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#406 : Les Troyens


Aram Mojtabaï dans sa cuisine

Ecrit par : Daniel Knauf, Dave Metzger

Réalisé par : Terrence O'Hara

Lorsque Alexander Kirk passe un contrat avec un groupe mystérieux qui se spécialise dans le piratage des systèmes informatiques les plus sécurisés du monde, Red et Liz voient une occasion de tenter quelque chose contre l'organisation de Kirk. 


4.56 - 9 votes

Titre VO
The Thrushes

Titre VF
Les Troyens

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Aram Mojtabaï (Amir Arison) et sa petite amie Elise (Annie Heise)

Aram Mojtabaï (Amir Arison) et sa petite amie Elise (Annie Heise)

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) téléphone

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) téléphone

Chester (Daniel Stewart Sherman) met en place les diapos tandis que Red (James Spader) observe

Chester (Daniel Stewart Sherman) met en place les diapos tandis que Red (James Spader) observe

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) argumente

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) argumente

Raymond Reddington (James Spader)

Raymond Reddington (James Spader)

Aram (Amir Arison) donne quelques explications à l'équipe

Aram (Amir Arison) donne quelques explications à l'équipe

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) rend visite à Liz

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) rend visite à Liz

Aram Mojtabaï (Amir Arison) dans sa cuisine

Aram Mojtabaï (Amir Arison) dans sa cuisine

Tête à tête entre Cooper et Red

Tête à tête entre Cooper et Red

Raymond Reddington (James Spader)  attentif

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) attentif

Raymond Reddington (James Spader)

Raymond Reddington (James Spader)

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) présente le nouveau nom sur la liste loin des oreilles indiscrètes

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) présente le nouveau nom sur la liste loin des oreilles indiscrètes

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone)

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone)

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone)

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone)

Mise au point entre Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) et Liz (Megan Boone)

Mise au point entre Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) et Liz (Megan Boone)

Planque de Red coupée de toutes technologies modernes pour éviter l'espionnage des Troyens

Planque de Red coupée de toutes technologies modernes pour éviter l'espionnage des Troyens


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France (inédit)
Mercredi 31.01.2018 à 22:40
2.07m / 15.3% (Part)

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Etats-Unis (inédit)
Jeudi 27.10.2016 à 22:00
5.52m / 1.2% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Organisation Blaklistée: N°53: The Thrushes

Guests :

Ulrich Thomsen...Alexander Kirk/Constantin Rostov

Susan Blommaert...Mr. Kaplan

Leon Rippy... Le Chasseur

Annie Heise...Elise

Deirdre Lovejoy...Cynthia Panabaker

Bazzel Baz...Baz

Annapurna Sriram...Odette
Daniel Stewart Sherman...Chester
Patrick Page...Rene Le Bron



Red dirige le FBI sur une nouvelle cible, René Le Bron. Il explique que lorsque le gouvernement saisit les biens des criminels, Le Bron leur propose un prêt pour garder leurs activités illégales actives et le remboursement du dit prêt avec un substanciel intérêt lorsque leurs avoirs sont dégelés. Red explique qu'Alexander Kirk est l’un de ses clients et qu’il envisage d’utiliser celui-ci pour atteindre Kirk. Il l'a kidnappé mais le soucis est qu'en échange de Kirk, Le Bron veut l’immunité, ce que seul le FBI peut lui offrir. Cooper s’engage à faire quelques appels téléphoniques afin de voir ce qu’il peut faire.

Liz est contrariée par Red et tous ses mensonges et le lui fait comprendre ouvertement devant toute la Task-Force. Cooper appelle Liz dans son bureau et lui demande de mettre de côté ses problèmes personnels avec Red afin qu’ils puissent travailler avec lui pour retrouver Agnes.

Cooper appelle Cynthia Panabaker pour discuter l’immunité de Le Bron et l'obtient. Red arrange un rendez-vous afin de le remettre au FBI mais Le Bron est tué par un sniper avant l'échange.

Le lendemain matin Samar, Ressler et Aram reçoivent des livraisons de Nick's pizza accompagnées d'une lettre de Red leur disant que des voitures vont venir les chercher. L'équipe est emmenée dans un mystérieux entrepôt coupé de toutes technologies modernes. Red et Liz les y attendent. Liz s'en est pris à Red parce qu’ils savent que quelqu'un a piraté le FBI et que toute leur équipe est sous surveillance, la mort de Le Bron le prouve. Kirk sachant que Liz n'a plus confiance en Red va chercher à la joindre. Cependant Liz avoue à Ressler que sa colère vis à vis de Red n'est pas feinte et qu'elle ne le supporte que le temps de retrouver Agnes.

« The Trushes », un groupe de hackers ultra-performants a été engagé afin d'infiltrer le FBI.  Ils ont, par le passé, piraté des métros causant des accidents, ils ont détruit une centrale en Inde ce qui a tué et irradié des milliers de personnes ; maintenant ils travaillent pour Kirk afin de devancer le FBI dans leurs actions contre lui.

Red et Cooper ont une petite conversation. Red lui avoue que jamais en se rendant, il n'avait pensé que les choses tourneraient aussi mal. Kirk n'est apparu sur sa liste que parce qu'il s'en est pris à Liz et que suite à ses précautions prises pour la protéger, elle n'éprouve plus que du ressentiment à son égard.

Lorsque Cooper rencontre Panabaker, il lui signale l'intrusion des « Trushes ». Panabaker veut fermer l’ensemble du système mais il la convainc de laisser le système actif afin qu’ils puissent les traquer et utiliser le hack pour donner à Kirk des informations erronées.

Pendant ce temps, Mr. Kaplan est toujours enchaînée à un lit dans une cabane avec l’homme étrange qui l'a trouvée dans les bois. Elle peut à peine parler mais essaie de le convaincre qu'elle a essayé de se donner la mort et que personne ne viendra le déranger dans sa retraite.

Kirk pensant que Liz se méfie de Red lui fait parvenir un téléphone avec son numéro pré-enregistré afin qu'elle le joigne. Liz met en place un rendez-vous avec lui et surtout Agnes. Red, à ses côtés, écoute la conversation.

Samar prend contact avec un ancien collègue afin d'obtenir des informations sur le piratage en Inde. Il lui montre quelques photos des ingénieurs morts dans l'accident et elle est choquée de voir que l’une des personnes sur les photos, est la petite amie d' Aram.

Aram de son côté fait ses propres recherches et conclut que seul un accès direct à son ordinateur personnel a permis la fuite d'informations ; seule Elise, sa petite amie, a eu l'occasion de transférer un virus sur celui-ci.

Aram décide qu'il faut profiter de sa soirée prévue avec elle pour infecter de la même manière son ordinateurl afin de pirater les données du groupre de hackers.

Lors de cette soirée Odette, l'associée de Kirk, téléphone à Elise pour qu'elle fasse une vérification de sécurité de son système. Elle ne voudrait pas risquer que son patron se fasse arrêter lors de son rendez-vous avec Liz. Elise se rend compte alors que Aram a piraté son ordinateur et l'attaque. Mais Ressler et Samar viennent le tirer des griffes d'une Elise très remontée.

Liz appelle Kirk et l'avertit qu’il marche droit dans un piège mais Kirk veut encore la rencontrer, il choisit alors un lieu différent.

Liz le rencontre au sommet d’un toit. Il lui annonce qu'il lui rendra Agnes uniquement après la mort de Reddington car il a envoyé ses hommes à l’ancien lieu de réunion afin de le tuer. Romina amène Agnes mais les hommes de Red attaquent car Liz l'a informé du changement de lieu et leur plan a fonctionné.

Kirk a encore Agnes dans les bras lorsqu' il se précipite vers le bord du toit et menace de sauter avec le bébé. Liz supplie Kirk et frappe les cordes sensibles de celui-ci en l'appellant «papa», entre autres. Finalement, il se rend aux hommes de Red et remet Agnes à Liz. Kirk est ensuite conduit au Bureau de Poste sous la garde du FBI.

Agnes, Tom et Liz sont enfin réunis . Red se présente à leur porte et Liz lui laisse voir le bébé. Liz lui annonce que la menace Kirk étant éliminée elle, Tom et Agnes vont quitter sa surveillance et déménager. Red répond à Liz qu'il le sait.

L'homme dans les bois est mécontent lorsqu'il découvre que Kate lui a menti et que quelqu'un lui a tiré dessus.

Résumé proposé par mnoandco


RENE LE BRON : The President of the United States is not God, gentlemen. His judgment is not final. He has judged you to be human rights violators, drug traffickers, impediments to democracy, and he has signed Executive Order 13405, freezing 760 million Euros of your money. My judgment is that you are sanctioned businessmen with no cash to run your business. So… 600 million Euros, secured on a tarmac a plane less than 14 kilometers from this room. Your money, gentlemen. To do with as you please. Infrastructure, weapons, medicine, sex, drugs, rock and roll… It matters not to me. All I ask in return is a market rate on the loan until your assets are unfrozen. At which point, you will transfer them to me.
MAN : You offer 600 million and expect 760 million when sanctions are lifted?
RENE LE BRON : Yes. 160 million… plus interest. For substituting my judgment for the president’s. You can keep the plane.

The group that just boarded quickly put down Le Bron’s group, leaving only Le Bron standing

RENE LE BRON : I have three-quarters of a billion in cash parked at MSQ. If you let me go now, it’s yours.
OSCAR : Do you, now? My team seized that money 30 seconds after you cut the feed to the conference room. Can we keep the plane?

Oscar’s men put a white sack over Le Bron’s head and lead him off the elevator


On phone

RED : Hello, Oscar. I trust you secured the package.
OSCAR : And his cargo. Shall I deduct the balance of my fee from the cash at hand?
RED : Yes. And direct a generous contribution in Le Bron’s name to the Belarusian Refugee Fund.
OSCAR : All of it?
RED : Don’t be absurd. Oh, and, Oscar, that plane is mine.

Red briefs the task force

RED : Iranian mullahs, Mexican cartels, radical despots… Your government declares them enemies and freezes their assets to influence their behavior. Economic sanctions are relatively easy to implement and historically effective. Until now. Agent Navabi, would you be so kind? René Le Bron… Financier of terrorist states and criminal organizations. When your government freezes their assets, Le Bron offers them sizable loans, rendering the sanctions toothless and affording the bad actors the ability to continue conducting business as usual. When the sanctions are lifted, Le Bron makes a hefty profit by pocketing the frozen assets he insisted his borrowers put up as collateral.
RESSLER : Brilliant idea. Sick, but brilliant.
RED : Yes, Donald. Truth be told, I’m disappointed I didn’t think of it.
LIZ : Why bother when you can have us arrest him and then take his place?
RED : Good point.
ARAM : Sorry. Did I miss something? I-Is this about going after Kirk and…
LIZ : Finding my daughter? No, it isn’t. Apparently, empire building takes precedence.
RED : Alexander Kirk is a client of Le Bron’s. After your government froze Kirk’s assets, he turned to Le Bron for a loan.
LIZ : You’re always giving us someone’s six degrees of separation from Kirk.
RED : I intercepted Le Bron in Minsk closing a deal. He’s willing to cooperate, but on a condition I am powerless to fulfill… Immunity from prosecution.
RESSLER : So you think that he’ll cooperate in exchange for witness protection?
RED : Well, one can hardly expect unconditional virtue from creatures like René Le Bron.
LIZ : So I’ve learned.
COOPER : I’ll have to clear immunity with Cynthia Panabaker. Ressler, Navabi, Aram, clear the logistics for transfer of custody. Keen, a word.


COOPER : I can’t pretend to know the stress you’re under. But from where I sit, he’s doing everything in his power to find Agnes.
LIZ : And kill Kirk.
COOPER : You have a problem with that?
LIZ : Alexander Kirk is my father.
COOPER : You have proof?
LIZ : Yes. DNA evidence of who my father is and who’s been lying to me for the past three years.
COOPER : As I said, I don’t know how you bear it, but we have a job to do, and we can’t do it unless you can work with Reddington.
LIZ : I’ll do my job, but I am done cozying up to that snake.


SAMAR : Tough morning.
ARAM : Here. This should lift the mood. I got some… leftover lemon chicken, Ho Kow crispy beef. We are gonna have it for lunch.
SAMAR : Uh, thanks, but I’m good.
ARAM : I’ve also got Paco’s Tacos.
SAMAR : She really went all out.
ARAM : It’s why I’m late. I, uh… Wait. How’d you know?
SAMAR : Obviously no one would buy all that for themselves. She clearly wants to make a good impression.
ARAM : Yeah. Yeah, I guess.
SAMAR : Is that a problem?
ARAM : No, uh… She’s beautiful and smart. She’s an 11. I mean, I’m a 6, 4 on most days. Don’t get me wrong. I am going to enjoy it, but… something is up. Maybe I’m her rebound guy, or she’s got three months to live or…
SAMAR : Or maybe she thinks you’re a handsome, smart, incredibly nice guy who’s easy to be around.
ARAM : Really? You think so?
SAMAR : No. But she might.


On phone

COOPER : Cynthia Panabaker.
PANABAKER : Harold, do tell me you can still sit in for poker night. I simply cannot afford another empty chair.
COOPER : Still on as far as I know. I’ve got some good news. Major break in the Kirk case, but I’m gonna need immunity for the informant.
COOPER : René Le Bron.

In front of a vast computer array, a tech guy has been listening in on Cooper’s discussion with
On phone

ODETTE : Yes, what is it?
KIRK TECH GUY : Yeah, we got a problem.

Odette enters sauna room where Kirk is shrouded in a white terry robe

ODETTE : I just received confirmation from the Farm. Reddington was behind the Le Bron abduction. If the FBI manages to turn him, they can track and seize all of your remaining assets. Shall I deal with it? I’ve already acquired the details of his transport.
KIRK : Yeah. Anything else?
ODETTE : It appears the seeds of doubt you sowed in Masha have taken root.
KIRK : It’s time to reach out. Take adequate precautions.
ODETTE : Adequate precautions? She’s a key consultant for the FBI.
KIRK : Yes. And she’s my daughter.


Baz and another of Red’s men release Le Bron from his restraints. The white sack goes back on his head
A cavalcade of FBI and police vehicles speed toward the rendezvous point.
Atop a building, a sniper assembles his weapon
Le Bron and captors as well as Ressler, Samar and FBI unit arrive at the rendezvous point for the prisoner exchange

A single shot  from the high powered rifle hits Le Bron in the head, killing him instantly

MAN : Get down!

Everyone ducks for cover. The sniper on the rooftop disappears

Red answers phone

RED : Yes?
COOPER : We lost the asset. Single shot. Fatal. It appears as if the shooter gave us the slip.
RED : Thank you, Harold.

Red clicks phone shut

To Dembe

RED :  Le Bron is dead. Right on schedule. Time to send out the invitations.


Elise wakes in Aram’s bed

ARAM : Good morning.
ELISE : How long were you staring at me?
ARAM : All night.

Doorbell buzzes : Aram goes to door, looks through peephole


Aram, Ressler, Samar and Cooper each receive an early morning pizza with a card attached to the inside of the cover reading:

« Your car will arrive at 7:30 a.m. sharp.
Your discretion is required. – R »


Red’s tech guy, Chester, greets Cooper, Ressler, Samar and Aram, takes their invitation cards and guides them through security

CHESTER : And welcome. Hi. Uh, okay... So, um, electronics, all electronics...Phones. This is like airport security...One at a time, put your arms up for me...Okay, next...You’re good, miss. Thank you. Just close the door behind you, sir. Next.

Behind a door

RED : Welcome to the past. This space is impregnable to every frequency of wireless transmission, including microwaves. Every piece of equipment you see is analog. Our sole concession to the digital revolution is a Ms. Pac-Man machine in the break room.
COOPER : But why?
RED : Because I like Ms. Pac-Man.
COOPER : No. Why this… museum?

Liz enters

LIZ : We’ve been breached.
COOPER : Wait a minute. You two have been working together on this?
LIZ : Yes. Our public disagreement was staged for Kirk’s benefit.
ARAM : You think he’s got a tap into the Post Office?
RED : I know it. René Le Bron’s death was proof.
RESSLER : You sicced us on Le Bron as a test. You knew that if Kirk was listening and he heard that we were going after Le Bron, he’d try to get to him first.
RED : We set the bait. He took it.
COOPER : A human sacrifice.
RED : I prefer the term “tethered goat.” Besides, Harold, the man was a degenerate, and his death denies pariah states access to ready cash, putting teeth back in the sanctions your country imposes with such tumescence.
SAMAR : So we have a mole. Who?
LIZ : Not who.
SAMAR : What.
LIZ : Our system. It’s been hacked.
ARAM : Impossible. We’ve got more firewalls than the NSA’s Utah Data Center. And I personally turn it inside-out every morning. It is a bit-banger’s nightmare. Unhackable.
RED : Which tells us exactly who the culprits are… The Thrushes, a crew that hacks the unhackable. Created in 1982 by a charismatic Bulgarian genius…

To Samar, stepping behind her

RED : Excuse me, sweetheart… Plemen Radkov. He was arrested in 1986 by the KGB and died seven months later in a Siberian gulag.
LIZ : After that, The Thrushes went underground. Their specialty is not only cracking systems, but doing so without leaving a trace of their intrusion.
RED : The Thrushes choose their clientele based on two criteria… Cash and the technical challenge of the hack.
LIZ : 2009… The Ankara-Istanbul high-speed railway system. Faulty ultrasound software failed to detect stress fractures, leading to a disastrous test run, costing the Turkish government billions.

The old manual slide projector jams

RED : Chester.
CHESTER : Oh, crap. Crappers. Sorry. I got it. Crap, crap. I got it.
LIZ : Last year… a top-secret nuclear fuel enrichment plant outside of Jaipur, India. Motor-speed variations destroyed 1,200 industrial centrifuges.
SAMAR : A colleague at the British Embassy was lead on that case. 38 people died, thousands were exposed to radiation, but they never found evidence of a hack.
RED : In both cases, powerful interests stood to gain. And now Alexander Kirk. Full access to all voice and digital transmissions generated by the very people dedicated to taking him down.
COOPER : I’ve heard enough. Shut down the system.
RED : No, Harold, this presents a unique opportunity to feed Kirk disinformation.
LIZ : Like the conversation we had in your office. If Kirk thinks I’m done with Reddington, he might reach out.
COOPER : Or he might not. And in the meantime, you’re asking me to allow a terrorist organization continued access to classified data.
RESSLER : Look, this goes way beyond our operation. Our system’s connected to the NSA, the CIA, State, the White House.
COOPER : If we were to do this, I’d have to clear it with Panabaker. Samar, reach out to your contact at the embassy. Review the Jaipur incident top to bottom. Aram, go to the Post Office. Call the NSA and tear our system apart. Discreetly. We don’t want them to think that we’re onto them, but put every line of code under a microscope. We have to find these hackers now.

Ressler to Liz, once alone withe her

 RESSLER : You know, that little act of yours between you and Reddington had me going.
LIZ : Oh, it wasn’t an act. I’m only putting up with Reddington and his lies until we get Agnes back.


CYNTHIA PANABAKER : Harold, you are one bubble off plumb if you think I’m gonna sit back while heaven knows how many horses run out of the barn.
COOPER : It’s the best chance we have of apprehending Alexander Kirk.
PANABAKER : This represents a five-alarm fire to national security.
COOPER : Which is why we can’t shut down our system. The only hope we have of learning how deeply we’ve been penetrated is to identify The Thrushes. We shut down our system now, they’ll know we’re onto them and rabbit.
PANABAKER : Okay, Harold. Let them run out some line. But you best keep your thumb tight on the drag, or you’re like to find a bird’s nest on your reel. Understand?
COOPER : Not a word. Absolute gibberish.
PANABAKER : Well, let me translate. Don’t screw up.

Kate Kaplan groans, her chain rattles
The Hunter pulls up a chair to talk to Kate

HUNTER : I been thinking. You and I, we, uh… We got a problem. Way I see it, whoever shot you is gonna shoot somebody else and dump them where they dumped you and see you’re not there. And he’s gonna come a-lookin’. Or… somebody reports you missing. And the cops come a-lookin’. Or… I just let you go, and you talk about what happened here, and… whoever you talk to comes a-lookin’. And I don’t like visitors. So, what I’m trying to figure out is, what exactly am I gonna do with you?

Kate in a raspy whisper

KATE : No one… is coming….
HUNTER : Is that a fact?
KATE : I tried to kill myself.
HUNTER : Well, where’s the gun?
KATE : Somewhere back in the woods.
HUNTER : Well, I don’t suppose you could lead me to it.
KATE : I can’t remember. I… crawled away.
HUNTER : Well, you left a trail. I’m a tracker. We’ll see.

Red and Chester are adjusting the video monitors at Tom and Liz’s apartment in the back of a warehouse

RED : I think camera two a smidge to the left.

Door opens. Liz enters

CHESTER : Juicy Deucey.

Red to Liz

RED : Hello.
CHESTER : A hair to the left, please. No, your other left. Genius. No.
RED : He’s still not…
CHESTER : I… I got it. I got it. Got it, got it, got it, got it. Hey…

Red to Liz

RED : Chester’s made some significant upgrades to your security. He’s an absolute marvel.
LIZ : How nice. All I need now is a barbed-wire fence and guard towers.
RED : Any word from Kirk?
LIZ : You mean my father?
RED : Honestly, Elizabeth, it astounds me that you could be hornswoggled by something as simple to fabricate as a DNA profile.
LIZ : Not just the DNA. It’s memories… Places I recognize, things we did together. A time capsule we buried in the yard that no one else would know about.
RED : Just because he was your mother’s husband doesn’t make him your father.
LIZ : You know what you sound like? Desperate. Just a suspect caught in a lie.
RED : I have never lied to you.

Cellphone vibrates

LIZ : Yes? This is she. I’ll be along shortly. Thanks.

She hangs up

To Red

LIZ :That was a shoe-repair shop in Georgetown I’ve never even heard of. He says I left my phone there.
RED : Kirk.

Liz emerges from the shoe repair shop and jumps into the Mercedes next to Red

LIZ : There’s only one number saved. International prefix 40.


RED : Romania. No doubt untraceable.

Liz dials as Red listens in


Odette hands phone to Kirk

KIRK : Masha.
LIZ : Tell me about Agnes.
KIRK : She’s healthy. She’s happy. Can’t wait to see her mother.
LIZ : You could make that happen.
KIRK : I want to. But as long as you refuse to shield her from Reddington, I can’t.
LIZ : I got your SVR file. Your DNA profile was in it. I know you’re my father.
KIRK : Then you know Reddington lied to you from the beginning.
LIZ : Yes.
KIRK : There’s no reason why we shouldn’t be together.
LIZ : What are you suggesting?
KIRK : A meeting. Just the two of us and Agnes.
LIZ : That won’t be easy. Reddington has his goons guarding me 24/7.
KIRK : Because he doesn’t trust you. I’ll work something out, contact you.
LIZ : [ Speaks Russian ]
KIRK : [ Speaks Russian ]


Liz hangs up

RED : You were very convincing.
LIZ : That’s because I meant every word.


ODETTE : I don’t trust her.
KIRK ; You trust no one. That’s why you’re so valuable to me. But in this matter, I do urge you to trust me and my judgment.


The Hunter and his dog are at the end of the road in the forest where Red, Kaplan and Dembe had stepped out of the Mercedes. The Hunter uses a long stick to lower an old camera from a tree

Samar and her contact at the British Embassy are reviewing photos of the devastation caused by a computer virus at the top-secret nuclear fuel enrichment plant outside of Jaipur, India

BRITISH EMBASSY SECURITY EXPERT : Our case file on Jaipur. Everything we have on The Thrushes… which is nothing.
SAMAR : No source code? No traceable malware?
SECURITY EXPERT : Quite the opposite. The cheeky bastards actually debugged the system before uploading the virus. Of that, of course, there wasn’t a trace.
SAMAR : How does a computer virus do this?
SECURITY EXPERT : By taking operational control of the plant, causing speed variations in the centrifuges, leading to catastrophic failure and the release of pressurized uranium hexafluoride gas.
SAMAR : They were all engineers?
SECURITY EXPERT : 38 murders that are impossible to solve.

Samar notices that one of the photos is of Elise, Aram’s new girlfriend

SAMAR : Unless only 37 were killed.
SECURITY EXPERT : What do you mean?
SAMAR : This victim is not an engineer, and she is most certainly not dead.


Cooper, Ressler and Samar are meeting at Chester's place

RESSLER : I knew she was too hot for him.
SAMAR : When Aram finds out, he’s going to be crushed.
RESSLER : Yeah, and then he’s gonna wear his heart on his sleeve, and his little girlfriend here is gonna know that we’re onto her.
SAMAR : We can’t keep this from him.
COOPER : That’s exactly what we’re gonna do. Our objective is to feed The Thrushes disinformation in order to draw out Kirk. The only way we can do that is by keeping Aram in the dark so he doesn’t tip our hand.
SAMAR : Or you can let me interrogate her. Five minutes, and I’ll have Kirk on a platter.
COOPER : Maybe, but it would only take Kirk two minutes to find out that we’re onto him and then we lose him and The Thrushes and any hope that we have of assessing how badly the breach of the Post Office has damaged national security.

Aram appears, disheveled and distraught

COOPER : Aram.
SAMAR : Are you all right? What’s wrong?
ARAM : Everything. Everything’s wrong. Sir, I did as you ordered and isolated all the malicious code… Or remnants of it, buried deep in our operating system. At first, I was confused. Our firewalls should have bounced it. But then… I realized the only way we could have been breached was through social engineering, or physical access with a Rubber Ducky.
RESSLER : A what?
ARAM : A keystroke injection attack platform disguised as a thumb drive. It would bypass all standard countermeasures by emulating a plug-in keyboard, reprogramming our host computer as if the hacker was manually typing in the code.
COOPER : Still, the culprit would have to plug in a thumb drive.
ARAM : Yes. Someone had to dupe an FBI employee with level 4 clearance. I spent the last 18 hours collating log-ins with the first appearance of the malicious code in order to figure out who got punk’d so we could interview the employee and nail that hacker.
SAMAR : And it was you.
ARAM : You knew.
SAMAR : She was a key player in the Jaipur centrifuge hack.

Samar shows Aram the photos

ARAM : Why didn’t you tell… Oh, God.
SAMAR : We wanted to, but we thought if you knew, she might pick it up.
RESSLER : Look, you didn’t tell her anything, did you?

Aram sits down

ARAM : No. I may be dumb, but I’m not stupid. I just don’t… I don’t know how I’m gonna pull this off.
COOPER : Pull what off?
ARAM : She’s coming over to my place for dinner tonight.
COOPER : I don’t think that’s a good idea.
ARAM : No. It is a horrible idea. But I have to if we’re gonna have any chance of accessing The Thrushes’ servers.
COOPER : What do you mean?

Aram pulls out a device that looks like a thumb drive

ARAM : I’ve got my own Rubber Ducky.

Samar and Aram are in a van preparing him to hack Elise’s laptop

SAMAR : What if she doesn’t have her laptop with her?
ARAM : Oh, she’ll have it. Trust me. We’re, uh… We’re binge-watching “Stranger Things.” Talk about life imitating art, huh?
SAMAR : How long to upload the worm?
ARAM : A few minutes. I, uh, designed it to ping the main servers and to e-mail us GPS coordinates.
SAMAR : Which wire would you like to wear?
ARAM : Well, not the fob. I hate the fob. It’s too much clanking with the key ring.
SAMAR : Okay. The pen.

Aram chuckles nervously

ARAM : I’ve never been on the, um… The sending side of one of these deals. Yeah, I don’t know if I can do this.

Samar offers Aram a pistol

SAMAR : This is an LCR .357. It’s light, reliable…
ARAM : No, no. What, am I gonna shoot my girlfriend?
SAMAR : She’s not your girlfriend. She’s a hostile operative, and you are a trained federal agent. I’m not sending you in there without a piece. Do you understand me?
ARAM : I’m not like you. I’m really scared.
SAMAR : I know, but I promise you’ll be fine. I’ll have your back. No safety catch to worry about. You just draw, point, and shoot. Five shots, fully loaded. If anything goes wrong, the safety word is “banana.”
ARAM : Banana?
SAMAR : Use it, and in come the Marines. But they better get there before I do because I will mess that bitch up.
ARAM : Really?
SAMAR : Oh, yeah. Really.
ARAM : Okay.

Samar kisses Aram’s cheek
Aram pauses

SAMAR : Good luck.
ARAM : That dream date… The crispy beef, ginger beer… That was all you, wasn’t it? I knew it was too good to be true.


RED : When I turned myself in, I never imagined things could’ve turned out this… badly.
COOPER : What did you expect?

Red scoffs

RED :  I knew it’d be hard, but I… never expected that it would get… harder with every day.
COOPER : It shouldn’t be a surprise. You must have known there was a chance she’d discover Kirk was her father when you put him on your list.
RED : He was never on it. He never would’ve been if he hadn’t come after her first.
COOPER : If anyone belongs on that cursed list, it’s Alexander Kirk. Why the hell wouldn’t you put him there?



LIZ : He’s my father.
TOM : She’s our daughter.
LIZ : You know what’s gonna happen if I make that call. He’s the only one who can give me answers about my past, my mother. They’ll put him in a hole. I’ll never see him again.
TOM : If you don’t, we may never see Agnes again.


RED : I knew it would complicate things. I’d be forced to take security measures… Things she’d hate. Now all I see is the resentment in her eyes. I’m suffocating her, Harold.


TOM : You sure?
LIZ : She’s our daughter.

Liz dialing

On phone

KIRK : You’ve decided.
LIZ : You abducted me once. What assurances do I have you won’t do it again?
KIRK : Things have changed. The DNA test.
LIZ : I want this to be real.
KIRK : I’ll contact you with instructions.


ELISE : I’m sorry. I couldn’t wait. I know, I-I have no self-control. But I watched the last three episodes. I know you’re probably gonna hate me, but you’ll never believe what happens. It’s amazing.
ARAM ; What?
ELISE : The last three episodes, “Stranger Things.”
ARAM : Yeah. Can’t wait.
ELISE : Aram, what’s, uh… What’s going on? You… You seem preoccupied.

Ressler and Samar listen in the van …

ARAM : Me? No. I, um… I’m just, um… Oh, I forgot, I got wine.
ELISE : You don’t drink.
ARAM : It is for you. It is, um, supposed to go great with, um…
ELISE : Puttanesca.
ARAM : Yes! Yum. Putta-nesca. Puttanesca.
ELISE : You never told me about your day.
ARAM : Oh, you know, the usual. FBI stuff. You know, good guys, bad guys. Oh! They got Cheese Nibs for the snack machine downstairs. So, so awesome.



RESSLER : Cheese Nibs?
SAMAR : He’s doing fine.
RESSLER : Sounds like a gerbil on meth.


ARAM : I know, right? I love Cheese Nibs. I mean, I don’t love them as much as Goldfish…
ELISE : Goldfish?
ARAM : … but, you know, it’s a huge… it’s a huge…

Aram pops cork but spills wine on his shirt

ARAM : Oh, no.
ELISE : Oh, God. Oh, God. Oh, God.
ARAM : I’m such a klutz.
ELISE : No, no, no, no. That’s what I love about you.
ARAM : You know what? Uh, just… just give me a… give me a second to go change.

Aram goes into the bedroom, pulls Elise’s laptop out of her bag and plugs in the
Rubber Ducky. He covers the laptop with his wet shirt



SAMAR : He’s uploading now.


ELISE : Aram? You okay?

Elise enters the bedroom

ARAM : Yeah! Yeah, everything’s, um… Everything is, uh, great. Um, are you hungry? ‘Cause I sure am hu…
ELISE : I am hungry.
ARAM : Oh.

Aram laughs nervously
Elise kisses Aram, pushes him back on the bed

ARAM : No, uh… We… We shouldn’t. Um… Your sauce, I think it’s burning.
ELISE : We can order takeout.
ARAM : No, I’m serious. We’re gonna… We’re gonna set this place on fire.
ELISE : Mm. Sounds good.
ARAM : No, no. Elise, no, no. I’m serious.

Aram pushes Elise away

ARAM : God! Just not now, okay?
ELISE : Are you gonna tell me what’s going on?
ARAM : I don’t want to cause a fire is all.
ELISE : I know you, Aram. You’re lying to me. There’s something that you’re hiding, and, you know, we’re not going anywhere until you tell me what it is... Tell me, Aram. Now. The truth.
ARAM : Nothing’s wrong.


RESSLER : He’s in trouble.


ELISE : You’re lying to me. I can tell.
ARAM : Okay, you’re right. There’s something. There’s, um… someone else.
ELISE : Someone else? What? Who? What are you talking about?
ARAM : I am in love with someone else.
ELISE : It’s Samar, isn’t it?
ARAM : What? No. No.
ELISE : Mm-hmm. Yeah, that girl from your office.
ARAM : Of course not. Not… Not her.
ELISE : God, I feel so stupid.
ARAM : No. No. Don’t. I don’t want you to feel stupid. This is all my fault. I-I-I should have told you about, um… not Samar. I don’t want you to feel really…

Elise’s cellphone is beeping

ELISE : What?
ODETTE : Do you have any reason to believe our tap has been compromised?

To Aram

ELISE : One minute. It’s work.

Elise goes into the hallway

ELISE : No. Everything’s fine.
ODETTE : Are you quite certain?
ELISE : Absolutely. Why?
ODETTE : Because your client is about to expose himself on the basis of your intel. If you’re wrong and he is harmed in any way, I will personally see to it that you and The Thrushes are exterminated. Now, are you certain?
ELISE : Fine. I’ll run another system check.
ODETTE : Good. You do that. I’ll call back in 10 minutes.

Elise looks for her laptop, finds it under Aram’s shirt

Elise gasps

Aram points his pistol at Elise

ARAM : Quack, quack, bitch.

Aram and Elise fight over the gun, then just fight 
Ressler and Samar run to assist Aram

ARAM : Banana! I could use a banana!

Both grunting. Furniture and equipment get smashed 

ARAM : Hey. Okay. Banana. Okay, okay, okay. Oh! Jesus! No!

Elise is on top of Aram, about to smash him in the head with a piece of wood

RESSLER : Drop it!

Elise drops it

Samar trains her handgun on Elise as Ressler cuffs her

RESSLER : Hey. I got this.
RADIO : Notify when you have the asset.

Samar helps Aram up

SAMAR : Are you okay?

Aram panting

ARAM : Yeah. Yeah. What part of “banana” did you not understand?


SAMAR : We have the target in custody. We have a tap on her computer, and, thanks to Aram, we will find The Thrushes.
COOPER : We busted Kirk’s mole. You don’t think that’s gonna make him suspicious?
ARAM : No. I mean, uh, yes, of course, but… he was already suspicious. Uh, when we were together, she got a call.
SAMAR : Kirk’s people. They wanted final verification that the tap into the War Room had not been compromised. Once she was in custody, we had her notify them that the tap was clear.
LIZ : By phone?
SAMAR : Yes. At gunpoint.
LIZ : So what you’re saying is you heard her say the tap was clean, but, for all you know, she could have been sending some kind of message, a signal that everything was not okay.
RED : Are you suggesting we call it off?
LIZ : What I’m suggesting is Kirk’s supposed to be the one walking into a trap here, not me.

COOPER : We’ll have safeguards in place. Your security won’t be compromised.
RED : I don’t believe Elizabeth’s concern is about her security or her daughter’s.
LIZ : That is my only concern. Clearly your only concern is that it might actually bother me that I’m about to entrap my biological father, that because of me, he’s gonna go to prison for the rest of his life. If I go through with this, you will be my only link to my past. I lost Sam. I lost my mother. And I’ll lose Kirk. And whatever you want to call him, he was married to my mother. He raised me as a child. And he’s willing to do what you are not… Tell me about who I am.

Tom arrives

TOM : Liz. We got word from Kirk. He texted the burner phone.

LIZ : The meeting's set. 5:30 a.m.
COOPER : Manhattan. BMT Nassau Street Line. Delancey Street and Bowery. Of course. That station’s been abandoned for years.
RESSLER : I’ll call FBI S.W.A.T. New York.
RED : I’ll be handling Kirk on my own, Harold.
COOPER : If you expect us to stand down…
RED : I do. If you expect this relationship to continue.

Tom and Liz, alone

TOM : You sure about this?
LIZ : No. I’m not sure about any of this.


The Hunter’s cabin. Door closes

HUNTER : You lied to me.
KATE : I didn’t.
HUNTER : Shooting yourself isn’t a spectator sport.

The Hunter shows Kate photos taken in the forest of Red, Dembe and Kate

HUNTER : Motion-activated. Three come in. Two go out. Are you gonna get straight with me, or we gonna keep playing games?


On phone

ODETTE : It’s her.
KIRK : Masha.
LIZ : It’s off. We can’t meet. It’s not safe.
KIRK : No, no, no. I-I secured the location. You have my word you’ll be safe.
LIZ : The FBI knows about your mole. They’ve got her in custody.

ODETTE :Reddington must have tipped them.

LIZ :They know about our meeting… The time, the location. I’m telling you, it’s a trap.
KIRK : Are you still willing to meet? You and me and Agnes?
LIZ : It’s not just the FBI. Reddington knows.
KIRK : Doesn’t matter. I have an alternate location.
ODETTE : What are you doing?
KIRK : Masha, listen to me very closely. Here’s what I want you to do.

Red is pointing out subterranean tunnels on an infrastructure map

RED : Maintenance tunnels here, here, and here give us access to the rendezvous point. Elizabeth left 10 minutes before us. We need to breach in five.

Guns cocking


On a rooftop in Manhattan, high above street level, Freedom Tower in view

LIZ : Where’s Agnes?
KIRK : Masha.
LIZ : You said three of us. Where is she?
KIRK : Close. I’ll bring her to you as soon as Reddington has been dealt with.
LIZ : What are you talking about?
KIRK : Smile, solnishko. In less than 5 minutes, he will be dead. I have a small army awaiting his arrival at the Delancey Street Station.
LIZ : That wasn’t our agreement.
KIRK : No. But you know as well as I do, it needs to be done.
LIZ : I picked you… over him. I lied to everyone for you. Now you want to kill him? You can’t do that.
KIRK : I’m doing this for us.
LIZ : I know you’re sick. I know that Agnes and I are nothing more than possible donors for you.
KIRK : Oh, come now. You know if that were true, all of this would have been resolved long ago with your abduction. True… it’s a consideration. But the only circumstances under which I’ll accept your help… is if it’s given freely.
LIZ : We had a deal.
KIRK : Patience, dove.

Liz draws her firearm, cocks it

KIRK : Romina.

Romina emerges with Agnes, who hands the baby to Kirk

LIZ : You’ll see, solnishko. Soon, you will be free.

Red’s forces attack  

LIZ : Don’t shoot! He’s got Agnes!

Kirk runs around a corner, out of sight

Agnes crying

Red to Romina

RED :  Down.

Liz runs toward the sound of Agnes crying. Red and Baz follow

They find Kirk standing on a ledge – still holding Agnes

KIRK : Don’t! You may lack the courage to do what must be done, but I do not. I will take her with me. One way or the other.
RED : This is madness, Constantin. Because you cannot have that child, you’re gonna take her forever from her mother? It’s madness. Constantin, this needs to end now.
KIRK : Yes. You’re right. It needs to end.

Kirk fires a wild shot  in the direction of Red

Agnes cries
Red’s men train their rifles on Kirk

Red to his men

RED : Stand down. Stand down!
LIZ : [ Speaks Russian ] Don’t do this.
KIRK : There is no other way, solnishko. This man, that took your mother away from us, took you from me, he will not have my granddaughter.
LIZ : And I hate him as much as you do for it. But if you love me, if you ever loved me, just give her to me. Please. Otets. Please, father.

Liz reaches up her arms, imploring. At last, Kirk lets his gun clatter to the concrete, leans over and lets Liz take her child
Liz gasps, takes Agnes from Kirk, holds her close and hurries away
Kirk is captured as Red looks on


Aram and Samar look at Elise in an interrogation room

ARAM : I was an idiot.
SAMAR : No. You were human. You wanted something, and she was trained to exploit that.
ARAM : Trained, or born?
SAMAR : You tell me. You did a pretty good job in there playing the “I’m in love with another woman” card. Nicely done.

She wants to leave but change her mind

SAMAR : I thought you’d like to know that I’m rescinding my transfer request.

ARAM : That’s… That’s great.

ARAM : I mean, for real? Because if that’s true, we have to celebrate, right?

SAMAR : Do you like Paco’s Tacos?

SAMAR : Because I was told that there was some leftovers … upstairs in the fridge.
ARAM : I love them.

Kirk is walked through the Post Office by armed guards


The Hunter and Kate eat together. She is sitting up now.…


Samar and Aram eat the leftover Paco’s Tacos, laughing.…


Liz and Tom smile at Agnes in her crib


 Kirk is walked to the high value prisoner containment unit – the notorious ‘red box’ – in the darkened Post Office


Red, Baz and another of Red’s men appear at Liz and Tom’s apartment

RED : I just wanted to thank you for trusting me, trusting the plan. I understand what a… a leap of faith it must have been.
LIZ : Not really. Considering what was at stake.

RED : May I?

Asking permission to enter

Red, Tom and Liz admire the baby who is bright-eyed and smiling

RED : She’s a beautiful girl.

LIZ : Yeah, she is... So… now that Kirk has been captured, we’re no longer gonna live under your guard. We’re gonna find a place of our own.
RED : I know...Good night, Elizabeth, Tom.



Alexander Kirk is seated on the chair in the red box as the door closes


 Adapté du site «The Blacklist Classified», mise en page par mnoandco

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chrismaz66, 03.12.2024 à 10:30

Hi^^ Nouveau jeu proposé par sondage chez Torchwood et aussi Kaamelott bientôt, merci de passer voter ;-)

ShanInXYZ, Avant-hier à 03:19

Nouveau mois sur le quartier Doctor Who : Calendriers, jeux et infos sur l'épisode de Noël, passez voir le Docteur

pretty31, Avant-hier à 11:08

Une nouvelle bannière est en vote pour le quartier HypnoClap, merci pour votre aide

Locksley, Avant-hier à 13:14

Chouette bannière pretty, bravo !

choup37, Avant-hier à 16:02

Nouveau sondage spécial Noel à Kaamelott ouvert à tous et toutes, calendrier, pdm et survivor, on vous espère nombreux

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