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#119 : Les frères Pavlovich

Liz et Tom dans leur cuisine

Ecrit par: Elizabeth Benjamin
Réalisé par: Paul Edwards

Les frères Pavlovich, spécialisés en enlèvements de cibles de grande valeur sont de retour, et selon Red, ils planifient leur prochain coup. Pendant que l'équipe essaye de protéger la prochaine cible, Red a une affaire privée pour les frères Pavlovich. Par ailleurs, Liz découvre la vérité sur Tom.


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The Pavlovich Brothers

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Les frères Pavlovich

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Raymond Reddington (James Spader)

Raymond Reddington (James Spader)

Discussion entre époux

Discussion entre époux

Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) sort Xiaoling Li (Natalie Kim) de la caisse dans laquelle elle était enfermée

Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) sort Xiaoling Li (Natalie Kim) de la caisse dans laquelle elle était enfermée

Donald Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) observe un indice

Donald Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) observe un indice

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) et l'homme qui peut lui donner des réponses

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) et l'homme qui peut lui donner des réponses

Les frères Pavlovich #119 à 122

Les frères Pavlovich #119 à 122

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone)

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone)

Xiaoping Li (Natalie Kim) en état de choc

Xiaoping Li (Natalie Kim) en état de choc

Tom Keen (Ryan Eggold) prend contact avec son mystérieux patron

Tom Keen (Ryan Eggold) prend contact avec son mystérieux patron

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone)  éclaire un endroit précis

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) éclaire un endroit précis

Un des frères Pavlovich kidnappe Xiaoling Li (Natalie Kim)

Un des frères Pavlovich kidnappe Xiaoling Li (Natalie Kim)

Donald Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff)

Donald Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff)

Elisabeth (Megan Boone) et son mari Tom (Ryan Eggold) chez eux

Elisabeth (Megan Boone) et son mari Tom (Ryan Eggold) chez eux

Xiaoping Li (Nathalie Kim) prisonnière

Xiaoping Li (Nathalie Kim) prisonnière

Dembe (Hisham Tawfiq) conduit Raymond Reddington (James Spader)

Dembe (Hisham Tawfiq) conduit Raymond Reddington (James Spader)

Les agents Keen (Megan Boone) et Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) arrivent trop tard

Les agents Keen (Megan Boone) et Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) arrivent trop tard

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) a retrouvé les clés

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) a retrouvé les clés

Deux des frères Pavlovich #119 à 122

Deux des frères Pavlovich #119 à 122

Tom (Ryan Eggold) se détend un verre à la main

Tom (Ryan Eggold) se détend un verre à la main

Les frères Pavlovich ont capturé Tom Keen pour Elisabeth

Les frères Pavlovich ont capturé Tom Keen pour Elisabeth


Logo de la chaîne TF1

France (inédit)
Mercredi 08.10.2014 à 20:50
6.20m / 24.4% (Part)

Logo de la chaîne NBC

Etats-Unis (inédit)
Lundi 21.04.2014 à 22:00
11.24m / 2.8% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Personnage Blaklisté: N°119 à 122: LES FRERES PAVLOVICH


Stivi Paskoski ...  Fingers Pavlovich
Goran Ivanovski ... Un des frères Pavlovich
James Biberi ... Un des frères Pavlovich
Renne Gjoni ... Clock Petrovich
Natalie Kim ... Xiaoping Li
Marc Damon Johnson ... Jeffery P. Seivers

Camp de Changzhou Labor, Jiangsu en Chine. L'OMS vaccine les prisonniers, en particulier une jeune scientifique nommée Li Xiaoping, qui tombe rapidement à terre prise de convulsions. Une des infirmières prétend que Li est en arrêt cardiaque et doit être emmenée à l'hôpital et un gardien finit par accepter. Trois infirmières poussent Li sur un brancard puis dans une ambulance et branchent le défibrillateur pendant que l'une d'elles parle à leur radio haute fréquence dans un anglais parfait. L'ambulance approche des portes du camp de travail où le garde se rend compte qu'il a été joué car il s'agit d'une tentative d'évasion. Les infirmières réveillent Li avec une injection d'adrénaline dans le coeur, promettant qu'elle est hors de dangeret demain, elle sera à WashingtonD.C.

De l'autre côté du monde, en Serbie, les quatre menaçants frères Pavlovich apprennent de leur client l'évasion de Li, l'Hezbollah devra attendre. Ils sont en route pour Washington D.C où Liz, discrètement, installe un appareil d'écoute dans le porte-clés de Tom. Il l'interroge sur Jolène et il demande comment une affaire de disparition devient une affaire de meurtre. Plus tard, Liz dit à Red que Tom se doute de quelque chose...maist pourquoi Red ne lui dit-il pas que Tom a tué Jolène ? Red explique qu'il a appelé les personnes disparues et qu'il voulait que la situation se déroule naturellement ; de plus, sans aucun doute, Jolène travaillait pour la même organisation que Tom. Il faut donc attendre et observer, c'est pourquoi Liz a besoin d'une nouvelle affaire et les frères Pavlovitch sont de retour en ville.

Il s'avère que les frères Pavlovitch sont ceux qui ont été employés pour enlever la fille du général dans le premier épisode. La source de Red l'a informé qu'ils en avaient après l'immunologiste Li, celle qui avait été envoyée dans un camp de travail parce qu'elle voulait parler à la CIA  ; 'elle va bientôt atterrir à Langley. Cooper ordonne de la rediriger et de rencontrer l'escorte de Li. A son arrivée, les frères Pavlovitch saisissent de Li et partent dans un hélicoptère qui sera retrouvé carbonisé à quelques miles de là, quelques heures plus tard. Cooper veut savoir pourquoi le Directeur du Renseignement National téléphone, alors Meera lui explique que le jour précédent Li était emprisonnée, qu'elle a offert de partager des informations sur un projet interdit de guerre bactériologique du nom de code Whitefog. A ce moment Red appelle demandant à Liz de le rencontrer devant les Archives Nationales. Quand Tom a téléphoné à l'école pour dire qu'il était malade, Red et ses hommes l'ont filé. Liz se précipite hors de la voiture et suit Tom à l'intérieur du bâtiment. Elle l'entrevoit refuser un paquet d'un homme que nous appellerons le Professeur et elle n'est pas sûre, mais ils l'ont peut être vue ? Pendant ce temps, les frères Pavlovitch ont drogué Li et l'ont conduite dans un entrepôt abandonné.

Quand Liz rentre à la maison, Tom l'attend avec la boîte à musique que Red lui a offerte. D'où vient-elle ? Liz ment, affirmant que son père la lui a donnée et en retour Tom ment racontant sa journée, d'abord à l'école puis aux Archives Nationales. Amusant, il y a vu une personne qui lui ressemblait, est-ce que c'était elle ? Liz nie alors Tom met la laisse au chien et sort de la maison. Quelques instants après, Liz entend un bruit dehors et trouve le chien Hudson assis sur le perron. Tom se précipite vers une cabine téléphonique et  dit : "L'oiseau moqueur sait, demande extraction d'urgence" et il détruit son téléphone portable. Dévastée, Liz appelle Red qui essaie de lui expliquer que pour Tom, c'était juste pour les affaireset que seul le temps pensera ses plaies. Malade d'attendre, Liz est déterminée à trouver Tom tout de suite et elle a besoin d'une piste pour les frères Pavlovitch. Pendant qu'elle retourne au Bureau de Poste pour mettre l'équipe sur la piste de l'hélicoptère, Red traque le Professeur qui remettait le paquet à Tom, c'est un manuel de calcul. Le Professeur explique qu'il est simplement un coursier donc après avoir fait des photocopies du manuel, Red lui ordonne de faire la liste de tous les dépôts de Tom puis de faire avec le manuel comme d'habitude. Il ne faut pas longtemps pour que l'un des hommes de Red trouve Tom dans un vieux bâtiment industriel truffé de caméras. Maintenant, comment le sortir de là ?

Aram déduit que l'hélicoptère ne pouvait provenir que de Halifax Agro-Chem. Liz dit à Red que le FBI va chercher Li à cet endroit et lui ordonne de laisser tomber Tom. Elle s'occupera de lui plus tard. Les frères Pavlovitch viennent juste d'enfermer Li dans une caisse en bois quand Red se montre avec une proposition. Le temps que le FBI arrive et les frères Pavlovitch sont déjà loin, travaillent pour Red et exécutent une attaque frontale du bâtiment où se cache Tom. Tom et ses gardiens sautent dans deux mustangs pour une folle course poursuite qui se termine  par Tom sortant de la voiture mains en l'air. Ressler est convaincu que Red s'est joué du FBI alors Liz, qui a l'intention d'appeler Red pour un coup de main, rentre à la maison. Là, elle trouve Tom menotté à une chaise, cadeau de Red et des frères Pavlovitch. A fleur de peau, Liz exige des réponses :car ilpourrait ruiner sa vie et elle exige qu'il dise quelque chose, n'importe quoi, à sa femme qui est en train de mourir devant lui. Affirmant qu'il n'a fait que son travail, Tom lui raconte un moment adorable de leur intimité quand il a su qu'il l'avait séduite. Ressler téléphone, désormais convaincu que Red a pris Li dans l'intention de la faire sortir du pays. Liz appelle Red qui explique que Li est une "marchandise de contrebande" et que rien ne sort de la baie de Chesapeake sans que Rolph Cisco ne le sache.

Meera et Ressler foncent à l'embarcadère de McKendrick pour intercepter les frères Pavlovitch pendant qu'ils transportent Li dans sa caisse. Pendant ce temps, Liz a décidé qu'il était temps pour Tom de parleret de dire pour qui il travaille. Elle lui casse les pouces ce qui malheureusement lui permet de glisser les mains hors des menottes et de l'attaquer. Il s'ensuit un combat physique furieux et désespéré. Liz et Tom détruisent tout lors de leur bagarre et finalement Tom prend le dessus et attache Liz aux escaliers. Affirmant que son travail n'a jamais été de la blesser et qu'il fait partie des gentils, Tom la met en garde contre Reddington qui n'est pas celui qu'elle croit. Si elle en veut la preuve, elle n'a qu'à utiliser la clé bleue qu'elle a trouvée et qui ouvre un coffre-fort en particulier. Red observe Tom s'en aller et ensuite trouve Liz assise en état de choc sur le canapé. Plus tard, Liz retourne à l'unité de stockage pour retirer la clé du mur. Ce qu'il y a dans le coffre s'avère être une révélation étonnante, mais il faudra attendre pour savoir ce que c'est...


Traduit et adapté du résumé du site officiel par mnoandco



W.H.O Vaccination Program
Nurse gets syringe from drawer. Injects woman, helps her sit down. Woman collapses

NURSE : What happened? What is wrong?
GUARD : Get away from her!

Senior officer in military uniform walks over

VOICES : – What happened?
– Get away from her!
– Call an ambulance!
ARMY OFFICER : She can’t leave here.
– Her heart stopped beating!
NURSES : She can’t leave?
– What happened?
– We are going to the hospital!
OFFICER : I said you can’t!

To senior officer

NURSE : We must go to the hospital!
ANOTHER NURSE : We must get her to a hospital right now!

Senior officer curtly nods “yes”

Two vehicles are parked outside. Woman is wheeled on gurney to smaller one with blue edging Mail vehicle


WOMEN : – Hurry up!
– Hurry up! Hurry up!

Engine revs. It is waved through. Larger vehicle with orange edging is stopped

WOMEN : – Go! Go!
- Hurry up!

In English

NURSE : Forty-five seconds.

Inside first vehicle, in English

MAN ON PHONE : Asset on board. En route.Clear.

Woman’s heart is defibrillated

Back at clinic, senior offices compares syringes.

CHINESE : Please leave.
DRIVER : What’s wrong?

Senior officer and others review surveillance video. Senior officer points out nurse taking special syringe from drawer

SENIOR OFFICER : Zoom in and play it again. … Stop them! Stop that ambulance!


The guard stops the second ambulance

AMBULANCE DRIVER : What are you looking for?


Comes running back

GUARD : Get out!

Driver gets out. Senior officer and others come outside

SENIOR OFFICER : Open the door. Go ahead and open the door.

Doors are opened. It is empty Inside first vehicle, English


NURSES : – We need more adrenaline.
– Cover her mouth.
– It’s okay. It’s okay. It’s okay.

The woman breathes again

NURSES : – Shh! It’s okay. You’re okay.
– You’re okay.
– Rest.
- You’ll be in America by morning. We’re taking you to Washington, D.C.

The woman smiles slightly


Four badass guys are around table, with guns

Man with Serbian accent

MAN :Do you know where the prisoner was transported to? … Uh, Washington. … Okay. … Yes, we’ll take care of it. … Very good.
ANOTHER MAN : Washington?
MAN ( In Serbian ) : Hezbollah will have to wait. We’re going back to Washington.


Liz opens Tom's keys

TOM : Since when did Jolene Parker’s case go from missing person to murder investigation? And have you seen my keys?
LIZ : It’s crazy, right?
TOM : Yeah, what, uh – What happened?
LIZ : The police say they have a person of interest.
TOM : Really? Who is it? What do they, what do they know?
LIZ : They’re not sure.
TOM : Isn’t it possible that she just left town like she said? Moved to Dayton?
LIZ : They found blood. Matches hers.
TOM : You see this stuff every day. You know, people getting hurt and killed and I don’t. It freaks me out. Just the thought of that happening to you, you know. Just promise me you’re as careful as you can be when you’re at work.
LIZ : The desk.
TOM : Hmm?
LIZ : By the computer – That’s where I saw your keys.
TOM : Oh. I’m gonna be so late. I’m gonna give myself a tardy slip.

Liz puts a tracer in Tom's keys and closes them

LIZ : Found ’em! They were under the newspaper. What would I do without you? I got to run.
TOM : Uh, tonight for dinner, let’s check out that new Thai place.


LIZ : He knows something’s off.
RED : What makes you say that?
LIZ : I can feel it. I know him.

RED : Tom is on his heels. He’s behaving erratically.

LIZ : He killed Jolene Parker.
RED : Yes.
LIZ : You knew? Why didn’t you tell me?
RED : I felt if I told you it would inform your behavior with him. I found her body, called the police, and reported a missing person. I was confident, in the course of their investigation, they would reach out to you and Tom, and they did. Jolene Parker undoubtedly worked for the same organization as Tom. In what capacity, I have no idea.
LIZ : If they worked together, why would he murder her?
RED : Perhaps he was ordered to. Or perhaps he’s just out of control, irrational, paranoid and reactionary. He’s scrambling for a foothold, and therein lies our opportunity to wait and to watch. But Tom is not the reason I’m here. I’m afraid there’s something quite timely afoot. The Pavlovich brothers are back in town.


RESSLER : You’re talking about the team from the bridge that grabbed the general’s daughter.
LIZ : They’re an extraction team. Cut their teeth on Milosevic’s protective detail during the ethnic cleansing of the Yugoslav wars.
RESSLER : We lost six of our men that day.

Flashbacks: Abduction of admiral’s daughter

LIZ : To the best of our knowledge, the Pavlovich brothers have no political agenda. They specialize in snatch-and-grabs ranging from kidnap and ransom to extracting political dissidents. Reddington says he has a contact. A money launderer sourced by the brothers claims they’re coming after a Chinese scientist named Xiaoping Li.
COOPER : What do we know about her?
MEERA : 18 hours ago, the agency sent an undercover team to extract her from a clandestine labor camp in the Yunnan province.
COOPER : Break her out? Why?
MEERA : She’s an immunologist. Specializes in viral and bacterial diseases. Four months ago, she signaled to one of our assets that she had a willingness to talk about a secret weapons program. A month later, she was jailed for treason. She’s scheduled to land at Andrews in an under an hour, and we have a team standing by to escort her to Langley – for a debriefing.
RESSLER : We got to assume that the Pavlovich brothers already know the route.
COOPER : Well, then we’ll reroute her. Bring her here. Coordinate the adjustment with Langley.


CIA AGENT'S VOICES : – Echo to Tango.
– Uh, asset at drop point.
– Roger.
– 30 seconds to rendezvous.
– This way.
– Quickly.
LI: What’s going on? They said I’d be safe once I arrived.
MAN : We have a credible threat you’re being targeted. As a precaution, we’ve altered our route.
MAN : Get her up to the chopper.

Ressler & Liz pull up

RESSLER : Donald Ressler. FBI. Where’s the asset? Ground transport’s been arranged.
CIA'S AGENT : Negative. Evac’s been compromised. Moving to beta proto.


RESSLER : Call it in.

Too late. The helicopter takes off with the Pavlovich brothers and Xiaoping Li.


Ressler on phone : «All right. Okay.»

RESSLER : Copy that. Anne Arundel county sheriff’s department’s reporting a downed aircraft burning two miles outside of Crofton. There’s no witnesses on the ground. We do have units en route. It’s got to be the dump site – on this chopper.
LIZ : They knew CIA protocol. That if the routes were compromised, they’d send in air support. These guys weren’t based domestically. They snuck in, and they’re gonna sneak out. We should coordinate with Homeland, get their faces everywhere.
COOPER : Agent Malik, you want to tell me why the Director of National Intelligence is calling? What don’t I know about this case?
MEERA : The program Li was working on. It’s germ weaponry. Banned by nearly every nation on Earth. It’s called Whitefog. Day before she was jailed, Xiaoping Li sent a message indicating that she had access to the designs. If she did, and she shared those with us, that would represent the biggest intelligence coup in a decade.
COOPER : A germ-warfare program? That’s why the Chinese can’t turn this into an international incident.

Red calls Liz. She answers.

On phone

RED : Where are you?
LIZ : Busy.
RED : The brothers. They took Xiaoping Li.
LIZ : How do you know? Do you have a lead? Something we can
RED : Your husband is not in school.
LIZ : Wait. What? Where is he?
RED : Meet me at 9th and Constitution.

Liz hangs up

LIZ : Reddington says he has a lead on the brothers. Wants to talk. Let me know what NTSB says about that downed aircraft.


RED : Called in sick this morning. Returned home briefly before making a stop at the Radford Bank in Adams Morgan. He’s made three phone calls. All from pay phones. He’s been sitting at that cart for nearly an hour. I’m sorry, Lizzy.
LIZ : Don’t be.
RED : This must be difficult.
LIZ : You want to know what’s hard? Sitting here when all I really want to do is get my hands around his throat.

Tom goes away

LIZ : Shouldn’t we follow him?
RED : We are.

Many of Red's associates are there, following Tom

RED : They all work for you...Lizzy, wait, wait, wait. What are you do –

Liz jumps out of car, pursuing Tom, chases him inside a marbled building .


See observes from a distance. Tom seems to sense he’s being followed . He stops near a man.

Seeming to whisper to himself

TOM : Not now.


The Pavlovich brothers have Li. Lead her into dark tunnel, throw her to ground. One makes a phone call

PAVLOVICH : The boat. How long for the boat?
LI: No. No. Please, no.

She is injected


LIZ : Tom? Tom?
TOM : I’m in the dining room.

He has the Sorrento music box

LIZ : Where’d you get that thing?
TOM : I was gonna ask you the same question. I found it in the basement.
LIZ : That’s where that was. I’ve been looking for it. My father gave it to me.
TOM : It’s beautiful. It’s in great condition, too. It looks almost new. Why haven’t I seen this before?
LIZ : Your pot is gonna boil over. You’re cooking? I thought we were going out for Thai.
TOM : Yeah, well, I just thought it might be nice, you know, to stay home alone. Just you and me.
LIZ : How was your day?
TOM : It was exhausting. You know Billy Salter? He was acting up again ’cause his mom keeps packing these fruit roll-ups, and they give him this satanic sugar high, you know. So. Oh, uh, I did stop by the national archives just to maybe book a field trip for the kids. It’s funny. I, uh, I could have sworn that I saw you there. There was a woman there, and she looked just like you.
LIZ : Ah, no, I wish. I was cooped up in the office all day.
TOM : Yeah. Should have known. Well, whoever she was, she could not have been half as beautiful as you are right now. All right. Uh, keep stirring. I’m gonna walk the dog. Come on, bud. Hey, hey, hey. Come here. Hey, hey, hey.Where you going? Come here. Come here. Yes, you’re a good boy. Yes, you are. Yes, you are.

Tom is looking at Liz

LIZ : What?
TOM : Nothing. Love you. I’ll be right back. Come on, bud. Come on. Come on. Such a good boy. You’re a good boy. Yes, yes, yes.

After a while, Liz goes to front door and opens it. The dog is outside but Tom is gone


Tom crashs his cell phone. At pay phone

OPERATOR :Bantam finance. How may I direct your call?
TOM : Hi. I’m having a problem with my account. … Uh, number Delta, Sierra, 4–5–1.
OPERATOR : Line is secure. Proceed.
TOM : Mockingbird knows. Requesting immediate evac. She knows.

Tom crashs his keys


LIZ : He’s gone. My husband is gone.
RED: Your husband never existed. Lizzy, I understand why you went after Tom today. The instinct to jump in is – But it isn’t gonna serve you well here. And from the emotional point of view, this must feel like an extraordinary violation and betrayal. But for Tom it was business.
LIZ : Do you know we had sex the other night? Do you have any idea how filthy that makes me feel?
RED : Unfortunately, Lizzy, you’re chest–deep in filth, and you’re gonna have to wade through it – to get to the other side.
LIZ : I fell in love with him. I married him. We- we were gonna have – I was excited to have a child with him. He was the one person I chose in my life who made me happy, who made me feel safe. What does that say about me? Everything that we had was just a figment of my imagination. Worse than a figment. A lie. It was right in front of my face, and I didn’t see it. I just believed it. All of it.
RED : Time is the only thing that will allow you to find yourself again.
LIZ : If you tell me to be patient one more time, I swear to God I am going to find him, I’m gonna find answers, and I’m going to do it with or without your help.

Liz's phone rings : it's the office

LIZ : The case. I need a lead.
RED : Lizzy, if you want to find where the Pavlovich brothers are, you need to find out where they’ve been.


LIZ : The helicopter is key. The Pavlovich brothers burnt that chopper to cover up evidence DNA, fingerprints. Those things might have identified the brothers, but what about the chopper?
MEERA : The tail numbers were falsified, and the chopper was repainted.
LIZ : That’s what they did, but where did they do it? Is there a deeper forensic analysis we can run? What particulates were in the heat exchange? Was there moisture in the compressor?
RESSLER : I’ll reach out to forensics.
COOPER : Analyze every drop of fuel. Track every grain of sand. I want to know where that chopper’s been.


DEMBE : That’s him.

Red goes to see a man in a rented car with driver


MAN : I’m sorry, man. Not for hire.
RED : Hello, Symir. I’ll be brief and to the point. Yesterday you had a customer. Picked him up outside the national archives.
MAN : Sorry, man.
RED : Ohh, Symir. You should have taken the money. Your passenger. Where’d you drop him?


Red opens a big enveloppe, laughs

RED : Calculus. I can’t even think about derivatives without thinking of that tutor in manor hall Cindy something–or–other. Never wore a brassiere. Always a bounce in her step.
MAN : Look, I’m talking, cooperating. You don’t need to copy my driver’s license, my credit cards. RED : We just want to make sure we know where to reach you, Geoffrey P. Seevers, should we have more questions. So, tell me about the book.
SEEVERS : I told you I pick up and drop off. I don’t know names. I’m the messenger.

Red looks inside the book

SEEVERS : What is it? Some kind of code?
RED : How many times have you done this these drops?
SEEVERS : This was the fourth.
RED : I need you to write down the location of each drop you’ve made. The pickup and the drop location. Oh, my God. What? Pagosa Springs public library? I had a water pump go out in Pagosa Springs. Bitch of a mountain Wolf Creek Pass. Thought I was gonna end up living out there with the hill people until this Teddy bear of a man fixed me up at the local garage. I’ll never forget him. Tracy Woods. You don’t know Tracy, do you? Leather vest, mustache Tracy Woods?
RED : I wonder if he’s still fixing water pumps. Anyway, it’ll always be a fond memory. The list.
SEEVERS : S–so, that’s it? We’re – What about the package?
RED : You’re gonna deliver it or return it or whatever the people you work for want you to do with it. And as far as you’re concerned, we never had this conversation. Dembe? A copy, please. I hope you have nothing pressing. This may take a minute or three. You sure you don’t know him? Leather vest, mustache Tracy Woods? Shame.


ARAM : Hey. I got something. Hey. Okay, I never wanted to know this much about gas chromatography or gear lubricants, but I think Mr. Reddington is onto something. Look at this. We pulled the lab reports from the NTSB, and the chopper’s engine tested positive for two distinct compounds. The first is ethephon, which is a ripening agent for tobacco.
MEERA : And how does that help us?
ARAM : Take a look. Tobacco production’s way down in this area. In fact, since 1998, the federal government is actually paying farmers not to grow it.
RESSLER : Okay, but there’s still plenty of tobacco farms.
ARAM : I agree, which brings us to chemical compound number two. This one is used to grow sweet corn.
LIZ : So we cross–reference the two? Exactly.
ARAM : We are looking for a pesticide manufacturer who used to supply tobacco growers but made the transition to corn.
MEERA : And how many of those are there?
ARAM : 17. Of those, 11 are outside of the fuel range of this chopper. Uh, of the other six, uh, only one has a structure large enough to get that stolen helicopter out of view and under construction. Halifax Agro–Chem. If I had to bet, I’d say that’s their staging site.

An associate of Red looks for Tom and finds him.


PRESTON : It’s around the corner, half a block up. I make seven exterior cameras, and those are the ones they want us to see.
RED : And it’s on the list of drop sites I gave you?
RED : How long has Mr. Keen been inside?
PRESTON : I tailed him here four hours ago.
RED : Lovely. Thank you, Preston.
DEMBE : You want me to call Sabusawa?
RED : That would be ideal, but he’s working an extraction in Ecuador.
DEMBE : Then how do you plan on getting Keen out of that concrete box?


On phone with Red

LIZ : We have a lead on Xiaoping Li.
RED : Excellent. Tell me.
LIZ : We think she’s being held at Halifax Agro-Chem in Falls Church. We’re assembling a team.
RED : Lizzy, about Tom
LIZ : I don’t want to talk about Tom with you.
RED : You have your opinion on how to proceed, and I have mine.
LIZ : Just don’t bother yourself. I’ll deal with Tom.
RED : Lizzy, I assure you that will yield no answers and little satisfaction.
LIZ : Well, I’ll find out, won’t I?
RED : I wish I could talk you out of this.
LIZ : You can’t.
RED : Well, good luck with Xiaoping.


The Pavlovich brothers lift Xiaoping Li’s into a large wooden crate and load it into a van. She is tied up with an oxygen mask
Red walks up to Pavlovich brothers, hands up

RED : Good afternoon, gentlemen. I’m Raymond Reddington.

Later, the FBI arrives

Liz, Ressler and another agent investigate the building Pavlovich brothers were just at the location where Li had been, there are unusual marks in white chalk on the wall

AGENT : Hey. Look at this.
LIZ : What are we looking at?
RESSLER : I have no idea.


Tom is in a safe house waiting for his extraction. Homeless man with shopping cart goes to dumpster and lifts the lid

A guard, watching him

GUARD : Hey! Get out of here! Go!

The homeless man goes away

HOMELESS MAN : ( In Serbian ) Package set. Move into position. Three count. Three… Two… One… Explosion

Door is blown off across the street from a building with a living area with several army-style bunks, a makeshift dorm. Tom is one of several men who jump to their feet

TOM : What the hell was that?

Tom goes to look and his building is suddenly sprayed with gunfire by the Pavlovich brothers. They try to evacuate

TOM'S GUARD : Out! Out! Move! Move! Move! Fall back. Asset en route. We’re moving to the cars.

Tom escapes in a car being sprayed with bullet fire by the Pavlovich brothers

PAVLOVICH BROTHERS: ( in Serbian ) Two cars! Keen is in the lead.

Car chase

PAVLOVICH BROTHERS: ( in Serbian ) Keen is still loose !

Car chase

PAVLOVICH BROTHERS: ( in Serbian ) Knock him off the road!

Car chase

Finally a truck blocks Tom’s way. PavBros shoot out windows . Tom emerges from car, hands up, but miraculously unhurt


Ressler and Meera are discussing the chalk marks left on the brick wall

RESSLER : I mean, it looks like some sort of serial number.
MEERA : Or an atomic number. Something from a periodic table.
RESSLER : Why do you think that?
MEERA : Because the only word I know that contains the letters “v–g” together is avgolemono.
RESSLER : I don’t know what that is.
MEERA : It’s a soup. Chicken stock, egg yolks, and lemon juice. What?

Ressler looks surprise

MEERA : I cook. The point is, maybe Xiaoping Li left us a message. I’ll run the letter combination against the DMV registry – and see if we can get a hit.
RESSLER : Any luck?
LIZ : I can’t get ahold of Reddington.
RESSLER : You told him the location where the brothers were holding Xiaoping Li, right?
LIZ : Mm–hmm.
RESSLER : Don’t you find it a hell of a coincidence that we show up there, they’re gone, and now we can’t get ahold of Reddington? We’ve been played.
LIZ : No.
RESSLER : Red put us on to the Pavlovich brothers because he knew it would lead him straight to Xiaoping Li. That woman’s worth millions. Where are you going?
LIZ : I’m going to find Reddington, get some answers. Reddington, I need you to call me, please. I need some help with the case.


Liz comes in, the Pavlovitch brothers are waiting for her

PAVLOVICH BROTHERS: ( Serbian accent ) A gift from Reddington. Enjoy.

There is Tom, tied to a chair with duck tape over his mouth. The four Pavlovich finish their wine and leave. Liz takes of Tom’s duck tape

LIZ : Two years wasted. Two years we spent. On what? Do you care at all what you’ve done to me What you’ve done to my life? What has it done to you? Who could do such a thing? Finding you, stopping you. You’d think I’d be happy you’re gonna spend the rest of your life in prison.
You’d think I’d get some satisfaction out of that, but I don’t because nothing. No sentence, no punishment, no revenge, could ever come close to making up for what you’ve done.
TOM : I was doing my job.
LIZ : Your job? That was our life! We were going to have a baby to – You begged me to have a baby!
TOM : I was doing my job.
LIZ : Stop talking about your job! You, this. Everything was a lie! My life was a lie! Every feeling, every memory. Say something to your wife, who’s dying in front of you. Say something.
TOM : It was the shoes.
LIZ : What does that mean?
TOM : That’s when I knew. It was those brown leather shoes. It was our third or maybe fourth date. You’d come over to my place on Halstead, and we ordered, uh takeout and rented a movie that we never finished because we ended up – And you had to get up early for work. And by the time I got up, you were gone. I remember standing in the closet, half–dressed, reaching for my shoes when I saw that you had drawn this little heart In the dust on my shoe. You remember that? It was the sweetest thing. And ever since that moment, I just felt sorry for you. Because I knew I knew that I had you. Part of me didn’t want it to work. But it did.


ARAM : Archimedes. Archimedes! –
MEERA : I beg your pardon?
ARAM : Archimedes’ formula. You know, uh, the the naked guy who shouted “Eureka.”
MEERA : Why would she write down a mathematical formula?
RESSLER : Maybe it’s some kind of a code or a language they don’t understand.
ARAM :’Archimedes’ principle indicates that the upward buoyant force which is exerted on a body immersed in fluid, – whether fully –
MEERA : Aram.
ARAM : Um, water displacement. ? Boats displace water.

RESSLER : She’s trying to tell us how they’re getting her out of the country.

COOPER : Contact the coast guard. Get photos of the brothers and Xiaoping Li to every port authority on the eastern seaboard.


Liz's phone rings

TOM : What are you gonna tell him?

On phone

LIZ : Hey. What’s going on? Where are we on Xiaoping Li?
RESSLER : They’re trying to ship her out of the country. We’re combing through the manifests now. Where are you?
LIZ : Waiting on Reddington. He still hasn’t shown.
RESSLER : I’m telling you, Keen. He used us. These guys. The Pavlovich brothers You remember what they did. You were there that day on the bridge. When we take them down, I want you to be there.
LIZ : I will be, just as soon as – I’m gonna have to call you back.

Tom is shaking table

LIZ : Nice try.
TOM : I was thirsty.

Liz phones Red

RED : Yes?

LIZ : Where is she?
RED : Who?
LIZ : Xiaoping Li. You took her. You used the FBI and the Pavlovich brothers to get to Tom and what, get Xiaoping? Make some bigger deal? Trade on her secrets?
RED : I have no use for germ warfare. And as for using the FBI? I wouldn’t be in this relationship if there wasn’t a mutual benefit.
LIZ : Where is she?
RED: I don’t know. I tried to bargain for her life, but negotiations went sideways. It was all I could do to get Tom.
LIZ : If we don’t find her If she gets sent back to the Chinese, she’s gonna die.
RED : Tell me what you know.
LIZ : We think they’re putting her on a cargo ship. We’re not sure. We’re looking over the manifests, timetables, – and shipping routes.
RED : She isn’t cargo, Lizzy. She’s contraband. This is a smuggling operation. And nothing gets smuggled in or out of the Chesapeake without Rolph Cisco knowing about it. Have Donald pay him a visit.

Liz hangs up

TOM : What is his obsession with you? You guys got, like, a, uh, daddy–daughter thing going on? What’s your plan? Is daddy coming over? Is he gonna make me talk?
LIZ : No, he’s not. I am.


MEERA : Rolph Cisco?

RESSLER : Tell us about the Pavlovich brothers.


LIZ : Who do you work for?
TOM : I have nothing to say.
LIZ : Who do you work for?
TOM : Liz, come on.

Liz gets pliers

TOM : You don’t have it in you. Aah! Aah! God! Aah! Aah! Aah!

Liz breaks his thumb!


The Pavlovivh brothers have the crate with Li inside at the harbor and are preparing to lower it into the boat. FBI come and kill them.

LI: Let me out of here! Please! Get me out! Get me out!
RESSLER : It’s okay. It’s okay. Easy, easy. We’re the good guys. Here. Come here. I’m gonna put you down. Easy.


TOM : You broke my thumb.
LIZ : Yeah, I did. If you’re looking for sympathy, you might want to start with honesty. Here’s an example of honesty, Tom. You’ve been making me pancakes for two years. I hate pancakes
TOM : You want honest? Here’s one. If you’re gonna handcuff somebody, don’t break their thumb...

He is free and attacks her!

Fist Fight ending with house wrecked and Tom pointing gun at Liz

TOM : Your handcuffs. One on the wrist. One on the banister. Do it. I am not here to hurt you, Liz. My job was never to hurt you. I’m one of the good guys. Reddington. He’s not who you think.
LIZ : I will find you.
TOM : I can prove it. The key in the lamp I know you found it. Take it to Radford Bank. Box number 3929. He is not who you think he is. Goodbye, Liz.

Tom leaves... later as Red watches him from car


DEMBE : You want me to stop him?
RED : No, we’ll just let the tail follow him.


MEERA : Tell me about Whitefog.
LI : Whitefog was a black project started By the Chinese government five years ago.


COOPER : You want to tell me what’s going on with Agent Keen?
COOPER : Where was she today? And don’t tell me you don’t know. Was it Reddington? Are there problems?
RESSLER : I think she’s having troubles at home, sir.


LIZ : I lost him. He’s gone.
RED : No.
LIZ : This whole time, you’ve never let him out of your sight. Your people are following him now.
RED : They are.
LIZ : How is this all gonna end?
RED : This is an end. And then something new will begin. You deserve the best in life, Lizzy. I know that sounds odd coming from a man who has brought you some of the worst, but it’s the reason why Tom had to work so hard to be that for you. To be kind, to be thoughtful, make you laugh, to make you love him. Because you deserve that. And it will come.


Liz takes the key


Liz opens the box, finds an envelop and opens it. She seems surprises



Adapté du site «The Blacklist Classified», mise en page par mnoandco.

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