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#103 : Wujing

Elisabeth Keen sous couverture rencontre Wujing

Ecrit par: Lukas Reiter
Réalisé par: Michael W. Watkins

Wujing est un criminel chinois qui travaille officieusement pour son gouvernement. Il assassine les agents des services secrets étrangers. Les hommes de Wujing, qui ont tué un agent américain, lui ont volé son ordinateur portable, tentent de déchiffrer le message crypté qu’ils ont intercepté. Wujing fait appel à Reddington pour régler cette question. Accompagné de Liz, censée être Madame Givins, une experte en décryptage, Reddington se rend dans la tanière de Wujing. Le message contient le nom d’un agent et dès que Liz l’aura décrypté, elle doit transmettre son contenu via satellite à Cooper pour qu’il protège la cible de Wujing.


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Une homme de Wujing menace Elisabeth (Megan Boone) et Reddington (James Spader)

Une homme de Wujing menace Elisabeth (Megan Boone) et Reddington (James Spader)

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) écoute les informations du contact de Meera Malik (Parminder Nagra)

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) écoute les informations du contact de Meera Malik (Parminder Nagra)

Harold Cooper (Harry Lennix)

Harold Cooper (Harry Lennix)

Liz (Megan Boone) et Red (James Spader) travaillent ensemble

Liz (Megan Boone) et Red (James Spader) travaillent ensemble

Wujing (Chin Han ) #84

Wujing (Chin Han ) #84

Elisabeth (Megan Boone ) dans son bureau

Elisabeth (Megan Boone ) dans son bureau

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) prend connaissance du contenu de l'enveloppe donnée par Wujing

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) prend connaissance du contenu de l'enveloppe donnée par Wujing

Donald Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) discute avec Meera Malik (Parminder Nagra)

Donald Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) discute avec Meera Malik (Parminder Nagra)

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone ) peu rassurée

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone ) peu rassurée

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) ne se laisse pas impressionner par Wujing (Chin Han ) #84

Raymond Reddington (James Spader) ne se laisse pas impressionner par Wujing (Chin Han ) #84

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) pensive

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) pensive

Red (James Spader) n'hésite pas à tuer pour protéger Liz (Megan Boone)

Red (James Spader) n'hésite pas à tuer pour protéger Liz (Megan Boone)

Tête à tête entre les agents Keen (Megan Boone) et Donald Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) dans un bureau

Tête à tête entre les agents Keen (Megan Boone) et Donald Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) dans un bureau

Raymond Redddington (James Spader) sort du SUV

Raymond Redddington (James Spader) sort du SUV

Raymond Redddington (James Spader)  et Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) écoutent

Raymond Redddington (James Spader) et Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone) écoutent

Meera Malik (Parminder Nagra) et Donald Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) au Bureau de Poste

Meera Malik (Parminder Nagra) et Donald Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) au Bureau de Poste

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone)

Elisabeth Keen (Megan Boone)

Wujing (Chin Han ) #84 prêt à tuer

Wujing (Chin Han ) #84 prêt à tuer


Logo de la chaîne TF1

France (inédit)
Mercredi 27.08.2014 à 22:30
5.70m / 38.0% (Part)

Logo de la chaîne NBC

Etats-Unis (inédit)
Lundi 07.10.2013 à 22:00
11.18m / 3.1% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Personnage Blaklisté: N°84: WUJING



Chin Han ... Wujing
Amir Arison ... Aram Mojtabai
Rob Yang ... Jin Sun
Andrew Pang ... Henry Cho
Susan Kelechi Watson ...Ellie

Pendant que Tom dort, Liz tire une balle de l'arme cachée sous le plancher dans l'intention de la faire examiner par la balistique du FBI. Au petit déjeuner Tom demande à Liz qui était l'homme qui l'a attaqué mais elle répond que l'affaire est confidentielle. Il est frustré de tous les secrets entre eux. Red contacte Liz avec des nouvelles. Les Chinois viennent juste de tuer un agent de la CIA à Shangai uniquement pour ses empreintesqui sont  nécessaires au décodage d'un message qu'ils ont intercepté. Le décodage ayant échoué, l'assassin légendaire chinois Wujing a embauché Red pour l'aider. Liz est sceptique mais Red l'a déjà présentée sous une couverture de cryptographe à Wujing qui se trouve à Washington DC. Ils doivent agir rapidement avant qu'il ne tue d'autres agents.

Le FBI croit que le message codé de Wujing contient le nom d'un informateur de la CIA et qu'il veut le tuer. Ils veulent que Liz suive le plan de Red mais elle pense qu'ils sont fous de demander à une profileuse d'espionner un tueur d'espion et de la faire passer pour une cryptographe alors qu'elle n'y connaît rien. Finalement elle accepte mais uniquement si Red lui révèle pourquoi il l'a choisie. Plutôt que de répondre, Red escorte Liz au bureau de poste. Pendant ce temps, trois hommes entrent secrètement dans sa maison pour poser un équipement de surveillance. Qui espionne Liz et Tom?

Red s'arrange pour rencontrer Wujing dans une station radio qu'il utilise comme couverture pour la surveillance du gouvernement chinois. Liz décodera le message qui révélera le nom de la cible. Malheureusement les Chinois auront l'information en même temps que le FBI : le premier qui atteindra la cible aura gagné. Liz est pourvue avant la mission d'un émetteur dernier cri indétectable ayant l'aspect d'un patch de nicotine. Ainsi le FBI peut garder un œil sur elle et Red. Arrivés à la station un acolyte de Wujing, Van Reibeck, insiste pour faire un scan biométrique de Liz avant de les faire entrer dans le sanctuaire. Le FBI agit vite pour effacer l'agant du FBI de toutes les bases de données de la planète avant que Van Reibeck n'y accède. Désastre évité de justesse.

Van Reibeck conduit Liz et Red dans un bunker construit sous la station et où aucun signal ne passe : ni celui du patch de Liz, ni celui de la puce de Red. Quand Wujing explique que ses ordinateurs sont câblés au monde extérieur, Liz se rend compte qu'elle ne pourra pas transmettre le message déchiffré au FBI.

Seul Red qui se trouve derrière Liz peut lire sur son ordinateur portable le message lui demandant de faire diversion afin qu'elle puisse accéder à l'ordinateur de Jin, le cryptographe de Wujing. Red regarde les écrans de surveillance et commence à crier après Wujing : la camionnette garée devant est pleine d'agents du FBI ! Qu'est-ce donc que cette opération ? Se doutant d'avoir été découverts, Ressler ordonne à ses hommes dans le fourgon de plier bagages et de partir puis il prépare une équipe pour prendre d'assaut la station. Pendant tout ce brouhaha, Liz parvient à insérer un lecteur flash avec un programme de mise en miroir distant sur l'ordinateur de Jin.

Comme Liz décrypte le message, le FBI a soudain accès à l'ordinateur de Jin ainsi qu'à tous ses dossiers chinois confidentiels. Maintenant, les Chinois et le FBI ont le nom qu'ils recherchent : un civil du nom de Henry Cho, un architecte qui a aidé la CIA à infiltrer des bâtiments chinois. Wujing est le premier à localiser la cible et il envoie ses hommes sur ses traces dans un immeuble en construction.

Wujing annonce qu'il y a eu une fuite venant de l'intérieur à propos de Cho. Son premier instinct lui dit que Liz est la taupe mais soudain il se tourne vers Jin et le frappe encore et encore. Saignant sur le sol, Jin remarque alors le lecteur flash dans son ordinateur et devine que c'est Liz qui l'a mis. Avant de pouvoir dire un mot, Red attrape une arme et tue Jin. Furieux Wujing menace Red et Liz de son pistolet mais Red parvient à le calmer. Finalement Wujing les conduit dehors par une porte dérobée et leur propose de quitter le pays. Ils déclinent mais Liz colle discrètement son patch émetteur sur le véhicule qui emmène Wujing. Quelques instant plus tard, celui-ci est arrêté par le FBI.

Pendant que Meera Malik et Ressler téléphonent à Cho pour le prévenir du danger, un assassin chinois sort de l'ascenseur. Cho cache son jeune fils et s'ensuit un jeu du chat et de la souris. Ressler tue plusieurs hommes alors qu'un autre trouve l'enfant et le prend en otage. Entendant les cris de son fils, Cho se rend et se prépare à mourir lorsque Meera   Malik intervient et les sauve tous les deux.

Seule avec Red, Liz lui demande à nouveau pourquoi il l'a choisie, elle. Red répond que c'est à cause de son père. Qu'est-ce cela veut dire ? Le souhait de Red serait que la réponse soit aussi simple que la question mais ce n'est pas le cas et bien sûr, il n'en dit pas plus. La frustration de Liz grandit car elle a des personnes qui se soucient d'elle, une vie mais lui,
qu'a-t-il ? «Je vous ai vous» répond-il. De retour au bureau de poste, Ressler félicite Liz d'avoir sauvé Cho et s'excuse de l'avoir sous-estimée comme agent. Liz va chercher les résultats de la balistique sur l'arme trouvée chez elle : il y aurait une correspondance mais les informations sont classées secrètes par la CIA.

Suivant les ordres de Cooper de surveiller secrètement Liz, Ressler va lui faire son rapport. Ils apprennent sa recherche de balistique et consultent le dossier intégral du rapport, une délicate affaire d'homicide. Toutes les informations sur ce cas doivent être transmises au secrétaire de la sécurité intérieure. Dans la suite d'un hôtel, Red dîne seul aux chandelles. A la place du dessert, il ouvre l'enveloppe qu'il a reçu de Wujing en guise de paiement, un nombre  042983 y est écrit.  Liz retourne chez elle et y retrouve tous ses amis rassemblés autour de Tom. Il s'excuse de l'avoir embêtée à propos de son travail comprenant que certaines choses peuvent être classifiées. Pendant que Liz réfléchit à ses réelles motivations, un groupe d'homme dans l'appartement de l'autre côté de la rue surveille sur des moniteurs les moindres faits et gestes de Liz et Tom.


Traduit et adapté du résumé du site officiel par mnoandco


A man comes out of a bank with a briefcase and headed for his car. When it rolls through an old man and cut him off. The old man pulls out a gun and shoots when two motorcycles coming from each sides of the car, killing the driver, cut his hand, took the briefcase and leave. A man takes the computer in the case and uses the hand for open the files but the decrypt has failed. He phone.

MAN: The plan failed. We can't decode the message.
WUJING: Call Raymond Reddington.


Tom's sleeps, Liz is in the spirit room to watch the box. She takes the gun, a bucket, books and go to the garden. She puts the books in the bucket then water. When the garbage trucks she pulls in the books and then retrieves the socket.


Red is sitting at a table in front of a chess game. Luli is sitting on a bench and watch him. A man joins Red. He pulls out an envelope.

MAN: From Wujing.
RED: Good God. Not here. The gentleman I usually contract with is unavailable ... stung by a Manta Ray off the barrier reef in Belize. I have another tech in mind.
MAN: This needs to be done quickly. Today?
RED: Speak with Luli about the replacement I'm offering. Conduct your due diligence. If things are in order, we can proceed as discussed. I prefer to play with myself in private.

The man will join Luli.


Tom and Liz lunch.

TOM: Are you okay ?
LIZ: Yeah, sorry. I'm just a little distracted.
TOM: No, that's... that's all right. I'm...sitting here talking about what happened to me like it only happened to me. But it happened to us both. It's just a little weird to be home because... Lizzy, a man came into our home.
LIZ: I know. I'm sorry. I wish I could tell you more. I want to tell you more. I
TOM: So, tell me something. Who was he?
LIZ: He's gone. He was killed.
TOM: So it's over?
LIZ: Yes.
TOM: Look, I love you.

Knock on door.

LIZ: That's Ellie.
TOM: I just hate that there are things you have to hide from me.

Liz gets up and goes open.

LIZ: Good morning!
ELLIE: Hope you're hungry. I'm making breakfast.
LIZ: Oh, you don't have to do that.
ELLIE: Are you kidding ? A good omelet has healing powers. Bruce and Melissa are bringing over dinner tonight.
LIZ: That's incredibly cool of you.
ELLIE: Hey, friends don't let friends starve when they've been stabbed by violent psychopaths. How's he doing ?
TOM: I'm sitting right here.
ELLIE: I'm not asking you. You'll say fine, because that's what you do. You're a good actor. Karen's covering my classes. We're gonna eat and then head over to physical therapy.
LIZ: I got to run. Ellie, we owe you.
ELLIE: So true.
LIZ (to Tom): You know I wouldn't go if I didn't have to.
TOM: Look, whatever they pulled you into, the sooner you get it over with, the sooner we get our life back.
LIZ: Okay.
TOM: Bye.

She kisses him and leaves. He looks her out the window.


LIZ: Slug and casing from a 9-millimeter. Can you run these and see if they match any crimes in our system ?

The officer said him yes.


RED: An opportunity has come our way. Yesterday, the Chinese killed a C.I.A. agent in Shanghai. They took his computer, which they thought could decode a message they intercepted. It couldn't. They've asked me to help. Oh, Rodrick is a dear old friend.
LIZ: I'm sorry. You're decoding C.I.A. messages on behalf of the Chinese?
RED: Now, you see, you make it sound like treason. So black and white. It's not. It's green. The fact is, American secrets are for sale by an assortment of reputable vendors, myself included. If I don't do this, someone else will. The man who's paying me is called Wujing. Perhaps you've heard of him. Formerly, he worked for the Ministry of State Security. He's not officially sanctioned by the Chinese. But unofficially, he's contracted to take out rival agents... American, British. The message likely contains the name of another agent.
LIZ: Do you expect me to believe that... a secret meeting with the mysterious Wujing?
RED: Intriguing, isn't it ?
LIZ: He's a myth.
RED: That's what they said about deep throat and the G-spot. I assure you Wujing is quite real, and he's hired me. Now you have the chance to catch him. I've already forwarded them your cover.
LIZ: What? What cover ?
RED: Carolyn Givins, PhD in Applied Physics from M.I.T. I've told them you're my new encryption specialist. 
LIZ: You're asking me to betray the life of an American agent.
RED: Listen, this is a guy who the intelligence community has been talking about for decades as if he were a figment. You don't even know if he's real or not. Well, he is real... very. And I'm giving you the opportunity to grab him. Now, the good news is he's not even in China. He's right here in your own backyard. If we play our cards right, I can still make Lisbon by breakfast. Rodrick, both.


MEERA: Michael Alvarado, Kevin Wyatt, Bryce Jensen -- three agents based in China, three covers blown. According to Reddington, all were murdered by a man named Wujing.
RESSLER: Who is Wujing ?
MEERA: China has a one-child policy. They say that Wujing was a second child. So they gave him away, denied he was ever born. He was invisible to his family. Wujing made a life working in a business where invisibility was an incredible asset.
RESSLER: Reddington's told you he can find this guy ?
LIZ: He claims Wujing has hired him to decode a message that the Chinese have intercepted from the C.I.A. He believes that it might contain the identify of another one of our assets in China.
COOPER: I think we should move on this.
LIZ: I'm not prepared to do this.
COOPER: I understand you have reservations.
LIZ: Reservation ? You're asking me to spy on a notorious spy killer while pretending to be an expert in cryptography, which I know nothing about.
COOPER: Reddington insists on you.
LIZ: I'm sorry.
RESSLER: Look at those pictures. If there is a name in that message, there's gonna be another face in that file. That'll be on you.


 Hidden behind a tree, a man spies Tom and Ellie out of the house. Once Tom and Ellie left, a group of men entered the house of Keen and place microphones. Ellie returned. Men hide.

ELLLIE:  I'll be back in a second. I just need to grab my purse. I thought it was on the counter. Hello ?
TOM : Hey. Did you find it?
ELLIE: Oh, yeah, sorry. I'm coming.


LIZ: Okay. Say I do this. What's in it for me ?
RED: Look at you, camel trading like a bedouin.
LIZ: If I'm gonna help you, I want something in return.
RED: Such as ?
LIZ: The truth. Just once. I want to know why you chose me.
RED: Well, then, we need to move quickly. Things are already in play.


RED: WDCJ... a small radio station five miles from here. The building was purchased six years ago by a corporation fronting for the Chinese government.
RESSLER: I'm sorry. Wait. You're telling us that Wujing is running a spy ring out of a radio station ?

Red Laugh

RED: We'll meet Wujing. You'll decode the message and transmit it to your team.
LIZ: If I decode the message, that means the Chinese get it, too.
RED: Exactly ! both you and the Chinese will know the name of the agent for which the message was intended, and the race begins.
MEERA: We try to save him. The Chinese try to kill him.
RESSLER: We could give them a false message.
RED: No.
MEERA: That could work. We could send them in the wrong direction.
RED: I said no. The Chinese may not know what the message is, but they certainly know what it isn't. We do it for real, or we don't do it at all.
LIZ: Great plan, except, as I have said, I know nothing about encryption.
RED: You're a very quick study.
MEERA: I have a guy who can help you with that. 

The man speaks Mandarin. Meera translated.

 MEERA: The Chinese will give you an intercepted message on one of these. Insert it, and it will prompt you to connect a data locker. Shun Lee says it's like a magic box.
LIZ: A magic box ?
MEERA: The data locker applies a key to the message. It'll take a moment, but the decoded message will appear on your laptop.
LIZ: How do I get the message out ?
MEERA: You don't. The computer does it for you. All you need is a satellite connection. If you don't have a satellite connection, use this. It's a remote mirroring program. It'll give our tech on the outside control of the system. It's gonna be okay.

Meera speaks Mandarin.

MAN: Great. You're rocking the Mandarin.
MEERA: Xiè xie.


ARAM: Three minutes till the meeting, sir.
RESSLER: Where the hell is Reddington? He's late.
MEERA: He's gonna blow this whole damn thing. Do you smoke ?
LIZ: No.
MEERA: Well, you do now. Or at least you're trying to quit. This is C.I.A. equipment. It's brand-new. It looks like a nicotine patch, but it's a very sensitive transmitter. It has a range of 300 yards, and it's a plastic polymer, which means it won't show up if it gets wanded.
LIZ: And if you're wrong ?
MEERA: I'm not wrong.
RESSLER: Where the hell is he? He was supposed to be here an hour...
RED: What are we waiting for ?

Liz joined Red is they leave.

RESSLER (on radio): Surveillance One, are you in position ?
MAN: Roger that. In position. Satellite feed up and running.

They observe Liz and Red enter a building.

MAN: (to Lizand Red): Right this way.
ARAM: Here we go.
MAN: Sorry, sir. Protocol. Miss, please.

He wants to control Red and Liz and asks Liz to lift my arm it does not. It does so in its place.

MAN: Thank you. Sir ?

Red lead and tends raises his arms.

RED: DARPA tracking chip, 8-millimeter tag. I was taken by Somali pirates last March, spent three weeks in a shipping container. The first two were a nightmare. The third one was actually quite pleasant. Even so, that won't happen again. If you have a clean razor blade and some morphine, I'll remove it.
MAN: That won't be necessary, but I am going to need a biometric print scan from your associate.
RED: She's with me. Understood.
MAN: But my orders are to scan any new visitors.
LIZ: What database is this being run against?
MAN: All of them.

RESSLER: What's happening ?
ARAM: They are running her prints.
RESSLER: Can you intercept them ?
ARAM: I don't know.
RED: So, you went with the gray?
ARAM: Okay. Vanish.
MAN: Follow me.

They go into another room. The man brought up in an elevator.

MAN: As you can see, we've made some improvements. Oh, your DARPA chip won't work where you're going. Wujing will explain when you get there.
RED: Get where ?

The elevator descends. The FBI lost the signal.

RESSLER: What the hell just happened ?
ARAM: We lost them.
RESSLER: We can't just lose them. What happened to our signal ?
ARAM: They seem to be descending, which doesn't make any sense. The blueprints don't show any underground space.
RESSLER: Get that signal back.

LIZ: How far down do you think we're going ?
RED: Far enough.

The elevator continued to descend and then will stop and opens onto a computer room.

WUJING: My friend.
RED: Don't be cheeky, Wujing. You don't have any friends. My associate.
WUJING: Ms. Givins. Professor Robins only works with the best.
LIZ: Oh, he was an amazing teacher. I was so sorry to hear that he passed away.
RED: You've made some changes.
WUJING: We had to increase security.
RED: I can imagine... four American agents killed in the past year and a half. You've been busy. I presume nothing gets in or out, no radio or satellite transmissions. Nothing but trust.
WUJING: Please don't take offense. I can't risk American surveillance. Only our systems are hard-wired to the outside world.
RED: Let's get to work. I once had a bad experience in a deep hole in the ground.
WUJING: Jin Sun, my new senior cryptographer.
JIN: We expected standard RSA encryption, but this was something stronger.
LIZ: The government's been experimenting with better factoring algorithms. It's only a matter of time before RSA's obsolete.
JIN: You're right. It is.
LIZ: I'll just need a few moments to set up my equipment.
JIN: This way.

MEERA: They're trying, but still nothing. Either the Chinese are scrambling our signals, or Liz and Red are out of range.
RESSLER: I thought your equipment had a range of 300 yards.
MEERA: It does, but maybe they've built a bunker that deep under the building.
RESSLER: We're getting played. That signal went dark because Red and Liz wanted it to.
MEERA: That's not likely.
RESSLER: How long can we wait to find out ?
MEERA: Is it possible they could be in danger ?
RESSLER: That's another reason not to wait. (on radio) Keep all insertion teams on standby. If we don't hear from Agent Keen in five minutes, we're going in.

RED: We ready yet ? Do you get home much, Jin Sun ?
JIN: Not for two years.
RED: Oh, that must be hard. It certainly would be for me. I don't even have a phone. I insist on delivering all of my messages in person. What province are you from?
JIN: From Yunnan.
RED: Oh, beautiful part of the country. I spent a month in silent meditation at a monastery just outside of Kunming. It was a wonderful escape from the distractions of everyday life. I can't imagine the distractions one might encounter down here. Can you ?
LIZ: No. I can't.
RED: Excellent. I think we're almost ready. This should be fun.

Red walk and find oversight.

RED: What the hell is that ? I swear, if I run into the same trouble I had with you in Hong Kong... In all the years you and I have known each other, I've never put you in a position like this. You know how I conduct my business. I don't need this kind of crap. You assured me this place was secure.
WUJING: It is.
RED: Then what the hell is that ? That van. It was there when we arrived, and it's still there. That is the FBI. With all the scans and wands and this elevator you've built that goes down to middle earth, and you don't even bother to sweep the street around your building ? This is nonsense.

Liz uses the USB key to decrypt the message.

WUJING: Calm down, old friend.
RED: You're under surveillance !
WUJING: If the FBI was outside, it's because you led them here.
RED: I've been moving comfortably through the world for the past 20 years without a trace, and now some two-bit spy killer is gonna put my life and business in jeopardy ?

 Wujing takes his phone speaks Mandarin.

REESLER: We have activity. Everybody, heads up. We're made. Your 2:00. Break it down. 15 seconds.
FBI AGENT: We got to go. Pack it up. (to Wujing men)  You ! ¿ Qué paso ?
RESSLER: They know we're here.
MEERA: Maybe. Or maybe the van's just been there too long and they're being careful.
RESSLER: I don't like it. We're going in on my signal.

 The intervention team prepares.

RED: Unbelievable.
WUJING: You see ? Nothing. Now...can we continue?
RED: You should be ashamed of yourself. To put Ms. Givins and I at risk, it's unprofessional. I've reached my limit.
WUJING: Enough !
RED: What ? Okay. Okay. You know, I'm sorry. I've had a rough day. Unbelievable. Should we do this ?

FBI AGENT: Let's roll. E.T.A. One minute.

JIN: The message.
RED: Don't you miss the good old days with the pay phones and the brush passes ?

FBI AGENT (on radio): 30 seconds out.
ARAM: Wait. I've got something. She's using the remote mirroring program Meera's contact gave her. Uh, hang on. This isn't her computer. It looks like one of the Chinese systems.
RESSLER: Can you see the C.I.A. message ?
ARAM: Uh, yes, sir, and a lot more than that. Downloading now.
FBI AGENT (on radio): 10 seconds out.
RESSLER: Okay. All units stand down. I repeat, stand down. I repeat, all units stand down. Standing down.

LIZ: There's your next target. Kill number five. Henry Cho.

ARAM: We have the message. The target is Henry Cho.
RESSLER: All right. The clock is ticking. I want everything we can find on this guy.

LIZ: This was sent from a C.I.A. server, delivered to a server at the Nanjing Grand Hotel.
WUJING: So, Mr. Cho, why is the C.I.A. sending you secret messages at your hotel ?

RESSLER: : Hold on. This guy's not an agent.
MEERA: He's Chinese-American, an architect.
RESSLER: An architect ? Then why the hell is he talking to the C.I.A ?
MEERA: Because we asked for his help.

JIN: Henry Cho works for Zhongku Construction. Not in China, here in D.C.

RESSLER: Zhongku's. They're a huge construction company.

JIN: They design buildings all over the world. His immigration file says he's been to the company headquarters 6 times in the last 10 months.

MEERA: That's why the C.I.A. reached out to him. Zhongku's designing a new government building in Shanghai. We asked Henry to use his access to get us the plans. Thanks to him, our ops bugged the entire city military commission.
RESSLER: Let me get this straight. This guy's not a trained operative. He's just a...contractor ? A civilian. Where is he now ?
ARAM: Here. Immigration says he left China three days ago, a return flight to Dulles airport.

Ressler and Meera back.

ARAM: Thank you, Aram. You're welcome. Go get him.

Wujing phone.

WOMAN: Zhongku Construction.
WUJING: Henry Cho, please. It's very important that I speak to him immediately. His brother, Xiaoping, has been in a car accident.
WOMAN: He's at our Fairview property with his son...

Wujing hangs and Speaking Mandarin.
Ressler and Meera run to their car.

MEERA: There's no answer on his cell.
RESSLER: Call the company. Find out where he is.

WUJING: My friend, I can't thank you enough.
RED: This is all the thanks I require. (to Liz) Get your things. It's time to go. Leave it.

Alarm beeping. Wujing picks up the phone. 

WUJING: Lock it down. (to Red and Liz) Stop !

Gate clangs.

WUNJING: You were right. Maybe that was the FBI outside. In fact, maybe they're not just outside. Maybe they're right here in this room. Think hard before you accuse anybody of anything. A few minutes ago, contact was made from this room to an FBI server. A message I worked so hard to intercept was sent to the Americans. Well, all my instincts said it was her. I trust my instincts. You're smart. The one responsible was smart, but our systems are smarter. Any contact with a government server is flagged for review. So... I know who betrayed us.

He turns around and hits Jin.


MEERA: He's not at the office. He's with a client at a property at Fairview and Wallace.
RESSLER: Try him again.


CHO: So, over here, they're gonna make some windows. And out here... there's gonna be a balcony that runs the length of the whole build...
CHO'S SON: You said we were gonna get ice cream.
CHO: Okay. Let me just show you something else first.


WUJING: Get him up. I thought you were loyal to us.
JIN: I don't understand.
WUJING: The message was sent from your system, Jin Sun.
JIN: T-that's not possible.
WUJING: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Hey, hey, hey !
JIN: That's not possible.
WUNJNG: It is, and not just one message. You gave them everything, files we've worked on for months! Nobody else had access.
LIZ: We have to do something.

Red hold her.

RED: Quiet.
LIZ: We can't just let them do this.

Wunjing speak Mandarin.
Wujing lay the computer down. Jin see the USB key.

JIN: You

Red grabs the gun from a guard and shoots Jin.

RED: As entertaining as all this has been, we really do need to leave now. The next sound you hear is gonna be the FBI knocking on your door, and I, for one, am not gonna be here. Wujing! Look at me !

Wujing takes a gun and the tip on Red.

WUJING: You don't kill one of my people. Now I have to kill one of yours.
RED: The moment he sent that message, he became worthless to you. You would have beaten him for another 20 minutes and then killed him yourself. But if I let you kill a contractor of mine, I'll lose the trust of all my others, and that's just bad business. So if you kill her, you better kill me. Or I'm going to kill you.
LIZ: You hired me to do a job. It's done. Now let's get out of here.

Wujing drop his weapon.

WUJING: Follow me. I have another way out.


 CHO: Let's go get you some ice cream, all right ?
CHO'S SON: Okay.

Cho sees that his phone vibrates. He grabs.

CHO: Hello?
MEERA: Mr. Cho, this is Agent Meera Malik with the C.I.A.
CHO: C.I.A.? I don't understand. You're not supposed to be calling me on this line.
MEERA: Listen to me. You are in danger. Can you hear me? The Chinese have your name. There are men on their way to your location.
CHO: We're on the 12th floor.
MEERA: Stay where you are. We're coming to get you. Stay hidden. We're just minutes out.

Wujing's men there, they go up to the 12th. 

CHO'S SON: Dad ?
CHO; Come here. Come here. Let's go.


WUJING: I've been building this place for three years, and now my operation is burned.
RED: So build another.

ARAM (on phone): Sir, I've got them. The microchip in Red's neck just came online and the bug we put on Agent Keen. They're out of the building, moving west on Danforth.
RESSLER: Where the hell are they going ? Just send agents to intercept them.


 Cho tries to enfuire with his son but it makes noise. He hides his son.

 CHO: Listen. Listen. Don't move, all right ? Just don't move. No, put your hand in. Shh! Shh! Shh!

 He leaves later. Ressler and Meera arrive in the building. Wujing man see Cho and go after him. A shelf broke and the man finds himself suspended in a void. He pulls on Cho. Ressler seen but is attacked by a second man. They fight. The first man falls. Ressler gets rid of his opponent and knocks the other man. A third find the child.

CHO'S SON: No! Stop! Dad! Dad! Dad! Dad! Dad !
CHO: Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Let him go! Let my son go! Please! Please! Just let my son go! Please! It's gonna be okay. It's gonna be okay. I'll do anything. Just let him go. It's gonna be all right. It's gonna be all right. I promise. I promise.

Meera shoots the man.

MEERA: Meera: Ressler, clear ? Ressler, clear ?
RESSLER: I'm good. Thanks.
CHO: Thank you.
MEERA: Thank you for all you've done for us.


WUJING: I can get us out of the country. 
RED: That's very kind, but I'm sure we can muddle through on our own. Anywhere in the shade up here would be fine.

 The car stops. Liz and Red down.

RED: I fear I've disappointed you. The deal was for us to actually catch the criminals on the Blacklist, and now Wujing is as good as halfway to Beijing.
LIZ: I don't think so.

A car arrives.

DEMBE: Is everything okay ?
RED: We're fine.

Further, Wujing's car is intercepted .

POLICE MAN: Move! Move! Let me see your hands! Get out! Get out! Get out! Up on the car!
ON RADIO: The package is secure. Suspect in custody now.


RED: Luli can stay with me. Dembe will take you wherever you need to go.
LIZ: You didn't have to kill him.
RED: I believe I will always do whatever I feel I have to do to keep you alive.
LIZ: I held up my end of the deal. Now it's your turn. You owe me an answer.
RED: What's the question?
LIZ: Why me?
RED: Because of your father.
LIZ: What does that mean? Did you know my father? Have the two of you met somehow?
RED: I wish the answer were as simple as the question seems. But the truth is, the question isn't simple, either. I share your frustration.
LIZ: You act like we're the same. You're wrong. I have a life, people who care about me. But you... this is all you have.
RED: I have you.

Liz go.


LIZ: You okay ?
RESSLER: I'll live. Look, I just wanted to say, uh... maybe I've had some doubts about you. Maybe I haven't done the best job of keeping them to myself, but what you did today was good work.
LIZ: Thanks.
RESSLER: If you didn't get that message out when you did, Henry Cho wouldn't be alive. Whatever else went down in there, you should feel good about that.

 Liz goes to his office, took a report and goes. She looks in her car the folder. Ressler go in Cooper's office.

RESSLER: You were right. Liz Keen is hiding something. I put a flag on her. Any tests, reports, or files, anything she requests gets sent to us first. She brought a bullet and a shell casing into ballistics. At her level, the results were classified. But that's the full report.
COOPER: This isn't just classified. Any briefings on this homicide include the Secretary of Homeland Security. Who else knows about this?  

Liz go home. We see Red dinner. He took the envelope that has given him Wujing and open it. There is a code: 042983.


LIZ: Hey.
ELLIE: How are you?
LIZ: Good.
ELLIE: Great. Let me take this for you. Everyone wanted to be here for Tom.
TOM: Hey.
LIZ: Hey.
TOM: Everything go okay?
LIZ: Fine. Thank you.
TOM: Hey, can we, um, talk for a second, pre-lasagna? I just wanted to apologize for this morning.
LIZ: It's okay.
TOM: No, no, no. I was wrong. It's your job, and, uh, I understand if there are certain secrets that you have to keep right now, and that's okay. Because... because we'll survive, like always. I just want you to...I-I love you. I got to see a man about some lasagna.


Ecrit par albi2302

Kikavu ?

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