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#106 : Gina Zanetakos

Liz et Red marchent dans un parc

Ecrit par: Wendy West
Réalisé parAdam Arkin

Liz confronte Tom à propos de la boîte cachée sous le parquet. Il nie savoir quoi que ce soit à ce sujet et l'invite à le livrer au FBI pour lever ses doutes, ce qu'elle fait. Pendant ce temps, Red propose le nom suivant sur la liste : Gina Zanetakos, une terroriste s'étant spécialisée dans les contrats offerts par les grosses entreprises.


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Gina Zanetakos

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Gina Zanetakos

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Raymond Reddington (James Spader)

Raymond Reddington (James Spader)

Elisabeth  Keen (Megan Boone) n'en revient pas!

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) n'en revient pas!

Les agents Keen (Megan Boone) et Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) se préparent à l'action

Les agents Keen (Megan Boone) et Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) se préparent à l'action

Gina Zanetakos ( Margarita Levieva ) #152

Gina Zanetakos ( Margarita Levieva ) #152

Tom (Ryan Eggold) emmené au Bureau de Poste avec Liz (Megan Boone) sous bonne garde

Tom (Ryan Eggold) emmené au Bureau de Poste avec Liz (Megan Boone) sous bonne garde

Donald Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) écoute attentivement son patron Harold Cooper (Harry Lennix)

Donald Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) écoute attentivement son patron Harold Cooper (Harry Lennix)

Red (James Spader) tente de rassurer Liz (Megan Boone)

Red (James Spader) tente de rassurer Liz (Megan Boone)

Agent Marcus (Gregory Konow)

Agent Marcus (Gregory Konow)

Dembe (Hisham Tawfik) et Elisabeth (Megan Boone)

Dembe (Hisham Tawfik) et Elisabeth (Megan Boone)

Rencontre sur un banc entre Red (James Spader) et Liz (Megan Boone)

Rencontre sur un banc entre Red (James Spader) et Liz (Megan Boone)

Aram Mojtabaï (Amir Arison) à son bureau

Aram Mojtabaï (Amir Arison) à son bureau

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) court après son suspect

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) court après son suspect

Meera Malik (Parminder Nagra) et Donald Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) font équipe

Meera Malik (Parminder Nagra) et Donald Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) font équipe

Gina Zanetakos ( Margarita Levieva ) #152 fuit Elisabeth Keen

Gina Zanetakos ( Margarita Levieva ) #152 fuit Elisabeth Keen

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) et Raymond Reddington (James Spader) se promènent dans un parc

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) et Raymond Reddington (James Spader) se promènent dans un parc

Repas en amoureux pour Liz (Megan Boone) et Tom (Ryan Eggold)

Repas en amoureux pour Liz (Megan Boone) et Tom (Ryan Eggold)

Tom Keen (Ryan Eggold) reconnait un homme sur une photo

Tom Keen (Ryan Eggold) reconnait un homme sur une photo

Donald Ressler (Giego Klattenhoff)  arrête un homme

Donald Ressler (Giego Klattenhoff) arrête un homme

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone)

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone)

Meera Malik (Parminder Nagra) écoute Elisabeth (Megan Boone)

Meera Malik (Parminder Nagra) écoute Elisabeth (Megan Boone)


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France (inédit)
Mercredi 03.09.2014 à 22:30
4.50m / 31.8% (Part)

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Etats-Unis (inédit)
Lundi 28.10.2013 à 22:00
10.51m / 3.1% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Personnage Blaklisté: N°152: GINA ZANETAKOS


 Margarita Levieva ... Gina Zanetakos
Dikran Tulaine ... Max Ruddiger
Charles Baker ... Grey
Derek Peith ... Nadeem Idris

Au fin fond de la forêt allemande de Liepnitzsee, Max Ruddiger raccorde une bombe à une élégante BMW. Sa cliente, la magnifique Gina Zanetakos arrive à temps pour être témoin de l'explosion, preuve qu'elle fonctionne. Ensuite, elle ordonne la fabrication d'une version. Liz retouve Red sur un banc au parc Lafayette où celui-ci lui apporte des nouvelles sur l'espionnage industriel. Il se souvient d'un cas où sept personnes ont été tuées par un médicament en vente libre mélangé avec du poison afin de faire s'effondrer les parts de marché de la société pharmaceutique. Une personne a été embauchée pour faire cela, quelqu'un comme la terroriste Gina Zanetakos. Si Liz veut découvrir la vérité sur Tom, elle va devoir trouver Gina parce que... Gina est l'amoureuse de Tom. Désolée que Liz soit en congé, Red téléphone à Cooper pour conclure un accord et celui-ci informe donc Meera Malik et Ressler que finalement Liz reprend son travail.

Liz briefe l'équipe sur Gina qui est entrée sur le territoire américain la veille sous le nom de Shubie Hartwell. Un technicien en informatique, Aram, apprend que Shubie a utilisé sa carte de crédit 2 heures auparavant pour des boissons au Quay Hotel. A l'hôtel, Gina séduit un turc Nadeem Idris. Quand il lui montre un mystérieux papier, elle lui plante une seringue dans la nuque... et il tombe. Rapidement, Gina enlève sa perruque et transforme le meurtre en suicide. Elle s'enfuit juste à temps avant que Liz et Ressler arrivent dans la chambre. Pensant que la voie est libre, Gina prend l'ascenseur avec Ressler, elle l'assomme et le laisse inconscient sur le sol, dans la bagarre, elle perd son téléphone.

Aram pirate le téléphone de Gina qui révèle qu'elle est en contact avec le groupe Hanar. Plus inquiétant, c'est le message au sujet de son plan visant à faire exploser une bombe sale. Pendant ce temps, Tom raconte à Meera son voyage à Boston pour un entretien d'embauche avec Walter Burris, proviseur de l'école de Rothwell, qu'il rencontra à l'Angel Station. Après avoir rencontré le vrai Burris, Meera montre à Tom sa photo, un homme qu'il n'a jamais vu auparavant. En regardant les caméras de surveillance, Liz est persuadée que Tom a été victime d'un coup monté. Néanmoins, en vérifiant les photos de Tom à l'Angel Station elle y découvre aussi Gina.

Ayant trouvé l'adresse de Gina grâce à son téléphone, le FBI s'y rend. Liz découvre rapidement une boîte cachée identique à celle trouvée chez elle remplie de passeports, de photos de surveillance de Victor Fokin ce qui fait penser à Liz qu'elle a dû le tuer. Puis, un agent revient avec une photo trouvée près du lit de Gina, une photo de Tom. Ressler la saisit comme preuve et conseille à Liz de se protéger. N'ayant nulle part où aller, Liz arrange une rencontre avec Red. A-t-il manipulé les événements pour anéantir sa vie? Une chose est sûre, elle n'est pas certaine de pouvoir vivre sans Tom. Elle a besoin que Red se trompe à son sujet, pire encore c'est sur son épaule qu'elle va pleurer.

Cooper découvre la preuve d'un paiement que Gina a fait à Ruddiger. Le FBI a besoin que Red le trouve, ils ont donc besoin de Liz qui, elle  a besoin de trouver Gina pour innocenter Tom et donc  chacun y trouve son compte. Liz touve Red criant au téléphone après son contact, Hakim, qui a détourné le paiement du Rembrandt vers la Nouvelle-Orléans au lieu de Houston. Inacceptable ! La marchandise ne sera expédiée qu'à réception du paiement. Red sait que Ruddiger est un bon buveur. En Allemagne, Red avec du whisky pour Ruddiger lui fait miroiter un travail bien payé. Ruddiger admet que la bombe cachée dans une voiture est destinée à contaminer dans un rayon de 5 miles en 19 heures mais qu'il ne sait pas où elle est. Lui promettant que cela ne lui retombera pas dessus, Red lui demande de passer un appel à Gina pour arranger un rendez-vous et il transmet ainsi sa localisation au FBI.

Le FBI converge sur Gina dans un parc, Liz la suit dans les toilettes pour dames et là, elles se battent. Ressler arrive juste à temps et tire sur Gina. Liz est furieuse, Gina est sa seule chance de blanchir Tom ! Et pour la bombe ? Cooper et Ressler lui assurent que Gina est en chirurgie. Pendant ce temps, un examen des preuves révèle que les actions du groupe Hanar sont en difficulté, en raison de la chute des finances du port de la Nouvelle-Orléans. Se souvenant des arguments de Red au sujet du paiement détourné vers la Nouvelle-Orléans, Liz fait le lien. Le groupe Hanar a embauché Gina pour faire sauter le port de Houston afin que le port de la Nouvelle-Orléans devienne le seul à être opérationnel dans le golf et obtienne donc le monopole.

Comme Liz, Ressler et le SWAT recherchent la voiture piégée de Gina dans le port de Houston. Meera informe Tom que sa petite amie (Gina) est blessée et demande ce qu'il sait sur la bombe. Tom dit qu'il ne sait rien ni sur Gina ni sur une bombe mais ses protestations tombent dans l'oreille d'une sourde. Par chance Liz trouve le chaînon manquant, c'est Idris qui a livré la voiture piégée à Houston par voie diplomatique ! La voiture est trouvée rapidement mais l'escouade antibombe n'a aucune idée de comment la désarmer. Une seule solution car le temps presse,  Ressler saute dans la voiture, la démarre et la précipite dans la baie. La voiture explose sous l'eau, ce qui neutralise efficacement la contamination radioactive.

Meera et Ressler rendent visitent à Gina et lui offrent un arrangement. Elle admet avoir tué Victor Fokin sur les ordres de Reddington. Désespérée, Liz lui montre la photo de Tom trouvée chez elle : elle ne le connaît pas, ne l'a jamais vu. Dès sa sortie, Tom s'effondre dans les bras de Liz dans la salle des opérations. Leur épreuve est terminée...  Soudain Tom remarque une photo de l'homme de main de Red sur le tableau des preuves. Cet homme, c'est lui qu'il a rencontré à l'Angel Station et qui s'est fait passer pour Burris ! Certaine que Red a piégé Tom et caché la boîte dans leur maison. Liz va le voir et lui dit que c'est fini. Red insiste sur le fait qu'il peut la guider jusqu'à la vérité mais qu'il ne peut pas l'obliger à le croire. Liz lui dit d'aller se faire voir et claque la porte en partant.


Traduit et adapté du résumé du site officiel par mnoandco



A man is assembling a bomb. Later, in the evening a woman arrives.

THE WOMAN : Ready ?

THE MAN : Oh, yeah.



The man and the woman are in a park. A car is there, farther.

MAN: [ German Accent ] Ready?
WOMAN: [ Accent, Slavic ] She’s beautiful.
MAN: She was.

The man pushes a button, the car explodes

WOMAN: Can you make it radioactive?
MAN : [ Chuckling ] What do you think that was? Joke. Yes. Cesium–137, just like you want.
WOMAN : How long before it’s ready?
MAN : 48 hours.
WOMAN : I need it in 36.


TOM : Are you telling me that you have known about this?
LIZ : Yes! I found it!
TOM : When?
LIZ : When I was cleaning up your blood.
TOM : Liz, that was weeks ago. What else are you not telling me?
LIZ : What am I not telling you?!
TOM : What the hell is this, and why is it in our house? I mean, there’s a gun in here, Liz, and there’s there’s passports with my face on it and, uh, these names. Who the hell is Anton Pierre Louis?
LIZ : Do you really expect me to believe that you’ve never seen any of this before?
TOM : And how much money is this anyways? I mean, this is a fortune.Are you serious about all this?

LIZ : Is this you?
TOM : Are you interrogating me now?
LIZ : This It’s a picture of you at the Angel Station Hotel in Boston.
TOM : Yeah. So what?
LIZ : There was a murder there that matches this gun. An agent named Victor Fokin, a Russian agent who was in the process of defecting when he was killed before he could say anything.
TOM : Are you telling me, like, what – Like, you think that I murdered a KGB defector, like I’m Bond? I’m Tom Bond, and I just, uh between social studies and recess, I go around assassinating people. I had my job interview there, Liz, at the coffee shop. That’s enough.

LIZ : Some of the dates on these passports…
TOM : You know, I can’t believe that you’re accusing me of this, because your job is the reason that a man came in here and cut me in half!
LIZ : No. …March 12, 2011. Your bachelor party. In Las Vegas. I’ve never seen pictures.
TOM : You never will! I was gone for 36 hours!
LIZ : You can get to Paris and back in 19.
TOM : [ Laughing ] I’m not gonna sit here and – Your job – Anything that is evil or bad – It comes from what you do, not what I do!
LIZ : It’s not my picture on these passports.
TOM : Okay! If you think I am guilty, then why don’t you do something about it? Why don’t you call the FBI?
LIZ : Fine.
TOM : Do it. Go ahead. Do it. You think I’m kidding? Do you think I’m kidding? Liz, it’s – it’s me. I don’t know what’s going on, but I know that this is a huge misunderstanding. Make – Make the call.
LIZ : They’ll separate us. They’ll dig through your life, my life, with a fine–tooth comb. They’ll – Our entire lives will be up for grabs.
TOM : I got nothing to hide. Let them.

Liz dialing, a man answers the phone

MAN : Identification, please.
LIZ : Agent Keen, 1212–654 White Bear. I need clearance for an incoming client.
TOM : Client?
LIZ : Thomas Vincent Keen. My husband.


Sirens wail in distance. In parking garage, Tom steps out of car. Liz removes black sack from his head

TOM : Was that necessary? I thought we were going to the FBI.
LIZ : I don’t work at the FBI.


TOM : What do you mean, “black site”? I don’t understand. Where are we?
LIZ : This is where I work, Tom.
MEERA : Mr. Keen, I need you to come with me.
LIZ : Wait.
RESSLER : Make it quick.
LIZ : [ Sighs ] You’re gonna be okay. Just tell them what happened. Tell the truth.
TOM : Okay.
LIZ : Where are they taking him?
RESSLER :If I were you, I’d worry about myself.


Red is on phone with Hakim. Next to him Newton Phillips

RED : I’m looking at it right now. It’s beautiful. What? Oh, the blues? Well, the blues look –
NEWTON PHILLIPS (aka “Grey”): Blue.
RED : – green and gray, the gaping maw of the ocean. It’s mesmerizing. I don’t know why the hell I’m doing this. This painting should be hanging in Boston.[ Laughing ] No, I know.

Cellphone vibrating. Phillips answers

RED : My man in the port of Dubai says payment was sent last week. The painting will be in hand well before the wedding. Yes. Hakim, remember me to your wives. All of them.
RED : What is it?
NEWTON PHILLIPS : It’s about Agent Keen and her husband.

He hands Red the phone


Door closes. Cooper enters. Liz is waiting for him.

COOPER : When this all started, when Reddington turned himself in and asked for you, I was skeptical, suspicious. But I’ll be honest. You’ve done good work. And I’ve come to believe that you were just as surprised as the rest of us when he picked you. But now this. I need you to help me understand what’s going on here.
LIZ : The gun, the money, and passports were in my house. A hatch in the floor.
COOPER : The gun was used in an unsolved homicide.
LIZ : Yes.
COOPER : You pulled a ballistics report.
LIZ : Tom is my husband. I brought him here, to you, for help, to find answers. I want to know who killed that FSB agent as much or more than you do. If we can solve that murder –
COOPER : You’re not gonna do anything. Until this matter is resolved, I’m putting you on leave.
LIZ : What? No. Tom is here.
COOPER : Agent Keen. Go home.

Door opens. Cooper goes out.Door closes


Meera gives Tom a glass of water

TOM : Oh, thank you very much.
MEERA : Meera Malik.
TOM : Tom Keen. But, uh, you probably already know that. Look, I- I came here voluntarily, so
MEERA : Where should we start?
TOM : I just want to know the truth.
MEERA : Tell me about the murder.


Liz and Red are seated on opposite sides of a bench near the White House

RED : People think it matters who occupies that house. It doesn’t. Multinational corporations and criminals run the world.
LIZ : I thought we were here to talk about Tom.
RED : You’ve obviously heard of corporate espionage – companies trying to beat other companies to be the first hand on the dollar. But what if it were taken a few steps further? In 1982, seven people in Chicago were killed by an over–the–counter drug laced with potassium cyanide. The company’s market share went from 35 to 8. It was never determined how the drug was poisoned, but I will tell you someone was hired to do that. Remember those tire recalls, Chernobyl? Deliberate and malevolent actions taken by corporations to protect their vital interests. Nothing happens by chance. That’s why I’m here, Lizzy. Because there’s a woman Gina Zanetakos.
LIZ : I don’t know who that is.
RED : Gina Zanetakos is a corporate terrorist. And frankly, she’s the best of the bunch. Lizzy, if you want to find the truth about your husband, then you need to find Gina.
LIZ : Why? Does she know Tom?
RED : Because she’s Tom’s lover.


RED : I fail to see how suspicions about her husband affect our arrangement.
COOPER : Agent Keen is on leave.
RED : Well, then, lives will be lost. What if I were to deliver to you a terrorist, not your run–of–the–mill ideologue answering to bearded men in caves, but someone entirely different less predictable and far more dangerous.
COOPER : I’d say delivering criminals to me is your job.
RED : My job is my business, Harold. Delivering criminals to you is a hobby, a diversion, one that may become tiresome, in which case we could always reminisce about that unfortunate incident in Kuwait.
COOPER : Are you threatening me, Red?
RED : I am. Hardly the time to let morals stand in the way of your upward mobility, Agent Cooper.


TOM : I had a job interview. I am a teacher. Fourth grade. I got a call from the Rothwell School in Cambridge.
MEERA : Who called you?
TOM : Uh, Walter– Walter Burris. He’s the headmaster. He said he saw my application and, uh, he was impressed and would I mind coming in for a meeting. Lizzy and I decided to make a weekend of it, so we got a room at the Tellamy Cove Inn. We got in Friday night. We had dinner at the restaurant next door, which you can verify, because I used my credit card. And then the next day, I met with Burris at the Angel Station Hotel.
MEERA : Not the school.
TOM : No, he called me that morning, and he said he was already downtown on some other business, and would I mind meeting him at the hotel.
MEERA : It’s bad luck, right?
TOM : Excuse me?
MEERA : Your meeting gets changed to the exact location a man is assassinated. What would you call it?
TOM : Yesterday, I would have called it a coincidence. Look, I don’t belong here. Just call Walter Burris, okay? He’ll verify everything I’m telling you.


COOPER : Where are we on the contents of the box?
RESSLER : Still working on those passports and tracing the money, but ballistics did confirm that it was the gun used kill Victor Fokin. The good news – We actually did find a partial on one of the casings in the magazine. But it’s not Tom Keen’s, and there were no hits on it through AFIS.
COOPER : Give me updates as soon as you have them. Meanwhile, there’s been a development. Reddington’s brought us a case.
RESSLER : It’s about time he realizes that he has to talk directly to us.
COOPER : He won’t.
MEERA : Sir, I think it’s entirely inappropriate that Keen is on the case when her husband’s being investigated for murder.
COOPER : There’s been a change of plans.


LIZ : According to Reddington, her real name is Gina Zanetakos. Nearly a year ago, she reached out to him as Shubie Hartwell. She wanted Red to broker a deal to assassinate a supreme court judge who was the swing vote in a case that could have cost her corporate clients billions.
ARAM : Custom documents indicate Shubie Hartwell entered the country yesterday. We’ve got a credit card in her name that was last used under an hour ago. Purchased two cocktails at the bar in the Key Hotel.
COOPER : Call the hotel manager. Have him start pulling security tape. See who she was having drinks with. Agent Keen?

Liz looks at a picture of Gina

LIZ : Uh, I feel like I’ve seen her before.


A Middle-Eastern or South Asian-looking man and a woman (Gina Zanatakos) are kissing passionately outside a hotel room. Lock beeps and they go inside

In bed. Breathing heavily

GINA : Show me.
MAN : Come on. I already told you I have it. I have to pick up my son from piano in an hour.
GINA : I’ll show you mine if you show me yours.

Laughs . The man hands Gina a folded piece of paper

MAN : Got confirmation yesterday. On its way. It’s official.

GINA : It’s official.

Breathing heavily .Moaning . Gina injects the man in the neck

MAN : Ouch! [ Groans ] What the– ?
GINA : Too much?
MAN : Be careful. No, be careful. If Melinda sees any more marks on my neck, she’s gonna …


GINA : Gonna what?

The woman pushes the man slightly and he falls to the floor


MEERA : Mr. Burris, thank you again for meeting with me. Tell me, is this the man you interviewed for a position here at Rothwell? Did the two of you meet in the coffee shop of the Angel Station Hotel?


Gina removes her wig and fluffs her real hair. She rolls the man onto his stomach on the floor and empties a bottle of pills around him. She puts on her coat and leaves the room. She heads toward the elevator but turns around and heads in the opposite direction when it dings.


Ressler and Liz and a man from the hotel get out. Liz is making a call on her cell phone


LIZ : Meera, it’s Liz. Give me a call as soon as you speak with the headmaster. I’d like to know how things are going.

Gina heads down the stairwell

RESSLER : She’s not calling you back. This is the door? I’ll take the key. Step back, please. [ To Liz ] She shouldn’t even have told you what she told you.
LIZ : And why is that?
RESSLER : Because you could be an accessory for all we know. [ Lock beeps ] FBI.

They enter, see the man on the floor of the hotel room

RESSLER : Check him.[ He quickly checks hotel room ] Clear. I’m headed down to security.
LIZ : Call an ambulance.

Elevator bell dings. Gina gets on and then a man with teenage girls


MAN : [ To teenage girls, giggling, following him in hallway ] Girls, come on.
MAN : [ Stopping elevator door just before it closes ] Hold on, hold on! Come on. Everybody in.


CHRISTINA : Wait up!
MAN : Christina, come on. Move your can, please.


RESSLER : [ On phone ] Mobilize D.C. Metro. Have teams lock down the Key Hotel and a two–block radius. No, no, no.

Ressler stops elevator door just before it closes and gets on

RESSLER : I’m headed down to the security desk now to pull footage –

Girls's laughter

RESSLER : – It’s gonna be room 1232. And make sure that ambulance shows up now.


Liz is going through unconscious man’s wallet


Elevator bell dings

MAN : [ To teens ] Let’s go. Let’s go.

Laughter. Elevator bell dings. Man and teens exit

The moment elevator door closes, and Gina and Ressler are alone in elevator, Gina attacks Ressler from behind. Fight ensues


Liz goes through unconscious man’s coat pockets. She finds a cell phone


Breathing heavily. Groans. Fight continues in elevator. Gina chokes Ressler. Elevator stops and Gina exits, leaving Ressler on floor, beaten but conscious. In the commotion, she left her cell phone on the elevator floor


Liz speed-dials the number for Shubie Hartwell (Gina’s alias)
Gina’s cellphone rings on the elevator floor. Ressler answers Gina’s phone

LIZ : Gina?
RESSLER : [ Groans ] Hardly.
LIZ : Ressler? Why do you have her phone? Wh– Did you find her? Did you stop her?
RESSLER : Not exactly. [ Breathing heavily ]


ARAM : Okay, we’re working on a current address for Zanetakos. Her phone provided a treasure trove of messages. She was in frequent contact with a multinational company called the HanarGroup. But more worrisome is a message that came in today around three hours ago. A call that originated from Berlin.
RECORDED CALL: “Ruddiger: Change of plans. Had to use Cobalt 60. Still good to go.”
RESSLER : Best guess Cobalt 60? They’re talking about a dirty bomb here.
LIZ : But what’s the target?


Red and Liz are walking by a building with white marble columns in DC

LIZ : We believe Zanetakos is planning to detonate a dirty bomb somewhere in the central time zone of the United States.
RED : Why would she want to do that, Lizzy?
LIZ: Somebody hired this woman. She killed a man today, Nadeem Idris. He was an attaché at the Turkish Embassy. Looks like they were having an affair. We suspect it was a means to an end.
RED : Have you found the connection to your husband?
LIZ : We have looked through all of Zanetakos’ phone messages, all her records. There wasn’t a single message from Tom.
RED : Perhaps they exchanged letters.
LIZ : There’s nothing between them. My husband is innocent.


TOM : Did you talk to Burris?
MEERA : Please take a seat.
TOM : [ Chuckles ] Okay. He backed me up, though, right? Okay, who is this?

Show him a photo of an older-looking man

MEERA : You don’t know?
TOM : No.
MEERA : That’s Walter Burris, the headmaster at the Rothwell School.
TOM : [ Voice raised ] W- w- what is this, some kind of trick? Did this guy say he met with me? Because I didn’t meet with him. And if he says that he met with me, then he’s lying. He is lying to you. Because I’ve never seen this guy before in my life, not once.
LIZ [observing from observation room]: He’s being set up.
TOM : Look, uh, I met with a man who who claimed to be Walter Burris. For 45 minutes, he interviewed me. Look, is Lizzy back there?
MEERA : I need you to stay seated.
TOM : Look, I didn’t do anything, okay? You have to believe me. All I did was walk out of a hotel, and someone took a picture, okay? Someone is doing this to me!
LIZ : The picture. [ Whispers to herself then turns and leaves ]
TOM : Look, I–I don’t know what you think I did or who you think I –


Liz goes to evidence board and takes down the photo of Tom outside Angel Station. In this photo is also captured a woman with dark brown hair in a chin-length Sassoon-style cut. She compares her to a photo of “Shubie” (Gina’s alias) who has wavy/curly shoulder-length dark brown hair. Liz appears to see a similarity. BTW, the Gina who fought with Ressler in the elevator had hair (that appeared to be her own) that was dark blonde or chestnut and bouncy-wavy)


In background, telephone rings. Indistinct conversations


The FBI breaks the door, enters


Indistinct conversations. Radio chatter . Ressler and Liz enter an apartment with an FBI squad. (Is this the address Aram was “working on”?) if so, they hit pay dirt as there is a trove of high-powered weapons found. Photos are found as well. Liz sits down to go through them, she notices a vent cover has been removed. In the vent is s “go” box similar to Tom’s – passports, money, etc. Also included are photos of the faces of a number of men including both the man just killed in the hotel room, the Turkish embassy attaché Nadeem Idris – and the murdered FSB agent Victor Fokin. ( Strangely, the box also has the strange insignia in the wooden cover – which is reminiscent of the scar on Liz’s wrist, though she fails to notice this

LIZ : Ressler. Victor Fokin, the FSB agent.

RESSLER : She was watching him.

LIZ : So she could kill him, not Tom. She’s an assassin.
ANOTHER AGENT ( helping with the search comes over and says) : Guys, you might want to check this out. Found this by her bed.

It is a photo of Tom

RESSLER : Give us a minute … This is evidence. Listen, Keen, whatever you think this may mean, I admire what you’re doing, standing up for your husband, but I think we both know it’s time for you to protect yourself.


Liz approaches Red in a park, sit with him under a canopy . Bell tolling

LIZ : I didn’t know where else to go. We found a picture of Tom in her house. He said he doesn’t know her, but clearly he does. So much is happening, and I just don’t know how to process it all. I mean, a part of me thinks that you’re manipulating this whole thing and you’re trying to ruin my life. But that’s just a part of – But if I’m wrong about Tom – If he isn’t who – I don’t think I can handle any of it without him. I feel like I’m drowning, like I don’t know what’s real or who I can trust.
RED : You can trust me.
LIZ : I needed you to be wrong about him.

They hold hands


COOPER : Your husband may have been connected to our primary suspect. If I let you into the field and you discover some incriminating information on him, I have no reason to believe you won’t suppress it. But circumstances require your continued involvement.
RESSLER : We found something on Zanetakos’ hard drive – Money she wired to a dummy corp in Berlin.
COOPER :Interpol says the funds are linked to a man named Maxwell Ruddiger, a bomb expert operating out of Europe.
LIZ : And you need me because you need Red to find this guy.
COOPER : Ruddiger’s our best connection, not only to Zanetakos, but your husband. Find him.


RED : No. Hakim, that is not the problem. Listen to me. Shipping is my business. Once I receive payment, the merchandise ships. That’s the deal. According to my man in Houston, the payment’s not there. It’s been diverted to New Orleans, which is entirely unacceptable. Well, I don’t care if the wedding is Saturday. All I care about is my payment. Hakim, this conversation is over. Hello, Lizzy. What can I do for you? [ Laughs ] Maxwell Ruddiger. Tremendous bomb maker. Haphazard as hell, terrible drinker, but he gets the job done.
LIZ : Zanetakos made a wire payment to him a few weeks ago.
RED : So he’s the link. Ruddiger can get you to Zanetakos, and she’ll get you to Tom.
LIZ : Can you help me find him?

We see Red's plane



RED : I hear you’re using Cobalt 60 in the device, and you know as well as I there’s only one reputable supplier on the market, and that’s our friend Yuri. Now, I like Yuri. I floated in the Dead Sea with Yuri, climbed Masada with his wife. But if your device goes off, they’ll be looking to him. And if they look to him they’ll look to me. [ Glasses clink ] Because Yuri talks faster than a cheerleader after a nooner under the grandstands. Probably not a metaphor you understand.
But you do understand my position. Ahh. So I need your help, Max.I need to know about this device you’ve made for Gina.
RUDDIGER :[ Slurring ] Red, I’m sorry. I can’t. Just like I wouldn’t do the betray to you, I can’t do that to her.
RED : That’s unfortunate. I’m in the middle of negotiating something very interesting, something unique in Syria. I’ll be playing all sides. Ah, I thought there might be a place for you at the table. Another day.


TOM [talking at the one-way glass]: [ Sighs ] I know that you’re in there. I know you’re in there. I know you’re watching, and I didn’t do anything. Lizzy. Honey, please. I didn’t do anything.


RUDDIGER : It’s a sedan. The car is the bomb. Contamination radius of over five miles.
RED : When will it detonate?
 : Nineteen hours. Don’t know where.
RED : Then we’ll have to ask Gina. Call her. I just need to know where she is. This will never come back on you.


Horn honks

RESSLER : I know you want to get your hands around her neck. But when you do, don’t kill her.
LIZ : Kill her? I want to talk to her.
RESSLER : [ To group of plain clothes ] All right, let’s go. Huddle up. All right, let’s make this quick and clean. Once you get a visual I.D. on Zanetakos, call it. We’ll move in. We’ll take her. No shots fired. Let’s not make the 6:00 news, all right?


Indistinct conversations between FBI's agents

-She’s moving north.
– Copy that.
– All units converge on my go.
– I’ve got her.
– East Green, moving.
– She’s making a break for it.

Long chase scene. Ends in ladies room where Ressler appears to shoot Gina right as she’s about to get Liz with a razor

Gasping, choking


RESSLER : Keen, talk to me.
LIZ : No! Call medevac! We need someone in here now. [To Gina] Don’t die.


LIZ ( to Ressler): What the hell did you do?
RESSLER : Excuse me?
COOPER : Calm down.
LIZ : Don’t tell me to calm down!
COOPER : Agent Keen –
LIZ : That woman was the link! She was the only proof that my husband is innocent! And now she’s what? Dying? Lying unconscious in some hospital?
RESSLER : She’s in surgery.
LIZ : Have we forgotten that there’s a bomb out there?
RESSLER : I haven’t forgotten anything. I’ve been here for seven years. You’ve been here for seven weeks.
LIZ : We have less than four hours.
RESSLER : You think we don’t know that?
LIZ : What, is Zanetakos gonna come out of surgery by then? Because that was the only lead we have!
: I told you to calm down.
LIZ : [ Sighs ] The bomb – What do you know?
RESSLER : We know what you know. It’s built into a car, German–made. It’s dirty.
LIZ : Well, do you know why Zanetakos killed Nadeem Idris in that hotel or how the Hanar Group is connected, – who their enemies are?
RESSLER : The investors.
LIZ : What do you mean, the investors?
COOPER : The company stock is at an all–time low. They’re in trouble, dragged down by a 48% drop in the market share of their largest division.
LIZ : What division?
RESSLER : Shipping. They operate a port in New Orleans.


Liz calls Red

LIZ : New Orleans – What do you know about it?
RED : [ Laughs ] Quite a lot. What do you have in mind?
LIZ : You were on the phone. That guy – Someone was getting married. You were talking. Something about New Orleans and the ports.
RED : Yes.
LIZ : You told the man on the phone your payment was diverted. Why?
RED : It happens every once in a while, but this was unprecedented. An associate of mine in New Orleans was advising illicit traffic in the Gulf to be rerouted to New Orleans.
LIZ : The Hanar Group hired Zanetakos.
RED : They’re a majority owner of a port in New Orleans.
LIZ : Where was your payment diverted from?
RED : Houston.
LIZ : That’s the target. New Orleans and Houston are the two biggest ports in the Gulf. If Houston were to close...

RED : ... because of radioactive contamination …

LIZ : ...all traffic would have to be diverted to New Orleans. Hanar’s profits would soar. They’d be the only game in the Gulf.

Red hangs up the phone

RED : That’s my girl.

Tosses phone to Dembe

LIZ: [ Dialing ] The port of Houston. You need to halt all cargo traffic headed there right now. That’s the destination. The Hanar Group hired Zanetakos to bomb the port.


Ship horn blows .Horn blares

LIZ : It could be anywhere.


MEERA : Your girlfriend’s been shot.
TOM : What are you talking about? Liz?
MEERA : Her – Gina Zanetakos.
TOM : Who?
MEERA : The one who helped you kill Fokin.
TOM : I didn’t kill anyone.
MEERA : What do you know about the bomb? [ Clicking ]

We see Ressler and Liz searching everywhere in the port of Houston

MEERA : What do you know about the ship?
TOM : What ship?! I don’t know what you’re talking about.
MEERA : How about a manifest, a crate number? Help me, Tom! Why don’t you help me?
TOM : Because I didn’t do anything. I don’t know who this woman is. I don’t know anything about a bomb or a boat. I don’t know why there was a gun in my house or money or passports. All I know about is this. [ Shows scar ] You think I faked this? You think I invited a psychopath into my house to gut me? This is real.
MEERA : In less than an hour, a bomb is gonna go off, and people are gonna die.


MAN : We’ve been through five sections and found nothing. This port is 25 miles long. It will take us weeks to inspect it all.
RESSLER : We’ve got less than an hour.
LIZ : We’re missing something. The Hanar Group. They hire Zanetakos. She contracted Ruddiger to build a bomb. But something’s missing.
RESSLER : Nadeem Idris.
LIZ : What ships have been in or out of here in the last week from Turkey?
MAN : None.
RESSLER : Why would Zanetakos need a low–level Turkish diplomat to get a car bomb into the country?
LIZ : Because it’s illegal to search diplomatic cargo. With his help, Zanetakos was able to get the car in without inspection.
RESSLER : It’s on one of these ships.
LIZ : Check the manifests for all incoming ships for any items signed by Nadeem Idris.
MAN : [ To crew ]Security, check all the shipping logs.

Cover is pulled back on a gleaming black sedan
Rapid clicking on Geiger counter

BOMB TECH : It’s re–fabricated. I’ve never seen anything like it. The bomb’s not just inside the car. It is the car.
RESSLER : Well, we’ve got minutes here.
TECH : What we’ve got is a big-ass problem.


OFFICAL : There’s over 2,000 people who work in this harbor. It will take hours to evacuate.
LIZ : We’ve only got 10 minutes.
TECH : Can I explain something? This thing is radiological. When it detonates, it will go airborne, and everything within a five–mile radius will be contaminated. My suggestion is you take the last 10 minutes – and get the hell out of here.
LIZ : What if we put it in the water? The radiation can be contained underwater.
RESSLER : How do we get this off the ship?
TECH : We crane it off.

Car is lowered to main deck of the ship

RESSLER : This isn’t gonna work.
LIZ : It’ll work.
RESSLER : It’s not gonna work. We got less than a minute. We’re running out of time.

Ressler springs into action

RESSLER : Move! Come on. Get out.

Engine turns over. Tires screech, engine revs.Ressler speeds car off ship, leaping clear in time.After a few seconds ❗ Explosion❗


RESSLER : Because there was no airborne exposure, the NRC is saying that contamination was contained, which is the only reason why the U.S. attorney is considering a plea agreement in exchange for your cooperation – Your full cooperation. Is that clear?
GINA : Yes.
MEERA : Your prints are on a nine–millimeter used to assassinate Victor Fokin in Boston last June. Did you kill him?
GINA : Yes.
MEERA : Why?
GINA : Someone didn’t want him to talk.
RESSLER : Go on.
GINA : He was a Russian agent defecting to the U.S. Somebody didn’t want him spilling secrets.
RESSLER : What secrets?
GINA : Fokin had information about the route Chechen guerrillas were using to move their supplies to their soldiers on the Russian border. The guy who hired me was making millions providing those supplies. His name is Raymond Reddington.
LIZ : Do you know Tom Keen? We found this picture of him in your apartment.
GINA : Never seen him before.

LIZ : [ Sighs ] Tom?


Tom arrives, he is free. Liz and Tom embrace
Tom goes up to picture of Red’s assistant, Newton Phillips, on the evidence display

TOM : That’s him who I met with. That’s the guy who interviewed me for the job.


Liz barges in, furious

RED : Please do come in.
LIZ : You and I – We’re done.
RED : I heard about Tom.
LIZ : Yeah. Zanetakos confessed.
RED : Or took the fall.
LIZ : The passports? Forged. The money in the box? Traced to an offshore account of yours.
RED : I can only lead you to the truth. I can’t make you believe it.
LIZ : The truth is that you’re a sick, twisted man. This, your obsession with me – You put Tom’s picture in Zanetakos’ apartment.
RED : No.
LIZ : You hired her to kill Victor Fokin. You set my husband up by having your errand boy lure him to Boston.
RED : Is that what Tom said?
LIZ : I don’t understand why you would do this, any of it!.. Go to hell.

Liz goes away.Door closes


Door opens where video feeds from Liz & Tom’s house are being monitored. Tom is seen climbing the stairs

MAN : Oh, the one night you’re on time. I was really looking forward to the make-up sex. Do you believe he’s innocent? It can’t be that simple, right?

Apple Man sets his apple on the desk by the monitors and sits down as the first man prepares to leave. He speaks with an indistinct accent

APPLE MAN : The only thing that’s clear to me is that he doesn’t work for Reddington.
FIRST MAN : Well, then, who the hell does he work for?

 Adapté du site «The Blacklist Classified», mise en page par mnoandco

Kikavu ?

Au total, 131 membres ont visionné cet épisode ! Ci-dessous les derniers à l'avoir vu...

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09.07.2023 vers 09h

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Cirocco  (04.04.2023 à 09:53)

Episode aimable.
La situation va donc évoluer.

Mais c'est quand même bien pratique pour les scénaristes de ne pas avoir à inventer de nouveaux méchants, et de se contenter de faire faire des piges à des anciens.


Merci aux 3 rédacteurs qui ont contribué à la rédaction de cette fiche épisode

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