t for you. Come on. Up, up.
LIZ : He’s dying because he’s sick.
ODETTE : I’m not talking about his death. That was inevitable. I’m talking about who he’s become because of his obsession with you. He was a good man when I met him. And then he saw you, a fugitive on television. Finding you, that changed him. He did things that I didn’t think he was capable of. Terrible things. Awful. I blame you for that.

Ressler appears and  shoots Kirk’s guy
Liz turns and attacks Odette, gets the gun. Samar arrives and also points her gun at Odette

LIZ : You’re going to jail.
ODETTE : No. I’m not.

Odette leaps off the edge of the building hitting the water far below


DR KLEEB : His heart rate is 122. BP is 180 over 110. We’ve made him tachycardic.
KIRK : The antidote.

Kirk holds up two syringes

KIRK : Pain. Relief. Which I administer next is completely up to you.

No response

KIRK : So be it.

A black SUV pulls up. Dr Reifler and Miss Bockes get out

MISS BOCKES : I don’t know what this is. I don’t know why I’m here, but I am a district attorney and people will be looking for me.
KIRK : Who is she?
DR REIFLER : She is a miracle. Lucille was a patient of mine. Lucille Bockes.
KIRK : That’s not possible.
DR REIFLER : I know.
KIRK : What trick are you playing?
RED : It’s not a trick. It’s a proof of concept.
RED : It can save you.
KIRK : If I let you go.
RED : We both die… or we both live. It’s up to you.
KIRK : Run every test on her you can think of. I don’t believe in miracles.


RESSLER : You’re telling me that Reddington was there with Kirk.
LIZ : Yeah. He traded himself for me.
RESSLER : They were in some kind of an underground parking lot?
LIZ : There were no signs, no markers. They had my head covered going in and out.
RESSLER : Any idea how close it is?
LIZ : I’d say we drove 15, maybe 20 minutes.
RESSLER : 10 mile radius to search. We’re right back to where we started.
LIZ : No, we’re not. I have an idea.


Phone rings at the Post Office

ARAM : Yeah.
LIZ : Aram, I have a question. If the van Kirk’s guys were using has a GPS system, could you use that to retrace where it’s been?
ARAM : If the van has a telematics system, it may have a two-way link to a service provider that relays GPS data.
LIZ : Okay, I’m standing at the van. What do you need to make that happen?


KIRK : Maybe she’s a miracle. Maybe she’s not a miracle. Either way, you’re gonna have to answer my question.
RED : No.
KIRK : You’re not her father?
RED : No, I’m not gonna answer your question.

Ragged breathing

RED : It doesn’t matter. She lived at… at your house as your daughter… on and off for… four years. Sometimes you were there, sometimes you weren’t. What difference does it make?
KIRK : Are you her father?
RED : Sam Milhoan raised her after that.
KIRK : Are you her father?
RED : It doesn’t matter.
DR KLEEB : I can’t. If I inject him again…
KIRK : I’m gonna ask you one more time. Is Masha your daughter?

Red, breathing heavily
He murmurs indistinctly

RED :  What do you want me to say? Yes… Is that what you want me to say? Yes, Elizabeth is my daughter.


KIRK : It’s true?
DR REIFLER : Yes. I did a full work up. She’s cured.
RED : My proposition still stands.

KIRK : How?
MISS BOCKES : What does it matter how? Dr. Shaw saved my life.
RED : Dr. Shaw is standing by in a fully assembled lab waiting for you.
KIRK : I want everybody out. Clear the area. Miss Bockes, you’re free to go. All of you, go. Out!

Alone with Red

KIRK : So… you can cure me. How ironic. You, of all people. But if the price for my life is sharing the Earth with you, I’m gonna have to turn you down.


ARAM : All right, stay on Hampden unless you cross 188, then take your next right.
RESSLER : Aram, we don’t have time to retrace the entire route.
LIZ : The site had an underground parking structure. Does that help you filter the search?
ARAM : Yeah, well, it would, except that van covered over 40 miles of road today.
RESSLER: Aram, Keen said she was on the road for 15, maybe 20 minutes. Can you narrow the route pattern to a specific window of time?
ARAM : Determine the speed and the number of stops. The van made eight stops in the last 96 minutes. An apartment complex in Friendship Heights, a gym in Bethesda, what looks like a strip mall…
RESSLER: Wait, wait. Did you say gym?
ARAM : Uh, right. Bodhi Fitness.
RESSLER: That’s the place.


KIRK : Since we have a history together, I’ll give you the choice. Would you prefer to suffocate or to have a heart attack?
RED : You’re not gonna kill me.
KIRK : And why is that? Because that means I’ll die, too?
RED : Dying isn’t so bad. I did it once in Marrakesh.
KIRK : Suffocation. You talk too much.
RED : Perhaps I should listen more. Tell me about Katarina.
KIRK : And why would I do that?
RED : Because we both miss her. Because… after all these years… I have forgotten what she was… really like.
KIRK : You remember what she did, and not who she was.
RED : Remind me.
KIRK : When… when we… when we first met, there was this house near where she lived, a case study house built by this famous mid-century architect. Over dinner one night, she said she wanted to look at it. I thought she meant look from the street. But when we got there, she jumped the fence. The lights were on. People lived there. She didn’t care. I stood there… frozen, angry, nervous. Then I felt… this rush of exhilaration. I climbed up, looked into the yard… and she was just…
RED : … Dancing.
KIRK : … unafraid. Daring. Being. I’d never seen anything like it. She had…
RED : … A joy for living.
KIRK : She was more alive than anyone I knew. When I heard she killed herself… I didn’t believe it. I still don’t. You’re wrong. I didn’t see what she wanted me to see of her, I saw her. And despite what happened, I know she loved me.

Kirk takes one syringe

RED : You don’t have to do this.
KIRK : Raymond, there’s nothing in this world you can tell me to change my mind.

Kirk stabs Red in the neck with another long needle
Red grasps Kirk and whispers something to him

Kirk appears shocked. He does not complete the injection
Red looks at Kirk, with grave seriousness

Liz and Ressler search the parking structure of the Gym. They find the ad hoc lab, the chair Red had sat on, Red’s hat on the floor


COOPER : Reddington did what?
RESSLER: We thought he kidnapped Dr. Shaw in order to make sure that Kirk died. But the truth is, he kidnapped her hoping to keep Kirk alive.
SAMAR : The data recovered from Kirk’s lab indicates that Reddington was trying to prove to Kirk that Shaw could save him.
COOPER : Why the hell would he do that?
SAMAR : Why does Reddington do any of the things he does?
COOPER : And where’s Kirk?
RESSLER: We don’t know.
COOPER : We’re sure as hell gonna find out.


The Hunter brings in wood. He sits down, alone, for dinner
Kate walks along a highway. A truck slows down, picks her up


Knock on door : Tom answers, it's Red

TOM : So it worked?
RED : Yes.

Red enters

To Dembe

TOM : I’ll take that as a thank you.

LIZ : Oh, my God. How did you…

Liz hugs Red

LIZ : Kirk?
RED : Gone.
LIZ : Dead?
RED : Gone.
LIZ : I don’t… I don’t understand. How did you…
RED : It’s over.

Red sees Agnes in her bed

RED :May I?

Liz takes her in her arms

LIZ : Mm. Come here. Come here. Yes. Here you go.

Liz hands the baby to Red. He smiles to her

LIZ : You know, I really believed he was my father.
RED : You had every reason to.
LIZ : Except for one. You. You told me my father died when I was a little girl. I just… I guess I didn’t want to believe it. I really wanted my dad here to see her grow up.
RED : He would’ve wanted that, too.



Adapté du site «The Blacklist Classified», mise en page par mnoandco

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Chouette bannière pretty, bravo !

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