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#203 : Docteur Covington

Reddington malmène deux associés

Ecrit par: Lukas Reiter & J. R. Orci
Réalisé par: Karen Gaviola

Quand un corps est trouvé sans son cœur, Keen et Ressler joignent leurs forces à celles de Samar Navabi pour enquêter sur l'opération du Dr Covington. Red et un associé essaient de profiter de l'occasion en Indonésie.


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Dr. James Covington

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Docteur Covington

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Raymond Reddington (James Spader)

Raymond Reddington (James Spader)

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone)

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone)

Red (James Spader) ne plaisante pas lorsqu'il pense que ses associés sont déloyaux

Red (James Spader) ne plaisante pas lorsqu'il pense que ses associés sont déloyaux

Niko Demakis (Joseph Siravo ) montre des preuves à Red (James Spader)

Niko Demakis (Joseph Siravo ) montre des preuves à Red (James Spader)

Docteur James Convington (Ron C. Jones ) #89

Docteur James Convington (Ron C. Jones ) #89

Mr Vargas (Paul Reubens)

Mr Vargas (Paul Reubens)

Liz (Megan Boone) dédoûtée et Raymond Reddington (James Spader) intéressé regardent Mr Kaplan (Susan Blommaert) travailler

Liz (Megan Boone) dédoûtée et Raymond Reddington (James Spader) intéressé regardent Mr Kaplan (Susan Blommaert) travailler

Donald Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) et Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) à l'action

Donald Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) et Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) à l'action

Donald Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) et Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone)

Donald Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) et Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone)

Les agents Keen (Megan Boone) et Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) interrogent un suspect

Les agents Keen (Megan Boone) et Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) interrogent un suspect


Logo de la chaîne TF1

France (inédit)
Mercredi 26.08.2015 à 22:40
3.01m / 22.3% (Part)

Logo de la chaîne NBC

Etats-Unis (inédit)
Lundi 06.10.2014 à 22:00
10.07m / 2.6% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Dans un café à la mode, un homme menace la famille de Paul Wyatt. Alors qu’il court pour échapper à ses assaillants, il se fait kidnapper dans une camionnette. Le conducteur semble amical puis on plante une seringue dans le cou de Wyatt qui l’assomme. Wyatt, patraque, se réveille sur une civière qui est amenée dans une salle d'opération. La revendication de Wyatt est vaine, le Dr James Covington couvre sa bouche  d'un masque respiratoire et le monde devient noir. Plus tard cette nuit-là, un policier en uniforme trouve le cadavre nu de Wyatt dans un campement de sans-abri, la poitrine écartée et vidée de son cœur.

Au même moment, Liz se réveille et trouve un Tom barbu pointant son arme sur elle. Reddington a découvert la vérité sur Tom et il est en route. Liz ne doit pas faire confiance à Red, il l’utilise et quand Berlin sera mort, il va la tuer. Et est-ce que Red lui a dit quoi que ce soit sur la nuit de l'incendie ? Liz doit demander à Red pourquoi il s’est rendu au FBI. Comme Tom est sur le point de dire la vérité à Liz, Red le tue et demande  "Que voulez-vous, vraiment, Agent Keen ?". Liz se réveille une deuxième fois, ce n’était qu’un rêve. En partant au travail, elle aperçoit un gars qui la suit et elle exige de fouiller dans son sac. L’homme n’a rien.

Red rencontre son associé Niko Demakis avec des nouvelles sur le gouvernement indonésien qui a finalement accepté de rendre des opérations au jour le jour au port de Tankulu à une société privée et il veut l'entreprise pour leur syndicat. Demakis pense qu'ils sont trop petits, mais Red a déjà triplé leurs investissements. L'arrivée de Liz met fin à la réunion. Elle veut parler de Naomi mais Red est curieux de la mort de Wyatt pour laquelle il pense que Covington est responsable. Autrefois, Covington était un chirurgien cardiothoracique réputé mais maintenant il dirige une entreprise de transplantation illégale pour tous ceux qui ne peuvent pas obtenir un organe par les voies classiques. Aram fait des recherches sur Covington et apprend que ce qu’a dit Red est vrai. Il y a quelques années, Convington a volé  des poumons et a effectué une opération expérimentale sur un enfant de 10 ans et a ensuite disparu des radars. Pendant ce temps, à la Nouvelle Orléans, Covington et son associé, Oliver Fleck rencontrent un escroc corpulent, BB Babbitt, qui a désespérément besoin d’un cœur.

Cooper présente Samar Navabi qui rejoint l’équipe. Il est clair pour Liz et Ressler que cette femme iranienne a fait partie du Mossad. En chemin pour aller voir le légiste, Liz rappelle à Ressler que Red a envoyé Samar pour les sauver à Varsovie. À la morgue, Milo Burnham explique que le cœur qui a été retiré de la poitrine de Wyatt n’était pas son cœur d’origine.
La femme de Wyatt, Ellen, ne veut pas parler de la greffe parce qu'ils vont la tuer si elle parle. Avec la promesse de protection, Ellen admet que son mari a loué un cœur de Covington pour une somme exorbitante. Une fois qu’il a fait faillite, Wyatt ne pouvait plus payer Covington et ce dernier a donc repris le cœur. Les sommes étaient versées à une société à but non lucratif, appelée Le Fonds Wellbright, qui a payé le médecin légiste local, le Dr Gordon Albee. Liz appelle Red pour lui demander l’aide de M. Kaplan afin qu’ils déterrent et examinent plusieurs cadavres qui relevaient de la compétence d’Albe; ils ont tous un organe manquant. En lui présentant la preuve, Albee admet appeler un coursier pour ramasser les organes viables et il s’engage à coopérer. Il emballe un cœur de porc censé correspondre au cœur du profil d’un faux donneur. Le FBI identifie rapidement Ronald Cassell comme étant le coursier qui ramasse le cœur pendant que Convigton prépare Babbitt pour la chirurgie. En montant sur sa moto, Cassell repère rapidement Liz et Ressler qui le prennent en chasse. Leur plan tourne mal quand Cassell est tué dans un accident de la circulation.

Demakis rencontre deux des associés de Red, Laskin et Russo, qui estiment que le plan de prendre le contrôle du port de Tankulu est irréfléchi. C’est à ce moment-là qu’un homme mollasson, M. Vargas, interrompt la réunion, affirmant que Berlin l’a envoyé avec une offre unique dans une vie. Demakis donne les détails à Red : s’ils trahissent Red, Berlin leur permettra d'exploiter le port sous son nom. Red remercie Demakis pour son soutien et lui demande de lui faire un rapport si n’importe lequel d’entre eux a l’intention d’accepter. Peu avant, Demakis à présenter des preuves d’une réunion entre Laskin, Russo et M. Vargas, incitant Red à appeler tout le monde pour une réunion dans une ruelle.

Le FBI apprend que le cœur de porc était destiné à Babbitt et il s’avère que Red sait exactement où le trouver. En attendant un autre cœur, Babbitt refuse de donner le numéro de Convington avant sa chirurgie ; Red lui révèle alors qu’il a mis une drogue dans son cocktail qui va créer un dysfonctionnement provoquant un arrêt cardiaque. Alors quel est ce numéro ? Aram trace l’emplacement de Covington. Après avoir évacué le voisinage, Liz et Ressler font irruption dans un entrepôt suspect où ils trouvent un centre de traumatologie dans le sous-sol, rempli d’enfants malades.

Ressler poursuit Fleck et envoie Liz attraper Covington au milieu d’une greffe de poumons sur un jeune patient. Si elle veut qu’il arrête la chirurgie, elle devra lui tirer dessus. Convington explique que tout a commencé quand il a transplanté des poumons d'adulte sur une fillette et qu’il a perdu sa licence. De plus, chaque centime qu’il a gagné dans les greffes illégales, comme pour celle de Wyatt, a servi à sauver des enfants. Touché, Liz convainc Ressler de laisser Covington terminer la greffe avant de l’arrêter.

Vargas conclut un accord avec Cristóbal Rojas quand Demakis arrive pour proposer son propre arrangement. Demakis a trahi Reddington en le convaincant que Laskin et Russo avaient conclu une entente avec Berlin, il veut Red mort. Bien que Berlin ait déjà pu tuer Red s'il l’avait voulu, M. Vargas consent à s’en occuper si Demakis organise une réunion avec Red. Peu après, Red arrive dans le bureau de Demakis. Ce dernier admet qu’il a accepté l’offre de Berlin puis présente Vargas qui pointe son arme sur Red. Après avoir félicité Demakis, Red saisit l'arme de M. Vargas. Il s’avère que l'ancien sous-ministre des transports a raté sa transplantation cardiaque et est mort, donc son remplaçant a donné à Red le travail de fonctionnement du Port de Tankulu. Lorsque Red tire dans le cœur de Demakis, M. Vargas se fâche. Combien de fois ont-ils discuté de cela ? Red sait qu'il doit quitter les lieux avant tous les trucs sanglants !

Après le travail, Samar invite Liz à prendre un verre pour célébrer la fermeture du dossier. Liz admet qu’elle ne lui fait pas confiance. En outre, Samar a seulement trouvé Reddington parce qu'il voulait qu'elle le trouve, il la voulait au FBI. De retour à son motel, Liz s’excuse auprès de l'homme qu'elle a fouillé plus tôt dans la semaine, en expliquant qu'elle est un agent fédéral. Il retourne à sa chambre qui est directement en face de la sienne, pour déballer un fusil sniper. Pendant ce temps, Dembe conduit Red vers un chalet rustique dans les bois où Naomi attend. Après avoir regardé l'homme, Red, qu'elle n'a pas vu depuis des décennies, elle le giffle.

Traduit et adapté du résumé du site officiel


MAN : You had to know we would find you.
PAUL WYATT: I didn’t run.
MAN : Yes.
WYATT : I could have gone to the police.
MAN : And we would have gone to see your beautiful family.
WYATT : Please. There must be another way.
MAN : I wasn’t sent to negotiate.

Wyatt upends table, runs off. People gasp.Grunts.Gasps. Tires screech : a van stops

WYATT : Please!
DRIVER : Are you crazy?! I almost killed you, man!
WYATT : You’ve got to help me! Please!
DRIVER : Calm down, man. Calm down.
WYATT :There’s a man. He’s over there.

Driver drugs him and Wyatt collapses . The man arrives

MAN : He’s out.


WOMAN : Pulse, blood pressure steady.
MAN : He’s waking up. Let’s get him into surgery.
WYATT : Please.
MAN : We have a drop site at southeast. Fielding is standing by for the corpse.
SOMEONE : How long will you need?
MAN : Tell him no more than 40 minutes. The doctor is scrubbing down.

Wyatt groans

DR JAMES COVINGTON : I need 0.05 of lorazepam. Let’s get a 12-lead EKG, – CBC, BMP.
WYATT : No! No! Aah!
COVINGTON : Sorry, Mr. Wyatt. You are out of time.

Monitor beeping


Police radio chatter .To homeless people

POLICE : Okay! Everybody up! It’s 5:00 A.M.
MAN : Yo, let’s get up.
POLICE : Sir, don’t forget your shoes. Hey, you! Let’s go! What happened to your clothes?
MAN : Yeah, let’s go.

Flips him over

POLICE : Oh, my God.

The man is dead, chest open


She wakes up suddenly, looking for her gun

TOM : Looking for this?
LIZ : I’ll scream.
TOM : Don’t. Listen to me. Reddington knows where I am. He found me, and he is coming here, but you need to know that you can’t trust him. He is using you. And when Berlin is dead, he will kill you.
LIZ : If you’re trying to help me, why don’t you put the gun down?

Tom carefully puts down gun

TOM : Has he told you? Has he told you anything about that night, about the fire? You need to ask him, Liz, for the truth about why he turned himself in to the FBI. No. It’s not what you think.

Red comes in, pointing a gun

RED : You should have killed him when you had the chance.
TOM : Go ahead and ask him, Liz.
RED : You should have finished it.
TOM : Make him answer. You deserve to know the truth. Your father, Naomi Hyland. Red doesn’t want you to know that that night, the night of the fire…

Red shoots Tom and gets closer to Liz

RED : What do you want, Agent Keen? What do you really want?

Birds chirping .Liz wakes up : it was a dream


Liz thinks she is followed by a man and takes her gun

EZRA : Hey, hey. Hey, hey, hey! Hey!
LIZ : Who are you?! I’ve seen you following me.
EZRA : You’ve seen me at the Millbrook. I’m staying there, too. I was just – I was just going to the gym.
LIZ : Open up your bag. Open up your bag. Open it up.
EZRA : What the hell are you doing? Who are you?

Liz goes through his bag. Takes out her gun

LIZ : I’m sorry.


RED : The Indonesian government has finally agreed to turn over all day-to-day operations at the port to a private company. I’d like that company to be operated by the syndicate.
NIKO : That’s unlikely. Our logistics company in the region is too small.
RED : I agree. So I’ve taken steps to change that. I’m tripling our investment.
NIKO : And what if we don’t get the contract? You’re fighting a war with Berlin that drags all of us into the trenches with you. This is a time for caution, not risk.
RED : The fruit is ripe. Niko, I’ve made my decision. The men behind you will take you to your car.

Dembe arrives in car with Liz

LIZ : Where’s Naomi Hyland?
RED : You know, it’s hard to say. I’ve never been great at reading that woman’s emotions.
LIZ : I need to talk to her.
RED : You want to talk to her perhaps – some lingering personal questions you think my ex-wife can answer.
LIZ : You’re hiding her from me.
RED : What do you know about Paul Wyatt?
LIZ : Same as everyone else, I guess. He ran an investment firm but was being investigated by the S.E.C. for fraud. He was stealing life savings and pensions. Only to turn up with his heart ripped from his chest. Probably by one of his clients. Police say that whoever did it was trying to make a point.
RED : Oh, well, as much as I admire the police for their wonderful sense of irony, I’m afraid they’ve got this one wrong. The man who killed Paul Wyatt wasn’t trying to make a point. He was trying to make a sale. His name is Dr. James Covington. A few years ago, he was considered one of the top cardiothoracic surgeons in the country. Now he runs an illegal organ-transplant ring. His operation, if you’ll indulge the term, is one-stop shopping for anyone who needs a life-saving organ transplant but who can’t or doesn’t want to go through conventional channels.


A man meets another

FLECK : My name is Oliver Fleck. I represent Dr. James Covington.

RED : [ Voiceover ] «… that includes criminals and wealthy clients who don’t happen to be first in line on the recipient list.»

BABBITT : So, where do the organs come from?
FLECK : Oh, that’s not your concern. What matters is that we do our very best to ensure their quality. If there are complications within the first 10 years, we make every effort to rectify them.


LIZ : He’s harvesting organs killing innocent people to sell off their parts?
RED : Lizzy, some of the worst of the worst are still alive because Dr. Covington is saving them.
LIZ : And you know how to find him?
RED : No. Slushie?
LIZ : Pass.
RED : Oh, my gosh. You have no idea what you’re missing. Try a grapefruit gusher. It’s just like you today, a little sour. Two grapefruit.


ARAM : Mr. Reddington was right. Covington was once a respected surgeon got his M.D. at Yale, fellowship in cardiothoracic surgery at Vanderbilt.
RESSLER : So what went wrong?
ARAM : He had some kind of meltdown. According to this, he falsified a document and stole a set of lungs from the donor pool. Did some kind of experimental operation on a 10-year-old child.
ARAM : A few weeks later, the guy who was supposed to receive the transplant died. The D.A. considered charging Covington, but he was already off the grid.

Cooper arrives with Samar

COOPER : I want to introduce you to Samar Navabi.
ARAM : Whoa. You’re tall.
COOPER : Agent Ressler. Keen. I believe you two have already met.
SAMAR : In Warsaw. Glad to see you made it out.
COOPER : Agent Navabi is on loan to our task force indefinitely.
RESSLER : You’re the one who found Reddington.
SAMAR : I’m sorry. Are those real-time NSA feeds?
RESSLER : I hunted the guy for five years. How long did it take you?
SAMAR : Well, it was uh, 74 days. We were lucky. They would kill to see these in Tehran.
LIZ : How does an Iranian end up working for Mossad?
SAMAR : How did the FBI end up working for Raymond Reddington?
LIZ : How did you find us in Warsaw? Who told you we were there?

COOPER : Medical examiner just called. He needs to see you, stat.

Telephone rings in background


LIZ : How do we know we can trust her?
RESSLER : We don’t. But she did save our lives. That buys her some good will, don’t you think?
LIZ : You know Reddington sent her to Warsaw. There has to be something going on there.
RESSLER : Sounds like someone’s a little jealous. Uncle Red’s got a new crush.

Door opens. Coughing

LIZ : Dr. Ryerson, what did you find?
RYERSON : Well I, uh, just completed my autopsy on Mr. Wyatt here. I was told that that your theory was that the ... the the heart was harvested. It is.

Coughs again

RYERSON : Yeah, well, buy a hat and hang onto it, because, um, that theory may have a little wrinkle. The incision in his chest was made over a prior midline incision. Tox screen was positive for immunosuppressive drugs, and, um, I am seeing scarring of the aorta.
LIZ : All of which means what?
RYERSON : Well, t- there’s there’s residual foreign tissue left behind from when the heart was removed. This guy had a a a previous heart transplant. The heart that was taken from his chest – wasn’t his to begin with.


Voice breaking

MRS WYATT : Look, I wish I could help, but my life it’s in disarray. We file for bankruptcy, and now this?
LIZ : Mrs. Wyatt, we really need you to look at the reports.
RESSLER : We’ve been over your husband’s medical files. There’s no reference to a heart transplant.
MRS WYATT : I don’t know what to say.
LIZ : We checked. There’s no record of your husband ever receiving a donor organ.
MRS WYATT : They’ll kill me if I talk.
LIZ : Unless you talk, there’s nothing we can do to protect you.
MRS WYATT : Dr. James Covington.


LIZ : Your husband was one of his clients?
MRS WYATT : Paul suffered from congestive heart failure. He needed a transplant. H– he could have waited, put his name on the donor list like everyone else, but not Paul. We had the money, so he found a way to get the transplant immediately.
RESSLER : He bought a heart from Covington.
MRS WYATT : Yes and no. The organs that Dr. Covington provides they’re not available for purchase. You rent them $500,000 for every year you use the product. When Paul’s business was thriving, that wasn’t a problem. But after the S.E.C. investigation, we couldn’t afford to pay. And if you can’t pay, you have to return the product.
LIZ : Excuse me?
MRS WYATT : My husband’s heart wasn’t harvested. It was repossessed.


ASSOCIATE 1: He’ll never convince them to put us in charge of the port. I don’t care what Reddington says. It’s reckless.
ASSOCIATE 2: Agreed. The Directorate General may be an ally. But we all know who makes the decision Garong Sundri, the Deputy Minister of Transportation.
NIKO : He’s against us. And Reddington’s investing a fortune in new equipment to change his mind.
ASSOCIATE 1: This could bankrupt us.
ASSOCIATE 2: It’s a desperate move.

Door opens

MR VARGAS : Gentlemen.
NIKO : I’m afraid you’ve made a mistake, friend. Do you know where you are?
VARGAS : Yes, Niko, I know exactly where I am. And I know who you work with. And unfortunately for you, I work with the one man in the world who doesn’t care.
ASSOCIATE : You work for Berlin? What do you want?
VARGAS : Berlin sent me with an offer. If I were you, I would think of it as a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.


COOPER : Repossessed for nonpayment like a house or a car.
LIZ : Exactly, he killed Paul Wyatt because he didn’t get his 500 grand in the annual rental fee.
ARAM : How does that work, anyway? Once a heart’s been transplanted, can it be reused?
LIZ : Covington didn’t kill him to reuse the heart. He did it to send a message.
SAMAR : Where I come from, fear is the only deterrent.
ARAM : I’m from Delaware. No, I– I’m just saying I’m actually half-Jewish. Well, a quarter, really. Half-Muslim, too, so but, um– Who’s counting?
RESSLER : I’ve been tracking the info we got from Mrs. Wyatt. According to her, they paid the annual rental fee by making donations to a charity called the WellbrightFund. It’s a registered 501(C)(3) nonprofit.
COOPER : Did you pull a tax return, get a list of company expenses?
RESSLER : Yeah, and get this the fund paid over 200 grand to a Dr. Gordon Albee for consulting services.
LIZ : Consulting on what? –


RESSLER : Dr. Albee. FBI.
DR ALBEE : Sorry. No crime to fight. Poor Norman committed suicide.
LIZ : You’re the medical examiner? The licensing board has you listed as a general surgeon.

ALBEE : Yeah, well, I wear several hats.
RESSLER : One of those involve consulting for a charity called the Wellbright Fund?
LIZ : What exactly do you do for the fund?
ALBEE : Listen, I’d be happy to help, but, uh, I have an autopsy waiting. You know, um, if you’d call my office –
LIZ : They paid you over $200,000 last year.
ALBEE : Call my office.
RESSLER : We’ve got nothing to charge him with. And until we do, he’s never gonna tell us what we need to know.


RED : Mr. Vargas. Sounds like some shady character in a Humphrey Bogart film. I like him already.
NIKO He said he worked for Berlin.
RED : And his offer?
NIKO : He said Berlin’s opening up a short window. If we break with you, he’ll let us operate under his name.
RED : And you think some of the others were receptive.
NIKO : The others are supporting you at great risk. If the port deal goes south, it could bankrupt us. It’s a very fragile proposition.
RED : Thank you, Niko. I appreciate you coming to me with your opinion. But I’m feeling bullish. Keep an eye on the others. If someone intends to defect, I want to be standing right in front of them.

Cellphone ringing, vibrating.Beep : Dembe answers

DEMBE : Hello?
LIZ : I need to talk to him. I’d like to borrow Mr. Kaplan.


Mr Kaplan opened coffins and bodies

RED : Oh, my God. He wouldn’t stop talking. But I was able to buy us another hour. We need to wrap this up quickly, though. He has bowling league at 6:00.
LIZ : Maybe this was a mistake.
RED : It’s not.
LIZ : You said yourself it would take weeks to secure the necessary court orders, and how many more victims will there be by then?
MR KAPLAN : It’s the same as the other three heart and lungs are missing. This one still has a liver, but I see signs of cirrhosis probably wasn’t healthy enough to be sold.
RED : Remember the time we made barley stew with that coroner from Des Moines?
KAPLAN : It was Reuben soup. How can I forget? I was sleeping with his sister.


RED : That’s right.
KAPLAN : Your Dr. Albee’s in a lot of trouble, sweetie. This should be all you need.

Camera shutter clicks : Kaplan takes photos


LIZ : Four bodies, Dr. Albee. You performed an autopsy on all four in the last year.
RESSLER : None of the four were registered organ donors, but all four were missing vital organs.
How do you explain that?…
LIZ : Fine. I’ll answer for you. You’re a supplier for Dr. James Covington. You provide him with vital organs for him to sell, and he pays you through the Wellbright Fund.
ALBEE : I don’t know Covington. I was approached by an associate – I don’t know his name – about providing him with viable material.
RESSLER : You deal with bodies. I thought donor organs had to be fresh.
ALBEE : They do. It only works in very specific circumstances once I get control of the body as M.E.
LIZ : How much time do you have?
ALBEE : Depends on the organ I need. Anywhere between 30 to 90 minutes.
LIZ ; You transport them. How?
ALBEE : I call a number. They send a courier to pick it up. Look, I’ll cooperate. I’ll do whatever you need. But you have to protect me.
LIZ : Fine. But first, you need to make a phone call.


RESSLER : What are the odds that Covington’s courier – will inspect the organ?
ALBEE : Count on it. He’s gonna have to make sure the size and weight are a match for their patient.
RESSLER : You don’t think that he’s gonna notice that he’s staring at the heart of a 300-pound hog?
ALBEE : Human and porcine hearts are nearly identical. Unless he’s got some expertise, he won’t be able to tell the difference.

Door opens

LIZ : Aram just finished the mockup for the medical file on our fictitious donor.
RESSLER : Old Porko’s got a name.

Reading: «Gustavo Mosquera, 35, no history of heart disease. Killed in a hit-and-run. Time of death»

LIZ : 30 minutes ago. Aram even generated a social and W-2 in case they run a background check. What’s our E.T.A. for delivery?
ALBEE : Within the hour.


NIKO : My men captured this two hours ago.
RED : Titillating. But what Laskin and Russo do with or to one another in their spare time is none of my concern.
NIKO : Right, except a minute later–
RED : A threesome? Interesting. Based on his sartorial splendor, I gather this is Mr. Vargas. Does that even look like real hair?
NIKO : We have to assume they accepted his offer and cut the deal with Berlin.
RED : Why assume, Niko, when I can ask them myself?


In the waiting room, Liz takes photos of a man. Aram is at The Post -Office

On phone

LIZ : I just sent you an image of a man who matches our suspect’s description.
ARAM : Got it. I am processing him through the database now.


CASSELL: How much time do we have?
ALBEE : Two hours viability max. Here’s his file.


SAMAR : Ronald Cassell. Check fraud, theft, battery.
ARAM : But he does have some medical training. Former army combat medic out of Fort Drum.


On phone

CASSELL: Everything checks out here. It’s a match for our client.
COVINGTON : Excellent. I’ll see you in 20 minutes.


COVINGTON : Good news, Mr. Babbitt. We’re ready to begin.


LIZ : Heads up, everybody. Target’s on the move. Ressler, he’s headed towards the front door.

Engine turns over. Engine revving. Engine turns over.Liz gets in

RESSLER : Of course it’s a motorcycle.

Tires squeal .Engine revs

RESSLER : He made me. –
LIZ : Ohh!

Tires screech

RESSLER : I’m gonna head him off. Hang on.

Tires screech.Beep. Monitor beeping


Shows him cellphone

AIDE : Doctor, we have a problem.


Tires screech.Engine revs.Tires screech

RESSLER : Go, go, go. Go, go, go, go.

Tires screech.SUV hits motorcycle.Woman gasps . Indistinct shouting. Engine shuts off


RED : Gentlemen, thank you for meeting me on such short notice. I know you two have had a very busy day.
ASSOCIATE 2: Nothing out of the ordinary.
RED : I hear you boys engaged in a little tryst downtown this morning.
ASSOCIATE 1: We had a meeting at the Corgate.

ASSOCIATE 2 : This an interrogation?
RED : Yes. I understand an offer was made by Berlin’s representative.
ASSOCIATE 2: Red, look –
RED : What I don’t understand is why only one of my associates thought to bring that to my attention.
ASSOCIATE 2: We didn’t tell because there’s nothing to tell.
RED : J.P., I’m delighted you were able to hold dear Teddy’s hand and help him overcome all his anxieties about me bankrupting our operation.
ASSOCIATE 1: I’d be lying if I told you I wasn’t concerned about this deal.
RED : If I were you, Teddy, I’d be more concerned about the plans these gentlemen have for your immediate future.
BOTH ASSOCIATES : What? What? What are you doing? Wait a minute. Stop! Red, Red! – What’s going on? – Ow! – Come on! What the hell? Don’t do this. Don’t Aah! Let me go!

They are brutally taken


Police radio chatter

LIZ : We just lost our only lead to Covington.
RESSLER : Maybe there’s another way. I just found this on Cassell. It’s a medical file of Covington’s next client.
LIZ : The one who’s getting the pig’s heart? Who is it?
RESSLER : His name is Bernard Babbitt.


ARAM : Bernard Babbitt, known as “B.B.,” runs the Desobry Syndicate out of New Orleans moving drugs and weapons through the Fourchon.
COOPER : Bureau’s been trying to indict him on racketeering and murder charges for years.


LIZ : So, you know him?


RED : Know him? Oh, my gosh. I once shared a ride with the man on a twin-engine prop from Port Au Prince to Baracoa. We had to counterweight the plane with three containers of Russian R.P.G.s just to accommodate his girth.
LIZ : I would have thought he’d be more cautious about where he chooses to hang out.
RED : Well, B.B.’s an indulgent man. He loves to be surrounded with what he loves the most.


Soft music plays

RED : B.B. Just like a bear at a campsite. You poor thing. Honestly, I don’t know how you do it. It boggles the imagination.
RED : I suppose it isn’t any wonder you can justify cramming all this grease-drenched gristle into your face given that you’ve already paid to replace that rotted nub you call a heart. How’s that going, by the way? I heard you had a setback a problem with the donor not coming through?

To his friend

BABBITT : Give us a moment, mouche à miel. What do you want, Reddington?
RED : The good Dr. Covington, he and I need to have a conversation. And since you happen to be in touch, I thought you could connect us.

Babbitt slurping

RED : B.B Surely you have some way to get ahold of the man. You’re in his care.
BABBIT : I have a number. But strictly for emergencies.So I sure as hell ain’t giving it to you. Last thing I need to do is piss this guy off before he cuts my chest open. Talk to me after my surgery.


RED : B.B., you don’t look well. Are you all right? Let me guess: irregular heartbeat, shortness of breath, perhaps a little tingling in your nether regions?
BABBITT : What the hell are you doing?
RED : Those drinks you’ve been enjoying on the house? They weren’t from the house. They were from me. I hope you don’t mind. I took the liberty of adding a special surprise ingredient something to treat any localized dysfunction you may be suffering. Has the little man been falling down on the job? It’s a miracle drug, not so much for a glutton with a bum heart, however. But look on the bright side, you’ll die with a marvelous erection.
BABBITT : I can’t I can’t breathe.
RED : Well, the two gentlemen behind me happen to be paramedics. Put me in touch with Covington, they’ll be happy to assist you. What do you think, B.B.? Does this feel like an emergency?


Knock on door

LIZ : You wanted to see me?
COOPER : Close the door.

Door closes

COOPER : I got the psych evals back from Dr. Friedman. She has some concerns.
LIZ : Oh, Ressler. Yeah. She wanted to suspend him because he was –
COOPER : She has no problem with Ressler. It’s you she’s concerned about.
LIZ : Well, that’s ridiculous. I’m fine.
COOPER : That’s what she’s concerned about. And frankly, I am, too.
LIZ : You’re concerned that I’m fine.
COOPER : That you didn’t mourn or take time off to grieve – not for your marriage, but for yourself, for what Keen put you through.
LIZ : I will mourn when we get Berlin.
COOPER : Dr. Friedman recommended a one-month paid leave.
LIZ : Fine. It will give me more time to hunt Berlin.
COOPER : I’m not taking the doctor’s recommendation. But I am concerned. The investigation’s ongoing, and you and I both know there’s a good chance Tom Keen is alive. What that’s done to you, how you’ve coped, the hotel rooms, your paranoia is understandable, but I’m worried it could become a problem.
LIZ : Well, I appreciate your concern, but I am doing the best I can to handle this.
COOPER : Elizabeth I’m not criticizing you. If I were in your shoes – I only want you to know that if you feel like you’re under water, if you need to talk, my door is open.
LIZ : Thank you.

Cellphone vibrates

LIZ : It’s Reddington. Hey. Did you get a lead on Covington?


SAMAR : What are we looking at?

LIZ : We’ve got a number on Covington. Aram’s working a trace.
ARAM : It’s a digital VoIP line. Uh, man, this thing is getting bounced all over the globe to mask its origin.


ARAM : The line just went active. Covington’s making a call.


COVINGTON : What the hell happened to Cassell? – He called in, said he –
ARAM : Okay, hold on. If he stays on the line just a few more seconds, I’ll have an address.
COVINGTON : I need you here. We have a removal at 5:00.
FLECK : All right. I’m on my way in now.
ARAM : Oh, no, no, no, no. Damn it. I was only able to narrow his location down – to this five-block area.
LIZ : He said he had a removal. He’s gonna repossess another organ.
RESSLER : Well, we got to move. If we don’t find Covington in 43 minutes, we’re gonna find another body.


VARGAS : Is that the 5-7 you’ve been raving about?
MAN : Indeed. See for yourself. Polymer over steel, ambidextrous controls.

Calls over to Niko

VARGAS : Be right with you. We’ve been through this: Berlin prefers firearms manufactured in Russia or Eastern Europe. Just give me the same shipment as last time.

To Niko

VARGAS : My apologies. I expected to have that all wrapped up before you arrived. Where are we?
NIKO : It’s done.
VARGAS : Reddington bought the photo op?
NIKO : I didn’t even need to present real evidence his men had betrayed him. He has become reckless, unstable. It seems our arrangement is off to a promising start. Regarding that arrangement, I think we need to revisit the terms. I betrayed Raymond Reddington. He is not gonna just absorb that blow and move on. I need him taken care of.
VARGAS : If Berlin wanted Reddington dead, he would have done that already.
NIKO : Yeah, well, things have changed. You’re doing business with me now. I know everything about Reddington’s operation, and I’m willing to hand over all of that to your employer, but I need Reddington gone. I can’t be an effective partner to Berlin if I’m always looking over my shoulder.
VARGAS : Set a meeting with Reddington. My people will take care of the rest.


RESSLER : Landlord’s still not answering.
LIZ : This has to be the place. We’ve been to every retail store, office park, and restaurant in the area. We got 20 minutes till Covington kills his next victim. What are you doing?
RESSLER : I like to keep a spare key in the trunk.

Grunts.Crowbar clangs.Cellphone beeps

On phone

ARAM : Hey. Anything?
LIZ : A whole lot of nothing.
RESSLER : Hey, Keen. Look at this. We got a stairway to the lower level.
ARAM : Lower level?
LIZ : Yeah. There’s some kind of access stairway.
ARAM : The building plans filed with the city don’t say anything about a lower level.

Downstairs : TV chatter in distance.Monitor beeping.TV chatter. It's the illegal hospital

Three people are there

RESSLER : Hands. Hands. Let me see your hands.
FLECK : You can’t be in here. Aah!
RESSLER : I got this.
FLECK : Wait, sir. Look, don’t go in there.
RESSLER : Sit down.
FLECK : Please. I’m begging you.
RESSLER : I said, “sit.”


Indistinct conversation.Monitor beeping in the operating room : Covington is ready to operate a little boy

LIZ : Back away from the table.
COVINGTON : I don’t know who the hell you are –
LIZ : Hands in the air! Step away from the table now!
COVINGTON : You don’t know what you’re doing.
LIZ : It’s over, Dr. Covington. We know about your business. You lost your license for performing an experimental operation on a child. Well, not this one. Not today.
COVINGTON : I’m not trying to hurt the boy. I’m trying to save him. His name is Daniel. If he doesn’t get these lungs in the next 24 hours, he won’t survive.
LIZ : He needs to be in a hospital.
COVINGTON : It’s too late for that. I’m performing this operation. If you want to stop me, you’ll have to shoot me.

Gun cocks

RESSLER : Won’t be a problem.


COVINGTON : There are strict rules controlling who gets access to donor organs and when. In the present system, they offer adult donor lungs to adults, even if there are children with a more urgent need.
LIZ : I’m not discussing this with you.
COVINGTON : I took adult lungs and transplanted them into a little girl. That’s why I lost my license — for saving her life.
LIZ : So you know better?
COVINGTON : Okay, putting adult lungs into children is a risk. But I believe, in many cases, we have an obligation to try. And I’m not the only one. Times are changing. There’s even an official appeals process for these cases now.
LIZ : Then his parents can request an exception to the rule.
COVINGTON : And risk being turned down. At least here, I guarantee him a chance.
LIZ : You killed Paul Wyatt. You ripped the heart out of his chest.
COVINGTON : Look, you can think whatever you want about me, but every dime I’ve made on criminals like Paul Wyatt has been spent to build and operate this place. All that matters today is that there will be no tomorrow for this boy if I don’t do this transplant. The donor material is already here. If we don’t use it, it will die, just like he will.


LIZ : If we take him in now, that kid won’t make it. Can you live with that?
RESSLER : Covington’s not just a surgeon, Keen. He’s a killer.
LIZ : Yeah, and right now, he’s that boy’s only chance. Look at his parents. What if that were your kid?
RESSLER : And what if something goes wrong? What if he dies on the table? How do we explain that?
LIZ : Can you cover with Cooper and Aram? Just buy us some time.
RESSLER : Liz, this is way over the line.
LIZ : We have to let him do this.


Door opens

RED : Niko, you’re all in a sweat. What’s so important that it couldn’t wait?
NIKO : We’ve been partners a long time, and we’ve had more than our share of success, so I wanted to pay you the courtesy of looking you in the eye when I tell you you’re out.
RED : I see. And you’re speaking for…?
NIKO : Everybody. We’re united. You’ve become a liability.
RED : Don’t forget who you’re talking to.
NIKO : How could I? Especially since it’s our last conversation.

Vargas arrives

NIKO : Raymond Reddington, Mr. Vargas.

Gun cocks

NIKO : I may have misled you. Someone did take Berlin up on his offer, but it wasn’t Laskin and Russo. It was me.
RED : Well played, Niko. I didn’t think you had it in you.

Niko to Vargas

NIKO : Kill him.

Red calmly walks over to Mr Vargas

RED : I find chrome to be a bit ostentatious.

Takes gun from Vargas

VARGAS : I’m sorry, Mr. Demakis. The truth is I’m the one who misled you.

Laskin and Russo enter, alive

RED : You know, when I was 15, I had a summer job installing carpets for Albert Kodagolian on Lake Charlevoix. Horrible job, hot, indoors, forced to listen to “The Gambler” on 8-track while the rest of the world was at the beach. Three days into the job, I knew I had to quit. I asked my father for advice. All he wanted to know was whether I’d given my word to Mr. Kodagolian that I’d work the summer. I told him I had. My father suggested I stick it out. I’d given my word. Worst eight weeks of my life. Until the last day. Mr. Kodagolian shows up at the jobsite, pulls me aside, and tells me that in 27 years, no kid has ever made it through the summer, gives me a bonus $40. The most valuable money I’ve ever made. A priceless lesson about life. Value loyalty above all else ...Oh! I buried the lead. Turns out the Indonesian government has chosen to contract our company to run the Port Of Tan Kulu. The Deputy Minister of Transportation was not a fan. Fortunately, he was also gravely ill and in desperate need of a heart transplant. He died this morning. Apparently, the arrangements he’d made to secure a donor heart didn’t pan out. The new deputy minister sees things our way. Lucky, I guess.
NIKO : I don’t believe luck had anything to do with it.
RED : You’re right. Luck rarely has anything to do with it.

He shoots him

VARGAS : Honestly, how many times have we discussed this?
RED : What?
VARGAS : You you know I don’t like being around the bloody st– Oh. I need to be allowed to leave the room before the blood. You know I don’t have a strong constitution.
RED : Give him his seat. He’s gonna faint.

Vargas sits and seeing blood feels bad

VARGAS : Oh, my...

Breathing shakily


Monitor beeping : Covington operates the boy.

Later. Police radio chatter

To Liz and Ressler

BOY'S DAD : Thank you.

LIZ : Hey, you think Reddington knew that Covington was trying to save kids?
RESSLER : For every child Covington saved, there were three killers like B.B. he kept alive to victimize innocent people.
LIZ : It’s a trade-off I’d make.
RESSLER : The fact that you’re even thinking about what trade-offs you’d make, what rules you’d ignore – the Agent Keen I met a year ago would have never done that.


SAMAR : You caught Covington, and the child is in recovery. It sounds like a victory.
LIZ : Yeah.
SAMAR : You guys don’t celebrate when you close a big case? Come on. Let me buy you a drink.
LIZ : Thanks, but I think I’m just gonna head out.

SAMAR : All you know about me is that I found Reddington – and whatever you might have read in a slim dossier. And now we’re working together with all that that implies. I’m sure you don’t know what to think.
LIZ : You’re wrong.
SAMAR : I’m not wrong. You’re right not to trust me.

LIZ : Oh, you’re right about that. You’re wrong if you think you found Reddington. If he was found, it’s because he wanted to be and he wanted you to find him.
SAMAR : Or maybe I’m just good at what I do. Is that so difficult to believe?
LIZ : If he wanted you here, he has a reason. That’s why I don’t trust you – because I don’t know what the reason is – and I’m guessing neither do you.


LIZ : Hey, sir? Look, I’m sorry about that incident – with the, um, frisking.

EZRA : Don’t worry about it. So, is that your thing, unprovoked frisking?


LIZ : Yeah. That’s my thing. I’m a federal agent.
EZRA : Figured it would be something like that. Better safe than sorry, right?

LIZ : Have a good night.
EZRA : You, too.


Ezra takes out a rifle


Red arrives in a cabin where Naomi is waiting for him

RED : You look so different.
NAOMI : Not as different as you.

Red and Naomi meets. She lands a powerful slap on his cheek


 Adapté du site «The Blacklist Classified», mise en page par mnoandco.

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