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#405 : Le Service Lindquist


Dembe et Red côte à côte

Ecrit par : Dawn DeNoon

Réalisé par : Kurt Kuenne

La loyauté de Liz va être testée alors que Red intervient sur une opération pour intercepter Alexander Kirk. Pendant ce temps, la Task-Force se bat contre la montre pour trouver un tueur qui cible les inventeurs de technologies révolutionnaires.


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Titre VO
The Lindquist Concern

Titre VF
Le Service Lindquist

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Le Service Lindquist (VF)

Le Service Lindquist (VF)


Photos promo

Hisham Tawfiq avant le tournage

Hisham Tawfiq avant le tournage

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone)  pensive

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) pensive

BTS : Hisham et James attendent

BTS : Hisham et James attendent

Raymond Reddington (James Spader)

Raymond Reddington (James Spader)

Le Dr. Sebastian Reifler (Matt Servitto) subit les tortures de Brimley... nu dans une baignoire!?

Le Dr. Sebastian Reifler (Matt Servitto) subit les tortures de Brimley... nu dans une baignoire!?

Liz (Megan Boone)

Liz (Megan Boone)

Dembe prévient un Red sceptique que c'est un piège!

Dembe prévient un Red sceptique que c'est un piège!

Dr. Sebastian Reifler (Matt Servitto) obligé de coopérer

Dr. Sebastian Reifler (Matt Servitto) obligé de coopérer

Red (James Spader) apprécie un bon repas

Red (James Spader) apprécie un bon repas

James Spader donne quelques explications

James Spader donne quelques explications

Dembe (Hisham Tawfiq)

Dembe (Hisham Tawfiq)

Dr. Sebastian Reifler (Matt Servitto), Raymond Reddington (James Spader) et Dembe (Hisham Tawfiq) se dirigent-ils vers un piège?

Dr. Sebastian Reifler (Matt Servitto), Raymond Reddington (James Spader) et Dembe (Hisham Tawfiq) se dirigent-ils vers un piège?

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) et Dembe (Hisham Tawfiq) assis côte à côte dans l'église

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) et Dembe (Hisham Tawfiq) assis côte à côte dans l'église

Behind the scene James Spader et Matt Servitto

Behind the scene James Spader et Matt Servitto

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) assis dans une église

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) assis dans une église

Raymond Redddington (James Spader) joue de l'orgue

Raymond Redddington (James Spader) joue de l'orgue

Dembe Zuma (Hisham Tawfiq)

Dembe Zuma (Hisham Tawfiq)

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) menaçant

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) menaçant

Raymond Reddington (James Spader)  vérifie l'heure

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) vérifie l'heure

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) dans l'église

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) dans l'église

Red (James Spader)

Red (James Spader)

Red (James Spader) donne du quoi écrire au Dr. Sebastian Reifler (Matt Servitto)

Red (James Spader) donne du quoi écrire au Dr. Sebastian Reifler (Matt Servitto)

Raymond Reddington (James Spader)

Raymond Reddington (James Spader)

Red (James Spader) donne quelques explications à Liz

Red (James Spader) donne quelques explications à Liz


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Mercredi 31.01.2018 à 21:45
2.55m / 12.0% (Part)

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Jeudi 20.10.2016 à 22:00
5.32m / 1.1% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Personnage Blaklisté: N°105: The Lindquist Concern (Silas Gouldsberry)

Guests :

Adam Godley...Silas Gouldsberry

Christine Lahti...Laurel Hitchin

Ulrich Thomsen...Alexander Kirk/Constantin Rostov

Annie Heise...Elise

Teddy Coluca... Mr. Brimley

Matt Servitto...Dr. Sebastian Reifler

Annapurna Sriram...Odette


Silas Gouldsberry se présente comme un conseiller en brevet pour approcher ses proies, des inventeurs et leurs découvertes révolutionnaires. Dans un entrepôt de stockage, un inventeur lui propose son prototype. Sous prétexte de fêter sa future fortune assurée, Silas lui offre du champagne empoisonné, non s'en s'être assuré auparavant des personnes au courant de son invention afin de les faire également disparaître si besoin.

Red torture le Dr Reifler afin de découvrir la date et le lieu où Kirk recevra son prochain traitement. Ce sera à Genève. Dembé, lui, cherche dans la prière le pardon de n'avoir rien fait pour protéger Kate.

Elise, la nouvelle petite amie d'Aram lui prépare une surprise afin de se faire pardonner d'avoir inondé son apartement et demande même conseil à Samar.

Liz décide de ne pas lâcher Red d'une semelle, c'est donc à Samar qu'il s'adresse pour donner le nouveau nom sur la liste : «The Lindquist Concern». Il est recruté par des entreprises afin de détruire des inventions prometteuses qui pourraient porter ombrages à leurs affaires. «The Lindquist Concern» leur permettra de forcer Kirk à leur remettre Agnes.

Silas Gouldsberry est démasqué par la Task-Force grâce à son téléphone qu'Aram suit jusqu'à son domicile. Samar se rend sur son lieu de travail à l'Office Américain des Brevets. Piégé, il se barricade dans la salle des serveurs avec des otages et menace de les tuer. Mais Aram se rend compte que ce n'est qu'une diversion et qu'il en profite pour gagner du temps et télécharger toutes les inventions volées sur sa clé USB. il prévoit de dévoiler toutes ses découvertes au monde entier. Cela sous-entend des avancées technologiques en énergie et armements que la Chine ou la Russie pourraient s'approprier également. Samar parvient, grâce à Aram, à s'introduire dans la salle des serveurs, sauvant les otages et tuant Silas. Le FBI récupère la clé avec toutes les inventions dessus.

Tom, pendant ce temps et sans que Ressler le sache, fait pression sur un soi-disant attaché culturel russe (agent du service de renseignement) Vasily Komarov afin d'obtenir des informations sur Kirk. Il apprend finalement que celui-ci se trouve à Moscou et il en informe Liz qui se rend compte immédiatement que le rendez-vous de Kirk avec son médecin à Genève est un piège. Mise à l'écart par Red, elle lui téléphone afin de le prévenir mais la voiture présumée de Kirk explose tuant et blessant plusieurs hommes. Red se rend compte qu'il y a une taupe et qu'il a été piégé et que sans Liz, il serait mort.

Laurel Hitchin, étant la supérieure de Coope, exige la clé USB de Silas au nom de la Sécurité Nationale ce qui provoque la colère de Ressler car elle a tué Reven Wright. Laurel remet à Red l'un des brevets  contenu sur la clé. L'invention  de Matthew Hadj et Sonia Bloomp n'est pas la plus révolutionnaire selon elle  mais peut-être celle qui raménera Agnes. Toujours est-il que Red laisse la clé à Laurel afin qu'elle vende les autres découvertes qui y sont stockées... moyennant 45% des profits évidemment pour lui.

Tom a récupéré des documents de Vasily Komarov. Rien sur Agnes mais un rapport ADN prouvant que Kirk est le père de Liz. Celle-ci, furieuse, se rend immédiatement auprès de Red pour le mettre face à tous les mensonges qu'il débite depuis le début. Furieuse elle n'attend même pas sa réponse et part.




Two men enter a garage space housing a complex device

OMAR RAJJAR : In here. It’s just the prototype, but it’s fully functional. It can be scaled up for any population into the millions.

Silas tests the prototype

SILAS GOULDSBERRY : This is gonna make you an incredibly rich man. For your own protection, I’m gonna need anyone intimately familiar with this to sign a nondisclosure.
OMAR RAJJAR : I’ve only shown my wife.
SILAS : Well, then. I guess there’s nothing left to do… but celebrate. Here’s to a better future.

Silas opens champagne. Glasses clink

Omar drinks and falls to the floor, shaking

SILAS : The paralytic you’ve just consumed is proprietary, as well. It was discovered accidentally during development of an ADD medication. Paralysis was an unwanted side effect.

Silas unplugs a cord from the device end, leaving the live cord on the floor

SILAS : Must feel amazing– Dying, knowing you’ve invented something that will change the world.

Omar breathing heavily

Silas disconnects a water tube and water runs along the floor

Silas leaves, closing the garage door


Silas arrives late to work

SILAS' BOSS: Honest to God, third time this month? My fifth grader’s more punctual than you. And don’t think it’ll go unnoticed by HR. This is gonna be reflected in your performance review. 1 to 10, please. Nobody’s ever gotten a minus before, but they broke the mold with you. And dust off your shoulders. You got dandruff everywhere.


TOM : There’s got to be something I can do.
RESSLER : I told you there isn’t.
TOM : It’s not just Agnes. It’s Liz, it’s Kirk. He’s telling her things– things about her past, you know, and I think– I think she’s starting to trust him.
RESSLER : Look, we’re doing everything that we can. You got to understand that.
TOM : I do, and I appreciate it, but there’s got to be a lead that I can run down.
RESSLER : I told you–
TOM : Or a dead end I can revisit. Please, Ressler. Please.
RESSLER : The Kremlin hates Kirk just as much as we do. I reached out to the DC Station Chief to take a look at their intel. Got a big fat nyet. Look, you want to revisit that dead end, be my guest. Maybe your, uh… methods will be a bit more persuasive.
TOM : The Station Chief, who is he?
RESSLER : Vasily Komarov– A cultural attaché at the Russian Embassy. It’s just a cover that allows him… to run the US operations for the SVR under their diplomatic immunity.
TOM : Vices?
RESSLER : None that we know of. Trust me, we looked.
TOM : Thank you.
RESSLER : For what?

In low voice

RESSLER : This conversation never happened.

Liz enters

LIZ : Conversation about what?
TOM : He sicced me on the SVR for intel on Kirk. Not behind your back. I was gonna tell you.
LIZ : You don’t have to apologize for trying to find our daughter.
TOM : Look, I know that you think he won’t hurt her, or that you can draw him out, but–
LIZ : Agnes is missing because of Kirk’s obsession with me.

Cellphone vibrates: Nick’s Pizza

LIZ : Look, if I were you and our daughter were missing because of something that had nothing to do with me… What I believe is that we should do everything we can to bring our daughter home.
TOM : Call you if I get anywhere.
LIZ : Not if. When.


Brimley to Red

BRIMLEY : The doctor has been baptized and is ready to make his confession. I’m getting hitched on the 16th. Wee Chapel of the Casino. Extend the invite to Mr. Kaplan.

 Dr Sebastian Reifler is sitting in a tub of water

RED : As Alexander Kirk’s hematologist, I assume you oversee his transfusions and coordinate with his specialist. I want to know how it works– where you meet, with whom, and when.
DR REIFLER : Please. He’s a sick man.
RED : Perhaps another go with the candiru fish. I understand they burrow into the most impossible nooks and crannies.
DR REIFLER : All right, I– I give him blood transfusions once a month. And, uh… weekly erythropoietin injections.
RED : When did you last see him?
DR REIFLER : I– Six days ago.
RED : Then you’ll be seeing him within the next 24 hours. Where?
DR REIFLER : I don’t know. No, I-I-I don’t. I don’t know until they call me with the next location. Please. 
RED : Fish him out of the tub. And, Dembe, while you’re at it, you should have him take a look at that mole.
DEMBE : It’s a freckle.

  Liz arrives at the church

LIZ : Let me guess. You and the pastor are dear friends.
RED : Never met the man. I am, however, a benefactor for the artists they hired to lead the restoration. As luck would have it, sprucing up the old apse hole will take months.
LIZ : You’re squatting in a church.
RED : I usually have a devil of a time getting to sleep, but here I sleep like a babe in the manger.
LIZ : Did you get Kirk’s doctor?
RED : Yes, and he’s going to lead me to Kirk.
LIZ : I want to be there when he does.
RED : The Lindquist Concern–
LIZ : Don’t change the subject.
RED : I’m not. The doctor gets us Kirk. The Lindquist Concern gets Kirk to give us Agnes.
LIZ : Why? Who are they?
RED : A group that corporations pay to suppress inventions that would undercut them if brought to market.
LIZ : Companies do that all the time– buy up patents just to shelve them. Big oil did it to the NiMH battery in the ’90s.
RED : Well, when they can’t kill the invention, they have the Lindquist Concern kill the inventor. Like Omar Najjar. He was working on revolutionary technology with the potential to save millions of lives. Now that it’s in the hands of the Lindquist Concern, it will save none.
LIZ : I’ll call it in, but if you have a line on Kirk, I’m staying with you.

Red dialing

RED : Agent Navabi. I have your next case.

Samar is briefing the task force

SAMAR : Ian Pugachevsky worked on a cold-fusion device in his basement for 20 years. Two weeks after claiming he had a breakthrough, he vanished while hiking in the Sierras. This is Karen Rose. She developed an alternative to opiate-based painkillers that was just as strong, non-addictive, and had fewer side effects. But before reaching clinical trials, she died of an apparent overdose. According to Reddington, these people were murdered, their ideas suppressed, and their research never found.
RESSLER : Well, did he say how any of this relates to Kirk?
SAMAR : No, but he did say that a number of accidental deaths of amateur scientists and inventors are actually homicides committed by the Lindquist Concern.
COOPER : Who is the most recent?
SAMAR : Omar Najjar.
ARAM : Married, no children– chemical engineer in R&D at Bethesda Plastics.
COOPER : Start there. If someone hired this Lindquist Concern to kill Najjar, I want to know what revolutionary technology they got their hands on.

On cellphone ringing

RESSLER : Make it quick.
TOM : Komarov gets massages twice a week from a woman who moonlights as an FBI informant.
RESSLER : He does?
TOM : He does now. I need you to get me informant contracts and a payment history documenting her work with the Bureau.
RESSLER : And by “get,” you mean fabricate.
TOM : Name’s Annabelle Dixon. I’m asking you to help me get intel on Alexander Kirk. I am asking you to help me get my daughter back.
RESSLER : Let me see what I can do.


Ressler is speaking with the manager and Samar with Theo

MANAGER : We do high-volume, injection-molded plastic components. Not to speak ill of the dead, but Omar wasn’t exactly a rock star.
RESSLER : What does that mean?
THEO : I don’t know. He was quiet, kept to himself. Hard to get to know.
SAMAR : And you worked together how long?
MANAGER : Three years. You know how many times we saw him at the Christmas party, company picnic? Zero.
THEO : But the guy was smart, and recently super excited. He’d had some kind of breakthrough.
SAMAR : On what?
THEO : I don’t know. Wasn’t anything he was doing here. We all have IP clauses in our contracts that allow us to pursue projects outside the company.

A young woman enters

LYDIA : Theo, these need your signature.
SAMAR : Excuse me. Omar Najjar– did you know him?
LYDIA : Not really. I-I wish I could help. Sorry to interrupt.
THEO : I don’t know what Omar was working on, but it was big. And if you’re here because you think it got him killed, you need to talk to his wife. If anyone knew what he was up to, it was her.

Mona Najjar, Omar’s wife, is holding a photo of him and crying

She hears noise from the basement and descends the stairs

MONA : Somebody down here?

Printer whirring : asheet of paper comes off the printer. She glances at it: ” … my life. I can’t go on … … must end my life … ”
Silas grabs her from behind

Mona screams

Later, Ressler reads out loud from suicide note

RESSLER : “My husband, Omar, was my life. I can’t go on without him. To end this pain, I must end my life. Please understand, suicide was my only option. – Mona Najjar”
SAMAR : ME says no criminality. No defensive wounds, no bruises, and the body wasn’t moved postmortem.
RESSLER : And if he’s wrong, and she really was killed? I mean, look at all that blood. That tells me that someone cut her wrists while she was still alive.
SAMAR : And look at this. Fun summer reading?

Samar opens a large volume. A strip of photos from a photo booth is inside. It shows Omar and Lydia together, hugging and laughing

SAMAR : Hidden inside– Omar and one of the co-workers that I spoke with.
RESSLER : What about it?
SAMAR : She said she didn’t know him.

Red and Dembe are seated in a pew in the church

Dembe’s head is bowed

DEMBE : It won’t come.
RED : What?
DEMBE : Forgiveness. For Kate. For what I did.
RED : You did nothing.
DEMBE : Exactly.

Reifler is speaking with Liz

DR REIFLER : Your daughter is safe.
LIZ : You’ve seen Agnes?
DR REIFLER : Alexander’s taking excellent care of her.
LIZ : Where is she?
DR REIFLER : I don’t know. He moves so Reddington can’t find her. He’s protecting her from him. Do you know what he did to me– With your daughter being with a man capable of that kind of cruelty?
LIZ : You could be asking me that about either of them.
DR REIFLER : I can’t defend everything that Alexander has done. I can defend why he did it. Alexander’s a good man.

 Reifler's cellphone ringing

Red walks up

RED : Mind your bedside manners.

Reifler on phone with Kirk

DR REIFLER : Hello? Yes. I understand. Go ahead.

Reifler writing

DR REIFLER : Tell Mr. Kirk I’ll be there. Goodbye.

Reifler hangs up
Red looks at the slip of paper

RED : Dembe, please inform Edward we’re going to Geneva. Elizabeth, I need all the satellite intel the task force can get their hands on for this address, as well as schematics for the building.
LIZ : Listen to me, this doesn’t need to be another one of your scorched-earth raids.
RED : What a curious concern for a mama grizzly going after her cub.


SAMAR : In my experience, when people lie about knowing the victim, they were involved in the murder.
LYDIA : I wasn’t involved in Omar’s murder. I was involved with him.
SAMAR : So you lied to keep the affair a secret.
LYDIA : Nobody at work knew about us or about what he was working on.
SAMAR : Which was?
LYDIA : A desalination process. 600 million people don’t have access to clean water, and Omar invented a way to extract it from seawater that’s efficient and cheap and can be scaled to service entire cities.
SAMAR : Who else did Omar talk to about this?
LYDIA : No one… until last weekend. He met this amazing guy. He knew everything about bringing an idea to market.

Silas listens as he dresses

Selfhelp tape: « For a surefire self-confidence booster, groom yourself, dress nicely, stand tall, prepare ».


SAMAR : Where did they meet?
LYDIA : Where we took this photo– at the Inventors Expo in Trenton. He gave Omar hours of free advice, and Omar walked him through every step of the invention. If this guy, whoever he is, if he killed Omar and his wife… I could be next... I’m the only other person who knew what he was working on. You got to find this attorney.


RILEY EMERSON : Magnesium is more abundant, less reactive… and cheaper to produce than lithium.

At a convention, a young woman bumps into Silas, spilling her papers

SILAS : Oh. I’m so sorry. Sorry about that.

Picks up the papers

SILAS : There you go.
RILEY : Thank you.
SILAS : Hold on. This doesn’t say “patent pending.” You’re not pitching your invention without intellectual property protection?
RILEY : Oh, no. I mean… yeah, I was. I know, I’m a huge moron, right?
SILAS : Well, not if your idea sucks. If it’s brilliant, then, yeah, you’re a moron. Find good patent counsel. VCs won’t invest unless they know your technology’s protected.
RILEY : Then protect me. You’re an attorney, right? I stood behind you in the lunch line, eavesdropped.
SILAS : What’s your name?
RILEY : Riley Emerson.
SILAS : You have a working prototype, Riley Emerson?
RILEY : Like you said, show no one until it’s patented.
SILAS : Let me know if you want me to take a look. Maybe I can file the patent application pro bono. Here’s my cell. You’ll never get past my assistant. She’s there to protect me from people like you.

Vasily Komarov is sitting at a table in a park

Tom sits down across from him

VASILY : What is this? Who are you?
TOM : Who I am doesn’t matter, Vasily. What matters is that you’re passing state secrets to the FBI through Annabelle Dixon.
VASILY : Please.
TOM : She works for the FBI, and she is your handler. Now, that is a fact that I’m prepared to keep secret if, and only if, you give me the SVR file on Alexander Kirk.
VASILY : I have no time for this.
TOM : Surveillance photos, signed confession witnessed by Special Agent Donald Ressler. Go ahead and ask her, and she’ll deny it. But by then, your reputation’s gonna be destroyed. All I’m asking for is intel on a man that your own government detests. So, I’ll give you one hour to decide whether you want to ruin his life or yours.


ARAM : Elise, hey. I, uh… I’m not really allowed to FaceTime at work.
ELISE : Yeah, I know, well, but it’s kind of an emergency. Um… the dishwasher.
ARAM : Whoa.
ELISE : I know– disaster. I-I was trying to clean up– not– not that you’re a slob or anything. I’m not great with appliances, so if you don’t want your apartment to turn into a bubble bath, maybe you could help me out here.
SAMAR : Bad time?
ARAM : Uh… no. Uh… Maybe.
SAMAR : The surveillance footage of Omar meeting our suspect– were you able to enhance the video?
ARAM : Uh, yes, but not enough to run the image through a database. What I did find… was… this.

Aram shows the business card, handling by a white hand

SAMAR : Business card– “Goodwin, Benham & Yates, LLP.”
ARAM : It’s a DC law firm specializing in IP and patent law.
SAMAR : Charles T. Gellner. Okay. Looks like I will be paying Mr. Gellner a visit.
ARAM : My dishwasher, it’s, um… super finicky. I, uh, almost always dry by hand.
SAMAR : I’m gonna go.
ARAM : Right, I’m just saying it wasn’t her fault– the bubbles. FYI.


RESSLER : Charles Gellner? Agents Navabi and Ressler, FBI. We’re going to need you to come with us.
GELLNER : Why? What’s the problem?
RESSLER : This doesn’t concern you.
GELLNER : I think it might.
RESSLER : And why is that?
GELLNER : Because I’m Charles Gellner.
RESSLER : Well, Mr. Gellner, I’m afraid to tell you that someone’s stolen your identity.
GELLNER : Well, what makes you think that?
RESSLER : Uh, well, sir…
SAMAR : Because you’re black.
RESSLER : Not a crime.

Silas’ workshop. On a long table are arranged the files of his past and future victims. Each pile has a separate cellphone on top. Silas is at his desk, using a syringe to inject poison into bottles of champaign

Cellphone ringing : on phone

SILAS : Hello?
RILEY : Mr. Wellington? Hey. This is Riley Emerson. We met in Boston.
SILAS : Riley! Funny, I was just talking about you with my managing partner.
RILEY : About whether I was brilliant or a moron?
SILAS : About your idea. We think it’s very interesting. We’d like to talk about helping you out.
RILEY : Oh, my God. That’s so great. Do you want to get together, let me show you the prototype?SILAS : I’d like nothing more.


RESSLER : Law firm checks out. Seems like Lindquist agents assume the identities of patent experts to lure inventors into revealing their ideas and their research.
COOPER : Cell number on the business card. Where are we on that?
ARAM : Right, three of the numbers were hidden, so I had to run down a few hundred possible combinations– 246 to be exact. And in addition to two PTA presidents and an amazing doggy daycare, I found… this burner phone, and I had the cell carrier triangulate its location to this apartment building in Oak Hill.
COOPER : And how many people live in the building?
ARAM : 112. But our suspect’s name is… Silas Gouldsberry.
COOPER : And how do you know that?
ARAM : He is the only tenant who works for the US Patent Office.
COOPER : Get there now.

On phone

SAMAR : Navabi.
ELISE : Samar? Hi. Uh, I hope this isn’t weird, me calling you. Uh, my name is Elise. I’m a friend of Aram’s, and–
SAMAR : Elise. Hello. I hope you didn’t flood the apartment again.
ELISE : He told you about that. Why– Why wouldn’t he? He tells you everything. I’m a little jealous.
SAMAR : Is there something I can help you with?
ELISE : From what I can tell, you know him so well, and point is, why I called, Aram, uh, his perfect date– what would that be?
SAMAR : Is that why you’re calling me? For dating advice?
ELISE : Yeah, I mean, you’re his best friend. And after nearly destroying his place today, I… want to give him a night he’ll never forget. How would you do that?

In Red’s jet, on way to Geneva

LIZ : He admires Kirk, says he’s a good man.
RED : He shouldn’t. And he’s not.
LIZ : I’m in the middle. Between you and Kirk, between Tom and Kirk. Can you at least admit how difficult that is?
RED : No. It’s only difficult if you accept the premise that Kirk is your father. I don’t.
LIZ : At the church, what was Dembe praying for?
RED : Salvation… that will never come.

Ressler leads a raid on Silas’ apartment

RESSLER : FBI! Federal agents!
MAN : Kitchen’s clear. Bathroom’s clear.
RESSLER : Clear.
MAN : Bedroom’s clear. Down that hall.
RESSLER : Some kind of a directory of registered patent attorneys and patent agents. He’s got half a dozen doctored IDs with matching business cards– patent agents, angel investor, patent attorney. Charles Gellner. What’s that?
SAMAR : His next victim.


RILEY : A magnesium battery is the holy grail of energy storage. Everyone and their mother is working on one. But no one could find a magnesium-friendly electrolyte. Yeah, that’s the stuff that–
SILAS : The material that allows the ions to flow between electrodes.
RILEY : Hey, you know your stuff.
SILAS : And you, all of 24, have cracked it. That is pretty young to be a billionaire.

Samar and Ressler in SUV. Samar is trying to reach Riley

On phone

Recording: « This is Riley. Leave a message ».

SAMAR : Riley, this is Special Agent Samar Navabi with the FBI. We have reason to believe you may be in danger.


SILAS : I am gonna file for expedited status on the patent application. Now, anyone who knows anything about this is gonna have to sign a nondisclosure, and that includes me.
RILEY : I haven’t really had anyone else to tell.

Silas pours champaign. Riley drinks

RILEY : You know, you’re the first person to ever really believe in me. Thank…

Riley, coughing

SILAS : You okay there?
RILEY : Yeah. No, I’m getting sick–
SILAS : I don’t think you are.

Riley gasps
Silas starts car engine

SILAS : So stupid. You should never use a car engine to power anything in a garage with no ventilation.

Ressler and Samar’s vehicle approaches

Silas takes off running

SAMAR : There’s a car running.

Samar discovers Riley in the garage coughing and breathing heavily

RESSLER : I got it.
SAMAR : Ressler!

Samar to Riley

SAMAR : It’s okay.

Samar shouts

SAMAR : Ressler! Got her!

Riley, coughing

SAMAR : The car.

Ressler shuts engine off

Ressler on phone

RESSLER : I need an ambulance, 310 North View Drive.

Samar is giving Riley CPR


RED : During World War II, the Oeuvre de Secours aux Enfants smuggled Jewish children out of France to Switzerland. This was one of their staging areas. Now it’s mine.

Red's men guns clicking

LIZ : Are you planning an extraction or a land war in Asia?
RED : My plan is to make contact with you as soon as Alexander Kirk is in my possession.
LIZ : What do you mean? I’m going with you.
RED : Given your conflicted feelings for Kirk, I believe that would be unwise.
LIZ : I gave you the satellite intel on Kirk’s location. I’m the reason you’re able to get him.
RED : Which I appreciate, but as you said, you’re in the middle. Given our mission, that’s not a point of view we can indulge.
LIZ : I’m not going anywhere.
RED : My point exactly.

Baz and another man come around Liz

At the Patent Office

SAMAR : I have a subpoena here for Silas Gouldsberry’s phone, computer, and employment records. And I need you to revoke his employee access card.
HR MANAGER : I can revoke the card, but it won’t do you much good.
SAMAR : Why is that?
HR MANAGER : He’s in the building.

On phone with Cooper who is in his office

COOPER : Agent Navabi, what do you know?
SAMAR : He’s here– Gouldsberry. He swiped in two minutes ago.
COOPER : You have a visual?
SAMAR : No, but the security has been alerted and the building is in lockdown.
COOPER : We’ll set a perimeter. Agent Ressler, get there now.

 Security guard recognizes Silas

Guard on phone

GUARD : I have a visual– basement, sector 5. Sir–

Silas shoots the guard 

People screaming
Card reader beeps

Silas enters server room. His boss is there


SILASBOSS: Hey, buttercup. Glad you could make it. Now we–

Silas shoots him  

People screaming Silas shoots at ceiling  

SILAS : Everyone on the ground!

Another guard accompanying Samar unlocks the door with card reader

A trail of blood leads to a glassed in room

SAMAR : What’s on the other side of that glass?
GUARD : Server room.
SAMAR : Call for backup.

Silas gets on the computer

Silas begins transferring files

SAMAR : Silas Gouldsberry? FBI. You’ve gotten yourself cornered in there, Silas, and you’re looking for a way out. Let me help you.
SILAS : I don’t need your help.
SAMAR : Sure, you do. What do you want?
SILAS : I want money. $20 million in unmarked bills. Nonconsecutive serial numbers. In 30 minutes, or I start shooting the hostages.

People whimpering

Red is pointing out his plan on a map. Baz looks on

RED : Kirk’s medical suite is being set up off the Rue Baulacre. He’ll have a man stationed on the perimeter here…

At that location a guard is shot ...

GUARD : Aah! .
RED : ..here…

... And another

MAN : Ugh!
RED : …and at least two covering the south entrance here

Men shown being wrestled to the ground

RED : I want everyone to memorize the layout of the interior. I don’t want any missteps.
DR REIFLER : Excuse me. There are three medical personnel in there, all good men and women. You can’t hurt them.
RED : I’m sorry, Dr. Reifler, but you’re not part of the planning committee.


At the garage where the sting is taking place
Rapid gunfire   
Red and Reifler enter

In is car, Kirk receive a message

RED : As requested, Doctor, your medical team, safe and sound. Bravo.

Reifler cellphone ringing

On phone

KIRK : Dr. Reifler?
DR REIFLER : Yes, Alexander.
KIRK : I’m here. We just passed Rue du Clos. We’ll be right there.
DR REIFLER : Very good.

He hangs up

DR REIFLER :He’s five minutes out.
RED : In five.


VASILY : I need assurances that your evidence will be destroyed, and your word as an agent is definitely not satisfactory.
TOM : Well, that’s good because I’m not an agent or a spook, and SVR did not ask me to find out whether or not you’re compromised, which we both know you’re not.
VASILY : What then? Who are you?
TOM : I’m a dad. Alexander Kirk took my little girl. And I’ll do anything to get her back. So, if you pick up your hand and that is your intel on Kirk, then on the life of my daughter, you have my word that my intel on you will be destroyed.


Liz on phone with Tom

LIZ : You’re never gonna believe what I’m doing.
TOM : The lead Ressler gave me?
LIZ : Nothing– We found Kirk. He’s in Geneva. Our first lead and Reddington literally leaves me behind with a couple of armed guards.
TOM : What do you mean Geneva?
LIZ : That’s where Kirk’s meeting his doctor. He’s headed there now.
TOM : No, he’s not. He’s in Russia.
LIZ : What are you talking about?
TOM : The lead Ressler gave me. It panned out. I got the SVR file on Kirk. They had actionable intel–
LIZ : That Kirk’s in Russia?
TOM : This morning. They raided a safe house, but he was gone.
LIZ : I need to call you back.

A car enters the garage

Dembe’s cellphone rings

On Phone with Liz


LIZ : Put him on.

Dembe to Red

DEMBE : Elizabeth.
LIZ : Tell him it’s a trap. You’re walking into a trap

Dembe to Red

DEMBE : She says this is a setup.

Red and Dembe pause and Red takes a few steps back. Red takes the phone, flips it shut and hands it to Dembe
Red and Dembe are thrown back by the force of the car's explosion


COOPER : Laurel, now is not a good time.
LAUREL HITCHIN : Yeah, I know. That’s why I’m here. The patent office– I want an update.
COOPER : 20 hostages– 1 wounded, 1 dead– barricaded into a server room. The demand is $20 million. We have 22 minutes before he starts shooting again.
HITCHIN : And the inventions, the ones he kills for, where are they?
COOPER : How do you know about that?
HITCHIN : I’m the National Security Advisor, Harold. It’s my job to know about anything that impacts national security, and it’s my understanding they do.

Red, Dembe and Dr Reifler survived the blast with only minor cuts

RED : How did he know? How did Kirk know?
DR REIFLER : I don’t know. It wasn’t me, okay? I-I was with you the whole time.
RED : Attend to my men.

Cellphone ringing : it's Liz. Dembe holds out phone for Red

DEMBE : Raymond.

On phone

RED : Yeah.
LIZ : What happened? Is everyone okay?
RED : No. Men are dead, others gravely injured… because someone warned Kirk.
LIZ : You don’t think… I called to warn you.
RED : I know that.
LIZ : You don’t sound convinced.
RED : We’re at cross purposes, Elizabeth. Not about Agnes. About Agnes, we’re in lock step. But about Kirk– about who he is and what he wants– we’re… at odds.
LIZ : But that’s because you can’t seem to accept that Kirk has answers to questions I’ve been asking my entire life.
RED : Your call saved my life. Thank you.

Red hangs up


SAMAR : Silas… what condition is your wounded hostage in?
SILAS : Better than he deserves.
SAMAR : I see a lot of blood loss out here, Silas. Why don’t you send him out?
SILAS : Where’s my money?
SAMAR : I’m working on it, but that amount of money takes time. “Better than he deserves.” What did you mean by that?
SILAS : You ever invented anything? You ever experience that moment of discovery? It’s a revelation.
SAMAR : And the man you shot?
SILAS : Will never know what that feels like. But I do. I’ve come up with an idea that doesn’t need a patent. An idea that is going to change the world.
SAMAR : I don’t see anything world-altering about what you’re doing, Silas.
SILAS : Oh, you will do. In 19 minutes.


COOPER : What are we looking at?
ARAM : I’ve got access to the Patent Office’s server’s infrastructure, and there is a major alert from the TCP retries counter, meaning someone is uploading data. Like– like, a ton of it.
HITCHIN : Why do you think it’s Gouldsberry? Can you see what’s being uploaded?
ARAM : Uh, no, but I can– I can see how long it’s gonna take. Another 14 minutes– same timetable he gave Agent Navabi to get the money.
COOPER : Money he could’ve made 10 times over by selling the invention he has on the open market.
HITCHIN : So, the demand is a smokescreen. For what?
COOPER : Aram, if he had enough schematics, could uploading them possibly take this long?
ARAM : Sure, maybe, but if he did that, then they’d become available… to the many at the expense of the few. He’s open-sourcing them.
COOPER : Is HRT in place?
ARAM : Yes.
HITCHIN : Send it in now.
COOPER : If I do that, hostages will die.
HITCHIN : If you don’t, national security will be compromised.
COOPER : We can’t be sure of that.
HITCHIN : Harold, the ideas he has are revolutionary, right– in medicine and in energy, and, for all you know, in computers and next-gen weaponry. You really want to open-source that to Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea?
COOPER : What I want is to let this play out for another 13 minutes, see if it can be resolved without a bloodbath.
HITCHIN : That’s not a risk I’m willing to take. Send in the breach order or I will.


SILAS : I was 23 when I sold my first invention– was gonna be a star. Company that bought it, they had a plan. We were gonna save lives and change the world. Three weeks after signing it over, they killed it, shelved my idea for the sake of their bottom line. After that, I’d tell anyone who cared to listen what happened to me. I warned them, but they didn’t see the censorship. All they saw was the payday, the money.


RESSLER : Teams in position?
HRT MAN : Perimeters are set. We enter from the south on your ready.


SILAS : People start out with a pure idea. It gets corrupted. So that’s why I came to work here, so I could be exposed to breakthrough technologies and prevent them falling victim to corporate greed. You think I’m trying to suppress inventions? I’m doing the exact opposite. That’s my great idea. I’m gonna set them free.
SAMAR : I can’t let you do that, Silas.
SILAS : In eight minutes, it’ll be done. You enter before that… the hostages die.


HITCHIN : Call in the order, Harold, or that countdown represents what’s left of your career.
COOPER : I’m not sending my men in guns blazing.
ARAM : Sir, I think I have another way.


Ressler, who is on-site, has been listening in

Samar is listening too

RESSLER : Fire-suppression system?
ARAM : Yes, if you manually set it off, the safety override should automatically open the doors. You should be able to access the system from a utility module in the fire panel.

RESSLER : All right, Aram. Talk to me.
ARAM : There should be a circuit board on the lower right corner.
SAMAR : Aram, what the hell is going on?
ARAM : Uh, yeah, hold on. W-We’re working on it.
SAMAR : Hold on? We have less than a minute.
RESSLER : All right, I found the circuit board. What do I do?
ARAM : Agent Navabi. We’re gonna kill the power to the fire system. Doing so will release a fire-suppression agent. It’s an inert gas, so it’s safe, but you might have a problem with …
ARAM : Oh! Uh, the plug with two red wires just below the green blinking light, pull that– pull it now!
SAMAR : A problem with what, Aram?
ARAM : … Visibility.

Alarm wailing

Gas fills the server room


SAMAR : Drop it!

Samar and Silas draw firearms

Gunshot : Silas falls

ARAM : Okay, don’t pull out the flash drive. To corrupt the entire zipped file, hit “Abort” on the data-transfer dialogue.
SAMAR : Yes!


LIZ : We didn’t get Agnes.
TOM : I know. I talked to Ressler. This, um, SVR report, when I talked to you earlier, I hadn’t finished reading it.
LIZ : Did you find something about Agnes?
TOM : No.
LIZ : Then what difference does it make?
TOM : It’s about you. And your father.
LIZ : What’s this?
TOM : It’s a DNA report.

Ressler and Samar enter Cooper’s office

COOPER : Here they are.
HITCHIN : Hey, you did great work today.
RESSLER : What’s she doing here?
COOPER : You have the data file?
SAMAR : I wish I could meet all the people who dreamed up what’s on here. Every one of them killed for no other reason than the power of their imagination.

Cooper gives flash drive to Hitchin

RESSLER : You know who she is and you’re gonna give her that?
HITCHIN : Yes, Agent Ressler, he does. But apparently you’ve forgotten. “She” is your boss’s boss’s boss’s boss.
RESSLER : Well, my boss’s boss’s boss’s boss is a killer. See, I know you murdered Reven Wright, and one day, I’m gonna prove it.
HITCHIN : Harold, I’ll give the President your regards.

To Ressler

HITCHIN : Excuse me. Thank you.

In Red’s Mercedes

HITCHIN : You sure that’s the only invention you’re interested in?
RED : Yes.
HITCHIN : ‘Cause I’ve seen the rest and they’re incredible.
RED : Mm. Good afternoon, Laurel.
HITCHIN : All right.
RED : Per our agreement, no friends and family discount. Our compatriots on the Cabal pay full market value. My cut is 50%. That sounds greedy. 45%.


ODETTE : Our asset made contact. Reddington survived.


RESSLER : Seen Aram? I need his report.
SAMAR : He left early.
RESSLER : Right. Date night. Did she order takeout from Pacos Tacos?
SAMAR : Oh, yeah, and a ginger beer and crispy beef from Ho Kow… and chicken from that disgusting Italian place he likes. That place got a “B.”
RESSLER : She’s really working it.
SAMAR : If he likes her, I’m happy for him… but there’s something about her that bugs me.
RESSLER : Yeah, it’s terrible. She’s actually nice to him. I mean, personally, I hate it when cute girls buy me crispy beef.
SAMAR : She may be cute, but trust me, she’ll age badly.
RESSLER : I’ve been to that Italian place. They dump garlic on everything. You know, that was kind of a genius move, you telling her to go there.
SAMAR : It wasn’t a move.
RESSLER : He’s never gonna want to kiss her with chicken garlic breath.
SAMAR : Okay, that’s just gross, Ressler.
RESSLER : That’s what I’m saying. You got nothing to worry about.
SAMAR : I’m not worried.


Red is seated, having dinner and drinking wine. Liz walks in. She is angry

LIZ : You lied to me about everything.
RED : May I pour you a glass of this delicious Aglianico?

Liz gives Red a sheet of paper

RED : What’s this?
LIZ : A DNA report. Proof that Alexander Kirk is my father. You told me my father was dead, that I killed him. Everything you’ve said from the start, from the very beginning… all lies.

Liz scoffs. She takes the report and stomps out
Red’s left eye twitches


 Adapté du site «The Blacklist Classified», mise en page par mnoandco

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