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#212 : La famille Kenyon

Elisabeth Keen auprès d'une voiture

Ecrit par: Vincent Angell & Daniel Knauf
Réalisé par: David Platt

Quand Red parle à Liz de la disparition de  Justin Kenyon, le chef d'une secte polygame qui possède des conteneurs dangereux enfouis sur sa propriété, l'équipe du FBI lance une enquête. Pendant ce temps, Red utilise ces contacts pour comprendre les derniers mots de Fitch et trouver son coffre-fort caché.


3.6 - 5 votes

Titre VO
The Kenyon Family

Titre VF
La famille Kenyon

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Première diffusion en France


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Donald Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) se fait enlever

Donald Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) se fait enlever

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) fait son rapport

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) fait son rapport

Glen Carter (Clark Middleton ) du bureau des immatriculations

Glen Carter (Clark Middleton ) du bureau des immatriculations

Une petite fille effrayée par le forêt

Une petite fille effrayée par le forêt

Longue attente de Liz et Red au bureau des immatriculations

Longue attente de Liz et Red au bureau des immatriculations

Accident de voiture en pleine forêt

Accident de voiture en pleine forêt

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) ne plaisante pas

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) ne plaisante pas

Attaque mortelle dans la forêt

Attaque mortelle dans la forêt

Donald Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) est coincé dans la voiture après l'accident

Donald Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) est coincé dans la voiture après l'accident

Liz cherche de l'aide

Liz cherche de l'aide

Elisabeth Keen au milieu d'un carnage

Elisabeth Keen au milieu d'un carnage

Le shérif Starkweather ( Mary McCann) fait un point sur la situation à Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) et Keen (Megan Boone)

Le shérif Starkweather ( Mary McCann) fait un point sur la situation à Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) et Keen (Megan Boone)

Red (James Spader) sort de son calme habituel

Red (James Spader) sort de son calme habituel

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) et Raymond Reddington (James Spader) attendent au bureau des immatriculations

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) et Raymond Reddington (James Spader) attendent au bureau des immatriculations

Donald Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) se fait extirper violemment de la voiture

Donald Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) se fait extirper violemment de la voiture

Dembe (Hisham Tawfiq) et Red (James Spader) écoutent Glen

Dembe (Hisham Tawfiq) et Red (James Spader) écoutent Glen

Dembe Zuma (Hisham Tawfiq) et Red (James Spader) n'en croient pas leurs oreilles

Dembe Zuma (Hisham Tawfiq) et Red (James Spader) n'en croient pas leurs oreilles

Dembe Zuma (Hisaham Tawfiq) cherche un coffre

Dembe Zuma (Hisaham Tawfiq) cherche un coffre

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) et Raymond Reddington attendent au bureau des immatriculations

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) et Raymond Reddington attendent au bureau des immatriculations

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) et Raymond Reddington attendent au bureau des immatriculations ...encore

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) et Raymond Reddington attendent au bureau des immatriculations ...encore

Agent Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone )

Agent Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone )

Samar Navabi (Mozhan Marno) et Elisabeth Keen (Megan Bone) à la rescousse

Samar Navabi (Mozhan Marno) et Elisabeth Keen (Megan Bone) à la rescousse

Les survivants mâles

Les survivants mâles

Les agents Keen (Megan Boone) et Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) écoutent

Les agents Keen (Megan Boone) et Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) écoutent

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) fâché

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) fâché

Donald Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) a eu un accident de voiture

Donald Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) a eu un accident de voiture

Elisabeth  Keen (Megan Boone) coincée seule au milieu dela forêt

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) coincée seule au milieu dela forêt

Glen Carter (Clark Middleton )

Glen Carter (Clark Middleton )

Le criminel n'impressionne pas Glen Carter (Clark Middleton)

Le criminel n'impressionne pas Glen Carter (Clark Middleton)


Logo de la chaîne TF1

France (inédit)
Mercredi 30.09.2015 à 21:00
4.20m / 17.2% (Part)

Logo de la chaîne NBC

Etats-Unis (inédit)
Jeudi 19.02.2015 à 21:00
7.71m / 1.7% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Personnage Blaklisté: N°71: Justin Kenyon


Clark Middleton ... Glen Carter

Valarie Pettiford ... Charlene Cooper

Reed Birney ... Tom Connolly

Mary McCann ... Meryl Starkweather
Stephen Bogardus ... Justin Kenyon
Eric Nelsen ... David Kenyon

Quelque part dans les montagnes, les habitants de l'église du bouclier sont captivés par un sermon à propos de  leur fille, récité par leur leader, le milicien polygame Justin Kenyon. Près de la clôture du périmètre, deux gardes chargent des caisses de munitions dans des conteneurs de stockage enterrés quand ils sont abattus. C’est alors que nous nous rendons compte que le sermon est le préambule au mariage de Kenyon avec une jeune fille de 12 ans. Mais juste avant que les vœux soient prononcés, une grenade fumigène est jetée à travers une fenêtre et la porte est verrouillée de l'extérieur avec une faux. Des cris de chaos meurtrier sont  entendus de l'intérieur.

À Washington, Cooper et son épouse Charlene rentrent chez eux après un rendez-vous chez le docteur. Cooper préfère parler du déjeuner plutôt que de sa santé donc Charlene est en colère et s’exprime car le médecin lui a dit que l'essai clinique de Georgetown est sa seule chance de survie. Cooper veut réfléchir mais Charlene est ferme. Il va appeler dès qu'il arrive au bureau. Pendant ce temps, Liz rencontre Red au service des immatriculations où il attend Glen. Liz ne veut pas entendre parler de Justin Kenyon ; le FBI sait exactement qui il est et ce qu'il fait mais ils ne peuvent pas l'atteindre à cause de ses quatre éminents avocats. Red impassible, demande : "comment pensez-vous qu'il paie ses avocats à prix élevé ?" Peu après, Liz fait un briefing à l'équipe : les conteneurs maritimes enterrés sur le terrain de Kenyon comprennent une installation de stockage de la pègre et Red a compilé un inventaire partiel de ses sources. Maintenant Kenyon est tombé dans le radar des forces de l’ordre, l'élite de la criminalité dans le monde ne peut pas accéder à leurs biens. Liz mentionne « Les Prophéties de l’Ours d’argent », un livre écrit par Kenyon en 1982 dans lequel il allègue qu'il est l'incarnation de l'entité de l’Ours d'argent appelé Le Ken'yon. Après la montée au ciel pendant six jours, Ken'yon et ses enfants sont censés revenir pour apporter le feu sur les États-Unis souillés et nettoyer les rues avec le sang des ennemis de ses fondateurs. Kenyon a disparu depuis trois jours, il reste donc seulement 72 heures avant que sa version de l'Armageddon s’abatte mais Reven Wright est sceptique. Lancer un assaut sur une propriété privée est impensable. Reddington pourrait- il se tromper sur Kenyon ?

Après une longue attente, Red a finalement son rendez-vous avec Glen qui profite de la situation pour lui faire perdre son sang-froid. Il s’avère que Red veut l’aide de Glen pour trouver le coffre-fort que Fitch a mentionné juste avant d’exploser ; il est situé au deuxième étage d’un certain bâtiment à Saint-Pétersbourg. Quelques instants plus tard, Red est de retour dans sa voiture, encore très irrité quand Liz appelle pour exprimer les préoccupations de Reven Wright sur l'opération contre Kenyon. Insistant sur le fait qu'ils ne seront pas déçus, Red raccroche. Une voiture de police d’État arrive au niveau d’un fourgon sur l'autoroute 85. Ils sont sur le point d’arriver vers le conducteur quand une explosion massive volatilise la camionnette et les deux hommes. Retour au bureau de poste, Aram découvre que la camionnette appartient à l'église de Kenyon et qu’elle est liée à plusieurs autres camions volés. Cooper décide qu’il est temps de faire confiance à Red et envoie Liz et Ressler chez Kenyon tandis que Samar cherche une autre camionnette volée. Au moment où l’équipe se disperse, Cooper prend un appel téléphonique. Il n’est pas pris dans l'essai clinique ...

De retour au service des immatriculations où Glen à des exigences claires, s'il y a un espoir de trouver le coffre de Fitch, Red doit amener Glen à Saint-Pétersbourg dans son jet privé. En attendant, Liz et Ressler arrivent avec le shérif du comté, Meryl Starkweather et son équipe TAC dans la propriété de Kenyon. Starkweather les informe qu’elle veut gérer l'opération elle-même et que Kenyon a une politique stricte, il tire  sur les intrus qui pénètrent dans sa propriété qu’ils aient un badge ou non. L’équipe ouvre les portes de la chapelle, entre et  trouve  des hommes et des femmes massacrés. Liz fait un rapport à Red, il n'y a pas d'enfants parmi les morts et la plupart des conteneurs de stockage ont été vidés. De plus, il y a encore un van manquant. Red pense que quelque chose a mal tourné dans le plan de Kenyon ; au même moment, Ressler découvre une petite fille cachée dans une armoire.

Samar rejoint la police sur l'autoroute 270 à l'extérieur de Burtonsville dans le Maryland où un garçon de 10 ans est assis au volant d'un autre fourgon abandonné de Kenyon. Ignorant les protestations des flics, Samar marche jusqu'à l'enfant pour le convaincre de lâcher le détonateur qu'il tient dans sa main, le plan étant de tuer un grand nombre de personnes. Samar parle au garçon dans l’espoir de le faire renoncer à son plan mortel car ça ne fonctionnera pas et seulement eux deux mourront dans l’explosion. À Saint-Pétersbourg, la température de Red est montée en flèche car Glen n'a toujours pas trouvé le coffre. Glen insiste pour dire qu'il a travaillé 24 heures sur 24 pour suivre l'achat de l'appartement de Fitch dans lequel ils sont, le 221 ; il lui donne l'acte de vente, tout fier de lui mais Red est agacé car ils sont dans l’appartement 212 et non pas le 221. Peu après, le coffre-fort mural est localisé et ouvert. La seule chose qu’ils trouvent à l'intérieur est une carte de visite avec un numéro de téléphone. Dembe se met aussitôt au traçage.

De retour au bureau de poste, Cooper, Samar et Aram font le point. Il n’y a eu aucun coup de feu dans la chapelle, tous les meurtres ont été commis à la main ou avec un couteau. Une femme, ancien membre de la secte, Dawn Weston, appelle le bureau et reconnaît le garçon comme son fils. Peu après, Samar rencontre Weston, il  lui explique que les membres de la secte prennent la parole de Kenyon comme la parole de Dieu. Selon sa loi, chaque homme à trois femmes mais quand il a réalisé qu'il y avait trop de garçons, il a instauré "le bain de foule." Chaque mois de janvier, il y a un tirage au sort parmi les fils entre huit et dix ans pour trouver "les choisis", qui sont considérés comme des hommes. Ils sont déshabillés et abandonnés au fond des bois. De retour dans l’enceinte de Kenyon, Liz insiste, la première priorité de l'équipe est d’éloigner la petite fille de la montagne pour sa sécurité avant la nuit. Lorsque, Liz grimpe dans unSUV avec Ressler et la fille, elle lui demande ce qu’elle regarde et la fillette dit : "les observateurs". Liz et Ressler ne savent pas qu’on les surveille donc ils sont surpris quand on tire dans les pneus pour les faire sortir de la route et les envoyer dans un arbre. Liz et l’enfant sont sains et saufs mais la radio est hors-service ; il n’y a pas de réception cellulaire et Ressler est coincé  sur son siège par le tronc d'arbre. Liz part vers la fumée dans les bois et laisse Starkweather veiller sur le SUV. Starkweather entend des bruits quand une bande de jeunes hommes sales attaque et kidnappe Ressler et l’enfant.

Cooper entre dans son bureau et trouve son vieux copain, Tom Connolly qui lui annonce qu’il est le prochain procureur général. Cooper décline l'invitation de Connolly pour devenir son directeur, rappelant ses problèmes de santé. Lorsque Connolly n'accepte pas ce refus, Cooper explique que ces problèmes sont graves et comme il ne peut pas entrer dans l'essai clinique, il  a peu d'espoir. Ensuite, Samar informe Cooper sur la situation avec les garçons de la secte de Kenyon : les attentats à la bombe ont été orchestrés par une tribu de survivants abandonnés et dirigés par le fils de Kenyon, David, qui adore les prophéties de Kenyon. Lorsque Aram ne parvient pas à joindre Liz et Ressler, Samar appelle Red pour lui signaler leur disparition. La recherche pourrait prendre des jours donc Red demande à Samar de lui envoyer un inventaire des armes stockées avant de se diriger là-bas elle-même. Pendant ce temps, Liz retourne au SUV et voit que Ressler et l’enfant ont disparu. Starkweather sanglante attrape la cheville de Liz avant de mourir.

Red se rend dans une serre où son amie Ruth Peasley procède à un passage à tabac. Il lui demande toute son attention et lui promet d'être à jamais redevable si elle lui donne les codes d'activation pour les missiles Hellfire, stockés dans l'enceinte de Kenyon. Puis il appelle Samar en lui disant qu'il a activé les caméras dans les cônes et lui donne les coordonnées GPS. Pendant ce temps, Liz se retrouve entourée par de jeunes garçons sales juste à l'extérieur d'une structure à l'abandon dans les bois. Après lui avoir caressé les cheveux, ils amènent Liz à l’intérieur pour parler à David Kenyon qui lui explique les enseignements polygames de Kenyon. Amy sera bientôt sa femme et Ressler est ligoté. Lorsque Ressler fait un mouvement, Liz saisit l'un des fusils des garçons, donnant à Samar et l'équipe TAC une fenêtre pour se déplacer. Liz et Samar trouvent Justin Kenyon mort quand un des agents leur annonce qu’ils ont trouvé le van disparu, garé à l'extérieur de la structure à l'abandon avec David à l’intérieur. Liz vient lui parler quand un autre jeune homme, Caleb, sort des bois et tire sur David, le tuant instantanément.

Connolly repasse par le bureau de poste pour livrer de bonnes nouvelles à Cooper avec une bonne bouteille de single malt. Il a tiré quelques ficelles et a obtenu pour Cooper une place dans l’essai à Georgetown. Red attend Liz dans son bureau. Il ne semble pas intéressé par les nouvelles que tout ce qu'il était stocké dans l'enceinte de Kenyon a disparu depuis longtemps. Au lieu de ça, il offre à Liz la clef d’un appartement de grand standing en lui disant qu’il est temps pour elle de quitter sa chambre de motel minable. Refusant son offre généreuse, Liz demande Red d'arrêter d'essayer d'améliorer les choses entre eux. Leur relation est juste du business ... et c’est tout.. Red se déplace dans la nuit alors que Dembe  le conduit à la chapelle de Kenyon. Red pousse l'autel, révélant une trappe menant à une cache de stockage souterraine qui abrite une Lincoln Continental, limousine présidentielle de 1968. Red tourne la clé et le lecteur 8 pistes s’allume. Après un moment contemplatif, Red va vers le coffre et retire une mallette en aluminium. Dembe remet à Red un téléphone et lui explique ensuite que le numéro trouvé à Saint-Pétersbourg n’a permis aucune identification. Red compose le numéro et quand la personne décroche,  il dit «Je vous appelle au nom d'Alan Fitch."
Quand la voix à l'autre bout du fil demande s’il a trouvé le coffre-fort, Red répond :  "Qui diable êtes-vous ?"

Traduit et adapté du résumé du site officiel.


 KENYON : “Since Lot was afraid to stay in Zoar, he and his two daughters settled in the hill country, where he lived in a cave. The firstborn said to the younger ‘Our father is getting old, and there is not a man in the land to have intercourse with us as is the custom everywhere. Come. Let us ply our father with wine and then lie with him, that we may ensure posterity by our father.
‘So that night, they plied their father with wine.” And the firstborn went in and lay with her father.

Insects chirping. Outside, men enter in contenairs

KENYON : “The next day, the firstborn said to the younger, ‘Let us ply him with wine again tonight. And then you go in and lie with him.’ So that night, too, they plied their father with wine. And then the younger one went in and lay with her father. And so it was that the two daughters of Lot became pregnant by their father. And thus, Lord, we maketh your word our command!”

People sing : ♫ Amen! down to the river to pray
studying about that good old way
and who shall wear that starry crown good Lord,
show me the way oh, sisters,
let’s go down let’s go down come on down
oh, sisters, let’s go down down to the river to pray
as I went down in the river to pray … “
A bride approaches Kenyon: it is a child ! He tooks her hand

WOMAN : Dearly beloved, we are gathered here in the sight of God and in the face of this family to join together this –

Windows break
Woman gasps, people murmuring. Glass breaking. Women screaming. Screaming intensifies

All people are locked into the Church : they can't run away


COOPER : What do you feel like – Italian, Thai?
CHARLENE : Are we really gonna do this?
COOPER : Do what? I’m hungry.
CHARLENE : Not talk about it.
COOPER : I’ll probably get turned down. The trial – nobody gets in this thing. It’s false hope.
CHARLENE : Did you hear what the doctor said? I mean, were you even listening? I mean, he said the prognosis is –
COOPER : He said he couldn’t predict.
CHARLENE : No, he said that the trial was your best shot. You don’t want to do it, fine. Then do it for me. I can live with that.
COOPER : Just want to think about it.
CHARLENE : There’s nothing to think about. I don’t care if you get fat. I don’t care if you lose your hair. You’re applying for this trial. You’re gonna be accepted. Do you understand me? I am not losing you.
COOPER : Soon as I get to the office I’ll make the call.



LIZ : DMV? Really? I’ve never even seen you drive.
RED : That little fella, the one through the glass, his name is Glen Carter. His mother calls him “Jelly Bean.” A loathsome individual who, sad to say, possesses an uncanny ability to locate anything.

Woman behind him

WOMAN : Achoo!

Coughs on Red

Red sighs, puts his hat

RED : I presume you’ve heard of Justin Kenyon?
LIZ : The smiling public face of the militia movement. Who hasn’t?
RED : Yes.The very voice of reason, the rebel darling of the fringe right – charming, rustic, camera-ready, the perfect spokesman to spin vile hatred and prejudice into treacly dross that passes for plainspoken common sense.
LIZ : Forget it.
RED : Excuse me?
LIZ : Justice knows exactly who Justin Kenyon is. We know what he is. The Church of the Shield is a cesspool of polygamy, doomsday paranoia, ritualized elder and child abuse, but he also has four of the most prominent civil rights attorneys in the country on retainer – we can’t touch him.
RED : How do you suppose he pays for those high-priced lawyers – charitable contributions?
LIZ : His church has been audited by the IRS every year for the past decade. His books are impeccable.
RED : So are mine.


LIZ : Justin Kenyon – head of the Church of the Shield, a polygamist cult located on a 15,000-acre reserve in the Smoky Mountains.
ARAM : Kenyon declared it a nation-state and petitioned to secede in US District Court three decades ago.
LIZ : According to Reddington, Kenyon has dozens of shipping containers buried on his property. Terrorists, cartels, and criminals contract with him to store cargo, no questions asked. Reddington compiled a partial inventory from his sources. It includes all manner of contraband, from drugs and hot merchandise to military ordnance, antiaircraft guns, missiles, RPGs, Semtex.
RESSLER : Sounds like a one-stop storage facility for the criminal underworld.
LIZ : In 1982, Kenyon published a book entitled “The Silver Bear Prophecies,” which he purported were delivered to him by the spirit of an ancient Druid elder. In it, he claims to be the latter-day incarnation of an entity the Silver Bear called “The Ken’yon.”
SAMAR : How convenient.
LIZ : Ken’yon and his followers will ascend into Heaven for six days and return to – and I quote – “Rain fire upon the New Babylon, the defiled States of America, and our children shall cleanse
her streets with the blood of her founder’s enemies.” According to Reddington, Ken’yon has fallen off the radar. His clients have been unable to reach him or anyone on the compound since last Saturday. Which means they don’t have access to their stored goods.

LIZ : As you can imagine, this makes a number of very dangerous people very, very nervous.



GLEN : Not interested. Can’t be done.
RED : Glen, you have found things for me with far less to go on.
GLEN : Ernie’s retirement party’s tonight. I got to pick up the shrimp platter.
RED : You found Jerry Minkie’s wife after she ran off with the uber driver, the one with the Subaru.
GLEN : I don’t even like shrimp.
RED : You found, uh, the other guy – who was that? – That mobster who was hiding out in Needles. Glen, look, you and I we’ve had our differences, but I have enormous respect for your abilities. You know that. If anyone can help me, it’s you.
GLEN : It’s not the shrimp. It’s the dip, that sauce. I don’t like sauces.

Paper rustles

RED : You know what? Forget it. I don’t need this.
GLEN : What are you so upset about?

Red, angry

RED : There isn’t a retirement party, is there?! You’re making it up! That’s what this is about! This is what you want– to see me get all lathered up! You’re pathological. You realize that, right? Ernie’s shrimp platter?! You can’t be serious! Do you even see the irony in that?



GLEN : Tell me about the safe.
RED : Glen, I’m upset!
GLEN : Your spook friend – he said it was critical.

Sighs. Red seems calmed down

RED : As I’ve already told you, he said there is a safe in St. Petersburg on the second floor of I don’t know where – a bank, an apartment. He died before he could tell me more.
GLEN : The spook – What was his name?
RED : Alan Fitch.
GLEN : Alan …
RED : Fitch!!!

Glen writes the name

GLEN : Fitch.


COOPER : Kenyon’s been off the grid for three days. According to his own words, that gives us 72 hours before he delivers his version of Armageddon.
WRIGHT ; His counsel has assured us nothing is amiss, and under no circumstances are we to attempt direct contact. They’ve already won two civil judgments on Kenyon’s behalf for harassment.
COOPER : That was before we knew he was sitting on enough ordnance to arm a third-world country. I don’t give a damn how it looks.
WRIGHT : Well, that’s a luxury we cannot afford, not after Waco and Ruby Ridge. We’re looking at a tactical nightmare –202 m² of virgin forest, a mountain stronghold with enough food and potable water to withstand an armed siege for months. And even if by some miracle we manage to put down resistance and seize that compound without loss of life, without harm coming to the 26 children who live there – what if Reddington is wrong?


On phone

RED : Lizzy, exactly when have I been wrong?
LIZ : I told you – there are political considerations. If we raid Kenyon’s compound and come up empty-handed –
RED : You will not come up empty-handed.
LIZ : But if we do, then we’ll have validated Kenyon’s allegations that the federal government are a pack of jackbooted thugs. We’ll have raised him up as a martyr for the Constitution. That’s exactly what he wants.
RED : Lizzy, I have gone to considerable lengths to point you and your team in the right direction, and now, due to political considerations, people will die. And when they do and the bureaucrats decide that the loss of innocent lives trumps their career prospects, you be sure to give me a call.


POLICE : Unit B61 to Dispatch, run a check on a late-model Chevy van, Tennessee plate number Delta-Oscar-Charlie-7-7-1.
WOMAN : Unit B261, that tag number is 10-40 stolen, registered to a 2005 Jeep Cherokee.Copy?
POLICE : Copy that.

Gun cocks

POLICE : Show us your hands! Hands outside the window now! What the – Hold your fire! It’s just a –



LIZ : ATF estimates there was enough Semtex in that van to level five square blocks.
RESSLER : Anything on the victims?
SAMAR : Vaporized. The presumed dead include two Alabama State troopers and the occupant of the van.

Cellphone rings

SAMAR : Yeah? We just got footage of the explosion.

Recording : “Hold your fire! It’s just a – "  and then, explosion

SAMAR : It’s ‘just a’ – what?

ARAM : The VIN numbers on the van’s differential match a vehicle registered to Kenyon’s Church of the Shield.
COOPER : Judge is signing the search warrant as we speak.
ARAM : Also, the plates were swapped out for one stolen off a Cherokee at a truck stop five miles down the road from the Kenyon compound. I got a hit on another set of plates stolen from the same location. Another van passed through a tollbooth on the MD 200 headed into DC.
RESSLER : Reddington was right. If we’d listened to him, we wouldn’t have a gang of fanatics joyriding with enough ordnance to level a small city.
COOPER : Ressler and Keen, get to that compound. The warrant should be sealed and delivered by the time you arrive. Navabi, the van – find out everything you can.

Cellphone rings

COOPER : Harold Cooper. Dr. Levin, hello. W- was I accepted? I see. You know, Jeff, you don’t owe me an apology. I know you did everything you could. Thank you.

Beeps, dialing

To his wife

COOPER : Hey, I just got off the phone with the doctor. I’m afraid it’s bad news.


RED : I am not taking you to St. Petersburg.
GLEN : You are if you want to know where the safe is.
RED : How do I even know you’ve found it?
GLEN : You don’t. But I got two weeks of vacation I got to take before the end of the year or I lose it.
RED : It’s February!
GLEN : We could take your jet, have a few laughs on the way, some of those nuts – the honey-roasted ones.
RED : I want what I paid for – the location of the safe.
GLEN : Can I be honest with you?
RED : I doubt it.
GLEN : I’ve never been out of the country. My dad, our vacations as a kid, we drove everywhere – South Dakota, Florida. But you – I look at you and all the places you go and I’d just like to do that once. Plus, I think it’d be fun. I feel like we might have a good time.

Red: Sighs

Glen Scoffs

GLEN : I’m screwing with you! I was born in London, but I’ve never been on a private jet.

Clears throat

GLEN : Anyway, I clock out at 5:30. I’ll need to stop by the house, grab a shower, feed the turtle. I can have a bag packed and be wheels up by 9:00.



LIZ : Sheriff, have you met Kenyon?
SHERIFF : He makes a habit of coming into town for breakfast. He’s a bit of a blowhard but always friendly, cooperative. Plus, the church has provided volunteers for community events, search-and-rescue operations.
RESSLER : So, what are you suggesting – we collar this guy at the next rotary club pancake breakfast?
SHERIFF : I’m suggesting he can be talked to. He’s reasonable, and I’m suggesting you let my boys handle this instead of lighting this whole mountain up and starting World War III.
LIZ : What are the odds we’ll be met with armed resistance?
SHERIFF: It’s a dead certainty. You step one foot on Kenyon’s land without his express consent, he’ll put a bullet in you, badge or no badge.


Samar finds another van

MAN : Now, we’ve cleared the estimated kill zone, and we’ve evacuated the surrounding areas. We’re waiting on a sniper team now.

Samar looks with binoculars

SAMAR : Hold your fire. It’s just a kid. It’s just a kid.

She gives her gun to the man

MAN : Excuse me, miss?
SAMAR : Take this.

She approaches the van, carefully

LOUDSPEAKER : Hey, h-hold on! Hey, halt! No! Return to the firing line! Do not approach the suspect! Return to the firing line! Do not approach the suspect!

To the young boy

SAMAR : Hi. I’m Samar. What’s your name? Do you know what that...

He has a bomb

SAMAR : ...does? You planned on killing a lot of people today. Was that your mission?

The boy nods

SAMAR : It’s not going to happen. Do you see? They’re all too far away. There’s no point now. It’s just the two of us out here. If you push that button only two of us are going to die. Do you understand? Just you and me, and I don’t want to die today. Do you?

The boy puts the detonator. He goes out of the car

SAMAR : Come on out. Come on.

Samar, breathing heavily

SAMAR : Come here, give me your hand. It’s gonna be okay.


FBI discovers slaughter at Kenyon compound, in the Church

RESSLER : Go, go!


Liz on phone with Red

LIZ : Kenyon’s unaccounted for. … 53 of his followers are slaughtered. … No sign of him.
RED : That’s puzzling.
LIZ : It appears all the adults were murdered and the children are gone.
RED : Kenyon’s ideology has always been about vanquishing the infidels and rising to power, not about killing their own. This is a group of survivalists.
LIZ : They might have been attacked by a rival militia. We found a number of dead bodies surrounding the perimeter.
RED : And the storage containers?
LIZ : Located, secured, and searched – about a dozen of them so far. They’ve been pretty much cleaned out – no weapons, no ordnance. According to an inventory list, we’re missing small arms, RPGs, three Hellfire missiles, plus over a ton of Semtex, C4, Demex, and plastite.

On phone Liz hears a noise

LIZ : What was that?
RED : That was a vase. What about the vehicles?
LIZ : All the church’s vehicles are accounted for, except for one.
RED: Another bomb. Something’s gone sideways, Lizzy.

Object rattles

RED: Kenyon is the devil we know, but now either others are involved or there’s been a complete breakdown in the organization. Either way, be careful out there.


Ressler finds a little girl, hidden in a wooden box


Toilet flushes : it's Glen

RED : You’re sure this is the apartment?
GLEN : This is the apartment.
RED : You’re positive?
GLEN : Your tone is insulting.
RED : My tone?! I endured 13 hours with you on my jet, 12 of which you had your shoes off. You snored. You insulted my flight attendant!
GLEN : I thought she was pregnant.
RED : Glen, the safe! We haven’t found it yet, have we?!
GLEN : I know everything one can possibly know about Alan Fitch. I worked on this ’round the clock, and you know how irritable I can be if I don’t get my 10 hours. I’ve reviewed six years of bank records, and I traced the cash payment he made to purchase an apartment in this very building on this very floor. Trust me, the safe is here.
RED : I don’t trust you.

Glen takes a paper in his suitcase and gives it to Red

RED : What the hell is this?
GLEN : The title to apartment 221. Apology accepted.

Red holds his anger

GLEN : What?
RED : We’re in apartment 212.


GLEN : You don’t know the cross that I bear, the things I’ve had to overcome – my dyslexia.
RED : You’re not dyslexic!
DEMBE : Raymond.

Dembe finds a safe

Glen : sarcastically

GLEN : Oh, really, “doctor”? Is that your professional opinion? Forgot to pack my medication. I was shocked when you told me I could come along. It threw me. I left my dyslexia pills on the counter.
RED : There are no pills for dyslexia!

Red opens the safe and finds a card with a phone number

To Dembe

RED : Get this to Sorenson for a trace on the number.


COOPER : How old is he?
SAMAR : He’s 10.
COOPER : 10? What the hell are we dealing with here?
SAMAR : I’ve seen this before in fanatical sects. The children are indoctrinated from the time they’re born, force-fed by rod and rote – In this case, the gospel according to Justin Kenyon.

COOPER : To rain fire upon the New Babylon.

ARAM : Oh, my God. l– coroner’s preliminary report on the massacre at the compound.
COOPER : What do you got?
ARAM : Not a shot was fired. Every single one of those people was stabbed, strangled, stomped, or bludgeoned to death.
SAMAR : Dear God.
ARAM : And something else. A field office in Richmond just got a call from a former cult member – Dawn Weston. Swears our truck bomber is her son.


Liz, refering to little girl, Amy. She is waiting in a car

LIZ : She’s our only surviving witness.
SHERIFF : Of a crime committed in my jurisdiction. That makes her my responsibility.
RESSLER : Look, these are dangerous people. We have an entire unit tasked with providing protective custody.

LIZ : There’s no point in hashing this out now. No matter how this shakes down, the first thing we need to do is get that girl safely off this mountain – agreed?

Liz enters the car near Amy

LIZ : What are you looking at?
AMY : Watchers.
LIZ : “Watchers”?
AMY : Shh, it’s a secret.

In the forest, someone 's watching. The car starts



FINN'S MOM : I thought he was dead.
SAMAR : Your son, Finnian.
MOM : Finn, we always called him.


MOM : Finn. There are some things that you need to understand about Justin, about the way that things were. You see, h-his word was not just the law. It was the word of God himself. Justin was our oracle. He was our burning bush.
SAMAR : I understand.
MOM : You don’t. You can’t, not unless you were there. You– God, what have I done? –
SAMAR : Tell me –
MOM : According to Justin each man was to take unto himself three wives. Which wasn’t a problem in the early days, but as we began to have children he must’ve seen the flaw in his plan.
SAMAR : What flaw?
MOM : There were too many boys, of course. More than half the children were, you know, male, and so he began the walkabout.
SAMAR : “The walkabout”?
MOM : The first new moon in January, lots would be drawn among the boys. We would have a great feast in celebration, and the chosen one would be the guest of honor. He was treated as a man.
SAMAR : How old were the chosen?
MOM : 8 or10. Just before the onset of puberty. After the feast, the boy would be awakened and taken deep into the woods, and then –
SAMAR : You left him there in the middle of nowhere, in the bitter cold.
MOM : He said there were too many.


Gunshot, tires screeching. SUV with Liz, Ressler, Sheriff, Amy runs off road

In the car

SHERIFF : You’re hurt.
LIZ : I’m okay. Ressler’s pinned. Ressler, talk to me! You injured?
RESSLER : I don’t think anything’s broke, but I’m stuck. I can’t– I can’t budge this thing.


LIZ : The radio’s shot.

Liz tries her phone but there is no cell reception

LIZ : Anybody got cell reception?

RESSLER : Mine’s busted.

Ressler can't move

Out the car, Liz and the sheriff : they see smoke

LIZ : Somebody live back there?
SHERIFF : Not that I know of.
LIZ : You wait by the car with Amy. I’m gonna see if I can go get us some help, check out that smoke. Keep an eye on that girl.


COOPER : Shouldn’t you be prepping for your confirmation hearing?

Connolly laughs

TOM CONNOLLY : It’s a no-brainer. You’re looking at the next Attorney General.
COOPER : I’m happy for you, Tom.
CONNOLLY : For us, Harold, for us. I want you to consider taking the Director’s chair.
COOPER : Tom, I don’t know.
CONNOLLY :It’s what we’ve always talked about. A rising tide lifts all boats.
COOPER : I’m flattered, Tom. But I can’t.
CONNOLLY : I’m not leaving here with a “No.”
COOPER : I’d love to take you up on this, Tom. You know I would. But I’m dealing with some health issues.
CONNOLLY : What, Harold? Is it serious?
COOPER : To be honest with you, yeah. It’s very serious. There was a clinical trial that held out some hope, but, uh – Look, you didn’t come here to talk about my health. I’m happy for you. I really am.


Liz looks for some help.

In the car

AMY : Are you in the FBI?
RESSLER : Yes, I am.
AMY : My daddy says all the people who work for the FBI are gonna go to Hell.
RESSLER : Some days it feels like that, sweetheart.
AMY : He says they’re gonna burn in a lake of fire.

Outside the car

SHERIFF : Who’s there?!


RESSLER : What is it?..Hey, Starkweather!
AMY :Shh! It’s them.
AMY : The watchers.

Thudding. Men attack the car

RESSLER : Sweetie, come here. Get down, get down!

In the woods, Liz hears music : «...maybe I’ll try and make it all about the weather maybe I’ll try and make it ... »


FINN : The only cure for corruption is disruption
The only cure for corruption is disruption.
The only cure for corruption is disruption.
The only cure for corruption is disruption.
The only cure for corruption is disruption.
The only cure for corruption is disruption.
The only cure for corruption is disruption.
The only cure –
FINN'S MOM : Finn.

FINN : The father said to his servants, “Quick, put a ring on his finger and sandals on his feet.”

MOM :Do you r-remember me?
FINN : Mama?
MOM : Yes, Finn.



COOPER : You’re telling me that this attack was masterminded by a bunch of kids?
SAMAR : Not just kids – a tribe, militarily instructed by their elders from the time they could walk in tracking, evasion techniques, hand-to-hand combat, firearm training.
COOPER : And left to die in the woods?
SAMAR : Starting with Kenyon’s own son, David.
SAMAR : The gospel according to Kenyon – “And each man shall have unto himself three wives.” There were too many boys. It was the only way to maintain the ratio. The mountain was supposed to kill the boys, but it didn’t. It was a crucible. The weak died – injuries, disease, exposure …

Flash-back. We see Kenyon abandoning the boys in the woods, naked : «Get out of here! Come on, get out!»

SAMAR :… but the strong survived, perfectly adapted, with their own laws, their own society, their own gods, chief among which was Justin Kenyon.
COOPER : “Was”?
SAMAR : David is their leader. A few weeks ago, he declared his father an apostate. He said that Justin had abandoned his calling and that it was up to them to fulfill the prophecies of Ken’yon.
COOPER :Did he tell you where this final truck bomb was headed?
SAMAR :The only people who know are the other drivers and David.

ARAM : I can’t raise Liz or Ressler.


RED : Samar, my dear, bump in the road I can help smooth over, or have the clouds finally parted and this is a social call?
SAMAR : She’s missing.
RED : Agent Keen?
SAMAR : And Ressler. They were supposed to deliver a witness two hours ago. They haven’t been seen since they left Kenyon’s compound.
RED : Have you mounted a search?
SAMAR : I’m on my way out to assist HRT, but there are hundreds of square miles of rugged terrain. It could take days.
RED : The weapons.
SAMAR : Agent Keen said there was a complete inventory list.
RED : You have it?
SAMAR : Well, we have a manifest. Why?
RED : Send it to me.


Liz came back to the car

LIZ : Ressler?!

Sheriff dies

Breathing heavily.Engine revving in distance. Revving continues.Screaming : it's Ressler


Ruth in middle of torture procedure

RUTH : Raymond! Ohh.

...blood gets on flowers

RED : Oh, that’s a shame. Dendrobium?
RUTH : My own hybrid. I call them “Snows of Everest.”
RED : Lovely. Friend of yours?
RUTH : A small accounting problem.
RED : Ruth. Ruth! I’m afraid I’ll need your undivided attention.
RUTH : Put on his parka. Tie him from the back of the snowmobile. I’ll be out in a minute. Very well. You have my attention.
RED : Ruth I will be forever indebted to you if you could be so kind as to provide me with the activation codes for the Hellfire missiles you have stored at Justin Kenyon’s compound.



AGENT : Yes. Are you Navabi?
SAMAR : Yeah.
AGENT :It’s for you.
SAMAR : This is Samar.
RED : Agent Navabi, what do you know about Hellfire missiles?
SAMAR : What does that have to do with anything?
RED : Quite a lot, actually.There were three of them stolen from the compound. I’ve since acquired their activation codes.
SAMAR : You’re going to launch three Hellfire missiles?


RED : Don’t be silly. We just activated the cameras in their nose cones. I’ve seen quite a lot of activity, but, then, boys will be boys.
SAMAR : Liz and Ressler?
RED : Not sure. I have two other views, only one of any tactical value. It looks like they’re in some sort of large hand-built structure.
SAMAR : Where?
RED : Funny you should ask – in standby mode, the guidance systems ping GPS coordinates every 30 seconds.You ready?



Insects chirping. Noises

LIZ : Hey. Who are you? My name’s Elizabeth.

Branches cracking

Liz is taken hostage by young boys.


Haranging his father who’s tied to a chair in a room

DAVID : This isn’t about me or the others, father. This is about you – your legacy, not mine! You think I haven’t seen it? Read it? Prevarications and betrayals.

In another room

LIZ : Tell me who you are. Who’s in charge?
CALEB : Ken’yon.
LIZ : I want to talk to him.
CALEB : Only David talks to Ken’yon.

In the room, David to his father

DAVID :You disgust me.

CALEB : David! David!
DAVID : What? What?!
CALEB : The prisoner wants to talk to you.
DAVID : Caleb, watch the road. Make sure nobody else comes.
LIZ : Where are the others?
CALEB : Amy’s safe, along with the others. She’s gonna be one of my wives. We’re all gonna get married – all of us. As prescribed by Ken’yon.
LIZ : And the man? Ressler? What have you done with him?

Ressler grunts as he’s being dragged out

CALEB : See? He’s alive.

Successful Liz has to take him his weapon

LIZ : Freeze! Move away from him! Step away from him! I said freeze!

FBI Tactical Unit barges in

AGENT : Federal agents!
AGENT #2: Get on the ground!

Indistinct shouting

AGENT : Let’s go! Get on the ground! Don’t move! Show us your hands! Back off! Are you okay?
LIZ : Yeah.Kenyon’s upstairs.
RESSLER : Get this guy right here.
AGENT : Get him out of here.

Speaking of David

LIZ : He’s gone...

Finding Kenyon in the other room

LIZ : Kenyon.

Kenyon is dead, tied to chair and gruesome discovery, tortured.

AGENT : Stand down! We found the –
LIZ : What?
AGENT : The third van.


LIZ : Get these kids out of here! See if you can locate those missing girls.They’ve got to be around here somewhere.
AGENT : Call for backup.
LIZ : No backup! Just round up these kids with the personnel we’ve got and clear out.
AGENT : Yes, ma’am.


DAVID (Kenyon’s son): Don’t come any closer! I’ve got 300 pounds of explosives in this van!
LIZ : Go ahead. It’s what he wanted, isn’t it?
DAVID : What do you know?
LIZ : I know your father wanted you dead.
DAVID : He sent us out here to make us stronger, to be warriors, to fulfill his prophecy!
LIZ : All those boys – they wouldn’t have made it if it weren’t for you, taking them in, teaching them how to survive. Your father never wanted them. He never wanted you. But you’re not your father, David. You’re better than him.
DAVID : You’re right. I am.


CALEB : Coward!

Gunfires; David is killed by Caleb and Caleb by the FBI


Red is waiting for her

LIZ : ATF’s been over the grounds. They’ve searched the buried containers. If you’re wondering about what you stored there, it’s long gone.

Drawer closes

LIZ : What’s this?
RED : A key. I bought you an apartment at the Audrey, top floor, splendid view of the Potomac.
LIZ : Why?
RED : It’s time to leave the motel behind.

Liz Sighs

LIZ : I’m happy where I am. Thank you.
RED : You’ve been many things lately, Lizzy, but happy is not one of them. That motor lodge you call home crushes the spirit, smothers the soul.
LIZ : And you think a view is gonna change that?
RED : I once stayed at a villa in Bali with a view of the Indian Ocean. Every morning, all I saw before me was... possibility. That and a gorgeous housekeeper named Putu, who used to –
LIZ : Thanks, but, no, thanks. I wish you’d stop.
RED Stop what?
LIZ : Trying. Stop hoping things are gonna get better between us. You and me, it’s just business. That’s all it’s ever gonna be.


Crickets chirping. Red and Dembe arrive at the Kenyon compound. Red enters the church, now abandoned, tips over pulpit and opens a trap door. They descend a ladder into shipping container. Red flips on the lights. There is a car covered with a tarp. Red removes the tarp. It’s a black limo, flying two flags one on either side of the hood: one, the U.S. flag, the other the flag of the President of the United States. On the side of the limo is the Seal of the President of the United States. Red takes out a key, opens the driver’s seat door and gets in. He flips on the cassette player, which plays “Beyond the Sea,” which makes him laugh happily.


TOM CONNOLLY : Single malt. Highland, if memory serves. I got you in.

COOPER : Tom, I thought I was clear. I appreciate you thinking I’d be a good Director, but –
CONNOLLY : Screw the Director. I got you into the trial. At Georgetown.
COOPER : What? How?

Connolly chuckles

CONNOLLY : : Good questions. I know a guy who knows a guy.

Exhales lightly

COOPER : Wait. Am I taking another patient’s spot? Because I couldn’t accept that. That wouldn’t be right.

Connolly laughs

CONNOLLY : Righteous to the end. Relax. It was going to be 35 patients, and now it’ll be 36.

COOPER : Thank you, Tom.

Cork pops

CONNOLLY : “There are good ships and there are wood ships.The ships that sail the sea.”
COOPER : “But the best ships are friendships.”
CONNOLLY : “And may they always be.”


Red goes to the trunk of the limo, opens it and takes out a briefcase-sized impact-resistant piece of luggage, closes hood.


DEMBE : The number from the safe traces to a blind exchange. We can’t identify the party you’ll be speaking to.

Dialing, line ringing

MAN : Yes.
RED : I’m calling on behalf of Alan Fitch…
MAN : A safe. You found the safe?
RED : Who the hell is this?


Adapté du site «The Blacklist Classified», mise en page par mnoandco 

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