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#412 : Natalie Luca

Tom Keen forcé de suivre deux hommes

Ecrit par : Noah Schechter

Réalisé par : Michael Watkins

La Task-Force poursuit un assassin insaisissable qui tue en transmettant une maladie mortelle à ses victimes. Pendant ce temps, Red fait appel à Tom pour une opération d'infiltration à l'intérieur de son organisation criminelle.


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Natalie Luca

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Natalie Luca

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The Blacklist 4x12 Promo "Natalie Luca"

The Blacklist 4x12 Promo "Natalie Luca"


Photos promo

Petit déjeuner en famille

Petit déjeuner en famille

Red (James Spader) enfin face à Balder Magnussen

Red (James Spader) enfin face à Balder Magnussen

Natalie Luca (Elisabeth Lail) masse Zach Smoll un associé de Red ce qui va signer son arrêt de mort

Natalie Luca (Elisabeth Lail) masse Zach Smoll un associé de Red ce qui va signer son arrêt de mort

Face à face entre Liz et Tom

Face à face entre Liz et Tom

Agnes attentive

Agnes attentive

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) a capturé sa proie Myron Gordon (Jeff Williams)

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) a capturé sa proie Myron Gordon (Jeff Williams)

Tom Keen (Ryan Eggold) à l'action

Tom Keen (Ryan Eggold) à l'action

Harold Cooper (Harry Lennix)

Harold Cooper (Harry Lennix)

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) dans sa cuisine

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) dans sa cuisine

Tom serait-il en mauvaise posture?

Tom serait-il en mauvaise posture?

Red à la réception d'un hôtel

Red à la réception d'un hôtel

Natalie Luca (Elisabeth Lail) #184

Natalie Luca (Elisabeth Lail) #184

Tom Keen (Ryan Eggold) sous couverture pour Red

Tom Keen (Ryan Eggold) sous couverture pour Red



Donald Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) et Samar Navabi (Mozhan) enquêtent

Donald Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) et Samar Navabi (Mozhan) enquêtent

Le réceptionniste va-t-il pouvoir aider Red (James Spader) et reconnaître l'homme de la photo?

Le réceptionniste va-t-il pouvoir aider Red (James Spader) et reconnaître l'homme de la photo?

Behind the scene

Behind the scene

Donald Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) et Samar Navabi (Mozhan) doivent prendre leurs précautions

Donald Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) et Samar Navabi (Mozhan) doivent prendre leurs précautions

Malik Roumain (RJ Brown) tente de trouver un traitement pour soigner Natalie Luca (Elisabeth Lail)

Malik Roumain (RJ Brown) tente de trouver un traitement pour soigner Natalie Luca (Elisabeth Lail)

Tom (Ryan Eggold)

Tom (Ryan Eggold)

Raymond Redddington (James Spader)

Raymond Redddington (James Spader)

Behind the scene

Behind the scene

Myron Gordon (Jeff Williams) pris au piège

Myron Gordon (Jeff Williams) pris au piège

Liz (Megan Boone) et Tom (Ryan Eggold) amusent Agnes

Liz (Megan Boone) et Tom (Ryan Eggold) amusent Agnes

Agnes Keen

Agnes Keen

Tom Keen (Ryan Eggold) efficace comme à son habitude

Tom Keen (Ryan Eggold) efficace comme à son habitude

Tom Keen ( Ryan Eggold)

Tom Keen ( Ryan Eggold)

Tom Keen ( Ryan Eggold) attend sa cible

Tom Keen ( Ryan Eggold) attend sa cible

Matin bonne humeur chez les Keen

Matin bonne humeur chez les Keen

Natalie Luca (Elisabeth Lail) #184, seule

Natalie Luca (Elisabeth Lail) #184, seule

Natalie Luca (Elisabeth Lail) #184 à nouveau enfermée

Natalie Luca (Elisabeth Lail) #184 à nouveau enfermée

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) se renseigne à la réception de l'hôtel

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) se renseigne à la réception de l'hôtel

Agnes avec son papa et sa maman (Megan Boone et Ryan Eggold)

Agnes avec son papa et sa maman (Megan Boone et Ryan Eggold)




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Plus de détails

Personnage Blacklisté : Natalie Luca #184

Guests :

Elisabeth Lail ...Natalie Luca

Geraldine Hughes ...Dr. Nina  Buckner

Daniel Davis ...Balder Magnusson

RJ Brown ...Malik Roumain

Ellewillow Campagna ...Natalie Luca jeune

Simon Fortin ... Concierge 

John Cannon ... Johann 

Thomas Philip O’Neill ...Abe

14 ans auparavant.

Une petite fille se réveille dans un hôpital en Moldavie et découvre que tout le personnel médical et les patients sont morts. Ils sont couverts de plaies et ont de l'écume aux lèvres. Une équipe médicale portant des combinaisons arrive et constate avec stupéfaction qu'il y a une survivante à l'épidémie.

8 jours plus tôt.

Zach Smoll se trouve dans un salon de massage où une jolie femme blonde à sa grande surprise le masse et l'embrasse...puis s'en va. La masseuse habituelle arrive et constate avec effroi l'apparition de plaques rouges sur Smoll qui ne tarde pas à cracher de l'écume et il meurt presque intantanément.


Red informe Liz que son comptable Zach Smoll est mort et que l'argent qu'il devait blanchir a disparu. Il demande l'aide du FBI afin d'apprendre qui s'en prend à lui et ses associés. Il pense que c'est Baldur Magnusson qui lui a soufflé l'affaire sur laquelle il était.

Liz présente l'affaire à la Task-Force mais Cooper ne veut pas participer à une vendetta qui profiterait à Red. Lorsqu'il apprend que finalement Smoll est mort d'une maladie mortelle appelée Luschen (une forme de méningite agressive), il change d'avis. Elle peut être contractée par simple contacte physique et les symptômes se traduisent par des éruptions cutanées violentes, de fortes fièvres, le cou raide et une insuffisance respiratoire ; la personne meurt immédiatement mais elle n'est alors plus contagieuse.

Samar est fâchée losqu'elle constate la grosse différence de salaire à son désavantage entre elle et Aram.

Aram découvre une mort similaire et en comparant les vidéos surveillance des rues adjacentes des endroits où ont eu lieu les meurtres, il découvre la même femme.

Selon Red, elle serait immunisée contre la maladie qu'elle transmettrait, ce qui est déjà arrivé par le passé.

Aram retrouve l'origine de la maladie en Moldavie où une famille entière aurait péri, sauf une petite fille. Elle aurait été conduite dans une clinique locale mais tous seraient morts à son contact. Ne pouvant gérer un telle épidémie, l'Organisation Mondiale de la Santé aurait fait appel à une entreprise appelée Hawthorne Biologics qui aurait conduit la fillette à Alexandria pour un nouveau traitement.

La fillette est devenue une jeune femme et se nomme Natalie Luca. Chez Hawthorne Biologics, c'est la consternation car Natalie n'est pas capable de tuer. Selon eux, Natalie a quitté leurs locaux avec Malik Roumain, son petit ami qui est chercheur et qui doit leur apporter les résultats de ses recherches. Il effectue ses recherches depuis une maison qui appartient à l'entreprise. Les rapports de Malik continuant d'arriver, personne chez Hawthorne Biologics ne s'est rendu compte que le couple avait disparu.

Une fois Ressler et Samar partis, les responsables de Hawthorne Biologics s'inquiètent. Le FBI pourrait découvrir la vraie nature de leurs recherches et il faut impérativement retrouver Natalie vivante avant eux. Il est hors de question de suspendre les recherches la concernant.

Natalie et Malik doivent trouver de l'argent afin d'acheter le matériel nécessaire pour sauver Natalie. Natalie tue des transporteurs de fonds afin de voler l'argent qu'ils convoient. Malik achète le matériel et retrouve Natalie. Aram pendant ce temps découvre l'alias sous lequel se cache Malik et son adresse. Mais l'alarme cachée dans leur planque se déclenche et Malik découvre sur l'écran de son téléphone que le FBI a trouvé leur refuge. Il faut tout recommencer à zéro car leurs travaux sont perdus.

Pendant ce temps, Red a convaincu Tom de l'aider à pièger Magnusson qui refuse toutes discussions avec lui. Magnusson refuse au téléphone de lui dire s'il est responsable de la mort de Smoll. Pour lui, seules les apparences comptent dans le monde criminel  ;  lui paraît fort alors que Red paraît faible puisqu'il ne peut pas s'en prendre à lui en représailles.

Tom  va prendre l'identité d'Edgar Legat, un meurtrier notoire qui est un personnage fictif créé par Reddington afin de dissimuler des meurtres commis par lui et ses associés. Tom ne doit pas le tuer mais feindre être Legat afin que Magnusson l'embauche pour tuer Red et qu'ainsi il puisse le localiser.

Le plan marche à merveille et Red finit par discuter avec Magnusson qui lui révèle qu'il n'a pas tué Smoll mais qu'il a juste profité de l'opportunité offerte pour faire l'affaire. Red regrette que ce ne soit pas lui mais son ennemi est ailleurs.

Grâce à l'ordinateur de Malik saisi dans leur domicile, Aram, avec l'aide de Red, remonte jusqu'à la prochaine cible du couple Natalie/Malik. Il s'agit d'un tournoi de poker avec de gros enjeux ce qui leur permettraient de recommencer leurs travaux. Samar et Ressler s'y précipitent. Natalie est appréhendée mais Malik a disparu. Les recherches démontrent également que Malik ne cherche pas à guérir Natalie mais à devenir immunisé contre la maladie afin qu'ils puissent  être véritablement ensemble.

Natalie est emmenée par l'équipe de décontamination mais il s'avère que ce sont les hommes de Hawthorne Biologics. Ils sont interceptés par Malik qui tente de les faire sortir de la route avec son van afin de libérer Natalie. Le FBI s'en rend compte mais arrive trop tard, Malik est mortellement blessé et les hommes de Hawthorne Biologics tués par Samar et Ressler. Natalie leur apprend que les intentions de Hawthorne Biologics n'avaient jamais été de la guérir mais d'utiliser sa maladie comme arme biologique et comme l'entreprise travaille pour le gouvernement, Malik et elle ne voyaient pas d'autres solutions pour s'en sortir que de s'enfuir et de tuer.

Les responsables de Hawthorne Biologics sont arrêtés.

Samar se rend compte que Aram a tenté de combler leur différence de salaire avec son propre argent et le remercie de tout ce qu'il fait pour elle mais refuse.

Tom rentre et Liz l'attend pour savoir comment s'est déroulée la mission. Tom affirme que sa famille est toujours le plus important mais Liz lui parle de ses doutes concernant leur relation.

Natalie est envoyée dans une cellule en quarantaine où Cooper permet à Reddington de la voir, non sans oublier de préciser que le marché conclu entre eux ne marche pas dans ce sens, ce n'est pas au FBI de l'aider, mais l'inverse. Red dit comprendre.

Red interroge Natalie. Auparavant il compatit à son chagrin. Toutefois, il veut savoir pourquoi elle a tué Smoll puisque ce n'était pas pour le voler. Natalie lui apprend qu'elle n'a pas eu le choix car Isabella Stone le lui a demandé sinon elle la dénoncerait à Hawthorne.

Red est sous le choc, incapable de bouger, en apprenant qui en a après lui.


Résumé proposé par mnoandco





14 years ago

A little girl, five or so years old with long blonde hair, wakes up in a hospital room. She gets out of bed and leaves her room and calls for her Mama. Outside her door, a man is slouched against the wall, dead. She runs down the hall. Other people are dead, some covered with blood and vomit, lying here and there. She climbs halfway up a staircase and stops, peering down through the railings. Men enter in HAZMAT suits, looking like aliens. One sees the little girl and walks up to the staircase. They stare at one another


Eight days ago
A woman in her early 20s with long blonde hair pushes aside a bead curtain and enters a massage room. Red’s accountant Zach Smoll, who is the client, looks up from his prone position on the table

ZACH : You’re new.

The woman coats her hands with massage gel. She pulls back his towel, then gets up on the table and sits astride him

ZACH : Oh!
WOMAN : Roll over.
ZACH : Okay.
WOMAN : What’s your name?
ZACH : Zach.
WOMAN : Zach.

She kisses him then leaves
A second female masseuse enters and begins to coat her hands with gel

MASSEUSE : I see you’re ready.
ZACH : What happened to the new girl?
MASSEUSE : What new girl?

Suddenly Zach’s back and hands break out in an angry, rapidly blistering purple red rash
The Masseuse gasps
Zach vomits
In less than a minute Zach is dead


RED : How much? Smoll was cleaning over two hundred million. How much was lost?
ABE : All of it.
RED : Thank you, Abe.

Liz enters

LIZ : Problems?
RED : Yes. Transactions vital to my interests failed to be tendered.
LIZ : What kinds of transactions?
RED : It seems that a bid I made on the Whistler Cruise Line wasn’t tendered because my accountant dropped dead before he could transfer the funds. In addition, millions are missing that the same accountant was in the process of laundering.
LIZ : I think I’ve heard enough.
RED : It appears my operation is under seige.
LIZ : And this affects the fate of the free world how?
RED : Not at all. However, in order for me to be useful to your task force, I have to maintain a certain stature in the criminal underworld. From time to time, I am compelled to rely on your Bureau’s support in that endeavor. This is one of those times. The interest I hoped to acquire from Whistler Cruise Lines was sold to a long-standing rival, Baldur Magnusson. Rumors have circulated that he assassinated my accountant to secure the deal.
LIZ : What do you need from us?
RED : Some help to determine who murdered my man Jack Smoll. If I can’t staunch the bleeding Smoll’s death has precipitated, all of our work could come to a grinding and permanent halt. I’m under attack, Elizabeth, and I need to find out by whom.


LIZ : Roughly 14 hours ago, Zack Smoll was found dead in the Gentle Bliss Massage Parlor. ME’s initial report describes symptoms consistent with acute meningitis.
COOPER : How does Reddington know Smoll didn’t contract meningitis naturally?
LIZ : He didn’t say. But if he’s coming to us with this, it means he’s desperate.
SAMAR : You may think you’re paid enough to serve the public’s interest and Reddington’s. Personally, I don’t.
RESSLER : If someone killed Reddington’s accountant, you think he’s gonna want us to just put him in jail? I mean, the second we find him, he’s gonna insist we turn him over so he can make an example by murdering him.
COOPER : I agree. Agent Keen, tell Reddington he’s on his own.

Aram’s computer quacks

ARAM : Uh, guys, Smoll’s body has just been flagged by the CDC. They’ve rerouted it to a level four biocontainment lab.
RESSLER : What does that mean?
LIZ : It means whatever killed Smoll is a lot more dangerous than meningitis.
COOPER : Get to the CDC. See what you can find out.


LIZ : Any idea what we’re dealing with?
DOCTOR NINA : Luschen’s disease. It’s a form of viral meningitis. Symptoms include sudden high fever, stiffened neck, reddish purple rash, seizure, respiratory failure and death.
RESSLER : How contagious is it?
DOCTOR NINA : This strain’s mutated such that it’s transmitted via physical contact. Sweat, saliva, even the lightest touch can be lethal. Good news is it doesn’t survive outside a host. Symptoms present almost immediately after exposure, followed by death in only minutes, which is, ironically, the one saving grace of the disease.
RESSLER : How so?
DOCTOR NINA : It can’t travel. The victim’s incapacitated before he can transmit it.
LIZ : So how did Smoll get infected?
DOCTOR NINA : Lipstick. We found traces of it around the victim’s mouth. Based on the sample, whoever left it behind should have been dead long before she had the chance to even kiss our victim.
RESSLER : So, who is she? Why isn’t she dead?
DOCTOR NINA : Well, for the moment, Agent Ressler, that remains a mystery.


Aram laughs in excitement

ARAM : Oh ho ho! I found our suspect.
SAMAR : Good for you.
ARAM : Okay, uh, what’s going on?
SAMAR : Nothing. I’m fine.
ARAM : Really? Because you seems upset. And before, uh, with Mr Cooper, about not getting paid enough …
SAMAR : I just lost it with the ladies in payroll. They gave me your check instead of mine, because, you know, we both have brown faces.
ARAM : I’m sure that was a mistake.
SAMAR : You make 32% more than I do.
ARAM : Oh, you opened my check.
SAMAR : I have a PhD from the London School of Economics–
ARAM : Maybe it’s because you’re on loan from Mossad–
SAMAR : I have the same clearances and responsibilities–
ARAM : Actually, technically–
SAMAR : And people actually shoot at me.
ARAM : That is true. Okay. you should probably say something to Mr Cooper.

Cooper appears

COOPER : Say what?
SAMAR : Aram has a suspect.
ARAM : Yes. Uh, the suspect. Uh, the suspect. Yes. So I found a partial angle from the security camera behind the massage parlor. Check it out. Okay, the CDC has only one other recorded outbreak of Luschen’s in the U.S. A pawn broker in Maryland. The local coroner wrote it off as natural causes. But the weird thing is his pawn shop was robbed the day he died. And so, I dug up some security feeds and look who was there.
COOPER : The same woman at both outbreaks. One a robbery, the other an assassination.
ARAM : And in a bad disguise at both.
SAMAR : What if it’s not a disguise. Look at the time code. It’s July. In Maryland it must have been 90 degrees. So either she’s sick, she has fevers, chills, or she doesn’t want anyone else to get sick, so she’s using a protective covering to mitigate contagion.
ARAM : So she’s not trying to start a pandemic.
COOPER : Well, whatever she’s doing, if we don’t find her soon, someone else is going to die in the process.


Natalie Luca is lying on her side, in preparation for a spinal tap which will be administered by her boyfriend, Malik Roumain

MALIK : I wish there was another way.
NATALIE : It’s okay.
MALIK : But we need it for the next stage.
NATALIE : You don’t have to explain. This is what we both want. Just do it.

Malik injects her with a long needle. Natalie’s face contorts in pain


Baldur Magnusson’s phone rings

BALDUR : What do you want?
RED : Are the rumors true that you’re responsible for the death of my accountant, Zack Smoll?
BALDUR : The truth doesn’t matter. It’s about appearances. And at the moment it appears to virtually anyone who gives a damn that I killed Smoll, and your failure to retaliate is proof of your weakness. Whether I killed him or not is immaterial. You have no choice but to come for me.
RED : And you for me.
BALDUR : Which begs the question, why bother with a phone call?
RED : Because we’ve known each other for a long time. We understand each other’s organizations, if Cristobal acted without your authority or someone forced your hand, tell me. We can try and sort it out. After all, you’re a bit long in the tooth for a street brawl.
BALDUR : You think so?

He hangs up


Red’s cell phone beeps

RED : I’ve reviewed the case file you sent.
LIZ : And you’ve got something?
RED : You know, many ancient cultures shares a common figure, a god or demon who brought disease to humanity. The Finns called her Loviatar, the Yoruba people knew her as Shapona. The Greeks of course immortalized Pandora. Odd that they’re always women. Have you ever heard of Mary Mallon?
LIZ : Should I have?
RED : She was a cook for the New York elite in the late 19th Century. When an alarming number of high society swells came down with typhoid fever, a research scientist traced the outbreak to a woman with the rare ability to carry the disease without suffering its effects or exhibiting any outward symptoms. Earning her the name–
LIZ : Typhoid Mary.
RED : Correct. You’re looking for an asymptomatic carrier of Luschen’s Disease. To find your suspect, you need to know when and where was the outbreak that she survived. And, hurry. There’s a reason the plague-bringers were the most feared among the ancient deities.


Natalie and Malik are eating a meal. They are seated alongside each other but separated by the vinyl panel of a bio-containment unit

NATALIE : You’ve got that little crease between your brow. Right here.

She points to her own brow

NATALIE : It always happens when you’re upset.
MALIK : The spinal tap didn’t yield the results that I was expecting. And we still need specialized equipment, which means that…
NATALIE : More money. More people.
MALIK : I found another opportunity, that we- we can handle, that you can handle, I’m sure of it. Please look at me. I’m gonna figure this out. I swear it. I just need a little more time.

He puts his hand against the vinyl

MALIK : We’re so close.

Natalie places her hand against his, separated by the impermeable barrier. She smiles


  Tom is arriving home with Agnes in a stroller

TOM : All right, home sweet home, baby. All right, c’mon you.

Tom succeeds in unlocking the door, but quickly he senses something is off. He leaves Agnes at the door’s threshhold and, gun drawn, surveys the room. It is only Red

RED : Please excuse the intrusion.
TOM : She’s not here.
RED : I’m not here to see Elizabeth...What do you know about Edgar Legate?
TOM : When it comes to assassins, he’s the gold standard. Nobody’s ever seen the guy.
RED : Precisely. Because he doesn’t exist. Legate is an elaborate fiction, a bogeyman I created.
TOM : No. no, Legate is real, all right. I know at least six jobs the guy’s done.
RED : Or so you believe. Edgar Legate is nothing more than a name I employ to take credit for various killings for which I or my associates are responsible. One of my competitors, Baldur Magnusson, is actively seeking a reliable independent contractor to kill me, someone I won’t see coming. I think Legate would fit the bill nicely.
TOM : And you want me to become Legate.
RED : I thought maybe.
TOM : Forget it. I’m not gonna play dress-up assassin so you can kill someone I never met.
RED : I don’t need you to become Legate to kill Magnusson. I need you to become Legate so Magnusson will hire you to kill me.
TOM : You want me to deliver him to me.
RED : Yes. If you can find a sitter.


 COOPER : I wanna talk to you after this.
SAMAR : Yeah, sure.
ARAM : So I looked into Reddington’s Typhoid Mary angle and I found something. The first recorded outbreak of Luschen’s in human beings occurred in rural Moldova in 2002. A family of nine wiped out except for one daughter Natalie Luca. She was taken to a local clinic, but the outbreak was deemed too much for them to handle.
COOPER : How did she get out of Moldova?
ARAM : The World Health Organization called in Hawthorne Biologics, a company that specializes in infectious disease response. They brought the girl back to their research clinic outside Alexandria for further treatment.


HAWTHORNE BIOLOGICS MD: I had no idea Natalie was capable of anything like this. We care for dozens of patients who are too infectious to live outside of strict quarantine. Out of all of them, Natalie was the sweetest, the kindest.
RESSLER : If she was so infectious, how come she’s at large?
HAWTHORNE BIOLOGICS MD: We did our best to give her a normal life. But she was young, determined to be independent. We did everything we could to dissuade her from leaving. But eventually, we had no choice but to comply with her wishes.
SAMAR : How is that possible? She was infected with a deadly contagion.
HAWTHORNE BIOLOGICS MD: We had no legal right to hold her. She was young. She was in love.
RESSLER : In love? With who?
HAWTHORNE BIOLOGICS MD: Malik Roumain. He was a promising young bio research tech.


Malik’s reflection appears in a van’s rearview mirror

MALIK : They’re here.

Natalie prepares to get out of the van


SAMAR : But they couldn’t touch each other?
HAWTHORNE BIOLOGICS MD:: No. It’s hard to imagine in the absence of physical contact, but certainly not impossible. He advocated for her, agreed to take responsibility for her quarantine, see to her needs. We agreed to a year-long break from testing in exchange for Malik submitting regular reports. Until you called, we had no idea they were gone. The reports kept coming in, so we assumed they were still at the house we’d provided. It turns out, they moved out months ago.
RESSLER : You didn’t check on them?
HAWTHORNE BIOLOGICS MD:: We wanted to respect their privacy. If you need anything further from me, please don’t hesitate to call. If anything were to happen to this child, I don’t know that I’ll be able to forgive myself.
RESSLER : If I were you, I’d be more worried about what might happen to everyone else.

Natalie emerges from the van and approaches a guard for an armored car

NATALIE : Hi. I’m so sorry, but we’re doing this scavenger hunt for my sorority, and I need to kiss two guys with a gun
GUARD : Seriously?
NATALIE : I know. It’s stupid.
GUARD : Do your worst.
NATALIE : So does your friend have a gun, too?

Guard #2 emerges with two heavy leather bags to load into their vehicle. He opens the door to see the first guard dead inside. Immediately, Guard #2 is also overtaken. Vomiting he falls to the ground.
Malik walks over and retrieves the two leather bags


VOLKER GRAVES : If you had allowed me secure the facility as I requested, Malik never could’ve broken her out in the first place.
HAWTHORNE BIOLOGICS MD:: We agreed your men would’ve drawn unnecessary attention.
HAWTHORNE BIOLOGICS EXEC : Enough. What did you tell the FBI?
HAWTHORNE BIOLOGICS MD: That Natalie voluntarily chose to leave with Malik. They have no reason to suspect the true nature of our research.
VOLKER GRAVES : It’s only a matter of time before the FBI find them.
HAWTHORNE BIOLOGICS EXEC : Then make sure you’re there when they do.
HAWTHORNE BIOLOGICS MD:: Perhaps it would be best to temporarily suspend our research.
HAWTHORNE BIOLOGICS EXEC : Out of the question. Our top priority at this point is recovering Natalie alive. Understand?


LIZ : Malik Roumain born to immigrant parents. Full-boat to Berkeley at 17. The American dream. By 23, he had his PhD in biochemistry from Johns Hopkins and turned down a number of highly paid offers to accept a post-doc at Hawthorne.
RESSLER : Hawthorne claims that he and Natalie fell for each other while he was working there.
LIZ : Talk about forbidden love.
COOPER : There was another attack. An armored truck was taken down in Bethesda. The CDC’s already on site. They should have something for us soon.

Samar alone with Aram

SAMAR : Aram. Cooper called me in. Apparently the ladies in accounting were not too thrilled with my freakout.
ARAM : Did you tell him why you freaked out?
SAMAR : Yeah, he offered me a raise. 16%.
ARAM : That’s fantastic.
SAMAR : I’d still make less than you.
ARAM : Okay, but, you know, it’s a start.
SAMAR : No, it isn’t. It’s an insult. I turned it down.


In lobby of a hotel

TOM : He’s here.

 Outside a room in the same hotel, two goons check the area

GOON : All clear.

Tom gets out, appearing to be very drunk, stumbles toward the guarded door

GOON : Excuse me.
TOM : Huh?
GOON : Wrong door, sir.
TOM : You’re the ugliest chambermaid I’ve ever seen.

Tom springs into action
Tom dispatches both guards
Red appears

RED : Myron, my sincere condolences.
MYRON : Who died?
RED : You did. I need Baldur Magnusson to believe Edgar Legate is in town. And what better way to announce that than by making him believe Legate killed a larcenist of your stature. And what better place for the deadly deed to occur than the flagship hotel Magnusson owns and operates.

Dembe and Tom rough up the room, breaking a lamp, pouring blood on the couch and floor, dropping rifle shells on the floor

RED :By the time our little charade is finished, Magnusson will be scouring the town desperate to hire your killer. Not to worry, Myron, we’ll have you out of there in a jiffy.

Myron is shown being zipped into a body bag on a gurney, and wheeled out. He is unharmed

RED : You’ll be ordering room service and watching the game with my associates before you know it. You’ll provide the body, we’ll provide the evidence.

As the gurney is rolled through the hotel lobby, Tom is reading a newspaper. He rises and leaves, making sure the attentive concierge notices him


RESSLER : The CDC confirmed the victims of the armored truck robbery died of Luschen’s.
Witnesses saw a 2006 dark red Ford van, partial plate 7-Mike-Echo-6.
ARAM : Okay, the vehicle is registered under a– Alec Moore.
LIZ : That’s him. He must’ve registered the car under an alias.
ARAM : Okay, pulling up his address–
COOPER : Samar, Ressler, get over there. Liz, pull together a Hazmat team. Have them meet them at the location.


In the hotel lobby

CONCIERGE : Can I help you, sir?
RED : As a matter of fact, you can.

Red shows the Concierge a photo of Tom

RED :  I believe this man checked out of your hotel earlier today. He’s an old friend, and I completely lost my head and forgot our appointment. I was wondering if you could tell me where he was headed. The airport, perhaps? Train station? Or was he driving himself?
CONCIERGE : I’m afraid I don’t know. And even if I did, I would not be at liberty to say. I’m sorry.

Red pushes some bills toward the Concierge

RED : Keep it. Discretion is a rare and tragically undervalued quality.

The concierge calls Magnusson

CONCIERGE : Reddington was here looking for one of the guests, Michel Badot. He was there when they removed the body, watching.
CONCIERGE : What do you want me to do?
BALDUR MAGNUSSON : Secure Legate. I want a word.


POLICEMAN : Police! Open up!

The police find Natalie’s vinyl enclosure and the medical equipment used by Malik

POLICEMAN : Agent Ressler!
RESSLER : What the hell is this place?


 NATALIE : You got it
MALIK : Yeah. It cost everything that we got. But if I can isolate the enzymes, we’ll be able to

Phone beeping : Looking at his phone, Malik sees the police in their house

NATALIE : What is it? What’s wrong?
MALIK : They found the house.
MALIK : The cops. They have all of our equipment and our research.
NATALIE : Well, what should we do?
MALIK : What can we do? Natalie, we have to start all over again.
NATALIE : Malik, I’m sure there’s something we can–
MALIK : Natalie, just –

Malik almost touches Natalie

NATALIE : Don’t!
MALIK : I’m sorry. I love you, Natalie. There’s nothing that I wouldn’t do for you. You know that. We’ll- we’ll start again.
MALIK : Another job. One that I heard about from Hawthorne, and I wouldn’t be asking if I knew that it wasn’t absolutely necessary, and it is. But it’s the only way.
NATALIE : But after this, I won’t have to hurt anyone else?
MALIK : No. Never again. I promise. I’ll take your hand in mine.
NATALIE : And I’ll pull you closer.
MALIK : I’ll feel your breath against my skin.
NATALIE : And I kiss you.
MALIK : The two of us.
BOTH : Forever.


 One of Magnusson’s goons comes up behind Tom as he is walking and sticks a gun in his back

GOON : Monsieur Legate. My employer would like a word with you.


Dr NINA : It appears he was trying to isolate the enzyme in her blood that shields her from Luschen’s.

RESSLER : He was trying to replicate her immunity.
Dr NINA : No, the opposite. The boyfriend was trying to infect himself so he could be immune like her.
SAMAR : He was willing to give himself an incurable disease so they could touch and kiss and be together.
RESSLER : Typhoid Mary, meet Typhoid Larry.
SAMAR : The pawnshop in Maryland, the armored car driver. They were robbing people to pay for their research.
RESSLER : I get that, but what I don’t get is what any of this has to do with Reddington’s man, Smoll.


COOPER : What are we looking at?
ARAM : Okay, I pulled these from from one of Malik’s hard drives. They’re blueprints for a compound in Sag Harbor, New York, owned by an offshore trust. Now, he also had a number of dossiers, including these. All right, Francois Troyet, owner of the world’s largest private collection of Post-Impressionist art. William Lawsover, a billionaire corporate debt restructurer. Caitlin Montag, gajillionaire author of the Buddy Chanticleer novels. The writing is atrocious, but I can’t put them down.
COOPER : Other than being rich, what do these three have in common?


Red on phone

RED :  Xavier Holcombe’s annual poker bash. An all cash, no limit marathon with positively obscene stakes.
LIZ : How obscene?
RED : Buy-in is half a million, quite the research grant for our starcrossed outlaws. I bought in on a lark three years ago. Lost my– well, no one has a shirt that expensive. Nevertheless, I had a ball. It’s a weekend of delicious isolation and degenerate risk heaven.
LIZ : Just like everything else is to you. A game. Where’s Tom?
RED : Belgium.
LIZ : You know, Tom and I were just starting to find some semblance of normalcy. And you had to just sweep in, drag him back down your rabbit hole. There must be dozens of contract operatives just like him. Why him?
RED : Tom is very good at what he does. It defines him. He can no sooner choose to stop than a great white shark can choose to stop swimming and eating. He will do what he does. But at least if he’s doing it for me, he won’t risk a double-cross, unlike with the vast majority of his prospective employers. Because unlike them, I genuinely care for him. Or rather you, and your daughter. Holcombe’s game commences precisely at 6:00. You don’t have much time.


 Two goons escort Tom aka “Edgar Legate” to a table where Baldur Magnusson is seated, eating lobster

BALDUR : Care for a claw? Hmm.
TOM : No, thanks. As I told your goons.
BALDUR : Oh, tut, tut. Don’t be uncharitable. These gentlemen are seasoned professionals like yourself, Monsieur Edgar Legate.
TOM : I don’t insist on the Monsieur.

Tom eyes the forks and other things he can use as weapons

BALDUR : That Saudi oil minister in Kuala Lumpur How on earth did you manage that one?
TOM : I don’t discuss the details of my work.
BALDUR : I appreciate that, particularly as I wish to engage your services.
TOM : You know, I usually require a referral for a new client, but, uh, I might be able to make an exception.

Suddenly, Tom springs into action, quickly disarming the two goons
Red and Dembe enter
Chair scrapes as Red seats himself

BALDUR : So Legate works for you.
RED : In a manner of speaking.
BALDUR : Well, I suppose it was inevitable, one way or the other. Looks like it’s “the other.” Kill me and restore your reputation.

Red, dismissing everybody
He gives Dembe his gun

RED :  Give us a moment.You said something before: ‘The truth doesn’t matter.’That the only thing in this world that matters is just the appearance of truth. I fear you might be right about that. Lately I find that the truth has become so elusive. Often imaginary. But in the end, it’s all that we’re left with, isn’t it? What is real, what you can taste and touch and feel. The words that pass between us as we look each other in the eye — are all we have to hold on to. The truth. I hold it dear.
BALDUR : I didn’t kill your accountant. Your deal was falling apart. I stepped in and took it.
RED : I would’ve done exactly the same. Keep the ships, Baldur. As Rat said to Mole, “There is nothing, absolutely nothing half so much worth doing as simply messing about in boats.” It’s funny. For the longest time, I’ve been perfectly comfortable knowing I could die at any moment. I could walk out of this room and be shot in the street. I’ve always been fine with that. But lately, I can smell it in the air around me. Like death is slouching towards me from the corners of the room. And I cannot tell if it is here for me. Just an echo of the past. I wish it had been you. Would’ve been so much easier.


Elsewhere, the high stakes poker game is beginning
Voices : « Raise. Three red ».
At a back entrance

MALIK : Uh, oyster delivery for Mr. Holcombe.
HOLCOMBE'S EMPLOYE : About time. You’re an hour late.

Malik unloads boxes of oysters from the back of a van. There is a corpse inside the truck displaying the tell-tale signs of Luschen’s Disease
Natalie gets out of the van dressed in a white server uniform


RESSLER : We’re two minutes out.
COOPER : How soon until Hazmat is on site?
ARAM : 10 minutes.


 Voices : « Raise. Three red, three black, three red ».
Natalie is in the kitchen. Along with other servers, she takes a tray of oysters and heads to where the guests are playing poker
Samar to Holcombe

SAMAR : FBI. We have reason to believe that your compound is under threat of biological attack. We need you to start evacuating immediately.

Ressler with earpieces

RESSLER : Samar, what do you got?
SAMAR : There’s no sign of Malik. I’m going in.

Natalie sees Ressler and gasps. She drops her tray and runs
Ressler to bystanders

RESSLER :On the ground. Get on the ground! Move! Stop, Natalie, stop!

Natalie runs up a staircase, but Samar is waiting at the top for her, gun drawn

SAMAR : Stop, Natalie! Stop! Don’t move. No one else has to die today.
NATALIE : Malik!
SAMAR : You need to come with us now.
NATALIE : If you wanna stop me, you’re gonna have to kill me.
SAMAR : Please don’t make me do that.
NATALIE : I can’t be locked up again.

Ressler catches up. Taser clicking. Natalie falls
Ressler on phone

RESSLER : Suspect’s in custody.

Hazmat team's takes Nathalie in their van


SAMAR : There’s no sign of Malik.
RESSLER : Aram, check that local PD has shut down the roads 10 miles in every direction.
ARAM : On it. And that Hazmat team we sent earlier, they should be there any minute.
RESSLER : No, Hazmat’s already transported her. What are you talking about?
ARAM : The Hazmat team.
SAMAR : The Hazmat team is already en route.

Hazmat's van arrives

SAMAR : Oh, my God.

Samar and Ressler run and jump into their SUV


VOLKER GRAVES : We have gone through quite a lot of trouble to find you, young lady.You’re the most valuable asset in our portfolio. Fortunately, the FBI was kind enough to lend an assist and lead us straight to you.
NATALIE : I won’t go back there.


Ressler and Samar are attempting to catch up with the van with Natalie

SAMAR : Aram.
ARAM : Okay, yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay. Come on now. All right, uh, satellite’s coming around now. Okay, they’re heading southeast on Holly Knoll Drive. They’re about 200 yards past mile marker 46. Okay, weird.

Vans squealing, crashing

ARAM : There’s another vehicle trying to push them off the road. Uh, okay, now both vehicles are off the roadway. They’re about 1/4 mile before marker 45.


Malik has forced Hawthorne’s HAZMAT van off the road. Both Malik and Natalie get out the vans

MALIK : I thought I lost you.
NATALIE : Are you okay?
MALIK : Yes.
NATALIE : What do we do now?
MALIK : We’ll go in the woods. We’ll find a car.

Gunshot. Malik is shot in the abdomen by Volker Graves
Tires screech. Ressler and Samar arrive and jump out of their SUV

RESSLER : Don’t move!

Gunfire.In a brief gunfight, Volker and his driver are shot

MALIK : Natalie.
NATALIE : Oh, God.

Malik gasping

RESSLER : Don’t!

Natalie screams


NATALIE : We need help!
MALIK : I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I was wrong.

Malik sinks to the ground

MALIK : I was so wrong.
MALIK : No. I never should’ve made you
NATALIE : I would’ve done anything to be with you.
MALIK : Oh, I take your hand in mine.

Malik is dying, so at last Natalie is free to touch him. She takes his hand. He smiles

MALIK : So soft.
NATALIE : And I pull you close.
MALIK : I feel your breath against my skin.
NATALIE : And I kiss you.
MALIK : The two of us.
NATALIE : Forever.

Thei kiss, at last
Samar to the others

SAMAR : Give her a minute.

Natalie cries

Later, still at the scene, in the midst of police cars’ flashing lights and people mulling about, Natalie talks with Samar and Ressler

NATALIE : I can describe every tile in the room they kept me in. For 13 years, I was just a medical curiosity. But then, there was Malik. He was the only one who really saw me, not the subject, but me, Natalie.
SAMAR : What made you leave?
NATALIE : At first, we thought the research they were doing was our best chance at being together. But when Malik learned what Whitehall was doing–
RESSLER : Whitehall?
NATALIE : Hawthorne’s weapons lab. They weren’t trying to cure me. They were using me, my cells, to develop a biological weapon.
RESSLER : So why didn’t you go to the authorities?
NATALIE : Hawthorne had contracts with the government. We didn’t know who we could trust. I’m sorry. We– We’re really sorry for all those people.

Natalie cries

SAMAR : I know.


SAMAR : It was one of the most romantic things I’ve ever seen. He died in her arms. It was like an episode of– I don’t know. Some show. But the point is, it made me feel a little sorry for myself, that I didn’t have someone like that.
ARAM : What, to die in your arms?
SAMAR : And then I started thinking about my raise. 16%. That’s an odd number. And then I thought it’s exactly half of the difference between what you and I make. I went down to the ladies in accounting, and they never talked to Cooper. You did. You gave me half of your 32%.
ARAM : Now we get paid equally.
SAMAR : I don’t want your money.
ARAM : Why not? You were right. We do the same thing.
SAMAR : No, we don’t.
ARAM : I-I know. You put your life on the line.
SAMAR : What you do–
ARAM : No, I’m sure you deserve more. It’s just I have this this student loan and this online poker debt.
SAMAR : What you did, no one else would do for me.
ARAM : I’d do anything for you.
SAMAR : I know. Which is why I have no reason to feel sorry for myself.

Samar leaves, touching his hand as she goes by


LIZ : How’d it go?
TOM : Honestly, it was great. I was thinking about what you said, about why I needed that. Truth is, I still don’t know. But what I do know is that this family’s the most important thing in my life. I don’t wanna lose it.
LIZ : We just arrested a woman who would’ve done anything to stay with the person she loved, but she lost him anyway.
TOM : I’m not going anywhere.
LIZ : That’s not what I meant. From the beginning, we’ve been fighting secrets and agendas and psychotic homicidal killers coming between us. And for the first time, we’re together, and we’ve got no one to fight. But it still feels–
TOM : Like we’re coming apart?
LIZ : I know this family is the most important thing to you. But it’s not gonna work if you can’t be who you are. I guess I’m just scared.
TOM : Of what?
LIZ : I’m not gonna love that person.
TOM : Do you love me?
LIZ : Yes.
TOM : Then you love that person. Because that’s who I am.


COOPER : I understand that the work we do depends on you. So I’m going to allow this, but understand this – We are sworn officers of the law. Do not expect us again to carry your water. You work for us, not the other way around. Is that clear?
RED : I’m sorry to have put you in such a difficult position, Harold.


Red enters the area where Natalie is being held in a biohazard containment room

She is seated at a desk in the blue-lit, sterile room, her head resting on the desk. She is wearing a hospital gown

NATALIE : Who are you?
RED :  Losing someone we love is painful. Agonizing even unto death. The Japanese call it tako-tsubo – a grieving surge of abnormal electrical waves that causes the heart to deflate and contort until it resembles a … a fishing pot. Hollow and cold, an empty vessel at the bottom of a fathomless sea. I’m sorry for your loss. You have suffered enough of that in your life.
NATALIE : What do you want?
RED : The man you killed at the massage parlour was an associate of mine. You didn’t know him, you didn’t rob him. Someone hired you to assassinate him.
NATALIE : She knew who I was. We had no choice. She said if I didn’t kill him, she would tell
Hawthorne where to find us.
RED : Who?
NATALIE : Isabella Stone.

Red is speechless

RED : Thank you. Natalie, do you mind if I sit here for a moment? For the life of me, I don’t think I could get up right now.



Adapté du site «The Blacklist Classified», mise en page par mnoandco


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