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#321 : Susan Hargrave

Susan Hargrave

Ecrit par: J. R. Orci, Lukas Reiter, Vincent Angell & Daniel Cerone & Brian Studler
Réalisé parAndrew McCarthy

Lorsque Raymond Reddington relie une élégante, puissante et extrêmement dangereuse femme aux récents événements tragiques, la Task-Force est obligée de jouer à un jeu mortel du chat et de la souris avant qu'elle ne frappe à nouveau.


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Susan Hargrave

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Susan Hargrave

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Raymond Reddington (James Spader) ne plaisante pas

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) ne plaisante pas

Susan Sottie Hargrave (Famke Janssen)

Susan Sottie Hargrave (Famke Janssen)

Susan Sottie Hargrave (Famke Janssen) se retrouve face à Reddington

Susan Sottie Hargrave (Famke Janssen) se retrouve face à Reddington

Susan Sottie Hargrave (Famke Janssen) a-t-elle bien reçu le message de Red?

Susan Sottie Hargrave (Famke Janssen) a-t-elle bien reçu le message de Red?

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) exige des réponses

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) exige des réponses

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) piégé par Susan Hargrave

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) piégé par Susan Hargrave

Raymond Reddington (James Spader)

Raymond Reddington (James Spader)

Entrée théâtrale pour Raymond Reddington (James Spader)

Entrée théâtrale pour Raymond Reddington (James Spader)

Susan reçoit une lettre mais pas par la voie postale

Susan reçoit une lettre mais pas par la voie postale

Nez Rowan (Tawny Cypress) travaille pour Susan Scottie Hargrave

Nez Rowan (Tawny Cypress) travaille pour Susan Scottie Hargrave

Raymond Reddington (James Spader)

Raymond Reddington (James Spader)

Susan Hargrave (Famke Janssen) attend Raymond Reddington

Susan Hargrave (Famke Janssen) attend Raymond Reddington

Raymond Reddington (James Sapder) menace Scottie Hargrave

Raymond Reddington (James Sapder) menace Scottie Hargrave

Tom (Ryan Eggold) sous couverture espionne  Amanda Bigelow pour trouver Stadler

Tom (Ryan Eggold) sous couverture espionne Amanda Bigelow pour trouver Stadler

Dembe Zuma (Hisham Tawfiq)

Dembe Zuma (Hisham Tawfiq)

Raymond Redddington (James Spader) va à la pêche aux informations chez Samuel Rand (Joe Urla)

Raymond Redddington (James Spader) va à la pêche aux informations chez Samuel Rand (Joe Urla)

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) pris au piège

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) pris au piège

Amanda Bigelow (Sarah Hunt) en pince pour Tom (Ryan Eggold)

Amanda Bigelow (Sarah Hunt) en pince pour Tom (Ryan Eggold)

Dembe (Hisham Tawfiq) menace Susan Hargrave

Dembe (Hisham Tawfiq) menace Susan Hargrave

Samuel Rand (Joe Urla) reçoit une visite inattendue

Samuel Rand (Joe Urla) reçoit une visite inattendue

Amanda Bigelow (Sarah Hunt) en pince pour Tom (Ryan Eggold)

Amanda Bigelow (Sarah Hunt) en pince pour Tom (Ryan Eggold)

Amanda Bigelaw (Sarah Hunt) veut embrasser Tom 5ryan Eggold)

Amanda Bigelaw (Sarah Hunt) veut embrasser Tom 5ryan Eggold)


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Mercredi 07.09.2016 à 21:00
3.59m / 15.9% (Part)

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Jeudi 05.05.2016 à 21:00
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Plus de détails

Personnage Blaklisté: N°18: Susan Hargrave


Christine Lahti ... Laurel Hitchin

Famke Janssen ... Susan Hargrave

Tawny Cypress ... Nez Rowan

Bazzel Baz ... Baz

Benito Martinez ... Senateur Diaz

Kelly AuCoin ... Benjamin Stalder
Joe Urla ... Samuel Rand
Alyssa Bresnahan ... Cynthia Rand
Sarah Hunt ... Amanda Bigelow
Kevin Isola ... Bradley Clark
Jeffrey Omura ... Trey
Don Noble ... Rodney Blakely

La femme mystérieuse aperçue avec Panabaker parle avec un client, Samuel Rand, pour le convaincre de signer un contrat avec elle et son armée de mercenaires du groupe Halcyon. Elle est interrompue par un de ses hommes qui lui apprend qu'une de ses équipes a été décimée ; c'est Reddington qui est derrière cette attaque et qui essaie d'attirer son attention. Mais elle ignore cette menace.

Aram annonce à la Task-Force que Reddington lui a rendu visite à son appartement et qu'il a identifié la femme sur les photographies. Son nom est Susan «Scottie» Hargravre.

Red rencontre alors Laurel Hitchin afin qu'elle lui arrange un rendez-vous avec Bradley Clark, un intermédiaire pour le groupe Halcyon. Il espère en le tuant avoir l'attention de Hargrave. En vain.

Grâce à son téléphone la Task-Force remonte jusqu'à Samuel Rand. Sur la demande de Cooper qui a les mains liées, Red se rend chez celui-ci. Il veut savoir quel accord il a passé avec Halcyon. En fait, ils doivent faire sauter des containers remplis de barils de pétrole afin d'éliminer une concurrence déloyale et peu honnête. La Task-Force intervient et l'opération échoue. Ce n'est pas bon pour les affaires de Hargrave alors celle-ci accepte finalement de rencontrer Reddington.

 Tom Keen de son côté séduit une jeune femme, Amanda, qui est l'assistante de Benjamin Stadler, toujours introuvable. Il accède discrètement à son ordinateur via une clé USB et donc à toutes les informations sur son employeur y compris ses appels téléphoniques.

Grâce à Tom, Aram les écoute et découvre que Hargrave propose à Stadler de tuer Reddington afin de rattraper les erreurs commises qui ont conduit à la mort de Liz. En effet l'employeur de Stadler veut sa mort après cet échec. C'est d'ailleurs pour cela que Hargrave a tenté de le kidnapper afin d'avoir une monnaie d'échange pour que son patron épargne sa vie. Elle précise qu'elle doit rencontrer Reddington à l'aéroport, le seul endroit sûr pour elle, les armes ne pouvant pas passer les portiques de sécurité.

Tom téléphone à Red afin de le prévenir du piège mais celui-ci se rend quand même sur place. Il passe la sécurité mais Hargrave donne un coup de fil aux autorités et il est arrêté.
Il est conduit au sous-sol par un garde qui s'avère travailler pour Hargrave. Mais Dembe libère Red et le garde, sous la contrainte, les conduit au lieu de rendez-vous, un entrepôt. Hargrave attend Red avec ses hommes prêts à le tuer mais Dembe et Baz interviennent et les massacrent tous...sauf Hargrave.

Reddington veut en effet connaître le nom de son employeur, celui qui l'a payée pour enlever Liz. C'est Alexander Kirk. Elle lui explique que Kirk va la tuer parce qu'elle a échoué dans sa mission. Reddington lui propose alors de la laisser en vie et de s'associer avec lui pour  faire tomber Kirk.


 Résumé proposé par mnoandco


SAMUEL RAND : No, it’s not the money. You’re offering a fair price, Scottie. I just don’t have a place to hide the expenditures. I’m C.O.O. of a multinational corporation. There’s no line item for engaging the services of armed mercenaries. I’m beginning to think it would be better…
SUSAN SCOTTIE HARGRAVE : Samuel. Shh. It’s okay. Take a deep breath. Let’s start over. Let’s start with what you want. You want to hire Halcyon for a covert operation to increase your corporate profits. Okay? And you’re a little apprehensive, am I right?

SAMUEL RAND : Pretty much.

SUSAN SCOTTIE HARGRAVE :How long you been married?
SAMUEL RAND : 23 years.

She takes his hand and slips it through the front of her blouse

SUSAN SCOTTIE HARGRAVE : Have you touched another woman’s breast in 23 years?
SUSAN SCOTTIE HARGRAVE : How’s it feel? What are you feeling inside? Apprehensive?
SAMUEL RAND : No. I’m actually feeling pretty confident right now.
SUSAN SCOTTIE HARGRAVE : So many people live in fear of how they’ll feel if they step outside the lines. The surprise is, it usually feels just like this. Well, as long as the breast belongs to someone you can trust.

Knock on door

SUSAN SCOTTIE HARGRAVE : Be right back. Why don’t you look over the contract? Might be some wiggle room in our fee.
TREY : I wouldn’t interrupt unless it was an emergency. It’s Operation Cobalt. There’s a problem.


Scottie Hargrave and Nez Rowan arrive at a site of slaughter. Five or six men, dressed in full military gear, lie awkwardly in a warehouse, all dead. Crates of military weapons have been opened but the weapons were not taken. Blood is splashed across stacks of unopened crates

SUSAN HARGRAVE : They didn’t steal the weapons.

NEZ : They didn’t come for the weapons.

Scottie closes the eyes of one of the victims

SUSAN HARGRAVE : What’s the point of this?
NEZ : Scottie.

Nez points to a white envelope stuck to one body with a knife

NEZ : Didn’t want to open it. It’s addressed to you.

Scottie removes the envelope from the body, opens it, takes out a neatly typed card that says: “We should talk. Call my exchange. R”


ARAM : Mr. Reddington says her name is Susan Scott Hargrave.
SAMAR : Reddington told you this at your apartment?
ARAM : Right. Okay, yeah. So… I’m sitting there eating a half gallon of ice cream… rum raisin… when he suddenly shows up. Mr. Reddington at my door in the middle of the night. I know. Kind of weird. Although, truth be told, we do sort of have a special relationship. Anyway, I showed him the picture, and he recognized her right away. Called her Scottie. Says she and her husband, Howard, own a corporation called Halcyon Aegis.
COOPER : Halcyon provides security services.
ARAM : According to their website, yes. But Mr. Reddington says they are a private military-intelligence agency who specializes in operations too sophisticated or politically incorrect for anyone else, like working with Israel to sabotage Iran’s nuclear program or negotiating with terrorists for the release of hostages in direct violation of American foreign policy.

Tom, walking up to group

TOM : Or to abduct an FBI agent from her own wedding.
RESSLER : So, what? You’re the, uh, new Agent Keen?
COOPER : He’s here at my invitation. We all want the same thing… Susan Hargrave.
SAMAR : Or whoever hired her to go after Liz.
COOPER : The White House Counsel specifically told me not to investigate Halcyon. After Panabaker did that, I tasked Tom to follow her.
TOM : She made a beeline for Hargrave, presumably to warn her that the FBI was about to investigate her.
ARAM : So you’re saying that our government is protecting the people who took Agent Keen, hiding them from us? Please tell me that is not true.
COOPER : Solomon led the attack on the church, so we know he works for Halcyon. I don’t care what Panabaker said. That should be enough to get a warrant… which brings us to Benjamin Stalder. He lied to us about knowing Hargrave. Where are we on him?
SAMAR : Nowhere. We don’t know why Halcyon was after him, and he has been off the grid since we let him go. But we do know that his assistant is Amanda Bigelow. If her boss can get us to Hargrave, we need to force her to get us to her boss.
ARAM : Or we could try and get the intel without her knowing. If one of you could get close enough to her, I think I can get what we need.
TOM : I can.
COOPER : Done. Work with Aram. And Reddington… What’s his plan?

Laurel Hitchin is talking to Red in his Mercedes which is parked near a pier

HITCHIN : Halcyon’s off limits.
RED : Elizabeth Keen is dead.
HITCHIN : I heard. And after all you did to protect her, too.
RED : Boy, I can’t wait to hurt you someday.
HITCHIN I’m sorry.
RED : Are you? A former Cabal operative led the assault that resulted in her death… Matias Solomon. You bungled his execution. He works for Halcyon now. I want him, and I want Scottie Hargrave.
HITCHIN : I despise Halcyon. They’re powerful, arrogant, and unchecked, but our government depends on them.
RED : Your government. Not mine. Give Halcyon a call, Laurel. Inform them that you have a job that requires their immediate attention.
HITCHIN : I’m a National Security Advisor to the President. I don’t have the authority nor the discretion to act on my own.
RED :  That’s nonsense. If Henry Kissinger taught us anything, it’s that the National Security Council has tremendous latitude in both advising the President and shielding him. You do many things he doesn’t want to know about. And I can tell you the President doesn’t want to know about what I have in store for Halcyon.
HITCHIN : The Cabal disavowed Solomon and made peace with Keen. We had nothing to do with this.
RED : Elizabeth Keen was well hidden from the demons of her past until you went after her, until you told the world she was Masha Rostova. You put a target on her back and invited someone to take a shot. Do not try my patience, Laurel. On this topic, I have perilously little of it.
HITCHIN : What’s the job?


ARAM : Amanda Bigelow is a creature of habit. She goes to the same coffee shop every day for lunch, laptop in hand. All you need to do is get close to her. You’ll have a device called a wireless packet sniffer. It has the ability to mirror her computer. The sniffer looks like a mobile hotspot, so just set it out on the table, and I’ll do the rest.

 Tom takes a seat in the coffee shop. He opens a laptop and places the wireless packet sniffer next to him. Aram is not, however, able to pull up any data

Cellphone rings : Tom answers

TOM : Thanks a lot, man. You just alerted the target to my presence.
ARAM : Are you set up? I’m not getting anything.
TOM : I’m set up.
ARAM : How far away?
TOM : Maybe 20 feet.
ARAM : Okay, get closer.

Tom, whispering to Aram

TOM : All right, I’m sitting right next to her. I cannot get any closer.
ARAM : Something’s wrong. I’m not getting any signal from her computer. Abort. Abort.
TOM : Did you say “abort”?
ARAM : Uh, whatever. Just… We need a new plan.

Tom hangs up

AMANDA : They’re all drafty.
TOM : What’s that? I saw you switch tables.
AMANDA : You’re trying to get away from the vents, this is the best spot. You’re welcome to join me.
TOM : Oh, that’s, uh… Oh, I’d love that, but it was work calling, so I should get back to the office.
AMANDA : That’s unfortunate.
TOM : It is unfortunate. What’s your name? I’m Reggie.
AMANDA : Amanda.


BRADLEY CLARK : I was in with Scottie when you called. She wants you to know the company’s full resources are at your disposal. How can we help?
HITCHIN : I’ve always liked you, Brad. It’s important to me that you know that.
BRADLEY CLARK : I’m glad to hear it. Always nice to have a fan in the White House.
HITCHIN : You do. Unfortunately, my job at the White House has nothing to do with why you’re here.
BRADLEY CLARK : I don’t understand.

Red steps in

RED : You’re here at my invitation. No, no, no. Please, Bradley, stay seated. This is an informal meeting. You know who I am?
BRADLEY CLARK : Yes, of course. I didn’t realize you two were acquainted.
RED :  Oh, my, yes. Laurel’s as crooked as a dog’s hind leg.
HITCHIN : I’m so sorry.
BRADLEY CLARK : About what? If this is about Agent Keen, what happened at the church, I had nothing to do with that.
RED : Friends and loved ones are dead. I need to speak with Scottie about the matter. I sent her a message. She ignored it. She’s scared. Can be a terrible thing for all when someone as ruthless as Scottie gets scared. I need you to reach her for me, Bradley. I trust you would get through to her. I need her to pay attention to this.
BRADLEY CLARK : I understand. Believe me, Mr. Reddington, there are very few people that Scottie pays better attention to than me.
RED : Yes, I’m counting on that.

Red takes a gun out of his vest and shoots  Bradley in the chest. Bradley falls out of his chair

RED : God, I’m starving. What time is it?


SUSAN HARGRAVE : We’ll be hitting various facilities, but I want you to spearhead the main operation at the Port of Amsterdam tomorrow.
NEZ : That’s not a lot of lead time. Is the oil on a tanker?
SUSAN HARGRAVE : Barrels loaded into cargo containers. Less conspicuous.
NEZ : That’s too bad. I never got to sink a ship before.
SUSAN HARGRAVE : How big a team will you need?
NEZ : I’d keep it small. Just me and a transport crew. Single charge, let the oil do the work for me.

Trey walks up with a white envelope

: He killed Brad Clark. This was pinned to his body.
SUSAN HARGRAVE : You look frightened. You should be.

Scottie opens the envelope. The card says: “Shall we? R”

TREY : What do you want me to do?
SUSAN HARGRAVE : About this? Nothing.
NEZ : Reddington’s not gonna stop, you know.
SUSAN HARGRAVE : Neither are we. You have your assignments. Go do them.

Cooper is talking to Rodney Blakely, an attorney

COOPER : Susan Hargrave has a wanted fugitive on her payroll.
BLAKELY : Rumor has it so do you. Nobody’s issuing a warrant for your arrest.
COOPER : Matias Solomon coordinated the assault on my team that resulted in the death of Elizabeth Keen.
BLAKELY : How do you know Solomon wasn’t working on his own?
COOPER : The man with Susan Hargrave is Benjamin Stalder. An hour after this photo was taken, Solomon and his team attempted to abduct him.
BLAKELY : She met with him, then tried to abduct him? Why?
COOPER : For the purposes of a warrant, all that matters is that she did.
BLAKELY : I’m simply trying to dot the “I’s” and cross the “T’s.”
COOPER : Spare me the scrupulous-lawyer routine, Rodney. We go back way too far for that.
BLAKELY : I’m just looking for probable cause.
COOPER : Who got to you? The A.G.? The White House? Who? My agent, my friend is dead because of Susan Hargrave.
BLAKELY : Then I suggest you get the evidence to prove it.
COOPER : I have the evidence!
BLAKELY : I’m sorry, Harold. But I disagree.


COOPER : The warrant was denied.
RESSLER : On what grounds?
COOPER : Power, influence, fear. Where are we on Amanda Bigelow?
ARAM : Nowhere yet. We tried hacking her laptop, but she was on a highly encrypted network, so Tom started talking with her, and seriously, this guy should write a book. Anyway, we are implementing plan “B” tonight… on their date.
RESSLER : How come that doesn’t surprise me?
COOPER : So, no warrant, no Stalder, no Susan Hargrave.
SAMAR : No, but we do have this. Reddington got access to a secure cellphone from one of Halcyon’s account reps, Bradley Clark. Based on the bloodstains, I don’t think it was given voluntarily.
ARAM : Mr. Clark made three calls today to another secure cell. Now, we can’t trace the owner of that cell, but believe it or not, it is on right now, so I have been triangulating its location. They are somewhere on this block near Eighth and King. I’m still running algorithms, but I should be able to vector it down within a few hundred square feet.
COOPER : Get there now. If we can’t get to Halcyon through the front door, we’ll have to kick down the back.


SAMAR : Aram, we’re on site.
ARAM : Okay. Signal is on the move. Halfway up the block on your left. Target should be walking south.
RESSLER : How do we know who the target is? It could be anybody.
ARAM : Hang on. Let me lock onto both of your signals, guide you that way. Okay, you need to cross the street. They are heading towards you about 100 feet up the block. You should be able to see the target.
RESSLER : Aram, I’m seeing a lot of people here.
ARAM : You are right on top of them. What… What just happened? It’s gone.
RESSLER : Gone? What do you mean, it’s gone?
ARAM : Lost the signal.
SAMAR : Maybe they went into a building.
ARAM : Target’s back. Okay, now look right behind you.
RESSLER : Hey. Excuse me, sir.
MAN : Wait. I’m on the phone.
RESSLER : Hey, FBI. I need to see some identification.
ARAM : Okay, that is him. You are on the dot, literally.
MAN : Um, I got to go, Ted. I’ll call you back.
SAMAR : No, let me see your phone. This is not a secure phone. Do you have another one on you?
MAN : No. What is this all about?
ARAM : Guys, what is going on?

Samar takes photos

ARAM : You are letting him get away. Okay, look for a car. Guys, look for a moving vehicle.

Ressler runs after car pointing gun

RESSLER :Hey! Stop!
ARAM : You are letting him get away.

RESSLER : Did you get a plate?
SAMAR : Yes. And one better.

Samar got a picture of a man getting into the vehicle


Aram has been able to use facial identity software to I.D. the man getting into the vehicle

ARAM : Samuel Rand. Vice President of Vestant Petroleum, an oil and gas company.
RESSLER : All right. Let’s bring him in, find out what their business is with Halcyon.
COOPER : We bring Rand in, he brings his five lawyers with him, and we get nothing. Just like we got nothing with the U.S. Attorney.
RESSLER : Yes, maybe, but what? Because it’s not good enough, we’re just gonna do whatever it takes?
COOPER : As far as I’m concerned, Susan Hargrave has Liz’s blood on her hands. When I watched them lower her into the ground, I promised myself that people would be held accountable, that I would see to it. And by any means, that’s what I’m gonna do.


CYNTHIA RAND : You’re late.
SAMUEL RAND : I stopped to pick up your perfume.
CYNTHIA RAND : There’s a man here who wants to buy our brownstone. A Lester McSomething-or-Other. He’s a friend of the Realtor.
SAMUEL RAND : Our brownstone isn’t for sale.
CYNTHIA RAND : It might be. You should hear the numbers he’s throwing around.
SAMUEL RAND : Really? Okay. Guess it doesn’t hurt to listen. Lester, right?

Samuel steps outside into an enclosed garden

SAMUEL RAND : Hello, Lester.
RED : You must be Samuel! What a pleasure. What a garden. I love daffodils.
SAMUEL RAND : My wife tells me you’re interested in buying our house.
RED : They say gifting a bouquet of daffodils ensures happiness, while presenting just one means bad luck is on the horizon.

Red gives Samuel a single daffodil and enters the kitchen

CYNTHIA RAND : Okay, boys. I hope you’re hungry. I have a triple crème, some Jarlsberg, water biscuits, and my mother’s famous cucumber dip.
RED : That sounds delicious, Cynthia. Tragically, there’s no time for snacks. Well, maybe some of Mom’s famous cucumber dip.

Red has his pistol in his hand. He dips a carrot in the dip and eats it

SAMUEL RAND : Who are you? What do you want?
RED : Mmm. Mmm. You recently contracted Halcyon for a job on behalf of your company. I’d like to know the details.
SAMUEL RAND : I have no idea what you’re talking about.
RED : Cynthia, is that a touch of Cayenne in there? What a nice little kick.
CYNTHIA RAND : Samuel, just tell him.
RED : Tell me what?
CYNTHIA RAND : It’s about oil.
SAMUEL RAND : Shut up, Cynthia.
CYNTHIA RAND : No, I will not shut up, Samuel. He has got a gun. A competitor of Vestant’s is buying oil from terrorists… the really bad ones. So Vestant hired Halcyon to get involved for some reason. I don’t know what. Tell him, Samuel. You’re doing nothing wrong. These people are evil.
SAMUEL RAND : I can’t believe this.
CYNTHIA RAND : I read his e-mails. Ever since I found him with the nanny, I look at everything.
SAMUEL RAND : We don’t even have a nanny! It was a movie.
RED : A nanny movie?
CYNTHIA RAND : Not just nannies. Schoolteachers, nurses, and a ridiculous threesome with two completely unbelievable policewomen.
SAMUEL RAND : Cynthia, they’re just movies. I have never cheated on you. And besides, I don’t think he wants to hear about it.
RED : Yes, I want to hear about it. All about it. Unfortunately, I do need to hear about your contract with Halcyon. So business first, and then, Cynthia, I’ll be all ears.


TOM : So, if we couldn’t get into Amanda’s network today, what’s gonna be different tonight?
ARAM : Tonight, you jump her air gap. Whoa. No. Oh, I’m not… No, what I’m suggesting is that you insert this thumb drive into, uh, her laptop. It… It’s got an exploit that will give us access to her computer and her company’s proprietary telecommunications infrastructure… e-mails, phone calls. Should lead us to her boss. Look, what you thought I was suggesting before, I would never, ever suggest… that.
TOM : What’s the catch?
ARAM : No catch. It is just plug and play. Downloads automatically in one to two minutes.
TOM : Got it.


RED : Hello, Harold.
COOPER : Hello, Reddington, Dembe. Please, sit down.
RED : I had an enlightening meeting with Samuel Rand today. More to the point, with his wife, Cynthia.
COOPER : What’s the connection between Rand’s company and Halcyon?
RED : He contracted them to help tame a savage competitor, Kerogent Holdings, who’s been flooding the market with cheap oil and driving down prices… to which I would normally give a hearty free-market thumbs-up, but the oil in question is being purchased from radical jihadists, the proceeds being used to fund all manner of nastiness.
COOPER : You’re telling me Halcyon was hired to fight terrorism?
RED :  No. Given the recent glut on the market, oil companies around the globe are hemorrhaging. This is about profits. Halcyon will be attacking on multiple fronts. I’m only interested in one aspect of the operation. Kerogent is acquiring a large shipment of the offending petroleum at the Port of Amsterdam. Halcyon has plans to prevent the sale.
COOPER : And you want us to let it go through, even if it benefits terrorists?
RED : No, I want you to take the oil. The terrorists lose, we force Scottie Hargrave from the shadows, and turn a tidy profit in the process.
COOPER : Profit? If we do this, the government gets the oil, not you.
RED : Harold, smile. We’re this close.
COOPER : I’ll task a team to stake out the docks. As for a smile… how are you holding up?
RED : As long as we keep moving forward, I’ll endure.


Stake-out at the Port of Amsterdam, Netherlands. Cooper, Ressler, Samar and Aram are interacting remotely with the SWAT team

DUTCH SOLDIER :Still no movement here.
RESSLER : Here comes Headband again. Wave to Dreadlocks.
SAMAR : They’re nothing if not consistent.
RESSLER : At this rate, it’s gonna take all night to finish loading. You would have thought that Kerogent would have just sent a tanker.
SAMAR : Too conspicuous. It’s illegal oil. They had to ship it in barrels and hide it in shipping containers.
DUTCH SOLDIER : Anything you can feed me from the aerial view?
ARAM : No, all quiet. Still no sign of Halcyon.
RESSLER : Maybe they’re waiting for the convoy to get on the road before they hit it.
SAMAR : That’s what I’d do.
ARAM : “Fast-and-Furious”-style. Get some street racers to board the trucks and overpower the drivers, right?
DUTCH SOLDIER : Headband back already? That was fast turnaround.
SAMAR : That’s not Headband. It’s one of Halcyon’s people (Nez).
RESSLER : SWAT Command, move in now. Nobody gets in or out of that yard.
SAMAR : Where is she?

Nez desappears. Gunfire

DUTCH SOLDIER : Eyes! Do you have eyes? We’re under fire!

On site too, Nez and her team. She's in contact with a musterious man via her earpiece.

NEZ : Talk to me, 3-8.
OPERATOR 3-8 (Halcyon): Proceed to the end of your aisle, turn left, then down three more. That’s where you’ll deliver the package.


ARAM : Guys, I’m getting reports of  explosions  at Kerogent facilities across Europe and the Middle East.
RESSLER : They’re coordinating their attacks. We need to get to Rowan before she sets off that device.


With earpeace

OPERATOR 3-8 (Halcyon): Keep moving north. Next container on your right. Whoa. There. Stop. You’re dead center. Maximum bang for your buck. You’re gonna want to move quickly.
NEZ : Roger that.

Nez activates device and sprints away

Ressler, Samar and Aram at the Post Office are interacting remotely with the SWAT team on site

RESSLER : SWAT, you need to find that device.
SAMAR : There.
DUTCH SWAT COMMANDER : I’ve got it. Okay. Looks like a remote trigger.
ARAM : If the detonator is built into that case, there will be no way to disarm the device in time.
DUTCH SWAT COMMANDER : If this thing goes off, every one of these containers goes off with it, one after the other.
RESSLER : Okay, you need to evacuate as many people as possible.
DUTCH SWAT COMMANDER : Okay. I, uh… I’ll try to get it someplace where it can’t do much damage.
SAMAR : No. Are you crazy? Leave it. She could detonate it in your hands.
RESSLER : Just get the people out.
SAMAR : Fall back. Move the civilians to safety.
DUTCH SWAT COMMANDER : I’ve got a container here. If nothing else, it will help contain the…

Sound of explosion  then nothing but STATIC

A … long … minute. The mood in the Post Office control room becomes somber. Then Samar tries to hail the SWAT team

SAMAR : SWAT Command. SWAT Command, come back.

Comes back online

SWAT : …escaped. Do you copy? Strike team got away, but the detonation was contained.

At the Post Office, relief

– Oh.
– Yeah.
– Okay.
– Oh.
RESSLER : We’re gonna find these guys. Make no mistake. We’re gonna find them.


AMANDA : Okay. I told you my whole long, boring life story. Now it’s your turn.
TOM : All right. Well, uh, I also was a teenage beauty-pageant winner.
AMANDA : You promised you wouldn’t make fun of that.
TOM : Sorry.
AMANDA : Come on. What’s hidden in there? There’s got to be some sort of flaw, some deep, dark secret. Every guy I meet has one.
TOM : Shouldn’t you find out a man’s deep, dark secret before you invite him into your apartment?
AMANDA : Where’s the fun in that?
TOM : I was married. She, uh… She died.
AMANDA : I’m really sorry.
TOM : And I am dipping my toe back into the dating pool for the first time. And I have a daughter. AMANDA : Do you expect that to scare me away?
TOM : I-I don’t know what to expect.

Amanda kisses him. He kisses back

BOTH : Mm!

Tom takes a glass of wine and pours it down Amanda’s back

TOM : Oh! Did that spill?
AMANDA : No, it’s fine.
TOM : Are you sure? I’m so sorry. Oh, my God, I feel so…
AMANDA : Hold on.
TOM : Oh, no. Let me, uh…
AMANDA : I… I’ll be right back.
TOM : Sorry.
AMANDA : That’s fine.
TOM : I feel like an idiot.
AMANDA : I’m okay.

Amanda leaves the room to change clothes. Tom goes to her laptop and sticks in the thumb drive

Amanda returns wearing a red sleeveless top

AMANDA : Sorry it took so long.
TOM : It was totally worth the wait.

They kiss ... Tom lifts Amanda up onto her computer desk. He reaches over and pulls out the thumb drive and puts it in his pocket. Then he withdraws from her embrace

AMANDA : What’s wrong?
TOM : Um… sorry. I-I thought I was, uh, ready for this.
AMANDA : I’m probably moving too fast, huh?
TOM : No, no, you’re… you’re wonderful, but I think I might be moving… too fast.


TOM : So, this is it? We’re in the system?
ARAM : Yes. I don’t want to know how you did it, but… yes. Actually, I do want to know how. I don’t understand how you could do it. Agent Keen loved you. I know it’s none of my business, but…
TOM : I loved her, too.
ARAM : Okay, good. Excellent. No, it probably shouldn’t matter, but it somehow does. So, uh, let us see what our Ms. Bigelow is up to.

Red is talking to Scottie from the cell phone in his Mercedes

SUSAN HARGRAVE : Hello, Raymond.
RED : Scottie, you got my messages.
SUSAN HARGRAVE : Well, Amsterdam was a little hard to ignore. Attacking my people is one thing, but you’re driving away my clients. So, let’s get this over with. What do you want to discuss?
RED : The death of Elizabeth Keen.
SUSAN HARGRAVE : A tragedy. By all accounts, she was a fine woman for whom we went to great lengths to deliver to a caring party. But then you felt the need to interfere. Might I suggest your anger isn’t with me, but with yourself?
RED : I want to discuss this in person.
SUSAN HARGRAVE : Fine. 5:00 p.m. today, BWI Airport, first-class lounge, Concourse F.
RED : That’s impossible. I’m on every apprehend list from here to Siberia. I cannot step foot in an international airport without being arrested. All that pesky security and facial-recognition software and whatnot.
SUSAN HARGRAVE : Oh, not to mention all those annoying metal detectors, all of which is exactly why I will feel safe to meet there. If you want to meet with me, you’ll figure out a way.
RED : I’ll be there.
SUSAN HARGRAVE : 5:00 p.m., Raymond. You know I don’t like to be kept waiting.


Tom and Aram are listening to recorded calls via Amanda’s computer

AMANDA : « I don’t have a return date yet for Mr. Stalder, but I know that he’s anxious to talk to you, so as soon as I do, I’ll get back to you. »

TOM : I mean, this is going nowhere.
ARAM : Patience. Patience.

But Tom has noticed how Aram glances as Samar

TOM : I think you might be a little too patient.
ARAM : What? Oh. No. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Believe me. You wouldn’t understand.
TOM : You know this is gonna end, right? Reddington was only here because of Liz. You, Samar, all of you… we’re only here because of her. So before it ends… just tell her. You’ll never know what she’s gonna say unless you do.

Voice on phone: « Mr. Stalder’s office. How may I be of service to you today? »

SUSAN HARGRAVE : « It’s Susan Hargrave. Put him on. »

ARAM : Holy crap. Jackpot.

AMANDA : « I’m sorry to call, Mr. Stalder, but you said you wanted to know when Mrs. Hargrave contacted your office. »
STADLER : « Put her through. »

TOM : Turn it up.

AMANDA : « You’re on with Mrs. Hargrave. »


STADLER : Wow. You got a lot of guts calling me.
SUSAN HARGRAVE : Hello, Benjamin. I have to imagine you are a little confused by recent events. Rest assured, we are not in the habit of kidnapping our own clients.
STADLER : Oh, no, no, no, no. No, I’m not confused. No, I understand perfectly. My employer paid you to kidnap Elizabeth Keen, and then you not only failed to deliver the target, but your people got her killed. So then you went after me so you’d have a bargaining chip against my boss, who wants you dead.
SUSAN HARGRAVE : Simmer down, Benjamin. I’m calling to offer your employer an olive branch, but if you don’t want it, I’m more than happy to shove the branch up your ass.
STADLER : Go ahead. I’m listening.
SUSAN HARGRAVE : Raymond Reddington. If I recall our original conversation, you want him dead.


Tom and Aram, listening


SUSAN HARGRAVE : « If I kill him, would that help make things right between our companies? »
STADLER : « Well, I’m sure it would help, but that’s impossible. No one’s been able to get to Reddington. »
SUSAN HARGRAVE : « And yet I’m on my way to meet with the man now. Will you be so dear as to convey my offer to your boss? »


Scottie arrives at the airport

BAZ : She’s here. Bring him in. Copy that.


Red is in his car

DEMBE : She’s inside, Raymond.

Cellphone rings, it’s Tom

RED : Yes, Tom?
TOM : Stay out of the airport. Don’t go inside. We intercepted a call from Hargrave to Stalder. It’s a trap.
RED : Can’t say that I’m surprised. Disappointed, perhaps. Kill or capture?
TOM : Kill. Your head is a peace offering for them botching the job with Liz.
RED : Thank you, Tom.

Red hangs up

DEMBE : Shall we turn around?
RED : No. Let’s keep our appointment. Scottie hates to be kept waiting.


Airport's security : facial-recognition software, metal detectors...

 Red is at the airport. He is wearing a dark flat cap and black glasses with very thick lenses

MAN : All belts, cellphones, keys. Empty pockets. Please put them in the bin.
MAN 2: Next.
WOMAN ON P.A.: Thank you for your cooperation. Boarding pass and I.D., please.
MAN : Belts, cellphones, keys. Put them in the bins, please. Empty your pockets.
NEXT MAN : . Video cameras, cameras, cellphones.

Scanners, metal detector whirs

MAN 2: Next, please.

To Red

MAN 3: Sir. Sir. You’ve been randomly selected for a check.

Red’s face is scanned but the software concludes “No retinal match” and Red is allowed to pass

MAN 3: Good, thanks.


On the tv in the waiting area, a political candidate, Senator Diaz, is heard

DIAZ : « My campaign does not coordinate with any PACs. I’m honored they want me to be President, but I don’t tell them how to spend their money… although I like how they’re spending it. Have you seen the ads? »

WOMAN ON P.A.: « Attention, travelers. You are not required to… »

DIAZ ON TV: « As President, I will say no to amnesty, defend the Second Amendment, and return the job of educating our children to where it belongs… at the local level. I will stand firm with the American people whether Washington likes it or not. »

Scottie Hargrave is in the lounge wearing a red dress and sipping a martini. She dials 911 on her cell phone.

WOMAN ON PHONE: « 911. What’s your emergency? »

  Red has cleared security and is in the lounge typing his shoe laces. He then looks around, recognizes Scottie and begins to walk toward her. Suddenly, two armed police officers burst through the door and point their rifles at Red

OFFICER : Hands in the air… now!
OFFICER #2 : Over your head! On the ground. Arms behind you.

One officer looks at Red and concludes

OFFICER : It’s him.

Scottie Hargrave gets up and, leaving her martini behind, saunters past Red who is kneeling on the floor. She departs from the lounge


OFFICER COUSINS : Raymond Reddington. Been staring at your “Wanted” photo in the break room for years. Can’t wait to see the captain’s face. We’re gonna get medals before this thing is over.

Officer Armstrong hits Cousins from behind, knocking him out

OFFICER ARMSTRONG : Sorry, brother.

Red drags unconscious Offiver Cousins out of sight of the stairs

Whatever she’s paying you, I’ll triple it.

OFFICER ARMSTRONG : She told me you’d say something like that. All right, watch his head now.
RED : If you care so much for your partner, what are you gonna do when he wakes up? You just hit him on the head.
OFFICER ARMSTRONG : He got jumped from behind by your man, who kidnapped me and helped you to escape. That’s what will be in my report. There’s no cameras back here. Stairs.
RED : She’ll have me killed. You know that, right? You’re walking me to my execution.
OFFICER ARMSTRONG : All I know is, Mrs. Hargrave’s fully sanctioned by the U.S. government. Figure that makes me a defense contractor. I’m gonna buy my wife one of them candy-colored houses in Bermuda she loves… retire with the money from this job.
RED : I once spent part of a summer in Bermuda. The island. Certainly not the shorts. Not a lot to do there except ride motor scooters and play checkers with the locals. I’m more of a chess man myself. But one tactic that came naturally was the concept of forced capture…

Red stops, enthusiastically gesticulating

RED : ...sacrificing a checker to force your enemy in one direction while your forces lie in wait for the exquisitely satisfying double jump.

Dembe appears and puts a pistol to Armstrong’s neck

RED : One quick look at the airport schematics revealed why Scottie chose the lounge on Concourse F. Conveniently located near a little-used loading dock. Shall we?

The officers’ police van is parked near the door

OFFICER ARMSTRONG : Please! Don’t kill me.
RED : I said “double jump.” You’re merely the first capture. Please, if you would.


 Scottie and guards are in a large warehouse. Scottie is seated in a straight back chair across from another chair

GUARD : Here he comes!

The police van rolls forward with Officer Armstrong at the wheel. As it gets closer, Scottie sees that Armstrong is oddly staring straight ahead. On closer examination, Armstrong’s hands and arms have been duct-taped to the steering wheel

SUSAN HARGRAVE : Close the door.

A guard presses the button to close the warehouse doors
Gunshot : the guard is hit


SCOTTIE'S MEN : – Sniper!
– Where is he?
– I don’t see him!


Dembe and Baz take out all the guards

Officer Armstrong is hit repeatedly in the crossfire

Dembe to Scottie

DEMBE : Step out slowly.

Garage door opens, slowly. Red appears

RED : God, that door is slow. I was hoping for a somewhat more dramatic entrance, but what the hell.
SUSAN HARGRAVE : Aren’t you the challenging woman to pin down.


ARAM : The FBI just received a call from Airports Authority. Mr. Reddington escaped police custody from a first-class lounge at BWI.
COOPER : That can’t be right. Tom called Reddington and warned him the airport was a setup.
ARAM : All I know is that one officer’s missing, one’s injured, and I cannot reach Mr. Reddington.
COOPER : Get over there and find out what happened.


SUSAN HARGRAVE : I have to give you this, Raymond… It’s been years since a man worked this hard to gain my attention.
RED : Who hired you to go after Elizabeth Keen?
SUSAN HARGRAVE : Howard would be so happy to see you. He still tells that story at dinner parties about the night you two were jumped in Kuala Lumpur. Each time I hear it, there are five more machetes you two had to fight off.
RED : My fondness for your husband holds no currency here.
SUSAN HARGRAVE : I didn’t kill Masha. Elizabeth Keen, whatever you want to call her. She died in childbirth. Perhaps if she’d been in a proper hospital…

Red shoots Scottie in the arm

SUSAN HARGRAVE : Aah! Damn you! Oh! I couldn’t foresee what happened to that poor girl any more than you. I told you I was hired to abduct her, not take her life.
RED : Who hired you?
SUSAN HARGRAVE : You know exactly who hired me.
RED : I’d like to be sure.
SUSAN HARGRAVE : Alexander Kirk.


Ressler and Cooper are on the phone

RESSLER : Talked to the guard. He says that his partner jumped him from behind.
COOPER : Why? To help Reddington?
RESSLER : More than likely the guard was in on the abduction, which Reddington walked right into despite knowing it was a trap.
COOPER : I’m looking at a report that says the containers of oil we seized never made it into evidence. It seems the entire convoy was hijacked this morning.
RESSLER : You think Reddington took it?
COOPER : Let’s just say I get the feeling he has an agenda here he’s not sharing with us.


RED  : You know, I used to have such high hopes for your organization. High hopes for Howard. Halcyon was once such a promising company… like AOL. Put an entire generation online. Companies can so easily lose their way. Forget what it was that made them great to begin with. I remember a time when your husband never would have taken a job from a man like Alexander Kirk, if only out of respect for his friends.
SUSAN HARGRAVE : Howard didn’t take that job. We haven’t had sex in four years. We’re rarely in the same country, let alone the same bed.
RED : What bed have you been occupying?
SUSAN HARGRAVE : I’ve been assuming a larger role in a management position lately.
RED : You don’t say.
SUSAN HARGRAVE : We’ve never been more successful. Listen, Red… I regret what happened to Elizabeth Keen. But her kidnapping was simply a business decision. You of all people should recognize that. We all do what we have to in order to survive. I know Howard and I do.
RED : Survival is all relative. There are limits, even for people like us. Especially for people like us.
SUSAN HARGRAVE : When Kirk hired us to abduct Masha, he also wanted me to kill you. Sorry I didn’t take that job.
RED : Here’s where we stand. Elizabeth Keen is dead, which means you are, too. Alexander Kirk is coming to kill you. The only surprise is that I got to you first.
SUSAN HARGRAVE : You killed a lot of people trying to reach me. Well, here I am. Finish what you came to do.
RED : You have it all wrong, dear. I didn’t come to kill you. I came here because you and I are about to climb into bed together, just for a quickie. We now share a mutual enemy. So, let’s get you bandaged up, not that you aren’t even lovelier with a little blood trickling down your arm.

Adapté du site «The Blacklist Classified», mise en page par mnoandco

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